Any MTB in Punggol?

hey mummies
yday wan bao says, the old old SIN soccer dream team (fandi ahmad era) is going to have a charity soccer match to raise funds for Charmaine. It will be held at the Tampines stadium and cost $10 per tix. Such an initiative should be able to raise quite alot of $$ bah

hope she made it through.. very saddening to read the blog... especially as a mum..

are they getting ppl like lim tong hai and jang jung? wow.... .. and if the stadium is even half full.. 30, 000 ppl.. * $10 per ticket... they would be able to raise half of the amt...
i like nazri nasir, and rafi ali too :p U knw, i saw rafi ali at wild wild wet few mths back .. wif his wife and his ger ger.

the blog shows some other fund raising campaign also. Tink there will be some foto shoot kind coming up soon.

I tink they shld be able to raise the fund they need. **finger crossed**
u possible to check
1)how much to get additional photo print (and does it comes with softcopy)
2) the file size of the soft copy (max photo size we can develop by ourself).
3) how many ppl in the pkg? can 2 kids? :p

coz some photographers only give back a small file size pic, which we can only develop till 4R only.
TOday I juz called a company. telling them that I would like to take their products to sell in order to get fund raising for Charmine. Hopefully the price is acceptable. Still waiting for their reply...

Photo shoots, I want to go. but my little 1 face got rashes.. Dont nod is milk rash or heat rash. Both side also hv.

My MIL say wash with Jasmine flowers, but still does nt work... Now his face is as red as his buttock. sigh! Any body got any remendy?

Talking abt soccer team, the LIONS were on the way back fr Brunei after winning the Tiger Leg. Tat's was long long time ago when I still blue and greenhorn.

I took my book and asked all of them to sign.. But now don't nod whrere I put the book.
PM :

1) additonal photo print at $10/4R, $15/S5R, $30/S8R, softcopies will return in DVD too for additional print. Alternatively, u may purchase
back ALL high resolution softcopies in DVD at addtional $100.

2) file size up to the printed size we given. Example: 4R printed
copy, file size returned will be 4R or the most u can print up to 5R

3) Yes, 2 kids (sibling) can use in one package. Please refer to point
no 5 at term and conditions from above.
sure. get back to me by next mon 29-jun

anyone else wanna go jurong bird park? 50% off. A$9. C$4.50. valid anytime in month of july09 only. collection from me after 6jul (or i can pass all to eunice and u can collect from eunice. eunice hor?...hee)
Petite : but if in SMH, there's BP charges of S$25

Meihua : my hb not keen leh. but I can collect for mummies here if anyone wants to buy
i'm keen in 2A tixs for the bird park. is this the best promo price? any other promo tat can offer a better rate?

i'll ask hb if he's keen in the photoshoot. shld be ok.. depends on location too and whether the timing would fit us.
Photo shoot will be at our studio located at 33A Seah Street S(188389).

Date/Time available:

Day 1: 27 June Saturday
1) 9.30am
2) 10am
3) 10.30am
4) 11am
5) 11.30am
6) 12pm
7) 12.30pm
8) 1pm

Day 2: 28 June Sunday
9) 1pm
10) 1.30pm
11) 2pm
12) 2.30pm
13) 3pm
14) 3.30pm
15) 4pm
16) 4.30pm
17) 5pm

Day 3: 5 July Sunday
18) 10am
19) 10.30am
20) 11am
21) 11.30am
22) 12pm
23) 1pm
24) 1.30pm
25) 2pm
26) 2.30pm
27) 3pm
28) 3.30pm
29) 4pm
30) 4.30pm
ie both parents and 2 kids can take the photos tog? coz the way pt 5 indicates is nt v clear leh.

my concern is 30min photoshoot and the photoshoots r done back to back.. dunno hw good it will turn out. of course, this is donation, so it's ok to go for the fun and donate.. but if dunno quality, then might as well jus donate and save time? :p

btw, u goin for the photoshoot? i check with hb 1st.
the person reply liao
Photo shoot will be at our studio located at 33A Seah Street S(188389)

timing - tat thread hv afew days with fullday timing available for booking. maybe u can go book early for the timing u wan
PM188 : both parents + 2 kids ok to be 1 shooting.

MTDT / PM188 : kekeke... likely will donate via TT and also some fund raising too lor.
Hi all

Anyone can gime advise?

Jayan down with virus infection on Sat.
Saw a GP cus no pe-ad.
But fever up down up down so brought him to see pe-ad today-mild bronchitis.

Is there anything i can do to make him better?
He is coughing badly than usual.
Makes me so sad!
ur photoshoort pics in your blog?

if u r going, wat slot u looking at?

re donation, best is donate via HWZ, coz dollar for dollar.. maximise the amt we r donating. but i dun hv acc there.
i rather get a photographer/package tat is worthwhile...

PS with kids v tiring one leh. after a tiring hr, better make sure u get back the pics and pretty pics! hahhahaa :p
did PD offer him the nebuliser since he has bronchitis? matt was prescribed nebuliser when he had mild bronchitis then.

hw is jayan - is he still active or really tired and no mood, appetite etc? coz if he's still behaving as per normal, then no need to specifically make him feel better coz he probably isn't really affected by the fever.

but if he's tired and moody, try to give him some cooling drinks, like barley or luo han guo? it may sound simple, but these are not drinks he'll getto drink daily, hence, he may be thrilled to drink something difft?

the cough will take a while to go off.

matt's cough can last for 2-3 weeks. but as long as the intensity gets better, then shld be ok.
josh oso down with fever since sat.. fluctuation up and down.. he seems ok but occassionally v tired and sianz look.. and no appetite. 1st time he din ask for food.

he usually will ask for food when he sees us eating or when he is eating his porridge. but now if i dun offer him a 2nd spoonful, he'll hack care
and even if i put the spoon jus in front of him, he'll only look at it but no urge to eat it.. and started to look away.
pm: Yes she suggested but it'll definitely irritate him so I did not take it.

He quite moody, active at times but his eyes not glowing.

I try to give him H20 or Ribena cuz he does'nt like barley or anything diff-stubborn.

So is air-con fine?
PM188 : I still dun koe cos hb busy now. can't talk to me :p

Mei : ya . maybe cooling drinks helps. btw cough I give Elbib "pi pa guo". find those western medi not much use :p

I also tink air con not advisable. but can't do w/o it. :p Elbib cough when he's in air con room at nite :p

talking abt Elbib. He's fatter now :p Lynn saw him on the trial for RosHouse and remark Elbib fat liao. :p

Everyday morning till nite, eat and eat. :p
i tink western will find aircon is ok. but i think minimise it coz aircon will make the throat dry and cough more. jayan may feel even more irritated.

hw abt jus fan? i oso mimimise josh's exposure to aircon. i try to let him use the fan instead.
pm/eunice: Now fan ok.
I was just tinking is it the air-con the cause of the problem.

Just manage to bring up his weight to 12.5kg in just 3 days he lost 0.5kg.

Is bronchitis reali serious?
My god I canot concentrate at work now...all my colleagues asking abt it then my tears keep welling up.
dun get too overly worried ovr bronchitis, esp his is mild. it jus meant the phelgm went into his lungs. as long as it's not frequent, he shld be fine.

the only concern is if a child gets too frequent bronchitis, it may develop into asthsma. but since it's jayan's 1st time, it shld be fine.

dun let a cough prolong before bringing the child sees doc.. tat's my rule of thumb after matt had bronchitis once. sometimes we may think cough is nothing and will go off over time. but we nv knw when bronchitis will develop. hence, if there's cough, better see doc and take medicine 1st, to contain the cough.. before it worsens
initially matt oso rejected the machine.. but after we made it looked fun, he was ok with it and held the tube by himself and inhaled the 'smoke'.

tho' kids may fuss ovr the nebuliser, but using it is faster to recover than taking oral medicine.
pm: How does the neubraliser work?

Jayan only taking antibiotics & medication to clear airwave & phlegm tat's all.
Mei, dun worry too much. Give Jay warm water. Dun give cold water. Mild bronchitis is not very serious. But if frequent and mild then not good. After the cough, you monitor if he get bronchitis often(touchwood), you may want to check if Zaditen or Singular is good for him. These 2 are good for such cases. Keanne is taking Zaditen. That could be one of the reason thank god and touchwood that even with frequent and persistent cough of maybe 2 mths, his lungs is still clear and no signs of bronchitis and asthma. You could give some chinese herbs to "bu" to strngthen his lungs. Relax ok. These are common childhood problem. Just monitor and make sure dun come back too often. I use to have bronchitis and asthma also. But when gets older then ok and not so serious already. Keep household clean esp his bed and keep stuff toy if he has. Yes air con is also a problem but if using fan dun blow directly on him and make sure fan is clean. It may make it worst.
it's a machine where u turn it on and the medication in the machine will become smoke. jus need to inhale it in. no smell, no pain.. jus tat some kids may reject it bcoz they are not used to the smoke/ sound from the machine?

the sound is jus normal sound.. nothing scary. the smoke is something like dry-ice. can also do it when kids are asleep. like when matt needs his dose @ nite while he is sleeping, i jus turn on the machine, and jus bring the tube near him so that he can still inhale the 'smoke aka medicine'.

actually, nebuliser comes with a face mask too, where the kid will wear the mask so that the smoke will be inhaled directly. but given our kids' young age, my PD said no need to wear mask. just hold the tube (like holding microphone) move it around and inhale.

i can show u a pic of matt holding the nebuliser himself tml :p coz my hp spoilt and my memory card is @ home.
Mei, Did you see Dr Chng dwstair? THose med that she gives are mild type. Cos she don't believe in giving stronger or antibodtics unless bo bian.

It will takes mths to get get well too. Try the EU Yang Sheng Cough range. See if helps. Think lots of mummies here giving that. I was the lastest to start on this I Think. Cos at 1st I dont really believe in Chinese Med.

Until I see Rez coughing for 3-4mths...

Don't give him cold, or sweet drinks at this moment. Aircon, you monitor, if he gets up and cough, better off it.

Pm188, is yr friend upgrading from HDB- Pte? Maybe he got other assets?
Mei: I am giving both western & chinese... Morning daily - propolis to build up immune system!

If got cough with clear phlegm, will give EYS cough green box/$26+...

Hope Jayan will be well soon...

Petite: How's Rez after taking EYS range?
Pm: How's Josh now? hope he's feeling beta...

Elbib eats non stop...haha

Lileen: Is Zaditen or Singular medication or supplement?

petite: Jayan has been taking chinese medication. a week dosage & he'll be recovering well however dis time seem quite serious so I decide to let him take antibiotics 1st.
After tat will switch him to take chinese med for his cough.

pm: thanks for the info. the pe-ad din insist on him taking so I presume shld be fine. I'll monitor again.
