Any MTB in Punggol?

PP: Do u mean the video shop near to ocbc?

Not sure got slot on wkday or not... but I scare witout driver, I got problem escorting my gal there :p

Elbib, keeen to learn good ley

Wat skl for little Elvis :p

I also worry abt the cash part... but i really want my gal to do some right brain, speed thingy that I duno how to do with her....

Mtdt: If go LNT upper seragn will be neareer but more $... have u been to Ros's trial?
Care to share y u choose LNT via Shicida...:p
Lynn : yes. beside OCBC. Last sat I saw the list, weekday no slot liao

Little Elvis same as Elbib la. Tots House. He can't speak alot of words leh. Sure lugi in school.

Right brain things : I maybe start flash card again. See if I can do my own :p But quite hard cos I'm lazy :p

Ros flash card I tink is difficult and too fast liao. World famous places and all sorts brand of cars? tat's too difficult for a 3yrs old kids. kekeke... 1 of the reason i din join too. She said must do relvant real life flash card items/things. But my opinion : not these for 3yrs old kids. :p
Lugi then wait till he can speak better maybe in oct when he turns TWO...

How to catch the lyrics...sang so fast :p
Count me in for the lyrics too.

Lileen : Must do relvant real life flash card items/things... me duno how & lazy too :p
Flashcards - BJG also does 8 natrual wonders etc. or diff species of birds/plants or even internal organ parts. if really start from young... wld be too bored if now still showing fruits/animals mah :p

actually age 3 - can recognise liao. just by show little einteins to Zav, he can recognise some of the "famous places", famous piano pcs, composers etc. so it's not "too difficult"

Lynn - I never been to Ros class. din hv a chance. hehe.... but heard she incorporate alot fo diff schs items into one. like u say hv zoophonics (from GUG), hv montessori, hv right brain etc. so in a way jack of all trades.

LNT vs SM - hmm.. my LNT trs are v gd n experience and i personally likes foreign langs so i like zav to be expose too. even dun like jap, the chinese also v useful... although i rather his eng to be stronger, i also dun wan him to be ended up like a banana. hahaha :p

going upper serangoon is nearer for u meh? Ros - hv no3 bus direct there right?
Lynn : Elvis gg sch at 2+ lor. next yr. I like the zoo phonics :p

How come u wrote to Lileen? is she in?

MTDT : kekeke... maybe I'm too backwards liao. anyway Ros din show much. she shown on her computer very fast also la.

Lynn dun hv bus 3 cos she stay SK. But she has bus 88 tat needs to walk a little
Eunice: Nolar jus trying my luck with lileen... :p

I found some flash cards tat can save in computer but u dun have comp at home :p

Mtdt :Learning foreign language(jap) is good...i like too

Got teach mental abacus bo :p

Fees difft : 368 vs 600 per term
wow! seem like the Ros sch house nt bad!
Mayb I will wait for PP branch to open then consider...

MTDT, you are rite. looks like abit of MMI. Except aliitle more things to learn.

Now I am teaching Rez spelling... Boy, fire, cat...

The best part, Fire this word was taught at LRT. I bought him to see the word.. He read after me. Later I turn him away to spell, he plays cheat. He spell: F-I- R (He turn and take alook, forgot).

I'm proud of my boy is that I taught him the parts of an Areoplane. Where the cpts seats, 4 engines are, blk box, nose of the plane, tail, etc.. 1 taught, he remember. Hopefully he wont be a steward. Cpt ok la...
I hv a few of the website for flash card too. but hor no computer at home. If use office printer will get caught. I'm not so ambitious tat Elbib learn profound words. But he's a clever boy, sort of I "stop" him from learning more
Eunice - flashcards is FAST mah. :p u ask PM, BJG also flashes v fast.

lynn - at age 3, they are teaching no bonds. not really mental abacus. but mental abacus like a "fad".. now tone down liao huh? :p

petite - ooh u gd in french? i learn french for 6mths. but all return to tr liao. i learn jap for 4yrs! hahaha :p but hardly use also return liao :p

wow.. captain in the making huh! :p I am teaching Zav more of sightwords now. dun dare to teach him others as i think his cc wld be using phonics to teach. so rather he learn the phonics way instead of memorizing the spelling way. :p sight words - only can learn fm memorizing i feel.
zoophonics - try youtube. sure hv some videos on it. hehe

i rem i went trial at GUG also recorded down.. but now dunno where is it liao. haha
slowly catch loh. hahaha

but i dun like the song leh. they never relate "A" is eh eh eh... just eh eh ally alligator.. ba ba buba bear etc.
I prefer Leapfrog tat song.

like now at blending phonics for Zav age.... i can ask him.. C A T... wat is C sound like.. Wat is A, Wat is T. then he blend together.

if zoophonics.. am i suppose to use the animals name? hahaha :p
Mental abacus - fad? Har muz let s hb knows... he more cheena type :p
I agree... moreover we jus bought the LF fridge phonics...

Eunice : U got used?
used wat? Fridge phonics? used till "rotten" lor.

A --- eh eh eh is the sound of A mah.
B --- Br. br br is sound of B
C --- ke ke ke is sound of C
today i'm a full time nanny @ my mum's plc.. coz SIL has doc appt.. so my mum can't possibly cope with 5 kids...

not much time to login.

my fren is selling her curr hse and buying a 2nd hse.

matt's experience @ zoophonics wasn't tat gd... and yes, flashcards meant to be v fast. :p
matt went for his 2nd trial. not too bad..part of it is chi version of what he learnt last wk.

signed him up for a term. $650, incl $100 deposit for 1 term.
eunice - eh eh eh is sound of A. but the zoophonics song (whole song) no mention of "A", or "B" or "C"... only ally alligator, babu bear etc. so the kid might not noe "eh is A" in the 1st plc. haha

maybe i think too much also lah. hehehe :p

another songs u gals can check out.. montessori phonics songs.

ants on the apple "eh eh eh"
ants on the apple "eh eh eh"
ants on the apple "eh eh eh"
eh is the sound of A.

at lesat hv the 1ast statement to link it all up. :p
Lynn : if you really give up your Sat slot and change to weekday(tell me in advance) I see if I can join in :p I sort of gulity tat Elbib can't continue leh.
ON fri extra promo?? or GAP? i saw GAp hv 20%

i just place order for mine.. but i din buy! hahha

instead i order polo as hv 25% off. hehehe
ON sent me e-mail.

currently some items ON got 50% off (stated price)

Fri, Sat and Sun (extra promo to be advise when near)

U keen to place order. I'm still tinking. see if Fri got good deal anot.
me oso on leave.. maid's 3rd day and just brought Qy see doc.. bacterial infection.. slight diarrhaoe since fri..

are u doing oN?? can include my orders?:p oh flashcards under GD methods is very very fast.. split seconds.. what they are doing now is called encylconbiea knowledge... (under bits of intelligence - BOI).. it's not too advanced or fast.. if it's consistent.. the kids will remmeber/know... and horrrrrrrrrrrr u shld feel gladful that the sch is teaching on BOI FLAShcards instead of the normal flashcards... coz BOI needs alot of preparation work :p..

this QY tell me to sleep on his mattress while he parked his cars and sleep on my bed last nite. tried talking to him and gave him warning... "ONe... two..." who knows before i say three... he beat my hands first instead of me beating him.... afterwhich he kena two beats.. for beating me and telling me to sleep on his mattress... argghhh this boy good in giving instructions these days..
it's onli starting this friday right? can i email u by thursday.. coz quite alot to catch up at work after taking half day leaves for the whole of last week..

oh my new maid.. seems alright sooo far.. QY does not reject her.. let her wear socks..feed him n bath him (together with me besides)... soooooooo thankful for now... but housework is sloppy like my high class maid.. no choice.. child and infant care priority now
ON spree, if nt i do lor..I quite alrite...

Pm188, 5 kids! I be the 1st to go crazy... 2 aridi cannot manage.

MTDT, amazon, drop my order. the other mummy don't want aridi.

Eunice, relpy u aridi.

got to chao first. talk tmr.. Rian today nt in sleeping mood.
kekeke... Petite volunter to order
how abt she order? cos I can't order on fri (USA timing) weekends no internet.

kekeke.. post here?

Petite : I've replied u too
i wan long pants kind. Only see 1 that is PINK in color :p see fri got more promo anot ..

i oso keen in shoe but i try n see the shoe chart but cannot .. my ntbk dun hv 'flash'. Anybody bot shoe from ON before?
cool_daughter, fr Pic very hard to tell. Cos Rez feets are wide. In Sin he only can wear Nike, Addias with cutting for width feets.

I bought for him Pigeon, and Old navy shoes all go to waste. Cannot go in at ALL.

If you think of giving a try, I wont stop you la. Or you want to try some shoes I bought for him b4 you commit?
Eunice: Hb said dun be heroine...will start out the wkends 1st.
Noted of your interest if there's slot still available :p

Mtdt: Anymore Polo 25% off :p...
actually visiting the little gal might be a bad idea... she wld be expose to so many virus etc. i think her mom shdnt allow it. :p

btw today is her 5th day after op liao lah... her blog hv more updates.
