Any MTB in Punggol?

Thks! But can't find any info on the swimming lessons tat u net surfing for info lousy! Hahaha....
Funny : I let u know again on swimming cos my hb intention is let Elbib and Elvis learn from his brother who is cert. swimming and Gym instructor. but he got no time la.

Petite / Lileen : lucky my maid still knows stems can be eaten.
Okie! No problem! If can gather enough ppl then okie loh...If cannt oso nvr mind...can let her learn later if there ever another chance...
maid - u mean in their hometown they so atas... dun eat stems meh!?!??! hhhhha :p

Funny - character monte - think need to call n ask.

mr penguin - let me see if hv any contacts.
mr penguin - i also can find anything online :p

my fren says it's 4kids in a class.. each kid is $80 per mth.

I seen the van ard... "qi er sian shen".
she says the instructors bring alot of stuff to make the class fun etc.

waiting for my fren to reply on contact details.
mtdt, u already seen how blur my maid is already. Tell her instructions also cannot follow. Of couse nv gv instructions on how to cook worst la. Hehe. Me so mean.
it's a matter of "who pays?"... in their homecountry. i bet they eat the stems, yellow leaves etc.. but in sg.. since vegesssssss are freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee for them, of coz they cook and select only the nicest greens
smurfy - like tat means they are not BLUR! infact too smart!! hahaha

lileen - hahaha.. ur maid also one kind :p
more stories on my maid:

Happen a few dazs ago:

I got a maid since 2mths+ aridi. But this maid is so blur and trying to act smart.

I always tell her 'smart abit but don't be too smart'...

Last few days, I very stern and told her to find the biscuit that was kept in the fridge. Told her that she has no sense of urgences in keeping the items, you nod wat: she started crying...

(But every nite, she hurry pack, clean up the kitchen so she can sleep early)

2 days later, I told her do nt take kindness for weakness, she got scare, like as if she going to loss her job!

1 morning, I use another tatic. She left a stool near my door. She forgot to keep. So I turn round and asked her is there a care taker sitting there. Bitchy hor!

At nite, my big boy wanted somemore milk. So I asked her to fix. She came back with a small bottle for my bb to drink. I told her is for big boy. she asked me wat to do with this milk....

Then I asked her did you wash the bottle b4 fixing another round of milk? (Cos my boy drink the 1st round and she bring it to the kitchen for washing) she answer NO. COs there is milk inside and she has nt wash. Juz throw away the milk and make another round.

The I asked her is the lid covered the teats or expose, she don't understand. So I told her throw away the milk and wash b4 making the milk again.

Eunice, you end up like me, HB nag.... so cfm you want the face mask for kids? me going to buy...
Petite : kekeke...I post after you show me the link and I replied I dun liao. I thought it's DIY toy mask. So sorry.

PM188 : OTC how?
Lileen, maybe we take cab go cos Ros sms me the address liao. Dun koe how to go :p

Lynn : kekeke... i tink she dun mind if additional 1 student bah. let me know soon.

2molo 10.30am
Is mtdt who is nearer... i jus envy ppl who is near to meetoh :p

Btw can u check wif Ros if is ok for an additional mum & kid :p
yes, hb and i goin to donate to charmaine. probably via funds transfer, since u gave us the bank acc details.

y do u envy those who stay near meetoh? :p
yah, will transfer maybe later today or over the weekends.. i need to 1st settle my bills kekekeke..

btw, yes will order OTC, but no time to set out what i want to get and see how we can share. i'll drop u a note when i hv time later
hey ladies,
want to ask u all something re the calculation of home loan...

eg: if we loan $xxx from HDB and the i/r is 2.6% per annum.. so the total amt to return to HDB should be $xxx x 2.6% = $yyy, right? and to calculate the monthly instalment, it should be $yyy/(no. of yrs for repayment x 12mths).

is my calculation correct?
hi all,

have been a slient reader to this thread saw u "talking" abt Ros school house, just want to let u know ros place can reach there by bus no 3 from punggol drop ops her blk, chloe have been with her for abt 1 yrs. she enjoy her class.
mummies who are worry abt h1n1 just to let u know ros do take temp for all parent and kids and the kids are require to santise their hand b4 going in. As mention by ros she will be opening a branch in punggol plaza jan 10 but its for certain level only hope it helps
ok. loan i tink yr calculation is correct. but if HDB decide to drop / up the rate, the total amt to pay is different but mth installment can remain same.

If your CPF got extra $$, can go there and 1 time off the loan so tat total is lesser. You can downgrade number of yrs too.

kekeke... this is wat i did
ok.. coz i want to understand the calculation before i make a lump sum payment to reduce the loan amt...

yeah... i heard that's wat u did.. so prompted me to consider too :p
when you go HDB can you check wat's the rate this yr?
I forgot to go there and pay a lump sum again, else the house is totally mine liao. I now left 1 yr i tink so.
hey, i think my calculation is wrong leh... coz i jus checked:

if based on my monthly instalment x the loan period = $yyy. then i take $yyy - loan amount = interest paid.. and the interest i pay for is so huge. hence i think the calculation is wrong.

anyone has a better idea how to calculate? :p i'm v bad at this.. hehehe
no need to call liao.. i've found the way to calculate liao.. basically.. my conclusion is this - the interests we pay to HDB/ pte banks is sooo huge.. the amt can be as high as the amount we loan... come to think abt it, really not worth to buy a house leh coz we r paying so much for i/r :p

eg if loan $100k fr HDB @ 2.6% for 20yr loan period, the amt of i/r paid is $28,349.13. that's almost a third of the loan amt.

if loan fr pte bank @ abt 3%, the i/r is $33,103.42.

nw i tink.. best is save until we hv tat much cash and pay it once off.. then can save alot on i/r... (but of course.. hw to hv so much cash in the 1st plc)..


all along, i thot it's :-

Interest = loan amt x 2.6% x # of yrs you loan (like 30yrs)

Than interest + principle (loan amt) = total we need to pay to HDB (X)

so mthly instalment is X divided by # of yrs divide by 12 (mths)

which means, if u pay lump sum, it will reduce the interest u r paying

dats my interpretation only .. dunno it's correct anot.
