Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi moorspa,
Helen has given excellent advice.
Its not too late to start at 7 years old, though the child will have to work very hard and it will take longer to see improvements.  My advice is to use good resources like Peter and Jane, 四五快读, if you an persist, your child should be able to read confidently after one year.  If these resources do not work, then start with simple story books and slowly increase th level of difficulty.  Make sure that you ask the child to read out loud for at least 30 minutes for each langauge everyday. This is an excellent way to build confidence in reading.

I totally agree with you about making a sentence.
I read a Chinese book about creative writing, the author wrote that before we get a child to start writing, we should make sure that he is able to talk about what he is going go write. I think that this is a very good point.
Hi tamarind,

Thanks for the advice. I appreciate both advices very much as it is very different from my gal's Chinese teacher. She advise to let my gal do more assessment books if I want her to improve her Chinese. I wish there are more teachers like you and Helen.

I hv bought the Peter and Jane series but I was not disciplined enough to follow through. After reading yr recent postings, i hv to be very disciplined. Btw, do you know what to look for in a Chinese dictionary? I couldn't find the dictionary which u mentioned in yr blog. I saw there are a lot of New century dictionaries in Popular. Is dictionaries from China better than those from Malaysia?
Hi moorspa,
For primary school kids, it is best to get dictionary with pictures like the one in my blog. Dictionaries which are completely words may not be useful because kids will not understand the explanation. Actually dictionaries are not useful for kids who are not able to read independently.
I am not sure about the difference between dictionaries from China and Malaysia.

I hope I am enjoy my trip but I fear I will be too stressed. This week so stressed with packing that I got a zit! I need a vacation after this vacation!!
Hubby always believe in talking in adult manner to the kids. I must say don’t not underestimate the learning abilities of the little ones. My son who is 3+ has a few big words (well in my opinion lah, maybe its actually normal..haha) in his vocab like fire extinguisher, emergency, nuisance (cause his dad calls him that!).


Current plan is stay in Sgp for kids’ primary education at least. Hubby is quite comfortable here although he has a few peeves. If hubby able to have career advancement opportunities in UK, do not eliminate possibilities of moving back. But when we older, moving back chance is high because in UK, healthcare under their NHS is free.

Thanks for the advice. I am buying the dictionary for myself n my gal as well, as my Chinese is very poor. Since you mention dictionaries is suitable for kids who can read independently, then I'll just get the dictionary for myself. I am asking whether you hv heard of New Century brand dictionaries cos it is sold in Popular, as I could not find yr recommended dictionary in Popular. There are a few brands, and I don't know what to look for in a dictionary.

I hv bought one from Popular but it was not comprehensive, and I can't find some of the common words in it. I hv to look it up in the Internet and it was time consuming.
The dictionary I recommended in my blog is comprehensive, covers all the common words and more. I have not looked at other dictionaries, especially since I am also using the iPad Pleco dictionary which is fantastic. If you have iphone or android phones, you can also download Pleco.

pink gerbera,
You mean healthcare is absolutely free for UK citizens ? They don't need to pay anything at hospitals or clinics ?

Mommy is always the most tired person after a vacation with kids ! Take care.
Hi Mummies,

Finally, my sweat is DD1 got into the school we enrolled her....No balloting required for all Singaporeans, balloting required for PRs <1km, for the balance 6places available. Kudos to the Education Minister who made the timely announcement that SC has absolute priority policy that we do not have to go thro' the agony of balloting.

Hi Moorspa,

Yes! You have to perservere to follow thro' the P &amp; J / 四五快读 series. My DD1 has finally completed the whole P &amp; J Series. Now, I bring her to the library to borrow books to read every fortnight. She is completing book 6 of 四五快读 and will be progressing to the last book. I target to complete this series by Sep. Then, I can concentrate on my DD2.

Hi Tam,

Pleco can also be downloaded using Android? I will go do it
I got a picture chinese dictionary for my DD1 from Popular, quite easy to use and she can use it to refer to meaning of words she don't understand, now that she has learnt hypy from CC.

Yes, NHS stands for National Health Service in the UK. It is publicly funded with taxes and is fully free of charge as long as you go to public hospital and clinics.
For non-emergencies, this can of course mean a long wait at times but emergency, they will always treat first.
My hubby’s late grandmother had a pacemaker, hip replacement and kidney transplant (at 65!) completely free of charge. His mother was diagnosed with ovarian cancer 3 years, her hysterectomy and chemo are all free also. That’s why you see a lot of very old people around because every little thing, they just run to get treated. After all its free why not. So generally, can maintain good health for long time.
Prenatal care and giving birth in public hospital is free also.


Congrats on getting into your school of choice!

Congrats!!! Is it phrase 2C?
Hehe, I've not been keeping track of the phrases


many thanks for your detailed explanation
Hi Snowball,
You must be very relieved! How's renovation getting along?

Hi Yawn,
No problem - do PM me if you need further clarification.

Hi Gerbera,
You should re-locate to UK (for education and healthcare sake) while kids are still young and adaptable.
Hello Mummies,

Thank you for your well-wishes....Yes, I reg my DD1 under phase 2C. I am very relieved as when I registered at the school on day2, the no. of applicants already exceeded the vacancies available. I asked the registration staff and was told that SC still "safe" but subject to registration situation yesterday. I called the school again to check immediately after the official registration closing time. Very relieved to hear that no balloting needed. My DD1 can go to school just opp our house

Hi Mumusings,

We just confirmed the quotation with the Reno ID. Going to start with material choosing and detailed design. Now, feel that time is running out as I have a few projects coming up at work from Sep 2012...really testing my time mgt. At least for now, relieved that 1 big burden down as already settled my DD1's Pri Sch.
Hi Snowball,

Feel very happy for you. It's so much convenient to have school within walking distance. The savings (school bus) is tremendous and kids can have more rest/playtime compared to others who spend 2 hours to and fro in total on buses. All the best and looking forward to seeing beautiful pics of your new place
Congrate!! Snowball...
feel happy your kid get in the sch within walking distance yah...

we dont have within 1km sch.... the nearest one is near to 2km yah.... anyway my girl secured a pl thru 2b ballot.... 13 for 5 seats......
Hi Reiner, are sure lucky to secure a place for your girl thro' ballot, like strike lottery.

Hi Mumusings,

Yes, we thought of the distance she has to travel and decided on the school next door. Surprisingly, this year, this is the 2nd most popular school in CCK area. This school is no. 2 in terms of no. of registrants. So, we considered ourselves lucky
Congratulations ! Happy for you

Yes Pleco is available for Android phones. The best part is it recognizes handwriting, which makes it very convenient to look up difficult words.
Glad to know that you have completed book 6 with your daughter. I know many parents bought the book, but very few can persist to finish them. Thanks to these books, my kids never complain that Chinese is difficult.

pink gerbera,
Thanks for the explanation. UK citizens are very well taken care for by their government. In Singapore, though healthcare is highly subsidized, we still have to pay, and the wait is super long.
I am now paying about $1200 a year for medical insurance for my 70+ year old mother, I want her to have better and faster healthcare.

I have just replied your PM.
Hi mommies,
What do you think about the Olympic bronze medal in 52 years ? Am I the only one who does not feel proud ?
I wish that the money could have been better spent on building better sports facilities for schools, like a swimming pool in every school.
Parents employing private tutors need to be careful. You should ask the tutors to show you the degree certificates or other documents proving their teaching experience.

In the Straits Times today :
"Things just keep getting worse for Mr Kelvin Ong, the tutor who ran a lucrative business promising to help children ace the Gifted Education Programme screening tests.

First, the Education Ministry exposed him for lying that he was in the gifted programme as a child, and that he later taught in it.

He was never in the programme - as a pupil or a teacher. In fact, he did not even have teaching qualifications.

Now the National University of Singapore has confirmed that Mr Ong, 36, was never a student there."
Hi Tam,

I only supported the local sprinter/gymnast/swimmer/weightlifter/shooter. Even if Singapore wins the world Cup by buying a dream team from Manchester United and Brazil, I will not cheer because these are mercenary athletes. They are bought over to become citizens. I think the Olympics must change the rule to allow only native-born representatives from countries to participate. Look at the table tennis players from certain countries! All bought! Where is the pride in honing local talents?

I am NOT for bought medals. I still cheer for local boys/girls even if they don't win anything.

As for the tutor who claimed to be all sorts of identities -- many ppl are often won over by 'reviews' and 'testimonials'. Sometimes you need to hear these ppl speak to judge for yourselves. Some ppl who do training/selling and boast of their achievements can't even speak properly! Amazing how they claim to have PhD or MBA.
S$250000 can be spent on grooming more local aspiring youths for their area of interests (art, sports, culture, literature, science) instead of a Bronze medal which makes no sense.
I totally agree with you. A medal bought using money is nothing to be proud of. I can't stand ST paper for publishing only glorifying news, instead of what the people really think. When I see the medal winner's face, I do not see a real Singaporean.

However, it is unlikely that any native born Singaporean will ever win olympic medal, because most kids are too busy studying since the age of two. May be the top secondary schools can add a very good in sports requirement to their PSLE cut off point, then parents will let their kids spend time in sports.
Hi Tam,

What was most horrifying was that when LeeJW marched with the Singapore flag touching the floor for the previous Games. This year, I totally skipped the march-past although I stayed up to watch the opening ceremony.

To excel in sports here (and in other countries), you need alot of private funds. That's what one of my coaches (from Canada) told us. He said that talents isn't enough because you need alot of dough to fly around to participate in tournaments to get kickstarted in terms of ranking and also to get to know people within the circuit. Alot of time, money, physical sacrifices (time spent training) and willpower to stay in the game!
tam, mumusings
i think we sing the same tune. when i watched players representing the countries, i go "huh???". really, i have learnt to love the art work done my pupils rather than "beautiful" ones by parents.

i remembered when my younger gal started drawing, i do not understand what she has drawn. but i did not to discouraged her by making the wrong guess, so i asked her to tell me wat she has drawn and took video. heehee guess wat? she was so encouraged she kept drawing and kept coming back and saying:"mummy can you take video while i talk?" hahaha that was her first but many show and tell!!!

in sch, i prefer to let kids complete the work in class so i can tell how much they have understood from my lessons. quite glad no parent has complained there is too little homework.

my tuition kid who is only P4 just complained that his life is so meaningless and he is so stressed with the amount of work his parents have dumped on him. he said there is jus work work and more work! i feel so sad for him....i do not want my kids to grow up feeling life is so meaningless....this is so sad...
no chance, no future to nurture the "art" in our kids.....i dare not see the future of our kids.....
Hi Tamarind/ Mumusings,

I am still feeling very proud of our weightlifter whom won the Olympics medal in the 60s/70s?

He is a TRUE Singaporean.

I am with both of you.....We should groom more native born sportsmen instead of taking the shortcut to import.
Hi Snowball/Helen/Tam,

I know a few local kids who train very hard in their respective sports. They go straight to the stadium/gymnasium to train (for national team) after school until 8pm+ and get home only at 10pm. This is on top of the school's CCA, inter-school competition and academia. You should see their perpetual injuries (wrist/ankle/knee).

One of our national gymnasts delayed taking her O levels by one year just so that she could focus on the ASEAN Games when she was in Sec 3. I feel outraged when local youths are sidelined just because they haven't won an Olympic medal (although some have clinched placings at Commonwealth/Asian/ASEAN Games/tournaments). If they never get to represent Singapore at world class level, how/when are they ever going to start overcoming the pressure?? At the end of the day, only the athletes with enough $$/parental support will stick through the regimen as like Joselin Yeo and Ang Peng Siong did.

Today's newspaper highlighted our local sailing team getting Gold at world championships. Don't these kids deserve S$1 million too? No? Just because the medal doesn't read 'Olympics'???

Was watching Tennis finals a few nights ago. Andy Murray true-blue UK born/trained. He overcame kneecap problem and even though is often runner-up for tournaments, the Brits are totally proud of his efforts. The Gold he won over Roger Federer of Switzerland is testimony of his tenacity and also the country's pride in supporting their own sportsmen. Likewise Lee Chong Wei of Malaysia. I was disappointed he slipped to Silver at the last match but still, a true Malaysian talent!
mumusings, Helen, snowball,
Our taxpayers' money just bought us a second bronze medal. I just cannot feel proud, no matter how hard I try, all I see are $ signs ! I am sure $ is on the minds of all those medal winners.

Even GEP kids told me openly that their parents helped them do their project work. They do not realize that I will give them low marks if the work is not done by them.

You girl is so cute to ask you to record her on video. My boy also likes to draw, and I also like to hear him explain what he has drawn.

So sad to hear about your tuition kid complaining that life is meaningless. There are so many things that kids can do at this age besides studying.

My daughter planted a bean plant, and it produced flowers and a pod with 2 beans in it. She is delighted, and so am I.
Hi Mumusings and mommies


I wanted to give my son salmon but he keep complaining about the smell/taste

Ways my mom did:
* steamed with plum &amp; ginger
* steamed with lemon
* panfried with salt
* grilled with salt &amp; pepper &amp; lemon

How to make good nice tasting salmon?
Any other suggestion?

Many thanks ...
It is an ordinary red bean, but it is really fun and meaningful to watch the flowers grow into bean pods, and to finally harvest the perfectly formed beans.

My mother mash up the salmon and mix it together with the rice. Either that or she steams it with lots of ketchup and ginger, my boy loves ketchup. Not sure if that will take away the fishy taste, my boy is not particular about it. So long as there is ketchup or curry sauce, he will eat anything.
Hi aa,
Salmon with teriyaki sauce, butter-garlic sauce or ketchup will be more attractive to young kids. My son will only eat fish that's hidden within porridge, fried patty, anchovies or fried white bait.

Hi Tam,
My kid is also into ketchup and curry these days!
Hi aa

my gals love salmon with butter n black pepper sauce. i will normally pan fry it. tho the younger gal cannot take chilli very well, she loves to eat the salmon with black pepper sauce. if u r afraid it maybe too spicy, you can dilute the sauce with water.

All these "imported" talents go all the way down to pri schs. my hubby was telling me that last yr , he did not see all the big big boys in the basketball team. but this yr these giants appeared from nowhere. See? all they care abt is winning. He was proud that his boys, tho much smaller in size, played well in the matches. They may not win the trophies but they are genuine players who had trained with him from the first day! Unlike those that claimed they are under certain age, but you know from their size, they are way above the age! Geezz.. wats the big deal when they win?

where is the spirit of sportsmanship when most are concern only abt winning awards? sigh.... so much for holistic education

joined my gals in national day celebration in their childcare centre. they had this cake deco competition. my mum was there with the gals b4 i rushed to joined them. the usual scene: mummies/daddies of kids busy decorating the cake. i was not bothered and let both gals diy. my mum commented: why r u not helping them?this is unfair, the other parents r helping. my answer: i am there to support and will only help if need arise. i wan to see how my gals decorate the paper cake. gave some suggestions n then kept myself busy taking video.heehee call me lazy, but i am quite happy they enjoyed the activity.
HI mommies

Thanks for all the suggestion, will try them out.
For black pepper sauce, meaning those ready mix packet type? Will try the black pepper sauce first since my boy like pepper very much.

Have a nice weekend ...
Hi Mummies,

It was discussed here before that some schools actually asked parents to transfer their child out of their school if the child is not performing up to mark academically. I heard from my colleague that this is true. Is this still being practised? Just curious if MOE approved such practises?

I've not heard of such cases. And none of dd's classmates from p1 to p3 who were struggling get transferred out leh

Then again, I'm not sure if rumours you heard are pertaining to 'top tier' schools only? My kids are not in top tier school lah
Hi Yawn,

Yes, I heard that some "top tier" schools actually did that. I am just curious why MOE allows such practises. Its a very cruel thing to do to a Pri School kid. This will affect the child's morale and pride.

I think moe only in charge of p1 registration. after that, transfer in &amp;/or out is at school's sole discretion.
Hi all,

Out of action at the moment cos splattering oil landed on my fingers. A little retarded in reaction so a large drop went at my ring finger
Sigh... got to bathe/cook/wash with left hand! Also jetlagged from watching Olympic Games.
I heard that is happening in a very popular school in Jurong West, which is not considered the top school in Singapore. My neighbour's kid is studying there and the school threatened to expel students if they fail any subjects. I think that the school does it quietly, they do not openly announce to all parents. So parents with kids who are doing well in that school will not know about it. These schools can probably justify doing so by saying that their standards are too high and the kid will cope better in other not-so-good schools.

On the other hand, my colleague successfully transferred her son from a no-name school to very popular school in Bukit Timah, using his good results.

So parents still can put their kids into the so-called good schools if the results are good.

BTW, MOE has a message, bold and underline, on their website, saying that all schools in Singapore are equally good. As if that will change anyone's mind.

I have even heard of a primary school which conducts entrance exams before the P1 registration.

In any case, I am happy that my kids are studying in a average school which takes care of both low ability and high ability kids quite well.
Sorry to hear about that. Take care !
My worst "accident" during cooking was when I had a deep cut on my middle finger while cutting a carrot. After that I have phobia of knives, and always try to buy ready cut vegetables and meat :p
OIC they are importing foreign talent even in primary schools. I agree with you, what is the big deal if they win an Olympic medal ? Imagine when we meet foreigners, do we brag about our country having won a few medals ? In fact, every other country in the world knows that Singapore's team is the "second team from China". Personally I will feel very embarrassed to even mention the medals to any foreign friends.

Haha, it's the yin &amp; yang. My kids always complain I watch drama &amp; read manga when they're having exams. Actually, I'm the same throughout the year but they are more sore during exam period, to see me relaxing while they have to study. I always reply I am the light at the end of the tunnel. You can idle like me too when you completed your education

Not just applying to kids hor. Being laid back &amp; helpless as a wife can give rise to caring and protective hubby too, hehe


ouch, that's painful!

kanna scaled by hot water while sterilising milk bottles when dd2 was a baby. Gosh, painful!
