Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Independent Learning
Just to clarify that when I wrote independent learning, I don't mean preparing for exams independently. I mean learning something conpletely new without any teachers. For example, learning computer programming by reading the textbook, no guidance from teachers. I personally know 2 people who are capable of doing this.

Aiya, you misunderstood again. I'm referring to myself 'Continue to agonise over something that won't change is completely pointless'

GEP is not about getting INTO it as I also said many times.

I never said cannot remove GEP. Not a big deal in the first place. it's just an alternative from my perspective... which I also mentioned many times previously

of course I'm just sharing from my own perspective. I don't & can't represent anyone else or other gep parents

anyway, never mind lah, 越描越黑 since we different wavelength, cannot understand each other
muffin, snowball

hehe, she only start running on auto pilot this year. Before running on auto pilot, I taught her how to prioritise. Last year she was very free so no chance to practise. This year with heavier school load, I asked her to list down what she needs to do for that day & next day. Then rank in order of importance (by due date).

1st step is getting the list out as the list sets her thinking what she needs to do. Once she is conscious of her action items, she sort of know she needs to act on that list & begin to run auot pilot

I don't like streaming either. My time it was 8 years of primary school. I studied very hard for my psle because i don't want to spend another 2 years in primary school. scary thoughts!
And I'm so glad EM3 was removed. My youngest brother was borderline EM3 potential, really made us sweat a lot during his streaming year.
Kids need to have good self esteem to be successful in adulthood. To be labelled stupid (that time most people perceive EM3 as stupid) so young is detrimental to their self confidence. We kept encouraging him then.
Not familar with this foundation thingy. Some form of streaming again?

I'm all for smaller class size. there's undisputable benefits to smaller class size. p1 & p2 class size of 30 is quite comfortable. If this can be implemented across all levels even sec sch that will be so ideal. But moe need train more teachers & train them properly, cannot anyhow hire in mass just to fill up the number lor. haha, it means they must spend more money.

if they start hiring & training now, still have to wait a couple of years before these new teachers get into action
muffin, snowball

trains are scarily crowded. My gosh, I'm practically a sardine! and inconsiderate people continue talking even though we're squashed so closely together. There was once a man's saliva landed on my upper arm because he was yaking away. yucks!

walking along orchard is another torture. I got glared at because I was holding an umbrella. even no spare space for an umbrella

I should just stay home
I also don't think you represent other GEP parents. There are many different types of such parents, but all think that their kids deserve the best. There are probably some who write honest comments, but most do not and are hardly a reliable source of information.

I am writing based on my experience as an educator, it is OK if you cannot understand what I wrote. As I wrote earlier, education is a very important issue to me, and I will continue to share my views here.

You need to give up yr citizenship here before you can withdraw all yr CPF. If citizenship is given up, I think HDB flat has to be given up too. I hv worked in CPF before, from what I know Singapore citizenship needs to be given up before you can withdraw all yr CPF.
Hi Tam and Yawn,

I'm not referring to streaming per se. I'm talking abt re-grouping students within levels so that teachers can be deployed to help the at-risk or weaker students before they face the major exams. Example of what I've been involved in, re-grouping students after Sec 3 final year exams. Having a class of 36 split into 2 groups and different teachers put through similar syllabus. Absolutely lesser need for remedials this way and more efficient/flexible use of time to shape lessons.

Have seen this method work wonders at the end of the day. I'm talking abt students with PSLE 200 to 220 score A1 - B3 for O-level examinations for subjects. Greater attention and engagement also prevents anyone from feeling bored/leftout/lost. Definitely also eaasier to train up exam skills (eg. planning what to write, building up stamina for writing, expansion of vocabulary). This method also worked for other subjects from the feedback given and also judging from the improvement in grades/behaviour.

It's encouraging to see more parents who are vocal and willing to fight for changes to the system. Whether or not we can help bring out change actively, it's commendable that so many parents are brave to voice their sincere opinions, no matter how diverse/differing they may be.

Schools are given certain autonomy to plan their curriculum so it's also important for the principal/staff to work out a balanced, yet effective curriculum time for students since they know the strengths/weaknesses of every cohort of students!

I just hope the govnt realises that everything is rooted in the way one nurtures a child from age 1. Money/enrichment can only artificially augment the kid's 'intelligence' to a limited extent. The more I witness what the kindy teachers are doing, the more frightened I am to let my son enrol in kindergarten. Muddled singing, enunciation and substandard quality teachers aplenty. They bring the kids to the play ground, flap their arms and sing without teaching lyrics + how to pronounce/sing properly!

"I tell u har.. don't run here run there... stay still... sing... flap flap wings oh... fly fly away... follow me... ok turn here..."

Hi Yawn, Muffin, Snowball and Tam,

Was at Harbourfront station and saw 2 ladies clamped by the closing door -- they managed to push themselves into the cabin and didn't get caught/dragged by the moving train. Very frightening.

At Orchard, the closing beeps are sometimes within seconds and I was almost caught while entering after waiting for others to alight. Best to shop on weekdays, off-peak if you really wish to enjoy a day of retail therapy!

Orchard Road: quietest on Sunday evenings and Mondays/Tuesdays before 1pm. Vivo City: Weekdays before 12pm.

When the train door's alarm start beeping, my heart starts beating faster too!

Usually I would wait for next train if I can see that I will be stuck near the entrance. Because the next stop even more people will come in. My preferred spot is in the center of the cabin. But can't move to the center if jam packed. And I dislike strangers blowing breathe to my face or neck. Eh, this sounds abit R rated, haha!

I don't think there's any off peak period in train anymore. Even at 3pm on a weekday afternoon, the train is rather packed with plenty of people standing.

Agreed with your comment "everything is rooted in the way one nurtures a child from age 1. Money/enrichment can only artificially augment the kid's 'intelligence' to a limited extent."

No amount of 'training' would improve IQ anyway. Right brain & whatever training are just stimulation. It won't improve IQ lor. But values and positive attitude need to 陪养 from young

My dd1 only started kindergarten in k1. Before that, I keep her at home.

To me kindy is just a platform to practise social skills so that she has the opportunity to interact with other children of similar age. I send her to the nearest one, didn't even bother to find out about their curriculum Can't emphasize enough the importance of social skills.

Can we withdraw all our CPF in the ordinary account when we retire ? Or do we still need to maintain the minimum sum ?  I am thinking of retiring overseas, hope and pray that the gahmen does not raise the retirement age again, otherwise I will be too old to enjoy anything.

Your idea of re-grouping is very good, hopefully more schools can use this idea.

I am the kind of people who will keep complaining as long as I feel that things are not right. 

Money/enrichment cannot make an average child become a genius, but can definitely enable a smart child to pass the GEP screening tests.  Many parents say that they never send their kids to GEP preparation classes, but the fact is that their kids attended many enrichment since 2 years old.   Those who claimed that they never attended any enrichment definitely have parents who diligently teach them at home.  Then when their kids enter GEP, they tell people that they never "prepared" their kids, and advise others not to do so.

You can find teachers who speak good English at very expensive preschools that charge $1600 a month, like the Pat schoolhouse, Eton, etc.   These preschools can afford to pay high salaries to attract good teachers.  
My kids were enrolled in cheap PCF kindergarten, the teachers are not fantastic, thats why I only sent them for half day only,  just to learn social skills.  On hindsight, I should have kept them at home until P1. 
Your son is 4 years old this year ?   Many SAHM prefer to send their kids to full day kindergarten so that they have free time. Its rare to find a mommy like you who prefers to keep your son at home.
Hi Tam,

Ha....ha.... my SIL is one of those SAHM whom declared that she cannot handle her 2 kids and my BIL has to send both kids to fullday CC when they turned 2.5 yo.

I have no choice but to send both my kids to fullday CC as I do not want them to wild their time away at home watching TV (this will happen when I leave them with the maid and MIL).

I am not hopeful of the English standards in their CC but I should say, the Chinese teachers did a wonderful job in teaching them Chinese. I still have to supplement by teaching them at him before bedtime.

GEP - I still do not understand why GEP kids (supposedly to be naturally bright ones) need to go for intensive prep course, to get "assurance" that the child get a place in the GEP prog and start to struggle for breath? I guess many parents nowadays are so reliant on tuition thinking that tuition can do wonders to help their kids get As all the way....Yes, tuition is available all the way to A-levels....then whats' next? Tuition at Diploma or get help for U subjects? I guess parents only want to hear good things.....reminds me of the Class 95FM TV commercial (erase or turn a deaf ear to negative remarks)
Nowadays there are many mainland Chinese teachers in preschools, their Chinese standard is definitely very good. The gahmen should employ native English speakers for preschools too, I thought the unemployment rate in USA is high, I am sure jobless Americans don't mind coming to Singapore to teach English.

A few weeks ago I received the GEP opt in/opt out form for the screening test for my P3 girl. The form has a statement by MOE saying that all those prep courses are not genuine and advised parents not to send their kids. So there must be many parents doing it. These GEP kids will also need tuition when they are in secondary schools.
The GEP screening test cannot accurately test for giftedness. Most of those selected must have been trained to pass the tests, although their parents may refuse to admit.

I think it defeats the purpose to stay home if SAHMs send their kids to child care. The purpose of being a SAHM is to bond with child mah

But it's true that it's difficult to handle 2 preschoolers at home alone, especially if they squabble a lot. Best is to send 1 kid to 3 hours kindy in morning then another to 3 hours kindy in afternoon. Separate sessions so only need to handle 1 kid each time

next year both my kids will be in same session. I hope I retain my sanity. They will go crazy playing & giggling every time they see each other. Then after playing for an hour or so, start arguing & crying. As noisy as a market, faint!

re: gep training, I think it's a vicious cycle lor. High abilities HA kids went for training. For the truely gifted ones, maybe their parents worried their kids kanna squeezed out by HA kids if they didn't go training too, so they also send?? I don't know for sure lah, just speculating. anyway, biggest winners are those centers

My dd1 is a mensa member. And I've indeed heard of other mensa members who didn't clear gep screening even though all mensa members are gifted. So it's a possiblity that truely gifted ones may not be picked up by gep screening. I had a discussion with hubby when we first heard about the news of mensa kids not selected for gep. Nevertheless, we made the decision not to send for training. Really, it's not the end of the world lah, it's just an alternative for those gifted kids. with 料, they can do well in psle too, why worry excessively? It's my optimistism at play again, hehe

You can't withdraw all yr CPF when you retire, as you need to set a minimum amount aside. I believe the minimum amount will continue to increase, I do not hv high hopes on withdrawing my CPF when I am of retirement age. From the way the CPF retirement scheme is designed, the govt is afraid of taking care of the elderly. I used to think I can withdraw all my CPF when I retire, but it was not the case when I worked there. CPF money is not our money, it is locked up by the govt. So don't depend too much on CPF for yr later years, it is better to be cash rich.
Yawn yawn,

I agree with you. I didn't send my younger son to school til N2 but he didn't enjoy school in PCF. It is not easy to take care of 2 young kids at the same time. I also find it strange when some SAHMs can afford to send their kids to full day care. How can the husband afford it? It is so expensive for one or both kids to be in full day care. I don't hv that kind of luxury and I prefer to take care of my kids myself even though it is stressful.

I'm glad I've very little money in cpf then, hehe

The reason I won't send my kids to cc is because I'm a clingy mommy. After giving up my salary, I better make sure I max out my bonding time with them. When dd2 was a baby, I carried her throughout her waking moments, which totally freak out my mom & mil. But I really enjoy carrying my baby. She ballooned to 13kg by age 1 and I would like to think that it's due to my overflowing motherly love yo

I'm just disappointed my kids grow up too quickly. I prefer babies, oh so cute so cute!
Hi Tam,

Not my idea for re-grouping. It was school's plan after they realise the 'gap' between grades were widening. Either very high or E8/F9 and kids were complaining of not being able to catch up when teachers race to the finishing line for syllabus. After alot of meetings/survey and briefing with parents, most were fine with the idea of re-grouping for middle/end classes.

Also study camps until 10am nearer the exams 'cos the problem with lots of these teenagers is that they can't focus when at home (computer, gadgets, online friends etc). Teachers are rostered to babysit and attend to random questions 'cos there'll be maths/humanities/science person on standby.

Alot of hard work but jubilation when the results are achieved when they tear open their O level results

I've come to realise that change requires many factions to 'shake hands'. Decision cannot be top-down. Neither should decisions be made based on superficial feedback 'cos some people are perpetually polite/diplomatic in all surveys. You need ALL stakeholders to give feedback, quickness to find a win-win solution and implement something that's likely to achieve objectives. Not simple. Within a school it's easy, especially for autonomous/independent school. Some Principals maybe scared to 'rock the boat' or are keen to boost their own portfolios so they end up churning out big projects without properly assessing the cohort's abilities. (Especially target-setting for grades... some HODs put above 90% distinctions even though they know some kids may likely be B/C/F standard!)
Hi Tam,

I can't afford Pat's or Eton's sort of school fees. The disparity between good kindergartens and terrible is widening. In the 1970s/80s, teachers placed emphasis on accuracy of pronunciation, grammar, spelling, discipline and neatness. These days, many teachers are sloppy, having been fed on sub-standard education themselves? Or are kindergarten hiring anyone who has some kind of certficate??

I hear/see a daily group of kindy teachers downstairs with a bunch of toddlers babbling. I'm honestly petrified to have to send my son to kindergarten. I know social skills/friends are important but I won't stoop to subjecting him to such teachers. It's easy for kids to pick up garbage and even harder to undo the damage

My language and pedagogy tutors often stressed that we mustn't use kiddy language on kids just because they are young. Proper structure and enunciation are imperatives. I was trained based on these premises and I am very grateful for all the good examples around me. My aunts/mom never allowed incomplete sentences at home. I'm struggling with my son who's creatively breaking all rules but I speak in short sentences at all times (except for commands like "stay there for a while"...)

As far as I can remember, my kindy teachers spoke good English/Mandarin! Likewise Pr/Sec/JC teachers. Maybe only 10% have sloppy Singlish intonation. What's happened to NIE?

I can't afford pat or eton school fees either. In fact, I'm not prepared to pay montessori school fees. There is a montessori kindy few bus stops away but their fees totally scared me off.

The church kindy nearby cost $500+ per term of 10 weeks. Which is already very expensive in my opinion. A Montessori kindy can easily cost above $500 per month

Aiya, I'm not willing to pay so much for interaction. Come home than train motor skills ourselves, play lego or fix puzzles lah

I'm glad when my kids started primary school. I save $4k+ on kindy fees!
Just want to find out if your child requires to attend supplementary class after normal school hours? For my child's primary school, all the P3 to P6 students will require to attend supplementary class from 2pm to 3.30pm, 2 times a week. It is not complusory but all students are encouraged to attend.

My question is why is it cater to all students instead of directing the resources to weaker students with smaller group? I wonder how the child can benefit as the group size is as big as normal class and what will they be teaching? Repeating what is already taught in class?

I really pity these students. They will be in school late for at least 3 days out of 5 days! (one of the day is complusory CCA)
If the child is taking school bus,will reach home at 4-4.30! So presume that he leaves home at 6.30am and comes back at 4.30pm, a total of 8 hours already!
Mummies with child attending P1, how does he/she react to school? My boy keeps complaining to me that he is very tired because school is long, teacher is fierce and theres always punishment. Sometimes, the whole class or the whole group will be punished. Teacher will switch off the fan????????????? Made them walk round the school?????????????

Its quite sad that he has a totally shock from Kindergarten to P1. I had volunteer for 1 of the field trip and have witness how the teacher control the class. i think the teacher needs anger mgt counselling...........

Previous sch no supplementary classes at all in p3. I heard only for upper pri, not whole class though

New sch need stay back twice a week but it's compulsory. whole class staying back. I opt out of CCA bcos already staying back for 2 days mah
Hi all,

I walked past the kindy group again. 4 adult women to a class of 20 kiddies. Instead of singing 'London Bridge' in words, it's "dah dah dah dah" as lyrics. "okay going to rain. rain come already! let's go!"
Hi Pantone,

That is the problem with single session classes. Supposed to give the kids more own time, but in the end, end up with spending most time in school.
My kids' school does not require whole class to stay back. Only the weakest students attend supplementary classes.
My boy looked tired for the first few months, he later got used to it.  He did not complain much about the school, but the teacher complained a lot about him talking too loud, not paying attention, etc.
To be fair to primary school teachers,  it is very difficult to discipline a class of 30 kids.  I had experience and was attacked by shooting staplers before.  Teachers have no choice but to be very fierce.  Some teachers in my school used little presents to reward students for good behaviour.

Is it PCF kindergarten ?  I thought that PCF only employ teachers with diploma in early childhood education.  I taught a module in this course before, they require students to have at least C in O level English,   their English is not that bad.  I suspect that the kindy near your place does not employ teachers with proper qualifications, sound like kopitiam aunties.
Actually my biggest issue was their standards of hygiene,  my boy was often ill,  hospitalized twice, so I pulled him out.  

The minimum sum will be converted to annuity and we will receive money for as long as we live, right ?   That is not too bad.  Perhaps my rental income plus annuity is sufficient for me to live overseas, of course with cash savings as well.
When my late father passed away, my mother did receive everything in his CPF account.
Sharing this very good article :

Experts : Govt should run pre-school education and make it free.
"One: It is beyond doubt 'that it is much more difficult to learn a second language in adulthood than a first language in childhood', as Professor Steven Pinker of Harvard University notes in The Language Instinct.

The 'acquisition of a normal language,' he writes, 'is guaranteed for children up to the age of six, is steadily compromised from then until shortly after puberty, and is rare thereafter'."

When a person pass away and he makes a nomination, all the CPF money will be given to the nominees. CPF will not convert the minimum sum to annuity, you need to buy an annuity with the minimum sum. You can find out more in CPF website.
Hi Tam,
Yes, they look like neighbourhood aunties. Light green uniform pants/skirts. Totally unprofessional handling/teaching of very young children.
Thanks for the information.

PCF uniform is light blue. That kindy is probably some private ones who hire anyone who accepts the lowest pay, they are not regulated by MOE. Preschools should be run by gahmen, to ensure that all teachers are qualified. Otherwise those kids attending very expensive kindy will definitely do much better, which is unfair. Its too late to wait until P1 to help the kids, they will never catch up because the best age to learn languages is before 7 years old.
Some of our foreign service staffs purposely speak in singlish. Someone spoke like that to me "Now huh Bossini dont give out plastic bag already huh. So you want or not huh?" Its too deliberate.
Hi Tam,

This school is just opp my current place. I am also perturbed by the need for the kids to go for $60 haircut....boost somemore.

I do not agree with the teacher just cutting the child's hair but, I am also disturbed by the remarks made by the principal published in the papers yesterday. IMO, if this is not in the school rules, then why the teacher is so insistent to enforce. I empathise with the teacher that the principal is pushing away responsibilities.

Luckily, we did not enrol my DD1 in this school.
Hi Tam,
I think it's the franchise that has all kindergartens painted orange at many HDB void decks.

Hi Pantone,
Hahaha... interesting Bosinni staff. I know Sasa staff purposely speak loud Cantonese (to remind ppl they're HK franchise??).

Hi all,
About the haircut. The teacher's actions are untimely -- why do this before the oral exam? Unless she's warned him beforehand that she will cut his hair short. The mother is also indulgent. S$60 haircut to look like a sloppy slacker???? What's the emphasis on S$60 for? That the teacher ruined an otherwise-trendy-coif?

The teacher should have talked to a senior teacher/HOD/discipline master before taking matters into her own hand. Kids these days are capital-letter SLY and will cite emotional trauma if educators should scold them/use sarcasm/physical 'abuse'.

My haircut is S$2.50 or S$2.80 depending on whether I go to Snip Avenue or another salon. My sis accumulated receipts enough for membership for everyone
My hb, kid and I report to the salon every 3 weeks. Under $10 for everyone. Neat and fuss-free. The staff even gave my son a toy for being well-behaved!
Hi Tam and all seafood fans,

Must-buy if you love scallops as much as I do. Went on a frenzy and bought 5 packs of frozen boiled scallops when it was on sale last week. $7.95 instead of S$12.90. Might be cheaper at S$11.90+ at Giant on normal days.

These are the same scallops that are placed on sushi (hotate) with terriyaki sauce + bigger!!! I counted 1pack = 50+scallops = 15 cents each. Hahaha you can imagine how much the sushi shops earn.

I'm a total scallop fan and have been eating the same meal for the past week
Just a little rice with around 10 scallops = think this would have cost a bomb out there!


Been very happy cooking these with various sauce/seasoning the entire week! No fumes 'cos I drop them inside the double-pan and leave them to sizzle. Hb and I are such scallop maniacs it's frightening.
hi mommies

wow so much discussed! hard to catch up. was busy with work the past weeks. what holistics assessment etc only make my head swirl....after 4 yrs of staying home, now have to key in all the remarks n etc geez.. not looking forward to next year.

i taught gep kids for 4 yrs. saw tears n joy....met nice and nasty kids n parents...end of the day: i feel more appreciated in mainstream neighborhood sch. it was good training ground for trs, as for kids, those who r up to it have done pretty well, those who struggled to keep up with gep curriculum, hee hee hee honestly i dunno where they r now. only kept in touch with one batch which i followed thru for 3 yrs! loved some of the kids and parents to. nice parents= nice kids, i supposed???

i am one who is always "hitting my head on the wall". i know fighting for wat u believe is not ez, always get whacked left right up and down. tat is why i was never in management as i cannot find myself singing the same tune. can i send u a trial pc of bugslock? u try if it works, then look for it. I am still hunting for genuine one....hunting hunting..... so many oem sigh....
Thanks for the offer.   I managed to find one repellant which works, don't need to trouble you.

I think it is not right to keep quiet on something which is unfair and wrong.  Now that the gahmen said that they want to listen to feedback, we should do all do our part. Doesn't matter whether it is difficult to change things or not, must keep complaining.

Thanks for sharing your experience with GEP kids.   Actually I also wonder what happened to all the GEP kids since the programme has been around for almost 30 years.  How many MPs / ministers were from GEP ?  I read somewhere that GEP is supposed to train future leaders ?

I remember one GEP kid looked so offended when I commented on his work which showed that he is not capable of higher order thinking, even though I was tried to be as nice as possible.   He is probably raised to think that he is a genius and can do no wrong.   I would rather teach kids who failed their subjects.

snowball, mumusings,
The $60 haircut incident makes me wonder whether the parents are capable of teaching good character at home.  
I read that the teacher gave the boy a warning letter but he did not give it to his parents.

The scallops look big and delicious, will look for it.
Hi Tam,

I go for $40-$50 haircut myself (to pamper myself abit from my own salary). But, for my kids, I bring them to the salon in the neighbourhood centre for their bimonthly haircuts at $8 each (price went up from $6 since CNY time and never drop again)
My kids go to JP for haircut at $10 each. I think it is ridiculous for the mother to demand the teacher to pay back the $60 haircut, who ask her to spend so much in the first place ?
Hi mommies,
Any thoughts about PM's speech yesterday ?
"He announced 3,000 more full-time university places a year from 2020, paving the way for 40 per cent in each cohort to attend university."

Will there be enough jobs for so many graduates in the future ?

I heard that in China, male university graduates are looking for jobs as nannies to take care of babies, because they cannot find better jobs.
Hi Tam,
Good to hear that a balance will be struck for pre-school learning standards. There will come a time when Singaporeans will realise that a degree means nothing unless one can secure a job or livelihood which one enjoys. Hopefully the degree courses will evolve to cater to specialised areas, paving way for poly grads/non-grads to gradually convert to a basic degree.
Hi mummies,

Hope everyone is doing well.

I am back from UK! Flights were tough but kids enjoyed themselves tremendously.
Lively round of opinions from all of you regarding state of education. Really insightful to read.
I have some general thoughts but am not feeling overly strong about them yet as perhaps my oldest is merely 3 yrs old.

On the standard of preschool teachers, DS1 has been picking up poor English/grammar from his school. HB is British and he is in fact quite mortified and has been trying very hard to undo the damage.
Though as ‘sponges’, they just absorb so quickly, be it good or bad.
Re: Bad English

My gals came back from presch with "you got do or not?" "this is my one, that one is your one!" faint.... the notes written in the communication book by the tr/s are also not without grammar errors...

so as parents, we do have quite alot of "homework" don't we?
pink gerbera,
You and your HB must be very happy that your kids enjoyed themselves.

Bad English
Even if teachers speak perfect English, kids may pick up bad grammar when interacting with other kids.

Parents certainly have to a lot to do at home.
PM tell parents : let the children play. In order for this to happen, MOE must lower standards in P1. Nowadays kids who cannot read wel in P1 are made to attend extra lessons to catch up with the rest of the class. No parents want their kids to be left behind.

Well said ! Actually there are many more interesting courses in poly compared to university. Even if kids don't get into university, they can learn something useful in poly.
Not all kids are academically inclined, many kids have other talents may have been wasted when parents keep pushing them to study hard.
Hi Tamarind,

Yes, schools has to lower their expectations of P1 kids. My kids' CC is also training my DD1 to read independently in the last term as the principal told us that this is expected of the child in P1.....CC also felt so stressful already, not to mention P1.

My kids' school expect P1 students to do comprehension passages of over 100 words in 2 months after they have started P1. It is definitely impossible for primary school teachers to teach kids to read like that in 2 months. Parents are now fully responsible for teaching kids to read, or send them to preschool/enrichment before P1.

It is not that parents don't want to let kids play, the education system does not allow this to happen.

Now that my kids are in P2 and P3, I see more problems with the way English is taught in schools. There are no textbooks. The story books which teachers use to teach in school cannot be brought home. Teachers expect kids to learn from worksheets, which I find very ridiculous. If a child cannot read before entering P1, he will definitely struggle to learn English. Parents really cannot depend on schools.
