Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Yes chilled is pretty good.
Recently went to grand mercury parkway
Nonya buffet they have the durian 'mud' chilled.
Had so many servings till get sore throat

Where do girls normally buy nice durian?
MSW or d24? Or any other to recommend?

Hi Junemom,
Where's Grand Mercury Parkway? Not familiar with the East. Sounds yummy! I buy whatever looks good and/or bittersweet. D101 (new cultivar?), 'Red Prawn, D24, MSW all fine for us
Durian doesn't make me sick but lychees do. Had half a basket one time and fell ill afterwards. High fever, lost my voice for a week and totally crashed.
Hi mumusings,
I love durians too !
Paid $24 for a 猫山王 2 kg durian last week.  The taste is good, but not heavenly.  I kept wondering whether it is authentic.

Hi junemom,
I bought durians in jurong west st 52.

6x50=$300 for 1.5 hours is good money !  I will try to give group tuition.
You mean $80 for 1.5 hours one to one ? That is very expensive.   In primary school school, kids need to study consistently everyday in order to improve, concepts need to be reinforced daily otherwise kids may forget.
Hi Tam,
I don't know how to tell the difference in cultivars and trust my sight (when they cute open the fruit to allow me to poke/test). I know some dishonest sellers will swap durians especially if you ask them to remove the flesh to place in styrofoam boxes. I usually go for the mid-range 'cos I'm not fussy so long as flesh is creamy+bittersweet. Have had very nice 'Red Prawn' before and can be as cheap as 3 boxes for S$10 when clearing stocks.
Hi durian lovers mummies,

So far the best durian (mao shan wang) we hv eaten is still from 717 Durian. Yesterday went there 2 n bought 1. Hb told my DD1 n myself, thus will b the last heavenly treat 4 us this yr.
Where is 717 durian ? How much did you pay for a mao shan wang ?

I prefer to carry the whole durian back home, don't like the styrofoam boxes. The whole durian can retain the fragrance better.

Hi Diana,
Where is Ju ji ?
Hi mommies,
There is a letter in the ST forum yesterday:
S'pore way works, but only with tuition

I asked my kids whether their classmates have tuition. Surprisingly, they told me not many attend tuition classes outside of school. The very weak ones are asked to stay back in school for extra lessons. My kids are in a neighbourhood school, most kids are from low to middle income families who probably cannot afford tuition. As a result, about half of the PSLE cohort scores below 230 in this school.

One of my neighbour's son is studying in a top school. The father told the son that if he fails to be promoted to the next level, he will throw the son in the carpark and let him live there. This is because that school threatens to expel any student who fails. The son is so stressed he studies very hard.
Hi Tamarind,

Ju Ji which Diana is referring is the durians that come with small seeds.

717 Durian is at Yio Chu Kang Road, near Hougang side.

Few weeks back bought at $16/kg. Last Fri, price went up to $20/kg. The durian seller told us to avoid buying on weekends when the price will go up due to high demand.
wow so many durian lovers heeheehee. mayb this thread can change to mummies who love durians!

used to buy fr 717 but too ex. and managed to find trustworthy durian uncle at my market. he knows my taste so will put aside for me when there r gd ones. he wil pack for me in stylofoam boxes as it is quite dangrous for me to bring the fruit home. my 2 gals r hyper! anyway, it is so inconvenient to open and dispose the durian, so just use stylofoam boxes.

i heard that keeping the durian in the fridge actually increase the sugar level in the fruit! so better to eat it fresh. but i love it when it is from fridge to, cos it taste like ice cream heeheehee. just bought 9 boxes the other day and every seed is so good! can compete with 717 liao!
Hi Tam,
Rulang is a very good neighbourhood school.
My son's school, lowest PSLE score last year is 17X or 183. I think half of the cohort scores below 220 in this school. The good thing about his school is they don't expel low ability kids, unlike my nephew's primary school in bukit timah.

Yah, $80 for a session is a lot of money. I was thinking to myself that I might as well take half days off twice a week and teach him myself, cos my pay for half a day is lower than $80! I can do more too, like look through his homework and revise all the subjects with him and go through his chinese textbooks.
OIC about your son's school. I am quite shock when I heard that some top schools expel their weak students. No wonder parents are so stressed.
I agree with you about teaching at home to save on tuition fees.
Does your son have CCA ? How many times a week ?
I heard that his school is temporarily moved to my old JC campus

Now I remember the words 柱籽 at a durian store.
Thanks for the information about 717.
Hi Tam,

Schools expel weak students for fear that they will pull down the overall score for the school.

My Sec School do not have any Normal Stream classes. The school will transfer the students out to another school if there are students whom failed their exams.

The 3 schools ard my neighbourhood within 1km distance have rather high takeup rates at phases 1 and 2A. All the 3 schools has less than 1/2 seats available for Phase 2B & 2C.....looks like will have to ballot for phase 2C....stress....
wow thanks for the durian feedbacks.
i used to go 717 at upper serangoon. they were quite good. not after they started franchising.

any comments on kong Hwa or Tao nan?
Hi all,

Great to meet so many durian lovers on this thread
Now onto Italian fare. Made creamy fusilli alfredo for breakfast this morning. Am not intending to have rice/noodles this week. S$5 for 2 portions. Again, this would have cost S$24++ for a family at restaurant.

Decided to make my own 'cos I bought takeaway pasta last week -- they gave me just half portion of fusilli and measly strips of white mushroom!!! Felt so cheated
I know overheads/rental is high but the amount given is really pathetic. Why are people paying $6 for plain noodles, some sauce and 4 pieces of tiny mushroom slices???

Creamy alfredo sauce with black pepper sausage and lettuce/cheddar toppings 'cos don't like herbs.
Hi Junemom,

You can check out the no. of available places for P1 registration from the MOE website.

Its like monitoring stock mkt....
Yah, they have temp moved to your old school.

My nephew has the same problem as Mr Lee, so he takes a longer time, and the school pressed my cousin to have the boy transferred out. He is doing very well in a non-branded school now.

Junemom, what do you like to know abt Tao Nan?
There is a letter in the ST forum complaining about P1 registration. There are still lot of problems to be fixed. I think that only kids with siblings studying in the same school should be given priority.

Its good that your nephew is doing well in another school now. He may even do better than his old classmates in the future.
I had Carbonara penne with chicken meat last weekend, like you said cooking at home is certainly much better value than eating outside. I bought $4 of chicken drumstick and it can feed 3 to 4 person generously.
Hi Tam,

Yes, indeed! One piece of KFC chicken (rib/breast meat) = 3 portions of meat for toasted wraps. I'm going to do carbonara this weekend. Bought 2 cans of sauce for $3.75 last week.

The takeaway pasta I bought cost $5.90. Nice packaging but very stingy with the pasta and mushroom (especially when I ordered white funghi pasta with cream sauce). It looks like what kids order from school canteen. I hate the idea that my money went to an advertising firm and the takeaway box more than the food.

Never will I buy from that stall again. Was super hungry, stuck in the building on a rainy day and with kid so I thought nevermind to give the stall a try. It's terrible these folks are so stingy with ingredients when they charge higher than foodcourt. 3 prawns on pasta = S$7.90.

I bought sliced white mushroom for $2.50 at supermarket. Can make 5 to 6 generous portions of sauces. No skills needed even to do pasta. Just grill/boil/stir/mix and add toppings. More effort goes to roti john for sure! Mushroom 50 cents, pasta 20 cents, sauce/cheese 80 cents = S$1.50++ base cost. These ppl order in bulk from suppliers and their cost is even lower! Add 30 cents for container/serviettes max?

Gone are the days where price matches portion and/or quality. Sigh. At least at Macs, $4.20 happy meal = 1 packet of fresh milk, half cup corn and cheeseburger/nuggets + toy.
Hi Tamarind,

Yes, I also feel that only kids studying in the same school should be given priority. Phase 2B should be totally scrapped.

A no. of schools have less than 30pcs lefts for Phase 2B and 2C....this is really madcow race.
The Singapore P1 registration is flawed beyond belief!

So many unnecessary and unfair phases. I agree with Snowball that only keeping Phase 1 make more sense, everything else should be scrapped! Everyone should have a decent chance of enrolling in a school that is nearest to where they live. Imagine how many kids are there is 1 km radius having to fight for a pathetic 10-20 slots?!
This is just another classic example of how the how the rich/privileged will continue to benefit and prosper while the lower income family kids will be left behind.
Rich families will be able to purchase properties with 1 km radius, the mummies will have lots of time on their hands to PV. Those parents of poorer income kids will barely have enough time trying to make ends meet. If you are priviledge enough, your parents are old school boy/girl from elite school, then for generations and generations, their kids will have no problems enrolling.
Yoo Hoo, everyone! Long time no hear/talk... mumusings, thx for rembring some of us..keke

So topic now is durians and P1... hehe

I like durians but hardly eat cos hb does not eat. I usu eat w/ my gfs.

P1 - done with phase 2A2 liao. Uneventful but thankful loh..

I think they shud scrape the PV thing, or if PV, once they hv the number of PVs, should not exceed the numbers. I also don't u/stand why they increase the PV hours.

Been reading your blog too.. hope all is well.
Still buying shoes online?

J is doing well in school, at the PT meeting, some parents ask how come so little homework.. The teacher said all done in school..keke...

pink gerbera/sophia
FYI me also mommy of twins... my older boy is in P2, the twin gals wlbe in P1 next year ...
I'm happy they are at this stage altho there is a different set of stress factors...

Not only sleep deprived, but TIME many things to do everyday, 2 sets of spelling and tingxie lists to go through.
Any tips?
My mom and and mil are preparing them for their spelling and tingxie too ...
hi there, hmm but i would like my chlid to go attend the same school as i did. hear the same old stories.....
i am not sure about now, but most clever kids did get sieved out during the p3 gifted phrase, even from those "neighbourhood" primary schools. and comes p6, everyone had a fair chance at doing the same psle and going to a better secondary school of their choice.
but maybe things have changed now?
Hi StyloBB,

Nice to hear from you again

My DD1 going for Phase 2C monitoring the Phase 2B registration situation before deciding which school to enrol her.

I have to monitor my DD1's TingXie and spelling every week....very tiring.

Hi Tam,

I saw the forum letter on P1 registration yesterday. Yes, besides Phase 1, all other phases should be scrapped....all kids (especially for SCs) should be given equal chances of getting into a school nearest to their home.
For those kids whose parents studied in that school before, if they are staying far away, it does not make sense for their kids to go to that school. If they are keen, they can always move to near the school.
Although I did PV, I think it should be scrapped. Parents should volunteer because they genuinely want to offer their help, not because they want something in return.
All those places for grassroot leaders etc are even more ridiculous.

Hi Stylo,
It's been a long time since you posted here !
Yes I am still buying shoes online. Just bought a pair of MBT shoes at more than 50% off. I love MBTs ! Still thinking of buying more. I can spend a long time surfing online shoes websites :p So many nice shoes in USA !

My kids do not need to learn spelling because they are very good in phonics and they have been reading books regularly. They are able to spell words which they have read once before, without the need to memorize the individual letters. For tingxie, my girl said that her teacher let her practice writing the words in class and that is enough. So I leave it to her to learn on her own.
My mother let my boy practice writing tingxie once a day, a few days before the test. His teacher actually test them on words which are not even on the tingxie list. Sometimes he can get more than 100 marks for knowing how to write words which are not on the list. I think this is because I have been teaching him to read Chinese books outside of his textbooks.

However, my boy's teacher has been giving a lot of homework lately. He was doing maths worksheets past 11 pm at night !
pink gerbera,
You are right that rich families can always buy a property near the school. MOE should enforce the rule that kids must be born in the property near the school and stay in the same area throughout the 6 years.
I know a mommy of a boy in my kids' school. She has 5 kids, and staying only 50 m from the school. Her first child originally failed to get in at phase 2C. This poor mommy called and begged the principal everyday. Fortunately some student withdrew from the school, and her first child managed to get in.
Nowadays "clever" kids going to GEP are mostly trained because their parents send them to Shichida classes etc since 2 years old.
BTW, not all kids from "neighbourhood" primary schools are low income. In fact, many parents who live in HDB and send their kids to neighbourhood schools can afford to let their kids attend many enrichment classes. It is a misconception to assume that everyone staying in HDB is "low income".

In Singapore, poor kids no longer have a fair chance. A child who grows up in a non-English speaking family who cannot afford tuition, is very unlikely to know how to read well before entering P1. Now in P1, kids are expected to do comprehension passages of over 100 words long at the beginning of the year. Poor kids who never attend any enrichment and cannot even understand English well have already lost the race by the time they enter P1.

Those kids who claim they do not need tuition, most likely have parents who can teach them, like me !
I asked my maid to cook the carbonara penne for me. She asked me how to cook, I gave her some simple instructions which I read from the label of the carbonara sauce. It turned out better than what we ate in restaurant, and the cream is thicker, then I realized that restaurants probably add water to the sauce.

The only time I think it is worth eating outside is probably at some hawker stalls. There is a stall selling $2 chicken rice in Jurong West, the portion is not big but it is delicious. I think it is good value because it takes a very experienced chef to cook good chicken rice.
Hi mommies, the local school system is abit overwhelming for me n im trying to comprehend some jargons n culture norms.
May i know what is GEP?
I will be sending my boy to a local sch . Since both hb n i didnt have education here except me for tertiary.
Hope to gather some advices from u experienced mommies.
GEP is the gifted education program. At primary 3, students take GEP screening tests. If they are selected, they will go into GEP classes which are supposed to offer a curriculum which according to MOE :
"It develops their skills in critical and creative thinking and allows them to work with specialists through mentorship programmes."

You should read this page about our education system :

Parents with kids in GEP kids sing praises about it because their kids will be able to get into the top secondary schools even if their PSLE scores are lower than the cutoff points.

I wrote about my opinions based on my experience mentoring GEP kids, you can read a few pages back.
I want to clarify that I am not against GEP. It is perfectly fine for parents to want the best education for their kids. My opinions are an educator's perception, taking into consideration all kids in general.

You should also know that if kids fail any subjects in P4, they will be put into foundation classes. They study a simpler syllabus, meaning everything is dumb down, and they will never do as well as kids in mainstream classes. These kids will probably never make it to universities. The fate of a child is more or less determined in primary school.

Thanks to our ability driven education:
1. kids who are failing get tuition so that they don't get into the foundation classes
2. kids who score between 50 to 90 also get tuition in the hope of getting into GEP
3. kids who score over 90 also get tuition so that they get into that list of the top 15 PSLE scholars, or the prestigious RI/RGS/NYGS/HCI.
thanks for the clarification. im really torn in a way because i get 2 groups of ppl telling 2 diff perspectives. 1) don't follow the crowd to get them into good primary school - doesn't matter as long as he do reasonably well.
2) must get into good school at all cost

im staying just outside 100m from tao nan. so does that mean im in phase 2c? or must i get ballot to get phase 2c?

boy born in 2009, hence i have to start "PV" next year? im really exploring possibilities around.

my question is: IF i ignore all 'PV', joining SHKA, move into within 100m etc..
where will my boy be placed?
it's so confusing. i thought whatever nearest to the house is suffice, and i get so many moms telling me scary possibilities if i don;t get into a good school in the beginning.

Actually i m not hype about good school, as long as he can excel normally. But now, those mommies kind of put me under pressure
If you are a permanent resident, then I advise you to forget about PV. Top schools like Tao nan will have many parents doing PV, and citizens are given absolute priority, so you don't have a chance.
As for SHKA, same thing, citizens will also be given priority.

Actually, after getting into a good school, the scary part begins. If your child scores 80+ marks, teacher will call you and say that he is falling behind because everyone else is scoring 90+ marks. Then you need to get tuition for him. If the child is failing subjects, the school will expel him. So you need to make sure that your child studies very hard in a good school.

In my case, I look for a school that is close to my home, and takes care of both low ability and high ability kids. In my kids' school, weak students are asked to stay back for free extra lessons given by school teachers. The brightest students are given more challenging work to do. If a child scores 85 and above, teacher says don't need to worry about him academically. This is good enough for me.
well, there isn't many schools around this area except taonan, kong hua? is tg katong ok? i heard now has become "international' school. but im afraid of the "international" culture. i have taught this kids and their behavior worries me.
Hi Tam,

Your boy can draw very well. My DD1 is asking me about the world countries now. Do you have any good, easy to understand books on world map I can buy for her?

Greetings! I am always so happy to know another fellow twin mummy.
Wow, yours are all grown up – I am envious.
How I wish mine would grow up quickly. Joking lah, I know every stage brings its trials and tribulations, along with ‘priceless’ moments and milestones.
But now really struggling with a terrible 3 and 2x terrible 1.5yrs! Just to get everyone ready and bundled in the car every morning is exhausting..well, sorry to rant a bit.

How did you cope all these years?!


Yeah, what a tragedy in life. Lost the rat race at 4 years old because didn’t get to to premium preschool and enrichment. Vicious cycle continues and they become trap in poverty. Depressing.

By the way, your mummy is so dedicated to coach your son in tingxie. When we were young, my mum also very dedicated to give us our spelling and tingxie. She planned our day very systematically and there were slots for homework/revision, play, outdoor, a little TV and strict bedtime at 9pm etc.
She is Chinese-ed so by the time I got to Pri 3 or so, the English started to become too advance for her and she couldn’t help me. However, she didn’t send me to tuition either because by time, I was able to self learn and subsequently I helped my younger siblings with their spelling.
I wished I am living with my mum as I know she will also be able to teach my son Chinese very well. Atlas, she also need to live her own life now and enjoy herself so I don’t expect her to.

By the way, I really want to start laying some foundation for my 3 yr old’s Chinese. We’re not a Chinese speaking family as my HB is British. However, for last 6 months or so, I have been making extra efforts to speak to him in Chinese whenever possible, pointing things out, playing Chinese songs. My parents speak Chinese to him, he spends 1-2 hrs with them every day after CC as my parents fetch him home.
I know that he totally understands but he is very reluctant to speak. Once in a while, he will surprise by saying complete perfect Chinese sentences so I know he does take it in. But there will be times when I speak to him in Chinese and he would say “ Mummy, please speak English”

How do you suggest I progress from here? He loves to read (but English books so far), should I buy some pictorial Chinese story books and read with him? I am thinking Berries next year but my hubby is very anti-enrichment and I feel confident I can teach him because my Chinese is ok.
Just don’t want to over push it and kill his interest completely. Any advice most appreciated !


My son is also born in 2009. If I am not mistaken, the PV registration window for 2009 kids is in early 2014 so that you can complete the PV hours by 2015 before P1 registration begins. But just call the the school you are interested in, they will give you the most accurate information.
You need good resources in order to teach Chinese at home. I recommend the 四五快读 and the Basic Chinese 基础汉字 books, both available at Popular. The standard of 四五快读 is higher than Berries, if you can persist on using these books, there is no need to send your kids to Berries.

Read my blog about how I taught my kids to read both Chinese and English :

We also speak English to my kids, but I try ask my kids to read out loud from Chinese books for at least 30 mins everyday. This is an excellent way to practice oral skills as well as learn new words.

If you are interested in Tao Nan, this school confirmed balloting based on historic data. And balloting is like lucky draw.

Like Tamarind, I also PV in a school near my house. Didn't purposely buy a house near popular school. Bought that house because I want to live within walking distance from my parents. And happen to have a popular school within stone throw. Actually it's even more troublesome to live near popular school. So near yet must ballot.

So my hubby said to play safe, better do PV. Otherwise if balloted out, must take school bus to a further away school.

Popular school doesn't always mean it's a good school though. Despites its popularity, I was rather disappointed in that school. Long story.
Anyway, at end of P1, I immediately put my dd1 on waitlist with another school slightly further away. Other parents think I'm crazy to want to transfer my kids out, haha!

Good thing is they are much happier in their new school now so I guess it's worth the distance afterall.

My point is trust your instinct & use your judgement. Don't get overly influence by others. What is a good school in others' opinion may not be a suitable school for your kids.
Tamarind, rona

Oh, I have experience in 2 popular schools. Have not heard of either school expelling weak students leh.

I think in education, educators must have compassion. It's very sad if schools are solely governed by KPI & lose their primary objective which is to provide education for the general public.

Do you include face masks as part of your skin care ritual? I watched a beauty programme on TV recently and apparantly face mask is a must. I don't have the habit of using one. Saw many types and brands. Any idea which brand is good for our age group?
Hi Yawn,

Watsons perpetually has a S$2 Neutrogena water/paper mask. Good for hydration and general prepping up of skin
If not, save the watermelon/papaya rinds and plaster them on your face. Free enzymes and vitamins!

Hi Tam,

I finally received a smelly comment on my blog (which I've deleted). Made on my post on Barca potato chips. The person wrote: "what a lady u are... beautiful way of disliking soccer... may u eat the chips and get diarrea". Hahahahaha... sounds like a soccer-crazed male who feels that the world needs to be as fanatical as him. I don't mind opposing views but not excrement-al sort of words.

Hi Yawn,

Sorry forgot to add. Be careful of masks you buy if skin is dehydrated/sensitive. I used to use SKII masks but skin started reacting after some time. Mustn't apply them beyond 20 minutes although some people claim that it's best to fall asleep with them.
