Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

kids need to prepare for the test or not? Or is it like take GEP test - nothing to prepare?

I hope your girl gets into her preferred choice
I can only wish that my girl has half of your girl's self-motivation in her studies

Medal??? hahaha, she's ok with the current workload. But anything more, she's likely to "drown". No lah, if the school don't have, I'm fine with it. I just kpo around only.

yes, she did. I'm sure your dd will clear round 2. Hv you decided where you will transfer your dd to? You have 2 options ard your area hor? Or will you send her all the way to Bt Timah
NSW test
My girl was offered to take the test, but I did not sign the consent form. So long as I know that they have the ability to learn independently and love to learn, that is good enough for me. There is no need for any extra tests to gauge their abilities since there are already so many tests in school.
I am really sad about the toddler who died and nobody helped. Hopefully Singapore will not become a society like that. There are already signs of a loss of morals in our society, Ming Yi was formally from RI and yet he is charged with corruption. The top secondary schools certainly do not guarantee that their students have good morals.

If teachers in schools are measured by the number of A* students they produce, then of course they will focus only on results.
aly nat,
Yes I agree with you about taking the poly route. Our poly actually provides a very good education for those who are NOT academically inclined. They can play all day and still graduate. There is a lot of emphasis on developing creativity and innovation. High marks are given for implementing things that have not been taught by lecturers, encouraging students to learn independently.

Of course, if a child is academically gifted, then it is still best to go to JC where the standards are much higher.

As for making it in life, I think my boy will probably turn out to be a zoologist or something because he knows so much about animals now. I am happy so long as he is doing something that he loves.

Quote from Steve Jobs:
"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma  which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary."

The problem with parents in Singapore is that many are trying to make their kids live someone else's life. Not every child can be, or wish to be a doctor, lawyer, banker, professor or CEO.
I believe everyone finds his or her path eventually. 行行出状元

One of my relatives is an addictive gamer. He's super good at gaming. He even works in gaming sector. Now that is combing work & passion.
Hi Tam,

Yes, very sad to read about the Chinese girl who was run over by the 2 vehicles and didn't get prompt help.

HI Helen/Tam,

Getting straight As doesn't mean a good person is produced. Many crooks are scholars and what-nots, as recent cases have demonstrated. They learn how to twist rules intelligently, use rhetoric to escape responsibility and their academic skills to cheat clients/society. Parents should not try to mould their kids into something they cannot be/not suited to be just because they grew up deprived of certain opportunities/luxuries. I find it funny when I hear teenagers say that they dream is to be a bank's CEO, Hollywood star etc. Good to have dreams but it just shows what many people take as benchmark for happiness: posh car, private property, play stocks, retire by 30, socialise with atas people etc. How shallow can they be! That's how the few rotten men (SLA gang and M1 staff) went to jail. Aim in life: "Die die must own Lamborghini" or "Must live like towkay and kiao-kar (shake legs)".

My son will likely be a mechanic or vehicle inspector haha. Still fixing railroad and checking trains/vehicles everyday. He loves to play with cats, dogs and animals. Important thing is fo him to grow at a comfortable pace and specialise in what he does best. No point pushing him to be a doctor if he can't take the sight of blood right?

One of my ex-students told me that her JC tutor told her class: "You better get your As because I need my bonus." The girl quipped, "No wonder the motto is "moulding" the future..." Moulding as in growing fungus. I know of teachers who are altruistic and focused on empowering kids with knowledge and values. But I also know of people who are just fossils in the field, aiming to climb and use results/projects to gain foothold within ranks/department.

Glad to know that you're a teacher with a heart for values-above-A*, Helen!!
thank u for cheering me up! haha too bad u ain't my P hahahaha but was never put down by their 'expectation' of me. u can call me overly confident, but need tat to stand against the current.....mayb even tsunami of the modern world
Hi Helen,

It's important for good teachers not to feel disheartened. A large dosage of self-belief is certainly needed to maintain one's sanity. I also wonder where I'll stand if I do go back to the working world. I'm so out-of-touch with books, academia and my own hobbies - blogging is the only+most convenient way for me to practise writing and organising information! I can feel my vocabulary shrinking back to that of a Secondary school kid's and Singlish slowly taking over... quite scary!
Hi Joy747, Snowball 32 and aly_nat! Thanks for welcoming me to this forum. Intro?
How many children do you have..are you all based in Singapore.

Joy I noticed you said greetings from the grand canyon...are you currently in the US?

Helen which school were you teaching at previously? I was teaching at Hwa Chong Institution until July this year...
. I guess teaching at a "branded" school has its pros and cons...hehe...

Tam, yah agree with you. I suppose compo memorisation can only be done in small bits, not entire essays...can be very difficult on the child. I guess it is more essential for Chinese compositions because children tend to pick up English faster after a while. That's the general experience of most of my friends' children anyway.
Yes very sad about the Chinese girl who was run over by the vehicles...sigh...
Good morning mummies!

Steve Jobs valedictorian speech at stanford- heard that a few years back- still very impactful to me- so honest and full of lessons for me...

China toddler accident- its such a sad day when people are more afraid of being sued than to lend a hand....something is morally wrong- but I can just imagine that in china- people really try to butt out of others' business- too much at risk to be involved...that is why our govt gives the good samaritan award/ saving lives etc- to keep up the concept of helping people in need...

NSW test- I do not recall signing any form for my gal to take the test- she said the entire class took the test during one english lesson- so I think there was no choice- she came in top 1% of s'pore cohort, that was why I wondered if the test was limited to the more elite type of schools where students are better academically, but I was surprised at her results- and I read the questions where she got wrong- it was not easy- the test even explained that in many countries e.g. ANZ, UK etc - that paper was for kids at P3 equivalent leve, but in S'pore- MOE chose to give it to students at P2 level- I was angry when I saw that- give kids time to learn at their level- why push them to sit nationally for a test meant for one level older! That is just pushing kids hard for no true gain in my opinion, just for MOE to show off their so called "standards of education"...

ONE DAY- saw this movie last night- absolutely LOVED it- story is so real and everyday, and beautifully shot and weaved together....for mummies who love romance type of movies- my hubby was very embarressed cos he was the only guy in a quiet cinema- all the rest were women- yup, not a movie for guys...he he...
Hi Tam/ Aly_Nat,

I totally agree with both of you on the Poly route. My cousin was denied a place in JC as he did not do well enough to secure a place. He went to Poly then grad as the top 10% of this cohort. He was also denied a place in NUS/ NTU later. He went to QUT, got a degree after 1 yr and then moved on to Masters & completed his PhD (all on scholarships from reputable companies).

My niece from Normal stream is now in Poly, doing pretty well. A child's potential needs to be explored and discovered. I have another niece whom also did not do well for his PSLE and end up in the Normal stream. She is very fortunate to have very good teachers whom never give up on them. Despite being very busy with her CCAs - Chinese Orchestra performance/ Dances/ etc....she managed to do pretty well for her exams. I am telling my sisters their daughters 开窍 already
I learnt very precious lessons from these incidents.....doing badly for one exam is not the doom's day.

Hi Dawn,

I am a FTWM with 2 daughters aged 3.5 & 5yo. They brought us lotsa joy to us but they are also quite a handful.
NSW Test,
I have the impression that NSW test is not an MOE initiative, but a program signed up by individual schools. As to the level of test, I'm not sure who decides on that - UNSW or the individual school. Maybe Yawn can share more?
aly nat

Don't know the specifics but my guess is MOE decides the level eg. paper A for P2 kids, etc. Otherwise schools across nation would have the discretion to decide which paper for which level


dd's school deducted from everyone's edusave account beginning of each year. So there's no opt in or opt out form. Entire cohort sits for the test. I heard some schools do give consent forms. So parents can choose to sign up or ignore
Movie 'what's your number' is pretty lighthearted. Not bad for a date movie. And Chris Evans is so dishy!!!

I told hubby Chris Evans is so so so my type & as usual hubby asked me to sleep earlier (can start dreaming earlier)

How's the culture in Hwa Chong? Recommended to send kids there? Students generally from well to do background? Are they humble?

My girls used to go Hwa Chong gym for gymnastics years ago. Their hostels looked like condos!
fairy, yawn,
Yes my kids' school gives out consent forms and only a few students in my girl's class received it.

I think it is definitely up to each school to decide whether to ask their students to do it or not.

I agree with fairyprincess that there is no point pushing all kids to do such a test. In neighbourhood schools such as my kids', there are many kids who cannot even pass English/Maths/Chinese at their own levels.
Yes the poly route is definitely good for kids who 开窍 much later. There are definitely many kids who do not do well in primary school, but excel in secondary, poly, and then go on to universities.

Even if kids don't make it to university, he/she can still excel in his/her career.
The fact is that many parents are trying to mould their kids into what they think is best for them. When the kids struggle, the parents blame it on the education system. It is not fair to expect the education system to send every kid to the top secondary schools and universities.

I think it is really sad that school teachers in primary and secondary schools are measured by the number of A/A* students they produced. The result is that the teachers set ridiculously difficult test papers and pressurize/scare parents into getting tuition for their kids. That's why I am glad that I don't teach in primary/secondary schools.
hi everyone,

Please bear with my ignorance here. I'm not living in SG at the moment, so I don't understand what this NSW test is about. Can some mummies help me understand this? From what I've read, it seems to be an English test? And given to P2 students? If we are in SG, our daughter will be in P2 next year, so I am just trying to make sense of the SG education system.

wow...I didn't know teachers are measured by the number of A students they produce. That's terrible. Wrong motivation for teachers and certainly demoralizing for the students. They are pushed to attain grades at the possibility of not actually understanding what they're learning. They become exam/test smart, but haven't really learned anything at the end of the day.
Good morning mummies!

Red velvet- you are not ignorant....even I live in S'pore and I did not know about the NSW test until my gal brought home her test results paper together with a nice certificate saying high distinction....then I realised what she did in school....

From what I gather from mums here- the NSW test is an optional test that some schools offer to students to gauge their english capability- so it does not count towards exam results etc- its just a test- but what I was unhappy about was that on the test results- it explained that kids in other countries take this particular test paper at P3 level, only in kiasu s'pore the school gave it to P2 students- whatever for!!!! Only makes the kids feel inadequate if they do not do well....I am not so concerned about my elder gal- she is academically inclined...but my younger gal has other it will be tough to be in the same school system....sigh...

Yawn- Edusave- I that's where my money went =)
Hi Dawn
The last sch I was in is KCS in Toa PAyoh. Taught in "branded" sch b4 but still prefer teaching in neighborhood schs as i think kids need me more in these schs.

NSW includes English, Math and Science. In some if not all "branded" schs it is compulsory for kids to sit for the tests. in neighborhood it is almost unheard of hahahaha can tell the difft?

gee our gals r the same age! but mine young one just hit 4yr old last week!
Just curious, is there such a thing as PSLE in the USA ?
Do they rank children first,second,third, etc in primary schools?
If parents make their kids memorize chinese compostitons, it will make kids hate Chinese even more. Chinese is actually a lot easier to learn compared to English, the key is to read story books extensively. For example, my boy said that this is how his teacher teaches Chinese : " If it sounds good, then it is correct. " A child must have read many story books outside of textbooks in order to acquire this skill. Of course many parents from English speaking families think that it is very difficult to teach kids to read Chinese books, but it is actually as easy as teaching kids to read English books, if we use the right resources :
Hi Helen, also have 2 gals. My 2 gals fight all the time over everything and anything.

Hi Tam - Agree with you on teaching of Chinese. So long as we start young, the kids can handle both languages quite easily. My kids were being labelled as "Kan Tang" by my BIL when they were toddlers. Now, both of them can converse pretty well in both English and Chinese....Thanks to the CC which is pretty strong in their Chinese teaching and supplemented with reading 四五快读 at home.

My DD1 now into Book 4 of 四五快读 and she can read pretty confidently many Chinese short stories.

My kids still potatoes although they sprout one or two 成语, 词语 unexpectedly sometimes. I suspect they do know Chinese reasonably well despites their denial
so many talks about NSW? my boy took the UNSW English and Maths test. he scored top 1%... from the bottom...

really, not joking...

I also didn't know about the test until one fine day he brought back the results...
Rona- how have you been? I won't be concerned about the NSW test really- cos its pretty difficult for P2 level in my opinion- dun see the point of these extra tests, other than benefiting the school to know where their kids stand....

I am getting really nervous about putting my younger gal in NYPS...dun want her to be suffering everyday, and I dun think I have the time to properly coach her!!!

I have been almost working like part-time the month of Oct cos my maid was away- luckily she came back...and tomorrow, I am going for a short overseas trip wtih my hubby which I booked a long time ago- cannot change the dates- it was booked BEFORE I knew my P2 gal's exams dates....hiah...not much mood to go for holiday know her exams are next week...sigh!
yah, i wasn't concerned about it lah, just show how uninterested my boy is in studying. he is really very laid back. I have to push push push push push... not much interest in most things except play play play play play...

Don't worry so much about putting your younger one in NYPS lah. 既来之则安之, who knows, she may excel in school!

I understand your feelings on the overseas trip. but I think its ok - at least you know that she has been working hard this year and she is basically ok. I can only revise with my boy this week, can't do much already... just hope that he will not do too badly in the exams and then got thrown to a ??? class...

my next year resolution is to be more involved in his school work. I think I have to at least get him to do half an hour of revision everyday. (we didn't do this at all this year... and this school a bit crazy, the boy has no homework most of the time, but when the teachers give homework, its A LOT!)
Hi Everyone,

Just manage to scroll down the thread and noticed its about NSW n academic issues.

I know math and sci are totally different context from singapore exam.Heard from my friend there is a web that shows the past year questions on this.For english, if one is strong, should be consistently gets high distinction.However all these certs, not much help in DSA route.Even some parent think it is.Personal experience, its a NO.


Thanks for the wishes.US is basically a shopping trip.I am in Japan now.Its a makan trip here.Never know jap is so ex till today.

I understand your concern about your next child going PRI one next year .I have a pri one to go next year too.This child, the character is totally different from the older one.Think I will grow more white hair then.

Happy Dep all...
hi fairyprincess,

Thanks for the info on this NSW test. I think the least that MOE should have done was to explain the rationale of the test...what was it suppose to achieve? What were the students suppose to take away from it?

Hi tamarind,

No, there is no PSLE type of test here, at least not in CA. Our daughter is in Gr 2. There was no year-end exam when she was in Gr 1.

There is no segregation of students into different classes according to their capabilities. But, within each class, they are given different spelling lists, depending on their reading skills level. So students progress on different levels even though they are in the same class.

But at the end of Gr 2, there is a CA state-wide test that each student has to take..English & Math. And the cumulative scores determine the score of each school, upon 1000. Schools are rated, not ranked, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best. So naturally, being the kiasu SG parents that we are, we chose to live in an area where the school is rated 10, and the score is above 980!!

We can only hope this lays a solid foundation for our kids

hi Joy747,

What is this DSA route you mentioned?
You are planning a trip to US? Which part? You planning to be here for the Black Friday sales?

And hi to all mommies,

If you are interested in Carter's & OshKosh stuff, you can check out my blog ( We are offering free international shipping till 3 Nov. No kidding!
Glad to know that your DD1 is can read Chinese short stories confidently. I hope that more parents in Singapore can understand the importance of teaching Chinese since a very young age, then there will not be so many kids complaining that Chinese is difficult to learn in primary school. Because of these complains, MOE kept trying to change the Chinese syllabus, and my worry is that the standard will just keep getting lower and lower. Our Chinese standard is already 3 years behind children of the same age in mainland China, cannot go any lower.

My hubby and I also went for a 3 day trip when my kids were having their SA2 paper 1. I think they are happier that I am not around then they don't have to study at all. Actually for languages, kids must build up their foundation over many years. Otherwise, studying during the period of exam is not going to make much of a difference.
Like rona said, don't worry about your younger girl. The teachers have their way of "motivating" kids in schools. My boy used to write all sentences starting with lower case letters. Now he does not make this mistake, must be scolded by teacher too many times, because I was too busy to do anything to correct him.

You brought your kids to the USA right after the PSLE ? It just finished right ?
Yes Japanese restaurants are expensive, we normally try to eat at food court unless really no choice. Once we were stuck at a hotel due to heavy snow, one set of kid's meal cost 2500 yen !

Your boy's school streams kids at the end of P1 ? My kids' school only stream kids at the end of P2.

Thanks for sharing. Interesting to know schools in USA are rated.
How do parents get their kids into the best schools ? Based on results right ?

If there are 10 different reading levels in a class, then the teacher has to give 10 different spelling tests ? Hard to imagine how the teacher can manage. But the fact that there is no streaming certainly means kids will be less stressed. Are there any prices for kids who come in first/second/third in class ?
Hi Dawn,

Am in US for holidays and now its back in japan.

Yes, brought dd to US right after PSLE.Two weeks off from school.

DSA is direct school admission.Diff sec school has got their own citeria to accept the students.Some required higher std and some are easier to get in.It looked at pri five and six results and other track records.Some school needs three rounds of selection.

Hello mummies!

Joy- I am in Japan too! Tokyo actually- not sure which part of Japan you are in? If its on-route from USA- prob tokyo?!

Tokyo is basically a food trip for my hubby, and maybe some shopping for me- like the Daiso kind of shopping!!! Yes, ex-rate is 1.65....even Daiso is not really that cheap!! Weather is nice yah? Wanted to do the nagano day trip like straits times mentioned, but have made reservations for lunches all of the days, so prob not worth to do the day trip- it will become a half-day trip...noticed somewhat reduction in consumer spending based on the shops/ restaurnats we went to today...even mid-week in the past, the restaurants we are familiar with were, they only about half-full...

Rona- your boy is smart, that is why he can enjoy his school and play too =)
Hello Fairy,

Yes, me still in tokyo.Stop over here after sq12.When are you heading home?
This is also a food trip for my kids as they din eat much in states.Tired of the western food.
Things really ex in jap tho.Weather wise here, not as cool as expected.

Yes, foodcourt also quite ex, simple meal, min 50 dollars.
I mean prizes, not prices for kids

50 dollars for 4 person right ? Yes it is not cheap.

Happy to know that japanese yen exchange rate is high now, I kept some yen from last year's trip, can change back to SGD now.
Hi Yawn,

We still speak mainly English at home. But, when it comes to reading time in Chinese, I try to make sure that they use on Mandarin to converse. Sometimes, I am the one who used mixed language and got chided by my kids. They are the ones who told me off instead.

Hi Rona,

Thanks for the compliments. My DD1 is quite self-motivated to want to read 四五快读series and I do not face much problems when teaching her. My hb is against me sending my kids for anymore enrichment classes besides those they take up at CC. So, I have to teach them Chinese at home.

Hi Tam,

I was one of the pioneers to learn HanYuPinYin during Pri school and I understand the confusions when I first came across it. I am still a believer that we need to know how to read the Chinese characters by itself first and use HanYuPinYin as a backup/ guide when coming across difficult words that needs help. But, MOE is doing the reverse by getting kids to learn hanyupinyin first before reading which I think kids will have more difficulty to try to switch to read the Chinese characters later.

I guess MOE realised the flaw now and is adjusting their syllabus again.

Hi Joy,

I am also thinking to go Tokyo or Hokkaido next Apr when my maid goes for her home leave.

However, we do expect to spend quite abit if we do decide to go there....gotta see our how is our year-end bonus first.

Hi Redvelvet,

Thanks for the headsup on Carter's/ Osh Kosh offers. Will check out your blog.
hi tamarind,

For my daughter's class, I think there are about 3 or 4 different reading levels. Whenever it is spelling lesson, they group up with students of the same level, from different classes. This way, the different teachers will be in charge of teaching different reading levels and giving only one spelling test. For now, they are getting 15 words each week, plus a bonus surprise word!

Nope, no prizes. They are not graded 1st, 2nd...
Her teacher practices individual and class rewards. She has a 'game board' in class on the board, with a total of 30 spaces. Each student is represented by a star on the board. Based on a combination of work, attitude etc, the teacher can tell a student to move his/her star forward or backward. On every 10th space, the student can receive a reward (like pencil, eraser), or exchange for a ticket. Once s/he accumulates a certain number, they can exchange the tickets for a free book.

For class reward, the teacher has a jar - she either puts in or takes out marbles - based on the behavior of everyone in everyone listening, behaving etc. When the jar is filled, everyone gets a reward (ice cream or something special)

We only know where our kid stands in class when we receive the quarterly report card. Tests scores are tabulated and we see how she does in terms of the whole class. But no ranking.

Well, schools here are in a way similar to SG. Schools belong to school districts, like an area. So, if you live in that area, you go to that school.

There is no parent volunteering for school admission ..or anything else.

To get into a good school, we have to live around that school. This is for public school admission.

For private schools, nothing matters. You register, you pay, you can enter.

Preschools are all private, but not compulsory. Our son is in a pte preschool and fees are abt US$800 per month!!! it's crazy!!

hi joy747,

wow...pri 5 results also come into play for sec sch admission? that's crazy. I thought all it mattered were PSLE results? Times have changed....
Morning mummies!

Joy- going back on Sat- only a 4 day short trip....
I really enjoy shopping at the large supermarkets slightly outside tokyo- lots of interesting things to see and buy- especially rice crackers; cuttlefish etc...we usually buy home fruits and food stuff each time we come...

Also a lot of interesting bottled drinks to try, and I also buy their local magazines- esp with nice giveaways...

For cheaper food- some places that serves working class sells ramen/ goyza etc around 300-400yen, still not hawker food prices but that's tokyo...and there are many sushi train restaurants- all you can eat for 100-200yen per plate...much fresher compared to s'pore...but since we only have a few meals here- we already booked at specific sushi restaurants that we enjoy eating...

Learning chinese- its a struggle to encourage my kids to read chinese...I think the problem is we hardly speak chinese to the kids...its going to be tough but I plan to use Nov and Dec to focus on chinese reading and writing with my younger gal, before she starts P1...always last minute...
Red velvet- private pre-school at US$800 per month?! Is that full day of half day? Probably should not compare betw S'pore and USA...

BTW- do you provide online services for women branded clothes or bags? Do you have a website etc for orders? I have a friend who shops a lot at ships direct to S'pore...but I do not have much time to do online shopping...
redvelvet, the way the teacher teaches (reward every 10th square etc) sounds like the way local enrichment centres reward their preschoolers (which is motivating my gal alot)

re tokyo..recently saw airasia promo to tokyo..very tempted...

mommies, got a often do you change your mattress? Am thinking if its time to change mine.. being 7 years, and certain parts seems to provide not much support ..back aching...
any recommendations? Am thinking of NOT to go back to simmons since its quite expensive...
redvelvet, oh..forget to reply you.Was thiking of getting a adult kick scooter previously. US price is half of SG prices. But now broke liao (cos going HKahahah)
Hi Bloom,

I have been using the same mattress since marriage, 9 yrs now & the mattress is still in good condition. We are thinking to renovate our house next year. Will change when we renovate our house.
Hi All,

Really annoyed at people who do egg-swapping across trays of eggs at the supermart. Don't know if you've ever encountered these before. Was wondering why the Seng Choon tray of eggs had a few smaller-than-usual ones but bought them anyway 'cos this was the last tray at NTUC.

My hb has seen those 'aunties' swap eggs before and I thought he was joking when he told me about it last year. Was separating yolk for mee hoon kway dough when I was shocked by the disparity of size in the yolk. The smaller one likely the S$1.85 budget eggs.


Just simply cannot stand people who do such things!
Hi Bloom,

We changed to Sea Horse brand mattress after the kid was born (stained from diaper mishaps when I was still very clumsy with the newborn). Not bad. Alot cheaper and no heart-pain if I have to change it every 5 years. Was using Simmons before this. We change our memory-foam pillows every 2 years, kid's bolster every 1 year. Cannot stand the sight of patchy stains (which will happen even with protectors). Happy with Sea Horse so far.

i witnessed pple opening the fruits n press press press! aiyo why like tat! sigh..... and not old aunty, is young trendy modern ones!
