Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi Helen,

Beats me how sneaky-fast these people are... had a long good laugh after I wrote the blog post on the yolk. This is one aspect of locals I cannot tahan. Really really cheapskate.

I'm also a supporter of sea horse brand. Cheap and good! I have no experience sleeping on those "branded" mattresses. Been using the same brand since the late 90s. I need a relatively hard mattress as I have underwent spinal surgery before. The softer mattress, especially the spring pocketed ones will make me ache all over.
Hi Aly,

I don't like the spring pocketed ones as well! I very much prefer the Sea Horse mattress we've been using for 3 years now. Like you, I ache when I sleep on hotel beds and soft pillows. So much better sleeping on a firm mattress - no more neck pains and funny aches (had back injury before too...).

Until the kid grows up a little more and doesn't jump about so much it's better to purchase cost-effective items at the moment
heloo to all mommies,

Carter's & OshKosh is having free US domestic shipping for orders above $75. So, plus the free international shipping that we are giving, it's a fantastic offer! Check out the details at

hi fairyprincess,

$800 per mth is for 5 half-days...terribly expensive. Public school is free though. But they do ask for the occasional donation for field trips and some classroom supplies.

Yes, we provide shopping service for women's clothes, accessories, handbags,'s, kids, household...anything
We do not sell any products. We help shoppers buy items on US websites that only accept US credit card, ship to US address only or have very high international shipping rates.

Feel free to check out our services at or

We feature sales on popular US brands at least once or twice per week.

hi Bloom,

mattress...when we bought our mattress, the sales manager told us that one way to keep mattress in good shape was to rotate it every 6 months. Ensures even wear and tear.

The regular 'reward' program in class works well because I think kids being kids can relate better when the gratification is not too distant.

I volunteer in class once a week for abt 2 hrs, so I see how the students react to such rewards. They were noisy once and the teacher took some marbles out of the jar and I was quite amused to see the 'horrified' look on their was like "OMG! What have we done?!"
no, my boy's school streams in P2. I don't really like streamming.

He is not good with languages. His best subject is Maths. And he is really very very careless! very upset a lot of times when I see his super duper careless mistakes. His teachers' comments over the years - can't concentrate, attention span is very short/bad, his is smart but can't release his potential, thus under-performing.
I've seen people switching fruits from pre-packed bags - cos the fruits are spolit or something. that I can accept since they are the same price. But eggs... especially when the prices are different - that is not right.

I'm guilty - I still have my 10+ year-old Four-star mattress and still using it with no intention to change it yet. Its my prize from a lucky draw conducted by John Little 10 years ago.
read your blog. Thanks for sharing the apps. I will install in my phone so my kids can use. I also like the chinese dictionary, will try to get it this coming popular book fair.
Hi Rona,

So lucky to have won a mattress in a lucky draw. The cutest prize I've ever won was a miniature trolley - about the length of a laptop, stuffed with snacks, from Cold Storage! Filled up a form hurriedly and forgot all about it till a letter came. Was in JC2 then so I was very thrilled to be one of the lucky winners.

Certainly can understand switching fruits due to their blemished conditions. Hahaha... grey prawn-mixing also rampant. Saw ppl mix a few of the S$16/kg ones with the S$12/kg ones since colour of all prawns were the same.
Hi Mummies,

This thread is abit quiet, how is everyone.

Hey, need help.Now trying to prepare my boy for P1 next year, any advice what to do for this two months before school starts.

I do intend to continue book 7 of si wu kuai du which I have stopped for a while.For han yu ping ying, he is not exactly that good, anyone has good idea what is the right way to teach sound like YUE,QIANG?I asked dd to teach him, she says she doesnt know how to teach cos she goes by the sound.I think girls are generally better in HYPY.

Thanks for reading.

Hi Joy

how abt giving him a pic of a moon and telling him this is yue liang? and show him a pic of a gun and tell him this is qiang?

i normally teach songs to kids as it is easier for them to remember. u can change the lyrics of common rhymes like mary had a little lamb or ABC song. till P6 my pupils can still sing the HYPY songs i taught them when they were in lower pri. hope this is helpful
Hi Joy,

How was your LA/ Japan trip? I am thinking to go Japan next March when my maid goes for her home leave. Looking out for good airtix deals then.

I thought Kindergartens teach the kids HYPY in K2 to prepare the kids for P1?

My kids' CC told us that HYPY is in their K2 syllabus to prepare the children for P1.

I am not too concerned with HYPY actually. I am still for the idea to know how to read the characters without help of HYPY.

I realised that my DD1 roughly know how to make up the pronounciation of the characters by breaking up and reading the HYPY found in some of her storybooks. So, I guess you do not need to worry too much.
Hi Snowball,
Thanks for the tips.DS is able to read chinese character better than hypy.He is still not fully grasp the hypy as yet.

My gf is going hokkaido this week.Heard its safe.So, i think to hokkaido in march is nice.

Thanks, the trip is great, a chance to unwind.

hi everyone,

wow, at least now I don't feel like I'm the only one struggling to get my daughter acquainted with Mandarin. It's really an uphill struggle for us because we are not naturally Mandarin-speaking. Plus the whole school environment here is non-Mandarin speaking. There are no Mandarin kiddie programs on TV. So the only chance she has is her weekly Mandarin class, some DVDs, and me!

Plus, there was Deepavali on Wed....more food and celebration...

This has been a crazy week with Halloween and all. Costume parades in school, trick-or-treating at night....whew...

I think I gave away about 5kg of candies to kids who came by our place that evening! There were a few who brought pillow cases as bags for their candies!! I've never seen that!

This year, we also carved 2 pumpkins...very therapeutic, I must say. We enjoyed it more than the kids...they just wanted to see the finished product!

I'm waiting for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales!! Can't wait! Greatest shopping time of the year. PM me if you mummies are looking for anything special. I'll see if I can help you purchase and ship it.

We are promoting 50% off our international shipping for Polo Ralph this week. If you are interested, check out
joy, u r right..everyone is busy.hahaha..

i have been doing early morning traffic duty ... very tired...

mummusings, mentally sick! good that ST show his photo :p but i wonder at the slack security at the cc/kindys which allow him to enter the premises

re mattress, talked to hb..he does not want to change mattress

my girl does not like chinese too
Hi Joy,

Guess its Pri Sch exam week and most parents in this forum has pri-sch going kids. So, not many login.

We going Guilin for holidays end of this month. Looking forward to the break

Hi Mumusings,

This man is really SICK....But, I wonder how he can sneaked in without being noticed.

Hi Bloom,

U can try to let your DD watch Chinese children programs to arouse her interest. My 2 DDs now got no problem watching both Chinese and English programs and reading too. It is impt not to kill the interest.
Hi all,

Sorry for the late reply...been very busy with my research work. I see that so much has happened since I last logged in! By the way, I'd just like to share with you a link to an article I wrote about exams for kids, and that Singapore Motherhood invited me to write:

Heh, initially I wrote a lot more than that, but due to word limit constraints they cut it shorter.
Hope you all find it useful for your kids.
Hi Yawn yawn:

I think culture in Hwa Chong is good for children who need lots of hand-holding in terms of teaching. Teachers give lots of consultation sessions with the students, kind of like unpaid group tuition for the students, and there are a hundred and one enrichment activities for the latter. But at the end of the day, Hwa Chong's emphasis is really on academics...the school will try its best to do whatever it takes to get its students to do well.

As you can see, its study culture is good for students, but there isn't very much work-life balance for teachers. Not all agree with the idea of giving group consultations when they can give tuition outside and earn so much more.

I think it depends on the sort of learner. Is your kid the motivated, self-driven type? If so, schools that allow children to be independent learners would be more appropriate. But those that have to be pushed would probably benefit from Hwa Chong-type schools.

Hwa Chong students are a good mix..some are well-off some aren't, though yes, there are quite a few well-to-do ones. Alot of those who stay in the hall are international students. Kids nowadays- haha where do you really find a lot of humble ones? Seldom I'd say...but I must say Hwa Chong students are much nicer than most. I have taught at VJC before Hwa Chong and I must say that Hwa Chong kids strike me as being more down-to-earth and "humble" compared to VJ kids. But that could be a generalisation...I think it always depends on that year's intake. Overall, I think Hwa Chong has a pretty good Chinese, traditional culture that children can benefit from. Are you thinking of sending your girls to Hwa Chong someday?
Snowball32: nice to meet you! well it's good that you don't have to worry so much about tuition and other school concerns at the moment, given that your daughters are relatively you send them for enrichment classes such as music appreciation and vocal training? Apparently these are all the rage now amongst certain sets of parents. My cousin sends her kids to these schools.

Hi Helen, what subject did you teach when you were at KCS? Yes I agree, students at neighbourhood schools seem to need teachers more and are more appreciate of their efforts. It is so much more satisfying as an educator to teach such students. When I did my practicum (quite a long time back) at Nanyang JC, I could tell the difference- the students were so much more appreciative!

Well, if you are thinking of which other school to go to, Hwa Chong is not bad for mothers who have sons that are of secondary age and above. I think if you are a staff at the school, your child's education is free or heavily subsidized. This is particularly useful for teacher mothers with sons who go to hwa chong's high school.
Joy: glad to hear that you enjoyed your trip! So you'll be coming back home to Singapore next year when your son starts P1?

Tam: Thank you very much for pointing me to your URL! I think it is very useful. I'm very impressed with the tips you put on your website, will try them out someday.
Actually when I wrote that last post regarding Chinese compositions, I was only referring to quick, stop-gap measures to help pupils cram for exams...they wouldn't have the time to read so many books and pick up the nuances of the language, so the best method in the short-term would be to just memorise writing a few expressions and plug them into the essays wherever appropriate.

But I totally agree, the better way is to start them off by reading Chinese storybooks, and by getting them to read widely. Haha, I suppose I am guilty as charged- I come from an English speaking family so I always had this impression that reading Chinese books wasn't very easy. Thanks for enlightening me on that point. I guess sometimes I can be a bit too exam-focussed. :D

By the way, Tam- yes regarding one of your earlier posts, that many parents these days want their children to live other people's lives, I couldn't agree more- a lot of parents place unrealistic demands on their children...thanks for the reminder...I guess it is good for all of us to remember to just love children for who they are.
Anyway, being a "professor, lawyer, banker, doctor or CEO" may not be that good. I can't really speak for the other professions, but now that I am doing my PHD I realise that it is very challenging being a professor...for one, it's hard to get tenure (i.e., job security may not be there), and there is the constant stress of having to publish in the "A" Journals. Not sure if parents really want that kind of stress for their children.
Hi Dawn,

I send my DD1 to attend Yamaha Junior Course as she asked to learn "piano". I find its to preliminary to invest in a piano at this point of time as she might change her mind in time to come. Hence, sent her to Yamaha Junior Course instead. I invested $200 in a keyboard for her practise. So far, she is 1yr+ into this course and is still enjoying it. My DD2 also very interested to join her Jie Jie. I am starting her next year when she turns 4.

Their CC fees comes with Chinese Speech & Drama class which I find definitely helps in developing their Chinese proficiency. I also signed up for English Speech & Drama / 3G Abacus classes for them. All from the CC as my hb is not agreeable that I send them for anymore enrichment classes outside CC :p
hi.. how's everyone doing?
Tml will be my girl K2 graduation concert..time flies ...My girl is growing up soon

which type of school bag will be advisable for P1 ?
Hi Dawn,

Haven't said hello to you yet. Am stayhome mom with a toddler.

Hwa Chong students are largely very self-driven and motivated. Had a teenager friend who was so distressed to get an A - always hungering for near full marks for her Maths and Science. Came to a point whereby 90/100 was lousy 'cos someone else had 96... Pretty scary 'cos I don't ever remember my peers in JC being so competitive and obssessed with scores. I was, for one, happy to get through promos and to university.

These days, kids stress over getting As, after which, they fear not getting interviews for big scholarships, getting into prestigious universities and then snagging straight-up career paths. Where's the joy in learning, I wonder? And values? I know top JCs groom and mould portfolios 'cos another one student I knew from Hwa Chong rolled her eye and said, "I had to attend a course which my Humanities tutor arranged for us just to chalk up another item on my portfolio..." I personally don't like made-up and fixed up portfolios if you don't mind me being frank. Sure makes a student sound 'accomplished' and 'assiduous' but at the end of the day, most people these days are no longer altruistic - preferring to be incentive-driven. Pretty tragic in every sense of the word (as hubris means), in my opinion.

Just curious, how did you come to join this thread on the forum? All the best for your Phd course meanwhile and do share more insights on education with us!
Hi mommies,
I have been so busy with work this 2 weeks. Sometimes I felt like my brain is going to burst.

I totally agree with what you wrote about kids stressing over As. The joy of learning is totally lost.

Many parents do not understand the purpose of education. It is NOT about getting into the top secondary schools, getting scholarships, etc. Education should be about instilling a love in learning, and training a child to learn independently. These qualities are so much more important when the child grows into adult and begins his/her career.

Both my kids are using the Popular school bag, only $28 if you have the Popular card. It is very sturdy and very good value. My kids' bags are really heavy, don't understand why. It is important to buy a sturdy bag.

Yes it is important to learn as many Chinese words as possible before hanyu pinyin.

Thanks for sharing ! My dream school is one where there is no ranking and no streaming. If there is such a school in Singapore, I will definitely send my kids there.

Your boy's kindergarten should be teaching hanyu pinyin at K2. Personally I think that it is sufficient for kids to learn it in school. Both my kids know English phonics very well before they learn hanyu pinyin, and they find hanyu pinyin very easy, so I left it to the teachers to teach them.
For more practice, you can let your boy read some books with hanyu pinyin, but not too many otherwise he will reject reading books without hanyu pinyin.

For words like qiang, kids should break it up to qi - ang.

I replied your email already.

Many parents neglect to teach their kids to read Chinese story books, and then start to panic at P4/P5 when kids don't do well. I have heard of parents who push their kids to memorize Chinese model compositions for many hours a day. The kids may do well for PSLE, but they will hate Chinese for the rest of their life. I know of adults who totally cannot read Chinese years after they stopped taking Chinese exams, because they hate Chinese and did not want to read a single Chinese book or newspapers. This completely defeats the purpose of learning the Chinese language, they might as well just learn English.

Actually both my kids speak English at home, but they are able to read long novels by 7 years old. It is not difficult when we use the right resources. Next time when you have kids, don't forget to read my blog and start teaching your kids from 3 years old hahaha
Hi Tamarind,

This is how the journalists / news reports get people excited / on their nerves to earn readership. This is the world where those journalists / reporters who produced 'read worthy' news survives.
I absolutely agree with you.

I have a feeling that our government may be pushed by outside forces to legislate a day off. Elderly who are bedridden and needs constant care will suffer, full time working mothers with babies and young kids will also suffer because they will have no rest.

I am not against off days, but I do not believe that all maids need a day off every week. Many may prefer twice a month or once a month. Some maids may not mind having no off days if they can get a higher pay. They should be given the freedom to choose what they like.
My colleague's boy is in Hwa Chong now. He is enjoying school totally. He is in the IP program. However, the school work is quite heavy and he has quite a few projects that he has to do independently. Furthermore, I understand from my colleagues that he has to do a lot of research as they are learning fast and therefore he has to be self-motivated and also resourceful. No spoon-feeding by the teachers though... ... ...
We didn't get a brand new mattress when we got married, its a 3yo mattress. and i went with a friend to JL, and bought something and entered the contest and won the mattress (which is also the first prize). its the first time I win something! Think someone up there pities me.

Thanks! I borrowed pinochio from the library, the actual one you recommended. She complains the text is too small... I think she may have caught her elder brother's virus... LAZY!

News reporter - yah, many just want their report to be sensational, so they only lifted what may interest their readers even its not even half-true. actually we should have something to protect the original writer - like they must have written approval from the writer and also material must be approved before been published.
Hi Rona,

You definitely deserved the mattress prize

Hi Tam,

The press/journalists will do whatever that will make their reports well-read. It's always been like this so I know never to place 100% faith in what I read (history books, newspapers, annual reports, reviews etc). Education is important not just in terms of teaching facts but training readers to be discernning and aware that propaganda is everywhere (for all sorts of purpose, esp political and commercial).

It's rather irresponsible to lift content (and mis-contrue it) without prior approval.
Hi Tam
wow i spent so long reading your blog i forgot to do my work! heeheehee but very enriching jus like your other blogs! thank u so much for sharing. my first maid was sent back after 51 days cos i find more inconvenience than convenience, more heartache than b4, less privacy, more stressed..... if poss would really not wan to have anything to do with maids!(keeping my fingers crossed!)
d day i sent my maid back to the agent, when i opened the door for my hubby, he commented:" u look happier!" and i knew i made the right decision to send her back
hmm...still cant accept when pple said must treat them like family member! phew1 wait till they kena from them! not everyone appreciates tat! my sis maid went back indo to get married, asked for $, now pregnant oso call her to ask for $! oh my gosh they think s'poreans print money!!!
snowball, okto got no chinese shows.. weekend i try not to let her watch TV cos she simply watch too much during weekdays at my mom's pl and at cc. Just started her on this cc chinese course and at least she does not mind going.. ahahhaa

BTW, any mommies have any idea what to look out for when getting a 2 wheel bicycle for 10 year old? My nephew just pick up cycling (in only 15min!) using 2 wheels at our weekend chalet and my sis is thinking of getting him a bicycle (we are both bicycle idiot)
Hello everyone,

How are you? When is the last day of lesson for primary school?Ours will be on the 17th nov which is the p6 graduation ceremony cum prize giving.


Thanks again for sharing on the foundation building for chinese and on hypy.Actually, hypy din play a very big section in the entire exam.


Enjoy your trip!I am hoping for a second holidays in dec.So, very much depends on what happens on 24 Nov.

My girl used an ergonomics bag and she carried it from p1 to P6.For this, am really proud of her cos she never demand for a new bag even when she was in upper pri.The bag is still in good condition and didi will take over next year.

I was in the states for holidays and am back in singapore now.

IP school
I guess be it hci or any IP school, one has to be very indept in learning.Its hard for teachers to spoon feed them.

Have a good weekend.

Hi Joy,

So Ergonomics Bag is a good investment? I will consider getting one for my DD when she goes to P1.

Your DD shd have no problem in doing well.....plan for your next break
Hi Snowball,

Yes, I would think its an awesome investment.I heard many girls tend to have spinal problem these days.So, hope such bag helps in preventing it.

Will not count the chicken before it hatched.Have many what if crossed my mind.So, better wait for the results to be out.

Precious moments

Would u capture the few mins precious moments in photo form or digital video recording?Thanks

Hi rona, mumusings,
I realize that many readers just believe in what they read in the newspapers. Few people will take the initiative to google and read from other sources to verify that the reports are true.

Have you tried Mercy Watson books ? The words are big and pig is very cute, and it is a chapter book.

Thanks for reading my blog, it is written for employers like you and me who have encountered bad maids. I get a lot of nasty comments from people who have never employed maids before and I wonder why they bother to write such comments when they don't even know what is the truth.

The whole process of employing and repatriating maids in Singapore is very unfair for employers. If possible, it is best to do without maids.

My P1 boy still has homework ! It is strange since exams are over and the teacher should have finished teaching everything. What is worst is that the teacher asked the class monitor to call my mobile phone at night to remind me to ask my boy to hand in his maths worksheet ! Ridiculous right ?
Actually for precious moments, I want to just look at it and capture it in my own memory.
I find that if I am busy using the camera and looking at the small LCD screen, I may miss out a lot and I may not be able to capture everything.

It is best to get someone else to take the photo or the video. I prefer photo because I like to print nice photos out and hang on the wall.
Hi mommies,
The more I think about what my boy's teacher did, that is, ask the class monitor(girl) to call me at night, the more angry I become. I feel more sorry for the little girl who is made to call up a stranger. The teacher should me herself right ? I feel like complaining to the principal.

What are you opinions ? If your girl is the class monitor, how would you feel ?
Hi Tam,

Was it an urgent matter? I thought each class should have a relay system for contacts? I think you might want to talk to the teacher instead of going direct to the principal. I agree that it's rather odd for primary school monitor to be asked to do such a task and at such timing.

Agree with mumusings that you may want to talk to the tr first to let him/her know that you are not comfortable with his/her type of communication.

I reckon the teacher has asked the monitor to call becos he/she do not want his/her telephone number to be revealed.

jus my 2cents worth
Dear all,

Hello again!

Can't help but notice some more comments about HCI and IP so I will again put in my two cents' worth.
tree nymph (rona): Well, obviously for these so-called "creative" projects the teachers aren't supposed to spoonfeed. But if it's anything examinable (i.e., at the national examinations level), you will see the teachers spoonfeeding the students. HCI is very very into academics and reputation, it's the school's mainstay...of course the management would encourage the teachers to spoonfeed, hehe.

Honestly, no child would ever admit to being spoonfed, but try asking the teachers whether they spoonfeed the students. For example, with regards to Project Work, teachers get their students to write and rewrite their drafts again and again. For example, when I was in HCI, I used to read my students' PIs (Preliminary Ideas) drafts multiple times, and get them to revise it. In the end, it's sometimes more of the teachers' work than the students. It's little wonder that the percentage of A grades for PW in HCI ranges between 80-90 plus percent.

I think gradually the culture at HCI has been changing over time. 10 years ago, spoonfeeding wasn't "in". But now it is, and the school has adapted to the times.
Dear mumusings,

Hi, nice to meet you!
Which school will you be sending your child when he/she comes of age?

Oh sorry when I said that Hwa Chong students were not self-driven, I did not mean not hardworking. They are VERY hardworking, in fact, scarily so, most of them. What I meant is that they don't strike me as being extremely independent learners. I think within the education circle, you will generally hear people say that if you want your kid to have better guidance, go to Hwa Chong or these types of JCs, but not Raffles Institution because RI students are generally expected to be more self-directed in terms of their learning. In fact, I think in RI the students are pretty much independent learners- the teachers don't really give them the best notes, they just throw them in at the deep end...but the students there read textbooks and stuff and they somehow manage to survive. Well, I'm not sure about other subjects, but I'm pretty sure that for economics, VJC notes are some of the best to be had. RI notes are a bit of a mish-mash. In fact, bits of them even look like the notes I had when I was a student in RJ in 1997! :p That goes to show you how much the teachers guide their students- not much. I doubt RI spoonfeeds its students.

Yes I totally agree with you, kids are too incentive-driven's always about things that are good for burnishing their CVs. There isn't much joy of learning left. I suppose as a country we need to learn to inject more of a sense of fun and discovery into our education system.
Oh btw, Mumusings, as to your other question...haha truth be told, when I first came to Singaporemotherhood I tried to talk on one or two of the other threads too...but i think everyone had already formed their little cliques and didn't really want to talk to a newbie like me. Hence I was really overwhelmed by the warm reception here!
I am glad you all welcomed me to this thread. Thanks for your well-wishes regarding my studies!

I stumbled across Singaporemotherhood when I was looking for a place to advertise my tuition website, I've only just left HCI so it's been quite scary coming out, setting up a business of my own like this and doing a PHD! Have been a teacher all these years and that's the life I've always known, so I hope one day all these efforts to step out of my comfort zone will bear fruit...somehow.

By the way, can I just ask you all for feedback: what do you think of my website? Should I offer any other subjects? Currently it caters to Primary, Sec and JC levels too.
Tam: Hmm maybe you should check with the teacher first? She might really have been unreasonable (to ask the girl to call you up in the dead of the night) as the child says, but there is also the possibility that the child CHOSE to call you up very late and when you asked her why she called at that hour she panicked and attributed the timing to her teacher. I have had students who have called me repeatedly and late in the night, and on weekends too. I am sorry to say that some students haven't got much respect for teachers' work-life balance. So perhaps it might be advisable to listen to the other side of the story.
Hi Tam,

Am surprised that for p1 , they still have got hw after exam.

For my girl in p6 this year, the teacher will text the parents personally if the child failed to hand up the hw, and that is during noon time.

I think this teacher is too ON and if she really wanna "chase" work, she should have done it herself.

Hello mummies!

Tam- I am also surprised your boy's class monitor was made to call you to remind re homework- that is the teacher being lazy and exploiting the role of the class monitor....I think you should bring it up to your boy's form teacher to ask if its the norm practiced in his school...

Do mummies have year-end Meet the Teacher session? Mine is tomorrow night- 3 hours at ngiht (6:30pm-9:30pm)!! Principle talk, then Subject Heads talk, then each parent to see the form teacher...

Tam/ Rona- will your kids be "streamed" into classes in P3 depending on capabiility? NYPS practices that....I am nervous....if get into good class, means more work for me next year...

Hokkaido holiday plans- aiyah, we are not going there after all, as travel companions cannot make we are bringing the family to HK instead...
Actually, when my hubby and I returned from Tokyo last month- we both did not feel very well- wonder if its due to any residue radiation cos we ate sushi/ sashimi practically for all meals???
Hi mumusings,
It is not an urgent matter. The school usually gives the students a note to pass to the parents if there is anything important. For homework the teacher will ask the student to write in their notebooks and parents should check.

Hi helen,
You reminded me that the teacher has revealed my personal handphone number to a stranger ! I don't even know that class monitor.

It is not a matter of the timing. I feel the teacher has no right to ask the class monitor to do these things for her. My girl has been class monitor since P1, her teacher never ask her to call any parents.

I also think that it is the teacher's job to text the parents.
This teacher is usually not very ON, don't know what got inside her head this time.

I also think that the teacher is exploiting the class monitor. I feel sorry for the little girl. I wonder why her mother allowed her to call up strangers. It is definitely not a norm in the school because my girl never have to do it.

I have meet the teachers sessions in May every year.

My girl will be streamed next year. My girl has been quite relaxed these 2 years, never studied from her textbooks. I told her that next year competition will be very tough in her class. My boy will be in the same class and same teacher, quite unfortunate.


Our meet teacher session usually in late term 1 or early term 2.
But I do receive regular 'complaint' calls from teachers throughout the year, too many feedback, haha!


Quite unusal to get calls regarding homework hor. I've not received such reminder calls before
Teacher usually write in communication book whenever dd didn't submit her homework


Don't worry about streaming to good class. If pitch to the right level, it's better, isn't it? Beats being underchallenged
No streaming in dd's school until p5. I prefer streaming
