Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi Tam,

The tiny Zyrtec works all these years - just curious about the taste of liquid zyrtec

Hi Tam/Rona,

You're not alone with weight issues. I lost weight after birth (was super trim - don't know where everything went to, maybe burnt up during labour) but starting piling on the kilos when my son was almost one. I don't eat alot (although I blog about cooking), don't over-snack and have lots of fruits. I don't eat eggs or fatty meats all these years due to personal dislike. Most of the times just a little rice, side dish, fruits and some snacks. Guess it boils down to age + metabolic rate + no fixed exercise plan.

tamarind, rona

Me too. Weight is going up up up!
No change in my diet so have no idea what's wrong. I can only guess it's due to slower metabolism rate

Cannot cut back on food because I'm already eating very lightly, mainly porridge. No fried food
Alamak, YMCA Salisbury overpriced ah?? Ok, I go check ard abit more. TIA.

I thought I got quite a good deal at $170 a nite. I book with cos they will hold my tentative booking until 3 days before my check in date. I booked the room about a month ago.

BTW, my dd2 is beginning to enjoy the series of 阿伯林的小世界. It's always amongst her pick of nightly reading. I've also just started the 3-letters words with her for phonics. Her chinese character recognition going nowhere
. So I'm going to stop for a while. I realised one funny thing about dd2 recently. Her Chinese 发音 is totally off when she tries to speak in mandarin, but when she sings 儿歌, they sound pretty alright. "scratch head".
when in Nov? first half or 2nd half? F&E? where do you intend to visit?

Yawn & Tam,
yah lor, how I wish what's going up is our salary, savings and investments and not just our weights and age... I also have low blood pressure but i have cut so much food out already in my diet that if i cut somemore, then i rather let the weight pile. no choice, i am really packing in the exercises - as much as I can afford. Tam, actually eating eggs is good to sustain hunger. There is this famous chinese clinic specialized in slimming, they recommended taking eggs in the morning (two 55-60g eggs minus the yolk). then you can have light lunch and dinner as the protein from eggs can keep you feeling full.
you have not seen me for a long time now... i have new clothes already!!! Put on at least another 5kg since you last saw me!!!
Hi All,

Anyone with cracked skin at the feet? Finally found a home-solution without having to spend S$20-S$50 for treatment at nail salon.

Was mopping quite a bit last week 'cos the kid was ill and so was stepping over more disinfectant/floor cleaner than usual. Very prone to cracked heel anyway 'cos I'm always wearing slippers and sandals + no socks.

This tub of miracle was USD 22 when I bought it 2 months ago (haha now USD 35 maybe selling very well). Has 200 pre-soaked pads, which means 100 treatments at home
Best part was I had no allergic reaction to this although I have medication on standby
I thought of rolling/sliding bookshelves too, but that may be expensive. I also don't have one extra room to spare because my maid and my mother will be living us, and I want each of my kids to have one bedroom. Sian...actually these books are worthless already, but since it costs a lot of money to buy, my hubby refused to throw them away.

Now I understand why I crave for eggs when I am hungry :p My cholesterol is borderline high, so I cannot eat too many eggs. I wonder if eating one egg a day is OK.

Yes I have not seen you for a long time, but I am pretty sure you will still look slim next to me lah.

You normally speak English at home right ? My boy used to speak Mandarin like an American kid. Since he has been Chinese books out loud to me for almost a year, and also because he likes to watch 喜羊羊, his 发音 is fine. It just takes time and practice. Glad to know that your dd2 likes that series of Chinese books

I think that we really need to exercise. I googled and found that swimming and cycling are most effective, skipping rope is also good. I am going to try skipping rope because that is the cheapest and most convenient.
Hi Tam,

I can't swim (water-phobia 'cos almost drowned) and can't balance on a bike hahaha. I enjoy racket games very much. Been taking the kid out for longer walks so hope that counts as some sort of brisk walking 'cos he really runs fast for a toddler.

Uploaded some pics of my son's taste in colours. Mentioned before he doesn't like colouring but he loves looking at nail polish for some strange reason and making me paint my nails on the spot at Metro and Sephora. The next time you ladies spot a mother/toddler trying nail polish of the most outrageous shades, that will be mumusings=kid
I know he's trying to convince me to paint green, blue and orange which I absolutely cannot tahan!

Aiya, I can't swim. I've the impression skipping rope not so suitable for our age group, cause wear & tear to knee cap or something like that. Same for jogging. So I don't run or skip. Riding on a bike sounds fun.

I'm quite interested to try pilates or some floor stretching exercise at CC. Should be quite mild but always think only, no action. Lazy to leave comfort of my house.

I think I need to fix my laziness first in order to lose weight, haha!
Hi Yawn,

Talking about pilates and yoga. I must be very weird because I can't seem to catch what's happening during lessons + twice I went for pilates classes and twice I came down with gastric flu. (Venue was a little dusty and we had to lie on gym mats + breathing in and out the musky air). Let me know if you do find a course for stretching and light exercise - please share details?

Don't wish to tear any ligaments or pull muscles - cannot take care of kid if I'm injured. Thinking of playing badminton at the open court nearby with hb but likely all shuttlecocks will be pilfered by my son before game starts hahaha. Meanwhile, just taking longer-than-usual evening walks.
I'm guilty of not doing anything about it, too. For me, I think I'm quite alright with my weight, but I have a HUGE problem with my waist-line. Cannot find my waist

Hi Mumusings,
hi-5! I finally found someone who also cannot swim nor cycle!! Not proud of it though
. My friends used to laugh at me when they found out because I grew up in a kampong, and yet cannot cycle.

Which part of Singapore do u live? Is Sengkang CC too far for you? My SIL signed up for a "dancing" class in SKCC where the dance class is more of a stretch class than dancing. She finds it good for getting some stretching exercise going without sending her heartbeat soaring.

You do quite a fair bit of walking sending/fetching your girls, don't ya? At least got some exercise lah. I'm sure you are one of the slim mummies here.

Thanks. Yes, I need to get my girls to read out loud. That's the only way to get the pronunciation right

BTW, can mummies share some tips on how to home-teach Science subject? TIA.
aly nat

Haha, that's my only exercise, short stroll to & fro school multiple times a day.

Do you know the name of that dance class at Sengkang CC? Or which day & time class is conducted? The same instructor may teach at numerous CCs so maybe there's one nearer

I feel that Science is a very wide topic. I subscribed to magazines like Young Scientists and National Geo, and bought the entire collection of Horrible Science series. Also bought 2 issues of BBC Knowledge off the newstand. I find the content very good but I think BBC is too chim for my dd. She flip through although I don't think she read intently lah.

All these do not translate to high marks though. Answering open ended question is a different ball game. But I'm quite satsified with her Science knowledge, she does know a lot from all these general reading
Hi Yawn,

Reading Science books like you say will not necessarily translate to better marks. I hope the MOE focuses on enjoyment rather than focus 100% on fixed content/syllabus-based. Thriving in Science (and for all other subjects) needs a fair bit of talent and immense interest.

Some kids are just not good with remembering technical bits. I'm one such person. Although I safely got A*s for PSLE, I'm the kind to enjoy reading anything but I absolutely hate being forced to apply formulae and memorise concepts. I love Geography lessons but I never scored well. I thrived in History although reading it is boring. Mathematics was fun only when it made sense up to a certain level. I like Chinese words and their origins but I can't write well. I absolutely cannot agree/apply/comprehend certain econs stuff 'cos i personally feel that alot is man-made bluffing and self-justification.

I have a huge respect for professionals who are committed to studying deeply into their respective fields of work. With all these in mind, my hb and I are keen to let my son do whatever he enjoys more than what the system wishes for him to become. Better to have a whole-hearted learner/worker than someone who's only out to score/earn/impress.

Hi All,

Have you read about yet another case of embezzlement and intellectual fraud?

Sigh. The M1 guy has 2 kids. Used the 2million to buy sportscar, branded watches and arowanas. Makes my blood boil. Why can't men do something more intelligent, noble and constructive with their brains? Like the SLA trio, these people's priority is compensating for what they feel deprived of. Shallow and stupid - what will become of their wives/kids? Stealing is wrong and to steal it for branded goods is really beyond me. How is these men don't use the money to buy education insurance, tonnes of books for their children, better facilities for their parents/family BUT single-mindedly zooming in just on stupid depreciating road hazards and gaudy watches just shows what life means to them.

Now that I am a mother, I'm definitely spending money on family/kid/home, no longer thinking of fancy redundant things to desire. Either these people never meant to be a parent or they forget their duty to their family.
Hi Aly,

Will KIV courses 'cos of schedule. Thanks for the information on the stretching lessons! Meanwhile will keep walking more than usual
Hi Yawn,
I tried looking up at the SKCC website, cannot find it. Not sure if it is on-going. My SIL is away on a trip at the moment. Will check with her when she comes back.
Hi all,

My name is Dawn and I'm an ex-teacher from Hwa Chong Institution and VJC. I taught in these schools for close to a decade. I am new to At present I don't have any kids but hope to someday. Could everyone introduce themselves so that I can get to know more people here?
Hello mummies!

Me MIA for some time- maid has gone back for 3 weeks home leave- very busy with work and also have to take half days to help out at home and help my gal prepare for exams...

HK accommodation- one other option is Imperial Hotel- at the base of Nathan road- easily reachable by airport bus...usually around S$150 per night- one of the cheapest hotel options available...but do not expect much- very basic, and always very packed with SEA and China tourists- I do not mind cos in HK- hotel room is only for crashing zzz after a whole day of shopping and eating!

Rona- my weight almost reach 60kg too! Must really run more often =( How many ladies do we know who are late 30s and have a regular exercise regime? One of my hubby's fren (guy) who is 39 runs 3 x per week, goes to gym 3 x per week- all in the early morning before he goes to work....a big part is about committment to keep fit...sigh!
aly_nat, mummusings, me 3! cant swim and cycle. Yes, my malaysian colleagues laugh at me (the singaporeans dont though..maybe they are the same but dont dare to admit it? :p)

re yoga/pilates, maybe can watch from youtube/video? i attended some yoga course last time. but nowadays too lazy/tired to exercise..but have to start soon.. getting tired easily which i suspect is partly due to lack of exercise..

re macau, no time to go..also tink dd wont be interested ...

dawn, what brings u here?

fairyprincess, agree with u.. we got too many things on hand to really have a regular exercise regime (unless u got pp helping u out with the kids). my colleage does but she is very hands off with her kids (her mom handles everything)
Hello Mummies,

I am back from our short break to Sentosa. Wow, so many postings in the past few days.

We stayed at Festive Hotel. Room is quite nice with a King Bed, Loft Bed and sofabed. Can sleep up to 5 pax (Adults and Kids). We went over to Hard Rock Hotel and the pool/ man-made beach is nice. My kids enjoyed the place very much.

Went to USS on Friday. Very packed with kids from Pri schools all over S'pore (think it was Children's Day incentive trip). Hence, long queues for almost all the rides. I was raining very heavily in the afternoon and hence, we only managed to cover about half the rides. Will bring the kids back when there are tix promotions on the next time. But, overall, we enjoyed this relaxing stay, spending quality family time together. Both my kids reluctant to go home and my DD1 actually wanted to stay for 5 days! Told her mummy & daddy broke liao, need to go back and earn more $$$.

Weight - I have put on 3kg in the past 1 year. My hb recently commented that all my weights gone to my double-chin

Macau - Besides casinos, think only we can see is the Church ruins & the Venetican resort, thats about all.

Hi Fairy - My maid going for homeleave in Apr next year, my turn to be maid for 3 weeks :p
Hi snowball,
The first time we went to USS, it also rained very heavily, and the queues were so long we spent 1 hour queueing for a ride. The second time we went, I bought the express ticket and we covered most of the rides quite quickly, that was during the school holidays but then the park was not very packed and there were no long queues.

I think last Friday was a special day. By the way, I found out from my girl that her primary school had a "Wishing tree" activity. She wrote a wishing leaf, wishing that her good friend gets a USS ticket. Her friend really got a pair of free tickets to USS ! I am surprised that primary schools are so generous nowadays, or I wonder if RWS gives out free USS tickets to schools for children's day ?
Hi mommies,
Yes I agree with yawn that skipping and jogging will cause wear and tear to knee cap. However, I read that we need to do cardiovascular exercise that will increase our heart rate, that is, exercise that will make us pant and perspire in order to effectively lose weight.

I know how to swim, though I am quite a bad swimmer, looks like this is my only alternative.

I may also buy a good exercise machine to lose weight when I move to my new flat which has more space.
Your boy is very cute
I really treasure these few years when my boy is young, I think boys lose their cuteness and innocence when they grow older.
I think that Science is not only about memorizing facts, we need to train kids to have an analytical mind and to be able to think critically. When kids learn a set of facts, they need to know how to apply what they have learnt.

I have looked at some of the science exam papers from the top schools and the questions are definitely not those recall type.

A good way to teach Science is to do experiments. This is much better than just reading facts.
I also think that men tend to think more about themselves than their wife/kids. My hubby will not think twice when buying iPad, iPhone, etc for himself. But when it comes to spending money on the kids, he always questions whether we really have the need to do so. Fortunately, he is always willing to buy books. But whenever I say that our kids need new shoes, he asks me why ? The obvious answer is that kids grow very quickly !
Hi All,

Think I'm down with mild gastric flu again
No appetite, bloated, feeling yucky, feverish. Kid just recovered so guess I'm in queue. The weather's really cranky these days!

Hi Tam,

I tested by kid by asking him to share his Pocky chocolate coated sticks with his dad. He gave my husband the 2cm pretzel part, finishing the chocolate-coated. He even knawed till no chocolate could be seen before offering the pretzel to us. FAINT!!!! My conclusion to my hb is to treat wife better than kid 'cos at least I cook/share food + I don't ask for gifts. Hahahaha.
I must be one of the most suaku mum here. I hv not been to USS and not likely to go anytime soon. Whenever I think of our hot, hot weather, my thoughts to go disappear. Thought of booking a stay at RWS, the prices turn me off. Cheapo mum. Haha.

Yawn, mumusings,
Thanks for your comments on Science. dd is ok in Science at the moment, but I think I still have to find a way to guide her at home. And that's the part that I don't know how to go about doing. Guess mummy don't read widely enough
. I don't want to resort to tuition.....yet.

Tam, her science teacher adopts quite a bit of hands-on approach, doing numerous experiments. But there're also many Science concepts that cannot be illustrated through experiments leh. Or maybe I lack the competence and creativity.
Hi Aly_Nat,

Acutally, I felt the same as you - The weather is a put-off to bring my kids to USS. But, for this trip, the USS Adult Tix are part of our Hotel booking. Paid 3D2N stay at $598nett (comes with 2 USS tix and 2 Voyage De La Vie tix). So, might as well check out the place. Kids will like the place. But, weather was hot and humid and we were perspiring all over just after 2 rides. Then, comes the heavy rain

Hi Mumusings - You can try Sambucol Chewable Tablets to boost your immunity. I was having a bad throat with blocked nose and took the tablets 3 times a day (2 tabs each) continuously for 4 - 5 days and I am cleared
I have also been giving the liquid form to my kids as a health supplement (take from Mon-Fri) and I think it works and help to boost their immunity. Do not fall sick so easily. Do take care. I am bringing my kids to Guilin for holidays next month. I am going to bring them to for the flu shot next week.

Hi Tam - My hb is also very willing to spend on himself. His recent addition is a $700 folding bike (a German Brand). His next target is the 10.1" Galaxy Tab. He is more generous than me when it comes to buying toys for my kids. He is willing to spend. I am the one who queried the need to get such good toys for them. Conversely, I am more willing to spend on their clothings/ shoes :p. When it comes to buying things for me, he is rather stingy lor.
tamarind, snowball

my hubby spent on golf lor. 1 game close to $100. I very heartpained leh. That's why I hunt for credit cards tied up with golf priviledges which gave special price for cardmembers. But he still play some expensive games. He said credit card tied up harder to book, need book in advance, cannot walk in last minute, blah blah blah.

I don't understand why men willing to pay so much more just for convenience, can always plan the game in advance, right? I don't see the urgency leh, no difference if play today/ tomorrow versus one week later

Recently signed up another card, I told him to stick to that card, although he is still not quite agreeable, keep saying 'we shall see'. I'm going to jump if he continues to waste money this way
Hello Tam and Snowball,
Thanks for info on USS.

Weight issue
Yes, I guess as we aged, we will put on weight gradually.

Pri Science
This subject, cannot base on memorising.Its very versatile, esp in the psle exam, unlike all the top school past year paper.My girl has a roller coaster ride for section b this year.It was a good testing of her thinking skills cum general knowledge.The art of answering the questions is impt.

Anyone leaving soon.I still yet to pack.I detest packing.Anyone has good idea how to do effective packing?

Sometime ago, I was on this stationary cycle exercise, stop for a while, cos feel very tired.Think will pick up again.

Anyone finished reading the book hard truths?What is your thought on it?

Now, trying to re introduce the book, The animal farm to dd, but cannot find it in the library...sigh....

Have a pleasant day ahead everyone...

Hi Yawn,

Guys are like that. My hb will do his research for the things he target to get. Went to Sales and end up buying none. Then, after a few weeks, went back to buy at normal price.....I also cannot understand them.

Hi Joy,

I use those "compression" & ziplock bags that can for holiday packings. It will compress the space taken for pkg but not the weight. Managed to pack all clothings (for 6 days) for all 4 of us into a 29" luaggage. I pack the clothings by day of use and take out pkg by pkg for each day of use. This will not mess up the whole pkg.

Where will you be heading for holidays?
hi mummies
so many posts in just a few days! geez guess most of us have the same weight prob. watsmore, as we age, we lose calcium faster than we put back, so alot of excercises are no no for us. i m also lazy to excercise plus the fact got back prob and legs are weak etc.
just went to see a chiropractor to fix my back hoepfully can get back to my active lifestyle as i love sports actually.

i play badminton too! now just learnt a new game called dadaqiu嗒嗒球。 my mum intro me to this game. combines badminton n table tennis. the ball/shuttle cock does not move as fast as a badminton shuttle cock so it is easier to play for "older" people. no big movement needed compared to badminton. u can google and read about the game.

talk abt men n their big spendings are mainly for family, no expensive things for myself. my handbag is only a canvas one which costs less than $10, my clothes top n bottom are less than $50 most of the time. now my friend asked me to go back to work as part timer, really very tempted cos my savings is draining and hate to stretch out my hand and ask for money. sigh... dunno if i can cope after i go back to work....
Hi Tam,
Thanks – yes, the kid’s a very cute monster and will treasure the innocence before he grows up!

Hi Yawn, Tam,
Fortunately my hb isn’t into gadgets/golf/soccer/pub so we basically have time for family. If I’m still working, I wouldn’t be able to understand the need to prioritise/save and likely continue to splurge on trends/gadgets/fashion. Both of us are against exposing the kid to computer games so absolutely no iphone/ipad until there is a reason to get it. I’m just worried kids these days end up not being able to write ‘cos they’re more into poking at screens and keyboards. We’re just letting him play the old-fashioned way: trains, tracks, cars and building blocks.

Hi Aly,
Same here. The thought of having to brave the heat at Sentosa totally puts me off going to USS. I brought my son for a spin once (taking the bus from Vivo and then going on the monorail) and fell ill after that.

Hi Snowball,
Thanks for recommending the Sambucol tablets. Will try that out. Have read the good reviews on iherb. The other thing I’m curious about is Grapefruit extract. Have you tried that? Suppose to put 1 to 2 drops into juice/drinks.

Hi Joy,
You mean Hard Truths by MMLee? Read it last year. Insightful and I enjoyed reading the way some thoughts were put across. I reserved my copy through NLB.

Hi Helen,

Where can one play dadaqiu嗒嗒球?? When I am old, I will play lawn bowling and tennis! Was near a club house in Shewsbury UK (taking shelter from the rain) eating takeaway fish&chips, watching the old folks play lawn tennis and lawn bowling. Really amazing how the ang moh couples do activities together unlike the ones here. They travel, take up watercolour painting, join courses on lepidoptera, go to the theatre etc.
Hi Joy,

Packing - I bring all cosmetic/skincare samples along to use them all up. Also very old shirts/undies to wear-and-throw. Instead of bringing a cosmetic pouch, I throw toiletries into tupperwares (sure no leak! and can wrap breakables in smaller containers). With the space freed up, these containers can then store breakables/small item souvenirs like keychains, stones, badges etc. I absolutely swear by duffle-shaped log luggage. If you leave a full luggage standing vertically, you'll find more space in the morning since everything sinks by a bit

I love packing and wish I can go on a holiday soon! Been 5 years since I travelled
Have a great trip, Joy!
Hi Snowball and Mumusings,

Thanks for the tips.I am half packed now.At least its one step to full packing.
Very hesitant to pack cos Europe weather now is not too cold nor warm.

Ya, its that book.Am contemplating to buy it or not.

Weather in sin
Omg, the whole sky is turning dark, another round of rain?

Have a great day all.

Hi Mummies,

Check wif u, do u check the weather forecast before set off for the holidays?

If yes, can pls share the website?I check two different website, give me two diff kind of weather...faint.

Just wonder, why some countries not using degree celsius, like what singapore is using.I got confused looking at some other site.thanks for help.

Hi Joy,

You can try using It has world weather forecast and provide option to change to degree celsius.

Alternatively, you can google and type in "weather in "month" at xxxxx (place)" and you can select the websites to view
start of raining season?

I've been intending to go grocery shopping since yesterday. Keep raining during the time slot when I'm free to go. Stuck at home. No more tibits!
Hi Joy,

For weather forecast, it's useful to check the country's news website. Eg BBC for England. Usually weather can be temperamental so don't take it as 100% 'cos light rains and drizzles happen all the time (even during summer). Gets dreary sometimes and my acquaintences there tell me: "wait till you're here in winter!".

Side distraction - that's why when Shakespeare writes "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day..." (love sonnet to an anonymous lady), he's not praising her, but implying that women are unpredictable like the weather.

There were days when the board (I was staying at a hostel once where weather research is one of their tasks) states: nice day (with smiling face) 14'C - 16'C. Sun was out for maybe one hour and then turned cloudy and drizzly till evening (still bright but already 8pm and shops closed). On other days when it states rainy, the day is warm, with drizzles every other hour - end up putting on and taking off the parka.

Best to have a light windbreaker (for short walks and drizzles) and a parka (for serious cold weather) for each person in the family. If you're on travel groups, the guide should be able to somewhat give a n accurate prediction so you'll likely be able to match clothing to weather. I'm very lazy. I wear a camisole under a long-sleeved so can tahan as low as 16'C. Any colder/wetter, I put on windbreaker and a long scarf around the neck. Parka simply too cumbersome, leave in luggage - only take out if going for a full day hike on cranky day.

As for the book, better to reserve it at the library and read a bit before deciding to purchase? I enjoy reading his books quite simply because of the way he puts his ideas and explanations across. I don't like politicians who beat around the bush, euphemise or flatter.
i play at the void deck with my mum. in fact this game requires small space, so no need to book any court to play. we did not buy the net etc, jus play it anywhere, free n easy
Hi mommies,
Looks like most of our husbands know how to pamper themselves.

My hubby bought the iphone/ipad for himself, not for the kids. He brings both to work everyday. Even at home, he spends a lot of time on both.

I also like to carry cheap handbags, and I am happy to wear a $7.90 top or a $15 skirt. My hubby can easily spend over $100 to buy a pen ! He loves to collect pens.

You can try Heat Tech from Uniqlo.
I bought it for our trip to Japan and it worked very well. Best of all it is so light weight.

As for packing, I usually start to pack a few weeks before the trip. Just put a few things in each time, and keep a packing list. This way it is not so stressful. Now my girl knows how to pack for herself and even helps her brother to pack

You can check the library website for Animal Farm:

There are many copies available. You can reserve a copy if it cannot be found in a library near you. It costs $1.55 to reserve. I actually have 2 copies of the book. One book is used as my literature text in secondary school and I even wrote notes in it. Another book is a hard cover one with illustrations for my kids.
i asked a friend to buy for me from as i could not make payment using my credit card.

played with my mum cos she wants me to excercise and get my face out of the computer! hahaha

my sis saw my handbag, shook her head n bought me one nice one. but it is sitting in the storeroom gathering dust as i find it not practical. i am not the trend seeker since young, one pc of baju can wear over donkey years(as long as i can squeeze in)hahaha told my hubby i m low maintenance: no make up(except sun block and lipstick), no ex clothes /accessories(used to buy diamond when working, now also dun wear, waste money...). i think d only expensive thing i use is my spectacles, cos my degree is high so the lenses are always the bulk of the cost sigh.... cannot leave without it cos my eyes cannot take contact lenses for too long, can't seem to be able to focus???
my hubby seeked my permission to buy ipad, as i was no no to letting this techno thingy ruin our lives. but he really downloaded a lot of educational stuff for the gals to use. and now i am hooked on a fruit splash game heeheehee

I also think your girl will like Disney especially with the cool weather in Nov.

I am now using peeka to buy from, no credit card needed and shipping is fast.

Fortunately all my female colleagues, many who earned over $9k a month, are those who do not go for branded goods. They are much more thrifty than me. I think I am considered well dressed compared to them, but I really appreciate it because I am not pressured into buying expensive bags/clothes.

My hubby never need to seek my permission to buy anything
Yes there are very useful learning tools in iPad an iPhone. I especially like this dictionary that recognizes Chinese handwriting:
