Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Forgot to say thanks re comment on my drawing... 1 bow is still ok but 5 is .... stimes it's interesting to see all kinds of clothing on people...

Base charge - hope didn't confuse u, what I mean is that base charge is charged only once... so if u order from 2 or more merchants, you only pay the base charge one time.

You also cannot order more than SGD400 per merchant otherwise you will be charged GST...
Thanks Stylobb- so you connect to Vpost as your shipping partner when you order from the websites? I understand- base charge and shipping charges are not the same right? I used to shop online, but sent it to the address of a friend in USA, then she will bring the stuff back for me when she visits...quite leh cheh...

Lizards- once I saw a lizard on the stairs, so I tried to jump out of the way, but both the lizard and I moved in the same direction, and I stepped on it entirely and it was completely squashed under my feet- what a super gross feeling- yucks!

On leave today, but woke up early to do some work...have 3 work trips in Aug...super busy...
Hello all

Lost this thread, and manage to retrieve it...How is everyone?
Hey, scroll up just now, and saw topic on weight and height is, what a topic...
Lately, I managed to keep in touch with my sec schoolmates in fb and was quite shocked to see the changes in everyone.Does other find great changes in you when they see u after many years?

What is plan for everyone today?
Am preparing a party tomolo and gona cook a storm...

Have a great day all...

there was once someone gave up her seat to me on the mrt... and i wasn't even pregnant!

you are not alone with it comes to buying from the web. apart from dangdang and iHerb, i've not tried any of the other methods stylo described. me also quite suaku and also a bit scared... being wanting to try out though...

started to rain again, quick! go back to bed!

a sketch only...
have a great party!

arnold is supposed to go swimming 3 times a week, he has been very lazy and ii wanna vring him for his swim this morning, only it rains! Urrggghhh!
Hi StyloBB,

If you can wait, wait till yr end, Furla got better discounts during the yr end. GSS not so great afterall. I like one of their bags which I spotted during GSS, only have 15% discounts.

Hi Joy,

Wow.....enjoy your party

Hi Rona,

Your drawing is so funny.

U dun look like that when you posted your photos of Amsterdam.

I used to weigh 78kg once upon a time and I had bad kneecap & back problems. It took me almost 2 yrs to shed 18kg to reach 60kg. Now, I weighs 64kg, still have another 5kg to shed to reach my ideal weight.....seemed so unachievable now

Check with you, Dang Dang accepts only Amex cards? I dun have Amex CC leh.

Lizards - My biggest enemy! Even my DDs teased me when they see lizards.

Hi Tam - Nice dresses, I like ladies wearing such dresses too....But, not for my kind of figure now, unless I put on those kinda corsette that makes me breathless....heee....heee

Its the weekend again....have a great weekend ahead mummies.
I know that is princess cut dress.To be able to wear that dress, the whole body must be proportional..I think this type of dress is like once upon a time, i saw it during the wedding dinner.

I dont mind bare shoulder but not very used to it cos dont know when it will dropped...shoulder dont have much fresh to hold it...hahaha.

Talking about height and weight, I am 1.6m and weigh 45kg...Trying to loose weight on more flappy area...

Ya, party for my boy, and a busy one cos no help and omo all the way.
Good morning, mummies!

Nice and cold morning, but not so nice for those who have to go to work, hor?

Sound like we hv the same problem. 2 weeks after delivering my dd2, I fell I'll with liver inflammation, followed by peptic ulcer. Both illnesses has symptoms similar to gastric pain, so I ended up overeating, in the hope to curb the pain. Since then, I cannot "find" my waistline anymore
I look so out of proportion, with my big tummy.

I'll text u later to see if we can meet up for the books this weekend

The dress in pic 2 looks great....... on those blessed with an hour glass figure.

You must be an expert in cooking. I always envy those who can cook well. I feel so sorry that my dh n dd have to compromise with my lousy cooking

Hv a great party!

Your dh so sweet, willing to help the kiddos with their school projects. My dh will just leave them to me. I wonder if it's becos I'm a sahm
. Dh would rather spend his time on the techie stuff.
good morning ladies!

yeah i love to wear shorts but at HOME! i know what u mean ... i guess they just look at the models in mags and those hollywoods stars but they forgot how their bodies r built, i mean these gilrs wearing hipster shorts/jeans and yet have love handles hanging out of them!!! People dressed to cover their flaws or flaunt their assets NOT to flaunt their Flaws!

But most important thing, they should be taught what to dress where .. dress appropriately. it's ok to dress like that if u r on the beach but in town, they just look sleazy and cheap, definitely not sexy at all. if it's due to the hot weather, they can always wear a shoulder strap sundress.

I've also seen a few times, some would even wear knee high shiny PVC boots like 'pretty woman' but under the hot sun!

oh yeah butt crack, that's another thing, most of them ain't sexy at all and they r showing more than crack!!!

u r just exaggerating abt ur barrel body! but the drawing is cute tho and it kinda look sexy ... what's underneath that barrel! LOL!

the 3x p/wk swimming for arnold, is it swimming lessons or swimming practice or casual swimming?
& u r so lucky to be able to go back to bed in this rainy weather ... snug in bed, under the covers ... hmmmmm so good .... ok i gotta snap out of it!

so joy, what's the occassion for the party & how many guests? .... and what's cooking? I used to love to entertain and have dinner parties .... long before I have any kids

btw, for my frenz from sec sch in FB, they all look great, slim and none look past 35 (both the men & women), when we are all suppose to be past 40! so I'm the only one looking my age or probably older
( !!!
M not a great cook but cook for the sake for the family, or eat out every day, not very healthy.

precious gem
Its actually my boy 5th birthday but take it as an opportunity for family gathering.
We have about 20 guests.Dont really like to be host but once in a while, its fine.
We will be having pineapple rice, sayor lotong, chillie chicken, peranakan style, finger food for kids, bbq, almond jelly mix dessert, brocoli stir fried wif scallop etc....OMO so dont know how am going to manage it...but should be fine.
aly -nat
Dont salute me, am just trying best and tried to enjoy the process as well, or will be quite, actually log in here to destress....

Am more stress up with up keep every corner of my hse is tidy now...but not possible.just hope guest will not go around open up every drawer of mine.
You are making me hungry way before lunch. I wish I can all that you can do. Upon closer study of your menu, realise that I cannot even make one of them!!! My maid does all the cooking and I don't complain since I cannot cook. Have a great day tomorrow ya!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
I'm at work!

Fairy is on leave, hence I told her to go back to bed... what a nice weather to be in bed... or go for a massage or a steam in the steam room or even a sauna!!!

nevermind, maybe i have a hot bowl of fish ball soup later or better still, a hot and sour tomyam soup for lunch!!?? but gotta brave the storm to get to the food court... ;P
oh, you too huh? but you eat so you don't feel the pain. I eat cos i'm used to eating so much!

aiyoh, like that you can also think its sexy?? give you my hat!

wow that's quite a spread ... i would have settle for something simpler for that number of people, anyway, all the best to you, hope u have a nice party. btw, any games or goodie bags for the kids?
arnold's 3x swimming - swimming training for school. He is tenatively selected for the school team, so training up to see if he made it finally in P2 or something. am also not sure, but i think its good for him to get the training, coach is strict and its good for him to learn to take instructions - hope it will toughen him up too. he is getting a lot of complains from teachers - not focusing, not paying attention, playing with his stationery etc during lessons, or else he will be dreaming or yakking away. recently his classmates are queuing up to ask him to break their pencils for them - as in really breaking their wooden pencils into halves. I asked him how he does it, he told me use the scissors first to cut a bit, then he breaks the pencil with bare hands. his clssmates can't do it, and they find it amusing and so everyone is asking him to demo for them using their pencils... ???

have aksed the teachers to let him sit right infront of them when they teach. so at least he is aware that the teachers are watching him... hope this helps.

need to send him for swimming or some games to expand his energy. and i'm resuming his DHA intake - hopefully these will help him improve his concentration.
Hi Dingdong,

Here's the link to their webpage (where they are located):

Hi Stylo,

Hahaha... oh... I assumed it was a very young person. One of my most memorable experiences was knocking into a long-haired person at United Square when I was around 15. I said sorry and the person turned around to say “it’s okay”. I couldn’t help being startled ‘cos it was actually a cross-dresser in a blouse/long skirt, unshaven, with long hair, lipstick and blusher.
Rona- good for Arnold- to put focus and to expand his energy in swimming! As long as kids like to do something, let them focus and do it well =)

I am enjoying my leave =)
Going to pick up my gals from kindy and pri sch later, bring them for late lunch...then both have classes this afternoon- Tien Hsia for the elder, and ballet for the younger...

Cos I will be out for trip from next Mon, away for a really feel guilty so decided to take some time off to spend with them...

What a rainy day- nice to stay indoors and surf the net... he he... already went through the following websites- my favourite for clothes:
USA- Anne Taylor, checked out Nordstrom site- hmmmm....many brands
UK- Karen Millen, LK Bennett, M&S (their summer dresses are nice!)

Stylobb- Furla- yes- usually in europe can buy new collection for less then 400 Euros, so S$800 is not cheap- wait for year end sale...
Hi Tam and all, On dressing

Was laughing when I read Tam's post. Was at Vivo one day (seated at one of those blue benches) when a girl walked passed with her mom. She asked her mom, “is the shop opened?”

The mom (China-lady) said, “Yay-ser (yes)”. She then squat down to adjust her kid’s dress and shoes. Butt crack and g-string. Red spider-web sort of design with beads.

After that, she strutted off with her daughter. You know their usual attire consists of tight, see through top with white skinny jeans (and RED g-string for all to view), belt and heels with loud crystals. And die-die must carry a large LV tote. My husband is still traumatised till this day by the horrific sight!!! Hahaha...

Another time, a plump shop assistant at a baby shop exposed nearly her entire butt. Have you seen those teenage boys with pants below the hip? They wear boxers and bermudas/jeans with belt. Somehow they can run without the pants falling off – it’s ludicrous how people are attired these days.
lucky u for beingon leave. actually my dd got 2 days mc, yesterday and today. my dh took yesterday's childcare leave and i was suppose to take today but i've been taking alot of leave almost every other week to send my dd to NUH for therapy, and infact next wk Friday, 6 Aug, she has 2 appointments @NUH. So send her to school, she was very upset, but she has no fever, just cough and sorethroat and she has her favourite CCA Chinese brushpainting today so I do not want her to miss it since it's only once every forthnight. Am I being a bad mum
but promise to do clay art with her this weekend and maybe we'll also do the 'sun catcher' painting.

good for arnold! way to go! it's good that kids get involved in competitive sports at an early age but we as parents gotta be careful when giving them support. we shud motivate them and not stress them. i wish my dd cud continue her swimming but since we moved to JB, it's really hard. although we have a pool @our condo, but no coach
will try to make an effort to come in singapore on weekends for swimming class.
Yes, base charge and shipping are two different things.
Take into consideration there is also /domestic/ shipping charge imposed by the merchant but at times this is waived when they have promo. Eg.ON/Gap stimes has it in addn to their sale and it's worth to take advantage.

Squashed lizard - this is so yucky to me!!! I think if I were you, I will be super tramatised forever....!!
Yes last nite it ran to my left and I jumped to my right (tkfully my toilet is quite big)... and I dropped the potty in the basin and ran out!!! with goose pimples! I kinda screamed to my hb and chara and both of their reaction is the same "Get Aunty A!!!!" Ahahahaha.... maid came out to check but she can't see it!!!

Wow, 3 trips in August...... tiring huh.

Hi hi... erm...this thread is still v active...
Wooo... have a great party!!!!

Changes - my gfs -- most of them look the same except for more wrinkles and grey/white hair...keke... only 1 or 2 put on a lot of weight. Must say everyone 'maintains' herself quite well lah.
What happened to yours????

Buying online - yes, it's the initial registering and making the first purchase that is a bit intimidating.... but after it becomes fun and dangerous <font color="ff0000">(tam and I can attest to it....hehe)</font>

So how?? {Lunch} next week??? Tue???

Dresses - why don't you wear them now????

(Let me correct my sentence: I mean to say can dress a little younger but don't try to be look super cute....)

Swimming- 3 times a week is bit too much... oh training ah....

I joined Vpost when it was in its infant stage....hehe

Oh, now I think you're the one who bot a Furla bag, right.... Yesterday they had 20 - 40%, said it's last 2 days.... the coloured ones are nice but still expensive. But one I think is they are still rather understated. I see too many LVs around - genuine and fake...

Anyway I put all my stuff into my bag organiser and switch my handbags when required....
Hi Precious Gem,

I felt sad for the guy - he was so very polite but yet conscious of the fact that people will shun him. Last week I saw an old man who was a cross-dresser. Trying to get people's attention 'cos he put on pink make-up, was unshaven and wore fish-net stockings under a mini-skirt.

All things said, there are people with perverse minds walking around. One lady I know wears stuff that barely covers her bum and enjoys knocking into men. After she has done that, she'll look like she's been molested instead. Caused quite a stir at the minimart near my place 'cos a guy (whom she targetted) quickly spun around and said "I didn't touch you. So much space and you purposely knock into me." Turns out that she hung around there often enough for the minimart boss to know what she's up to.

I am tolerant with people who are mentally-disturbed but I am not okay with some women who like to make suggestive comments to men even when the wife is around. I was very peeved one day when a very tarty woman in hot pants and tight top near our table at the foodcourt walked behind my husband and asked, "How old" (she touched my baby's chin) and then kept saying, "go to bed, let's go to sleep" as she walked to and fro and then bent down (butt facing us). Her 'man' (middle-aged ah pek) was just seated 2 tables away - plus she has a baby girl in a pram! How cheap can some women be! I totally cannot stand women who still endeavour to pick up men when they are already mothers (and worse when they strut coquettishly about pushing prams all dressed in hooker-garb). There were quite a few in my estate and fortunately gone.
re: changes

I must have looked drastically different from my teens or 20s. None of my ex-colleagues or ex-classmates ever recognied me from the street. Gosh!
ding dong

How's the outcome for your phrase 2B? Need to ballot?


Do you enjoy cooking? Your hubby very lucky

I guess passion towards a hobby is very important. I find cooking such a chore leh. Only have about 5 items in my humble menu, I simply rotate them throughout the week. I'm also very bored with my own cooking, sometimes 打包 dishes for a change lor
I have not ordered from Nordstrom before, I plan to do so after I return from China. I am so busy now, will be leaving about 4 weeks later.

You are right that it is fun and dangerous, and addictive to shop online. Certain websites made it so easy to shop, just click and click, and then oops I placed the order already :p

But I do find great bargains and excellent quality products that cannot be found in Singapore. I join sprees too, mainly for Old Navy and Gymboree because I normally only order one or two piece at a time.

You don't look like a barrel lah. Your figure is many times better than me, I look like a giant pear walking around hahaha
arnold has talents for sports !
It's so cute of him to break pencils for classmates.

It is so rare to find a gentleman in Singapore now. I don't remember when is the last time I encountered one (apart from people that I know).

Talking about great changes, recently I found old photos of myself when I was in my 20s, I was so shocked. My waist was so small back then !

Actually I have always thought that I was plump my whole life :p

snowball, Joy,
I used to wear that kind of wide skirts when I was a teenager. My mother used to sew dresses for me and I would design such dresses for her to sew
Back then teenagers don't wear shorts !

You are absolutely right that girls should be taught what to dress where, perhaps they should be made to attend such courses in school. I see so many young women walking around town like they just got out of bed.

I find cleavage very sexy, and I don't mind women showing their cleavage. Butt crack is not sexy at all :p

That is really horrific (the mom at vivo).
I think all women should be taught to examine themselves after they have dressed, try squatting down, bending forward, etc, and see if anything is exposed unintentionally.
Your rice with unagi looks yummy !
I also can't cook for nuts... and like yawn said, also no interest.

Noted re Furla.. not as if I got so much $ to buy...keke

Good that you have some time for your kids.

Anne Taylor, Karen Millen, L Bennett, all available online?? Where??

I also ever wondered why their jeans never drop off.... hahaha....

I had nice steak and ice cream over lunch.... yummy

Sorry, but I think those ppl you mentioned are mentally unsound....
You mean she asked your hb 'how old'??

Dressing - I guess money cannot buy class...hehe

Another scary thing I see is makeup.... I have seen blue and pink eyeshadow (combined), v round-shaped blushers and scary lipstick!!!!!!!!!

Your DDs not afraid of lizards???
Hb/I just freak out whenever we see one, don't think we can ever overcome that fear....

Nordstrom - the dresses look v nice, I think I shud try bigger size, at least can send for alternation if it's too big... I wonder what size I should take if I size 8 for ON stuff.

Bargains - yes, it's true so at least I don't feel so bad after making a purchase...hahaha

Dressing in young women - sloppy is the word. But I think stimes no choice, if they get things from the mass shops, they all sell clothes like that. My mom also sewed my clothes last time...

Gentleman - yeah, the men also chiong with us for the doors, lifts, MRT, etc... hahaha

My DD is in K1 this year so doing PV for next year registration...but seeing this year's results, I am already contemplating if will "bai bai" do extra service for the school or not. Last 2 years, if PV, then no need to ballot (almost for sure). But things have taken a change this year. Pple like me, PV but >2km, will ballot lor. Only 50% of those balloting will be admitted.

My first assignment in Oct 2010 and I have to take 2 halfdays leave to "work" in the school leh. This will account for 20% of the required 40 hours.
Hi Stylo, Precious Gem and Tam,

On the pretext of asking my baby's age I think but the tone and that lewd smirk of hers were unmistakeable. You know what I mean - some of these women just smack of cheapness. Another time, another China lady also did something similar (I sat a distance away on the bus): "How big? Ohhhhh.... so big.... really looks like you... brows so thick and so good-looking... so handsome..." Gives me the CREEPS!!!!! All with raspy, breathless and very 'feminine' tone.

I haven't met local Singaporean women do such a thing, usually: "Wow, your boy is very active. Looks like the father." or "How old is your SON? Oh, mine is slightly older."

I am allergic to women who behave like they are out to hook other people's husbands. I went for a facial and massage once. The beautician used the same tone (as she would with an ah pek. I asked her: "Will you be doing facial for me or someone else." Answer (translated from Mandarin): "I've already 'BAO' you for the whole afternoon (wo dou yi jing bao le ni)... who else do you want, am I not good enough for you? (ni shuo ni hai yao shui, ni shuo ba, wo bu gou hao ma?)" My hair stood on ends the entire time. I swore NEVER to allow her to touch me ever again. If they can talk to a female customer in this sort of flirty tones, can you imagine how great they are at flattering those old men with lots of CPF?
Hi Tam,

Thanks. This style of 'cooking' is a favourite of my husband. Very good - only 15 minutes
I don't eat eggs and am not very fond of oily fish/fish skin so unagi is not for me.

Been so sick and lacking in appetite - it's been lots of fruits, biscuits and sometimes Calbee prawn crackers. Don't know what else to eat these days! Cooking is fun but most of the time I don't eat what I cook. It's nice to see my husband and kid eat up everything.
I LOVE calbee prawn crackers! must be original favour though

ding dang
you might want to consider moving nearer to school to improve your chances? Best is buy right next to school, minimum travelling time. Afterall, it's 6 years of convenience, worth some brainstorming
Ding dong
guess u must b refering to FMPS? Very popular with kiddos staying round that area.

really agree with u on the online shopping part. Really easy to click click click n money fly away...
now I hardly buy from stores.

I think it's norm for the young to blindly follow trends. We used to do that too. Just that our times are more conservative. I like the dresses posted by tam but I am more of a guy shape kinda of gal, my waist was 27" when I m in JC. Now after 3 kids it's 31" n I hope to get 29" waist at least cos my backside is flat. V difficult to get nice pants that can fit my waist and is not too loose at the hip.
My gal n I are down with hacking cough... Will really take a long time to recover. Sianz. Can't really sleep well with this cough.
dresses - i don't wear that much nowadays because there's something wrong with dresses at the stores - i can't fit into the waist but the rest is ok. and if i get one size bigger, the waist fit but the rest is too big. me too, flat bum, thick waist lor...

yawn, mumusings,
hi-5! i also like the calbee prawn crackers! i have to finish the whole packet off once i opened it.

"I haven't met local Singaporean women do such a thing, usually: "Wow, your boy is very active. Looks like the father." or "How old is your SON? Oh, mine is slightly older."

...eeerrr... think you haven't met me yet...
I can make monkey faces at kids and make them laugh, I can baby-talk to babies i dont' know. I can also walk up to a stranger and tell the person that her/his child is very cute and can ask how old the kid is. I've never thought that this kind thoughtless acts could be seen as cheap in some people's eye. Guess next time I will have to be careful.

i'm very guilty of being sloppy... i can go anywhere and everywhere in my bermudas and polo t-shirt and sandles. and BARE BARE face :p

But definately not showy - nothing to show... heheheee...

But nowadays, after i met quite a few old friends, i felt a bit embarrassed leh, they really dress to kill even on a lazy sat/sun, I tend to make sure i'm at least neat and presentable. and nowadays i put on sunblock, not bare bare face anymore. hahahaaa...
you put vicks on the sole of the feet and wear socks when you go to bed. this helps my kids' cough. they feel better at least when they sleep. hopefully you and your gal will feel better soon!

how about describing your personality?

hehe, from rona's description, I think she's a very warm &amp; cheerful person

I'm a little nutty although my nutty self only surface in my kids' presence.
Somehow the first impression I gave people is I'm rather 'distant' but that's because I'm quite shy, mostly searching my head what to say next, small talk stressed me out &amp; I need a slightly longer time to open up.
On top of that, I suspect I've low EQ, the wrong sentence always come out from my mouth, sometimes rub people the wrong way unknowingly even though I didn't meant to, sigh....

But friends who know me for ages commented I'm a simple minded person, straight straight can't read between lines. Haha, I believe this is true! I totally missed the war even though I attended the same meeting with my colleague and he came out agitated and rant for an hour about his cross fire with someone from another dept. Me scratching my head because I didn't see that co-worker threw daggers at him leh

Fortuntely I'm a sahm, otherwise surely drown in corporate life
I'm also very simple-minded, open and direct person, sometimes i offend people without knowing it.

i'm chasing Hi My Sweetheart! Its quite a nice show. a bit cartoon-ish. I think Lee Wei is quite cute too! of course the little pig is quite good looking lah.

When u put on sock for the child, will u worri when they wake up go toilet in the middle of the night, and slip?I am very worried and that is why i din put on socks for him.

Just a topic to share.Dont know why, every year, whenever i celebrate my boy's birthday, he sure to fall sick.This time, down with very bad cough, cough the whole night...

My party
Had a migrant last evening...but still "dong" , clean up the hse, get all the ingredients the moment, had done wif my chilie chicken, stir fried mix brocolo, still got the rest to go.Thank goodness, am not doing every day.
Morning mummies!

Am surfing the net from Ikea Alexandra =) After breakfast with the convenient to have this mobile broadband thingy...the wonders of technology...

Joy- Happy Birthday to your boy and have a great party and feast later!

Stylobb- the USA and UK clothes website- I am not sure if can buy online from S'pore but I usually just go to look at the beautiful clothes...

Personality- I can be blunt, so not very high hubby exudes EQ- even talking to hawkers and fruitsellers- can get the auntie and ah sohs to smile and laugh...and in turn he gets super good service- I admire him, but its not in my blood...I will sound artificial if I talk like that...

Singapore Jewellery Fest 2010 at Marina Bay Sands- anybody going or gone for money to buy anything, was thinking to go to admire the million dollar gems...plan to go tmr with mum and auntie...he he...parking is S$8 dollars first hour and S$4 next hours- crazy!!!! Cannot park there...
