Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi Yawn and Rona,

Think my reply to your (Yawn) post on Boots went missing. I am a Boots fan too and Calbee original. Don’t like other flavours. My son is a fan of it as well. $2.20 for 2 packs at Cold Storage. Very cheap! Calbee Original Premium chips ($1.75) at Watsons and 7-eleven also very nice (Pink packaging) – it’s not available elsewhere. I’m very loyal when it comes to certain snacks. Used to be hooked on Marks and Spencer’s chips and Rowntree’s fruit gums when I was a student

Hi Rona,

Hey I think you misunderstood what I typed in my post! I am not referring to normal baby-talk and friendly strangers who play with my child.

What I meant is that local folks’ baby talk is okay >>> "I haven't met local Singaporean women do such a thing, usually: "Wow, your boy is very active. Looks like the father." or "How old is your SON? Oh, mine is slightly older."

The “such a thing” refers to the flirty ("cheap")women lah... Sorry if you were offended. Parents like you are fine – I meet lots often ‘cos my kid is very friendly towards strangers who play with him on the trains and buses. I am especially grateful to those who 'teach' him manners and advise him to remain seated/not to climb.

Was in town on the day of the Shape Run and thought of you... was telling my husband how I will never possibly be able to complete a run

Hi Yawn,

I think my personality is very apparent from the way I write.... Hahaha... I am forthright, a perfectionist(alot lesser now), very inquisitive, pragmatic, optimistic, generous, eclectic (parenting style) and rather creative. My son sees me as a snack-buddy.. Otherwise, I am rather stern and non-nonsense although I can invent games to play with him.
oh, i see what you mean now. you mean the normal local woman's baby talk to you is ok, but the chinese women do not talk like that, but in a tone higher then us and etc ... ;P

no lah, not offended. some case.
Those books are suitable for 5 years old. My boy is going to be 6 years old in September, he likes these books very much. does not show the recommended age for each book. But you can search for books by age group :
0 - 2
3 - 6
7 - 10

But note that in China, their standards are very much higher than our standard. Books for the 0 - 2 year old group has many words that our P1 kids cannot read. I heard some parents even say that the words are too small. Actually the words are not small lah, definitely bigger than the words in our Chinese newspapers. In fact, if mommy is not able to read Chinese newspapers comfortably, mommy will not even know how to read all the words in those books in the 0 - 2 age group ! There are no hanyu pinyin in the books (those that I recommended).

In China, kids are already reading long Chinese novels at 7 - 10 years old. Many of our upper primary kids cannot even read a simple Chinese book on their own.

So my advise is, for kids P1 or below, any books in the 0 - 2 or 3 - 6 age group are suitable. In fact, one of the best selling book in the 3 - 6 year old is 笑猫日记, this is actually a long Chinese novel used by Berries to teach their P4 - P6 classes !

There is no need to try to find out the recommended age for each book. Our standard is too low compared to them.
I have never met a woman who tries to be flirty in front of my hubby. My hubby is not attractive at all :p

I also usually go for bigger size if it is the first time I am ordering from a website, just buy something that is on sale and very cheap to try out first.
I also think that rona is a warm person

Like you, I also tend to say things that people may misunderstand. In fact, in real life, I have to make an effort to be careful about what I want to say.

Actually sometimes we may see ourselves in one way, but others may see us differently.

Once I went to an expert to 测字, meaning I wrote a Chinese character, and the expert could analyze it and tell me about my personality, luck, etc. The expert say this about me : 秀外慧中, 聪明能干,心地善良 hehehe I can only say that I am kind-hearted, I don't think that I am smart and efficient. I am really forgetful, cannot handle too much stress at work.
I also cannot find dresses that suit me. My top is one size smaller than my bottom

I still go out bare face, I am supposed to put on sunblock, but often forget about it.

I may have to go for laser surgery to remove dark spots from my face again
Hi Tam,

I'm sure your're a very generous and efficient person with exceptional organisational skills. Look at your blogs, sprees, kids and books!!! I'm not working and only have one kid but already finding it tiring.

By the way, I think what those women say are not genuine ("skin so tender", "so handsome", "eye-brows so thick"...) - so long as it's a man, they'll say the same thing. I was in JC and sending my friends off on a choir trip at the airport when some guy (in his 40s) came up and said, "Hey, anyone told you that you have beautiful smile?" I turned around, glared at him and said, "Have I even smiled at you before?!" What sort of stupid pick-up line is that?

Hi Rona,

Tam and Fairyprincess

Thanks for the birthday wishes...
I survived for yesterday party.Just mgt to clean up the whole hse.

I love to wear those dresses when I was a teen too but look super ugly wif it cos I was on the plump side then.Always envy girls that can carry out that dress.

Good day everyone.
"Something wrong with the dresses.." no offence...keke... not the dresses lah, it's our post-pregnancy bodies..keke

I also find rona a warm person...keke

Agree with you re slutty dressing... gals shud dress nicely and look presentable..

Good idea to idea a bigger size and sth on sale.

Let me know if you try to order from Nordstrom ...thanks

I don't think I can wear those dresses though, not my body shape....

Calbee prawn crackers - I also like! But I get the small packs in a big pack..and they are the mini ones...

Hb's suddenly down with flu...
Just saw u asked me whether I enjoy cooking?The answer is not really but I enjoy watching them to eat my cook food.
Friend sent me an interesing sms regarding rewiring brian.
Get yourself to do things u dont like doing until become effortless,then u will not find it a chore anymore.
It takes sometime for me to digest that tho...
Thanks for passing me the books. U definitely dun look like the barrel u drew here!! Did u eat in mac? I was looking for u after my breakfast but din see u. I din realise that the place is
so crowded on a sat morn, we usually go IMM...

Happy belated birthday to ur ds! Weather is super bad, my cough is not getting any better, but lucky my girl seems better.

I have not ate much tibits so can't comment

I am pretty frank, sometimes a little duh, EQ also not too fantastic kinda girl. I am more of a introvert, so many people find me v aloof. My hb commented that for me still water runs deep, hahaha.

I bought cosmetics, vitamins, books, children clothes, diapers hahaha, u name it, most prob I got it off the internet.

what is your favourite local label right now?

I realized 70% of my wardrobe comprises clothing from mphosis! I find their clothing quite forgiving, lots of loose fitting designs or jumper, can conceal tummy. They have clinging designs too, usually I skip those as I feel rather self conscious in tight fitting clothes

Casual clothes by Aurther Yen is nice too. Only buy during sales though as I find this label rather over priced
Hi Joy,

Glad that you survived the Party you prepared OMO...cheers!

Dresses - I like dresses too. But, now with a belly, do not look nice in dresses anymore. Now I go for 2pc clothings.

Hmmm...."Get yourself to do things u dont like doing until become effortless,then u will not find it a chore anymore." That is not easy to execute as doing things you don't like is really a challenge.

Personality - Hb says I am super stubborn & he said my DD1's character is exactly like me, straight-forward, do not like to beat round the bush...just get to the point (sometimes offend people not knowingly).

Hi Yawn,

I go for G2000 nowadays and find good buys as they have sales almost year-round and good tie-ups with credit cards to give extra discounts.

I also buy TS/ The Station from Robinsons during their Cardmembers' sales.

I like the dinner dresses and Daniel Yam. Bought some dresses from Celia Low. I do not go for particular brand actually.

Hi Tam,

I find that you are very efficient and organised person. I am FTWM w/ 2kids and maid & I find that I cannot find the time to do all those things you are doing & I already find that I am struggling just to find time to teach my kids. I enjoyed your blogs very much - very informative & useful.

Crackers - Yes, Calbee Prawn Crackers (Originals), Calbee & Kettle's Potato Chips are my favourite. I also like those "fishballs" which my Indonesian Customers bring in from Indonesia.....yummy, yummy
precious_gems, re ur gal.. i thk kidn of hard to expect ur dd1 to wholeheartedly help u in taking care of the kids, carrying diaper bags etc... even my hb complain abt child caring and carring of all those barangs when my gal is younger (and she is his biological daughter wahtsmore!). She was his excuse to get a car... his parents live far and its so tiring to carry so many bags and take the MRT (ridiculous excuse since I am the one who carry the stuff most of the time). oh yes.. some of my old school frens still look like when they are in school..but i look so weather beaten...

fairyprincess..ahahah... the unintentional lizard killer... sometimes they just cannot pre empt our next action right (happens to me too, lizard and me jump at the same direction). wahh.. is ur hb is in sales/mktg? else waste of talent ....

re dressing.. ok i am guilty of dressing sloppily when i go out... u know ..shorts and baggy t shirt (sometimes with holes!). wanted to get more decent clothes but really no time to go shopping

mummusings.. how did u manage to see so many cross dressers???

dingdong.. 2 half days for 20% of PV hours is not bad! one of the schools I am 'aiming for' have to do compulsory traffic its 1 hr per day for 1 term!

joy, since ur kids are too old to wear anti slip socks, u can make ur own. I have read websites recommending making ur own anti slip using those fabric paint.. or u can get those stick on anti slip from US (someone used to sell in BP long ago..). Else just teach them to take it off when they go to toilet in the middle of the night. Ur boy fall sick after the bd? Sorry to sound so pantang.. but last time I know of a gal who will refuse to eat bd cake.. she will fall sick after she eat them...

tam, agree with the rest abt ur efficiency! i only have 1 kid..and i never have time to teach her anything

personality - low EQ, blunt, frank, aloof (no conversationalist), stubborn, lack of creativity (IT line lah), weird sense of humour. i can msn/forum chat with someone like siow and then when come face to face, nothing come out from my mouth ahahhaa
Morning mummies,

Lizards- I am traumatized till this day, and still cannot get rid of the super yucky feeling on my feet- I think I screamed louder AFTER I steped on it, then BEFORE when I was trying to jump away from it...

Ya- my hubby IS in the wrong line- he would be super good in sales, but he is in finance...ha ha...even the hawker aunties can say to him "wha, was wondering when you are coming back to my stall!"...he must have lifted their moods...ha ha...

PV- no offence but I saw last week at my gal's pri school- one PV mother was directly school traffic dressed in knee-high boots, black tights, full make-up, small sling chanel pouch... carrying an umbrella cos it was raining...I can tell she prob only PV to get a place for her child...I mean- dress correctly for PV lah, why so over-dressed to direct traffic? (OK- I must not be mean, its not easy to get into NYPS...)
Hi there ladies!

well actually i don't really ask her(dd1) to look after the babies. at that time, i only had my dd2. i love to take kids out (my nephews & nieces) so when we go out to have meals or so, just me and my 2 dds, and usually i will carry dd2 in my sarong and also the baby bag (which is usually the cute baby bags, not bulky at all) and i only ask dd1 to hold it for awhile when i need to go toilet or feed baby or get my purse to pay for something etc. the thing that dd1 didn't like is that with the baby and bag, she said i look like an 'auntie' & the whole thing going out with a baby or toddler is all seems 'clumsy' to her. It also slow down the pace, alot of waiting time: feed baby, change diaper etc. She wants us to be like before, 'me looking very trendy & sporty' and both of us r like '2 girlfriends going out together'. anyway she's ok now with the two kids and bags. since last year, we've been out together several times, kids and bags and no complains! in fact she seems happy spending time with her younger siblings, playing with them at playgrounds etc. she even offer to help me eg. shower & change my dd2 when we go swimming or take her to the toilet when we go out.

As for my looks, I guess I don't take care of myself well enough ... will try to get back into that facial regime thing. I mean, presently, I just use cleansing foam to clean my face and that's it. I go for facials like once every 3-4 mths. I go for massages more often than facials. I don't dare combine both cuz it consume more time and I usually have abt 1.5hr -2hrs to spare, enough for full body scrub and full body massage
A facial will take another 1-1.5hr. Once I follow the regime of using make up remover first, then cleasing, toning and moisturizing, and I think I look a little 'fresher' then. Getting enough sleep is another thing, which I don't get lately
Another thing, gotta eat alot of fruits & vegs and drink plenty of water. Lately, I've been drinking alot of carbonated drinks and coffee which I usually don't, and it's also bad for my diabetes and my swelling tummy!!! But yesterday bought 2 bottles of Allswells 'ginseng with red dates' drink

Btw, I LOVE CALBEE PRAWN CRACKERS too since my school days!

Obviously the 'mom' not only wants to do PV duty but also to get 'attention'. Sorry uh, don't mean to sound so mean but that's what it looks to me ;)

Congrats on the success of your party! DH didn't help u clean up? How's ur DS? He must be happy
Wish him all the very best on being 5!
Oh gosh! the story is so beautiful ... the wife and baby is so lucky to have a husband and daddy like the writer. I wonder if all father/husband feel the same way. I doubt mine do.
I am open minded and I voice out my opinion and ideas and usually am very direct. I speak my mind so to be better understood. I am a really down to earth practical kind of person so at times I am always going against the flow cuz I'll do things what's right for me and not follow the trend. I like to think I am both task and people oriented, so I shud have some EQ
I am also a warm, loving and sensitive person and believe that no matter how small a person u r, u can still contribute to the community/world. I also adapt well to new environment & people ( well I like to think so and hope so) and consider myself a simple person, nothing fancy or trendy. I am Just ME
Hi all (fans of calbee) and Snowball,

Yup. Those clear-plastic packaging fish-balls are yummy, so are the thick fish crackers from Bengawan Solo. Anyone (still) likes Glico Pocky Chocolate/strawberry sticks? One of my ‘comfort’ foods when I have no appetite but need to ‘fill’ stomach up slightly.

Hi Bloom,

I have no idea why I spot these people. They happen to be around when I am at the MRT station or shopping malls... At one time, there were quite many mentally-disturbed people around too. I’ve grown used to them and do my own thing. There used to be a lady who hung around the 7-eleven near my place (1990s) and asked strangers if she was pretty and good enough to be an actress. I think she’s very pitiful and deluded (crazy over being a model/actress/being famous) ‘cos she kept asking why no one chose her to act. Must have faced lots of disappointment in life.

Hi Fairy,

Got a shock myself when I nearly stepped on a lizard-shaped piece of plastic that came off a bag last night... they are annoying because of their tiny poop. Hey, the parent you saw can rival the one I saw a few years back. Near transparent neon yellow loose top with black lacy bra, hot pants, high gladiator platforms and super-large sunglasses, driving daughter in a Porsche.
Ladies, another member of this thread, cowandchick, once shared with us on how to ward off lizards/geckos. Just place egg shells on those areas. Me, my mum and her friends have been doing so and it works! For walls, it's a bit difficult tho, but should be good for shelves, kitchen counters etc.

btw, whatever happens to cowandchick?
fairy, precious gem

the last time she came here to chat (years ago??!!), she said she's going to complete her studies in Sydney. No news from her since leh
Hi Precious Gem,

You mean to say after we crack open an egg (for cooking), keep the shell and place it where lizards frequent? Half an egg's shell enough for a place or are alot needed? Thanks
Magic solution
Regarding playing of stationary, Arnold is just like my boy. The teacher told me he got distracted easily and stopped doing homework. Played with the stationary instead. Poking and cutting eraser is his new hobby.

Anything comfy and reasonably priced, no preference. No local labels 'cos cutting doesn't fit. At the moment, Crocs, Giordano, Uniqlo, Lacoste, Ralph Lauren, Cotton On Kids, Le Sportsac, Marks and Spencer, Mothercare and Baleno.

Not working so there's no need for dressy stuff.
If working, I used to go for labels (I can't remember now) at Robinsons, Esprit, Giordano Ladies, Zara, Country Road, Shanghai Tang, Avana, MaxMara, Marks and Spencers and Target. Bags: the usual brand-brand stuff most women have.

Being SAHM is great. No need to spend on clothes and cosmetics

Cosmetics/toiletries (for all at home):

Largely non-alcohol and non-fragranced. Kose, Fancl, Sothys, Bio-essence, Dior, Guardian pharmacy products, Daiso and off-the-shelf brands from Watsons/Sasa.

As for toys, books and other household items, I wait for sales / further rebates. Buy whatever we neeed if we happen to get a good price.

I buy clothes almost every month, that is if I can sneak out for a few hours. Have a weakness for clothes

Cosmetics reduced substantially though. Only put on make up on weekends
Hehe, I mean online. I hardly shop at stores. Even marks n Spencer I will join spree
Hi ya ladies!

yes, crack open an egg, and use the shells and place wherever the lizards/geckos frequent. try to use the whole shell. it's cheap and eco friendly!

shopping ...

shoes : Pierre Cardine @Metro causeway point & OG & Bata sales.

Make up & Toiletries : John Little(2 way cake), Watson (facial foam, cream etc), Dollar Value/ABC (Disney Shower Foam & Shampoo & Sanitary Pads), Mustafa Ctr (random) & Avon catalogue (even bra).

Clothes : I don't wear branded, BHG, CK the neighbourhood shop (not Calvin Klien), First Lady and any random neighbourhood shops.

Books : used to buy a lot from MPH & TIMES the bookshops (children's books from my first dd), also order thru school vendors. Now Popular for a few workbooks & stationeries.

Toys : Metro, Carrefore & Giant

Diaso : also shop here for whatever I feel I MAY need and other miscellanous items.
Hi Mummies
Daiso will be opening at ION -- don't know how they can tahan the rental... they took over this DVD shop at the basement where the food places are... I notice a few food stalls are closed liao. rona, you can go there every Sat aftn...hehe


Online: (books, DVDs, sportswear)
www.eyeslipface (not in US, they have an Asian website)

Want to try in future:
nope .... well at least not that i notice. but i do change egg shells very few days or so, sometimes even a week. we eat alot of eggs at home :p
Hi Yawn and Precious Gem, On cosmetics

Yes,lots of savings on cosmetics as a non-working female (by 80% I think). A tube of BB cream lasts 15 months, pressed powder 6 months, loose powder 12 months, eye-makeup 24 months, perfume 15 months, one Dior lipstick 12 months.

No expenditure on nail polish and blushers. If I do need them, Daiso is always the cheapest and most practical solution. Their pressed powders work just as well, tried them a few times. I bring them out for touch-up. There's no need to spend on expensive cosmetics since the most I stay out is 4 to 6 hours. It's light pressed powder and lip-gloss if I go to a heartland shopping place and to town, maybe eye-brow liner and some eye-colour. My Fancl eye-brow pencil and eyeshadow/blusher set was bought in 2008 and they are no where near finishing (so that's like $80 spread over 3 years...)

As for facial products, I alternate between brands. I always have one cheaper and one treatment cleanser/serum/moisturiser/toner, depending on my skin. So effectively, I only spend around S$200 on cosmetics and around $350 on face products a year! I feel quite dumb spending on stuff like SKII years ago. Didn't help skin much and costs a bomb each time I buy.

Clay masks from Watsons, Ginvera Marvel Gel and a gentle scrub weekly is more than enough for a housewife like me to keep the skin smooth/cleansed. What matters is that the products suit individual skin type and doesn't cause allergic reactions.

A good place to get toiletries is John Little. Always stock up on certain items when they have 20% + 20% off, particularly hair-dye, Bio-essence, Ginvera and shampoo. Kose has nice offers lotion/cleanser set for $46 lotion/emulsion set for $42. That again means only $86 for 6 months supply of cleanser/lotion/light moisturiser.
I did. Order the pancakes for the two younger kids, and i had the leftovers... heheheheee... how come you didn't see me? i tried to catch you again but you left already.

We went for lunch at Nandos today. Was very good! But hor, i've decided next time i need to take HALF CHIX MEAL and not Quarter... I felt a bit hungry still... hehehheee...
I usually will get anything that I can fit. no specific store. but i quite stingy, top around $39 or lower, pants less then $59. Unless really nice and material is really good, else will walk out of store. ;P of course got exception lah, maybe dresses and some more classic ones, i may pay a higher price for it since i can wear for long time.

currently I'm quite into this brand MU . local designer and the style is very funky. quite cute.

Someone is commenting that she has heavy bottom. I'm exactly the opposite!
i finally bought my black shoes - not one pair but two pairs!!! Arrrggghhhh!!!

from Aldo, expensive lor... after discount $200 for 2 pairs...
As for online shopping, so far i've only tried dangdang and iherb and the rest on Tamarind Sprees... and one time on stylo's

I started feeling hungry at 2.30pm. Fort. I bot bread from BreadTalk...hehe.. nice meeting up with you.

Aldo - actually $100 per pair is quite ok.

Shop - yeah, I like that shop too! Thanks for bringing me there!
