Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

<font color="0000ff">phuket</font>

do you have any hotel recommendations?
what do you usually do in phuket?

thanks for the tips
precious gem
moving over in 1 week's time. See me on this thread? should be! hahah

bloom, stylo &amp; tam
shipping is paid for by my hb's company so since our rental place is unfurnished largely &amp; we've sold our flat here, we shipped over whatever stuff we could use there. Or else if we buy in melb, it comes from our own pocket. So the fridge, washing machine, vacuum cleaners, dining set, sofa set, simmons bed &amp; mattress, toys, books, clothes etc etc :p

re pazzion shoes
i hv feet that blister really easily plus weak knees so though i've tried on Pazzion shoes a few times, i never end up buying cos they were definitely not comfy enuff for me. For ok priced ballet shoes, i like Gripz so far. Other than that, i get wedges or slip-ons from 9 West mostly. Some of them can be really comfy though some r not.

would really love to meet up again but honestly v v tired this past week wif all the running ard &amp; meetups wif frens &amp; relatives etc. I've had to cancel a few last min cos could see that hb &amp; gal were really tired out hahaha

would be staying in carlton hotel. Since my gal would not be attending sch here anymore, we thot it's a nice place wif a bit of shopping, national lib, museum etc. Wanted to stay in Sentosa but hb feels too pricey cos he paiseh to send in the bill later for claim.
Hi anyone checked out the Pri 1 registration this year? So hiong leh. I am worried for next year. The sch I am doing PV for now have an explosive no. of applicants this year and for pple like me (>2km) sure have to ballot. Chance 50:50.

Getting worried also....anyone here registering your child for Pri 1 this year?
Hi Tamarind..thanks for your advice on reading. I think the idea of giving them books below their reading level is a good idea. I always thought I should get them books at that level but you have raised a good idea of using encouragement to boost their confidence.
Must try to do this.
Morning mummies:

I noticed Hari Raya Puasa holiday falls on 10 Sept- Fri, and its the school holiday week- any mummies thinking of bringing kids on a short trip? If take one day leave either on Thurs or Mon, will be 4 days in total...not then I start planning, maybe end up not going anywhere...
Yawn- are you referring to the same period or is it for year end break?

Cheri- its an exciting time for you and your gal in Melbourne- enjoy the experience! I recall your hubby going over to study? or was it to work?

dingdong- P1 registration- I think Stylobb did this year...which school are you thinking of? Now citizens get 2 votes during ballot correct, but I agree its still very stressful to get into a good school...
precious_gems, wahh.. u make me feel like going causeway pt metro to buy shoes! these 2 weeks i have 'killed' 2 pairs of shoes...

yawn yawn, i went phuket... r u interested in going phuket too? when r u going? this time its monsoon so i didnt go snorkling (not with my gal anyway) so mostly its doing their (hb's and dd's) fav activity - watching tv in aircon room (could have done that in SG!)! I book the kata palm resort &amp; spa which is at kata beach which is less happening than pantong, near to restaurants and supermarket (1) and 15min walk from the beach. They have a whole stretch of hotels near that area... Let me know what info u want ....

fairyprincess, i agree with u re turning 30!!!!! but i still see my > 30 yo colleagues wearing 3inch heels and i really envy how well their kneecaps can take the stress! my only mini skirt is now in my office cupboard for me to wear on 'emergency days' (eg, when i reach office all wet due to heavy rain or if i stain my bottoms during menses)..ahahah....

aly_nat..ehehe.. yeah, i see the $35 facial then i realise i am paying too much.just treat it as an indulgence for me...

cheri, hahaha.. i hope u have taken pics of ur furniture going into that container (do they allow u to view?) cos that's cool! sound like i have to source out 9 west too... i have weak knees too...

dingdong, did ur school have scholars last yr that result in the larger than expected intake this year?
yes, took some pics..there was even a 'closing ceremony' too when they locked up the container haha. There's a pic of me wif my 6 muscular guys as well girl scooted off just b4 my hb took the pic hehe

hb going over there for work...minimum 2 to 3 years.

re P&amp;J
my ger's at 4a now but i can see that her interest is fast wondering what other books i can let her read cos she still might not know some words in some easy books. Must look thru the books when we r more settled in Melb so that i select some of the easier readers from oxford, jolly, rigby etc for her to read.
Hi Yawn,

I stayed at Crowne Plaza Karon Beach. Very nice hotel. We went there about 5 yrs ago. If you want quiter place to stay, Karon Beach is better than Kata/ Patong Beach.

Silicon Gel Pkts - I do not know where my hubby got them from. Need to check with him.

Hi Fairy,

Sept - Mar best time to go Phuket.
Pazzion - Maybe different grade of leather, not the good/superior type ... hehehe... how are the designs? I realise I don't like complicated designs... Need to have an overall look, if outfit is dressy, then shoes gotta be plain and vice-versa. But I will not wear pointy heels - not good for my knees ....hehe

I also prefer dresses that fall slightly below the knees.. how tall are you? I'm 1.65m so most dresses are just at the knee.. recently I asked my mom to lengthen this dress.

If don't have nice, lean legs, better not wear mini skirts lah!! hehe scully cellulite also showing and not nice leh... I cringe when I see ppl dressing younger than they are --- trying too hard.. kekeke...

Heels - 1.5 inches is ... not high... I think my shoes are between 2.5 - 4 inches .... I agree 4 inches not easy to wear whole day.....

Break - hb was saying we shud do Batam.... but didn't decide when.....

You confuse me leh... then timing is ok what..shud be able to do beta...

Aiyah, u where got fat??? Why you keep saying fat huh??

Fairy is right.... P1 - me loh. I think Tam's Jerome too.
Depends on which school loh - hb is old boy/alumni so no stress loh....

PV - schools prefer SAHMs, right?

Btw, tell u sth funny.... jesse told us "I don't like my primary school." Asked him why, and he said "Because it's a CHINESE school!"... aahahaha!!! Then we explained to him, and he realised it's not a Chinese school....!!!

How's your DS???

Recently we found that chara got bitten in school, asked her who and she said "I'm too young. I cannot remember." !!!! Aiyoh.....
But we managed to narrow down by asking her and julien, seems it is a boy....

I like Nine West too but haven't seen any designs that I like for some time... not even in Sydney.... But once I bought a pair, nearly killed my feet!!!

Tx for sharing the Dove product.
I use Kiehl's cleanser and it's v good.
Recently I shared that I tried the Hada Labo lotion and it's easily absorbed into the skin.

Read in Urban that Boots has online store.
What is recommended? I mean I ever walked in a Boots store overseas but do not have anything in mind...
Boots- I LOVE BOOTS!!! Whenever I go to BKK, will stock up on many many items like:
- Botanics facial cleanser- good and cheap
- all types of shower gels esp those with lemon grass/ tangerine/ jasmine fragrance
- J&amp;J mozzie lotion - many global brand products are very cheap in BKK- I pay only S$4, locally cost >S$5
- Strepsils/ other adult medication- also cheaper than S'pore- for commom ailments type
- many of their cosmetic brands always band with gift packs if buy above x amt- quite interesting gifts like bags, even clothes!

Nowadays, I do not buy so many products, but I still like to browse whenever I am in BKK...BKK airport also has a Boots store...(not sure if the online store is cheap or has the equally large range of items)

Stylobb- I am only 1.6m tall- yes, wear dresses mostly at knee or just 1-2 inch above knee...for shoes- 1.5-2 inch is good- I can't wear 4 inch shoes to work, not even for evening nights out...

Why does Jesse think his primary school is a "chinese" school?
Hi Mummies,

Any mummy did not send your kids to attend N1? Any idea what do they do in N1? I'm still thinking whether to send my dd2 to N1 cos she's still too young by then.
Becos he is going to acjs....hehehe

When I wear high heels, I can reach 1.7m..kekeke.

Boots - ok, shall suss out when I hv the time...
JE- think its good for the child to learn to socialize and build up immunity by attending N1...but its optional really- if your gal has other forms of socialization...she is your DD2- so how about DD1- did she do N1 or not?

My younger gal started N1 when she was 2.5 years old, then she re-did N1 when she turned 3- no issues- good to immerse her in schooling from young- that's my view...

Stylobb- acjs- funny!
1.7m is tall! my SIL is 1.7m without shoes- tall genes lah...
Hi ya Ladies!

how on earth did u killed 2 shoes in two weeks?! did u wear them in the 'run'?

phuket ,
yes Phuket is a wonderful place for families with children. i went there many, many years ago ... in 1996! with my 6 year old eldest daughter then, of course she is twenty now
I was a single parent then and backpacked around south Thailand. we took a bus from Metro Golden Mile to Hat Yai then took another bus from Hat Yai to Phuket. Stayed in town at the ON ON HOTEL, the same hotel Leonardo DiCaprio stayed in the movie "The Beach" and I stayed there before him! We visited the Cultural Centre, watched elephants playing soccer, rode on an elephant, went to Butterfly Park etc. After a couple of nites there, we moved to Karon Beach but stayed at a cosy family-run Guest House. Managed to stop by Patong Beach, was very touristy &amp; comercial while Karon was a little laid back but it was fun. My girl got her hair braided right on Patong beach and i got a body massage! we also picked snails like the locals do and cooked them right on the beach! then we cooked our maggee noodles! we also went to visit the million years sea shell cemetry or something and the maritime museum. also tried parasailing! On the same trip, we also went to Phanga Town &amp; Phanga Bay and also Ko Panyi or Panyi (Panyee) Island, a village on the sea, great seafood, 100% Muslims. Then we also went to Krabi, another beautiful place! We also visit the "James Bond Island" or Ko Tapo and wenton a cruise on the long tail boat, stopping by a few of the limestones islands, exploring caves, with ancient paintings dated back 300BC! We also managed to do abit of simple trekking, splashing in waterfalls ... it was lots of fun and adventurous ... of course I was alot younger then ;) @28! Now, @42, with two small ACTIVE kids and 1 OVERGROWN kid (DH), not sure if I'm able to do that trip again, the same way! Ha!

Bintan or Batam,
is also a great place for families with small children, depending on where u stay. I used to go to Batam and stay at then Waterfront Resort, and now Harris resort. The swimming pool is Huge and they have a good club house (bowling, squash etc), also offers massages &amp; spa treatments. The nearby Holiday Inn is not so bad either and both include great buffet breakfast. Lots of activities at the waterfront there, from Banana boat, parasailing, jet skiing, bumboat(like bum cars except in the water) cable-ski (yep I tried it here first long before Eat Coast) go-kart, paintball, ATV, horseback riding, micro-light flying etc.

u must take the biting incidents seriously and ask the teacher. biting can transfer certain diseases.

u r lucky u r 1.6m, i am ONLY 1.57m! and I also wear 1-2 inch heels shoes, max, any higher, I won't be able to walk. I used to be able to wear higher heels when I was much younger and LIGHTER!

is it still safe to go BKK now?

Clay Art ~ ok there's alot in the market these days but for fun activities with kids, I still love using "Paper Clay or White Clay" ... u can get at Popular Bkshop @$4.90 for 1kg. I just did this with my kids a couple of weeks ago. I use normal poster paint but if u can get acrylic paint is better. if u use poster paint, spray with 'clear acrylic' from the can. this is to protect the paint. don't forget to use glitter or 'beads, sequins or crystals etc' for ur creations so they look nicer. we also use small sea shells and plastic flowers to stick on the clay to decorate our pencil holders that we made! my kids love them! we made pencil holders, pendants, fridge magnets etc. to dry, just air/fan/sun dry or just put it aside overnight. it'll harden as it dry. it is a bit messy tho. if u use the new 'light clay or jumping clay", no paint is needed as the clay is like 'play dough' they come in different colours and they ARE VERY LIGHT.
Hi JE,

My DD1 attended PG class when she was 21mths old. She joined N1 class when she was 27mths old (she was Oct baby). I find that she leant many things there, phonics, Mandarin, colouring, singing, etc. I felt that I made the right choice as she learnt how to converse in Mandarin within 6mths after she started school.

My DD2, now 27 mths started fullday CC at PG level when she was 21 mths old. She is learning as much

I agree with Fairyprincess that its no pblm to start school young.

Hi StyloBB,

I am also 1.65M tall, but, I prefer dresses/ half skirts slightly above knee, I felt that, that makes me look taller than dresses below knee level as I am "top" heavy leh.
Hi Precious Gem,

My company has not lifted the emergency level of BKK as only when absolutely required to. The same goes for my friend's company.
Stylobb/ Tam/ Yawn/ Rona- calling all online shopping experts....
I went to the Boots website (Thanks Stylobb)- the delivery charge works out to be about S$3.50 per tube of cleanser or bottle of shower gel (just the delivery/ shipping charge, not considering the price of the item)- is that considered expensive or cheap? Delivery is via DHL and estimated time is 5 days...I hardly buy stuff online so how does this compare with other websites like the one Tam mentioned about the Clinique cosmetics??? The price of items may be cheap, but the shipping and delivery charge can be atrocious and negate any cheap price correct? Hope someone can enlighten me =)
Hi Fairy,

For me, I bought my kids' Colostrum Powder/ Sambucus syrup from Iherb. They have free shipping if I cap my purchase at max. 3lbs (above USD60). If exceed 3lbs, have to pay std DHL fees which works out to about USD15.00 (calculated based on weight and size). Hence, I cap my purchase at max. 4 bottles of colostrum and 2 bottles of sambucus every time I purchase.

Based on this example, I save on the shipping cost which will erode the cost savings.

I have checked a few websites and they do provide foc shipping, you may want to find this out before you decide to buy online?
N1 - I feel more imptly is that the school is nearby for your kid's (and caregiver's) convenience ..... it's alright to send them but cannot subject them to long distances.... good to let them socialise....

Products - I also tend not to buy new products a lot. Usually stick to the same ones if they work. Haiz... can only stock up when hb or I go DFS at airport.

Boots - wow, at first glance, that does not look cheap. These brands are not available at all here, right?
$3.50 for shipping per product seems a bit high, esp if the product is not in the high-price range.....

precious gem
What is your 20 year old daughter doing now?

Where to buy the "light clay / jumping clay"? Shall go check out the clay at Popular - thanks, and also thanks for tips on glitters and stuff....

Er..I am not 'top heavy' so maybe dresses slightly below the knees suite me fine...... hehehe
Wow, your SIL so tall... ur BIL/or brother taller than her?

I always look at Holiday Inn Phuket as they have a kids' suite.. but we never got to go as that time Thailand had unrest.
There is a hotel which is highly recommended, Burasari.. it looks more like a boutique hotel...
Thanks Stylobb/ Snowball.
The Boots cleanser is S$8 and shower gel is S$9, so if shipping is S$3.50, then its 1/3 of the price of the item? Seems not cheap yah?

Both my hubby and his bro (my BIL) are >1.8m, so their sister (my SIL) is 1.7m....I am praying my kids inherit at least some of their genes yah? *praying hard*
I stayed in Holiday Inn Phuket before and its very nice! The set back is the walk to the beach - and later the slight uphill walk back to the hotel. I have also stayed in Novotel Phuket Resort too. The rooms are nice and like Holiday Inn, the walk back to hotel from the beach is an uphill task...
Its Stylo's dd that got bitten.

Just check with the teacher regarding his progres. She said that he has attention problem. Cant sit down and finished work. Get frustrated when his friends make noise. I received similar feedback from his enrichment teacher. His teacher advise to get him fish oil. Do you know which brand is good?

I stayed in Burasari before. It was years back before the tsunami. At that time it was very new and I like it very much!
wah, sounds so much fun you have had! those were the days!!! heheheheee...

Most of us give Nordic Naturals, Children's DHA, Strawberry Flavor. I read up about increasing concentration using DHA/Fish Oil. So am also trying to give my #1 regularly. but have lapsed recently.
Hi Tam,

You are very lucky that the silver-fish are loyal only to the encyclopedia. I used to be loyal to my old exercise books, textbooks, first dictionary and novels. What really triggered off the detachment was the appearance of the silver-fish and egg cases of cockroaches, facilitated by the fact that we were moving out (all the yucky things suddenly surfaced). One day I came home and saw a dead centipede in the kitchen sink and thought it was a toy (20cm long). Turns out that it was really a centipede and my sister (Primary 4 then) killed it with boiling water. I’ve had a phobia of all worms and creatures with more than 4 legs ever since. That’s why I’m an ‘extremist’ when it comes to house-cleaning.

Hi Rona,

I remember you saying that you have sensitive skin too (and that you shop at Carrefour) – haha, just as well the Dove products are exclusively found there!

Hi Yawn,

My latest bout of illness is also likely triggered by dust and flowers. Sat on a very old bus and it had that old-carpet smell – started choking and coughing after I alighted. Also a taxi which smelled bad (you know the hospital stench). Then after a lady with very strong jasmine-based scent went passed me at the supermart and I knew I was I due for another round of never-ending unwellness. I’ve never bought baby-powder or baby-detergent too! Have you tried Olbas oil? It’s cheap and good. A few drops into a bowl of boiling water – INHALE! Same here, until I shifted out of my parents’ place, I coughed and had ‘morning cold’ every day. My mom hoards disposables, old curtains, clothes and lots of expensive unused cooking pots.

Hi Fairy,

I’m a Boots fan too! Stock up on capsule-paracetamol, lozenges, cleansers, bodywash and deodorant. I can spend more than an hour in Boots (England). I like it that the pharmacy looks like a hospital’s and have such a wide range of medicines. I feel so safe knowing that Boots is available at every other town. I’ve always wished that we have Boots in Singapore! At the moment, I am grateful that we have Watsons.
thanks for the phuket tips

I'm 161cm. When hubby &amp; I were dating, I told him I'm '166 with heels' since I always wore 3 inch heels mah. My ideal height is 168cm &amp; 168 sounds auspicious too

My dd1 got chance lah. She's already approaching 1.4m at 8yo

Both my kids started kindy at K1. Prior to K1, they only attend enrichment classes

mine registered for P1, phrase 1
Hi all,

Finally got back the clarity-of-mind to update my posts. For those who love foot-spas, here are some really great products for use at home. Cost-effective and fun for all.

My favourite is the crystal mud spa solution and foot gloves. No peeling, abrasion or side-effects. Daiso also has a lovely range of horse-fat creams and scrub, which I find less greasy than olive oil.

Hope the pics are of use, especially for mommies with perpetual aching/tired feet like me.
there's some pharmacy here selling Nordic Natural, but quite expensive. There are two types of the Children's DHA - chewable softgel and in liquid form. My #1 has problem with the softgel and would only take the liquid one cold. while my #2 likes both. i can only give #3 the liquid one since he is still so small.

We got ours online. I bought mine at iHerb. Its very easy to get buy online. you can choose the international airmail option, which is only us$4 with purchases up to usd80 or 4 pounds in weight.
yes, i've got sensitive skin - but only when i used the wrong products. not so bad with dust and pollen etc...
Hi Pantone,

I am giving my kids Greenlife DHA w/Colostrum. Its Orange flavoured and my kids love it. I give them 1 daily.

Hi Fairy,

Why not you combined a no. of products and buy at one go, it will be cheaper, as there will be a min. charge even when you buy a few items.
Rona- IHerb can use s'pore issued credit card? Sometimes for online shopping, they do not accept that...

Snowball- yes, maybe I should buy more at one go..I was only checking out the Boots website, did not buy anything yet...
rona has answered your query....

Yeah, seems not worth it for the shipping if you say it's SGD3.50 PER ITEM...

iHerb, yes they accept S'pore credit cards... I like iHerb...hehe..cos I like the Hero Gummies...

Best is Benefit Cosmetics, free in'l shipping and recently they hv 20% discount! Their stuff is cheaper online!!

ON/Gap's shipping is usu. $2.50-$3 per item, not that expensive as the price of clothing is reasonable compared to what you get in S'pore at Gap store or other mid-priced brands. I mean, you can hardly find a nice pair of bermudas for less than $20..

Went for a run just now, knees are aching. I must hv run for 35-40 mins..

Wow, you are sensitive to a lot of stuff....
Holiday Inn Phuket - I rembr my bro/family were there, and a week later the htl was wiped off (partly) by the tsunami.

Waterfront at Batam - I had bad vibes staying there many yrs ago, the apartment was dim, air con did not work, and the toilet kept auto flushing the whole nite...
Yeah, I think most of us get Nordic Natural and Sambucus. I usu get the Hero Gummies too.. besides Lil Critters gummies which tam helped me to order.
Hi Rona/ StyloBB,

Iherb. So far, I ordered twice from them and got foc shipping (for orders above USD 60) leh. Need to pay for shipping? Maybe they got some shipping promo when I bought my stuff.

Btw, Iherb selling Sambucus at USD 18+ per 240ml bottle. Got additional 5% off for purchases in multiples of 4 bottles.
Re Pri 1 PV
I am doing PV now for one school in Dover. I did my HW. For teh past 2 years, it was safe entry if your PV even if you stay >2km. But hoe this year...suddenly need to ballot if you PV and stay >2km. So discouraging cos I obviously belong to that group. I have no choice leh. I stay in Clementi and there are only 4 Pri SChs there. NHPS rejected me for PV. I am within 1Km from atht school so if I want, I can take the chance in Phase 2C but sure ballot one. Very risky also. Cos if I do that I lose even the chance to go Clementi Pri.

Whatever it is, will still do my PV first and see how next year lah...hopefully the citizenship extra chance will come in useful.

The "Shi wu kuai du" instruction a lot leh. Very taxing for me to read...cos I did my Chi only up to Primary 2. Will try hard hard tonight...
ask you hubby to read lah. i think he will finish it in less then half an hour... ;P

I'm serious... ask him to read and summarize for you. faster that way.
Hi Mumusings,

Hmmm....U are very sensitive to dust and fragrance, ya?

I think my DD1 has sensitive nose. She will sneeze non-stop when she comes across even a little bit of dust. The sneezing can be quite bad until her runny nose kicks in. Sighhhhh.
