Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?


when r u free ? come to my rental home for a playdate b4 u jet off! But of cos, only if u don't mind the hse being quite a slum (not kidding) =P

which hotel are u off to nxt week? I find it v taxing to coordinate a kid's needs n juggle hse moving at the same tm. Nt sure whether u find it tedious too. You must be glad when u finally arrive in melb n settle in properly . hahah.. i knw i needed a minor 'celebratn ' when we completed unpackg.

Sounds like a v nice agent u had. i heard frm my gf who was shoppg for EAs arnd ur old hse vicinity that the area's flats v popular= high price. You must hv gotten a v gd price.


do you have any special method to maintain yor books? do your books turned yellowish after a couple of years?

sometimes, I also noticed very tiny insect crawling on some pages, yucks!

I place 'hippo' inside the cabinet, not sure whether it helps. My mom said sun the book regularly to keep away the insect
yah lor hor... don't buy don't buy and then one big one. i think i'm a bit siao... but was thinking i need one for my own, the one at home is a little too big to carry around. and if i use the office one, i'm worried that i may accidentally do something to it and it will be quite hard then to explain to the office. this one is very light and i can just put inside my handbag and carry around. iPad will cost more, though the screen is definately bigger and so nice to use in that aspect. i was also thinking of using up my Everday card $$.
iPad cannot run ms office (at least not now). I think it is compatible with iwork (apple equivalent) but has limitations. I may be wrong though, hv yet to try.
I think Andre comfort shoes quite like Scholl designs if I'm not mistaken...

Nope, I think I do not run if I hv my menses.. but nowadays the flow is not v heavy ....

Will you be in Melb long? How come you pack so many things???

Seems Shu Uemura Cleansing oil always has rave reviews... I hv not tried it though... wonder if it will be 'oily'...

I tried Fancl before...

On days when I'm diligent, I will use facial wipes to clean off the makeup and all, then use cleanser. Stimes I use this brand called "Sea Breeze" to clean off the last bit of dirt.. it's v effective.

All the best for your run!

See you in Oct? for the GE run...hehe

Yah you can join in too, if not confi, go for 5km first....

Pierre cardin - I also like but lately their designs are so so only...have not seen their nice strappies out.

Bookworm is also the same as silverfish????
Is Jerome, Arnold v active?
jesse's v active, at times I find it difficult to keep up with him... we hv to let him expend his energy by letting him run about, go playground, or cycle his bike..keke
Hi mommies,
sorry MIA for awhile, busy with kiddos especially my terrible two boy....

r the books here already? Can I collect next week? U goes bukit timah shopping every sat/sun? My gal will b performing 2moro, 2:30 I think. Need to chk again
Jeromes is very active. When I bring him out, he runs around non-stop and touches everything. He is not only active, he talks from morning to night. Once we were in a taxi and the driver was amazed that a little boy could talk non-stop throughout the long journey, the driver asked him whether he was thirsty or not :p

My mother just sold her 3 room flat, she will use that money to pay for my flat. It is below valuation but more than enough for us to pay back our CPF, we bought 5 room flat at only $210K and we already fully paid back the housing loan years ago.

That happens to me a few times before. Now I always type my message in notepad first before posting it !
You got a very good deal with your new netbook !

My mother does not own any property now. Yes we are planning to rent out the rooms. We have about 20 bookshelves lining the walls of the bedrooms and living room, I hope to find tenants who do not mind :p

Most of the books belong to my hubby, he loves his books and will not sell them. But we have another 6 bookshelves of books in my mother's old flat, he has agreed to sell those because we really have no place for them now. Those are all books about computers and engineering.

One EA opposite my block is asking for $610K, about $100K above valuation. But I doubt they can sell at this price.

Whenever I look at the 20 bookshelves (200cm tall, 80cm wide) of books, I feel very scared about moving them. My mother is more than happy to take over my flat, and now I can leave all the bookshelves here hehehe

Most of the books belong to my hubby, we have no special methods to maintain them. Some of the books have insects, my hubby called them "silver fish" like styloBB wrote, and all of them have dust. Many books have turned yellowish. My hubby likes to buy hardcover books with good quality paper and these are fine.
The children's books are all fine because I bought good quality ones.
According to my hubby, "silverfish" are harmless, and dust is also harmless because it stays on the books and the wind does not disturb it, so I have no choice but to live with it lor.
Hi all,

Bought a Dove cleansing oil-foam from Carrefour at S$13.70. Not as oily as cleansing oil and gentler. Not bad. Was initially thinking of trying DHC (the brand is carried by Watsons) but since I don't really put on make-up, I didn't feel like spending $50 on something I will never finish (in case the oil turns rancid). I'm not a fan of Dove products but this range (Jap-made) seems lighter. May try the alcohol-free toner next ($7.90). Will put up a pic later if I have time.

On Books,

I throw away books IMMEDIATELY if I were to spot the slithery silver fish 'cos they cause all books to get infected in short time. Good grieve - typing this already makes my hair stand. My dad used to hoard all sorts of books and left them standing on the shelves. One fine day, I needed one title and while flipping though the pages, around 5 swam across the page. I totally panicked and flung it on the floor, causing more to swim out and about. Afer that, we opened up every book and got rid of those that obviously had inhabitants. The rest, we placed in trash bags with moth balls.... you can imagine the carnage when we re-opened the bags. Now we've all learnt not to keep books. Books must be touched/read opened enough to avoid the silver fish. Airy and non-damp shelves help. As for dust, I get asthma attacks.

At the moment, I only have a dictionary and 2 novels. Donated hundreds of books away when I stopped working. Kid's books are fine 'cos they're used every other day. Otherwise, all gotten rid of. I've learnt not to be attached to anything paper. I love books but now I pay S$1.55 to reserve each at the Library. Better to read quickly and return it so that others can use it. Will start a library for myself when I grow old and can't get out of the house. I suppose by then, I'd have gotten an e-book reader so that I won't choke on dust.

If you mommies have time for a quick read (non-fiction), Frankin's Thrift is a lovely book which has essays on Thrift and the early American values that are lost. Very interesting ideas and worthy values to consider. One of the sayings that stuck in my head for the past few days: "one is never too poor to save... one is never too rich to not need to save..." The advocation of getting better lives through diligence and empowerment through learning, rather than worship of excessive lifestyle and Chance.
Here's the Dove cleansing oil-foam which I mentioned in the earlier post. Haven't seen it elsewhere yet.

The silverfish has not infected the rest of our books. Only found in the Encyclopedia Britannica that my hubby had for about 30 years. The rest of the books are fine.

My hubby refused to throw away books, but I don't mind giving away or sell books that I have read before. Some books are so precious to me, I kept them for over 30 years and will not part with them. The same for my hubby.
Hi StyloBB,

My gal's also has Readers in her CC since N1. But, now that she can read P & J books, she find those books too easy to read. She told me that those books are for 妹妹. But, I still make her read those books (to her 妹妹).

Hi Yawn,

I paid about $90 for the Andre Comfort slip-ons....Yes, they do not have fanciful patterns tho'. But, I like the confort. I just bought a pair of J-West slip-ons weekend wear. Paid $69 after 30% discounts, not as comfortable.

Hi Cheri,

Wow....166 boxes. That is a lot to shift.

Hi Tamarind,

My hb also keep his books since schooldays. He refused to let me throw nor give them away. I packed them into big plastic boxes, put in some silicon gel pkts and stash away into the storeroom to make room for my kids' books.
I read somewhere that experts said that parents should to read to children for as long as possible.
<font color="0000ff">"Once a child begins to read, it is essential to continue reading aloud together. "</font>

In my case, I let me kids read out loud to me. Both my kids have finished reading English books of a few hundred pages to me before. Nowadays I ask my girl to start reading the first chapter out loud. Then she gets interested in what happens next and finish reading the entire book on her own. She also picks up thick novels to read, like the BFG, and finish reading over 2 days. But she usually judge a book by its cover, or by the illustrations. So for the more serious literature, I will still ask her to read out loud to me. This is also a good way to check whether she really understands what she is reading. She is now reading "Through the looking glass" by Lewis Carroll, I am happy that she likes the book.

It is also important to find books that kids are interested in. My younger boy likes non-fiction books, he enjoys reading children's encyclopedia. My girl likes fantasy and humorous story books.

One more advise is give a child books that are below his reading level, this applies to young kids below 7 years old. For example, if a child is reading Peter and Jane level 6, then give him books that are equivalent to level 3 or 4. Kids will find these books very easy to read and are more motivated to read them.

Also, note that a 5 year old child may be able to finish reading Peter and Jane book 11, but his level of understanding is still that of a 5 year old. So he should still read books suitable for 5 year old kids. Give him books with lots of text, as well as lots of beautiful pictures, these will help him understand that story.
Hi Tam,

I received the Dang Dang books, thanks!

Hi Rona,

I read 永远永远爱你, very touching. My kids like the book 跟屁虫. Thanks for the recommendations

I ordered another book 青蛙小弟睡午觉. The story is very funny.
Hi Precious Gem,

KK - Not advisible to bring young kids for mountain climbing. My colleagues are a group of either singles or those with grown-up kids. According to them, the terrain is quite easy to takcle, but, the final leg of reaching the peak can be quite challenging. One of my colleagues also experienced altitude sickness even tho' she's been there 3 times.

Can still go KK on leisure trip. Take the coach right up to middle of the mountain where they have some resorts there.
Kota Kinabalu
We were there in 2008, did not climb the mountain. Like snowball wrote, I don't think my kids can take it.
We visited the islands, they are beautiful, but sadly there are sandflies ! Both my hubby and I were badly bitten and took many days to heal. Surprisingly the kids were not bitten. But don't think I will go back there.
For beach resort, Krabi and Redang are still on top of my list.
PSLE's oral exams on 19 and 20 Aug. so thinking of bringing the kids to somewhere, since we have not gone anywhere for a long time and before my youngest turn two...

was thinking of going Kota Kinabalu cos the tix is still cheaper then the rest of the destination. The resort i'm thinking of staying is Nexus Resort. website:

didn't know about the sandflies...
yes, i have the two books too, 跟屁虫 and 青蛙小弟睡午觉. 跟屁虫 is my gal's favourite. there's another book, 你真好 is also very good. that is about friendship. This series's story is quite good
stylo, fairy,
when i was running, i found that my shoulders are very tight. and my left arm from shoulders down went numb after the almost 6km mark. i stopped and flexed my arm but my left arm felt like there's not enough blood circulation in them... do you have the same sensation when you run?
How was the run?

Nope, never experienced the 'tight shoulders'... maybe shud warm up before running?

Talking about talkative, today we told jesse to stop talking in the car, told him he can only start to talk once we reached home... hahaha

Active - but having said this, I rmbr reading the "Health" supplement that a child who plays means a healthy child so we shud not be overly agitated...haha... of crse, stimes we hope they slow down a bit... this aftn jesse went 'nothing to do, nothing to do.. '...
just need to let him do sth to expend his energy...
yah, arnold also loves to yak yak yak. he yaks so much that his teacher complains about him in school. bad - cos his teacher is talking and he is also talking, in the end, he didn't get anything into his brain...
re: book worms

Most of my children books are paperback. You know Enid blyton books - that type of paper quality so they turned yellowish after a couple of years. I noticed very tiny insects sometimes. Not as large as silver fish. More like very very tiny ant which is only visible in bright light

My book shelves have doors to keep clutter out of sight &amp; that cut down on dust too

I'm allergic to dust too. In fact, am allergic to all small particles. So talc powder is a no-no for me. Never sprinkle powder on my kids

I used to think I've a serious case of running nose. Suffered for years until I studied overseas where I only had bare necessities in my apartment. Miraculously, I did not have running nose for an entire year! That's when I discovered my mom's house is the culprit. She loves to hoard &amp; hence accumulated dust
i ran 6km and walked. took 1 hour 23 mins. yesterday my condition is not too good, left shoulder and arm turning numb... will try to run more now to prepare for the GE run in Oct - aim to run the full 10km. maybe around 1 hour?
i did warm ups. stretches etc... but after holding up the arm for sometime, felt numb... as in like there's no blood circulation.
Stylobb- I did not go for Shape run (Rona knows)...cos it was Day 2 of my menses!!! I knew it was coming these few days, but I was hoping it would come immediately AFTER the run, not BEFORE!! Anyways, heavy flow and may be messy, tough to run esp if cannot get to portable toilet in time...sian...thought of going down to walk, but a bit cramp feeling, thought better I did not get the goodie bag and finisher's bracelet...nevermind, next time!

Rona- I know I can do 5km in about 29 min, so 10km below 60 min possible, but probably need to sprint a bit the first 5km, then run slower the second 5km...otherwise, will cross 1hr mark...I ran and walked Standchart...also 1 hr 14 min...prob ran 7-8 km in total, and brisk walked the rest...problem is if there is too much crowd, then really tough to do a good run at good pace....

Arm numb? Not sure- probably should "open and close fingers constantly" as you run to get blood circulation going...
The champion of shape run took almost 40 mins to finish 10km! that is very fast.

wah, you good leh. the GE run last year, i took 33mins (? can't remember clearly already). for the next GE run, i'm going to run more before the run, so will try to run the whole 10km instead. say now lah, hope i will do it too.

I was hunting for a pair for black open-toe shoes - can be use both for weekends and also in the office kind. and i found that Foxtrot is very nice and very comfy! Pricing is same as Andre so got to wait for the 20% discount then get it. I like the covered shoes, 2-2.5 inches so quite nice. and the leather is super soft! there are three designs under this particular range and i like all three!!
hi mommies, back from my trip! my first overseas trip for my gal...

sharon, size 3 is SMALL!!!!!

aly_nat, what is ur defn of afforable? my beautician is at bt timah sc/plaza (the one at the jtn)... my facial usually cost $75 (not AHA whatever). And she does not hard sell. she uses maria galland products..

re ipad...canot play flash!!! arghhh!

cheri, 40 foot container???? who is delivering for u??? means ur stuff are going by ship?

re shape run.. i only fly back a few hours before the run so ask my sis to take over :p :p :p dont thnk i will sign up for another run soon cos i really find taht i got no time to jog cos my gal always tag along!
Rona - ya, and the 5km winner did it in 19 minutes! That is less than 4 minutes per km...really good!

Anyways, you very good one lah- never train already so if you train, sure can do 10km in 1 hour...I know I can't cos first 5km can run fast, second 5km usually more tired, so will surely slow down...
hello ladies,

u r moving to melb already? but we will be still seeing u here right?

that's why i ask abt KK cuz I read somewhere that if u wanna climb up to Kinabalu, u gotta take a package that includes guide &amp; resort stay at the base camp. the itenary usually start with the first climb then rest at the resort. the next day at abt 3am or so, u make ur final climb just in time to see the sun rise at the peak then u descent back to the resort. for families with small children, they provide child minders during ur dawn climb to the peak. well that's what i read online when i do a search on it quite sometime ago.

I like to keep my books too and also a few magazines ... especially those with good parenting articles and my National Geographic mags. Most of my books are on early childhood or parenting books and lots of children books. I just bought a book/cubby shelf (with 12 cubbies) but it's only enough for my children's books and a couple of cubbies for my parenting books. I still have alot of my books in boxes and a couple more boxes in one of my locked bedrooms in my Singapore flat. For novels and fiction , I used to borrow from the library but it has been ages since I read Fiction books.

really u don't like the pierre cardine style? i just went to Metro@Causeway Point over the weekend and bought 3 pairs!!! I can't believe I saw 3 designs that I immediately fell in love
One elegant looking pump shoe, one nice trendy shoe and a nice strappy (very scholl style) but the most important is they are all so comfy! the leather is sooo soft and my feet just snug in them
They all cost $89-$98 each so I pay less than $300 for three pairs and I know they will last me more than a year.

If I ever go for those run, I don't think I can even jog, let alone run, I could just briskwalk. Anyway, these days I always exprience numbness around my ankles

where did you for your trip?

precious gem

I used to buy shoes from metro. I like their wide shoes collection and sometimes they have promotions not available in other stores like taka or isetan. Another plus point, can use smart$ from uob credit card at metro

The nearest outlet in Tampines had closed. To shop in Metro, I have to travel to I hardly made the effort nowsaday

how about Bintan? if stretch to Sat quite possible

2 days is too short for us to go anywhere. We got to be around on weekends because kids have enrichment classes. No weekends getaway


Good idea hor! where to buy silicon gel pkts?
This time round i will miss the sat classes - will try to make up class for berries on one of the weekdays. only for Sheryl, she will miss zoophonics again. but i really want to bring them for a short holidays and arnold won't have a chance if its not during school hols and my youngest one will turn two in end Aug.
precious gem
I like PC brand but I didn't see any nice ones the last time I was there.. maybe now have new designs...keke ... but I will be going KL next mth so won't be buying any shoes for now.. hehe

What is Foxtrot brand sold? At BHG??
The BHG at Bishan is quite lousy...

2-day break with kids is almost like 'forget it', I prefer to stretch it longer since I gotta pack their clothes/stuff as well...heee

I can definitely run faster for the 1st 5km but not the next 5km. At the SC Run, I was kinda dehydrated yet I could not gulp down so much water. Also, the uphill run was challenging, but hor, must speed at the last 1km...hehehe
My timing was 1hr 20min, I had hoped to be 1hr 15min... but really quite siong at 7-8km....

Wah, rona, ur timing is not bad leh...

KK - Oh I remember my colleague said must book the resort way in advance if intending to climb Mount KK.
I mean "WHERE is Foxtrot brand sold?"

Hv u signed up for the GE run?

Maybe join the GE run - they have 5km / 10km...
Foxtrot - Robinson and Isetan.

Run - yah, i can't run if i drink during a run. the tummy felt very heavy and got extra extra load to carry. But my biggest problem is really the bad circulation from my left shoulder down to my arm. don't know why, but i really felt a little numb, thought arm can still function well... ;P

Aiyoh, timeing still not bad? its 1 hour 23 mins, not 1 hour and 2 mins leh. and i only run 6km, not 7/8 km... ;P i think its an accomplishment if one can finish 10km running. then you just need to run more regular to improve the timing. its ok to run slowly.
10km is really a stretch for me- not just physically, but its mentally boring to run for > 1 hour...even with MP3 on...not to mention the huge crowds during runs- tough to run at your own pace...that's why I still like 5km runs- in 30 min get enough exercise, not too tired...and not too bored =)

No one has bought any shoes from Pazzion brand? I saw a nice pair, it would be buying on impulse if I go ahead...have not decided if I should yet...
I used to own a few pairs of Pazzion, the style is quite nice. but very high heels! I've complaint to their staff a few times. and I think this time round, they have some nice 2" and 2.5" heels. haven't buy anything yet from them though.
Oh...I thot u ran that timing for 10km..kekeke

Foxtrot - ok, shall look out for them should I go.
I dun't recall seeing at Robinsons City Hall...

Ur numbness - hope it's nothing serious.

Yeah, it's not easy to run along the crowd either, difficult to overtake due to lack of space.. also cannot fall behind..hehe

Nope, never bot any shoes from Pazzion.. if not leather, I usu don't buy....
Think we discussed a bit about art clay stime back - I wanna ask if I want to paint it, do I have to buy special paint. I supposed I can get the clay and paint from Artfriend??
How fast does it take for the clay to dry??
Stylobb- that's the thing- the sales assistant says its leather- I also see the leather sign/ stamp on the shoe- its S$69 for a pair- not expensive for leather- but wonder if it is comfortable/ can walk for long?

Rona- yes, I observe 2 things religiously ever since I turn 30/ after kids:
- I cannot wear high heel shoes that is too high (around 1.5 inch is ideal these days)
- I never wear dresses/ skirts that is way above knee- no more mini skirts for me...some how, feel and look too old for that...sigh!
yes i bot pazzion frm marina before. Wasn't comfy for me so only wear few tms then kp at the back of my shoe cab. So i nvr patronise them again.

when my kid was turning 2, i was also in a mad rush to book the tix haha.. Apparently, SQ told me that u hv to depart n arrive bk in sg before turning 2. But i hv also heard some pple say that u cn arrive bk after turning 2. But must depart before birthday. We brot her to taiwan in that year.

I ran 6km and walk the rest and cross the finish line in 1hour 23mins... I told myself that I have to train a bit and try to run the whole 10km. i don't know about the numbness, but will try to run again and see if its back again.

Pazzion - yes its leather. you have to choose, there's a few styles with very soft leather. i think those are slightly more expensive.

And you are right with the two points! though i still insist to wear something like 2 inches... heheheee.. me short mah... cannot be seen and short and plump!
