Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Stylobb- all the best! Train hard!
BTW- you registered for P1 yet? Its these few days correct?

Yawn/ AA- thanks for your comments re Hao Pen You...I just realized getting my gal to read the para/ stories in Hao Pen You is useful too..although the storylines are quite mundane and boring, its to get her to learn more words and learn to write sentences..

I will also sign up then. 5km or 10km?

this sunday - don't worry, i'm also going to walk and jog. maybe i will be the last one instead. you wanna meet up to walk to talk???
I will also sign up then. 5km or 10km?

this sunday - don't worry, i'm also going to walk and jog. maybe i will be the last one instead. you wanna meet up to walk to talk???
Hi Rona,
GE Run- I signed up 5km, Stylobb is doing the 10km...

Shape run- no lah Rona- you will do very well lah! I am not sure of my mood on Sun yet, whether I feel like running or not (or got stamina to run or not!)...I will PM you for your mobile, maybe sms you when we are done, then can meet up =)
don't see me so up. i have not been running hor... but never mind, i saw a lot of people during the GE run last year walking 10km. think i won't be slower then those people walking bah... my aim is to walk and jog, so 2 hours...

GE run - ok, then i join stylo to do 10km too...

this forum funny leh, post went missing otherwise its double posting...
P1 - already registered on 5 Jul and have received the letter of acceptance.. hehe

Milkshakre - yah man, not cheap. I think the 'small' one is $3 plus. We usually get the regular - $5.70. The strawberry, the chocolate and the cookies n cream are nice!

Aiyah you always say that but always end up you can run v well! Don't bluff us lah!

Go for 10km lah!!!
Hi mommies,
Thanks for sharing about shoes

I am also thinking of fit flop, but I need to find a style that I like. I am more in need of working shoes.

I just had one pair of shoes soaked in a very heavy downpour
It is not leather, its a kind of synthetic material, but I got to think of ways to clean it before wearing it again.

For sight words, it is best to learn by reading books, it is more interesting to learn this way. Kids need to read extensively, together with parents who can teach them the correct pronunciation as they read. Some words may look phonetic, but they are not. For example, "salmon", "almond", "Wednesday", etc are often pronounced wrongly.

Chloe also brings back 好朋友, but I did not see her reading it. She probably reads in school.

I also don't like to keep old stuff. I dream of one day staying in a flat that is completely empty except for some essential furniture. Now my flat is hopelessly cluttered with books, toys, etc.

This forum is unstable. Now I try to save my text in notepad first before I try to post. Otherwise if there are problems I lost all that I typed !
not spree lah, just thought since I'm going to buy, once and for all get for those interested... I'm still going back to collect 1B.
stylo, fairy,
This time round not as easy as last year. i'm at least 3kg more then last year!!! that's a load to carry for 10km... ;P
Hi Mummies,

My colleagues goes to KK yearly to climb Mt Kinabalu. I saw their photos.....very nice esp those taken from the summit.

Hi Stylo/ Tam,

I got a pair of Andre Comfort slip-ons 1.5in heels during Robinsons year-end Sales. Very nice to wear. I have been wearing it for almost 7 mths now. It is anti-slip and leather is now seasoned and nice to wear. I will go buy 1 more pair during this year-end Sales if I can find the style I like.

Hi StyloBB,

My DD1 going to finish Book 5a of P & J series. I only need to read to her the new words introduced in each page and she can read most of the rest of the words in the page. I agree with Tam that it is more interesting to read aloud with them and they learn along the way while reading.
So your shoes are a goner??
Sight words - 'Mannequin', 'vormit' - such words can be tricky... hahaha...
Noted re how to teach them sight words...thanks. Will do more reading with them then.

I also don't like clutter but my bad habit is I hardly throw things, am learning to be more 'heartless' now.... hehe

You (and bloom?) taking part in SHAPE run, right?

I was fairly confident last year w/ 10km as I trained for it, so gotta buck up now.
Anyway found that my running shoes - the soles are wearing out thru wear and tear. .. need to get another pair soon.

As you can imagine, I have a weakness for milkshakes, cheesecakes... hehe
i also wish they had covered shoes frm fitflop.

poohy/ snowball
mine is 6mths rental in a condo. area is holland.

we want to sell our hse but hb don't want to entertain viewing while we are staying in the unit. Also, we are hse hunting, so once we get a new place, we need to renovate. hence we decided once n for all to shift out n do everythg one shot. And since prices are at a plateau or gng dwn, doesn't seem prudent to buy first n sell later. think it shld be sell first n buy later.

scape- haha, think u n hb are rite! heard frm my hb that alot of complaints frm nearby residents that the youths are v noisy there even when late at nite.

u nvr got rnd to contactg the masseuse for ur massage?
stylo, fairy,
check with you, do you run on your menstruating days? according to my Yoga master, ladies should rest on their mens days...
fortunately , yes. frm then till nw, my wt has gone down abt 3kg. now i m 45kg.

Need to check with mommies here for their opinion:

If you sell your house, would u assign an "exclusive" agent to sell? If yes, why ?

I m putting my hse on the mkt- need some views on this. And also, does anyone hv any agent to recommend?
Rona- I will def not run during heavy menses like day 2-3, but may run if its later...

Beer- so you plan to sell your place now, and your rental contract is 6 months? You are confident you can find a new place to move within 6 months? or do you plan to just extend the rental if your new place is not ready yet? Unfortunately, I do not know enough to recommend exlcusive or non-exclusive agent??
Hi Beer,

U good leh. We are thinking if we wanna upgrade, we will wait till price drop before buying. But, that will mean buy low, sell low. Never thought of sell high buy low as gotta to rent a place (like wat you are doing now).

Yes, like what Fairy said, you are confident that you can get another place within 6 mths?
Hi Yawn,

I am a fan of spring-cleaning all through the year. Like you, I do my best to help de-clutter my mom’s place (when she’s away on holiday...). a month back I got rid of 6 large bags of stuff from my own place since there were kids collecting for school recycling programme. My mom can’t bear to give or throw away some things and she doesn’t understand that there simply isn’t any value in yellowed curtains and old bedsheets! She’s very stubborn when it comes to such ‘properties’.

Hi All,

Just curious. Any of you using cleansing oil for removal of light make-up? So far, I’ve only tried Fancl and thinking of switching brands.
wow! that's very good! I'm like 12kg more then you!!! I'm 57kg in good days!

If I wanna sell my house (if I have one to sell in the first place), i won't give exclusive to agent. will do first high offer first to get...??? or whoever can get me the best price or my price...

We did that the last time because my friend took a whole year to sell her flat so we thought better sell first, in case kanna stuck with 2 flats. However, after going through that once, I doubt I will ever sell first then buy, no matter what. It's too disruptive for me and affected my dd2's learning process because I've no time to coach her the entire year due to all these packing, unpacking, ID, renovation, blah blah blah

the problem with open listing is some agents may conveniently use your flat as 'show flat' to try to sell theirs i.e. talk down on yours to sell those they have exclusives. If buyers like your flat anyway, they will still close for you since extra income mah. exclusive you must find a good agent. Otherwise flat cannot move also jialut, since you have given agent exclusive right for a certain period of time. Best is get recommendation from neighbours & look for agent who is very active in your estate
That pair of shoes is still wearable, just that it is covered with dirt
I am too lazy to clean it.

My mother sold her flat without signing any exclusive contract with an agent. I feel that it is not necessary. Even if you sign an exclusive contract, the agent cannot guarantee that your flat can be sold. I found one agent and promised him that I will not ask other agent to sell my flat.

If you sell your flat first, where are you going to stay ? It is not cheap to rent right ?

I am also going to move to a bigger flat, so now my plan is to sell my 5 room HDB to my mother. It will be at a lower price than valuation, but does not matter because she is my mother. Then we can take our time to view and buy another flat. I plan to buy an EA nearby, so we can just leave our thousands of books in the old flat and treat it as a library.

For HDB flats, it is a a big headache if we sell and buy at the same time. If we sell first, then we many not find a good unit within the time frame. If we buy first, then we may not get a good price for our flat.
Tam- I like your your mum can buy your flat as hers was already sold (i.e. she has no title deeds to any flat currently?)...then you can buy another flat...if your mum needs income, can even sublet our some rooms in your existing flat correct? Not a bad idea...
Rona- my weight never changes much- 57kg on good days and 58kg on bad days...after a long bout of illness early this year, was kinda permanently 57kg, but in last 1-2 months, too much traveling, went back to 58kg....hiah...

Massage packages- any mums have such packages? How much is per session? I always feel its quite a luxury to purchase such "enjoyment"- wonder what you think? Currently- I only go for them when I am overseas e.g. BKK, HCMC, Shanghai- can be around S$10-15 per hour- very cheap!
I like your idea of a "personal" library. I can imagine you must have a very big collection of books. How about a book sale for your fellow forumers when u move house

Your question of massage reminds me of a question I've been meaning to ask.

Any mummies has any good and affordable salon to recommend for facial treatments? Anyone has experience with Leonard drake?
Snowball - so coincidental. My daughter is also about to finish her book 5b of P & J. This is the best advice I got from Tamarind. My girl is finally reading now.
But ask you ah, do you have problem getting her to read other books to herself? I ahve leh. My girl will still want to me to read all other books.

Last night, we were out with friends and she read the words off her T-shirt easily. Friend was impressed and asked if she likes reading. My DD answered "no" flatly. Sigh...

You ladies are so fit. Talking about running...think it has been a long while since I last ran. 2 weeks ago, I thought of getting some excercise and carried my 11 month old in my ergo to jog. Boy, she felt so heavy esp when I tried jogging. SOmemore her head kept bouncing up and down and I tried to put my hand to my back to hold her down. It must have been a funny sight to the other users of the park.
your gal is also 4yo this year? My gal also still want me to read to her too...

mine, snowball's and stylo's twins are all 4yo gals...
aly nat- I have a package from Angelsky8- renewed two packages with them so far- now onto my third- I like the good price- S$30 per facial which lasts 1.5 hours including some hand/ shoulder massage- but downside is they always try to sell you "add-on" services at each facial...have been going there for about 5 years to date...

dingdong- my gal also reading the 5 series- yes, I think they tend to be lazy and try to get mummy to read, but I always encourage her to read- she is concurrently reading Mr Men and Little Miss series- the words are more difficult gal is 5 years old, not an advanced reader, but I am glad she is getting the hang of reading! She also goes for MMI phonics classes and I use a set of assessment books to reinforce phonics with her...
Stylo, Fairy, Tam,
Remember I told you that my netbook went kaput when i spill bm on it? just now i walk over to suntec, supposed to have lunch then get myself a bottle of toner - john little having sales, thought to walk over after lunch, a little exercise good for me lah - and i saw there's a road show on computers at the atrium. the brand new acers netbook is $599, throw in the external DVD-R player, mouse and a 4gb thumbdrive. the specs is quite good compared to the other brands and i bought it... :p good thing is that i've accumulated some points in my POSB everyday card, so i used it to offset but still need to pay $530 (but still earn another 5% on the amount i charged back to the card)... So the netbook costed me $500. its very light and i hope it will work well too and can last me 2 years!

I think I will break out in cold sweat when i get my credit cards statements in the coming month!!!

you got a great buy!
bugis is convenient. I'm in bugis area most weekend. Kids attending classes nearby

aly nat

My facial package with bodywellness. I don't like their package price fluctuation. For the same type of facial, price can vary widely depending on your negotiation skills & how desperate they are to reach sales target that particular month
Actually my work place is 10 mins walk from Bugis, its Gateway on Beach Road. so i can walk to either suntec, bugis, golden mile side or purvis street side or even rochor road there for lunch...

see, got a good variety for lunch right. But still come lunch time, we will keep thinking where to go for lunch and what to eat... sian leh...
I saw a pizza cafe somewhere further down north bridge center, at a road junction, in the direction toward town. Is it any good? I always see angmoh eating there.
Hi Aly,

Yes! The 1st instance my gal has is also to get me to read to her.

But, she likes to ask what, when, why, now....I will tell her that she needs to read on to find out the answers.

I also encourage my DD to read by herself by getting her to choose the books she want to read. I bought some Level 1 and 2 readers (about 150 - 300 words) published by Popular(Robin) that comes with colour pictures for her. She enjoys reading those books and she felt encouraged when she can read most of the words in those story books.

Leonard Drake - I used to go to there to do my facial many yrs back. Svc quite good but unfortunately, their product (tho' mentioned is hypoallergic) I cannot use, I had bad outbreak & has to get treatment from dermatologist.

Hi Tamarind,

Now EA price also quite steep. My area, most owners want between $30k - $50k COV.

Hi Rona,

Netbook at $500 is a good deal. I am thinking if I shd get one for my own use. Or, I shd get an Ipad.
if u want portability, go for the ipad. I was against getting one, but hb found out that it was cheaper in az (during our recent trip), he went ahead to get one. Now I ba zhan the ipad in the day. He only get to use it at night. In the middle of the nite if I cannot fall back to sleep, i surf in my bed using the ipad.
ipad is very nice! i like it too... but the price not so friendly yet...

Pricing for the iPad will be between S$728 for the Wi-Fi 16GB model, and S$1028 for the top end 64GB Wi-Fi.

As for the 16GB Wi-Fi+3G model, Apple said it should retail at S$928 and the 64GB Wi-Fi+3G model comes in at S$1228.

There is also the 32GB iPad which should retail at S$878 for the Wi-Fi model and S$1078 for the Wi-Fi+3G.
having said that, i must say that at least iPad has a very large screen, that is definately MUCH better the the netbook liao! my customer has one and he let me played with it when we were in sweden. it was very nice to use especially with the ebooks (for me). but i'm wondering if its easy for me to watch online serials or not... like streaming kind... i tried surfing on it and looking at his family's photos.

can i use powerpoint, excel, words etc on iPad too?

I know which one you are referring to. I've not tried that before but I went to check the prices. thought its a little too expensive for lunch... heheheee... but there are good comments for the food there.

i like ma maison's set lunch on weekdays. they are always quite full.
i like massages! but don't have a lot of time for them! i think on the averge, it cost about $50 for an hour here. the javanese massages - all different operators with similar names, they are quite ok if you like javanese massages. like you, if i'm in bangkok, china etc - with cheaper massages, i will make sure that i set aside time to go for massages everyday. i go for my feet massages in KL everyday while I were there in May... ;P

In Singapore, the cheapest foot massage is in Beauty World, its $25 for an hour. but i do see people giving tips to the therapist. even then, still the cheapest.
u are rite, we aren't too confident to sell old place n buy new place (+ renovate) all in the breadth of 6mths.
But bo bian.. if we sell first while living there, we also wont be able to get another hse n fin reno all within 3 mths. There's bound to be overlap. And we heard its much harder to get a 3 mths lease since 6mths is alr v rare.

spoke to a few agents , seem like they are ok abt nt being 'exclusives'
$25 for one hr reflex is cheap!

i agree with u on the disruptg of learning process!! sigh .. no choice.. hoepfully we wont do this again for a long tm!! gulp, one yr to sell a flat ? thts scary.

you hit the nail rite on the head. We mulled over the 'timing' of buying /sellg for a long tm. Didn't knw to buy first / sell first. Finally we decided no choice.. hv to accept that in betw there will be a time lag. Either we rent or we go back to one of our parents hse to live. So we decided to rent since we need space for our current furniture.
If your mum buy over frm u thats so ideal, then at least nt so stressful for u to move so many thgs!

i used to hv this chinese lady masseuse come to our hse every mth to massage for my hb n i .. worked out to be abt $40-45 per session for one hr (usu she stay abt 1hr+) . Lately hv stopped for sm tm cos too busy.

we also had Qi mantra massage package but too busy to go n nw package expired!
The twins' kindy has reading programme. So chara took a book back which I am supposed to read with her. Being compliant, I told her that evening that we shall sit down and read together. Title "Our Families". Open Page 1, "This is my family" which she could read. Page 2 and till 2nd last page is also "This is my family". Muahahaha!!!!

Wah your purchases all seems to be big tkt items.

JL at Marina Sq is not bad, got interesting stuff to see...

I like Ma Maison too.... I tried the black ink pasta but it was my last time as my teeth looked ghastly after that...hahaha

So you are at Gateway. Have you sussed out this place called B Bakery at Bussorah Street? There are also various nasi padang outlets there that I like.

I don't go for facials cos I am v scared of pushy salespeople... my mood is v affected if they start to sell me this and that.
I realise the beautician who did my face is no longer where she used to be.. hope I can locate her someday...

Re selling your flat to ur mom.. is she gonna pay cash??

Can't advise on house agents.

Erm...I think beta not jerk your 11 month old's head so much... hehe... maybe do brisk walk instead??
Thanks for helping me buy the books and I hope they will help my DD and DS learn Chinese more interestingly.
You girl very good leh...she can read at 4. I am impressed.

Haha...ya think I should take your advice. But hor the last time, baby also felt shiok when there was regular pulsating movements. Cos after that she din want to come out of the Ergo and she was all quiet. (or maybe brain concussed liao)
Hello ladies! Good afternoon! Had ur lunches?

wow again, I'm missing on alot cuz this thread is going fast and I'm also MIA alot

Anyway, it's good to be atleast back here every now & then although i'd really like to be here everyday. the thing is i can only get online at the office cuz at home only my laptop has access to internet and i lost my modem!

GE run ~ stylobb, rona, fairyprincess,
Wow ladies, u go girls! i wish i cud join u ladies but it's been ages since i ran. so i better start now so i can join u in the near future.

Alway wanted to go KK up Kinabalu but not sure if it's possible with two kids in tow; 8 and 4?

yep used to buy Everbest too but they r not as comfy as they used to. I used to wear scholl for comfort but in the past they are more of sandals, then i discovered Pierre Cardine and they r so comfortable and alot of designs. Of course different designs fit differently so gotta try first. They cost a little over $100 but usually get discounts and I usually pay about $80-$90+. Still below $100 so I usually buy 2-3 pairs at a time but will last me for 1.5 - 2 years. But I usually bought sandals or slip ons (once a yr) at OG when they have sales ($20-$30) and usually 1-2 pairs of sports shoes that will last me a few years, well that's just show how much/little exercise I do.

when i sold my flat, initially i didn't get any exclusive agents so i got different agents call me daily to view the flats and finally one of the agents persuade me to sign exclusive cuz he told me that if I don't sign exclusive all these agents won't work really hard to sell my property eg. will not advertise etc. but with an exclusive agent, they will do that and they will also promise (a contract) that they will sell ur flat within 3 mths, that's the exclusive period, if i'm not mistaken.

i miss shopping in Singapore, JL, Metro, OG ... only manage to go to Causeway Point and Lot 1 & Mustafa, but then also to buy car accessories and kids stuff, not really for me

well ladies, i gotta get back to work ...
ding dong,
stylobb is right, maybe u shud just briskwalk while carrying ur baby cuz alot of head shaking cud cause the 'shaking baby syndrome' ... i think that's what it's called and it can be fatal.
thks for the input. Spoke to a few agents,surprisingly these days they all tell me they don't need exclusv but they will still advertise for me FOC n they will try to sell asap. So far, they are fulfillg their promise but i have yet to see whether they cn deliver. i was quite surprised to hear that they didnt need 'exclusv'. But i think Tam's idea is gd - just promise to let them be 'sole' agent .

i use make up cream remover but i've heard that oils r good too...hv u tried shu uemura cleansing oil b4? heard v good & u can choose based on ur own skin type.

wow, exciting times for u too. I've moved out of my flat & staying wif a relative for a week now & hotel next week b4 flying off to melbourne. We just loaded our stuff into a 40 foot container 2 days ago! i cannot believe it! 166 boxes of stuff of diff sizes...think we'll go crazy wif the unpacking later. But the packing up was easy cos the guys were here to help us.

my flat was sold exclusively by an agent who's my hb's ex colleague. We felt he's v professional & sincere compared to other agents that we know. Even the buyer of our flat likes him so much they asked for his contact in front of their own agent cos they want to engage him in future wahahha...We got offers & sold our flat on the first day of open house so it wasn't too much hassle for us.

wow, thousands of books...i've been buying & stashing books everywhere ard the house. Looking forward to putting them up all nicely in the bookshelves we bot when we move to our new place.
