Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

I'm a big fan of TVB 金庸's drama

bought the book 'house of 60 fathers' after reading your review. Now on my dd1's desk waiting for her 'opening ceremony'
can't resist taking a peek at the last page. Happy ending! I like happy ending

canto mummies
can't imagine how elated we will b if our group of canto mummies visit hk tog! imagine? HK always has a special place in my heart cos i can speak Canto wif the locals. But wish it was a less polluted & crowded place though.
Hi Yawn/ StyloBB,

TVB makes good dramas, even till today. Once I start watching a Series, I will loose all sleep and watch a few episodes at one go. That is Y I refrain from watching nowadays.
When I was there in Dec 2007, I was only in Seoul. It was an extention from buz trip. If you are doing F&E, you can consider the attractions in Seoul - there are quite a lot to do already. I went to the Palace where they shot the popular series and it is a beautiful place. Ski-ing will be quite nice too but not too sure about this though.

TVB - yeah agree. I'm chasing gongxinji now and i'm watching until 4am almost every day! very tired today!!!
rona, snowball, stylobb, yawn,

me too.. I had to watch serials after the kids sleeps normally around 12midnight. Normally I watch a few episode till 3am or a few times, 5am. Very tired after that.. if I have a meeting the next day, I will not watch as I may doze off if the meeting gets too boring hehee.


I had watched gongxinji sometime back. Now watching Schemes of a Beauty (ruby lin and sammul chan). Very nice!
Wah, quite a nbr of mummies here are Cantonese or like to/can speak Cantonese!! hahaha (tam, yawn, snowball, rona, cheri, poohy)
If the group goes, I can imagine all 'fee li fair lar' (yakking) away!

Serials - I don't watch anymore, no time and need my rest!
Thanks for sharing. Will check it out.

Thanks. Ya, already started speaking Mandarin with her recently. Surprisingly, she can understand and speak few simple words

How old is your daughter? 3 or 4yrs old? Have you found a kindergarten for her?

I can understand but can't speak. This morning, met an old chinese lady while shopping. She used canto and asked me to explain a poster to her. I replied in putonghua! Thank God, she could understand!
I got the books liao. However, I will be able to receive the 1B only next week, as there are some delays at the printer side. I paid for 1B liao too.

meet you tomorrow morning.

Stylo & muffin,
you wanna meet me after I collected 1B? are you in a hurry to start?

Dingdong, Aly_nat,
Where do you want to collect the books?

I have a receipt for all the books, I didn't get individual receipts. if anyone of you needs it, let me know so I can photocopy.
I rather wait till all the books are here, easier for you and me. Do you work late? I can meet you at Bugis next week... is Bugis Junction ok?
Hi ya ladies! Good afternoon! Had ur lunches? me so hungry ... no time to go out for lunch ... may b will go later around 2pm ...

well i'm not cantonese, really far from it but my last favourite cantonese tv serial was "Men In the Net" starring Chow Yuen Fatt and Carol Cheng ! wow that was ages ago ... almost ancient history, was in sec 1 or 2, i think ;)
Think Tam could be busy, didn't come to forum. I will answer your question for her.

The books can be had at If you have the DBS Amex card and the Amex Card, it is very convenient to order from the web. I've ordered a few times from it already.

After you put in your credit card details and submit for payment, you have to focus on the screen, as the "transaction successful" dialog box will just flashed and gone. then you will see that your transaction is UNSUCCESSFUL. DO NOT PAY AGAIN. the transaction is Most likely successful - as Dangdang has an additional step to verify your card again, and writing an email to you asking for your first four digit and last four digit of your card and the name on the card. From ordering to the time Dangdang ships out your order will be about 2 weeks.
yes bugis junction is very good for me. i try not to work too late, as i need to bring my gal home...
wow, the flash of transaction successful thingy sounds so exciting lol...i've only ordered from sprees or tam so far. Any idea if shipping to Melbourne will be more ex than to SG?

c u tmr! thanks so much...
rem to pass me the things for ur fren k? did she say how she will pick from me? can't rem which part of melb she stays in.

precious gem
hehe i like that show too but i strongly suspect that if we were to watch it again now, we'll find it too slow-moving for us :p

my dd is 4. where were u staying in melb previously? we r looking at doncaster kindy then doncaster pri...seems promising. But must go & tour the sch first next mth when we r there b4 confirming.
<font color="0000ff">shoe cabinet</font>

mommies, did you come across any nice ones? Thinking of getting one off the shelves, should be cheaper than made to measure. But those that I came across seem so obiang leh, screaming I'm a shoe cabinet
Any recommendation where to check out shoe cabinet?
I don't have books to teach cheng yu. My kids learn many cheng yu at Berries, so I don't need to teach at home.
I would recommend the Si Wu Kuai Du series to teach her enough Chinese words to be able to read well.

I watched a little of the DVD at Berries, they played this DVD for kids waiting for their parents to fetch them. It is exactly like what you described.

Like Rona said, you can order from
I am actually not organizing sprees. It is just that sometimes when I order my own books, I help other mommies to order too. But I am not going to order any more until Nov/Dec.

I always feel "at home" whenever I am in Hong Kong
It feels so nice to hear Cantonese spoken everywhere. And in Guangzhou too.

It is still good to teach Stage 3 to kids, but there is no need to make they practice too many times if they don't understand it. Just give them an idea will do.

To me the ending is both happy and sad. Those were very bad times in China and the family, though re-united, might not survive the bad times.

Sometimes I wonder, if we know that our kids will get a much better life with other people, instead of poverty and starvation, will we give up our kids ?
Ikea has shoe cabinets. They also sell individual boxes for keeping shoes and these can be stacked up. I am using these shoe boxes.

Dear Mommies,
How many pairs of shoes do you have ? I have less than 5 pairs, including work shoes, sports shoes, casual shoes, etc. I used to hate to buy shoes because of I had lots of feet problems and it is difficult to find good shoes in Singapore. Now that I find good websites in USA, will probably buy some more. But how many pairs are considered reasonable ?
Hi Yawn,

I got my shoe cabinet from V-hive $149. I fits in nicely to an odd corner in my house. It has 6 levels. My 2 kids occupies 1 level each &amp; my hb and myself occupy 2 levels each. Just nice for my family.

Hi Tam,

I have 6 pairs of shoes in total. 3 pairs for work wear, 1 pair of sports shoes and 2 pair of causal shoes (weekend wear). I do not buy many pairs of shoes, so I do not mind paying more for nice and comfy shoes. Each pair can last me at least 9 mths - 1 yr. I have slight flat feet and my feet fits nicely into most European sizes. I go for Ecco and Clarks when they have Sales. Recently, I tried the brand Geox, also very comfy, but, quite pricey. I am not into online purchases as I have to personally try the shoes before buying.
Hi Mummies
Wow, heavy rain now, tkfully we got back at 2pm now hb/twins are sleeping...

My shoe cabinet is also from V-Hive. Simple design in dark brown.

Geox shoes tend to be slippery when wet - must be careful. I stop buying cos not cheap, used to get their loafers but lately they hv nothing nice, colours are the usual black and beige ....
I have been wearing sandals or open toes types like slip-on, strappy more. Hardly wear pumps either.
I used to wear Ecco, but find it expensive (over $150), and my flat feet is quite serious and Ecco does not have good arch support for me. I bought one pair of Geox before and had to sell it because it hurt me so much. So my feet are really problematic and its useless even if I tried shoes on. It may feel OK for a few mins, but if I walked in it for a few hours, it hurts.

In USA, there are so many shoes brands with excellent technology for people with arch pain and heel pain like me. I manage to find good shoes like Earth and Easy spirit for under $100. Now I feel so energetic again, I used to be so tired due to the pain. I can't believe that I have been suffering for so many years.

I like sandals too. But nowadays its always raining, I prefer to wear covered shoes, don't like to get my toes wet.
Yawn- shoe cabinet- yes, I would also suggest V-hive- nice shoe cabinets, and good price, usually installation free, and sometimes transport free too...

Shoes- I have many many pairs- about 50 in total- around 40 pairs work shoes, and 10 pairs casual and jogging shoes combined...that's a feet fits most brands and I really love leather shoes from china...yes, they are very trendy and always made of leather, sometimes calf/ lamb leather too- around S$50-60 each, very very comfortable...for local brands- I go for Itto Otto- sometimes when I like a design, I buy 2 identical pairs...yup, I guess I can say I like shoes =)

GE run- anyone signed up yet...I plan to sign up now...not sure if its full yet...
hi everyone

havn't been able to chat for quite sometm

i just completed my hse move hence hv been MIA for so long . Its a nite mare to do hse move when u hv a kid. Her toys were enuf to fill one truckload. I had to throw away many thgs. And i think she got stressed out by the hse move too. Suddenly developed eczema ! first time in her life.

Now i m having a cheap charlie shoe rack. cost me only $18 for 6 'lvls' cos my current hse is only temp place.


why don't u gv fit flops a try? i live in them. But all of their designs are like 'slippers' if u dont mind


i like itti otto too! And many of my workg frens like that brand too. when isetan has sale, worth to get.

Thanks for your recommendation. Will check out Vhive

re: shoes

I don't have a particular favourite brand, as long it's comfortable and not too expensive. I usually pay max $40 for a pair of open toes slip on sandals. My current collection comprises 2 pairs Carlo Rino, 1 pair Sachs &amp; 1 pair Santa Barbara.
However, my most comfy shoes is Nike, meant for running although I never jog.
I have a few pairs of Everbest work shoes which I've not wore for years. Not sure whether they gonna fall apart although still look pretty new. Somehow, Everbest is not as comfy as before so I've moved away from my loyalty towards Everbest
Hi Mummies,

We went to Taka shopping on Sat. They have a toy fair there. Bought a trolley schoolbag for my DD1 at $29.90 (Tangs selling $49.90 w/ 20% disc). Got 2 fleece for my kids at $10 ea. In the end, spent more than $100 on my 2 kids at the fair :p

Went over to bossini, they have some nice Thomas the Train kids' wear. They are having 15% off for DBS card holders. I did not buy as I do not hold DBS card. Wait for their sale then will go grab some t-shirts/ shorts for my kids.

Hi Beer/ Yawn,

We are thinking to stayput if property prices continue to climb &amp; shift out a few mths to renovate the whole house.

But, the thought of shifting out and in within months I also headache.....I have 2 more yrs to think about it (before my DD1 goes to Pri sch).

Hi Yawn,

Yes, agree with you that Everbest is no longer that comfy.

Hi Tam/ Stylo,

Thanks for the info on Geox shoes....Will be cautious when I decide to buy shoes from them
Mummies, me sick today... sigh..

How was weekend? Hb/I went to watch "Inception".. Hb likes it but to me, I was 'huh?' .. some scenes remind me of 'Matrix'.
Sat - usual stuff, went to the pool but I didn't swim as was not feeling well.

We went to recce Scape on Sunday. Had my dosage of milkshake from "Once upon a milkshake".

Yeah, raining -- but even with covered shoes, they wl spoil if soaked in the downpour! I had to throw away a pair of leather shoes cos they were damaged by the rain!

I saw this brand Walking Cradle from footsmart, the sandals look comfy!

Haha...I'm also like you, wl get identical pairs. Nowadays difficult to find a pair that is comfy and nice, so wl buy to keep.

China leather shoes - brandless types? I used to buy too if I go China or HKG.. nice designs and material... esp boots...hehe

Wl go KL in August to suss out shoes.. hee

I hv not bot any Itti shoes as the front of their shoes always look so small to me, think my feet shape cannot take it. Usu buy Andre V brand...

GE run - intend to sign up...

I hvn't bot Everbest shoes in years... yeah I find the material is v hard! and the designs are so so only.

For working pumps (I know you are not working ..hehe), I like Rotelli and Torresin, but only buy when on sale...hee

GOod to throw things when moving house..hehe

Hb just did his spring cleaning of the kids stuff, emptied 3 big boxes!!! There was a whole box of stuffed toys that the twins hardly played.. only when they saw then they rembr! Hb told them can only choose 2 each, we gave the rest to our maid to send back.

I bot Geox when they came on the market but hv stopped.
Stylobb- I am still under the weather- sorethroat that does not go away...cannot take MC, too much work to be I did not run last week- supposed to train for Shape run this weekend!!! Aiyoh, just got to go slow this sunday (yikes!) =(

I signed up for GE run liao- 10% discount for previous runners- last day for early bird today I think- as usual, only join the 5km race...10k still too daunting for me (unless no choice like the Stanchart run...)

Shoes- yes, china ones are brandless- or rather "ching choing" local brand names- proper work shoes- closed toe with heels- I usually look for slight peep-toe shoes with heels around 1.5 inch- easy to walk in...

I like Andre V brand too- Robinson sells them- usually leather, nice!

Everbest- their fit not so good in recent years- I seldom buy from them...anyone like Pazzion brand shoes? I have not bought this brand, but saw something nice recently...

Beer- moving house- that is a mammoth task! You are FTWM- its really a lot of work to pack everything up and move and unpack! But good reason for spring cleaning I guess!
My younger K1 gal is onto Peter and Jane book 5 series now...still working hard with her on her reading skills...I have this phobia she cannot read fluently by P1- then really jialat! cos the level of English must be sooo fluent then to tackle English, Maths work....still working hard with her...

My elder gal (P1) so far scores consistently in band 1 (usually top 6 out of 30 pupils in her class)- I am encouraging her to do her best- sometimes she makes careless mistakes esp with maths!...there are 5-6 kids in her class who consistently score <50% (i.e. fail) for various tests e.g. English, Maths etc..wonder how they catch up, cos the teachers go really really fast in the syllabus...what a pressure cooker (maybe for me!)...he he...

Tam/ Rona/ Yawn/ AA:
"Hao Pen You" chinese magazine series- do your P1 kids do this as weekly homework? NYPS uses this- I try to get my gal to read some paragraphs to me...I think there is already lots of content here, and I do not make use of this enough...
U shud rest as much as is possible loh.. no other way. My colleagues were also sick one after another, and some are coughing as well. Difficult to avoid unless don't go office...

GP told me to be careful not to spread to my family... so looks like I will need to sleep alone tonite.. no choice.

Last day today?!! Ok, shall check it afterwards. Tx for informing.
Hmmm..also a bit apprehensive re 10km. Last yr I really trained regularly but these week, macham so difficult to run...
But feel a sense of achievement to finish 10km...

Shoes - cannot take plastic types leh.. I'm wary of shoe shops that reek of plastic smells...hehe
Andre V, yeah, recently my gfs saw my strappies and went to try/buy too...

Ur gal is doing well for P1 leh!!!

FOr sight words, do you think if making a list to help them recognise wl work?

Spring-clean - also cleared some of my shoes, tops, kids' clothes! I need to throw away more shoes!!!
what is the scores like for band 1? Arnold is really quite lazy. His teachers kept complaining that he is not paying attention in class, therefore, he is not performing yet. I'm still toying with the idea of taking half day leaves for a few days at a stretch just to settle him on routines!

Kota Kinabulu
Anyone been there? Thinking of bring my kids there to chill out - park them in the beach etc... don't know if suitable or not though...
Hi all,

Been out of action again... Literally, too aching to go anywhere or do anything other than the usual chores and light cooking. 2 weeks
Rona- think its 85% for Band 1- but it varies by subjects- the most recent test was on Maths...most of her classmates fell into Band 2, with some in Band 3 and 4...

KK- I heard great reviews from my BIL and tried booking for the past June hols- but the seats via budget airlines were full! Stay at Le Meridien hotel- great seafood in the city...need to charter daily taxi to go to further away places like Mount Kinabalu etc...

Mumusings- you are not feeling well too? Do take care!
styloBB and precious_gem
Thank you for advice on How to tell the story well.

Thank you !

I only can BUY Charles and Keith shoes because they carry size 3 (extra small).. My legs very small.

Your girl is progress well.

Sabrina is doing 除法. I very happy with her progress.
She also starting to do problem sums.

But she still do make careless mistake.

StyloBB and Mumusings.
Do take care! get more rest.
Hi All,

Thanks for the well wishes. Was besieged by some sort of flu and then cough. So bad it is I am hurting I sneeze/cough and I can't get to sleep. Feels like after being beaten up. And so, I've been watching all the strange Channel 8 show re-runs every day after midnight and then Unforgettable Memories at 4am till 6am.
yawn yawn

o u did that too? hehe.. Sigh . u knw i was searching myself whether it was such a gd idea when i was suffering thru the whole packg / unpackg routine.


we proscrastinated so long b4 taking the plunge. we also like u, daunted by the thot of moving in &amp; out. But bo bian
I hv been meaning to go to taka for the sale. mayb will try to go on a weekday , hopefully nt that crowded.


o u been to scape? hows the place like? shoppg mall type or ? i dont mind checkg out but nt sure where is the carpark entrance.


i m sahm. but doesn't make hse shiftg any easier. the tough part is cos my dotter doesnt hv any childcare (since i m her caregiver)to attend, so i hv to juggle n toggle betw her n the packg/unpackg. So many tms i hv to wk thru the nite so that i wont disrupt her routines.

o btw, soemtm in may, i finally managed to go for the ipl! v gd , def hv to go again. how often do u do it?


never been to KK so can't suggest much. Missed ur spree for the bks. Did you buy direct frm publisher / popular?
spring cleaning

I love throwing stuff away. My theory, things that I didn't need/use for > 6 months = throw!
However, no one else shares my passion. My kids love clutter

Spent 2 days last week clearing my mom's house. I throw, she picks. Nevertheless, managed to clear 40% of useless stuff in her store room after some tug of war. Before that, there isn't even space for one person to stand inside the store room!

Despites my best effort, there are still lots of clutter and junk around other parts of the house. I think 80% are useless. She only add, never subtract!

好朋友 magazines are white elephant to me! The 1st year, my dd1 told me compulsory, must subscribe, then she refused to do any exercises &amp; teacher didn't use in class. Come 2nd year, when I said don't bother, she insisted &amp; promised to do the exercises. Alas, I kanna con again, the whole set literally untouched!

I also want to renovate my current place and thinking of shifting out. But where can we stay in that 1 or 2 month is a headache.... normally we cant rent condo for such short period rite?
Hi Poohy,

U can negotiate for short-term rent like say 3-mths which some home owners are willing to rent out. Alternative is to lookout for those whom already rented and want to move out before the lease ends, you can "buy over" the remaining lease at the consent of the house owner.

I am also looking as this option as my place here got quite a no. of units on rental now.

Why did you decide to move? Sorry, maybe I missed out on reading about it.

Scape - quite a lot of eating joints, arcade, some ping pong place, Red Mango yoghurt (we tried this when we went BKK), Once Upon a Milkshake, Majestro guitar shops, some other shops. Hb/I were joking that it's good to go during late morning, not crowded as youths only wake up later! hahaha

The rule to not hoarding is whenever you buy new clothes/shoes, you need to throw away the old ones... hehe

I think KK wl be nice, one mummy fr went there, stayed at Shangri-la.

DS school used the 好朋友 series as additional practices in class.
Don't think the teacher gets them to read the articles but just the practice qns.

There's another Math magazine (can't remember the name) is a total white elephant.
DS will just bring home and put onto the book shelf.
