Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Hi Tamarind,
Saw your posting here, the maid thread and the Jan 2005 mum to be. My son was borned in Jan05 but I did not post there. More for my reading pleasure and see what other children are doing at this age. You are quite anxious about your children? You know what? I just received my son's assessment for the 2nd term. Most of the result he got is "I"(Initial stage), only one "E" (excellent), he got 2-3 "A"(Average), 1 "G" (Good). Dont know if I should worry or not. I console myself that he is still young, some of the kids there were in 2004. So I guess the class may cater more for the 3 years old. hehe.

Regarding on-line shopping, only done once with one of the mummy during the Jshopper sales. Bought 3 pairs of three quarter pants for my son. Its easier to buy for kids as the seize is their height. Can buy bigger size and keep till CNY.


You should ask him is there other that is more expensive one...When they served, they already forgot that they are mere sales man....
Hi pantone
welcome! Thanks for the tip on the probiotics. My boy usually gets diarrhoea only, everything else fine. He had a really bad bout of gastric flu and had to be hospitalised at KKH. Strangely enuf, despite all that diarrhoea, he was still the most cheerful bb around! They sent the stools for analysis but could not find out the cause! At first they told us it was rota virus, then 2 days later called to say wrong! Then what?

Since then, he's been having this 'weekend diarrhoea'. Maybe the germs not fully cleared yet!
His fever is ok, but he got diarrhoea since last friday. Have not bring him for the pneumoccocal jab, will bring him after he recovered from this, but heard from GP saying that some baby will get fever, diarrhoea after this jab, so afraid of that again.

Mummies, need your advice.
Place baby in infant care or look for babysitter? What is the rate now, when the baby grow, will the rate be the same?
vomit & diarrhoea

my kids took turn to vomit & had diarrhoea last week from Tue to Sat. I fed them medicine from GP.
GP said it's food poisoning but I'm quite skeptical. everyone is getting food poisoning??
I believe it's more of a virus rather than food poisoning since so many kids are affected

kids clothing
Ever since I discovered that cheap branded children clothing shop at Bedok, I have stopped buying kids clothing from anywhere else. that shop is even cheaper than online shopping

I went Robinson this afternoon, after my facial. Not much good deals even though the banner is so huge. GSS more or less over liao

This GSS quite fruitful for me. I have a big stack of shopping bills from GSS shopping!

Your taste very similar to my friend. She likes these brands too - G2, U2, Dano, Bega.
I just knew about Bega 2 weeks ago when she bought some clothes at Marina Square. Never seen this shop before. She was so surprised, said I shop from Jan to Dec but never heard of Bega, haha!

Yesterday quite fruitful. Wasn't expecting to buy anything at Bugis since my 2 kids tagged along. Pleasant suprise to find a 3/4 pants at Vida. Have been searching for this design at Mango, Zara, Veeko. Finally seen what I want, at half price some more. Grab lor

BHG having 20% on kids items. I bought a swimming robe for my girl.

my mom went Metro again on Sun. the whole store has been turned over. closing down sales is only worth going on day 1
did you get any barbie shoes for your girl last Fri?

My GSS not very fruitful,never buy anything.I know about the bedok branded cloths but no barbie tops.

I guess we have spent more on electronic gadget this time round....

My gal does not like barbie shoe but only the cloths...sigh...


hehe, I visit this thread often. Very interesting chatting with all the humorous mommies here
Have you decided on which center to send your girl?
Hi Rainbow
I am 36 and have a 6 yrs old girl and 18 months boy. How about yourself?

Hippo - my girl is weak in Chinese and when I check with the centre, I am not satisfied that their way of teaching language is good enough. Tien Hsia would be better but they are full already for her level. Looking at Han language now.

Ya, find this thread more active loi, our thread on bedok mummies not so active. Maybe older estate, less mummies have kids.
- Welcome Pantone and Yuen

btw, yuen, u not late 30s la, considered as mid 30s

I also like this thread as mummies all very friendly and chatty. Some others hard to get into their cliques.

- Hippo

so envious of your GSS loot. I din really shop this round, or rather not into it. Cos scared spending out of control (since will be leaving my stable income behind) and i dun really wanna buy more clothes as I am in the hope of losing a bit more weight.

Bega is sister company of IORA. There's another outlet at Jurong Point.

Bedok very far for me leh, else i sure wanna check out that shop u mentioned. Aft Tamarind's post, I checked out gymboree, quite interesting, maybe making some purchase.

- Rainbow

try kiddy palace and john little. The JL at PS got a corner of Barbie stuff.

- Online shopping
me not so aventurous in this. Only bought a wallet before. But i have some yahoo auctioning to sell off some stuff tho. Quite fun whenever a deal is made.

- Ladies

do you use eye cream? Is it part of your beauty regime? Wat brand?
I do buy eye cream but always forget to use. since you talk about it now, maybe will go and buy trial size again. I like estee one but if buy from the counter I think too ex for such small bottle, I think sasa should have trial size.

Why you leaving your job? How much weight you want to lose? I want to lose about 1-2kg but have not been successful. Especially the space at the waist.
Actually I dont really like g2000, U2 clothes. Their style is quite boring. Just that they often have sales on blouse and office pants. So just buy a few pcs nw n then.

Oh yes, Bega sell the same clothes as IORA. The one at Marina Sq also same co but diff name. Dont know the actual name.

Regarding eye cream, had bought one under the brand of "phytomer". Brought this years ago at Tangs. Its a brand used mainly by Spa. Dont know if this brand is still around.Have not been actively using it. I think I still have more than 3/4 left on my shelf. Too lazy to use. So cant comment.

Beauty Regime
Hmm. I'm not a loyal customer. Keep changing brands. For cosmetics, as per earlier posting, I quite like Red earth. For skin care, have been using Loreal Hydrand something during day time. I tried using a sample of Clarins whitening night cream but ended up with some pimples. Guess night cream is too rich for me.

I'm quite tempted to get KOSE range of product. The one that used chinese herbs. Has anyone tried before? Or anyone used Clarins whitening range before? Thought of getting something better. Dont know if over counter products would be good enough for our going "mature" skin. Going to spend $$ again. Sian.
Baby Sitter or Infant Care? Both have pros and cons. My nephew who used to be taken care by infant care was admitted to KKH due to respiratory problem. I guessed its due to long hours in air-con room. So poor thing, he was just a small baby that time. But of course, its more transparent there and the ppl taking care of them are professional and there are more exposure to stimulation.That explains the high fee. I think my sis is paying about $800 to $900 at that time. If I were you, maybe can look around for reliable baby sitter and transfer the child to child care when he reach 18mths. The market rate for baby sitter is around $500 excluding food and milk powder/diaper.

Its better to wait for your child to build up immune system before sending him to any centre. There would always be baby/kids having flu, cough etc spreading the disease around.That's my opinion.
Tried 'shopping' yesterday. Sigh, failed again! Looks like only places I'm comfortable with is Hang Ten, Giordano, and those kinds. So boring. Hiyah, must build up courage!

Don't have any beauty regime. No beauty in the first place, how to regime? Just accept my looks lor. At least got someone think I not that ugly (my hb) hee hee
Hello Ladies,

Well sorry for the long absence. I took a long time off, just to take a break. Only manage to go to Port Dickson. Took the kids to the Zoo, Night Safari, East Coast & West Coast Park, Wild Wild Wet and visit the grandparents. Didn't go for any nature walk since the "tree tumbling" incidences. Since I came back to work 2 weeks ago, tons of work have been piled up so I'll be busy for the next couple of wks.

Also trying to catch up with all those shopping during GSS and before July 1. My best buy so far are 3 pairs of Pierre Cardine shoes (Metro) though I know I just bought 2 pairs from Bata & Seiyu last month. It's my favourite brand and I got them at 20% discount. I like Pierre Cardine because they are comfortable yet stylish or atleast many variety of styles compared to other comfortable shoes I used to wear years ago like scholl or clarks.

Btw, I also got about 9 blouses, size 46/48, at $9-$14! But those are at the neighbourhood stores in Marsiling. I guess the new stock just came in when I was there so I got quite a variety. Also I bought 9 pants (bussiness-like pants) @$11.90-$15.90, XXL, navy blue, black, brown, grey, khaki green, beige, stripe brown, stripe black & stripe grey. So on the whole, I got myself a new wardrobe! Also bought perfume, make-up from Mustafa centre, it's so cheap there. Bought also several crystal & coloured pearl bracellets with matching rings to match my new blouses ;) Btw, my hubby is still not aware of How Much I've been shopping. I mean like the shoes, I gave the impression that it's only One pair, a few blouses & a couple of pants! Usually I quickly hang up the clothes in my wardrobe, push the shoe boxes under my side of the bed and got rid of the other evidences eg, plastic bags, receipts etc. When he notice something new, I just said, "what this old thing? I had for years but never worn it ...anyway it's ONLY $..." Btw, I'm spending my own money and in fact I bought him 3 Goldlion shirts for him. ALso I don't shop for myself very often, about twice or sometimes only once a year! Usually I shop for my kids, about every other month.

Wanted to get a handbag but I just got one last month at Seiyu. Actually I prefer shoes than handbags. Anyway, no matter how fancy my handbag is, I end up carry a backpack or "mommy's bag' cuz I need to fit in my baby's diapers, milk bottle, wet wipes, extra clothings etc when we go out, sighh!

I thot I left the tel no here. Infact my friends just went there last weekend. I gave them the tel no of the agent and the spa. You have to book atleast ONE WEEK in advance or better yet 2 wks adv. I didn't go cuz rather not in the mood. There were 12 of them, 4 went for the spa while the rest just shop all day! The spa is Martha Thilaar. I think my friends might want to go there again soon cuz a few of them still can't get enough of shopping there.

Cheers! Have a nice day!
Hi Precious Gem
Are u previously from Toa Payoh thread? Your nick sounds familiar.
Guess you are the champion here for GSS. Haha.The nice ones are usually sleeveless so I dont get to buy. I have a scar on my arm and its too "muscular" to show off. hehe...

Dont say like that lah. That's why many of us must use make up what. Some of the cosmetics girls are quite helpful. You can try Body Shop or Red earth.
<font color="ff0000">cowandchick,</font>
I did my kids passports online too. But just received a letter to update her passport to biometric passport, not sure whether I do it online too ? What's "biometric" ? I thought may be got to take a DNA sample or something.

I used to do cross stitch when I was young. You still have time to do this ?

When buying clothes online, I check the size chart, usually quite accurate. I even bought a swimsuit from before, it fits beautifully ! If mistake then too bad lor.

<font color="ff6000">pantone</font>,
Welcome ! Your nickname is very unique, any meaning ?

You like G2000 ? Me too. I bought many of their skirts to wear to work. But nowadays their cutting seem very small, even the largest size also cannot fit me ! Or is it because I grow even fatter now ? Hahaha

I never posted in Jan 2005 thread before leh, think you mistaken hehehe I youngest child is born in 2004. Your boy is still very young. I only started worrying now when my boy will be 3 years old in 2 months time.

<font color="0000ff">Rainbow, cowandchick,</font>
Sometimes I will say that I have bought many of the handbags/shoes/clothes of the same brand before
Then they have nothing to say.

<font color="119911">quek,</font>
It's better to wait until your boy is completely well for at least a few months before taking any jab. I heard these jabs inject virus into the body.

Babysitter costs $600 a month. Infant care is more than $1000, working mothers get $400 subsidy. If your baby fall sick easily, it's still best to get babysitter.
BTW, the spa Martha Thilaar was shown on CNA, on Beauty Naturally last year. It also include an interview with the founder Dr Martha Thilaar.

BTW, Martha Thilaar also carries several beauty products using natural ingredients like herbs etc.

like you I never practice beauty regime too, yeah what beauty? I was the outdoor type of girl who looks tom boyish when I was growing up. But for the last few years, since I put a little make up to work eveyday, besides the normal cleanser(foam), I also use make up remover first like the cleasing milk and & finish it off with toner and moisterizer cuz I've been told so many times by those beauty rep at the shopping mall that my pores are too big! So now I use Martha Thilaar products "SariAyu" (the lower end cuz they also have the high end one); eg the cleasing milk, toner, moisteriser, mask, scrub etc cost only a few to several $ p/bottle/tube. I usually stock up when I go to Batam cuz it's even cheaper there, abt a dollar or two!!! I uses the cucumber series as it's good for the mature face especially in tightening the face muscles.

For make up, I only put on two-way cake, eye-liner & lipstick. I love lipsticks. God knows I have a bagful of lipsticks which is still not open/used yet! I usually go for natural skin tones like mocca, nude, in the buff etc. & I usually got my make up from Avon. I also love perfume & still stick to the same old four (for abt 10 years now); Guerlian Samsara, Lou Lou from Charcarel, Enchanteur Charming & CK Eternity. I buy the occasional other perfume from Avon; Women of Earth, Pur Blanca & Haiku which also include roll-on anti-perspirant.

Now I'm looking for a new Handphone, a Nokia, so will shop for one this weekend
Presently, I'm using a Sony Ericsson walkman handphone.

Well Happy Shopping!
I remember a Tamarind in 2005jan thread. Maybe its the same nick but diff person.
What does pantone means? Diff to explain. Eg pantone123 means a particular colour and pantone200 is another colour. Ihere is an international colour chart call pantone chart. This is how we select Actual colour for Corporate Identity or any artwork we do.(Another option would be using CMYK colour to derive a certain colour) But what does this word pantone means? I have no idea. Need to check dictionary.haha
My son's age is close to yours. Hes 30months now. Yours should be 34months right?

Talking about complaining expenditure. I'm the one nagging at my hubby. He bought shirt from RAOUL, almost whole range of Mont Blanc products except watch, always changing hp/pda, plenty of ARsenal jersey etc. But he has changed after we got married. Probably too busy with work to buy anything now. At least no more Cds and magazines, which he buys and dont read.

Precious Gem
Give us the contact again leh. Thread is too long to search through. Mind to share with us the details like cost n service they provide? Is it covenient to bring kid and hubby along?
no, i'm not from toa payoh thread. btw, my blouses are all long sleeves, cuz I'm very modest lah. There r lots of nice design (for matured ladies) at Marsiling. My skirts and pants also all long(full length). Yeah forgot to add, I bought 3 long skirts, brown, black and navy blue, so easy to match lah.

I also got babysitter problem, she tore a tissue in her knee so has to go for surgery so cannot take care of my baby. Now I send my baby to my sister in Teban Gardens so have to drive in traffic jam for an hr every morning(from Wdlands-Teban) to send him before taking another 20 mins to go to CCK (Teck Whye) where I work. What a waste of time but of course I'm happy that my own sis is looking after my baby, just so tedious every morning.

Agreed with you, others hard to get into their cliques, at least mummies can answer to my queries. Thanks all mummies.

Pantone, Tamarind
Thanks for the info on babysitter and infant care, the infant care charges $480 but will increase to $550 after subsidy. My hubby said no to babysitter, he don't like babysitter to bring out bb, sometimes really cannot tahan him.

I also don't wear makeup and even perfume, I always tell my hubby that I saved a lot $$ for him. I use Avene for cleaning face.

I like to buy from Giordano, most of my clothes are from them...I can be their spokeswoman, haha!
I don't buy expensive stuff, coz need to save for kids' expenses, ha.

For handphone, I always call the subscriber for voucher, if not they will give me half year caller ID waive.
Agreed with you, others hard to get into their cliques, at least mummies here answer to my queries. Thanks all mummies.

Pantone, Tamarind
Thanks for the info on babysitter and infant care, the infant care charges $480 but will increase to $550 after subsidy. My hubby said no to babysitter, he don't like babysitter to bring out bb, sometimes really cannot tahan him.

I also don't wear makeup and even perfume, I always tell my hubby that I saved a lot $$ for him. I use Avene for cleaning face.

I like to buy from Giordano, most of my clothes are from them...I can be their spokeswoman, haha!
I don't buy expensive stuff, coz need to save for kids' expenses, ha.

For handphone, I always call the subscriber for voucher, if not they will give me half year caller ID waive.
So happy, managed to copy precious gem previous posting of the Batam Spa. There you go :

The Batam travel guide contact is; he's name is Eddy & hp : 62811697687 , he will arrange return ferry, seafood kelong or city restaurant lunch, a car & driver at ur disposal. For the spa booking, u have to call Martha Thilaar urself at 0778425978 or 0778425994 or 0778425991. These numbers are between 2 branches tho I can't remember which is which. Make sure u ask for the address after u make the booking.

You need to call 0778425991 or 0778425994 to book for a Spa treatment at Martha Thilaar. The standard spa treatment cost around SGD100-SGD120 which consist of; a full body scrub, a full herbal body wrap, a herbal or milk jacuzzi bath, a herbal steam bath(sauna), a ganggang (aromatic steam over ur hehem) and a full body massage. Will take about 3 hrs. U can add hair treatment (I highly recommend cuz the scalp & shoulder massage during this treatment is great!), a facial treatment, manicure & pedicure, hair cut, hair bonding & hair colour. It'll take the whole day and won't leave u any time for shopping. I would recommend the standard 3 hrs spa treatment, at most add the hair treatment. Then you will have a couple of hours of shopping.

Ok for the shopping part, for a 2 way ferry, a seafood kelong lunch, a vehicle with a driver at your disposal for around S$37-S$40 p/pax (min. 4 pax), call Eddy @62811697687, a travel agent who will arrange all those.

Ok ladies, copy all those details. It will be great if we all could go there together he he he.

As for kids & hubby, they have to amuse themselves as the spa is strictly for ladies only. While u r at the spa, get the driver to take ur kids or hubby around. One of the shopping Mall, just outside the Batam Centre Ferry terminal, Batam Cenre Shopping Mall(4th level I think) has got play activities for kids. You know where u leave them for an hour or so for some amt$ and they look after ur kids and lots of things for ur kids to do. They used to have that in Singapore. At the same level, there's a hair salon "Christopher" I think, where ur hubby could get a foot reflexology, a shoulder & back massage & a haircut! ANd it's cheap! by Singapore std! So everybody is happy! Then when ur hubby and kids r done, get the driver to drive them to Martha Thilaar to pick u up and then go for shopping.

Usually the guide will pick u up at the ferry terminal (9:30am), then book ur ferry back (u need to tell the guide what time u want to go back, last ferry 7pm, I think)then u have an hr or so for some shopping before lunch & then u r off to the spa. Remember they r -1hr our time.

Happy spa-ing!
actually I think u and I r abit alike. I feel most comfortable in trackpants and t-shirt and a pair of sandals with no make up. very sloppy eh? sometimes i dressed like that when we go out on wkends, i mean with 2 small kids ... but then i feel bad when we bump into my hubby friends and their wives, dress so fancy even with small kids, of course most of the time they have their maid tagging along ... so now, tho I still dress like that going out but will try to add a couple of fancy accessories & light make up. I only dress up to attend weddings or formal functions or visiting others. Those clothes I bought are working clothes. If I'm not working, I probably don't care abt shopping except buying ncessities. Actually I like browsing through outdoor shops, looking at sleeping bags, tents, camping lamps, survival kits, knives, oudoor cooker, hiking boots etc I used to go to those 'army shops' at beach rd, opposite golden mile. U all must think I'm a freak. I love the outdoors; camping, hiking, trekking .... so if I can't go, looking at the things is good enough!

Biometric means they scan your data onto the passport itself, so there's a kind of computer chip inside it. The data include facial appearance and thumbprint. No DNA yet lah, but not too far off, I think.

Maybe update photo must go down personally. Can call and check with them. I find going early in morning less crowded, so waiting time less.

No lah, no time for cross stitch now! Busy chatting in forums, heh heh. But i do miss it a lot. I have sooooo many patterns and charts, I wish I had the time to just sit down and sew!

Don't laugh hor, need advise from SPA-ers here. What do you have to do when you go for SPA huh? I got 50% off voucher, and have been dying to try massage. Don't dare to go leh, shy shy.
What can I expect when going for SPA massage. The offer is for Swedish massage. Pain or not ah?

I don't wear make-up but like to put on scent. Don't use perfumes coz of harmful VOCs! For past few years been using essential oils as scent. I like lavender, scandalwood and geranium. Can also use Eucalyptus when have stuffy nose (kill 2 birds with 1 stone). Cheaper and can have lots of differnt scents! Quite fun experimenting with the scents too!

Happy to know another Giodano-er!
You dont have to do anything for Spa. Just make sure that you are not having your menses. Dont think swedish massage is painful. Unless its foot reflexology or slimming massage.
Swedish massage is the most relaxing massage. Actually some spa still massage u even when having menses. There's nothing wrong with it. They actually have a list of all the contrindications.

You CANNOT receive a massage when you are having fever or flu. If u had recently any sun burn or abrasion or cuts, bruises on ur skin or any swelling recently, u need to inform the therapist so she could avoid those areas.

Most importantly, just lay down & relax, empty ur mind and enjoy the massage ....

I enjoy foot reflexology! I guess I just enjoy to get my feet massaged!

Have fun cowandchick!
Eye Cream

i have not been using this at all. Always skip. But i am becoming more bothered by the fine lines around my eyes, so I have to make myself use it. I recently bought Lancome. Small bottle cost $80! Ihave tried loreal for more affordability but not very good lo.

Beauty Regime

not very disciplined in this area. Most nights i just wash my face with cleanser and thats it. else i will sometimes slap on some moisturisers. Morning, wash face, moisturiser + sunblock cos i put light make up for work, so gotta apply a base

- Yuen
I also like the estee eye serum, its the one in reddish bottle right? also ex.

I jus want to spend more time with my little boy, so decided to turn to freelance projects instead, Sacrifice on income but i reckon the missed time with my chidlren will not come back whereas I can always find a job again later.

I jus a bit bak bak especially from the waist down. After giving birth 8 mths ago, I still have 6 kg to lose to get back my original wt.

1st thing u need to do is get naked lo! haha.. jus joking... Jus try it, you may fall in love with it. But just be wary of the hard selling tactics after your session.

I have a massage package at Scotts. Its a treat for myself every month (provided I can make it ev month, now with bb to take care)

Swedish massage no pain, the therapist will ask u if pressure is enuff or too strong. U just let her know. SPA involves slightly more, like body scrub, body wrap, body mask, hydrabath etc.
- Tamarind

the biometric is the new passport that hippo and i were toking abt lo. Cannot update photo, got a photo hologram and last for 5 yrs. Jus made one for DS.

- Precious gem

got wat to shop at batam huh? So its a 1 day affair? sounds very interesting leh.. so the driver will send to the spa plc?

wa.. i was overwhelmed by ur GSS shopping. Such a great achievement!

I'm using Clarins Extra Firming Eye Contour Cream for night, and Serum for day. I like it because it's non-oily & absorbs quickly.
Can't comment on the result because I still have the same dark circles, fines lines, cow feet, winkles....


I'm using Clarins Hydrating Whitening Lotion SPF20. I had oil clog & outbreak initially. Thought it's too oily for me since I have combination skin
Just found out recently my application method is incorrect. Hard to explain over here, go to any Clarins counter & they can demonstrate the right way to apply. I stopped having outbreak after changing the application method

precious gem

thanks for the info on spa!
what about accommodation? any recommendations?
I am also bo chap on my outlook though I am a working mom. Recently, I try to make an effort to improve my outlook....thinking, if I don't dress up now, wait till much older and wants to dress up...ha, ha.. who will wants to see...
hello mommies

What type of masks do you use? Any hydrating masks to recommend?

beauty regime

I am prone to acne, have oily/combination skin, open pores, black heads

had a massive outbreak last week, due to chocolate & bak kua. my beautician did a lot of extraction yesterday. Hubby counted 5 acne marks before he left for work this morning, so mean!

skin care products

I usually not so hardworking. apply only if I remember

Facial foam - no fixed brand. now using Dove and Neutrogena, follow by Clarins Toning lotion.
Morning - Clarins Extra Firming Eye Serum, Clarins Hydrating Whitening Lotion
After shower - Clarins Extra Firming Neck cream (very good)
Night - Clarins Extra Firming Eye Cream, Clarins Multi-Active Night Lotion. If outbreak then apply Neutrogena pore clarifying gel before bedtime (very good)


Bodyshop eye shadow, blusher
Red Earth eye shadow, blusher, liquid eye liner, lip shine (I don't use lip stick)
Fasio liquid foundation and pressed powder
Clinique eye brow make up
The sample set was given by the sales girl. She did not explain any special application. Only tried the night creme. I'm not sure if my sample is the same as yours. Besides the night creme, I was given whitening milk lotion (she wrote toner).
I am a beauty product junkie....just love to buy new products and I put too much things on my face too.

Cuddles - ya the red/brownish bottle super ex for such small bottle. 6kg extra to lose not bad already.

beauty regime
Day / Makeup
1) moisturiser/makeup base - Estee SPF30
2) foundation - Paula Choice (US brand)
3) loose powder - Lancome
4) eye shadow - CANDY (HK brand) / Fancl
5) Blusher - Candy
6) Mascara - Loreal (from today no need anymore as I just permed my eye lashes yesterday) me vain loi
7) Lipstick - estee / lancome / maybelline / loreal

1) Cleaner - Paula Choice
2) serum - Estee Advance Night Repair
3) Moisturiser - Estee whitening source / Elizabeth capsule / Shisedo

Extra - Mask treatment
1) Kose ?? the blue bottle one in liquid, buy the mask thingy that is compact like a coin and expand when put into the liquid. Love this.
2) BHA - can't remember the brand.
wow, this thread is moving really fast.

hippo2002, tamarind & cowandchick. Tks for the recipes. will go try them.
Hi all,
My boy started nursery school on Tuesday. I took leave to bring him to school for the first 2 days, thinking that he will cry. Amazingly, he did not cry at all ! I brought him to the classroom, the teacher immediately brought him to wash hand, he never even turn his head to look for me. He has never gone to school on his own before. I am so happy ! My older girl screamed and cried when she first went to school at 2 years old. But my boy's teacher said that he does not speak in class at all. My boy is just like his sister, so talkative at home, but doesn't talk in school.

<font color="ff0000">pantone,</font>
OIC about your nick.Oh yes our boys age very close. But since he is in 2005, he will go to P1 1 year later in 2012, you got 1 whole year longer to prepare him.

<font color="ff6000">quek,</font>
Your baby can mix with other babies at infant care, and will be more sociable, so that is an advantage. Like my niece is in infant care since young, she is not afraid of strangers at all and will chat with strangers readily. So different from my kids who will not speak a word to strangers.

<font color="0000ff">precious_gem,</font>
I am sort of like you. I love travelling, but when I cannot afford to travel, I will go and browse at the travel bags section at department stores, just touch touch also good enough
I think we are not very freakish lah hehehe

<font color="119911">cowandchick,</font>
Thanks for the info on the biometric passport. Me too no time to cross stitch. But I plan to teach my girl cross stitching soon. I think it's a good way to train her concentration and fine motor skills.

<font color="aa00aa">Cuddles,</font>
The photo hologram must go to the Lavender place to take right ? I think might as well the whole family go together to do.

Beauty regime
1. Neutorgena Energizing deep clean foaming facial cleanser

That's it. I think mine is the simplest
I don't put on makeup at all when I go to work. I am thinking of using a toner, still shopping around for a good one.

I bought the cleanser you recommended! blue colour with tiny beads. I like it, thanks for the recommendation

just saw Robinson having 20% on this facial wash. I bought from Ocean at Chinatown

my elder girl went to child care for almost 2 years. also doesn't speak a single word to strangers. my younger girl also the same, talkative at home, quiet like a mouse in class

Toner - I prefer Clinque toner over Clarins. using Clarins toner simply because same range of skin care. I still find Clinque toner the best. maybe you can get some samples from Clinque counter to trial

besides toner, I think sun block is a must. maybe you can consider moisturiser with SPF protection. to prevent pigmentation, pre-matured ageing. I hardly leave home without umbrella, so auntie also no choice lah
My baby can let anyone carry him, he wont make noise or cry. I enrolled my elder son to child care when he was coming to 2 years old and he cried everyday when he reached there, but the teacher said he cried for 5 mins only after I left.

I also dont put on makeup, I am using Avene cleanser, toner, moisturer and sunblock. Have been using this product for few years, still ok with it.

Agreed with hippo, counter staff from pharmacy also said that we must put on sun block to prevent pigmentation. A friend's face has lot of pigmentation as she has been under the sun most of the days.
Hi hippo
ya, agree that sun block is a must but I realise it too late, so have quite alot of pigmentation. Was thinking of laser them off recently.

Anyone have any recommendation?

So nice to share our Beauty Regime here. So as to give each other some ideas to try out products.


i use this hydrating mask from Biotherm, but dun find it that good. For mask, I will always have a deep cleansing mud mask and a hydrating one to use alternatively. Also have packs of those sheet masks.

Mani/pedi - I use to go to this place at Parkmall, Celebrity nails. Not bad but market rate. U can look around ur neighbourhood, some are really interesting. Saw some at AMK n TP, decor and ambience dun lose out to town ones.


any good toner to recommend apart from Clinique? Am using Biotherm aquasource, not so good.


for infant care / childcare, perhaps u may wish to consider one without airconditioning. That was 1 of my critieria when i hunted for chidcare for my gal last time


no need to go there, just apply online can liao. Thats wat i did for DS. Go to the site, key in some simple stuff and upload your pics. I even took my son's pic with my handphone cam. U ony need to make the trip there to collect.
