Any Mommies in mid-late 30s or over 40 with small children?

Rainbow Tamarind

PD usually has no solution, just ask us to use nebulizer but it always recur, isn't it? whizzy & a lot of phlem whenever the cough started. no permanent solution leh

The Chinese doctor prescribed liquid solution, black in colour. I have no idea what was in the solution. He is not like PD, had the patience to explain. that's why I say beware of his temper.


Hope your kid fine now.

no worries. Anytime u wanna share here, I'm sure we can lend support! I have been thru a few bad patches myself...

I never let my mum know how much I earn. And depends on what i buy, if expensive things i will keep from her. So sometimes i gotta sneak the goods into my room. Prob with my mum is not so much abt money but more on her attitude. She doesn't like it that i go out on my own, Thus my shopping goods have to be hidden. She was extremely unhappy that i had to travel overseas for my work, so i got no choice but to tell my co. risking a black mark on my portfolio. I need her to help me care for my bb, but I feel trapped sometimes...


il is a different ball game altogether. Tolerance and patience r the keys. Which i am still trying very hard to attain that. But lucky for me, recent months have been peaceful n quiet.

Tamarind, rainbow,

my gal in peihwa. Good to know that P4 will be optional. I dun know if she can manage, still early to tell.
my DS also whizzes when he sleeps. Dun know if it shd be a concern... I know he snores tho, very cute expecially when i bfg.
My boy was on nebulizer using berodual, it did cure him completely, he doesn't cough or whizz at all, unless he is infected by other people. I think there is 2 kinds of cough, one is sensitive airways, the other type is infection. My boy is infection.

I go to Chinese doctor for tuina only, don't dare to take their medication :p

Peihwa is one of the top primary schools right ? Sounds stressful leh.

I also have to hide my shopping goods from my mother, because she always criticize me for spending too much money. But she does it for my own good, she never ask me for more money.
Hi All mummies
thanks for sharing about whizz in kids...I certainly hope that my boy can outgrow it...

Son not very fine yet after the mmr jab reactions...

My mom is those that is very money minded and once she knows that I may have, she will come around...Imagine, before I got married , I shared with her to buy an EC flat and after married, I did not withdraw my name, thus my the other house is being tax heavily.One fine day, she sold it...I was entitled to a 8 percent shares...Guess what she told me, your cpf all go back to your account already...this profit you cannot take unless I, I let her be but she has to pay the tax that I incurred for the other house, which comes up to close to 9k.

This 8 percent profit is about 15k.Know what she tell me now....I lend you 15k and now,you just need to pay me back 10k will do...I am thinking, 15 k minus 9k minus the 4k I lend it to her...she still has 10k...She is not in need of money, but saw me bought a brand new fridge and thus decided to try her luck here...sigh...

my folks also count every cents because their life was tough last time so they are very kan cheong about money. My dad refused to loan me his CPF money for my degree, disregarding my career prospect, while they readily paid for my brother's. I have to save hard to support my part time study. that was the longest 3.5 years in my life, to work & study. I have been through tough patches in life too. I really resent them at times for favouritism.

Now in my 30s, especially after having kids and seeing that they really dot on my girls, I kan kai already. Also now my brother earns a good salary so they don't focus on me anymore. phew! our relationship improved substantially in recent years. I guess I learnt to see things from their perspectives rather than just focusing on mine
rainbow & hippo2002 & cuddles

actually i quite surprised to read your postings re: parents & $. my parents refused to take monthly allowance from me. they will give me back the cash. so i have to resort to internet transfer to their a/c.

Also they did not want me to pay back the uni fees to their CPF. But i feel bad leh. They oso need $ for their retirement. Good thing the law requires me to pay back. Then when my dad reached a certain age (can't remember what), my parents applied to cancel my loan repayment. So i transfer more to their bank a/c every month.

Actually i give them, they give back to me in kinds. always buy stuff for the kids. birthdays give them big ang pows. i refused to let my kids spend the $. put in their bank so next time they have $ to study. My CPF don't think enough for my kids' future studies. Still repaying home loan ...

i guess my parents are like that cos their parents gave them away when they were babies. .... they grow up already still visit their real parents (my grandparents) when they were still alive. So i actually had 4 sets of grandparents. Only close to 1 though...

re: wheezing. don't worry too much. he will outgrow it as he gets older. my boy 6yo, still falls sick but it is not as bad as when he was younger.

i understand how you feel cos my boy oso very sickly kind. Each sickness he has plunges me into depression

jia you ....

construction site worker oso can be engineer. Either of them is oso a decent job.

my boy wants to be taxi driver. he can recognise all the different kind of taxis on the road and their makes.... hahaha. to me, the taxis are either blue or yellow.

Thanks....My boy is very sickly type once he is down with fever,and that really drives me down....

what is berodual?what is the difference between this and ventoilin inhaler?thanks

We shared similar predicament....My mum dot on my brother, his wife and his children....Mum has been loving my brother since young and bias against me...Kept asking me not to study so much and why don't I go vain like the rest of the cousin and get married....Worst of all, upon me getting married and told me that if I am what I am, married will get divorced.....

Lately, my sil is doing her second confinment, and she is so kan cheong and ask me papaya cook with fish bone and bird nest the right ingredient for milk flow which I had last round...I told her off that am not so expensive to have bird nest as one of the ingredient...she goes like...mei you may?sigh....

Mum always says that son in law is always outsider when I offered her to stay in my place should she needs to...She is only 54 but the way she is , its like./...

Sorry to have divertion...

Thanks....My boy is very sickly type once he is down with fever,and that really drives me down....

what is berodual?what is the difference between this and ventoilin inhaler?thanks

We shared similar predicament....My mum dot on my brother, his wife and his children....Mum has been loving my brother since young and bias against me...Kept asking me not to study so much and why don't I go vain like the rest of the cousin and get married....Worst of all, upon me getting married and told me that if I am what I am, married will get divorced.....

Lately, my sil is doing her second confinment, and MY MUM is so kan cheong and ask me papaya cook with fish bone and bird nest the right ingredient for milk flow which I had last round...I told her off that am not so expensive to have bird nest as one of the ingredient...she goes like...mei you may?sigh....

Mum always says that son in law is always outsider when I offered her to stay in my place should she needs to...She is only 54 but the way she is , its like./...

Sorry to have divertion...
Yes construction worker/engineer are decent jobs, but still need to study right ? But the problem is, he is not interested to study at all ! He loves his construction site toys, can name all the bulldozers, excavators,cement mixers, tractors etc. But he refused to learn his A,B,Cs. Yesterday I was teaching him the alphabets (lost count how many times I have tried), point to him a letter, and he looked every where else except that letter.

Berodual is a mixture of ventolin and something else, it is used with the nebulizer. My boy has tried the ventolin inhaler before, it is a lot less effective than the nebulizer. The nebulizer is an electric air pump that generates strong "steam" from the berodual and it can reach down the lungs better.

My mother used to favour my brother very much more. But ever since he married his wife, who is very nasty to my mother, she was very hurt, and would rather stay with me and take care of my kids instead. Now she tells me, girl is better than boy !!!

Have any mummies bring your bb for PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINATION?

I have not bring my son for that yet, my mum don allow me to do that as she had seem frm news that a bb got side effect after the jab, but that was few years back. I am in dilemma!!
I am still waiting for my mum to realise that...THANKS FOR INFO ON VENTOLIN

My sil and brother are a lot more smarter than one can think of those not very educated. They make my mum and grandma stay with them in a 4 room hdb flat...and now with maid and second baby, waiting for my mum to come out more money for a private condo....

Sil not any kind soul but in my mum eyes, she is beautiful with heart and look...can you imagine, my maid ever asked me why my sil and all her siblings are so ugly.....

i think most schools are competitive now, so ev where also got stress. Its the SG educational system lo and societal pressure. I would certainly prefer a relax and creative learning environment for my children.

Imagine a scenario - force the child to excel, or due to competition, child put stress on himself/herself. build up and cant take it, go crazy.. then I rather have my child, ping ping fan fan is ok...


hope ur bb will get over it soon.

some moms just give you headaches. like my good fren mum, always gamble and keep taking money from her. She was out of job for a while and had to cash out from credit cards to lend her. Then the mum din pay back and also go on to borrow from my fren's bro, and say my fren wanna borrow one... hai~~~

i totally empathise with you. very disheartening...

Nevermind! there is always a pot of gold at the end of your rainbow!


having said the above, every family has its own issues. You are lucky, am sure u treasure it. My mum's ok, except certain things she thinks differently from me when i expected more understanding from her part. Sometimes will bang wall! Still she is someone i love dearly.

the Oct bbs thread was discussing alot on this jab leh. But i still dun know should i bring my DS for it. Dun know if necessary. If i dun read this forum, I dun even know there is this jab.. so blur and confused.
I posted something yesterday, but couldn't load leh, donno why?! Anyway, let me re-cap, and add on!

Mothers and money
I guess I'm quite lucky like ZMM. My mum doesn't really ask for money, and altho we give her a monthly sum, she returns in kind - we go her place for lunch and dinner every sunday, and she buys stuffs for the kids. On our kids' birthdays, she also always give ang pows.
When I just got married and was house hunting, she also helped pay for downpayment and renovation. I guess i do owe her a lot. She just had a fall on Monday, and since I'm the only SAHM in the family, I have volunteered to do the marketing for her until she recovers. Her face is so badly swollen... luckily the x-rays are fine!

Sometimes all this can be due to a blocked nose or sinus, esp if they snore also. My family has history of inflammed sinuses, and thus we're very careful to clear my kids' blocked noses b4 they get infection.
I find that house allergens and diet can worsen such reactions. So we keep soft toys to minimum, and watch our diets!

Tamarind, your boy still young, give him space and time to grow and develop. Not all kids progress and develop at same pace. Don't worry, he's still got a long way more to P1, don't stress yourselves out before that!
When he starts formal schooling, you'll have more to worry about, and he'll be feeling the stress and pressure. Let him enjoy his childhood!
Hepatitis A

your kids had this jab?
need to do a blood test first?


my girls had their jabs last year.
not much awareness last year. when I went to clinics to ask for jabs, the nurses either said they don't carry that jab or asked me what was that? gosh!
I tried quite a few GPs and none of them carry the jab. ended up we have to go to a PD, $185 for each jab
Berodual ... i so expert at syringing the liquid out of the bottle in the exact amount. Normally mixed with Pulmicort (a small round capsule with liquid inside also).

for those of us with kids prone to bronchitis, probably good to treat them like asthmatics though they may not be. So house must have minimum dust, no soft toys, no carpets, curtains wash frequently, etc. Strict diet also. I make sure my boy doesn't eat too much sugary stuff, no food with colouring, etc. A bit lehchay, but the kid gets used to it after a while.

Had the penumoccal jab for my boy and baby too. Other than jab site slightly pain, no major side effect.

I learnt to appreciate my parents more because my MIL is lagi calculative, money minded and practice favouritism even though both are sons. long stories...

but I dare not raise my voice or quarrel with her. she's afterall elderly, so just 'ren ren ren' lor. don't think my hubby can take it if I quarrel with her. he's very fillial

I told my hubby if we were to live with her, we will surely end up in divorce. It's not even a threat, it is a fact!

think must use some creative teaching methods for your boy. Since he likes construction stuff, maybe can try arrange his toys like the shape of A and teach him this is A. Or ask him to see what alphabet route his truck is going to go, let his trucks talk/sing to one another about alphabets, etc. If you have those magnetic alphabets, can let his excavator dig them.

Play and learn instead of the conventional pencil paper learning method.

Like my boy likes computer but he doesn't like to learn chinese. So i spend a bomb to get the relevant s/w and he nows play computer games and learn chinese at the same time.

Me too very lucky like ZMM and cowandchick. My mother dont take my money since my elder son was born. She insist to pay for lunch whenever I go out with her. I always said that it is better to go out with my sis as my sis will pay for her. My mum dont practice favouritism.

My MIL also practice favouritism, that's what I really cannot tahan, since she delivered so many children, then she should not be 'pian xin' la. Always see my hubby like he own her 'hundred over thousand'!!!

Baby need 3 penumoccal jabs, will the jab cause fever?

can't remember if got fever after the penumococcal jab. Took it last year. "lao" liao. My #3 seldom got any fever after any jabs, the most she was slightly warmish. She's a lot rougher and tougher than my 2 elder ones. Seldom cry because of pain. Cry rather to get attention only.
You mummies just reminded me i also need to bring my boy for his pneumoccocal jab. Hiyah, i so lazy, think of taking him out for the jab and having whole day at home with me very sian sometimes.

Monday he was at home coz slight fever. Teething lah. Molars coming out, complaining mouth pain and itchy! Whole day so noisy and active, so tiring!
your scenario very true leh

a school principal once told us a real life case. a P6 child commited suicide because of pressure from parents. the child's siblings went to top secondary schools so his parents' expectation of him is naturally very high
hippo, cuddles
see the problem? usually it's the parents who puts pressure on the poor kids!
I used to have coming to tell me how pitiful their kids are if they don't score very high marks. Actually, the kids are ok with the marks, it's the parents who are the ones hoping for high marks! One father even insisted i re-mark his daughter's paper so that she can get better marks! I told him that may not be so. What if marks lower? Sigh!
Many of my pupils also come and tell me their parents expect a lot! Poor kids.

After seeing so many 'cases', i told myself to take it easy on my kids. Can then can, cannot then cannot. Can't force results, right? Poor kids!
ya, thats why i ony go for things that my DD like to do. Always ask her first. Of cos academic I will expect her to put in effort.
<font color="ff0000">Cuddles,</font>
I told myself I am not going to put pressure on my kids. But after I heard about the Primary 1 requirement, and that some kids were actually asked to go back to kindergarten, I started to be kancheong.

During my time, kids go to primary 1 to start learning A,B,C ! I do not think there is anything wrong with a child who only knows A,B,C at 7 years old, but nowadays he is seen to have learning difficulties !

<font color="ff6000">cowandchick,</font>
My boy is going to be 3 years old in July. I am actually happy with his development, he is speaking very well, have good memory, he knows exactly which piece goes with which toy set, he can even tell the names of complex machines, and he is very creative. He will invent new games, and his older sister will follow him ! He also knows all the colors and shapes. The only thing I worry about is he seems to be not so good at recognizing alphabets. I am beginning to worry about whether he will be able to read and write in 3 years time ! The problem with our school system, is that they only care about academic results.

It's not that I want to put pressure on my kids. I am shocked to know that some kids were actually told to leave Primary 1 and go back to kindergarten. I have heard of 2 cases already. It is the school system that is putting pressure on the kids.

I am one person who grows up under pressure. In primary school, I got A's for every subject, and B for English. My mother told me if I don't do better for English, I will become a road sweeper. During A level, my mother wants me to do special papers in addition to my normal subjects, she told me that if my brother can do it, I can do it too. My brother got all the perfect score, got a scholarship to England. I got 2 As, 2 Bs, one distinction and one merit for my special paper, ended up feeling depressed for a very long time.

I told myself I will never subject my kids to this type of pressure, I am not going to push them to get all As, but at least must pass lah.

<font color="119911">ZMM,</font>
Thanks for your tips. He is going to start nursery school next week. Hopefully he learns better with other kids.

Both my kids got this jab already, no side effect. I think every kid should have this jab to be safe.
tamarind, tamarind, take it easy, on yourself and your boy!

Honestly, which school ask the kid to go back kindergarten? Just a comment from a mindless and mean teacher, right? Can report school to MOE if they dare do that to the child, send him/her back to kindergarten! Sigh, horrid teachers!

Don't worry about your son. His time will come. He has over 1000 days to learn all he needs to enter P1!

You're smart, and did well at school. Maybe bec I didn't do very well myself at school that's why standard for kids not very high.

I didn't do S papers for A levels, in fact, had to repeat my As as private candidate. But then, I got PSC scholarship to the U after that, and went on to do my masters! Modesty aside here, I was rather well-regarded as a graduate student at NIE and NUS! And they all knew I flunked my As at the first try. So what????

What I'm trying to say here is, all of us will eventually get where we are meant to be. Some faster, some like me, slow. Give your kids the time and more important the space. And give yourself some space to relax too. You've been under a lot of pressure as a child, don't pressurize yourself over your kids now!

Take it easy, ok?
It's not just a comment. In one case the teacher refused to take the child back into class. In another case, the child did go back to kindergarten.

I just want my kids to pass every level, not having to repeat that level, is that too pressurizing hah ?

maybe these 2 kids are special? I remember I used to have a classmate in the same class in P1 & P2. In P3, he didn't turn up for school. Teacher told us he was transferred to a special school.

By the way, it was reported in news a few months ago that some kids went straight into P1 without attending any preschools. They were given extra lessons to bring them on par to their classmates. It was never mentioned that they were being sent back to kindergartens

Which school did you have that encounter?

Similar to you, my brother is also smarter than me despites being less hardworking. he qualifies for all my first choice schools while I can only look at those schools longingly. His career path is sooooo much smoother because he has first class honours

although I do not deny that there are many people who made it in life without straight As results, there are indeed even more who couldn't make it if their results are poor. Studies is indeed the path to success. that's the harsh reality of life

I can understand your concern but there is no hurry yet. boys are usually late bloomers. give your boy more time and probably have to invest more enrichments on him

my 2 kids didn't progress at the same pace too. my elder girl attended 5 terms with Shichida and I see results. my younger girl attended 7 terms with Shichida and I see nothing. at 2 years 11 months old, my elder girl already started Kumon Maths. At 3.5 years old, my younger girl is still at home. I just have to take it slower because she is simply not progressing as fast, can't rush her even if I wanted to

I am only an 'O' level student, now I have to work hard for $$. I also dont know whether did I pressure my son for his study. Afraid that if he dont do well, then he will be like me have to work hard for $$ in future.

Tamarind, I am also like your mum telling my son that if he dont study hard, you will be a road sweeper.

Sometimes, if you let the kids make the decision, they will end up giving you lot of excuse.
Queh Sara Sara, whatever will be will be, the future's not ours to see, queh sara sara... what will be will be...
<font color="0000ff">hippo2002,</font>
Those kids are not special, it's just that their previous kindergarten did not prepare them well for primary 1.

I think different schools treat these cases differently. That school is a neighbourhood school in Jurong West.

I think subconsciously I am comparing my boy with my girl. My girl is only 17 months older, can already read and write and do maths. I guess I got to keep telling myself not to compare.

<font color="119911">bpquek,</font>
I would tell my kids if they want to buy car/house when they grow up, they better study hard. I am OK if my child has tried his best, and still doesn't get good results, but he must at least try his best.

<font color="aa00aa">Cuddles,</font>
I am hoping that my kids become doctors, lawyers, bankers, or pilots hehehe But I also OK if they become chefs, hair stylists, or construction workers, so long as it is a respectable profession. But all at least must pass primary school mah.
Hi there everybody. Wow have I miss alot!

Honestly it's NOT that easy to push a child away to go back to kindergarten at primary one. Very very exceptional cases. Not recognizing the alphabet is not a big deal compared to what your child can do in the other areas especially being creative and innovative. Usually kids who are weak at certain subjects will be given remedial class, that's all.

I personally know ONE case where a primary school approach a neighbouring kindergarten to take one of its student to "help" out. The girl NEVER attended kindergarten and know NOTHING but that's NOT the issue. She was taken care by her grandmother with 9 other cousins because their parents are either in drug rehab or prison, so the grandmother keep them at home most if not all the time. Thus she was not aware of the outside world and behave very rowdy. She also can't speak well and can't seem to relate to anyone. She is not Autistic or ADD/ADHD. Her main problem is that she has "no sense" of schooling; rules & regulation, respect/obey authority eg teachers etc, bad social skills etc as she was never expose to the outside world and probably left on her own most of the time. Her cousins are older and attend primary school. She cannot relate to anyone, infact, a few who saw her describe her as "jungle girl". Really, she did not behave like a normal girl. I guess after years of confining her in that 1 room flat..... The kindergarten took her but didn't know where to start or where to place her. Since she knew Nothing, they put her in Nursery but after abt a month, realise that being 7 years old, she was abit too rowdy for them and scare most of her classmates. So the kindergaten decided to put her in K2 due to the age group but let her do Nursery level work; recognize letters, simple Maths, pre-writing skills etc. She was also assigned 2 buddies from her K2 class to accompany her to the toilet and basically guide her during play time etc. She showed some progress by end of the year, able to follow instructions, obey basic class rules, better social skills, respect for authority (teachers), and was happy to do her work. The kindergarten was preparing her mentally for primary one rather than academically. She was send back to the same primary school the following year. But that is the most extreme case.

I cannot help but smile when I read what you have you, I wasn't born smart, still I finished my u education with scholarship.....I was a very hardworking student and now seeing my gal so lazy and yo yo yo..really cannot take it...

Did lecture her and tell her off if she continue to be this way, she will not have a proper house, and not to think of having a car in the future....she still like nothing happen...sigh....
Hi there everybody. Wow have I miss alot!

Honestly it's NOT that easy to push a child away to go back to kindergarten at primary one. Very very exceptional cases. Not recognizing the alphabet is not a big deal compared to what your child can do in the other areas especially being creative and innovative. Usually kids who are weak at certain subjects will be given remedial class, that's all.

I personally know ONE case where a primary school approach a neighbouring kindergarten to take one of its student to "help" out. The girl NEVER attended kindergarten and know NOTHING but that's NOT the issue. She was taken care by her grandmother with 9 other cousins because their parents are either in drug rehab or prison, so the grandmother keep them at home most if not all the time. Thus she was not aware of the outside world and behave very rowdy. She also can't speak well and can't seem to relate to anyone. She is not Autistic or ADD/ADHD. Her main problem is that she has "no sense" of schooling; rules & regulation, respect/obey authority eg teachers etc, bad social skills etc as she was never expose to the outside world and probably left on her own most of the time. Her cousins are older and attend primary school. She cannot relate to anyone, infact, a few who saw her describe her as "jungle girl". Really, she did not behave like a normal girl. I guess after years of confining her in that 1 room flat..... The kindergarten took her but didn't know where to start or where to place her. Since she knew Nothing, they put her in Nursery but after abt a month, realise that being 7 years old, she was abit too rowdy for them and scare most of her classmates. So the kindergaten decided to put her in K2 due to the age group but let her do Nursery level work; recognize letters, simple Maths, pre-writing skills etc. She was also assigned 2 buddies from her K2 class to accompany her to the toilet and basically guide her during play time etc. She showed some progress by end of the year, able to follow instructions, obey basic class rules, better social skills, respect for authority (teachers), and was happy to do her work. The kindergarten was preparing her mentally for primary one rather than academically. She was send back to the same primary school the following year. But that is the most extreme case.

IF you encounter any schools telling the kids to go back to kindergarten, you can approach the MOE to lodge a complaint!

Honestly, looking at your achievements, some of that intelligence would have rubbed off on your boy too! Don't worry. Like hippo said, boys develop later, but they will!

I was the do-do in my family. Sister so smart, younger brother lagi smart. My mum used to nag at me to study harder lah. I tried, but just cannot leh. When I flunked my As, it suddenly dawned on them that one of their kids not so smart. My dad was prepared to send me to States to study. Last time, cannot enter NUS, go elsewhere. But we're not terribly well-off, and my younger brother was still in school. So I told them I give it one more try. If can, can. If cannot, then forget it lah! They agreed.

At such a young age like your kids, a few months makes a lot of difference. Not say 17 months older ONLY, and can already do so much! There are developmental stages, and crossing thresholds! How to cross even before getting to it?! Don't worry, your boy will be fine. Passing primary school not a big problem. Getting PhD, then maybe more tough lah!

We all want the best for our kids. But they must work hard for their own life too. Yes, we tell them to try their best. But, what if their 'best' falls short of our expectations? How do you tell they have tried their 'best'? Will you still believe them if they did poorly and still tell you they've tried their 'best'?

I wasn't the most hardworking child, but I did give my 'best'. Still, do badly in exams. Maybe I am not the exam kind?! Right up to university and post-grad, I tell my professors to let me do tons of seminar papers and be exempted from written exams! I do well for my papers, and presenting them to professionals! Hey, I'm not exam kind.

Many kids here in Singapore are exam smart, period! Having taught undergrads before, I know most of them are. Cannot think out of box! Very pek chek to teach them after a while. So smart, but in the end?

Take it easy, ok? At least on your poor boy. He's got such a tough job growing up, you want to stress him out so early? No lah!
I think we all should sit back and take a deep breadth and relax. I know we all want the best for our kids but what's better than happiness and good health? A child who is happy and loved will tend to do well in life, with not much issue.

Honestly, I know several young women (in early & mid 20s), who went to poly because their parents want them too but once graduated, a few gave their certs to their parents then continue to pursue their own dreams. The others work in the line that they were trained for, for a few years then stop and pursue their own dreams. Of course in all cases the parents were mad, upset etc but they told me they have to do it cuz they were not happy. They didn't want to go to poly or took the courses that were offered but they were pressured by their parents.

I'm not a U grad, just a Diploma grad and yes I do have to work hard but I love my job. I live in a 5 rm flat, no car but it's fun taking the kids on the bus or MRT. I want my kids to enjoy and appreciate the simple things in life so that they won't grow up taking things for granted. Yes I want them to do well in school but I also want them to HAVE A LIFE and enjoying it. As most of you know, my daughter attends kindergarten from Mon-Fri, swimming class on Thursdays, Silat on Wednesdays and Art class on Sundays. She also cycles, play badminton and join me and my friends to play netball once a wk. We go for Nature walk or picnic or other places of interest on Saturdays. We try to travel atleast twice a year during the mid and end of the year during the school long holiday. Nothing so fancy, sometimes even backpacking.

I think all of you are wonderful mothers who want the best for your children and if possible not wanting them to go go through hard life or hardships, which is very noble but we also have to think of their and our own happiness. Don't stress yourself, love ur children and be there when they need you.

From what u describe of your son, I think he is an amazing boy with lots of potential. He shows he has passion in learning, I mean for goodness sake, it takes learning to know all those names of construction machinery. Being able to fix puzzles, create new games, those are not easy feat for a 3 yr old. I would say he's cognitive devlpmt/level could be above average. Really I'm not just saying. It's just that his teacher and you have to be as creative and innovative to teach him the alphabet. How about matching those letters to his favourite things or playing "I spy .." or play memory card games or even dominoes, using letters to match! One rule, besides matching the letters, he has to say the letter name and whoever wins, gets a treat. There are many fun activities u can do with ur boy to teach the letters of the alphabet. And it's true, boys tend to be abit slower in certain areas.

wow, so many discussions today

hehe, I went shopping today, to Zara sales! Aiyo, I think everyone took leave today because both Zara stores at Orchard are so crowded. the queue to fitting room is long. the queue to cashier is even longer!
I gave up, don't know how to shop with so many people

Luckily I managed to buy a dress from Chomel and 2 tube top from Taka. At least didn't go home empty handed

I also told my kids if they are lazy, they will have to find food from the dustbins and sleep in the stadium in future

because they ever saw some uncles searching the dustbins for food and an uncle sleeping in the stadium.

I think I scared the living daylight out of them. haha!
precious gem
I miss you leh, where have you been?

by the way, I remember you mentioned about batam spa. which resort did you go? how much did you pay for your massage?
Hey mummies

Have you all heard of tinted moisturiser?Anyone is using it?Am thinking of buying shishedo tinted moisturiser since I do not need very rich coverage....
<font color="ff0000">cowandchick,</font>
Actually my boy does not look like me at all, he looks like his Daddy. I am hoping that he is like his Daddy, who is smarter than me. I asked my hubby whether he developed later, he said he doesn't know, and his mother doesn't know either, because she never played with him when he was young, he was brought up by servants.

For me, trying their best, means spending at least 2 - 3 hours every day studying, when they start primary school. But not at 3 years old lah. Actually I have not been pressurizing him at all lah. I don't even teach him everyday, at most 3 sessions a week. Each session I tried 3 times, then give up. I myself is feeling stressed, not him !

My 4 year old girl actually ask my mother to let her do worksheets, and she actually enjoy doing it. So different from my boy ! I must keep reminding myself not to compare.

<font color="ff6000">precious_gem,</font>
That girl you wrote about is so pitiful. Those 2 kids I know did go to kindergarten before, but it's just that the kindergarten did not teach them well.

Yes I must start thinking of more creative ways of teaching. But just that for my girl it seems so easy, so I got a bit lazy. But I am a full time working mum, also don't have much time to teach them. Actually he has never gone to any daily school yet. He will be starting nursery next Monday, hopefully he learns better in a school environment.

<font color="119911">hippo2002,</font>
Good idea about scaring them using those examples, next time I will do it too hehehe

I am using the Neutrogena Energizing Deep Clean facial cleanser which is in tube foam, not the liquid bottle one. It is not harsh at all, my skin feels quite refresh.

I have never bought anything from Zara, how is the quality compared to Mango ? I used to buy a lot from Mango.

Do you go to the new GAP stores ?


My girl used to ask for worksheets to do while she was in nursery and kindergarten. Aiyoh, I bought so many books from popular for her until whole house all filled with them. She can sit down and do and do and do non-stop.

Just when i thot I will have no problems later, wham! The minute she starts P1 and have lots of schoolwork to do, she started dreading doing anything work, and wants only to play! I also shocked! So now, i'm happy if she completes her school homework on time!

Anyway, not saying your kids like mine lah, touch wood! But you must accept each as an individual, and their own development as well. Sometimes very good in one thing, but not so good in another!

As for timing, what if they caomplete all their work and know everything they need to know BEFORE your 2-3 hour time limit is up? Will you let them off to do something else like play? Are they still trying their best? Kinda a hard to quantify 'your best', isn't it? Putting in the number of hours need not necessarily be 'the best'.

Precious gem
Where have you been? Nice to have you back again!
