Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

I have taken 2 wks leave from next week. Sending my maid away for replacement one this saturday....

My mum hospitalised last sunday for an emergency op. She was discharged yesterday. I took leave to stay home to overlook the training of the replacement maid.

My only worry is my boy. He is very attached to current maid. Hopefully he will get used to new one soon.

dun worry my boi oso very attached to my 1st maid cos take care of him since born till he was 20 months.I am quite lucky tat my current maid know how to handle him n she is patient even better than me,2nd or 3rd day she can handle my kids can adapt very fast even know he saw the 1st maid photo he totally forgot about her oredy.

Actually all depend on the new maid,she must know to approach to the kids n try to play with them,i hav a fren the new maid came for 3 month n her boi still dun wan the maid.I am quite lucky so far i dun hav maid problems, both of them can handle my kids well, auto,can arrange houseworks properly.

Hope u get good helper!
hw come u keep changing maids one? still cannot find a suitable one? yeah..i saw ur posting at the "maids" thread.

me free anytime. HP can be returned any time. no rush.

hw's ur mum btw?
U r lucky tt u receive a good helper. May I know where u get yr maid? Is she ex-sin? How old? How much agency fee u paid?
Maybe u would like to PM me if u dun want to reveal it here.

How come I keep changing maids? That's a good question... If we find maid not competent, we kick off lor.... No point keeping one that make our blood boil. We pay them to work fof us instead of making us short lived.

Let me name some secnarios here. If you were the employer, will you keep her?

1) Last Sunday before we leave the home (nobody will be in the house), I asked the maid to close the windows of the baby room. The normal way of closing is left side in first, then right side and locked the closed window. what my maid did was, she closed right side in first, then left side and left a small gap.

2) The container of salt that put in the rack has finished. I ask the maid to wash the container. After washing and drying the container, she put back the empty container into the rack which hold other sauce like light soy sauce, sugar...etc for used during cooking. Is this acceptable to you??? I told her off this morning when I spot check the kitchen and found this empty salt container in the rack. I asked her does she know where my mum keep the salt, she can open the cabinet and take out the salt. I need to tell her that she need to fill up the container after washing and not just put the empty container there. She then tell me because we r not using so she din fill. So i ask her back, is it wait till u want to cook and found out no salt, then u kalang kabok to find the salt n fill up the container?? She smile at me....

3. Last Sunday 3pm, I told her we are gg out at 6.30pm. Tell her to get ready all necessary stuff for outing. When I reached home at 10pm, the kitchen top is full of ants. WHY??? Because the maid didn't clean off the FM which has spilled out accidentally. I have told her many times that after she make milk, she has to check the kitchen top and wipe off any milk powder that has spilled out. Even if she is not the one who make the milk (sometimes my mum will make the milk), after feeding my boy and before washing the empty milk bottle, she has to check the kitchen top again in case there is some FM that has spilled out. But she didn't do this.

4. My girl ride the tricycle and knock onto her leg. She let out a loud "HEY". Then use her leg to kick away the tricycle very hard. My girl was still sitting on the tricycle.

She has been with us for 2.5 mths. She is very forgetful and careless. She has no patient and short tempered. Can see that she dun really like to handle my girl.

Even my hb find that she do for the sake of doing. Well she was only 21.... how much can we expect from her???

So we change lor since we are not comfortable with her. My mum is the 1st to complain. The first day she step into our place, my mum oredi said she cannot make it.

She dun take instructions seriously.

Will u keep this maid??
ya i am quite lucky. both my maid from yishun Nation, i think the agent fee + insurance +...about $600+ i'm not quite sure cos hubby paid hehe...

my 1st maid was 24yo hav one 2yo gal.I need maid got experiance take care of nb so better get married one, she can do everything bath my nb during confinement, feed ,etc my mil came n cook n teach her the cook confinement food,my mil went bec to Malaysia after 2 weeks she handle everything.

My current maid is ex Malaysia,single ,29yo,she got finished the high school there so simple eng no problem.

On the 1st day they step into my house i will tell them the daily n weekly routine but i didnt set the timetable when must finished.I told them i want them to do thing auto n dun let me keep on repeating, if i not satisfied wif the works i will tell or if they got problems with their works must tell oso dun do any nonsence to my kids.
visit ur blog, so envy u still can go wif hubby er4 ren2 shi4 jie4 i got n yrs never step into cinema oredy.
So good can left ur kids wif Mil, both my kids dun wan my mil,cos she dun like kids n dun know play wif them.
my boi oso as same as Lionel like to beat his sister,i think boi at this age like tat la,i oso dun know wat to do, canned oso no use i tried before.
fei ming,
i can only sign, hope & pray.

anyway, hey all mummies & daddies (if any), i gt an interesting website dat my collague gave to me. Its to show whom ur child look more alike, to mummy or daddy. try it out!

1)click on "face recognition"
2)click on "look alike meter"

i did the test. My son look more like his dad by 21% & my ger look more like mw by 4%. hehe
fei ming,
i can only sign, hope & pray.

anyway, hey all mummies & daddies (if any), i gt an interesting website dat my collague gave to me. Its to show whom ur child look more alike, to mummy or daddy. try it out!

1)click on "face recognition"
2)click on "look alike meter"

i did the test. My son look more like his dad by 21% & my ger look more like me by 4%. hehe

The website very interesting.....

I tried with different photos. Only daddy photo is the same. Mine and kids photo I used diff one.

First attempt: Girl looks more than dad by 9%
Boy looks more than dad by 23%

2nd attempt: Girl looks equally like mom & dad
Boy looks more than mum by 21%

Thanks for the info. I'm scouting for half day one first coz I may want to put my ger there around 18 mths old.

Maybe yr boi just plain milk crave or just have an empty stomach cannot sleep.. Hope u can uncover the mystery soon

i tried the website, don't why the needle on the scale after 20mins still moving around & i never find any result, it still say 'comparing faces'!!! die lar i getting suspicious hee hee

U might wana chk out their playgroup.. but the class is not held in the childcare centre, its in the centre beside Jack's place.
finally got my ideal flat,Blk 412 5I.
Hopefully can move in before chinese new year.
Any mummies got good reno contractor?

btw, so quiet recently ,everybody busy?
Nowdays so many new threads, I almost can't find this thread wor :p

Alden so good boy in class.. in fact all the kids like v well behaved
so I believe u took leave to celebrate Alden bday in school keke

u want a simple reno or a major overhaul? mine is also 5I, did a major overhaul. I would say my designer not bad coz she patient, understand our desire, give good comments, have some good taste. her service is gd - she got her sub-con to replace alot of things that we feel were not to our specifications like glass & even got the sub-con to repay us a fridge that they damage!
Her price is a little high lar but I feel her quality is there, anything we can discuss with her. Don't ever go to the one at Toa Payoh Hub, piss me off with their ah beng attitude & lousy service. Here's a simple pic that was taken by her photographer

Wah!Beautiful house! Can i know how much it cost?

I just need to do some minor reno like repolished the marble n parquet floor, painting ,piping,wardrobes,some elec works etc.
Alden is such a good boy...can sit down for so long to listen to teacher. Can he talk yet?

BTW, why only so few kids in the class? Thot EB very popular that's why the wait list always so long? I'm still thinking about sending HW cos not sure if he would cry long and hard at going to school again. Did Alden cry?

His baby talk has improvement and can see he willing to try new words now
His class is abt 6 kids.. 1 new one came but still trying to adapt so onli come in for half days tats why she is not in the group. many parents onli wants to have their kid enroll from 2008 ba..and school still trying to look for more teachers.. they dun want to accept too many children and no teachers to teach or take care of them.

This Indian Teacher is also new since this mth.

He cried even tho we are there with him. cos teachers sets restrictions like have to sit in the group cannot wonder ard etc. He cant accept the fact tat he cant wonder ard. So there is bound to cry lor. But he is one of those who adapt well in terms of time. He can even sleep on his own during nap without patting or singing from the teacher! Its realli a breakthru! He can also self feed now after a mth of school. And he knows more abt interacting rather than just make noise for help.
very happy and proud of him in school and teachers are very caring and experienced too

I can realli tell u not to worry abt HW if u decided to enroll him.. He is in Good Hands
Hi OFM, pm u the designer. Not convenient to say how much i spend :p

Hi Rachel, u don accept pm. Pls pm me yr email address.

Hi babycutie, no particular theme. Fengshui master say no black. If not i wanted a black & cool hse.. so reverse lor.. simplify color to red grey white..
oops, i realise cannot see chinese chracters. wat i wanna write is : zhu4: zhong(1) qiu(1) jie(2) kuai(4) le(4)
Thanks for giving Renotalk website.. I found Plus Living and hubby is very happy with them. So, we've decided to let them our home.. they give very reason price.. very good in designing as well.. MANY THANX to you.. NANA!!
Hi All mUmmies,

hihihi long time never come in liao,, because i never received any e-mail frm this thread so i tot this thread no activate le..pai shey.....

All mummies here so fAr so gOOD???
Hi mummies.
Very quiet recently.
I am busy get ready to move house end dec.So start packing.
Any lobang to get a cheap n got beds?
sorry type wrongly la.. should be good beds hehe..
move but still in yishun...

anyone know any place forchildren hair cut ? those with special seat or those the child can play while cutting their hair.
my boy will scream very badly when i bring him to the barber

I borught Alden to united sq junior league kids salon. its next to the Exit Taxi Q. $18 per cut.
Alden will also make noise, but as least its a kid salon so still acceptable haha
Hi mummies
been MIA very long. So busy with work and tomorrow still need go bankgok 'zou gang'.

Finally shifting huh. all the best.
hi all mummies

i have a 12mths old gal, was wandering any pre-school or nursery ard yishun. i stayed around khabit
Hihi mummies.....
Long time no post here..... hehehe.... busy with maid thingy....

I employed someone with 6 years working exp in SIN but very disorganised..... Really not worth paying her so much.... Kicking her off.... Looking for replacement....
i had a very terrible afternoon yesterday, my gal back from school complained stomach pain later vomit than diarrhea,than follow by my boi,quickily call hubby bec bring both to c doctor,both got food poisoning,i think is the bun bought from breadtalk they took for breakfast they share it.

bec to work oredy?so who is going to take care ur kids?visited ur blog Rachel very cute and pretty.

6 yrs ex SIN still cant cope?how much is her salary? wat she did 6 yrs here? my fren got one recently 3 yrs ex malaysia can manage everything,3 kids, cooking, marketing, cleaning etc...Hope u will get a good helper this time..Good Luck
I am paying her 370. That's not cheap. She said she is doing the same jobscope during her 6 years here. But I am disappointed with her performance lor. Very forgetful. Can't even find time to iron my working clothes.

While I was away to Shanghai on 11 Oct. She didn't iron the clothes. I can't find a decent workwear on Monday. Was so furious.

Can I know which agency did your friend approached? How old are her kids? My kids 1 & 3 years old.
my aunty taking care of my ger. thank you for ur comment. i oso find her cute...hahahaa....anyway, which mummy doesn't find her own kids cute...hahaha...
Wah $370?My current maid only $290 (2yrs ex malaysia)but my maid ok le,
6am- wash clothes,clean table,cups ,boil water,bottles, clean n mop the hall n kichen.About 7am+ we wake up so she will go and make up the masterroom.hang clothes.Everything settle before 8am.Than take care of my boi when i fetch my gal to school (k2) and go market.

I do the cooking,she just do the cleanning,afternoon when boi (3yrs old ) nap she will routate her jobs like clean window,fans doors,iron,she will organise her own lo. i wll bring my boi sleep at 930pm afterthat she will go to soak clothes,wash all the table cloth and clean up the water container before she go to sleep.I find sometimes my maid quite free le...

My maid single 29 yrs old as my fren one married with i kids 26 yrs old but i dun know from which agency.

My advised dun choose the maid which is youngest in the family,cos they hav all sister to do the housework my maid said like her sister oso dun do things at home.
Thanks. I am looking for replacement. Find that my maid is not worth that amount I am paying.

My maid does what your maid is doing plus childcare like bathing, feeding, making my boy to sleep.
my dear yishun mummies

i'm looking for contacts for 3D birthday cakes. the other threads not much info.

so far i only know chery shuen, patissier, fairycakes, gladcakes.

Anymore that i can look for?
Welcome ssmummy,

errrm e creative cakes @ sun plaza?? hihi is new open de?? locate at which floor mil stay SBW but so far never see got this cake shop oo haha
Not newly open leh... has been there for few years liao woh...

The shop name should be Creative Bake....

My kids birthday cakes are ordered from them....

Yes u can try ecreative... Their cakes are very nice...
