Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

saw ur post at the maid forum,its very stress having maid , i am looking forward to be maidless cos my current maid contract will end Aug next year, and by tat time my gal oredy P1 and my boi nursery so i think i can cope without maid ,maybe just get a part time.
Hahaha... maid contract is standard at 2 years leh...

Wat I mean is I can't do without maid for the next 5 years ....hehehe
Yishun thread like dying off leh.... where all the mummies gone to??

Ever since Michelle give birth, nvr see her post liao... too busy.... hahaha

Let's not talk abt maid issue here.... very sao xing...
Alden went for studio shooting last mth, these are a few shoots


very nice photo,i was thinking bring my both baobei oso but afraid tat my didi will not
co-operate le. Btw may i know how much it cost and which studio ?

All busy?

Actually the photographer will not ask ur kids to pose.. he will go with their flow.. and he is very quick in snapping the shoots.. so not to worry abt him not cooperating
just make sure yr kids are not hungry and taken nap

Its from, Benjamin's studio package.
He has been my photographer since my actual wedding day
Hi all

Yesh.. busy coz X'mas is coming been busy planning presents.

I also planning for my ger's big 1.. so much things to budget for!

Btw anyone watches HBD Taitai that variety show? I remember they recommend this part-time hse cleaner.. I can't find it on mediacorp website. Anyone has idea the company name?
Hiya Yishun Mummies,
Been a long time since and so many new mummies since my "mia" for like how many month? kekeke

Hope ya all well and good!

xmas is coming...but no $$ to buy presents leh.... singapore xmas like so santa claus...unlike US or UK, see the people rushing to do their xmas shopping...defintely the mood is there.

" u better not shout, u better nt cry, better nt fret, i'm telling u why, santa claus is comin to town..."

company keeping very quiet...dunno hv bonus anot...sian! company make $$ also tell you no earnings/profit...crap!

kekeke...just suggesting some topics to tok abt...otherwise, yishun thread really dead liao....hehe
Hi Ladies,

I'm new here. Hopefully this Yishun thread is not too dead...
...can use some chit chat and help here. First some daughter is turning 2 in December and I'm expecting a boy due in March 2008....hoping to make some friends here since so convenient everyone lives around here....also thinking of putting my girl in some playgroup like twice a week...considering PCF Chong Pang since I live near Chong Pang mkt....appreciate any feedback on any playschool near there...TIA
Welcome Adeline,
This thread is "pretty dead" ever since some mummies "disappear" after giving birth.... hehehe...

R u a working mum or SAHM? PCF has classes for nursery? I thought only kindergarten.... I am outdated... hahaha...

I have 2 kids. My girl is 3 this year and my boy is 1. My girl attends full day CC at Blk 124. My boy is at home "kiao kar ying". Planned to put him in CC when he is 2.5 yo.

All along Singapore do not have much Xmas ambience.... You should go to the western countries to experience the mood....
ahem....who disappear after giving birth huh? no $$ to go overseas to enjoy xmas leh....hehe

u stay near chong pang? me too. which blk u stay? how abt little footprints school house. i enrol my boy there. he is starting pre-nursery next yr 2008. my boy is turning 3 next apr & my ger is currently 4 mths plus,

our susan just gave birth to baby Jaxten boy early this morning.
congrats to Susan. eat & rest well.
dear mummies,

if anyone of you can remember, when was the 1st time ur boy/girl flipped? my ger is already over 4 mths & she still hasnt learnt to flip yet leh. she tends to turn sideways & but that's all. no show of wanting to flip over.

when i put her on her tummy, she cannot hold her head up @ even 45 degress to look at you. she will lie face down or turn sideways.

gettin a little worried leh...any advise?
<font color="0000ff">yvonne,</font>
Hey, my boy is also turning 3 next Apr and my gal is currently 4mths+ (born 22Jul). I stay near Khatib. My son is currently attending half day CC at Carpe Diem.

My gal flips at around 3mths+. Some babies flip later than 4 mths so not to worry.

Perhaps you can let your gal have more tummy time so that she can learn to hold her head up and train her neck muscle. My gal has been sleeping on her tummy very often since birth and thus is able to hold her head up very well now.
hi tigger88,

our kids hv the same birth mth & son is born in apr(03)2005 & my ger is jul(17)2007

usually i not worried one cos i know all babies progress at different pace; sit, crawl, stand, walk. but when i sit frens ard me with their baby who is ard the same age as mine, & whom hv started their progress (in this case, learning to flip)i will start wondering y mine still not progressing.

Although her neck is stable & can tur left /right when u carry her upright, but its different when u lie her down on her tummy. She cannot hold her head upright, not even for 1 sec. she will only lie on her face; either left or right but she knows how to turn la.

i dare nt let my ger sleep on her tummy yet cos well, things can happen...if u know wat i mean....SIDS..sorry for using this word...(paranoid mummy la)

my boy also started flipping late. if i remember correctly, he only flipped at also 4 mths plus. i was also worried at that time.

i will be bringing my ger to her mthly check up/vacination this thurs. I will get the PD to do chk on her & get assurance. Tks for your advice. Sorry for being "lor shuo" :p
Welcome!Idun think PCF got plygroup tat can go twice a week le..

congratulation! rest more

most of the bb will start flipping 4 to 5 months.dun hav 2 worry .
<font color="0000ff">Yvonne,</font>

My son is born a day before your son.
Their birthday very close to each other hor. Kekeke.

Not to worry too much abt flipping. Once they started, more headachecos diaper changing will be a challenge.
Dear mummies

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hi all,

I ve been mia for quite sometime, went to yishun thread,hmm seems dead.... my gal coming to 2 on dec, so tiring searching for playgroup. Limited choice in Yishun. I ve tried lsh occ they say its fully book next yr.
I saw Alden at EB, having teabreak with the other children, couldnt miss him as i ve seen quite a no. of his photos here haha... Actually I enrol my gal at the EB stepping stones but they change the time duration fr 2.5hrs to 1.5hrs. They wanted to take in more children and break the classes to 2 sessions. I think the time its a bit short, as u know children need time to settle down by then they left with little time to learn and play.Being a kia su mom, i call up trying to see whether i can reserve a slot for cc yr 2009, to my suprise they say they still have a few vacancies for next yr toddler class. I enrol my gal in half day cc start in next yr feb.I ve been reading some mix comments abt EB, hopefully I ve make the right choice.

The main reasons for us to enroll him are :

1) Spacious Classroom
2) They have Outdoors activities ard the Safra.
3) They even teach swimming in Kindergarden Level.
4) As compared to Little Skool House at AMK we shortlisted, the pricing is still reasonable.

I believe there is sufficient teachers for toddler Class at the moment too.. but some mums just had a mind set in starting kid at the beginning of the year which i had in mind too.,. But come to realise that toddlers dun even need to buy books! so just go there learn as you play! Its up to the parents i guess

As for to consider on the timings in lessons, I wanted Alden to learn independance so Childcare is a better choice instead of Stepping stones lessons.

as u mention, i love their spacious classroom most impt it's near my place. Actually i did check the n1 flexi class at lsh amk, they did left with few vacancies in the afternoon, too bad they dont ve any school bus services. i really dont wish to hang ard amk hub everyday. Moreover the staff told me that they are gonna increase their school fees from $297 next yr feb or apr to $400,price a bit steep.... After visiting the three centres i still prefer the lsh occ. Its not as spacious as EB but the teachers there speaks well, u know wat i mean....
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for the welcome
I paiseh, not used to checking forum often so only see the replies now.

Actually last week just put my girl in PCF Nee Soon South at blk 723 actually for half day care. I was at first only considering finding a 2 hour or so class for her instead of daycare but considering the time it takes to bring her to class, it doesn't make sense time wise and right now I'm trying to save money, especially with a 2nd baby coming and I don't want to send her to a place too far and I need to get school bus service.

I'm actually about 5 minutes walk to Chong Pang mkt, at blk 716. Can meet up sometime at some playground and let the kids play while the mums chit chat

I kinda remember that my girl first flipped when she was about 4 mths plus. We just moved to a new place at that time and I remembered her crib wasn't set up yet and I took a picture of her lying asleep on her tummy for the first time.

Before being able to flip, she hated being on her tummy and would protest if we put her on her tummy to let her practise. So not to worry Yvonne, i think 4 mths is not late at all for flipping. Anyway you have to be so much more careful when changing diapers on the changing table once the baby starts flipping so enjoy this time till then....
tks. ya i agree once they start to flip, diaper changing will be a challenge..keke

u mention u stay at 713, izzit behind kfc? keke..i saty at 142.yup...defintely we can meet up some day..
actually i stay at 716, v. close to KFC though. i also visited little footprints. you said your boy is going there next year? how about your girl? i didn't like the principal there...thought she spoke english v. poorly! hehe....but then my girl is going PCF Nee Soon South at blk 723. Her teacher is from China and english is also no good but i like other things about that they have a big playground in front of the CC...get some exercise everyday
ya spken to the pricipal b4...okay english also half past 6...hahaha...
my ger...long way more...she only 5 mths now..hehe

i will try little footprints first...if the system & teaching methods/skills adapted or the teachers/principal is of poor communication skills with the kids /parents...may opt to pull my son out...see how it goes ba.
eh last few days have been taking my girl to the Nee Soon Central Community Park near the MRT and blk 736. Very nice park with a nice playground and exercise area. Usually we go after my girl's nap time and bfor dinner time. Is anyone interested to meet there sometime?? can call my HP at 9339 3719
adeline...been living in yishun since 2001...still so unfamiliar with it...where is blk 736 leh?

when is dinner time to you? i working by the time i reach yishun...7pm le...maybe we can meet on weekends... u on msn? i' at [email protected]

fei ming...long time no see...hw r u? same to u same to u...merry xmas!
<font color="0000ff">yvonne,</font>
You looking for me? kekeke. I seldom check this thread. How are you? Am busy juggling work and 2 kids.

Merry Xmas to all!!!
Merry Xmas to everyone! Hope all of you had a nice xmas so far

So busy couple of days ago so no time to reply you. Wanted to find a map to show you where the park is. If you go to and type in e.g. blk 736, yishun, you can get a map of the surrounding areas. Yah for me too, I don't know where things are in Yishun (or anywhere!) so rely on street directory to help me...v. useful!

i oredi added you to my msn, my email addy is [email protected]
we usually have dinner at ard 7pm. so yah, if you are free sometime on weekends, we can meet up then too. just send me an sms or thru msn

anyone else interested, pls join us!

u just wondering where all the usual mummies disappeared to..some of us at least still correspond on msn..some...well...mia le..hehe i know...suaku me
hehe... saw u online a few times but u very fast log out chance to speak to u leh... keke...

yippee...rach finally to flip le...and she can hold her head up le...
but still need something to "push" her to flip.

i told my boy he left only 1 week to play &amp; enjoy...cos comin 2 Jan, he is to attend pre nursery classes le... cannot be playing so much he say he very excited 2 Jan or even after that...dunno whtr he will still be saying the same thing anot...hahaha
<font color="0000ff">yvonne,</font>
Kekeke, since when did I become tigress?

Glad to know that Rach has flipped. Have you started her on semi-solid? I started my gal on rice cereal since last week and she loves it.

Where will you boy be attendting the pre-N class next year? My son is currently in Carpe Diem.
oops...tigger88 i mean..sorry..
yup..rach is on cereal too..begun feeding her last week le.. she loves it too...yearns for more.. hehe

my boy attending his pre N class at Little Footprints School House, opp Chong Pang...Carpe Diem too far for me...
