Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

hello mommies...

happy boxing day keke

been busy with my ger's 1st bday preparation..

have anyone tried spring cleaning service here? need to spring clean for CNY leh

Fun With Tots at Woodlands Library
For I think 2 to 5 (or 6) years old. Every 1st and 3rd tuesday at 7:30pm. I think it's like story time and reading nursery rhymes etc.

I signed up my daughter for the next session on Jan 15 ($2 per adult/child). Horrible thing is the library is so inefficient. Had to stand in line for 15 minutes to sign up for a 30 mins programme
...feel like complaining about that hehe

if going, let me know and we can meet there
adeline...u sure know each individual tots program ard ya? but 7.30pm very rush for me.. and my boy's dinner is also ard that time

why cant make it on a weekend? this library programs brains one if all mummies in sin dun hv to work like to go?
Yah that's v. rushed for you. Someone just told me that Sembawang library also got a tots programme but it's in the afternoon! I think these things are for SAHM or like myself (trying to work from home mum
) who otherwise would just be starring at our kids at home the whole day!
oh, u r a WFHM? didnt know that. Thot u FTWM. hehe. u hv any lobang for tots /babies contest..
thot of enrolling my ger ...haha...
Hi to all experience mommy out there.
I desperately need help.
I have been putting up with my in laws, had an arguement last night and we are planning to move out of our hse and move into Woodland soon.
I have a 1 yr old daughter, i really don't know what to do with her. my in laws are taking care of her now, so i need to do some arrangement.
i called up a few infant care centre near woodlands and they are full. i'm working near Alexandra.
I need some serious advices, hope all of you out there can help. Please and thanks!
hi all mummies
happy new year! (thou abit late lar)

ey any mummies tried spring cleaning company or not? so sad everytime i post question noone reply one... boohoo

Lebleb, ooohhhh calm down.. how about looking for a nanny? Alexandra got a few churches that has got childcare, maybe u can check them out
<font size="+2"><font color="0077aa">Happy New Year to all mummies and babies and toddlers</font></font>

I keep forgetting about Yishun mummy thread that show i really "old" liao
Hope that everyone is fine and may 2008 bring us more joy, laughter, bless with good health and more good lucks, more bonus for FTWM and endless pocket S$ to go shopping for SAHM..

Jovan'smum aka esthermummy
sorry but I nver tried any spring cleaning company....staying wif my parents and they do the spring cleaning...

sorry to hear about your situation...besides considering infant cares, can also consider those aunties that provide child care at home....much cheaper especially since this has not been planned....can't recommend you one though but maybe can do a posting in the different threads to source for one??

no lobang for babies contest

my girl is the type that takes some time to warm up to strangers so don't dare to enter her in these things...too stressed out for her hehe
jovan's mum aka esthermummy,

u win liao lor..." more bonus for FTWM and endless pocket S$ to go shopping for SAHM.." ey...FTWM also wants endless pocket $$ ma...hehe

nana...why dun u try those part time aunties who can clean ur house for u? i tink its $10 per hr kind.

lebleb, since ur in laws hv been helping u to look after ur kid, y nt continue to let them look after? the arguement is between u &amp; them, dun pull ur kid in. no offence here...just my 2 cents worth.
alamak i realise those thread replies does not go to my email as well.. anyone got this problem also?

Adeline, yvonne - i found a few companies that do spring cleaning ones, they 1 day do everything for u.. clean fans, windows, toilets, furniture.. whereas those part-time aunties only do the daily chores, they won't clean windows for u..

sorry if i reply late, unless i solve the issue how come the thread replies does not go to my email
Dear mummies, appreciate all your advices.
I have cooled down and think abt it.
i think i have to continue to put up with my in-laws since i dont have a solution to my daugther's childcare issue.
My daughter shld come first, whether my in laws are happy with me or not doesnt matter anymore.
Until she's 18mths, i'll enrol her into a childcare and then move on from there.
Thanks everyone!
glad that you don't have to find urgent childcare on the spot....yah it's hard to live with in-laws....i even find it hard to live wif my own parents! hahaha
Glad that you have cool down liao
Living under 1 roof bound to have certain degree of friction! Really gota REN REN REN like <font color="0000ff">adeline</font> mention let alone in-laws sometimes our own parents i also find it diff to communicate! perhaps generation gap really plays
a big part!

<font size="+1">Yishun thread is so quite nowadays..where is michelle, babycutie etc... yoo hoo echo(((((((((( wu lang boh )))))))</font>
mummies, me trying to resolve the issue of y no spore motherhood emails in my hotmail leh...urgh...

haha think all busy with CNY.. go orchard alot ppl shopping for clothes, i donno what to get leh.. can u believe it? i saw LV long queue!! is it the whole world getting BIG FAT BONUS that i unaware of? hahha
Adeline, me also not one of those rich fella!! hngt!

ya lor.. aiyoh the last i know Gucci got sale also long queue.. now LV long queue!! Spore alot rich people hor?!

Fun, the cows decide to do striptease! muahahaha

hey don't you think it should be 'bak kwa' on long queue more like it??

So anybody found cheap abalone? I usually buy the New Moon red color Australia one.. so far I found a provision shop @$43.50. Fortune brand clams @$8.50
adeline, if u want to buy bak kwa from fragrance factory at sembawang, buy it on cny eve b4 6pm. the prices will drop by at least half. if u buy now, u sure to pay big.

i bot from fragramce last year. $48 bucks for 1kg
gosh. then when i went to buy again during cny eve, only at $30 for 1 kg. luck.

my house nearby provision shop, blk 400+ town centre.

anyway found a cheaper source, AMK hub the medical hall beside NTUC, red color NEw Moon $43, Fortune Pacific Clam $8.30 cheapest i found so far, decide to buy fr them. Learnt my lesson, NTUC price v exp!

Yvonne, i bght fr Mei Zhen Xiang.. stupid radio say 1 kg $48 i so worried! went there c, $43 - $45 leh..
haha....aiya..nt much diff la...i find mei zhen xiang stds drop leh...dun u tink so? getin harder to bite...unless dat time when i sway...maybe they didnt bbq long enuff.

any comments on lin zhi yuan? great big fans they hv; always long q at chinatown. but heard dat they pay people to pretend to q up &amp; buy so in fact the q isnt dat long after all...haha

opps! wait kenna sue. shhhhh!
After my post, Shop n Save has a promo, first can at $43+ and 2nd can at -$10 off original price. This is for the NZ can, but the -$10 promo applies to the OZ can as well. I bought the OZ can at $45 (after $5 discount) 1 day before their promo came out. I wonder if the cashier overcharged me cos 1 day later, the original price dropped from $50 to $48!!! I even asked the cashier but he said it was $50.
thanks for the tip on fragrance bak kwa! will try buying b4 6pm on CNY eve.....after 6pm isit almost sold out huh??

i am a lin zhi yuan fan! last time will go down to Chinatown and buy but i always avoid buying at CNY....what for queue for so long when nowadays can eat that at anytime hehehe....somemore so much more expensive.....really yummy though, no joke.....but the chong pang kim hock guan is pretty good too! the one next to the playground next to Mcdonalds....but i think fragrance should be cheapest bah...trying to save $$$ money here....cannot take mei zhen xiang though...stop eating that years ago cos the std so tough!

don't care about abalone/sea food type....not my cup of tea so leave it to my mum/dad to buy kekeke
adeline...after 6pm, the factory will want to closed la...cos all staff wanna go back for dinner liao ma...hehehee

nvr try teh ones at kim hock guan b4? izzit really gd? shall go buy &amp; try.

eating bak kwa now &amp; during cny very diff ma. the feeling is diff lor..haha..

i hear dat the staff at lin zhi yuan anyhow peng gan the bak kwa one...nt cooked &amp; sometimes hard to bite... hear only ar...dunno true anot. so anyone here who has frens/relatives with lin zhi yuan, no offense ar...

ya, i also cant be bothered with abalone, clams or mushrooms even. i leave it to the folks to buy. i eat only. hahahah
paiseh...paiseh.... si jong ze mo jiu.... hehehehe....

Has been busy with BPs...... bought a COACH bag.... hehehe....

Toking abt bak kwa ah.... I ordered mine with Fragrance... will be collecting on 5 Feb 08.

Also decorated my place liao...kekeke

Ahem.... can I chk with u mummies. Anyone sent your kids to CC via school bus not engaged by the school? If u hve, pls pm me.... I planned to change school driver for my girl. We find that driver arriving our place at 9.30am a bit late. By the time my girl reached CC is already 9.45am liao..... Class already started at 9.15am. Kam sia...
u finally appear....BPs sia? hor u? keke

haha...ur ger very "tua bai" leh...class start @ 9.15am, reach CC only at 9.45am...tsk tsk tsk... take public transport la, if possible
u think CNY eve buy from Fragrance store cheap anot huh?? a bit lazy to go down to their factory leh

btw how is little footprints huh?? remember u said you're sending your kid there....adapt already?? my girl just stopped crying 2 days ago when going to PCF sparkletots....such a relief since she is the super super sticky type

errrr my girl usually wakes up at 9 plus so by the time i get her breakfast and walk to CC (less than 5 mins away), it's already 10 plus :p....somemore half day care only so i take her home at 12 plus!
yup. he has settled down already. sch begun on 2 jan rite? he was himself by 10 jan, after abt 1 week. by then, he wld tell me bye bye &amp; push me off to work...haha.

hmmm...where's the nearest frangrance bak kwa store?

I have to thanks the driver for making my girl "toa pai" lor.... So decided to change to another driver that can fetch earlier.

Ay... I leave home for work at ard 7am leh.... No possible to send my girl to CC at 6.30am lah.... siao meh..... We have arranged school bus to fetch her to and from CC but we find that the timing in the morning is getting later and later. Initially bus arrives at 8.30am, slowly 8.45am, then 9.00am... Now 9.30am.... wah piang... wat is this man???

Hehe the coach bag is for my birthday lah.... I paying half and get my hb to sponsor half....

Frangrance store in the North

Blk 106 Yishun Ring Road #01-153
Tel : 67525959

Blk 292 Yishun St. 22 #01-263
Tel : 67598315

Sun Plaza #B1-06, 30 Sembawang Drive
Tel : 67526594

Price of the bak kwa will go up when it is nearer to CNY eve.... I ordered mine 2 wks ago and will only collect on 5 Feb.... They charge according to your collection period. Mine falls under the $44/kg category.

Your girl sleep late? wah her half day CC is only 2 hours.... why don't u send her to those 2 hours class?
All mUmMies,

<font color="aa00aa">Hi JovAN's mUmMy</font>...I M bAck.....hihihi
how are the mummies here?? me busy with work &amp; 2 kids oooooo

CNY soon le =p
oh i thot maybe eve they cannot sell finish must lugi mah....but maybe not if everything is preordered

some odd days my girl actually wakes up early, like 8 plus, then i can put her in CC earlier lor
....anyway those 2 hours class more stressed i think....we sure always late one hehehe....but see how lah, this CC is damn cheap...only $235 for half day so might as well
ong fei ming, u finally appear...seems ages since i saw ur post...hahaha.

mich, u another one...where u disappear to har?

countdown to cny - 9 more days excluding today....yippee!

Hve u got cleaner to spring clean your house?
How much do they charge for such service?

My SIL is doing part time. If u still need, I can ask her whether she is interested to earn this extra $$.
babycutie, wow, super shiok leh u. me will be on leave from 11 - 15 Feb. so its gonna be a long holiday 4 me..keke.. but hor, after my leave...i'm gonna be sianz again le. cos its back to work againnnnnnnn. haiz.

nw much ur sil charging ar? can i get her to help me do the basic cleaning? hehe...i very lazy leh. still can do the cleaning la but sianz lor... keke... i split up the cleaning process into 3 weeks, doing cleaning every weekend. so far, i done the living room &amp; bedrooms. left only the windows &amp; corrider. and dear dear, left only this weekend to do. and tis weekend i bringing my ger to kindemusik bo xi gan la!!! i'm goinna heck care liao.... sianz sianz sianz.

Sorry for venting!

You sounded very pek chek......... Understand your stress lately but relax.....

Ask your hb to help out some cleaning.....

Did u invite anyone to your place during CNY? If not, then leave the windows and corridor lor....

Luckily I have maid at home and cleaning window grilles, fans, bedroom doors, main gate and door are her weekly chores so I don't have much spring cleaning to do. Only need to maid to clean the ceiling and wall with wet cloth and some soap water will do.
hmmph! if my hb can help, singapore will snow ...he can tell u to leave it lor...y nid to clean la...not dirty anyway...cheeze!

no la...not pek chek la...just feel the whole hse like machiam a mess leh...machiam like after an earthquake...its like today i pack everything nicely, 2 days later its a mess again. i always tell my hb " if u cannot help me to keep the hse tidy &amp; neat, dun help me to mess the hse up! "

he like garang guni lor...always bringing in "rubbish". yes i call them rubbish cos to me, its of no use. but to hb, he can sell the stuff &amp; make $$$. or not he will tend to keep those suff for ages. whenever i ask him to throw those away, he just tell me to leave it. so i fed up; i went ahead to throw it away, even if the weight of it is gonna kill me. (metal &amp; stuff)

yeah...i was tinking...heck care la...i leave the windows &amp; corridor alone. anyway, no one visits cos i will be away.
hi gers
been busy with work lar.. drowning in work more like it ahha

Tsukushi, actually not much of diff for the abalone prices.. all about the same..

Headache is my hb ate the NZ abalone all by himself! urgh!!! I had to buy another can so i tried Skylight from my friend Esso petrol kiosk. $43 + 1 packet fish maw free.. try lor coz she say Skylight supply to Ah Yat.

Yvonne, u so early send yr ger to kindermusik??? I want to but hb no time, outstation again! So which branch u go?

bbcutie, thanks! i engage ah ma on wheels.. arrange them to come on eve's eve CNY.. so like that i don't have to clean anymore! this one is massive cleaning for half a day, charge me $450

ok take care gers..
nana...wa piang...$450 for half day???? omg!
i bringing her to a trial class only la, 2gether with the july 2007 MTBs thead mummies. we goin to the one @ Tanglin Mall.
I move just few blocks away from the previous blk 412.So good u work till friday my hubby hav 2 work till next tuesday le.

ur hubby same as mine hubby oso, he will say later i will clean but u hav 2 wait long long.Luckily i got maid now so no need to do much spring cleaning cos the windows, doors etc all like her weekly routine oredy.
yvonne, my fren say ah ma on wheels good, so try lor.. if they can turn my disgusting hse to bright clean, then it's worth it..
So nice to see most of the frequent mummies here again..think Yishun thread has been so quite ever since after...

Hi babycutie
Which coach bag design you bought? I also bought 1 but thru friend - bought a Carly
Good hor u pay half and hubby pay half *siok ah* duno whether you still remember abt the Maids thingy i finally change mine, so far so good but realise the previous was employed within Yishun and blocks away from mine nia faint...

Kindermusik ah,,, i have always wanted to bring Jovan is the class did rachel enjoyed? Agree with BBcutie lor if not inviting ppl to yr house than leave it bah, anyway nowadays CNY have been so quite liao unlike in the past..

Wow not cheap hor S$450..

Take care


I bought the Chelsea Optic Satchel. I went to Coach boutique yesterday. Don't see this design in Sg. My hb still owes me my birthday pressie mah.... so ask him pay half for me lor.... hehehe

You can never know abt maid thingy lah.... Most of them hide things from us..... The one that I had though has 6 years working exp in Sg, but she is still not up to our standard yet lor... My mum always scold her.... Kept telling me she "jia liao bi" (Hokkien).... I just kept one eye close... Not easy to get good one nowadays.....
