Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

I read from a book,beside wat bbcutie said LH and use pillow underbuttocks,there is certain posture when BD oso.

I really follow n i got my boy, first one didnt do anything la just natural but when plan for the 2nd of course got gal oredy so hope for boy than can shut down factory ma..hehe...

I didn't follow the posture leh. Heard that if want to get boy, better with doggy and if want girl missionary will do.

When I plan for my boy, I use missionary. Most important is the sperm. They have to be strong and fast. Otherwise, whatever posture oso no use leh.... right?? hehehehe
hmmm ...i didnt assume doggie position leh; just normal style - gal below boy on top..hehe

for me boy & gal also unplan...just let it be...shd thk my lukcy stars..keke
Yeah u r lucky...

I was stressed when I planned for my boy because I want that gender specifically..... hehehehhe... when I strike, I oso worried that dunno boy or girl.... kekekeke.... I know that my preggy symptoms are totally different when I had my girl and many told me most probably its a opposite gender.

wow. .reali v v chim..but i rougly can get half half .. heehee.. if dun knw..can call u n ask ma??? heehee... can pm me ur no ???? thank you .. btw why muz put pillow UNDERNEATH OUR buttocks ar ??? hehee
As I read this thread in the office, I laughing to myself..
Ey better not be too explicit, wait our thread ganna ban..

My hb works closely with radar, 99.9% of his colleague's baby are ger ger. So I more or less cannot expect too much.. hee hee

u haven't answer my question, the pill can take alternate days? What is LH ar?

haha put pillow so the sperm can only flow towards the egg and not swim to yr "exit"!
This thread suddenly so HOT now. It had been so quiet recently with so few post. Now 1 day posting like few days posting during that time. wahaha.
ling baobao,
i saw ur posting @ early in the morning...u wake up so early one meh?..kekeke

LH = Luteinizing Hormone.

Thru out the menstrual cycle, a small amt of LH is produced - but in the middle of the cycle LH briefly and dramatically increases. Elevated quantities of LH facilitate ovulation.

In order to detect the surge, a woman nids to test at the right time of the month - and the right time of day. As LH is produced by the body in the morning, mid-afternoon is considered the ideal time to test.

Once the surge has been detected, successful fertilization is most likely to take place 1-3 days following the LH surge - with peak fertility at 36 hours post-LH surge.
oh yeah... and by putting more pillows under our buttocks, the more the merrier...the tadpoles will swim faster to reach the egg...hahahaha
I answer u liao.... U dreaming.... hahahaha....
LH = luteinizing hormone

U can refer to this

babycutie (babycutie)
Intermediate Member
Username: babycutie

Post Number: 4664
Registered: 3-2005
Posted on Wednesday, August 01, 2007 - 9:54 am:


Can take the pill alternate days. You can get HB to take 1 mth before trying.

oh icicic....thank for explaning to me... and also thank for ur hp no.. i had receive it... by the time i wan to try will call u n ask u ok ?? heehe.. hope u dun find me fan wor
reali thank for the information on the LH n the pillow.. heehe


i early 5 am in this thread cos i haven slp.. nt i wake up early la.. heehee... i dun slp early .. heehee
btw thank for the information on the LH.


wow..can like tat detect de meh??? ur hubbi colleague all have ger ger does nt mean u will alos have ger ger ma... tat is nt true la.. heehee.... maybe u also can try the ovulation tings ??? heehe.. me gg to try le..
hi all yishun mummies,
yo...having my ger's full mth celebration on 12 aug (sun) @ 7pm. u r all invited. treat it as a mini gathering as well. can also bring along ur hb & kids. do let me know if u r able to come. tks.

Celebration cum Gathering:

yo...nobody response? hahaha...its ok anyway. i hv to let the buffet caterer know the no of people attending i might hv to leave out u guys in the counting. keke...dun worry...u r still being invited to come...only maybe no food or nt enuff left...hehe

142 #06-26...see ya... no nid to mention road name lah hor...keke
I sms u liao. I cannot attend. Both my kids are sick.

Brought my girl to Pidemco on Monday night. Because she was coughing and breathing with wheezing sound. She was put on neubuliser at the clinic.

Then Tuesday morning, my boy had runny nose and cough. When I reach home after work yesterday, he had wheezing sound also. So brought him to Pidemco and was put on neubuliser as well.

This morning before gg to work, I still can hear wheezing sound and his fever went up. Called home just now and mum said still have the sound. Pidemco don't open this evening so get hb to take urgent afternn leave to bring our boy to the clinic for another puff.

I thought I could bring the kids to have a meal at PIZZA HUT tomorrow. Looks like have to call off....
my fren gal also having 3y.o. celebration that evening. can't make it.

Pidemco not GP clinic meh? they have neubuliser ah?
hope yr kiddo recover soon. Very stressful when kids are sick. Me only 1 kid already feel the stress, can imagine if both sick together. That's y i very scared TTC no. 2.
Pidemco is GP. They have neubuliser. It is so much cheaper than gg to PD. The price range is around $40+ at Pidemco when given neubuliser + medication + consultation.

If u go to PD, easily $70+.

That's why now when my kids r sick, I brought them to Pidemco rather than Ooi baby which is most costly.
wah seh... all the tok abt positions!!! LOL.
I veri bzbz recently coz leaving this ofc this mth so now doing handover and training. Veri tiring. But hopefully my new ofc will be beta for me.

I hope ur kids are recovering. Killer weather recently must take care yar.

I think bbcutie visits the GP at my place. Jasmine is the GP there and she is quite good and cheap. Got lotsa equipment too.

So fast man yue liaoz. Congrats!
hi yishun mum,

i'm staying at khatib, adn looking for part time confinement lady, are there any recommendation? Thanks!
Thank you so much for the welcome... each time I look at the threat, I don't know how to start or what to say.. so complicated...
can someone teach me??
hi gang,

been bz with rachel (my ger)
btw, welcome rachel chung (so as not to cos confusion, hahaha)

bbcutie, which thread u more actve at huh?
dun "pang sey" us here leh..keke
hw's HP? haha!

u can tok abt anything here, up to u; no restriction - ur worries, feedback, any suggestions, shopping sales, travel,new movies, etc etc....

haha...u must be 1 of them oso, trying out the new "positions"...kekeke

tinking of goin away to bintan for a short holiday. anyone gt lobang?
ur maid still got problems?

my boy coming 3 oredy but still need nite feed le, he will wake up middle of the nite n ask for milk,i just pretend sleep c he can carry on sleep or not but after a while he will cry,sometimes hav to woke up twice ,so very tired,any mummies can give me any ideas? help!!!!!!

My Alden coming to two.. these two weeks very cranky in the nights.. might be becos of his gastric flu but he still also wake up for nite feeds.. very shag.. last nite woke up 3 times.. the last time was 615am.. so sian ah..
I just managed to call Alden's Form Teacher for a chat on his progress as the kids are already napping by now. She said tat Alden has now self feeding pretty well, he can sit thru out the circle time(20mins) and TV time (30mins) and he can concentrate well in the lessons. He even kiss her before she put him in bed. But she also said tat he is slower in motor skills if compare to wat kids of his age can do as he still need their support when it comes to climbing stairs.

But i am pretty proud of him liao.. hehee...

Alden in PE attire.. Soon to be 2! ;)
hello ladies

sorry been busy with guilty never spend time with my ger.. now's the fun time to play with 7mths cannot walk but more responsive.

welcome to the thread

aiya so sad never get to join yr jshoppers so i can juz meet u at yishun more convenient hee hee. btw i realize Alden's in Eager Beaver. is it the one at Yishun Safra? can share how u feel about this childcare?

oh yr boi must b very active so hungry easily.. perhaps give him milk before sleep can help? i remember i use to have milk & bread or biscuits before going to bed..

Yup he is at Yishun Safra Eager Beaver.. he is now in toddler class, after 30 mths old will be N1. The teachers are very caring.. my mum like the place too..
May I know how much is the fee at Yishun Safra Eager Beaver? What are the activities and will they take child less than 30mths?

Thanks for the advised.. i heard from my colleague Bintan Lagoon is having promotion in September.. you might want to check it out : I am will be going to Batam next Saturday with my friends and NTUC is having promotion.. if you are member of NTUC you might want to have a check :
Fun, nana,
I do give him milk before sleep, 7 ozs with cereal n i try gave the dumex nite formular but still have hav to wake up, my mom said maybe he is not relly hungry just wan to suck cos mine kids never had pacifier.
so sian right? hav to nite feeds but mine mostly two times one about 1am and the other one 6am.As for my gal no more nite feeds after 1 yrs old tats why dun know why the didi like tat.
He can milk about 8 times a day le!

730am 7oz milk
8am breadfast usually bread
10am milk again but i give 5 oz only
12pm lunch
1pm milk again 5oz cos no milk cannot nap
330pm milk 5oz again with snacks
530pm dinner
730pm milk 5oz again
10pm milk again than sleep
2am milk
6am milk
too much milk right?but he is not fat le only 14kg cos he is very very very active

After Safra Member Disc $105 so Full Day care is $615. After Gov subsidy is $465.

Non member is $720 for Full day. After Gov Subsidy is $570

They onli recommend Full Days instead of half days.

Activites quite interesting.. so far got science experiments, water play, motor development, chinese langage and songs and english langage lessons and songs.

They will give weekly report on wat they had taught over the week.

For more details chk with them at 68528204

I chked with Abbott hotline yesterday, the lady says tat its like adult, if adult usually take supper before sleep, he will not go to sleep without supper lor.. its the gastric juice acting on them. So no choice lor.. plus Alden still not talking much.. so its better for us to stop him when we can communciate with him with words.. keke
yr boy can drink so much ah! How old is he huh? If you dun give him the 3.30 & 7.30 feed, he will ask for it? Maybe u shld shift the dinner later instead of at 5.30pm.

Last time my gal 4 times a day, lately reduce her to 3 times. Got to train lor. At first i oso scared she will be hungry as 7am, my hb will bring her to my mum place. so usualy 6+ i will feed her, then let hb bring over. so lately, i started cut to 3 times and will only give her when wake up. At 1st she will be tossing ard 7am if i don give her, but i just ignore her or give her pacifier. So after awhile, she is use to it liao and now, she will drink upon wake up only. Easier this way as go oversea, also no need keep make milk for her when outside. Now i wean her off pacifier, she still the same.
u actually sent ur boi over to Beaver's. I find it too expensive leh... pocket hole too big liao...hehe.

tks for the info. will chk it out. actually am planning to go Bintan in Sep too...just nice!

but hb more interested in the promotion by 5 stars tours on 8 days guilin/vietnam. can u people believe it? only $588 per person slash somemore. they having a pre natas fair tis weekend. gonna chk it out.

(but hor...knowing travel agencies <i'm>, the slash is only a gimmick. then after all the plus plus plus hor, per person at least $800-$1K...chey!)

end up, i 'm still left with Bintan...haha!

We like the enviroment lor. Couldnt settle with those HDB level 1 type of enviroment leh. Already putting him there for such long hrs.. shld give at least a better school ba
you are most welcome! if you are going for a short trip Bintan should be a good one.. pre-Natas fair this weekend? where izzit going to held?
yes he can drink so much in within a day, he is coming 3 yrs old tis dec.
whenever the time he will ask for it, i try before let him dinner at 6pm (half bowl of rice n soup)but around tat time he oso ask if dun give he will cry. his mouth never stop eating unless sleep,water, biscuits,etc..
luckily he is not fat just very firm , tall n got very big strength,but when we went out he will forget n no need milk so i dun hav to bring milk when outing.

Hehehe...I finish with HP liao. U lend me on thursday right? I finish watching on Friday...
See when u free I pass back to u....

I was more active at the maid thread....
