Any give birth Mummy that live in yishun ??

wow michelle,
fast labor & good! actually ur contraction pain only last abt 2-3hrs nia...started at 4am rite, then u give birth @ 6 plus in the morning...damn shiok!

eat more, rest well...enjoy ur confinement
sad to hear zheng xian did nt come home with u...wats G6PD by the way?

Good to hear dat u got a eazy delivery.

After ur boi discharge, go sun bathe him lar.
Congrats... finally u pop liao.... yr boy will be fine....

U have fast birth.... very good.... hehehe....

So now u know the feeling of bb want to come out but yet cannot push hor... I oso exp that.... I kept shouting to the nurse why doc not here yet... hahahaha....
Morning mUmMy,

kekeke i never shouting only hold my hubby & keep calling daddy pain daddy pain
.... yalor fast hor Doc Don Wong also say tat, wah so fast hor can birth somemore, i say NO hahaha.....My hubby booked for me is 2bedded ne also is near the door the 354A.

My bills is
Normal delivery mother (2day) - 2B $520
A Bed charges @200 for 2days $400
Outside Hospital services $54.6 (wat is tis??)
Pharmacy $822.05 (??)
with GST 7% $73.97
Total $1130.62

Doc Attendance fee $120
Operation fee $300

Max claim is $1800 so i no need to pay for this & still got balance $200+....My bb have to wait he discharge then knw..
fast delivery just like i delivered my boi,i think of epidural oso but the nurse said u are oredy 6cm open wat for? reach hospital about 2 hour bb come Gynea said if 3rd one hav to stay in first.
dun worry la ur bb will be fine just sunbath n bath with one yellowish things from chinese med hall,mine both got slight jaundice oso,my mum went to med hall just said bb yellow bath one the people know wat to give u n tell u how to use it, i even didnt sunbath them.
Hi all Mummies,

But i was more worry abt e G6PD, althought PD say he can live a normal life..cannot give traditional medicines, mothhballs, fave beans etc.. they will make the red blood cells break down..

Hi Linda,

Juz wan to double check with u tat, yr CL is stay 30 days then go back custom chop her passport rite?? Now the law M'sian can stay 30 days then go back chop hor..because my CL say she dun knw abt this & ask me to double check again kekkekke wait she kena ban to come in S'pore & lost her business
hw come will boi will kenna G6PD? it is an inherited genes, either form father or mother. but dun worry la, zheng xian will be strong & healthy
tis thread so quiet again....where is everybody??

okay...some updates. went for my check up today. gynae did a cervix dilation check for me & found me to be 4cm dilated liao with some bleeding...ask me to go hospital 2moro @ 8am...labor cld be anytime le

birth story & fotos when i m back. in the meantime, everyone here take care...
Sorie for late reply. Nx time can sms if u see i MIA. kekekeke...
Yar, my CL visa is for 30 days so she din hv to go custom to chop at 14th day. U can help the CL see the passport. The visa will state 30 days.

Tdy wed liaoz, so u've delivered?? Take care and enjoy the new bb yar.
MOrning Ladies,


oh ya...i forgot i got yr hp number ne kekekeke memory short liao must add in some memory liao haha,,,,ya juz check her passport is writen there is 30days.....Thanks You ya.......


kekke 17 July 07 is mine EDD date oooo....Congratulations to u is yr turn to confinement liao & take care too......we're now is mother cow liao
halo...dear all, i'm back...thank you everyone, for their well wishes....finally, i hv given birth...after all the waiting & priness has arrived. Bday easiest to remember...17 July 2007 - 17.07.07...hehe...okay onto my birth story

16 July - went for check up.gynae did a cervix dilation chk - 4cm. ask me to admit hospital the next day to induce labor. i ask if can wait for contractions first anot then admit? he say can but scare i might nt be in time???

17 Jul - suppose to "report" at 8am. but i "bo chap" - why go so early? me nt having labor/contractions anyway...take my time...wake up, bath, pack some last min stuff, go eat bfast..arrive hospital at 9.55am.

10.05am - sent to delivery suite, rm 17. (hah! 17 jul rm 17...nice sia???)
- undress! wear their "uniform"
& lie on the bed.

12.23pm - doc came in to burst my water bag & to
get labor going.

**(from 10 - 12pm - really "zor bo" watch HBO, CN, channel 8 - wanna sleep liao. reason is becos alot of docs involved in opeartion - c section gg on - according to nurse, alot of pple chose to hv c-sect just to hv their bb on 17 Jul...haiz.. wait till hair also turn white...)

Contractions Begins!...still bearable....1.30pm...2.00pm...2.30pm...3.30pm...
contractions gettin intense..screaming away...ignore pain relief options...nurse ask me to inform her if i feel like passing such feelin...only know very very pain...

3.45pm - nurse check me. say can see bb head
liao. ask me y i nvr tell her nid to
remove bowel. i say i gt no feelin.
nurse ask me to push.

4.05pm - after 5 pushes, my priness was born
but i so scare cos she nvr cry. nurse
tell me dun worry; she will make my
princess cry. Waaaaaahhhhh... so

4.30pm - doc did some stiching up for me; minor
laceration (tear). no epitosomy was
needed for me...luckily.

5.15pm - was push up to me ward; ward 34 bed 25
for my rest . 4D number for u
[ 3425 ]...wahahhahaha.

Okay folks....will post a foto of my princess soon. take bb crying liao...

Yup, my boy discharge on last Sun..So need to sun him on the morning,,,on Wednesday go polyclinic to blood test the jaundice level still a bit tis Sat need to go test again if lower down liao then no need to test again.......
Hi mummies,

Anyone send your kids to childcare at OCC Little Skool-House, Little Campus near Katib NTUC and Eager Beaver at Yishun Safra. Any feedback?

think yr ger looks like u leh...

ooh her feet so cute! (hee foot fetish)

Other mummies
do u know of any fish oil liquid vitamins for babies above 6 mths??
Hi mummies,

Check with you all..... It is normal to develope rashes after having fever for 1 week right? Already taken blood test and result shows ok.

My boy has been having fever on and off from last Monday till today. Highest fever reaches 40 deg. Brought him to Pidemco last monday but his fever still did not subside after 7 days so we brought him to KK Hospital on Sunday. Blood test was taken and result is normal. Given some more fever medicine and cough/runny nose medicine. Yesterday he started to develope rashes on his face and body.

My mum said he is eating well and active. So should be normal right? Anyone any experience on this?
could it be his reaction towards the medication?
maybe he is allergic to certain medication...sometimes we wld nt know abt our kids' allergies till their immune system wears off...
chk with his PD abt the rashes...i'm sure he will be ok...cheers!
Dun thk its the medication because he took these medication before and is ok.

I found out from other mummy that it is ok to have rashes (fake) after attack from virus fever. Usually the fever will last abt 5 days. If 5 days later fever still persist, need to take blood test to check whether the bb has UTI. His blood test result shows ok.

I remembered the PD (quite long time ago when my girl had virus fever in 2005) ever mentioned to us not to be alarm when we see rashes develope all over the body. That time my girl don't have rashes after the fever.
it true some kids will have rashes after prolong high fever,my gal had that before,but her fever didnt last for a week le..., but i remembered my pd said sometimes viral infection can last for a week.
You come to the right thread. haha. My gal just had the fever on 13/7. It lasted 4 days and it hit 39+ degree most of the time in the nite. On her 2nd day, the fever didn't even subside after combining both Neurofen/Paracetamol. Me and hb sponge her fr 2am-4am, still her fever 39+. Scared me man! However, finally the fever subside on 4th day, then next day start to have little rash on her chest. Layman term they call it 'false measles'. However, the virus real name is call Roseola. I bring her to PD on 1st day fever appear and UTI was rule out aft test. 4th day morning fever still having, i bring back to PD again, PD say she is ok and active and say fever doesn't need to subside within 3 days, some can last 7 or more days. Unless we scared, then we do blood test to rule out dengue etc. But then, she see her ok and advise can just wait to see. Luckily i nvr let her take blood test cos' in the end, fever subsided in the nite and rash appear. I even bring her to Yu Guo for massage. So worrying man cos' i nvr encounter such prolong and stubborn high fever on her.

Check out this link for Roseola. My gal have exactly same symptoms. Lethargy and very 'bek chek' soon after rash appear. We got to serve her machiam like queen.

I can't access the webpage from my office pc. Maybe they block this site.

My boy had the same symptom as yr girl. His fever started last monday and until last Sunday, the fever still did not subside. So we brought him to KKH. Blood test was called upon because he has fever for more than 5 days. Luckily blood test results shows ok.

Today is the 10th day and his fever started to subside on 9th day. His rashes started to develope on 8th day. He is super cranky. He wanted to be carried all the time. And only wanted the maid to carry some more. My hb even took leave last Tuesday to bring him to YU REN SHENG Specialist at Paragon and spent $72. However, he only manage to take 1 day supply of chinese medication out of the 10 days supply given. He kept yelling during medication time and we had a hard time feeding him the chinese medicine. So we put the Chinese aside. My mum said will let him take after he recovers.

He also had cough and slight runny nose. Other than high fever, does yr girl has cough and runny nose?

Now my boy looks very terrible. Puffy eyes from massive crying. Rashes all over the face and body. He is still active and eat well.
so far my gal no runny nose and cough. it is common after fever.

my gal also got watery stools during her fever time. but only 1s a day so not consider diarrohea. If u read the site, 1 of the symptoms is mild diarrohea as well. if u can't access that site, google for Roseola to find out more.

Same here, my chinese medicine only feed her 1 time. Not even 1 day. She cry and struggle like mad. She take her western medicine, already so 'gang kor' not saying the chinese med. The TCM dr also give me something to 'paste' on her belly button during sleep. i only use 2 times cos' when she sleep liao, i also sleep. haha. 2 lazy to wake up paste for her.

But when i go Yu Guo let her massage, that nite after she massage, her fever subsided. Before going there, her temp was 39+ and we let her take paracetamol, then we bring her there. Not sure is the massage help or the fever also going to subside cos' the website also mention, fever will subside "abruptly". The temp even went down to 35+ only.

For Roseola, 1 symptom also swollen eye when rash surface. My gal got a little bit puffy eye 2 but not due to crying. She did not cry much but she is very very 'gao zeh'. A little bit, also 'buay song'. hehe. pardon my language. haha
No problem. I understand what u writing... me oso Hokkien... hehehe....

Seems like there is nothing we can do. One of the symptom mentions developes mild upper respiratory illness follow by fever which is similar to my boy's case lor....

San, bbcutie,
Wads the cause of roseola??

Aiyoh... poor boy. U take care yar. Mummy must be healthy den can take care of the kids.

** Method to 'select' sex of bb
I rmb michelle was saying u hv a method where can help to select the sex of the bb?? Can Pm me when u free?? I got frens asking. :p
Roseola is contagious thru fluid of person having it. It is a virus infection. Maybe he got it from his sis who had bad cough and runny nose.
aren't roseola spread by an infected person fluid? Yr gal cough/flu is just normal 'cold' mah. I oso dun noe where my gal got it. Not sure is it fr her school. The roseola virus belongs to the same herpes family like those chicken pox, shingles etc.

Oh, michelle got what secret receipe? share share leh. So she her receipe really came true for her 2nd boy?
Morning Ladies,

hehehe yUp It works for me tOo


U want to have 3rd?? kekkkeke U no need lah u alrdy got one boy & one girl so the 3rd boy or girl also never mind
LOL. Everyone here wanna get the 'recipe'

u can start a online biz selling it liaoz. kekekeke...
Is ur kiddo feeling beta?? WEather not good recently, could hv contributed to low immunity??
Nvr share wz me! Though not planning now but such a gd receipe, must at least know it mah. hehe. Of cos' priority is Healthy baby lah but if can choose gender, who doesn't wish to right? hehe. I want gal gal again leh so that 2 sister can be close close and can use 2nd hand clothes fr jie jie. Save $ and make my $ buy clothes more worthwhile. hahaha.
hahaha.... first of all mummies u have to monitor yr cycle day for at least half a year to determine the no. of cycle days. Remember first day of your menses is counted as Day 1 (CD 1). Till yr next menses, tat is consider your no. of cycle day (CD). Confused??? See below for some guidance

CD = Cycle Day BD = Baby Dancing aka make love

For eg.

5th May menses arrive. Hence 5th May is your CD1.
Your next menses comes on 5th June. So 5th June is your next CD1. The no. of CD is counted from 5th May till 4th June which is 31 days.

Sometimes due to stress, your no. of CD will differs. So you need to monitor for a few months to determine the accuracy of your CD.

After you have determined already, you can start using some online Ovaluation calendar guide to help you. You can choose to have a girl or a boy. Additionally you can buy ovulation kit/strips to test your LH surge to see whether you will be ovulating soon. Then u can BD every alternate day from the day your LH surges for about 5 times. For eg. your LH surges at CD 13, then u BD on CD13, CD15, CD17, CD19 & CD21.

Ask your man to eat more meat. We must oso eat more meat. Go to medical hall to buy san1 bian1 wan2 for your man to take. This is very pu3 so have to drink a lot of water after taking. Advisable to take before bedtime. It is a pill that comprises of animal penises and some herbs. My friend sweared by it. Her man's sperm count was ZERO after taking SA test. Gynae gave him some vitamins to take for 3 mths. My friend bought San1 bian1 wan2 for her hb to take additionally and 1 month later, my friend got pregnant. Isn't that miracle?? They tried for 9 mths. Both went for checkup. My friend is normal but her hb good sperm count is ZERO. Mummies ZERO hor!!!!

My hb took the pill till heaty and fall sick. So remember to drink a lot a lot of water. U know actually my hb was having fever while I was ovulating. So I told him postpone to the following month then try. He said he can do it. So we go ahead with the plan. 4 wks later, I hit the jackpot with my boy..... hehehehehe....
wah seh happening topic!!...

1st of all i must confess i'm clueless about ovulation strip, what is BD, LH.. seems like i need more knowledge.. babycutie explain leh.

ey if the pill so heaty, can take alternate day? then how long hb must eat before the pill took effect?

Michelle, yr testimonial leh..
Hi hi all... i m bk..... cgs to michelle n yvonne.....
hw are u all ??? miss me ?lol. hehee
me MIa for few weeks le..

wow.. see yvonne n michelle jus gv birth i missed my pregnant time.. heehee.. i wan gv birth againn heehee..


i get all wad u mean but only this line !!! can explain a bit more?? kekee..

( For eg. your LH surges at CD 13, then u BD on CD13, CD15, CD17, CD19 & CD21. )
1) hw to see the LH ar???
2) wad is Bd ???? baby dancing or make love ??

thank you !!!!
Morning Ladies,

oOOoOOoooo kekke BD = Baby Dance = Make Love = Siao Kan rite???

LH surges i juz leave it as 14 days i also not sure wat is that....

Nana, Beautiful Princess,

U can use e below Ovulation Calendar to as a guide line to find out yr most Ovulation Day & buy a ovulation test kit (i bought ClearBlue O'kit + cheap O'kit, because C'Blue expensive, so after used the cheap O'kit test is O'Day then i use C'blue double test again, it won't waste $$ if the day u test is not yr O'Day hehe).....I test the O'kt is in the morning wake up time, when the kit show 2 parallel line means is yr O'day so BD on that day until the next day (48hrs)..But after BD i did use a pillow put on my buttock ne hahhahha

Me & my hubby didn't eat any pills or wat juz like normal eat lor most important is must relax cannot too stress, i try the 2 times then strike de keke, Wish your're GOOD LUCK ya
Ling baobao,

Answering to your doubts..... hehehe...

( For eg. your LH surges at CD 13, then u BD on CD13, CD15, CD17, CD19 & CD21. )

1) hw to see the LH ar???
<font color="0000ff">You have to test with ovulation kit/strip to determine your LH. If your LH surges, it means that you will be ovulating in the next 12hrs.

So if you want a boy, do it within 12hrs. Because you will be ovulating anytime and Y sperms are sprinters. They will be waiting for the egg when they reach your fallopian tube and once an egg is release, they start attacking and it will be high chance having a boy.

If you want girl, do it even before the LH surges so that the X sperms will be reach for your egg once you ovulate. Y sperms are sprinters. When they reach your fallopian tube and there is no egg, they will have to wait and life span of the Y sperms are very short. X sperms are marathoner, so by the time the marathoners reach the fallopian tube, those Y sperms which reach earlier will be dying already and no strength to attack the egg if it is release at that time and the marathoners will start attacking the egg and you will get a girl lor.</font>

2) wad is Bd ???? baby dancing or make love ??
<font color="0000ff">BD = Baby dancing (Make Love lah!!)</font>
Oh no, what a interesting topic of the day. Btw, if go buy the San Bian Wan, not pai seh meh? Actually for that, taking that, the purpose is for what? Like Tongkat Ali type ah? keke. Actually, i also dun reallly know what is tongkat ali except is for man.
More or less like Tongkat Ali but it is not only to nourish there, it is oso good for blood circulation.

I don't feel pai seh leh. I go to the medical hall at Blk 29x and buy. 1 box cost abt $20+ and 10 pills inside.

hehehe...naughty naughty...
Me oso put pillow under buttock after BD.... kekeke
wa sey...SMH topic of the month - Aug (award winning topic leh)

actually i didnt even bother abt LH. I just BD anytime from the 11 day till the 15 day. Defintely one of tis days will be the day of ur o'day. In fact, BD in the early morning or after midnight usually helpsv(when u are very relax).

Another trick is to test ur temp. If it is high, even if u r nt having a the BD (make love, sexual intercourse, body play, watever u call it), sure strike one.

As for the scale of gettin boy or gal, tis one must use bbcutie method liao.

p/s: i didnt use any pillow underneathe my buttocks after play leh. just let hb's weapon rest inside me. dun pull out immediately. hahahah!

kekkke same as u lor hahha u also naughty....

WoooOOOoO u X & Y also come out liao oooo haha if still don't understand then what is yr next step to explain ne???
