Any Flying mothers around?

Hi all!
was trying to find this thread oso!
me oso like both YCL & WOOFWOOF looking up & down in yr2007..wonder y he threads became so short!
didn't noe that they had changed it here!
was wondering y everyone was able to get in except me!

Keep up the good work Jeann!
when do u intend to return after u hit ur ideal wt target?

till now still no news le..dunno wat to do

how did ur interview go?
my gf got in 4 medical on monday
heard that sq insist all of u to start training on the 19Oct uh?

Woof woof,

i think i gave up long time on losing weight... cus i get hungry every now and then (bfing thats y)!! and then the mooncakes! my gosh.. how to resist? so now doing some "maria-ing" (housework), hopefully can burn some calories n chasing n carry my girl helps too... she weighs 8.2kg now so pretty heavy for my petite size! hahaha thats gd training just like carry airladers!
my boy boy is 9kg (rather small for a 13 month old)... but my hubby is the one doing most of the carrying- he uses him for weight training.... he passed his IBBT (military fitness exam) for the first time after his birth...

i am gg to egypt in nov for a break- dun want to look 'pui pui' in the pix leh... only left with 1 month to slim down my round face....
hi girls, sorry for late reply. thanks for sharing. but i most likely cannot go back althought i got in and medical ok. 19oct cant start as well as i need 1 month notice for my job resignation. I cannot hav shared custody as my hub is e sort of person who will bad mouth me to my bb n brain wash him. so will his family. his mother is the sort who is not of good character, judging fr e way she brought up her 5 children (inc my hub), i would not want to risk even having JOINT custody n my son staying over their place at all. I cannot offer a better term if i go back flying, as my parents r working, n cant afford to quit. and also, my savings are not as much as him. the court is such a place where they look at hard facts. even tho my nany is fantastic, i cannot prove that she is better than my blood related MIL to my son. Lif isn't fair is it...

i will try to defer my sq placement if i can. but the hope of gg back is really slim...
so much for slimming down n looking good again. No use also now... but at least i can say i look as gd as be4 pregnant, haha. just e tummy like dried orange peel, but who's gonna look. keke.
and btw, when medical they ask me if i might be preg, i feel like telling them it muz be an immaculate conception if i were. haha.

sigh... life is definitely not that fair!!! i only hope n pray that all is well for you!!! I hope what u give up will be well worth it n the judge will be on your side... perhaps when the divorce is over can try applying to SQ again??
lifeisntfair (chelseacord), why don't you ask for defer too? I think it should be fine to tell them yr case now after all you got in aridi.

The rest, wat do you think?

Tinklebell28, Wat abt calling Sherlyn and ask? I got a feelin she need to seek Denise approve 1st. Currently she on leave till 04 OCT
Hi all,
this thread is alive again! Congrats to all that are going back flying

lifeisntfair (chelseacord),
there is another CX interview coming out next feb.You might want to consider.It's SIN base.About 11 hkg t/a per mth. The rest are off days or s/b. Basic + allowance ard $2.5 k.There will be cpf deductions too.Down side is training in hkg for 2mths
wat abt a maid/live in nanny? aw, i think the judge wun rule against ur favour if u opt to put in full time childcare..cos this childcare thg is set up by the govt to encourage s'por woman to hav mre children rite? so if u put them there, the judge cant say no gd cos he gg against govvt policy wat! itzz not like he's gg to be there all the time, ur parents can bring him home some days and u hav ur off days as well.
well..i hope evthg works out for u and bb.

u can always defer,tell them u need to time to tender resignation and look for alternative childcare.
chelsea, wish u luck and stay optimistic.... if they have a few training in yr 2008, think should be able to defer... on the other hand, even if you stay at the ground job- also not that bad- at least you can see BB everyday (tat wat i always say to console myself as my chances of gg back to fly is slim- so envy those tat can go back)

where is yr source about this CX interview?? can update more info if you have any in this thread, please... my gf (still flying in sq is very interested), her hubby is stationed in hong kong now.... hopefully she can get in and fly the turnaround and then eventually station in HKG... CX dun take in other nationality without work permit in HKG and she doesn't have a work permit... thanks a million!!!
<font color="aa00aa">chelsea,

not possible to speak to current boss to ask for early release? or u think its workable for u to pay back the one month notice? </font>
my galfriend is the 1st batch CX sin base crew.Just started flying.Sometimes have to do hkg n/s cos not enof crew yet.Once enof crew it'll be strictly hkg turn.Not sure bout eventually station in hkg part cos 1 main reasons for sin base crew is to make chinese annoucements on board.
ya petite, ur info really updated leh!! thanks for sharing .... think i'll call them after my year-end exam papers ... if they still not happy with my weight, think i'll just forget it lah ... sianzz ...

i've been very busy lately ... rushing school assignments .... haven't been weighing myself lately .... my uniform still abit tight leh .... upper body like very hard to lose leh ... but upper body become bigger not good meh?? kekeke ....

gak: ur boy really really handsome leh ... esp his dimples .... very charming smile ... and looks like a mini version of his papa .. kekeke ... hopefully all of us here can meet up for a gathering before some of u here starts to 'take-off' ....
y ur boobs bigger meh? mine becm smaller leh!! i din even BF!! Sianzzzz..

u arrange gathering leh!
Hi babes,

Congrats to all who are returning to fly!

It's been a long while since i last pop in... I finally quit (last wk of aug n do my clearance on 3sep - my bday) and i was 5mth preg den... Wanted to do my last flt to zrh but onboard was Diana S so din wanna stress myself to see her --- heard alot abt her!!!

Nw I'm in my 6mth and dunno whether I wanna return flying after delivery... I tot maybe try grd job first and if don't like den try applying FMS lor... Anyone has any ideas what if we are pregnant again during the 2yrs break, will SQ take us back again after their so-called 2yrs timeframe to return?

Stomach getting bigger and more difficult to breath esp this hot weather!!! Drag....
sungrapes: ya ... my boobs upsized ... hee hee ..

petite: thanks ... it was sooo nice .... the i have been searching for clips of elmo but cannot find .. thanks ...

godsent: yupp. my ex team girl had 2 kids straight ... one after another .... she went back and maintained her staff number ... cos she got 2 birth cert. to proof mah ...
Hi jeann,
ur boy oso very handsome especially wif his COOL look & big eyes!
really difficult to make him smile hor! :p

Hi jane78
welcome, welcome!!
i believe we noe each other?? keke..

did u manage to go shopping @ isetan yesterday?
thanks for the clip!
so niceee!

wah...5mths den quit?
so good!
my morn sickness v bad so 2mths preggie quit liao..
dun mind i ask u wear green or blue? gf wear green oso quit abt 5mths cuz she say can "ke-ain", act busy lo

how old's ur baby?
if u go bak fly, ur nanny'll look after ur bb?
hope u get the custody! good luck!
hehe..ycl stress le phobia!

u manage to defer till next yr?
did they tell u when?
i'm oso trying to defer till next yr lo..

go bak next yr more kakis? keke
wah godsent
you steady can quit on your fifth mth.. i tot of quitting in oct(3rd mth) but somehow morning sickness got the better of me in sep
everybody were telling me to quit early

good luck to all those going back to fly...enjoy the night stops and good food
hehee i dun miss flying but i miss destinations!!!! now keep looking fwd to hb taking me n my ger for holidays!!! hehehe
u juz sent email to denise and state ur reasons. she will reply u. for me i told her anytime next yr cos i wanna celebrate my boy's 1st bday in dec..dun wanna risk cant take leave situation, cos u noe this company always gv "operational reasons" as excuse to overwork us.
hi gak,

I'm only FSS lah... ya lor, i don't suffer from morn sickness (luckily! phew) so can tong until den lor... nobody knows when i was working... i gues bcos 1st preg so can hide stomach pretty well... keke...

now, stomach like so big and so diff to breathe sometimes...i tink it's gonna b worse later on these mths....
Hi godsent,
wah! u very CHAMPS hor!
when i work during preggie (initially when juz found out) i always feel my tummy got pain like that, scared baby can't tahan oso!
but the morn sickness oso drive me crazy!
on board no appetite, smell fish only so giddy!
Godsent, you steady pom pi pi lor. I work till 2mths + then chg flts, take leave etc.. till abt 3mths then say bye bye.

Tinklebell28, for me I smell coffee, I want to throw out.
aiyo ... i think i'm the earliest .... quit at 5wks ..... the week i discovered i was preggie, i was scheduled for SEP ... cannot jump slide, so bo phian, gotta quit ....
hehe i also tahan until 3mths then i quit cus contract up liao... sometimes i have weird dreams like going back to fly and its like as and when they need pple then will call me up hahaha then i will be like so lost and dunno what to do, what to pack, what to bring, what homework to do etc etc i think the flying part of me still thinking of it!
tinkerbell: my bb is 6mths. yesterday got court hearing.complicated. sigh.

BTW, shireen called me. She told me I can only defer til Jan/feb intake. so if by then the custody and everything not settled, it will be a missed opportunity...

I believe it's all fated. Just praying for the best.

Me flew til 5 months preg. But my team girl told me she flew til 2mths then she dropped the baby. cos threatened her life. so sad. she now went back flying. trying again.

I heard this malay fss also, she not only dropped ehr baby on a lhr flight, but got sacked as she was caught for concealing the fact that she was pregnant and not declaring.

So dun play play. this kind of thing v scary and risky. end up losing ur job and baby one shot. XIONG...
i also quited at 3rd month... like jean- also bcos SEP due- i got to jump slide too... if not for the sep- wld like to fly longer...

funny tat my MS dun act up during flight- i felt perfectly normal.. only felt very bad after checked into hotel..
did u ask estimate how long the court hearing will last??

wah! u oso another CHAMPS!
5mths den quit! me dun dare to risk cuz can feel adobminal pain when i push/pull carts lo..

sheryn didn't call me @ all le maybe cuz i told her i told i wld probably able to return in the 1st Qtr of the yr..

during my interview one of the gal lost her baby after quit, but she can only return base on Returning Crew..
Gak, Er, the gal tat i nod in Car sales got a bb lei. Don't tell me another 1 in car sales too. Anyway she has started her training in Aug aridi.

Wat is the outcome of child custody?
hmmm..she's not very tall, got big eyes when she came out from the interview view room she told us that the interviewers commented that she looked very tired..remember???
is she the one??

if yes, she told me she still trying le cuz got miscarriage but still no news yet lo..hmmm???
hehe i quit after i took my SEP hahaha i even jump slide but fortunately nothing happen... i think that time i was like 1-2mths preggie only...

yeah but i agree that we shldnt risk it lor... if lose bb and lose job all at the same time, its v XIONG!! Can be super depressing!
Ladies, I not hv 2nd thought of going back to flying. Scare I might be late for reporting, cannot take leave when bb is sick.

that's strange hor..y she tell different story uh???
heard she LSS when quite lo..true?

*haiz* sometimes when they need crew they won't let u take leave lo even unpaid leave!
in case u dunno, flying mothers got 2 weeks of unpaid childcare leave!

gak (tinklebell28),

Yap I hear she is a LSS too.

That's cool! got 14 days unpaid childcare leave. Problem is we are on 'P', don't think they allow you to take and also like wat you hv describe earlier on.
