Any Flying mothers around?

Yeah... i also went for last dental b4 i quit hahaha now i think of paying... aiyo really heartache man!!!

must take care yeah... take extra care esp since u are still flying!

hahaha we arh... really can teach all these kind of things!!! hahaha now i think back... the bib quite useful... sigh... last time i nvr take alot... wah liao... now gotta go out n buy haiz
the large bib with bear printed on it is really useful! Hardly can find such big bibs outside. Now have to wash after each use.
u better start planning to sb sm1 to take care of bb loh! hope u get top up for the paris flt u gv away.

Can sense u starting to enjoy ur pregnancy!

do u use a playpen? how do u manage to 'chase' after him? me oso dreading the crawling stage cos he is showing signs of crawling liao. i keep looking ard my living rm and thinking abt wat i need to remove to childproof the hse.

I miss the free medical, i miss dr yap frm T2.. i miss all the free med, ask and it will be given.

Tat time i saw GP for sore eyes and i had to pay $30, heartpain man!
Aiyo... i shld have taken the bibs!!!!! arghhhh.... at least use then dun need to wash then throw hahaha now i have to clean her bibs until wanna faintz

my ger now walking then i child proof the edges of my furniture. hahaha but she quite guai lor nvr really go play at those corners but better protect her than not lor!

eh... when i was flying i hardly see doc leh... sigh... save $$ for company hahaha only when preg then see doc for MC :p
your gal very fast walk liao!My lazy bum at 13mths+ just started cruising! That bib now very precious!Cannot anyhow more happy hr on board(free flow)! ahahahaaaaaa
Hi ylc, littletot, woofwoof, sungrapes,

gd morning!! I hardly wake up so early when I'm not preggie... nw i tink my stomach is hungry n no choice gotta wake up to grab a lite bite!! i used to slp thru but dis hunger prevents me to... I tink i'm gonna be a PPS (pui pui stewardess) soon... wahahaha...

ya, i took the bibs for my little cousins n godsons, they r pretty useful.. big enuf esp for messy bb. trying to collect some nw (heehee).. no worries, i still got close frenz to help to take if my supplies go dry... all my partners in crime!!!

Oh ya, can i check how do u gal get mc from RMG without letting them know u r preggie? I'm like ylc, hardly see doc... n oso how do u inform the co dat u r preggie? do u need to provide any doc's certifications? must it b from RMG or can be from my gynae?

ylc, when the little one starts crawling n walking, ur beautiful home will become a big playpen. Dat's wat happen to my gf's place...

sungrapes, i really have no ideas who's gonna help me take care of the bb although my mom HAPPILY volunteer to when my aunt ask if i were preg n give birth. but u know, moms always spoil the kid n i dont wish the bb bcome a spoil brat.. still headache over this issue...
Using of playpan
i am staying with my in-laws... cannot 'suka suka' shift furniture... think it is better if can confine the active BB in the playpan to relief yrself for a short while (provided if yr BB can be 'locked' inside playpan)

dental checkup
i also went for a BIG BIG dental checkup b4 i go... went to tis 'ulu' dental clinic near my place (cannot get a slot at AtriaPan at Wisma)... he claimed that i was brushing too hard n tat my gums had 'eroded' and now my teeth were exposed... so insist tat i do fillings. think I did about 18 or so fillings... i was so numbed in pain at the dental seat... think tat the dentist no business and see me as one big 'caitou'... i really suffered at the clinic.... now those fillings tat he did were coming loose- if i need to do fillings now.. how much will that cost??? need to fork out frm my own pocket...

heard those from japan stations very good.... alot of crew will uplift many many

medical supplies
i do really like medicines from RMG... not very good... heard low grade medicine... medicine from oversea stations like states and europe are much better...

may i ask u mummies, anyone waiting to go bk to fly??

for mummies with older BBs, wat are u feeding yr BBs now?? i am running out of ideas for my DS... only giving porriage only- with veg and fish... yet to give meat...
good idea to start other starches like pasta, meehoon... meat like chix, pork, beef... my DS now 9mth plus
Hi Godsent,
must take good care from now on.Try not to skip any meals. How long more to tahan b4 quit? You'll need a written letter from gynae stating that you're pregnant.Give HR a call and fax it over.Once they recieve, your name will be taken off phonelink and you'll be officially out of job!

Think it's hard to get MC unless u know the doc pretty well and he dun mind covering you for a few days.Alternatively can think of an excuse to get yourself grounded until time to quit.

my gal coming 14mths now.She has been taking brown rice with fish, beef, chix, pork.Egg yolk at 12mths onwards.Egg white she got allergic reaction. For veg, so far carrots, spinage, chye sim, xiao bai chye, enoki mushrooms, broccoli, sweet potato and asparagus.

HAve not given her anything else except brown rice cos till now she only had 4 teeth.She's a lazy bum.Likes her food puree.A bit lumpy only puke!
Last time i oso fax resignation letter and doc's letter to ctrl centre so they can take me off flts immed..if u wait for HR to do for u dun noe muz wait how long.If HR cock up, nv imform Ctrl in time then u will like miss flts and will cause alot of confusion.

I agree with littletot, u muz noe the doc relatively well b4 he can cover for u.

I went to pte gynae cos i wanna do scan and confirm my pregnancy. then i went c raffles to take another letter and MC. I will gv pte gynae's letter to company so i wun implicate raffles doc.(if he cover for me).

<font color="119911">Littletot and Woof,other mummies expert in solid food..</font>
My bb 6mths can gv veg like bakchoy, chyesim, kailan ? local vege? muz it always be brocoli and spinach?
i think is ok to start with local veg. I very ks, will always follow the 3-4days rule. Maybe you would like to introduce brocoli at a ltr stage as it causes air in stomach.

if you plan to quit during wkend/public holidays then u have to inform control cos nobody works in office.Think it's best to inform both HR and control
Oops! Haha! OL is offloading.
CPM is Crew Performance Mgr.

they very tight abt crew offloading nowadays. so we better not implicate our frnds and DHs.
hahaha ok now i know what it means hahaha

yeah think maybe we shld stop chatting abt the OL methods.

yeah my ger just learned to walk... every day keep practicing how to walk... but can tell she is really determined to learn to walk... fall down on her backside so many times then will stand up n walk again. really pei fu her!

i just tell doc my stomach not feeling well... diarrhoea, feel like vomitting n feel giddy hahaha got away with it esp the RMG at T2. Over there like super easy to get MC... they dun really bother one.
Eh my ger is 11 mths, i already give her eat rice with meat/fish n veg then add a bit of soup to make the rice softer

Veg/roots i give her includes: Pumpkin, carrots, bak choy, kailan, radish, cabbage, yellow pepper, potato, brocolli, cauliflower, spinach, so far thats all i can think of that i m feeding her.

My ger always like to change menu one. If i feed her what i fed her yest, she will refused to eat more than 3mouthfuls. aiyo big headache!

Now her menu includes, kway teow soup, macaroni, bee hoon soup. i haven intro pasta with tomato sauce yet. will intro to her when she becomes 1.

Everyday i discuss with other mummies what to feed our bbs at this age... so have to come up with new ideas so our bbs wont be bored eating the same old thing while they observe us eating different food during lunch/dunner! Guess bbs are getting smarter n smarter nowadays!
My gal cant even take rice with soup! Will choke and vomit all out! How nice if can give her kway teow and all. Its not her getting bore.It's me!
Check out the new bibs designs: Softer texture and so beautiful.

<font color="0000ff">Ylc</font>, wow you gave yr ger so many types of food to eat aridi. Mine at 14mths, still at the same old dishs. This mummies plain lazy. On board can soar, at hm cannot soar.
<font color="0077aa">abt bb food ~ any kind of green veggies are good and ok for their diet but spinach and brocollis are high recommended though coz of vits are very high in them.. can try pasta for ur kiddos too, just buy those small alpha pasta coz they are small and u dun have to worry for them having difficulty to digest or bite and they are cooked very easily and its fun oso while eating!</font>
hahaha yeah my ger loves pasta! but i give her plain... was thinking of giving cheese... dunno when can give cheese... better go chk with my hb first hahaha he give go ahead then i will give one... hahaha i soaring at home leh but then no award! hahahaah
My boy is a china man. only like porridge. Gave Pasta & noddles b4, he eats a few mouth then don't want. Made burger patties, alos don't like. Eat must 'kiao ka', like Abeng.

<font color="ff6000">Cheese</font>

Can give aridi. Give those cheese that can be found onboard- gourment cheese.

Not those KARFT types. 2 days ago bo pian. My son saw me eat Karft cheese, he want. So I gave him a little to try. CAnnot give to much of that cos lots of salt added in.
<font color="0077aa">cheese i think got a few kinds cannot give.. erm i oso forgot liaoz.. ha ha.. add some cheese n some fresh tomato den its tasty!

oh ya.. pls do introduce small portion of everything u give to ur kiddo first to test for allergy first hor!</font>

how to make burger patties? i think maybe i should make that for my ger too...
i'm sucn a ambitious mum here hahaha
now her diet is so healthy... maybe she might be interested in some healthy fast food
All dear mummies,
Can u all pls bring ur discussion abt feeding diff type of food to this thread? i oso wanna learn afew tips leh!

2day tried to puree asparagus. cannot leh! got so many fibre thingy. how hah?

tatz means i can gv my bb kailan,bakchoy? wat other types of green leafy veg can b pureed?

i juz read last nite this book abt weaning, brie, camembert, blue cheese CANNOT gv to bbs.
can gv cheddar,edam and cream cheese..9mths onwards.

y no pasta yet? is it tomatoes not suitable for her age? my gf told me in London Boot's got sell bb pasta shapes by Annabel Karmel.

i m so dreading the day i hav to drag out my slow cooker to make porridge. i really no idea how to start man!

I oni noe how to cook with cookpot those instant foods or fry egg and luncheon meat..keke!

My ger got eat macaroni... today i just bought the ABC pasta... i heard from one of the mummy that tomato is citrius so bb cant really digest it. So gotta wait until 1 yr old... basically 1yr old can eat almost anything except certain stuff like strawberries... dun ask me y... i just listen from what the other mummies say.

aiyo... i also learn from scratch how to make porridge then slowly upgrade to rice... stock also.. at first... stock dunno taste like what then now like so "expert" cus day in and day out gotta make stock hahaha! but of course thanks to the other mummies who supplied me with recipes thats y so successful!
try peeling off the outer layer(skin) of the asparagus.Steam then puree
. Tomatoes citrus la, not advisable to give too soon.
thks! i tried to make another batch juz now.
Did wat u said but still quite tedious. Yield very little,abt 5tbsp oni, for all the effort.

itz mre like asparagus juice lor!!
wat brand to give? had a hard time looking for a suitable brand... can i give adult brand like kraft?? gourmet cheese like brie, bousin, feta??

heard tat freezing food can preserve more nutrients than juz keeping in fridge...

i am working now... already did freezing of veg cubes like wat other mummies did... thaw overnight in fridge before use... tried to make brocolli, spinach, carrot, etc veg cubes

i am thinking now to bulk cook in batch "one piece meal"... e.g. mashed potatoe with minced beef, cheese macoroni... then freeze and thaw overnight in fridge and warm up b4 feeding BB... good idea?? anyone done it before??

very tempted to make pasta in tomato sauce for my coming 10mth old BB... muz wait til 1yr old?? look like only creamy cheese sauce for him now... still sourcing for suitable cheese

anyone giving yogurt?? wat brand??
i've been giving yogurt to my gal since 7mths. You can try Baby yopliat comes in pack of 4 or main petite pack of 6.
<font color="ff0000">Asparagus</font>
after i peel the skin,cut into smaller pcs and steam and puree, still got those fibre thg. altho not as long as b4 i peel/cut. so i still have to sieve it rite? or is it my blender cannot make it?

<font color="ff0000">Cheese & Yogurt</font>
cheese got those low sodium type can gv to small children. Brie cannot gv. can gv mozzarella,cheddar,parmesan,emmentaler,gruyere..all these frm a weaning bk im reading.

2day at Cold Storage saw organic yogurt..cant recall brand, but red packaging..$9+ for either 4 or 6 small cups. Cold Storage got many kiddies yogurt.

<font color="ff0000">TOmatoe</font>
tot can gv ard 9mths onwards.all the recipes i hav say so leh! i love pasta, so cant wait to let my boy try.

Hw ur new job?
Strange... mine dont have the fibre thingy for asparagus.Only spinage will have some.

Yeah ,i read can give from 9 mths onwards too.But didnt give till recently.Cherry tomatoes
i haven give tomatoes yet... think i wait till 1 yr old... haha only 2 more weeks!!! so busy preparing for her bday party... but fun planning...
me use frozen asparagus..mayb tatz the reason.?
There's only one way to find out lor! try with fresh asparagus..

i juz find tat this pureeing issue is very tedious. Always will meet with some problems.

Did u guys watch the 9.30pm ch8 show abt kids?
Damn funny lor! the father take care of the kids alone, the mother went out 6hrs for R&R. then the mother ask wat time they zz and eat. the father say cant rem! wah piang! But at least , this father is quite hands on with his kids.
sungrapes, my job is so so... still prefer to fly. very tired, still need to do housework and take care of BB after knock off from work... lost my temper a few times with my BB.. felt very bad afterwards

there's this LSS tat i flew with actually told me tat flying is a good break from her kid... every time she comes back from flight (after being away from her kid for a few days), she finds new patience and energy with her kid... now i understand where she is coming from after i had my own kid...

juz started organic yogurt, brand Horizon, with my BB... i find it tasty... mixed it with avocado and fruits....

will start soon when i find something suitable... any recipe to share?? i can only think of mashed potato with cheese on top...
brocolli cheese?
Baked rice with cheese?
baked pasta with cheese?
cheese sandwich?
burger with cheese?

Some ideas... i have not tried but been planning! hahaha
I do agree with u..but then, she will probably miss all those 1st times...the best is not to work lor..but cant afford leh!

<font color="0000ff">Fish in cheese sauce</font>
10g butter
2tsp plain flour
125ml milk
2tbsp finely grated cheddar
30g Flathead fillet
1tbsp small broccoli florets

1.Melt butter in small saucepan,add flour;cook,stirring, until mixture bubbles and thickens.Gradually add milk;cook,stirring til sauce boils and thickens slightly. Remove frm heat; stir in cheese.

2.Meanwhile, boil,steam or microwave fish and broccoli,separately, til broccoli is tender and fish is cooked thru;drain.

3. Flake fish into small chunks, carefully removing any bones;combine fish,broccoli and 1tbsp of the cheese sauce in small bowl.

Freeze remaining cheese sauce for upto 1 mth.

Frm a cookbook i bought..sounds gd! Cant wait to try it! But wat is flathead fillet???
wah Sungrapes,

ur fish in cheese sauce sounds so yummy!!! hahaha so far i have not even tried anything with cheese! cant wait to try it!

I think dun have to follow exactly for the fish... can use other fish fillet.
I oso cant wait to gv cheese..but hv to wait till my boy at least 9mths.

2day went to chk out cheeses at supermarket. cant c any low sodium cheddar leh.
hello can i join you mummies? reading your posts have made me feel v nostalgic and giving me goose bumps. i also miss flying v much.

littletot: girl/ 13mths & boy/otw
woofwoof: boy / 9mth plus
sungrapes: boy/6mth 4days old
petite: boy/ 14mths and 2 days
morraine: girl/20mths
Ylc: girl/11mths+
Madeleine: girl / 15mths
ValC : boy / 26mths & girl /2mths
welcome ValC...
wow, u have one boy and one girl already... envy envy... cannot imagine me having another kid now... one boy is enough for me...

how to make BB's food favourful
i refused to use any seasoning like salt, sugar, marmite, etc... his porriage is prepared from soup stock. i had tasted his porriage before- slight sweetnest... but he doesn't enjoy his food.
how to make it tastier- can i use any herbs like parsley, corrianda, rosemary... but such fresh herbs are difficult to find in local supermarket except the angmoh i dun know much about them too.. also dun know how to use

i remember most cheddar taste salty... i feel like giving my favourite cheese- blue or bousin.... but the smell and taste is so strong.. scare my BB dun like it leh...
how about those babybel cheese in red packaging??
Hi ValC


My gal like those Laughing Cow small cube cheese, easy to eat. Try it, even I like it too!


yest i made "fried" kway teow for my ger (no salt no sugar)

Kway teow,
leaves of bak choy
1 clove garlic (diced)
chicken stock
small pc Fish fillet
3 slices ginger
sesame oil
olive oil

1)Pour hot water to the kway teow & drain.
2)cut the fish fillet into small pieces then use a bit of sesame oil & ginger to marinate the fish. (when frying dun need to use the ginger)
3) chop the leaves of bak choy into small pieces
4) add v little olive oil to heated non-stick pan, add garlic. fry till slightly brown. add fish, bak choy. Fry for a little while then add kway teow. add a bit of stock for some gravy.

That's it! healthy fried kway teow for our bbs. healthy n not so oily n no fishy smell! well can modify the recipe... hahaha created by me. My friend's bbs liked it.

Today i did fried rice for my bb! healthy fried with almost no oil since i use non-stick pan... if really stick then use a bit of stock...
