Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

hi angeline

Oic, thought u have given birth. Take care and rest well. Good to hear baby is safe to pop anytime. Keep us posted on the good news.

Great to hear you n bb're okay. The most important thing is to have a good rest. You take good care k. Hope to hear your good news
Hope to hear good news fr u anytime!!

dun worry. last time i also like tat. bb less active very worried liao. Dr adrian always reassure say bb also need to zzz inside our tummy...cannot be moving all the time....hehe....but if bb less than 10 movement per day, then u have to call dr liao hor!
K. Wouldn't b so worried now.

Btw, abt the 10 movement per day. How to count the movement? When bb kicks 3times in a row, is it consider 1 movement? U mean 1 movement is bb movements in particular time?
Last time my bb onli kick 3 times. So worried, but fortunately onli for 3 days. Happenned 2wks before my next appt till forgot to ask doc.

There are 2 schools of thought for counting bb's movement. 1 is not to count at all as every bb is different. Jus got to look out for anything that is unusual. If bb used to be very active, then sudden slow down in movement, got to take note. The other school of thought is every bb should kick certain no of times in say 1 hour or 24 hours.

Personally, I din count bb's movements. I jus take note of anything unusual. My experience is if I'm on flu medications (given by Dr Adrian) that causes drowsiness, bb moves less. Probably he is zzzz.

Take note if u r eating anything special these days.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Location</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>SK</TD><TD>EDD 9 Aug 07 - boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Athen</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Boy - 2006</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheryl</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>EDD 25 Feb 08</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ling</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Gal - 2005</TD><TD>EDD 22 Oct 07 - boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zhuzhu</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>EDD 30 Jul 07</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheezel</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Boy - 2007</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kaili</TD><TD>SK</TD><TD>EDD 15 Jan 08</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tinyvoice</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>EDD 17 Sept 07 - boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starus</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>EDD 28 July 07 - Boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>eufrasia</TD><TD>SK</TD><TD>EDD 1 Nov 07 - Boy</td></tr></table>
initialy i didnt count the movement too until dr adrian always ask me if bb got move etc anot...then i ask him how to monitor cos bb sometime active sometime not. so he say 10 movement a day. if bb kick 3 times continurs in a row...its consider 1 movement...then the next time rd kick a few times in a row, its 2 movement.

good luck! prob u already pop.

wow, zhuzhu pop already. Angeline, you next eh, all the best! Sandra, your boy too comfy inside lah, don't wish to come out yet, hee hee!

My boy super active that i don't bother to count the movement, i think prob got 30-40times a day! Then when i'm going to zzz, we will tell him mummy going to sleep, don't move too much eh, it's night time and tell baby samuel to zzz too and g'nite. Morning when i awake, hubby and me will tell him, g'd morning, it's daytime. Hopefully when he's born, he knows how to tell daytime and nighttime very fast.
hi mummies, check with you have to fill up any pre-admission forms or woody will do for you? On my last visit on Monday, i told woody i want a 1 bedded ward and he noted down in my case fle and i asked if need to fill up some forms, he said no need. I remembered reading in the earlier thread that Angeline has filled up some forms...can someone pls. enlighten me. Tks!
good luck to you.. wish you all the best... jiayou

Athen, Cheezel,
tks for info of the bb's movements. i'll take note.

Sandra, perhaps ur bb waits for the good day to come out..

last time my boy oso v active, he must kicks when it's time to get up, to sleep, eating time, in the bus, watching tv ard 9-11pm, even when i walk in the day time.. he's bz wif kicking inside..
nowadays he onli kicks when i'm going to sleep, in the bus.. but not always..
last nite dunno y he was kicking v hard till i woke up.. n finally can go to sleep an hour later..
tis my boy.. has own his mood.. hee...
tiny voice
i didnt fill up any form too. dun worry. i also keep asking dr if i need to fill up any thing tat time. the clinic asst will help us.
hey ladies, i read in the aug MTB thread, zhuzhu's princess is 4.5kg!! Whooping big girl. Congrates zhuzhu! Is Woody's estimation of bb's weight close to exact? Do share with us your experience for C-sec w/epi.
hi all mummies, I am scheduled for a c-sec with Woody on 2nd Aug due to high blood pressure. Can anyone care to share the bill for 1-bedder C-sect? I am thinking whether should i just opt for 4-bedder upgrade to 2-bedder or 1-bedder. But if the price is affordable, most likely i will go for the 1-bedder, more privacy..
Dear all,
Juz went to see Dr tonite.. My bb's 950gr, 26wks.. Doc said everything's normal.. so happy...
And doc said I'm allowed to gain 20kgs.. kekeke.. wonder how big i am.. :p

Wow.. Congrats Zhuzhu.. Get well soon and back to the thread sharing ur birth story..

4.5kgs quite big.. So.. Doc schedule c-sec coz of the size of ur princes??

I dunno abt the price yet.
If I'm not wrong, Athen had a C-sect. She ever posted abt it earlier in this thread..
I forgot when, perhaps in June.. (couldn't find it
hmm.. You may want to read up..
Hi Alsie

This is the link my previous post on price for C-sect. If I'm not wrong, the price difference between 2 bedded & 1 bedded is quite big. More privacy to be in 1 bedded provided your hubby got time to stay with u during your hosp stay. If not, will be quite lonely.


Wow your gal is super big siah. Easier to take care. Not so fragile. Must be very uncomfortable towards the end of preg rite? Let me know if u need any advise ok? Not expert advise though. If I can't help, other mummies can. Take care.

Wah dr allow u to gain 20 kg ah. U must be quite slim b4 preg. If u gain 20kg, make sure u r confident in losing them after birth ok? BTW how much weight have u gain so far?
Athen, i put on 20kg oso during last preggie.. hehe.. balance 3kg cannot lose away and this 3kg belongs to the durian that I ate during 5th month!!! angry!! keke

Tis preggie I nvr even monitor weight.. faint...

Zhuzhu: 4.5kg??? its very BIG!!! what did you eat???!!! :p
Ling, waaah...u can even remember that 3kg that you can't shed was from where, haahaa! At 33wk, i gained 14kg already!!!! I was hoping not more than 15kg for whole pregnancy, looks like it's unattainable now.
I encourage myself, as long as baby is healthy most important, the shedding weight will comes naturally when i BF bb later.
Tinyvoice, you noe y!! cos during 5th mth I ate durians every wkn till i put on 3 kg for that mth and gynae complain... After that i owaz have the 3kg in me.. so wat you tink?? haha

Hey, you got maid already bo?? you dun seem very steady on getting a maid leh.. btw, I have chosen mine.. :p

Calista, Adrian in on all wkdays except friday nite (friday morn me not very sure)
I went to the link.. how come last time i couldn't find ur post abt the price.. oso i remember wrongly that u stay in the 1-bedded.. guess coz midnite oredi.. kekke.. eyes onli half open.. haaa..

Hee.. 20kg is a lot.. Oso dunno y doc allow me gain till that much.. I was 54kg the 1st time i see doc. I gain 10kg so far.. Feel so heavy oredi.. Can't imagine if I really get another extra 10kg.. Must be difficult to lose weight..

Wa, 20kgs? But u can lose 17kgs.. It's great.. Y nvr monitor ur weight now? heee...

Tiny Voice, be careful, durian will help you gain weight faster.. kekekkee...

His package is $550 last time, can start anytime u wish..
Better to consult to gynea... the 1st trim is very crucial time..

RN, Calista,
u may want to check the clinic for detail,
SK clinic: T.6388 8125
CCK clinic: T.6893 1227

I think if Dr did not raise any concern on your weight, should be ok.

I think I missed your post the last time. Really very busy recently.

My boy is doing fine in toddler. Does not eat so much now. But he does not seems to like to eat rice at home. In CC, seems ok leh. I wander why.

What does your gal eat for snack in CC? CC seems to like to give them biscuits & cakes. They mentioned that if he eats a lot during snack, they will not give him 5pm milk. I have told them that PD said kids below 3 yrs needs 3 milk feeds (ideally). But 2 milk feeds is minimum unless we give them cheese or other food that is rich in calcium. So they must give him the 5pm milk.

I also told them that I do not want DS to eat too much cakes as cakes are not nutrious & only have empty calories.

So far NTUC CC no news yet. I heard they do not give milk for kids 2 yrs old and above.

To add on to Eurasia's post. Delivery charges is not included in $550. $550 is only ante-natal package. U can drop by the clinic to have a look. There is a price list outside the clinic or give them a call.

Yes, 1st trimester is very impt for bb's growth. Dr Adrian does not charge extra for 1st trimester.
Athen: snack time the cook will prepare food lo.. erm, chee cheong fun, tua suan etc... btw, hw can they not give milk if you have instructed them to?? our milk time in CC is 5.30pm, they will sure make milk for her, depends whether she wana drink and drink how much :p

perhaps coz in CC ur boy has a good mood.. he happy happy playing then he eats... at home he's tired liao.. so dun eat so much at home..
(juz a comment from an unexperienced MTB..
Eurasia: duno leh, the weight jz put on and on.. hehe.. but i nvr delibrately lose weight.. it seems like it jz go away leh... i tink so... but the fats are stored in the wrong area.. sobx

my last gynae keep track of my weight increase but adrian nvr leh.. so I didnt even noe my weight lo.. LOL

actually my last gyane will owaz check blood pressure, measure weight on every visit.. so im quite surprised y adrian nvr do that.. hmm...

4yi, my last gynae in TMC.. too far to go now with a little one on hand.. :p

Can any mummies advise? Im 31weeks pregnant and been eating honeydew everyday. Will it cause juandice to my bb? Cos for my 1st pregnancy i nv suffer from constipation but tis time round only honeydew n papaya can solve the problem. Pls advise,thanks.
mother of 2: i noe for sure things cannot be taken on the excessive. Just ensure you take it moderately, i guess it would be fine. However, watermelon we must avoid cos too "liang"

Dun be sad, perhaps tis pregnancy, the old notti fat will oso gone..

Ya lor.. doc check blood pressure smtms.. measure my weight 4x onli till now.. u may want to ask him abt ur weight.. i oredi ask abt my weight 2x.. he measure my weight then.. hee..

btw, who is ur last gynea

Mother of 2,
m not sure abt honeydew, i only heard that orange will cause jaundice, oso heard that it's not really true..
sorry can't help..

Yes by right they should give milk if I instruct them to give. Today, again they din give milk. I'm going to talk to the principal tomorrow. Hope they will do something about it. Will also raise my concern on the unhealthy snack given to DS during snack time. Cookies, cakes & biscuits contains trans fat. So not good for health.

How much is your gal drinking for 5.30 milk? Sometimes he can finish 8 oz sometimes 6 oz. My opinion is able to drink 6 oz better than not drinking at all rite?

During my time, Dr will measure my weight during 2nd semester. But subsequently no more liao. Cos he said that mummies' weight not impt. Only bb's weight is impt. But he will measure blood pressure every visit leh.


I think DS more like scared of teachers in CC. Some kids are like that, bully parents. He is very well behave in CC. But not at home. There was once he throw temper tantram in CC cos I don't let him play with tissue paper. (I was there to pick him up.) The teachers were surprised of his behaviour ie lie on the floor & cry & roll. He don't do this during the day.


Jaundice is caused by liver is not mature enough to remove bilirubin from the blood. Pls refer to the link below for more info.

BTW I ate quite a lot of fruits including water melon during preg except durian (I hate them). I guess as long as eat in moderation should be ok.


Your gal looked like DS when she sleep. He also looked like one of the bbs one of the mummies posted here. Tell us your birth story when u got time. ok? Take care.
haha ladies. Now I'm one of the gotta wake up in the middle of the night to pump and feed baby mummy liao.. yawn.
My girl is not sleeping after her feed and diaper change. So here's my birth story:

5.45am: Woke up, bathe and wash hair. Get ready to go TMC for admissions. Hubby fetches me there.

7.20am: Registration at counters for admissions. Nurse leads me to ward 329A to change.

7.50am: Nurse comes in to shave me.. So uncomfy at first! Gotta shave at pelvic area for c-sect so when tearing off bandage won't scream in pain.

8.15am: Being pushed to outside delivery theatre. Apparently, I'm the first mummy waiting to be delivered thru c-section. Waits for anaesthetist to come. She comes and being pushed to delivery theatre. Being poked on hand with drip needle. Super pain!! I was so scared cos I'm afraid of needles and all.. After which I was asked to curl up like a ball and in goes the epidural then put on urine bag which also very uncomfy.. Luckily I could not see the epi needle and only felt it. Legs goes numb. After 10mins I felt like puking and was given something to stop the puking feeling.

8.45am: Dr Woody comes in and asked me scared anot. Of cos I scared lah!! He proceeds to perform c-section on me. Could only feel tagging and all..

9.00am: Hubby was asked to come in and nurses pushes!!

9.02am: Baby Tricia borned!! Her crys were like super loud and all the nurses went: Wah! She's so big and her faces looks like a Moon..
She was being cleaned. Apparently, coconut water did help cos I understand she was quite clean. After that she was wrapped and given to me to see.. I felt touched to see her finally out.
Nurses weighs her and she was a whopping 4.585kg! Lucky I opted for c-section.. Doc commented to hubby sure to get stuck if ND.

9.20am: Still being stitched up.

9.45am: Pushed to outside delivery theatres and wait to get pushed back to ward.

10.10am: Reaches ward and on bed ridden for the next 24hrs with no food, only sips of water allowed. Couldn't stop shivering due to epi side-effects till like 12pm.

Hubby and mil was with me till like 2pm.. Breastfed baby at some point in time and stitches were hurting like mad.. Din feel c-sect was in anyway easier.. it's pain after delivery.

Baby Tricia was breastfed every 3hrs despite being bed-ridden to stimulate colostrum and milk flow..

Bill was separate for baby and mummy.. Think I paid $620++ in cash after medisave deduction.. Mummy CPF deduction max is $3200.

That's all ladies.. Hungry now.. breastfeeding apparently makes u feel hungry all the time..
Hi Ladies,

I'm in the midst of looking for a gynae, can anyone let me know how is Dr Adrian B Woodworth?
Where is his clinic located and what are his charges for pregnancy? He's not a local?
hi ladies,
during my first visit, i paid normal charges for dr adrian consultation, ultrascan and some medicine. i decided to take up the $550 antenatal package from the 2nd visit onwards, can I offset whatever i paid for the first visit from this $550?

anyone knows?

U can remember all the timing to the minutes ah? Pain hor esp when the nurse want us to get off the bed.

I can't even drink a sip. Whatever goes in will be vomitted out. I'm not able to drink anything until 17 hours after op. Cos I was on drip so not hungry. Jus thirsty.
