Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

now must...
when i had my gal tat time no need...than recently i went for checkup,see other patients take than the nurse say need to pay...i never take myself lah...
i also was given hormones tab both pregnancy..with my gal was bcoz before her i got miscarriage..current wan is bcoz i got cramps..that not cheap..$25 per box..

Ya lor those tab really not cheap. Paid $700 in total the last time cos I was having spotting the whole of 1st trimester. Also I got miscarriage b4 my boy. Very stressful then.

Seems like miscarriage is very common these days. Never hear of such things during our mum's time hor.
ya was like $50 when i had my gal..current was like $100....

maybe due to our lifestyle bah...and nowadays it seems like down syndrome is not to older age mothers...coz after my gal & before my current pregnancy,i actually terminated 1 pregnancy coz bb high risk of getting tat...

Getting a bit blur blur these days....
I've some spotting too in my early days and had to take those hormones pills. Was also having cough and fever so got to pay for the medicine also. hormones pills are ex but the normal medicine is ok.

normal lah...all the good brain cells all give to bb wan mah...

remember only cough syrup & i think the medicine to help you to pass motion need to pay...coz i overheard the nurse collecting payment.
I took panadol,medicine for diarrhoea,gas..vomiting & dunno wat..all these i never pay wan..include in package..
Hi Eunice, Athen...

Thks for thr adivce.... went to see him in the morning and he did a blood test for me to see if the baby grow well. Tomor will see him again. He also given me hormones pills to take.

Can i ask you gals, will the pills really help and wat i need to do now?? I really in a lost and worry... as this is my first time. I was given MC for 3 days...

if i'm not wrong..
the hormone pills will increase the hormones level in your body so as to stable the pregnancy....
wat you really need to do now is to rest more,DO NOT CARRY ANY HEAVY THINGS...dun bend down etc too much...dun squart(forgot spelling)...
anyway..just rest as you can...than also eat lor..feel like eating wat just eat coz that's wat bb thinking to eat...but avoid pineapple,cooling stuff(green bean soup/chin chow drink/barley/watermelon etc)
anyway...most important is dun think too much..must keep your mood happy & high..coz bb can feel wan...if you keep worry,bb will also sense tat...

Thanks for the update. Actually I just tested positive on Monday. So should be around 5 weeks plus. Thinking of going on Friday to see him to confirm the pregnancy.

Also this is my 3rd one. My other two was at KKH...but I am determine not to go back KKH for my 3rd although it's more convenient (in terms of location). Hence was already scouting around for another gyne.

Just another question, his package..does it include scanning (I mean the normal one...not detailed scanning).
hi hi all mummies &mtbs...
hope you all r doing fine

how's ur boy???

congratz. Yes, dr adrian package includes the routine scanning..

Hmm.. now need to pay for cough syrup and the medicine to help to pass motion? last time i nvr paid.. was prescribed both medicine about 4mths ago.. perhaps coz the GST increase?

btw, does anyone know what to avoid during confinement (normal delivery) if we are breastfeeding?
is it true to avoid dang gui?
if we go for c-sect, we cannot take eggs and chickens?

care to share?

tks in advance

take care all
hello Eufrasia

i paid for the medication a couple of months back!
and my edd is quite near yours, mine is 5th nov

yes, i would like to know too on things to avoid during confinement and things to eat more also. I've heard many versions, making me confused.

My boy is ok. still as mischievous as ever. Almost everyday kena punishment by teacher.

Dang Gui has the effect of contracting the womb. So cannot eat during preg. After birth, shd be ok bah.

If bf, avoid alcohol. U don't want your bb to be drunk rite? Are u a FBI member? If yes, u can refer to the 3 books writtn by Mrs Wong for more information on what to avoid when bf. But can't really remember which book contain this info. Ante-natal class also mention what to avoid.

I delivered by C-sect. What I mentioned here is advice by my CL. My mum & mil know nuts on what to avoid. I avoided rooster, seafood, pork rib & those "cooling" food. The rest can't remember liao.

Like what Eunice said. Jus rest as per Dr's instruction. Dr made me stay at home for the whole of 1st trimester the last time. To make things worse, the spotting was on & off. Was on the pills up to 4 times a day & 3 pils each time. See the pills also scared. See him every week. Sometimes every twice a week if spotting is bad. Thank god after 1st trimester, everything ok liao. Most importantly, listen to Dr's advice & don't walk around too much. Stay at home & eat, sleep & watch TV. ok? Be a good gal.
helo mummies, long time not here cos sooo bz with work... Mi oso on ML 1st week of OCT, EDD ard 22 OCT...

Athen: wat yr boi do? why kena punish?? :p U not changing CC anymore? hehe

Eufrasia: Cos egg and chicken "poisonous"... Even for normal delivery, my mum dun allow me to eat chicken till after 2 wks later wor... wait for wound to heal first...

Icebaby: congrats on your 3rd kid.. wow, 3 leh.. are u FTWM or SAHM??

Tinyvoice: im using JDM. Not bad la. My maid is already here.. so far so good.. Hw abt yours?? ok bo?
Dear mummies,

I have just delivered my boy on 22 Aug @ 38 weeks by Dr Woody also, by c-sect (with epi) cos bb was in a breech position. At first, Dr also said that mine will be a small baby cos somehow he has stopped gaining weight at around 36-37 weeks. Dr Woody has estimated his weight to be around 2.7 kg and surprisingly, when he came out, he was weighed 3.16 kg. His stitching skill is also very good. Was able to walk freely on the next day and the nurses and my visitors were very surprised when they saw me.
Eunice.. hehe.. I took 1 week ML and the rest are my leave for the year (have to clear by dec) so add up to 2wks plus b4 EDD lo... when u starting?? My first preggie I worked till my EDD but baby still nvr come out. But I still go ML on that day cos no heart to work le.. wana rest at home and surf the net HAHA

One ting my maid jz settled in oso... Thus tot it will be a good time to stay home to teach or show her tings... Now I so xian, feel like staying at home now.. HAHA

Pigpig: congrats to you... So apparently, baby still gain weight, unlike what Adrian says... Too bad its in a breech position, else you can have a normal delivery... :D its good u can walk ard the next day.. hehe..
with my gal i also so called work till edd bah..coz kana CNY...
i bo leave liao..coz my gal spend all my AL liao...
thinking of starting my ML on 15th lor..since 1st scan show EDD as 22nd Oct..than detailed show as 25th Oct...

now i also no mood to work liao..
hi Ling, my maid v. free lor, employer goes to work earn $$$, she stays home nothing much to do, cos' bb haven't pop yet. hee hee! Need to guide and supervise lah, afterall the way they do things different frm our standard.

Why my boy kena punishment? Pull his fren's hair, use toys to hammer his frens, disturb his frens..... & many more.

My CL let me eat chicken (hen of course) after 1 week leh.

We are actually encourage or rather forced to walk around the next day even if C sect. Painful sia. If not, Dr Adrian will nag.

I started my ML 3 weeks b4 my EDD cos have problem walking then.


Congrats. Seems like Dr Adrian always underestimate bb's weight hor. He estimated DS abt 3.5 - 3.7 kg at 39 - 40 weeks. But end up 4kg.

I am a FTWM. Cannot afford not to work. LOL.
My other two are boys so I am praying for a girl if not my whole house will be turned upside down by the boys. =)


thanks for the response.

Jus wandering, u r FTWM with 2 boys and expecting. How do u handle ah? How old are your boys? Who is taking care of them while u r at work? CC?

Me with 1 boy already very busy. Must really get tips on how to handle boys.
Tinyvoice: My maid ok... Do all household chores, clean here there, cook dinner... I nvr tell her much, she noes what to do... My ger still goes CC even though she is at home.. :p btw, hv you guided her how to cook confinement food?? :p u got webcam to check on your maid??

Athen: Wah! yr boi fierce sia.. haha.. my girl occasionally/rarely bite her frens only... The teachers forgive her cos she is the youngest one in school and they blame it on her teething.. haha..

Icebaby: ya, so who looking after your 2 boi now?
morning mummies

Though my mum is looking after my BB, I need to get a maid too as my mum cannot really carry the baby. I've not chosen my maid yet. When is the best time huh?

Bet, what's FTWM?


Dr Adrian did not say I've GD, just that people are telling me if put on too much weight or BB put on too much, got possibility of GD. So scared mah... I'm going for checkup tom, will check with him then.

Does Dr Adrian favours more natural birth or C-section?

our edd is only 4 days apart

who knows we might stay in the same room.. heee...
which room will you opt?

yup, those versions makes me confused


hee.. ur boy v notti.. but must be cute
he must be popular among his friends then

We cannot eat dang gui during preg? wat abt dang shen? some told me to eat dang gui.. some told me to eat dang shen.. even my hubby colli buy me some dang shen to be boiled with water.. she said it's good for the baby..

yup, m FBI member. i ever read abt the information but now when I tried to find.. couldn't find it

hmm.. there r many things to avoid if deliver by c-sect.. so u onli can eat fish and pork except the rib that time?

u cannot eat egg & chicken in the 1st 2 wks? it's a long time..

arr... anyone have ask dr.adrian?
m also concern that what i eat will cause jaundice to my future NB bb...
will try to search the info carefully to nite on the mrs.wong books....

dun mention...
u still working? what about after you delivered your tis 3rd bb?

Maybe this is how boys will behave. ha.... More violent than gals.


FTWM is Full time working mothers.


Not sure if he is popular when he is always disturbing others. When he is not notti, he is cute. When he is notti, he is a caveman.

Dr Adrian advised me not the eat chinese herbs during preg as we do not know what will be the effect on bb. Unless u know which herbs have what effect lor.

I ate hen 1 week after birth & fish & pork.

Jaundice is not cause by what u eat. It is the bb's liver not mature yet. I posted something on jaundice sometimes ago. Can't find it now. U can do a search on the net on jaundice to know more.

hee.. our edd is only 4 days apart... quite near..

who knows we might stay in the same room.. heee...
which room will you opt?

yup, those versions makes me confused


hee.. ur boy v notti.. but must be cute
he must be popular among his friends then

We cannot eat dang gui during preg? wat abt dang shen? some told me to eat dang gui.. some told me to eat dang shen.. even my hubby colli buy me some dang shen to be boiled with water.. she said it's good for the baby..

yup, m FBI member. i ever read abt the information but now when I tried to find.. couldn't find it

hmm.. there r many things to avoid if deliver by c-sect.. so u onli can eat fish and pork except the rib that time?

u cannot eat egg & chicken in the 1st 2 wks? it's a long time..

arr... anyone have ask dr.adrian?
m also concern that what i eat will cause jaundice to my future NB bb...
will try to search the info carefully to nite on the mrs.wong books....

dun mention...
u still working? what about after you delivered your tis 3rd bb?

hee.. our edd is only 4 days apart... quite near..

who knows we might stay in the same room.. heee...
which room will you opt?

yup, those versions makes me confused


hee.. ur boy v notti.. but must be cute
he must be popular among his friends then

We cannot eat dang gui during preg? wat abt dang shen? some told me to eat dang gui.. some told me to eat dang shen.. even my hubby colli buy me some dang shen to be boiled with water.. she said it's good for the baby..

yup, m FBI member. i ever read abt the information but now when I tried to find.. couldn't find it

hmm.. there r many things to avoid if deliver by c-sect.. so u onli can eat fish and pork except the rib that time?

u cannot eat egg & chicken in the 1st 2 wks? it's a long time..

arr... anyone have ask dr.adrian?
m also concern that what i eat will cause jaundice to my future NB bb...
will try to search the info carefully to nite on the mrs.wong books....

dun mention...
u still working? what about after you delivered your tis 3rd bb?

I am still working and will continue work after. Hubby dun earn enough for me to "retire" to a SAHM status cos currently for few yrs liao...I have been earning more than him. =P

I stay with my in-laws who have a maid. My MIL and FIL still work. My Older son now in PAP, next yr will be K2. Still managable. Younger one in CC (full day) So the option is either to hire another maid to help out or try and find a baby sitter near to my sons' school & childcare. I actually hired another maid after my 2nd kid was born because my MIL wanted to hire. So...let's see how at later stage...maybe my FIL will fully "retire" if the next baby is a girl (I am very sure he would take FULL care of her). LOL
Ling & Athen

Don't think Dr has under-estimated the bb weight. I was having fever, flu and sorethroat during 34th-35th week which I guess this was the reason why the bb not gaining weight. I remember eating non-stop (esp ice-cream, ice kacang and durian puffs) after that till I give birth at 38th week
Overall, have gained around 13-14 kg throughout my pregnancy and now have to work hard to shed off the extra kilos

I've not chosen yet. Most likely I'll opt for 4 bedder, cheaper ma... What abt u?

Also, what's yr baby weight now?

Will you be doing the Strep B test also?
mi oso hvnt decided to choose 2 bedded or 1 bedded. $$$

Pigpig: 13kg is ok. I put on 20kg for my first preggie. But tis time round, tink will only be around yours oso... dun worry, can shed off one.. hehe :p
pigpig, what ling say. Dun worry too much. For my first, I gain 20kg. Second one, I gain around 13-14kg. Evenutally i lost most of it except probably 1-2kg.
ling, with no kid in the house yet, of cos' the maid at home alone v. free mah, how much to clean everyday...anyway, wont' be long till baby comes on board. I will be bringing her to my mum's place together when i do confinement there. My mum will cook and she helps out lor. As for webcams, already wired up but yet to hooked up to internet for accessing.
ok lah..
actualy not tat adrian underestimate bah..coz the scan is just a rough guide..
he measure my gal 3-4 days before pop at 3.1-3.2kg..end up she came out 3.45kg....
tat preganany total gain 15kg...
but current wan make me worry coz i'm like not gaining enough...but adrian say bb putting on so it's ok..

Hee.. so ur boy is a cute caveman..

m now oso carrying a boy.. wondering whether he will be notti when grows up.. :p

Yup, find out the article on jaundice. It also said that once the jaundice's lvl go down.. it won't go up again..

I asked dr.adrian yday. He said, no nid to avoid some food to prevent jaundice coz we cannot avoid jaundice.
But I will ask less dang gui to the confinement catering thou, as i heard dang gui will trigger jaundice..


your FIL will fully "retire" if he gets a grandaughter? Hee.. hope tis time you have a ger ger


I opt for 4-bedded room too
wanna save $$$. Doc said he will book for me.

I juz went to the doc last nite. Bb weight is 1997grams, 32wks. So surprise coz 3wks ago he only 1186grams. And also coz I lost 1kg in 3days and another 1kg in 1wk, but then gain 2kgs again in 2wk-time.
I put on 14kgs so far. hee...

I'm not sure about the Strep B, dr.adrian dun mention it yet. What about you? I guess I'll skip the test.

Tiny Voice, how much did u buy the webcam?

Eunice20, yup dr.adrian said the same thing to me. When I lost weight he told me not to worry coz the bb still gaining weight.

wat's Strep B test for ar??


Ya lor..till now i only put on 6.6kg..and i'm like 33weeks now...but as long as Adrian say bb ok than i'm ok...moreover,my gal PD mention tat maybe bcoz this time round i need to run after a 19mth old gal,so tat why didn't put on alot..while for my 1st pregnancy,mostly eat & sleep bah...

Cannot wait to see adrian on the see bb how & bb now how heavy...

thanks...need alot of prayers. heehee

I went down to see Dr Woodworth on Friday. So crowded. My hubby lor was getting very impatient, maybe cos he brought my younger son along. My younger son is those hyper active was driving my hubby crazy. LOL. But overall we find him pretty okay.

Did the scan but didn't see anything except the "thickening" of the walls. So he said to go back in 2 weeks time to see see.

I went to see Dr Adrian yesterday, my baby at 2341 g at 31 weeks 5 days. He says ok, just slightly above ave.

You mean can book room already? I ask him the last last time, he says still early. Forgot to ask him yesterday. Think still ok right?


Strep B test is for see whether there's any infection. If there is, mummy will be put on anti-biotics.
Hi Tiny Voice,
good to hear that ur strep-b result is normal.
hmm.. the webcam kinda costly..

yup yup as long as he say ok than ok lor

hmm.. ur gal v active then.. u're so lucky onli put on abit.. can shed off easily ma

m still working n walking alot but put on 14kgs till my 32wks now..
couldn't imagine if was staying at home.. perhaps will gain 25kgs for my entire preg.. waa.. kekke...

abt the strep-b, i ever read abt it but totally forgot..
will try to find for you...

u went to SK clinic? me&hubby oso were there on friday ard 7.30pm... perhaps we saw each other but din know at all..
How old is ur younger son? Active means good ma.. can help u&hubby do exercise.. hee.... :p
Din see anything in the scan? Perhaps too early to see.. Hope can see in 2wk-time

Yup.. can book room oredi.. I din ask him yet but he mention he will book.. Perhaps he forgot to mention it to you.. last fri was so crowded, he oso seem abit rush..

btw, Thou the bb's weight is above ave, u won't go on diet rite? better dun..
Last time when i lost 2kgs, was so scared then I start eating pork again.. gain 2kgs in 2wks, the 700gr goes to bb.. heee.. now a bit scare eating too much.. :p

Don worry abt your weight gain. Since u only put on 13-14 kg, shd be able to lose. I also gain 13-14kg also. Managed to lose all. Jus bf & eat less rice & carbo stuff, u shd be ok.

It took me 6 mths to lose all the weight. Now I gain 1 or 2 kg back as I stopped bf & continue to eat as though I'm bf.
Thanks, athen. Will try to control my diet

By the way, I heard if I bf my bb, my menses will not come, is it true? If this is the case, then it will be very difficult to plan for my next pregnacy lor! Also, I'm still having this 'bleeding' since the day (almost 3 weeks liao!) I gave birth to my bb. Normally, how long will the bleeding last? Can only check with Dr Adrian when I see him for my next appt on 29 Sep.
anyone please advise how much is Dr Adrian package (what is include and how many visit)and hospital charge for normal delivery w/o epi and 1 bedder. thks

The other time he told me bb slightly on the bigger side, i was quite scared. so try to control diet a bit. then realise i'm not putting on weight. Not putting on weight also so scary so decide to eat more normally but healthy.

So this time round, will not diet again. guess just have to eat healthly will do
tinyvoice: $200. should be wireless type rite... hw is your maid so far?? experience bo?? hmm, i may drop the idea of putting up the webcam.. very leh chey leh...

hey who is the next to pop har? hehe


to me hor...i find eating healthy is most important...adrian also mention that bb may be on big side...but to me,a more heavy bb is more easy to look after & carry...


dun think sooo much abt your gain soo much is bcoz of bb healthy & well,aren't you happy...
just continue BF & eating normal...cut down on junk food etc..will lose all very fast..
for me..i lost all my pregnancy weight when my gal was 1mth old...i just ate as per normal lor...and by being happy everyday..of your new role etc..can actually helps...the more fan you are about your weight tense to find yourself putting on more or cannot lose...
