Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

Kai Li,

Nope, i did not ask Dr Adrian abt it, anyway like wat Ling had mentioned, he never insist us to do it.


Last fri went for checkup at week 35, bb weigh 2.864kg! Dr Adrian commented bb overweight, NO more durian for me!

From the last checkup at week 33 ( 22 June ), bb was only 2.142kg, den 2weeks later at week 35 ( 06 July ) his weight shoot up 772g! Next visit at week 37 on 20 July, wonder how how much weight will he gain??!!

Oh, he oso mention i can deliver anytime after 21 July, very fast sia, scary leh!!

angeline.. so nice baby will be out soon.. so happy for u.. :p dun eat too much durian, baby will grown VERY BIG! hehe

My last one I ate once everywkn during my 5mth and I put on 3kg for that very month. After that no durian for me le.. till now, the 3kg still in mi leh, nvr go off.. faint

Im a july baby oso.. :p
angeline.. so nice baby will be out soon.. so happy for u.. :p dun eat too much durian, baby will grown VERY BIG! hehe

My last one I ate once everywkn during my 5mth and I put on 3kg for that very month. After that no durian for me le.. till now, the 3kg still in mi leh, nvr go off.. faint

Im a july baby oso.. :p
Hi Ladies,

Thanks for ur info. I will check with Dr Adrain for my next visit.

Hi Angeline,

U are going to deliver and can see your little baby soon...should be very excited..
hi angeline

wow..good, at least baby of decent weight, easier to take care, not so fragile. When Woody mentioned you can deliver anytime after 21 July, does he mean induce? So excited for you!!
me on MC yesterday & today, down with flu and sore throat, sianz...of all common ailment, i hate flu as it will takes me quite awhile to recover.
Ling & Kai Li,

Yup, baby will be out pretty soon but i hope he can tahan nearer to his due date leh!

Actually i dun always eat durian one, only ate in my first trim leh, think only 3x den till now never eat! Not sure wat did my bb absorb & become so big leh??!!

Hehe, my hubby oso July baby, his birthday is tomolo
Hubby said if bb really want to coem out early, hope to share the same birthday as him!
But i told him better not cos only coming to week 36, better let him stay in my tummy den he's more develop den come out

Tiny Voice,

Hope u are better today, must take good care!

No, its not induce, he mean anytime if got any symptom, can give birth, no need to stop him from coming out cos already at the safe stage to deliver. Just that, if the bb is too big, he wants me to choose c-sect instead of trying for natural.

Im not the one who went for the SCGS talk leh, cant comment anything
Ling & Kai Li,

Yup, baby will be out pretty soon but i hope he can tahan nearer to his due date leh!

Actually i dun always eat durian one, only ate in my first trim leh, think only 3x den till now never eat! Not sure wat did my bb absorb & become so big leh??!!

Hehe, my hubby oso July baby, his birthday is tomolo
Hubby said if bb really want to coem out early, hope to share the same birthday as him!
But i told him better not cos only coming to week 36, better let him stay in my tummy den he's more develop den come out

Tiny Voice,

Hope u are better today, must take good care!

No, its not induce, he mean anytime if got any symptom, can give birth, no need to stop him from coming out cos already at the safe stage to deliver. Just that, if the bb is too big, he wants me to choose c-sect instead of trying for natural.

Im not the one who went for the SCGS talk leh, cant comment anything

Don worry. The last time he also told me I will due anytime when I was 36 weeks. I was so scared then as DS also big. In the end, he only came out 40 weeks 1 day by C-sect.

Usually it is safe to deliver anytime after 36 weeks. The longer bb stays inside the better. But he will continue to put on weight lor. But don go on diet hor. Worse come to worse go for C-sect lor.

Try to bf as long as u can to get rid of the extra weight u gain. It works for me. But now stop bf, start to put on weight liao.


Take care ok? Really very miserable to have flu while preg. Takes a longer time to recover due to poor resistence.
i am dr adrian's ex-patient .
can check with mummies here , i hv occasional discharge ( like light menses for just 1 or 2 days ) is this normal huh ?
i hv already delivered my baby by emergency c-section on 18 Apr , up till now i hv not returned to see doc yet . coz i tot if hv blood , cannot got for pap smear .
any mummy can advise on this huh ?
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Location</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>SK</TD><TD>EDD 9 Aug 07 - boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Athen</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Boy - 2006</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheryl</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>EDD 25 Feb 08</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ling</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Gal - 2005</TD><TD>EDD 22 Oct 07 - boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zhuzhu</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>EDD 30 Jul 07</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheezel</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Boy - 2007</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kaili</TD><TD>SK</TD><TD>EDD 15 Jan 08</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tinyvoice</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>EDD 17 Sept 07 - boy</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Starus</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>EDD 28 July 07 - Boy</TD><TD></td></tr></table>

did I missed anyone out? hope not.. hehe

I thought Dr Adrian will see u 1 week after delivery to remove the stiches? He will also ask u to go back to do pap smear when menses stopped. Should go back to see him or give him a call if u have any doubts. If u r still bf, may get some spotting. As I was bf till DS is almost 1yr old, I only got my menses when he was 10 mths old.
Sandra: I dun feel anything only BH at times.
She is not even engaged yet.. woody says 80% coming out early but hor he say only get engaged maybe 1-2 weeks time..
EDD is not 2nd Aug

Went for my checkup yesterday.. 36++weeks my girl is now 3.247kg at 33.7cm.
Doc comment too big le as my edd is due in early august. He asked me to stop milk immediately!! Asked if I eat durians n ice-cream which I don't leh.. Doc advised me to change to soya milk but I bot and checked compared to my low-fat milk, soya milk has higher fat content!! walau.. super dilemma now leh.
Doc keep asking me too big how, difficult to come out how.. how I know man?
Now I super worried she is too big to come out natural cos my 6th sense tells me she gonna stay till full term
if still bf then will still get spotting wonder i have a bit here n there...then should i go do my pap smear ah? the spotting is like dunno how many weeks once now.

tat time i also like too big for my size...then ask me how...i also dunno ....he ask if i wan do c sec. lucky bb come out 39 wk when water bag burst n got bleeding. then natural birth. i also no drink milk no eat ice still big....initially i also tot bb will stay past full term cos no symptons no BH...nothing....then all of sudden at 39th week, water bag just burst.
hi zhuzhu, how come woody still can measure bb's length? at my last visit, he told me won't be measuring bb's length already cos' bb curled up and can't measure.
hi athen , how to differentiate spotting fm menses .
very hard leh . i got spotting like 1 , 2 days . stopped then 2 weeks , come again
dunno issi menses or wat ?
i am bf , very pathetic type , i never latch only express abt 150ml per day .

zhu zhu , ur baby too big . u must listen to woody
last time my bb big , i persisted in natural , in the end emergency c
ur spotting is thruout the whole day n last 1-2 days? or only once?

i give birth 30th apr n the bleeding stop when i in 7-8 wks....n fr then, i had 2 spotting. like spot once n then thats it...the next wk spot again till now.

i only latch on at night...also beri pathetic like u...hehe....pump 3 times during day n only get abt 200+ml or more at times. not much...but at least bb got bm to drink la.
caicai, cheezel

When bf, difficult to differentiate between spotting & menses. According to Dr Adrian, when bf, may have spotting during the time when menses is suppose to come.

As I pump every 3 - 4 hours daily & getting 9 - 10 oz each pump, I don't have spotting problem. Menses only came back when I attempt to stop BF when DS is 10 mths. I bf by pumping. Did not latch.

Pumping more often will get more bm. Jus do your best. But don't get too stress up. Given bb a bit of bm is better than none at all rite?
hi cheezel ,
mine like on off , for 2 days . nvr bleed thruout . light pinkish or brown .even if dun put pad , i think will not stain my pants .

hi athen, thanks for your encouragement .
everytime i pump , i got depressed dued to the low milk . tried all means liao , still so lousy supply . ppl say coz i nvr latch in the beginning , so even if i pump now , also no use already coz my bb is almost 3 mths old. he is an impatient bb who just screams when he sees my breasts.

bo pian , i can only just continue and try my best to gv whatever limited i hv , to my bb.
seems like today i hv no spotting , will pop by to see Woody tonite . hehe
u can pump 9-10 oz?? so good.....i should have pump every 3 hourly when i first started but then if pump every 3 hourly, i will be very busy le...have to take care of bb n pump at the same time. trying to store some bm b4 i go back so low also dunno how to store.

Yes, boys are very impatient. From feedback, bbs who refuse to latch are usually boys.

I only latch him during the initial stage but not very often as I intend to put him in infant care after ML. Worried that he has problem with bottle. In the end, refuse breast. So TBF by pumping. As long as you pump regularly, ss shd be ok. If he refuses to latch, jus pump for him lor. Our system works on dd & ss. If there is dd be it bb latch or pump, there will be ss. Drink plenty of fluid. If the well is dry, of course no water rite? Oh yes, if u pump, must empty the breast so that our body can make more milk.


Yes I was very busy during ML. Got to pump milk & take care of bb. No one come over to help me. My parents are working, MIL has her own programme. That's how I manage to lose weight. Hee...

Jus try your best to store. I heard try to cut down on FM & let bb latch may increase ss. If bb latch, then won't need to pump. Unless bb din empty the breast & u r feeling engorged. During the 1st few days of trying this method is really hard work as bb will be screaming for milk every hour. your body will take 2 - 3 days to responds to the sudden increase in demand for milk. If u perserve, will get more milk.
Caicai.. bb scream.. haha, this reminds me when let my girl latch on intially.. after a few times she got so "scared" that whenever I show her the "B" she will scream and look other direction.. haha.. unforgetable.. but finally though she is alright and latch on whenever i feed her..

Athen, my ML oso managed by myself leh.. no helpers or volunteers to come over during the 2nd and 3rd mth.. Sometime no time to cook so nvr eat.. faint

Very siong hor. No one to help. Me also no time to cook. I wake up at 7 plus but only manage to eat breakfast at 11am. Sad rite? My boy does not eat & sleep like other bbs. Even my infant care teachers also wander how come he does not sleep. Till now still like that. 3 mths ML not a blessing to me. Even more stressful than working.

Seems like gals are not as stubborn as boys on bf.
y yr boi doesnt eat and sleep like others?? My girl still ok except that mi really no time for meals and somemore BF her leh.. sigh.. i feel so guilty cos milk has not much nutrious wor.. sometimes i jz eat maggie mee oso faint... This time round i tink it will oso be the same.. sigh...

Even though they dun latch then pump out loh.. at least you noe the quantity baby is drinking.. this time round tink i will do that

No idea why he does not sleep. Now he only sleep at most 2 hours during the day. Nite at most 9.5 hours.

U will be getting a maid rite? So should not be so bad lah. At least can get maid to cook for u mah.

I think pump out more siong than latch leh. I think if we pump may create more demand as we totally empty the breast unless u pump jus enough for your bb. I end up having problem stopping bf as I scared not enough bm so empty the breast. ss so much tat freezer was very very full. Most of my frens who bf by latching does not have problem stop bf. cos their bb do not empty their breast. So the body produces jus enough for the bb & stopping is no problem.

Maybe u should strike a balance between latching & pumping.
Hi Sandra

I think most gynae will do that to ascertain dilation, else they won't know how much have we dilated nearer to our due date. You can check with Woody in your next visit.

Hi Athen, can i check with you if mini fridge temperature is good for storing BM? If ok, then i will borrow the mini fridge from my mum.
Hey girls,
I checked the july thread. I realised most of woody's mummies are elective c-sect one?
Woody encourages c-sect?

Dr Adrian did V examination when I was 38 - 40 weeks. Can't really remember liao.

Tiny Voice,

R u refering to Bar fridge? I'm not sure if mini fridge is good for storing BM. I think mini fridge is not as cold as our normal fridge rite? Sorry can't help u. I use my normal fridge.


If u have read the previous threads, most of the mummies went for natural birth. Unless Woody encourages C-sect recently. 2 of my frens are also his paitents. 1 had 2 natural birth & 1 had 2 C-sect (due to low placenta & 2nd bb not kicking well & low water level). I guess he will assess the condition of the mummies & bbs bah. Or most bbs now are hugh bbs.
wow sandra, u ready to deliver anytime!! All the best. Don't need to be feel paiseh lah, he is a professional.

Athen: yah, i think another term is bar fridge. I think don't have freezer compartment thus' may not be very suitable to store BM for longer period.
Hi Ling

Am not sure but i tink is nature. Don't worry too much, perhaps it will move up nearer your due date. As long as baby is healthy, i think we have to listen to our body, whether natural or c-sec. Cheer up gal!
Tiny voice

If u intend to freeze BM, bar fridge is not suitable. BM can only be kept in fridge for 48 hours.


I read somewhere low placenta could be due to previous C sect. If no previous C sect, jus plain unlucky lor. Can't be help lah.

How many weeks are u now? Low placenta may move up toward the end of 2nd trimester or 3rd trimester. The last time Dr also mention my placenta is low after detail scan. But later, it moved up. But still end up having C sect. If u really need C sect also boh pian rite? Look at it on the bright side. If go for C sect, everything will be over in 1 hour. No need to go thru hours of labour. But more pain after that lah.


No need to be paiseh lah. I think he see so many V until sian already lah.
Tiny/Athen: mi ard 6mths now.. pray it will move up.. During detailed scan, they detected slightly low lo... Next visit will ask adrian more.. :p thx btw, hw is your boi adjusting in the playgroup?? is he enjoying himself?? u got a place in NTUC CC already??

Tiny: u found a maid already?? hehe
sandra: i read frm other threads, think all gynaes use fingers lah to measure dilation.

ling: no news from my friend yet, still waiting patiently.

Athen: am feeling tightening on my tummy everyday now, though not very frequent, is this what we call braxton hicks?
they use fingers to check for dilation.insert the fingers in lo. during normal routine checkup when checking for dilation think not so painful.....during dilvery,when the nurses was so painful lo......i hate it!
mrg mummies, seems many have popped in the past few days.. that includes my colleague's dil on monday, my mum's next door neighbour on tue, dino_blessings(twins) soon... could be yesterday night or this mrg.

I went for my checkup yesterday and my gal is 3.6kg at 37week++.. that is an estimation as my woody's scan machine no longer can measure bb's abdominal circumference. bb is now too big. He comment tat women who have bbs 3.5-3.9kg have a 50-50 chances to have ND. More than 4kg only 5% can push the bb out, rest get stuck den need to e-csect.
I asked him about inducing but he says as my cervix as not opened not to mention that my girl has not even engaged at this stage!! He says not possible to induce. Have to wait for another week and in the meantime decide what I want to do.
ND or c-sect..
I'm so scared now I so confused. Everyone else is popping but my girl just wans to stay inside me and have fun.. somemore so crampy liao.. so nice mah inside??
hi zhuzhu

if baby too big then have to choose c-sec lor, else imagine long hrs of labor and end up emergency c-sec, even more torturing. Most impt baby is healthy.
Zhuzhu: yr edd si 30 July rite.. so ok, still can wait mah, no hurry. My girl came out 1 week after EDD leh... My last gynae is a supporter of "NATURAL" so dun recommend induce/c-sect so she say nvm jz wait... Mi so anxious but she jz ask me to wait... Then finally she said to induce on 1Oct if still not out by then.. My baby then came out the night b4 by herself.. haha.. @ 3.6kg, natural delivery by epidural oso... Actually mi oso no strength to push, alot of credit goes to the midwives... really.. Even my gynae commented that.. haha :p

btw, hw heavy is your baby now??
My first bb, during whole pregnancy, Dr Adrian nv did V examination de leh ... at first i thought he will be checking...ya will feel v paisay as firsttime kena check.. but never wor.
Hi ladies,

Don't scared Dr. Adrain check. He quite gentle. Its just like a pap smear. Or better than pap smear. I got checked a few days before he gave birth, and he will check again when you at hospital waiting to deliver. In contrast, the midwife or nurse who checked me was so chor lor. I felt so uncomfortable.
Tiny voice,

Very busy this week. So no time to log on. Yes, u r experiencing BH.


I understand how u r feeling now. I was in the same situation as u the last time. Jus listen to what Dr have to say. He is very experience & have seen many delivery. So he knows best.

There are also mummies who are able to delivery 4 kg bb naturally. I guess it all depends on luck & your build lor.
Hi all... been a v long time never log in..
Hope all mummies doing fine..
Tks to mummies for sharing the experiences here...

Last time very worried coz for 5days, bb moves very less.. so worried.. Now ok oredi.. but still lesser than before..

BB used to move in the morning, everytime i eat, quite active.. now not so active.. hope bb's fine..

please add me as well..
eufrasia/sk/edd 01nov07 - boy/1st bb



Sorry MIA for quite sometimes!
Last monday have very bad contraction, bb keep wantting to come out, went see Dr Woody, he gave me a jab on my thigh to strengthen my bb lungs as im only week 36. He gave me one week of hospitalisation leave to rest then last sat i went to see him again as im down with flu, cough & sore throat, he let me rest till today.

Today still haven recover, he wants me to go see him again. Tonite will go see him again as my flu & cough still very bad, my voice still very hoarse!

Dr Woody say anytime from now i can give birth, so am waiting for my little prince to come out
