Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

these days mi very bz.. no time to log in...

Athen: dun tink so much abt yr DS.. those are the past and now your DS is btr rite :D


Now still on & off having flu. Next week will be promoted to toddler. Heard will get sick more often during the initial stage as he is now interacting with more kids as compared to the infant side.

He seems to be very pantang. Cannot tell anyone how well he is doing. Even in the forum also cannot. U know what I mean?
Athen, kids are very pantang one... Im not a beliver till I experienced it... So best jz dun say.. keke.. I understd cos sometimes jz wana share someting nice with ppl but after sharing, alamak, the reverse happens.. faint :p

Will do so

Btw, how is the admission being done?
During my last visit ( 22 june ) i informed Dr Adrian that i want to give birth in TMC & choose 4bedded ward, till now still didnt receive any forms from TMC leh.

May i know how is the procedure like??

I din receive any form from TMC leh. Jus told Dr Adrian I want to deliver at TMC & 4 bedded. Dr Adrian will give u a letter close to EDD. I jus went to the admission counter with the letter on the schedule C-sect date. They will take care of everything for u.


It was DS's 1st day in toddler today. I don't know if he likes it or not. When I was there to pick him up, he was so happy, laughing & running around. When he got home, change of mood. Not sure if he is hungry or what. Very grumpy. He ate so much during dinner that we got to stop him cos way too much. He was very angry when we stop giving him food. He also kicked up a big big fuss when we try to bath him. Not sure if something happen in the CC.

Does your CC give u feedback on daily basis? As in whether your gal finish her milk, how much she eat for lunch & snack, whether she poo poo? Maybe I'm too used to the feedback given by infantcare side. They have to write down the timing of poo poo & the amt of food he ate.

Oic, thanks

Perhaps this friday evening apptmt i shall check with them if they have book for me anot
Wah, angeline, so early u in office eh.

Yesterday went for gynae checkup, bb samuel weighing 1.445kg now at 29 wks.

I also asked abt the pain in the groin aread, Woody said is likely to be ligament strain. He said nothing serious, just have to adjust to a comfortable seating or lying down position.
Tiny Voice,

Everyday reach office pretty early,usually 7plus cos hubby send me to work first (macpherson) before going to tampines to pick up one of his coli den to his workplace in changi south

Oh, so its ligament strain! Seems like till now still on going leh, very painful ah!

Im opting for 4 bedded
Oic, your boss must have like you very much, early bird!
You can have a leisure b/f first before you start work.

We still deciding 1 or 4 bedded, in a dilemma...heehee!
No lah, some of my colis oso come early.

We oso den finally we decide to opt for 4 bedded cos cheaper, save more moeny for bb
Athen, the CC doesnt report all those. I noe in infant they will tell you what they do. Prob your boi is adjusting to the new frns and new teachers although still in same school... My girl first went to CC, she appears to be a different person at home oso, sometimes more cranky, sometimes okay, weird weird... but now she is fine.. transition period is like tat.. But of cos, must monitor her behaviour everyday k... :D

Angeline/TinyVoice: Im tinking of taking 1 bedded tis time leh cos i wan my family and my ger to stay with me.. hehe.. my first one i opt 4 bdd but me not under TWC group so no auto upgrade.. wah, damn noisy!!!

btw, if opt 2 bdd will auto go 1 bdd?? hehe :p

Dr Adrian do have auto upgrade from 4bedded to 2 bedded but NO free upgrade for 2 bedded to 1 bedded lah
haahaa, i also wish can auto upgrade to 1 bedded from 2 bedded.

Angeline: Pls. update me on your 2 bedded experience after your birth ok.
Tiny Voice,

I oso hope do have that offer too cos my hubby keep nagging me to take up 2 bedded instead of 4 bedded cos he scare wait no autp upgrade, den 4bedded one super noisy,how??!!

No problem, will update u.

Think Cheezel oso got free auto upgrade!

Wonder how's Cheezel coping with her baby?!

His "new" frens were his frens from infantcare leh. Teachers who are teaching in toddler also helps up in infantcare during certain time of the day. So not totally new frens & teachers. Maybe it is the new timetable that he is adjusting to. Cos no milk at 10am. 11am which was his nap time became his lunch time & bath time.


If they really gave u 4 bedded, ask them to change to 2 bedded lor. I heard there is only 1 4 bedded room. Unless u r super unlucky.

Tiny Voice,

2 bedded can also be quite noisy. My neighbour was talking on the mobile fone in the middle of the nite. Though can use headset for tv, she on the vol until super loud that I can hear the noise. Depends on your luck bah.

Oh, is it? There's only one 4 bedded??
Then chances of being upgraded is super high unless like wat u said, super unlucky!!

Ya, maybe will change to 2bedded if they really give me 4bedded!

Wah biang, y ur neighbour like that one? So inconsiderate!!

Yah very inconsiderate. Luckily she discharged the next day. But I think I also disturbed her as the nurse bring DS in for BF in the middle of the nite.

I prefer 2 bedded at least u can hear some human sound at night. If alone in 1 bedded & family is not with u, kind of scary rite? Esp at night.

Haha, shd be ok lah cos she disturb u first mah!

Ya lor, if hubby cant stay overnite due to some urgent matter, den i will be alone in 1 bedded ward, scary sia, i dun dare ah!! I think at least 2 bedded lah, got companion but po pi got a good neighbour lah
Hopefully not malay or indian cos their whole family, ah gong, ah ma, uncle, auntie, siblings, cousin, parents....................... will come one, super noisy ah!!!
Yah Yah. I'm not being racist here. When DS was in KKH, he was staying in B2 ward (5 bedded) there were 2 malay boys who were hosp. Wah. Every day lots of pple come & visit.

Malay & Indian family have very strong family bond. The whole family will come & visit. How I wish we can have such a good family bond.

Sometimes I also wander why. Did u notice that Malay & Indians are still wearing their traditional costums? We Chinese don't? So sad that we r losing such valuable roots.

Maybe Malay or Indian mums can enlighten us on how u maintain such strong family bond.
tat time im in 4 bdd very noisy leh.. so many families. Somemore I bring my baby into my ward leh, nvr put at nursery. Then baby trying to sleep the they all tok so loud.. faint... so intend to take 1 bdd... But cost factor loh.. sigh.. tink tink first.. :p

Athen: purpose for 1 bdd is for family to bunk in oso mah hehe :p

How is your boi doing today? btr?? u got him a new school bo??

Yah 1 bedded is for family to bunk in. But in case hubby not able to bunk in than very lonely.

I believe 4 bedded would be very noisy. Is it really 1 4 bedded room only?

He is ok lah. Jus that a bit cranky at 11 am. Maybe he is hungry. I was with him for breakfast today. He took his own sweet time to eat his french toast. Spill his milo. faint. Brought him to the bathroom to washup, then he started crying. Maybe he is not used to the bathroom yet. cos in infantcare, they will bath him is a hugh metal sink.

The teacher told me he ate almost 2 bowl of rice for lunch yesterday. Somemore can finish all his milk at 12.30pm. They are really shock. Maybe he was really hungry.

I'm still waiting for vacancy at NTUC CC.

Ya, chinese dun wear traditional costume during CNY too, hard to see sia! Think we getting more & more westernize liao!


Ya lor, cost factor leh! Scare spend a big bomb on hospital bill alone!!
angeline..hubby sort of decided on 1 bedded for us. Any idea if 1 bedded fully booked and they give us 2 bedded, will they charge us 4 bedded rates? Just wondering....
Tiny Voice,

I dun think so.
Scully they upgrade u to deluxe single or even VIP suite ah, den u lagi worth it!!
hello ladies!
this thread so active liao!! i really miss preggie time least i get to sleep well...n me n hubby can go any where we like.

but now when look at baby, feel so touch le....although tiring but feel good n satisfied!

time really flies......some of u few more weeks to delivery liao...
Shall we do a table on our "status". i will start first and you gals add in k... after that then i do up a table in excel file :D

nick/location/first child(yr/edd)/2nd child(yr/edd)

Ling/cck/gal-2005/boi-22 Oct
Hi all,

Here's mine

Ling/cck/gal-2005/boi-22 Oct
Angeline / SK / first baby - boy, estimated 09 aug 07

This is estimated date only lah, scully earlier or later ah!

If its really national day, its a bonus cos next time help him celebrate brithday no need to take leave mah!
cheezel, ya, no problem.. cos with the table, we can see each other status at once glance mah.. hehe.. so how old is your kid now? :p
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Location</TD><TD>1st child</TD><TD>2nd child </TD></TR><TR><TD>Angeline</TD><TD>SK</TD><TD>Boy (EDD 9 Aug 07)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Athen</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Boy - 2006</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheryl</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>1st baby (EDD 25 Feb 08)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ling</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>Gal - 2005</TD><TD>Boy - EDD - 22 Oct 07 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zhuzhu</TD><TD>CCK</TD><TD>1st baby (EDD 30 Jul 07)</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Tiny Voice,

Juz fyi - when I delivered in Mt. A, they were out of 1 bedder which was what I requested for. So initially they ask me to choose between 1 bedder in general ward or 2 bedder in maternity ward.

So in the end I chose 2 bedder cos imagine the bb everyday wheel through general ward where most sick pple are... Then in the end they told me they will give me an entire 2 bedder ward in maternity ward for the price of 1 bedder, which is even better because hubby got proper bed to sleep and its much bigger than 1 bedder.

Some of my friends told me 1 bedder hubby have to sleep in this sofa bed which is not that comfortable.
Hi all,

Can i check whether Dr Adrain just ask us to do the NT scan instead of Oscar Test? Yesterday, i just went for my NT scan so want to check whether need to do blood test for the down syndrome?

Hi Angeline,
I from SK branch so u are not alone...

Hi Ling,
Help me to update. Thanks. kaili/SK/1st baby (EDD:15/01/2008)

Welcome onboard!


I oso went for NT scan only, suggested by Dr Adrian, wonde ry he never ask me to do oscar test leh!
Heard Oscar test is the newer version one!
Nt scan is to measure the thickness of the baby neck, think can detect for down syndrome sympton too.

I only had one blood test, done by Dr Adrian during 1st trim, cant rem exact mth liao.
hi ling, not yet chosen a friend still looking out for us cos' we only want in mid-aug and to find a good one is not easy. Not engaging CL as my mum 'eagers' to do for me.

tiny voice/CCK/boy/1st baby 17 Sep'07
Hi Angeline,

ya. Heard that Oscar Test is more accurate for the down syndrome. Did you ask Dr Adrain about this issue? Maybe next visit i will ask him about that. I also have my first blood test last 2 weeks.

hi ladies, mi not in office today so cannot update the particulars.. :p

Tinyvoice: icic, im searching for a maid now and may confirm oso and bring in during early oct...

Anyone else getting maid to look after baby??

KaiLi: ya Oscar more accurate but I nvr go for it oso... scare to take blood haha.. Adrian nvr insist we do it :p

Jz saw adrian for my checkup today... baby 6mths old le.. hehe
