Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

Hi Vonn

Dr Adrian Woodworth has 2 clinic, 1 at CCK, the other at Compasspoint. I went to Compasspoint branch during my check up. I delivered a year ago, so can't remember the exact cost. But for $550, it includes pre n post checkup + folic acid + vitamins. It's very reasonable. Not too sure if he is local or not. He is very friendly. His clinic is always packed, but his assistants are very nice. You can go shopping 1st and when it's near your turn, they will call and ask you to come back.

Very nice and happy experience for the whole pregnancy and delivery process. I remember on my delivery day, he has to run to 3 different delivery rooms one after another (He has 7 cases on that particular day, yet he looked fresh and confident when he visit me). He gives me the confidence and trust.

yup.. so quiet these days.. where is everyone??

tomorrow national day and im leave on friday cos Vel's CC is closed... so thurs to sun FREE but duno wat to do.. hehe
Hi I just delivered recently. I must say Dr Woody has good stitching skills. I was able to walk freely the following day. He was also very nice and comforting.

A few nurse also commented that he is a gentle and calm doc. Will definitely see him again for my next prenancy.

I paid $1800 cash in all for 2 night stay at TMC, 1 bedder. No single bedroom so they converted a double bedroom to single room for me. My hubby gets to sleep on 2nd bed + more space.

zhuzhu, my son also stays awake in the night aft his feed and change too. How tiring and stressful when he cries in the night

Huh? CC close & u don't know what to do? Won't u be more busy with your gal around?

DS was super clingy to me. Went to National Day celebration on Wed at his CC. He sticked to me like super glue. Refuse to play games that his teachers organise. Yesterday, also super clingy. Keep pestering me to read story book to him & massage him.


Congrats. Do share your birth story & bb's photo when u have time.
hi Sandra

Yah, thanks for sharing your hospital bill size, i have opted for 1 bedded as well, hope to get 2 bedded room so that my hubby gets to sleep on the other bed too, hee hee!

Love to hear your birth storey and see ur bb's pix when you have the time to pen down.

I very stoned today, heartburn last nite and bb very active and kept me awake, only managed to doze off around 4am. Physically in office but mentally in bed.
HI all....
Quite new here....
Had my gal in 2006 Jan(CNY 2nd day)..was with Dr Adrian all the way...currently expecting our 2nd additional,a boy in still with Adrian..

Package is still $550 but if i'm not wrong hospital charges has increase...anyone can advise on the current charges by TMC?
hi eunice

u can checkout tmc website for the hospital room and package charges, don't ask from woody, his list machiam out-dated one..hee hee!
Hi Eunice,

So your gal is a few days younger than DS. So fast have No 2 liao. Till now, still no courage to have no 2. DS very difficult to handle.
ok lah....coz me & hubby prefer our kids age gap to be closer so that Siong once and for all..sun wan later DD independant liao than pop another bb than have to start all the night feeding,diapers again....
But i was heng lor...coz my gal slept thru out the night since 1mth old....

Athen..your DS pop on wat DD was on 30th Jan....

Tiny Voice..yap..tat's why lazy to ask from him also...but roughly is like $100 more than my 2006 price...
Hi Eunice,

DS pop on 25/1/06. Want to have 2nd one but think of childcare cost, whether to get maid (but no one supervise) then sian already. The thought of waking up in the middle of the night to pump milk also sian.

DS slept thru the night since 2 mth old. So not so bad lor. Boys are usually more difficult to handle than gals. Be prepared.
Tiny voice

Don't laugh. U will get your share when u pop. Wait & see. Ha....

My parent's working, in laws have their own activities, we r not comfortable with baby sitter. So no choice got to put in CC. So cost will be very high lor.
Hi all... been a while never log in.. Hope u all are fine...

ur bb gal so cute & chubby...

and tks for ur birth story

Hmm... Yeah.. so ur DS must b scared of the teachers.. hee.. I think he likes to attract ur attention.. hmm..
I laugh when read that ur boy pestering u to massage him. U gotta tell him that next time when he grew up he must massage you... kkekekeke....

Yes. He is scared of the teachers. Apparently, he is quite well behave at CC than at home. He wants our attention. I noticed that most of the kids cling to their parents during the celebration.

He started massage thingy by giving me the bb lotion. Then he will sit on the floor & pull up his shirt for me to massage his tummy. Wander how he knows. From CC? But don't think those teachers got time to massage every kids rite? Yah got to tell him to massage me whenever I massage him hor.
My gal also just started cc early July when she was just 17mths...previously was with a bbsitter(1:1) coz no in laws & my mum need to work...but being with bbsitter,not much interaction between my dd & kids her age so decided to send her cc lor...
ANywan,for my case,cc is cheaper than is like $370 per mth(after sub) but my bbsitter was like $550 per mth lor...
pros & cons bah...bbsitter is more personal service while cc is like kids get sick more easy(esp 1st 6mths)..but bo bian mah..
Finally this thread is back...

how's everyone...
for me..nowadays bb beri active...Adrian say edd 25th deciding to start maternity leave when...

hi eunice
did Adrian gave you a new edd? i put on quite a bit of weight, did you? my edd is 5th nov and i've gain abt 14 kg already.
nope...he based on my detailed scanning date lor...
wa me ar....till now only put on 6.6kg nia..but Adrian was saying it's ok coz bb gaining weight normally..coz at 1st i was also quite worried as with my gal,i put on total 15kg...but this time round like putting beri little...
hi eunice

if u want to start maternity leave early to rest before birth, comfortably will be 2 wks before your edd, cos' if really give birth on 40th wk, then won't be too bored to stay home too early.
Am starting my ML on the 10Sep.
tiny voice..
your edd when ar...

i was thinking of starting on 22nd(mon) coz edd is on 25th(thur) October...haha...

coz i also dun wan start too early leh...than it will means i need to go back work early..
My gal was 4 days early so hoping this time round +/- abt the same bah..
tiny voice..

so you starting your leave early by 1 week ar...

With my gal..i so called work till pop coz tat time her edd was 03rd Feb(CNY) & normally i will take leave till the 5th day of CNY so took from 1st Feb..but end up she chose to pop on 30th Jan(2nd day of CNY)....

my next appointment with Adrian is on 11th Sept...
dunno bb how liao...recently super active esp when i carry my gal...
the last time i went for checkup, he told me baby at 1.9 kg and i'm abt 32 weeks. I then told him that my edd is 5th nov which he has earlier advised me. Then he mentioned that baby a little big and I should control diet a bit. These 2 weeks, i try to control diet and realised that I have not been putting on much weight. Now dun know ok or not.

Did anyone of u here go for the NT test? Is it necessary? I asked DR Adrian, he said its not but asked me to go ahead with it.

My friend told me that Oscar test will be better as its more detailed. Any advices?
I abit kia su. so i took the oscar test. its more detailed as abt 90% accurate though Dr Adrian says based on my age can just go for NT test.
Hi Gemini,

Orh ok thanks. My friend skipped the NT test and took the Oscar test instead.

I think I shall take the NT test and see what he says next.
Do u go to the clinic at cck or Sk?
if bb wan to gain weight little you eat bb will still gain...
my gal pop at 39+wks..weight 3.450kg...anyway for myself,i find bb birth weight more havy also more easy to look after & last scan also shoe 5th Nov..than i ask Adrian again abt my edd & he refer to my detailed scanning & told me same lor,25th Oct..

I chose the NT scan..than from there see results how 1st than decide to do oscar current pregnancy i only did NT scan nia..with my gal tat time there was no such scan by blood test only..
hi eunice, abt 12days early. Went to see woody, bb is 2.8kg now. Then while waiting to fix next appt, the clinic blackout and i joked with my hubby and commented maybe woody forgot to pay bills, haaahaa! Baby is ready to pop anytime though not engaged yet.
tiny voice... heng ar...kana blackout..CCK wan or SK??
ok lah..2.8kg now..coz the scan is just a rough guide..with my gal,i was down with high fever the before she was pop,the last checkup on a fri show she 3.1-3.2kg..than cause i was sick,didn't ate much for reunion dinner and CNY..but imagine she pop on 2nd day at 3.45kg..even Adrian was amaze she was so heavy...
dun be surprise bb can suddenly get engaged hor...coz tat time with my gal also never expext her to pop so soon coz haven engaged & tummy was still high high when i went CNY marketing with mummy...

did adrian say you are having GD??anything unsure just ask him lor...he dun mind explaining again & again wan...ask liao your heart will feel alot better...
coz like wat i mention,i was sick before my gal didn't really ate,end up when she pop was so when bb was to absorb they can find a way wan..anyway the scanning weigh is just a rough guide..
anyway hor...
this time round..i ate alot more than my 1st pregnancy..but weight gain was not on me...coz till now only put on 6.6kg nia...
than adrian say bb growing good lor..
than somemore can tell me a good chance for me to eat mah..
but i notice this diff in carrying a gal & a meals are big(1&half bowl rice) & very frequent..7+ dinner,8+ hungry etc nowadays..
with my gal was not like this..
dunno got link anot..
CCK one blacked out awhile last nite.

Eunice, that's why they said every pregnancy is different.
Good to be able to eat and not gained excessively. Woody doesn't care if mummy puts on weight or what, as long as bb is growing most impt.
CCK one blacked out awhile last nite.

Eunice, that's why they said every pregnancy is different.
Good to be able to eat and not gained excessively. Woody doesn't care if mummy puts on weight or what, as long as bb is growing most impt.
sorry but need to ask. When is Dr Woodworth at compassvale point branch? Also for the 1st checkup, can i make appointment?
How long is that waiting time?
hi icebaby...

Adrian is at Compass point Mon,Thur,Sat(1.30pm -3.30pm) Tue,Fri(6-9pm)....Wed,Sun & PH-Closed...
actually you walk in or make appointment also not much diff..coz it work on a 1st come 1st serve even with appointment also better to go early as they dun give a fixed time for appointment..only give as eg: 11th Sept- 6-9pm/ better to go at 5+ to put your name that once adrian comes in..will be 1st few to see him lor...

if you go late than waiting time can be 1-2hr sometimes...
tiny voice...

ya lor..I agreed with you..every pregnancy is diff...just tat i'm more heng in the sense that for both pregnancies..i dun have MS etc..can eat anything & everything...still walk normally till tat time with my gal,Adrian even ask me can slow down my pace anot...
Hi Gals...

I m also seeing Dr Adrian at CCK. Can i chk during 5 -7 wk if got spotting is it okie or need to see him.

When will the spotting stop or goes off?? Pls give some advice?

i would advise you to call Adrian IMMEDIATLY...coz spotting in poregnancy(no matter at how many weeks) can meant alot of diff reasons etc....better to inform him & let him check to be on the safe side...
Hi mummies,

Long time din chat liao.


Eunice is rite. See Dr immediately. Any spotting during preg means preg is unstable.
Thanks Eunice.

Just to ask...the package means we can see him no matter how many times?
Also does it include detail scanning?
Does his clinic in SK include the hearing of heartbeat?
Hi Eunice

Yes, better to be earlier if you would want to see the doctor. The appointment dates are quite useless as you can go and see him any day any time as long as he's in the clinic.

As for package, yes, we can see him many times, no limit. As long as you feel unwell, do visit him. However, it does not cover detail scanning, Oscar test etc, only the normal scanning at his clinic for every visit.
gemini..reply to me for wat..

as per wat gemini called unlimited,flu,fever all see him..medicine include..but cough syrup need to pay..if need any special hormones drugs to stable pregnancy also add charges..

Package is at $550..include normal scanning,urine test(every vist,folic acid,multi vit..detailed scanning is add charges,go TMC do..if not wrong now is at $100++(after GST)..his SK clinic bo listen heartbeat..but he will show you bb heart beat on the scanning screen...

actually better that you go down see him once with hubby to decided to take package anot..coz till the end,you & hubby must feel comfortable with him,as he will accompany you for your whole pregnancy & you will so called need to be honest with him abt almost everything lor...
