Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Good Morning ladies

Princess Leopard - I had only 1 follicle around 22mm. I have been on 3 rounds of Clomid previously and for one round l had one good follicle. This month l didn't take any medicine as l was away for holidays and my periods came. Devastated

Tomorrow is my 12th day of my cycle and was thinking of going to check my follicle size but my husband is telling me we'll take a break for 2 months. Sometimes l wonder when is my turn going to be.

Yes sometimes l feel they are very crude. They are so brutal with their words l feel. Usually how many rounds of IUI with tabs and injections are suggested?? This is my first round of iui but have been on clomid since Feb.

I have been reading up on the acupuncture. Anyone has any recommendations. I was thinking of going for it and also changing my gynae. But l have been only seeing him for 6 months now.

Sorry for the long message and thank you reading.

Baby Dust to all of us!!!1

Hi Cheeka, I am not sure about the inserts as I took only the pills. I dun have much side effects for clomid though. Have you just done any iui?
Hi Glimmer,

May I ask how old are you? Cos for us with time catching up on us, dun have time to wait. I had read online that some clinics recommend 4-6 rounds of iui before moving on to ivf.

I am not sure about acupucture cos I dun dare to go for one. Lately I just change a new tcm. But too soon to see result yet. He is actually a friend's FIL. She got married same year as me but now already 3 kids. I still dun have good news
I just get to know her FIL take care of her body all these while. So, I give it a try.
Hi princessleopard

I am turning 29 this year. How long have u been ttc?
How does a tcm works? Only herbal pills? I am clueless about them.

I had been ttc for almost 4 yrs. Try 2+ yrs naturally, then 1 clomid iui last yr but failed. But I got preggy with clomid the next mth but mc. Last mth I did so-iui, failed again. This mth I trying it again. Just started the injection yesterday. I really hope will succeed. Sometimes really sick of trying le.

Tcm some is herbal but some encourage herbal & acupucture together. I heard this tcm doc I seeing now gave very bitter medicine. But no choice still need to try, if it really works. I just see him last week, but he knew I going to do iui, so cannot give me and medicine. So, only took some strengthen immunity pills. Whether the iui successful or not, I will go back to see him again.
I am also thinking of seeing tcm. But l think l want a few months of break from medicine. Maybe try naturally for a few months and then go back to the doctor to see what happens. All the best to you for your current cycle.
I see, but if u plan to see tcm, need to have patient though. cos tcm result is slower. This doc say need to take medi for at least 6 mths to conceive. Some clinics mentioned need to take a year medi.

Maybe meanwhile, take LRD tea, raspberry tea and supplements to prepare your body. Take care!!
HI Princessleopard, I did IUIs several months ago. Now on a break from TTC, though we dont really get a break phsycologically from it, do we?
Cheeka, u totally not trying or just take a break from iui, try naturally.

For ppl like us who had been trying for years, we hardly take a break. When we take a break from iui, but we are still trying naturally. Its very difficult to break away totally. cos we all want bb soon.
Hi Princessleopard

My IUIs so spread out cos each time after I failed, I was very upset and scared of trying again. I need to recover emotionally and by time I was ready for the next try, it was another year. Yah, guess I'm very weak emotionally. Also, my menses vvv irregular. Sometimes need wait let it come before I can eat the pills (Letrozole) to make my follicles grow. Sometimes it can dont come for as long as 6 mths. I will take medicine to induce it to come in such scenarios..

Still rem the 1st time in 2010 it failed, I cried so hard, for days. But it gets better and better, this 3rd time round I only cried for 1 day

Good luck for ur IUI k! :D

Hi Glimmer

I have decided to try accupuncture. I dont know what else to do anymore, and before I decide on IVF, I will give accupunture a try. Going Raffles Medicial Centre, have booked an appt with Jin Jin Hua. Just go see see. This is the link, just for sharing
Hi where'smybb,

Thanks for the well wishes!

I understand what u r going through now. I think u really need to treat the irregular menses issue. If not conceiving is really going to be difficult. Are u seeing tcm/gynae on this?
I have PCOS.. did a blood test in 2010, my FSH is v low (hmm FSH is follicle stimulating hormone) so basically in short, my follicles dont grow and I dont ovulate. Gynaes dont have solutions for this, the only solutions they have is IUI/IVF lor.

I used to see TCM Dr Chen Qiu Mei from Thong Chai. But she move out from there and I have stopped going since as it was hard to arrange my schedule.

But all these while my mum got brew tonics for me.. XO/DOM/Martell/Bai fong wan brew with black chicken (double-boil), supposedly to help build up my womb. Been drinking it since Aug 2011, about twice a month, but also like no use.. other friends/relatives drink a few times, then pregnant liao.. sigh, it's just me.

But like what my friend encourages me, it's all in God's timing. What will be will be..

I been to thong chai under dr Chen Quimei too. After she left there, I also follow her to a private clinic. She sees patients at two venues: NUH(morning) and Chinatown (noon till 8pm). If u want to go bk to her, I can give I the details. I stopped seeing her after seeing her more than 1yr, and take things naturally till I decide trying iui, failed so going ivf soon. Don't be overly stress over this. Just try all means of way and let god decide.
Hi Jess,

Ya, I followed her to NTU (not NUH right?) for abt 6 months.. feel tt she says e same things everytime. I rem e last time i saw her was Apr 2011. That day, after checking my pulse, she said, ''u'r still not ovulating. Nvm, tink i'll start give u medicine to 'bu' ur womb.'' At tt moment, I was thinking to myself, so all these while, the medicine she gave me wasn't aiming at building my health? then what??

I sudd felt sian.. and admit I was impatient. I decided to try my 2nd round IUI again, so I stopped going back to her. Not saying she is not good, heard she helped many couples to conceive, but guess I just don't have a share. But like what you say, try all means. I have tried TCM, IUI, so accupuncture is next.. I dont have the courage for IVF yet. See how things go.. one step at a time, dont want tink too much for now!

Thanks for encouragement! Do keep us posted of your IVF status..

Dun lose hope, I had heard that women with PCOS can still get preggy. They took both western and tcm treatment. You will have your rainbow baby one day.

I just see a new tcm, if its good. I will let u know.
Hello ladies

I am also keen in acupuncture, for some reason my follicles size is small. I am getting tired of clomid and the gonal-f injections. I am rather clueless about acupuncture. Will acupuncture be able to help?
Hello wheresmyby

I only did 1 round of iui with gonal-f and clomid and it failed

This month l am not taking any medicine or anything. If miracle happen then l'll grateful to god. If not next month back to my gynae and will probably consider the acupuncture also. Is the therapist able to speak English?
Hi Glimmer,

I am not sure about acupucture, but some ladies said it helps. I dun have the courage to do it after seeing my dh going through it. He does see results after doing acupucture.

Why did u say u have small follicle? Gynae concluded?

Our body reacted differently everytime. My first clomid-iui, I got 2 big follicles. 2nd so-iui, I got 1 big follicle, 2 medium ones. This round, I had 4 follicles, which one is already 28mm on CD12, and 3 medium ones. My dosage are the same but every month results is different. Every time u do, the chances will increase.

But doc only recom 4 times iui, this is my 3rd one, still got one more chance. I am not ready for ivf yet...sigh

Hope this round will succeed!!
Hi princessleopard

Since January l have been on follicle study. I visit my gynae every 12th day of my cycle to do the vaginal ultrasound. First round of clomid l was on 50 mg and l did respond well. But subsequently l didn't. All the best for your IUI. I only did IUI once and the nurse is asking me to consider IVF. I am not mentally prepared for it!!
I am waiting to see what is going to happen. If another round of iui, l might want to try acupuncture together with it. Do we have to consume anything while on acupuncture?

Ya ntu not nuh. Well tcm takes a longer time to 'tiao' our body. With Dr Chen, she manage to tiao my body till my menses come regularly but still can't conceive naturally due to husband's troops. She encourage me go ivf cos of age.

I went to my gyne on tue and she told me that my hubby troops were fine and everything was ok except my lining was not good enough for implantation. That might be the reason why I did not succeed during my last SO-IUI. Guess I am going to look out for info on improving my lining.
Hi Ladies

I am new to this thread and have just started on my first attempt at SO-IUI with Dr Loh at Thomson Fertility centre. I did twice IVF before with NUH, got pregnant the 2nd time with just one fertilized egg but miscarriaged at 6 weeks plus. Was on the road to adoption because IVF cause so much emotional stress and the drugs made me so erratic and emotional even after I stopped them. Then we decided to go with one last dash this year but combine TCM accupuncture with SO-IUI cause hubby thinks IVF is too hush for me. *sigh* On letrozole and gonal-f jabs for this cycle. Scanning on Saturday. anyone has experience with SO-iui here....what is the whole procedure like?
Hi Mabel

I did 3 times of SO-IUI. All failed. My 1st time was at private clinic where i took puregon jabs to make my follicles grow. 2nd & 3rd time at KK where I took only oral pills (Letrozole). Duno what gonal-f is..

Ya, basically just eat pills/jabs to make ur follicles grow.. then go back every alternate day to scan the follicle size. When u have abt 18-19mm follicles size, then they will give u a booster HCG jab to aid u in ovulation, then 36 hours after tt jab, they will perform IUI on u.

Hi Jess

Ya, everybody says need to be patient with TCM.. I have been with Dr Chen for about 6 mths only. Menses never come naturally also. Sigh duno la.. nvm, it's over. Start afresh with my accupuncture on 23 June.. it's TCM oso..

To be honest, I quite immune already. Everytime hear pple saying this Dr A good, tt Dr B good, drink this good, drink tt good.. Then I happily and full of expectations go try, end up.. success is not on my list. None of my biz......

I used to be in depression. But now 'kan kai' liao.. I nv lament, still will go for whatever may help.. but no more expectations. Really. I'm not particularly hopeful about the accupunture also. Just.. try

The higher your hopes and expectations, the greater the fall. So just take everything with a 'ping chang xin'. Easy to say but hard to do.. I dont want to think so much now liao. Tell myself no bb, then go for more holidays and enjoy couplehood first. Positive thinking haha!
Mabel, welcome to this thread. I just have my so-iui done yesterday. Procedure is the same as what where'sbb said. gonal-f and puregon all FSH jabs, different clinic use different types.

Every time i did iui, the symptoms are all different. First one, after iui, no much cramps symptoms start to come after 1 week. 2nd, I feel very crampy after iui, cant even walk with my back straight and the cramps last for 2 weeks. I had symptoms starting the very next day of iui. This round, I feel cramp after iui, but the next day everything is gone. I feel as good as usual. This is really confusing me.
BB and Princess, thanks for your advise. Honestly, I am also quite immune to failures. After I had my first boy through my very first iui (that was how lucky) but subsequently, I failed so many iuis that I couldn't even remember. Eventually I resorted to IVF without TCM. Response not very good. So nowtrying SO-iui with TCM to see how.

I read that cramping after iui is due to the sperm inseminated.
I had been researching on the cramping thingy, but there are no definite answers. Some ppl just never feel crampy. Some have cramps but that time when they strike, they have no cramps. But some strike when they have cramps. Haiz....I think just leave it to God.
Hi Princessleopard

Yaya i same as u.. after my IUIs i sometimes cramp, sometimes no cramp. Then will read online for answers. Different pple say different things, sometimes read already feel hopeful, sometimes read already feel disappointed. In short, tt 2ww is..

Ya just leave it to God.. keep us posted!

Hi Mabel,

I heard accupuncture with IVF brings the success rate higher. Tt was wat I gathered online.
Actually while my hubby and I were almost giving up, a friend recommended a Chinese Physician to me who has some success rates. She is at Race Course road and very difficult to see her cos they dun take appts. I always have to wait for hours and sometimes no time to do accupuncture cos she has to go off to other clinics. So with her, I only took the medication. I was taking her medication for about 2 months then I decided I will switch to Thomson TMC and see Dr Loh from Thomson Fertility at the same time so we can coodinate better. Suprisingly when I saw Dr Loh recently, the scan showed two good size follicle even without any stimulation. Previously even with all the stimulation, my follicle growth was poor. With clomid 150mg (for IUI), only yield one good follicle per cycle. With the IVF drugs only manage to retrieve 2 eggs. So I think the Chinese medication that physician gave me did help to regulate me. I regained some confidence to give it one last dash this year.
I have been doing accupuncture with thomson TMC for about 4 times. Today, the physician started doing the lower back to boost follicle growth since I am doing so-iui this cycle. fingers cross and yes, it's God's will.
Hi ladies, I have always read but never participated
In the dialogues. Im also in my 2ww and I'm gradually
breaking down.
Hello ladies

Anyone seeing Dr Sadhana at KK. I just called to make my first appointment with her. Is she approachable?
HI hi

I just did my IUI procedure yesterday morning by Dr Loh followed by accupuncture at THomson fertitility centre. Procedure went well but felt terrible cramps by afternoon around 1.30pm. Lasted till the night. But this morning the cramps are mostly gone. Now officially into the 2 week wait which I am kind of immune already after so many rounds of IUI plus ivfs. So just keeping fingers cross and stay relax.
All the best to everyone here too.
I actually wanted to take BBT too but decided not to. Just let nature take its course from now.
But most importantly don't feel down and stress.

Tot usually they will give u date to go back for blood test if AF nv come? This is the most
period for me everytime when I have my IUI, tt last few days of e 2ww.

Keep us posted ya.. hope it's good news! Same to u, Mabel..

I just went for my first acupuncture at Raffles TCM last Sat. Doc says I'm still young (i'm 31), ask me take my time, dun rush into IVF. But I nv tell her I hav friends who have 3 kids already. Different pple different lor.. we r the slower ones here
My mum always encourages me, man man lai..

Anyway, I have PCOS, and doc gives me e feeling my case quite hard to tackle. As in I would need a long, long time to 'tiao'. She ask me dont rush into IVF, give myself half a year at least to tiao.. 'At least'.. but i hear liao ok leh.. now really dont feel impatient anymore. Like what my mum say, man man lai..

My clinic dun do so leh. cos they give me progesterone pill to take after the iui. No need to do blood test to see if progesterone level good anot if preggy. So, gynae say just wait see 2 weeks later how lo. I always keep in touch with doc via email.

ya, my gynae and tcm also say we r young. I am same age as u. But shouldnt be e earlier the better? Moreover, my concern is that I have thyroid history. Ideal is to have my first child before 30. After 30, the chances of having down symphrome bb is 3x more than normal woman.

How nice that your mum is not rushing u? My mum is not around liao, mil is not very good. Keep rushing us, pin point us this & that. We have to source for our own tcm etc. All she did is to keep nagging why is it not happening yet. She din even once prepare any tonic for me. When i mc, she push all blames on me. So sick. I havent see in-law for 3 mths now. Cos 2 sil preggy now and very sarcastic with me that I cant get preggy. In-law already have 4 grandchild. WHy have to pressure me to have one?

Sorry for the ranting.
princessleopard & where'smybb

All the best to you for this cycle. I am wondering if there a ideal age to start IVF or IUI?

princessleopard, which doctor are you seeing? I am impressed that he communicates with your via email. My doctor doesn't even explains to me. He'll ask the nurses to explain to me.
Thanks Glimmer!

I am not sure about the ideal age. Normally, what I read is that if ttc for about 1-2 yrs, no good news should see doc. Then if start doing iui, norm is 4-6 cycles then will move on to ivf le. I done 3x iui, if 4th still fail, have to do ivf. But I am not ready for that yet. If this time iui fail, I am taking a break from iui, go back to tcm to tiao first, den try naturally. My new tcm say his patients who failed in iui, come to him, take medi, within 6 mths strike liao. I am not sure if it is true, cos I just started seeing him.

My gynae is Dr Joycelyn Wong from TMC. Her appt very packed. And she is very busy with appt, if call her, norm also talk thru nurse then to her. Sometimes very difficult to talk to nurse or even too private to talk to 3rd party right. So, she offer email add to communicate with her. Also, save consultant fees...haha

I can understand how u feel. My mum always say how many kids u have and when is all destined. Overtime, tt is drilled into my head liao. I believe it anyway.. we do this do tt, busy tis busy tt, but only God knows e answer. I'm glad tt my MIL is nice too. She nv rush me also, only probed once before 1-2 yrs back, but to my hubby, not me. My hubby told her what we r going thru, asked her to not bring up e topic in front of me, cos I'm emotionally weak. And she nv did. I'm really grateful for all these. But precisely they are so nice, there is the stress upon me also.

My MIL nv brew tonics for me, guess she dun wan to make me feel sensitive. My mum does all these. Last night, I told my mum to help brew cordyceps with chicken/lean meat for my hubby, as what the Raffles TCM doc says. This morn, she called me from e mkt liao, telling me she has asked around and e prices etc... n it just warms my heart. But it comes with stress too.. like, she's doing all she can to help, but yet I cant produce anything, wasting her efforts.

It's ok to rant.. just need to vent our frustrations at times and share, right. I dont really fancy going over my hubby place also. My SILs are not sarcastic. But 1 has a 5-yr old girl, e other just gave birth to a girl. Focus is always on these 2 kids (which is true as in any family), and deep down, I do feel upset. The last time we had a lunch gathering, happened to be e day my menses came for my 3rd IUI. U dont know how hard I controlled my tears. Yet I had to act normal. This Sat another gathering, haiz..

Actually women are not child-bearing tools. But I think e older generation mums will tend to think otherwise. Get married liao must have kids asap. Perhaps ur MIL is like tt. True she has 4 grandchildren already, but her son, your hubby has none yet. So guess she is just dwelling on tt...

My case not v ideal also. e Raffles TCM said PCOS women have high levels of testerone (male hormones), tts y follicles cannot grow and ovulate. I'm a man~ haha.. haiz.. duno la. tiao lor.. need weekly acupunctures and also eat chi med. She was also sharing with me she has 1 patient who also got PCOS, after seeing her then got pregnant liao after some time. I hear liao also just orh.. immune liao..
Hi ladies

To me, young or not young, as long as tried for 1 to 2 yrs cannot get pregnant, better seek treatment. I started late. Only had my 1st child at 35 through IUI. So now, I want 2nd one become even more difficult. At least if you have your first one at a younger age, you can have time to try for 2nd one. I tried all kinds of treatment liao...iui, IVF now soiui with TCM. I am 40 this year so not many chance liao. But my boy keep asking for a sibling and of course by hubby and I also love children. So last dash lor. My mom also told me its ok...all fated. SO keep trying and don't take it too slow once over 30 cos time tends to fly. Good luck ladies.
BTW, feels very bloated. Tummy bulging out. I had this when I did IVF (in fact, worse). But I doe so-iui also have this symptom? Anyone experience?

Life is destined, so let it be. When its time, it will come. I am immune already, jus that people surrounding dun come & put salt on my wound.

JIAYOU, ladies!!!
