Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hey Princessleopard, Thank u for the watm welcome! ;)
Yep i did went to c the TCM but it always stops halfway. I am so impatient when it comes to results. Arrgghh!!! Hate myself for that...I will try to stop eating/drinking cold stuff from tomm onwards cos after reading all the treads here, I feel more motivated! so, wish me luck ya..n i will b starting to take my meds to induce my menses tomm b4 i start taking the clomide again. I just wish to get preggy before the year 2012 ends. Baby dusts to all! :D


Try to take ur tcm regularly cos they takes time to take effects. You can also ask ur tcm doc to give ur medi on ovulation too, since ur menses not regularly. Let the tcm & clomid work hand in hand. Good luck to u!! Here in this thread we all wish to move to 2013 mum thread together!!
Hi Rosy welcome to this thread.
Same as u I was in a dilemma as to whether to go for SO IUI or IVF rightaway. My previous gynae told me I should go direct to IVF cos hubby's troops not so good (low normal forms). However my current gynae told me it's worth 1 or 2 tries of SO IUI. This is because SO IUI is alot less invasive, the amount of drugs u have to inject into yourself is much less, n most importantly it gives the doc an idea of how u will react to the drugs (some people need a very low dosage to get many eggs, others need a much higher dosage). So that was why I gave SO IUI a try last month. Although it didn't work, I have no regrets, cos now I have experience in jabs, which I realized it's really not so bad, n mentally I'm one step closer to being mentally prepared for a long IVF cycle. So maybe u can give SO IUI a try. Who knows, u might get lucky! All the best.

I supposed to go for blood test tml but AF just came... Sob sob... Speechless thou I expected. Tears just keep flowing down my cheeks...
Jess, so sorry to hear that. How come AF came so early? Thought blood test is scheduled 14 days after iui?

Dun cry, must keep the happy and positive spirits to prepare for the ivf.

Tks for the concern. Also don't know why AF came so early... Sigh!!! Dont worry, I will get over it very fast and get ready the next challenge.
hi all! i am new here.. i was looking for sites and was glad that ive found this thread, knowing all of you can understand what im going thru. I am on my 2ww, Yesterday morning, 11dpiui to be exact, i had a light brown discharge (sorry for tmi) it was on and off and just saw it when i wiped it with tp (sorry again).. i am also having mild to no cramps like af is coming.. i also did an hpt but it was negative. Today, 12dpiui, i saw a brownish pink discharge after i wiped again and still on and off.. Right now, i am stressed out that af is about to come.. but still hoping and praying that it was just implantation bleeding. i really dont know what to do that i could not even tell it to my husband because i dont want to see him sad again coz weve been trying for almost 5 years (had 2 failed pregnancies.. both m/c) this is our first so-iui procedure.. the doctors even told me before the procedure that everything was normal.. i had 2 mature follicle the lining was good and even my husband's troops are normal.. so i just dont know what to expect right now.. I just want to stay positive and wait until my scheduled blood test ...* sigh*
Yesha sorry to say its seems kinda too late for implantation if u were to say today is 12dpiui. But s long u don't c red dont lose hope. U n me some how about e same. Been TTC for 5 years. Had 2 miscarriages thru normal conception. But now I m doing IVF but in 2WW. Noeing dat we've failed is reali devastating after we hv put ol our effort n hardwork into it.
Yesha, welcome to this thread!!

I am not quite sure but what I read is that implantation can happen between dpo 6-12 days. Perhaps there is still hope? Today I'm 11dpiui. This morning I woke up and I feel that my nipples wasn't as sore as before, breasts is still sore. But I am starting to worried now.

Stay positive! Let's hope it's implantation bleeding. Good luck to your blood test!

I failed my SO-IUI and will be going for my ivf briefing and counselling session on 1st June. Can you share what will I be expecting during the IVF process?
Thnks Nurul & Princessleopard.. but sadly, AF arrived today.. ... i feel so bad & frustrated knowing everything started right but still failed ... I dont want to give up & be positive about everything so i was wondering if we can proceed already for a second round of so-iui again for this cycle? i want to call KK already but no office today.
Jess I guess u knew which protocol u r in. Basically they wil juz brief u wat r e procedure, timeline for each protocol n such. U can ask dem during e briefing if u hv any queries.

From ther u wil kol dem when ur menses arrived. If u r under long, u wil go thru suppression stage around 2-3 weeks, stimulation 1-2 weeks, trigger shot follow by ER n ET. For short u wil not go for suppression. E rest e same s long.

Yesha dun despair. Take tis tyme to relax yr mind n body. Mayb u can go for a short gateway, shopping or even pamper urself wif wat u hv missed during tis failed cycle. Come back once u n esp ur body is ready. Et e same tyme while waiting for next cycle, u can try BD wif DH. Whu noes u managed to conceived without going thru another SO-IUI. U can kol dem tomorrow.
Yesha, sorry to hear that. Try again!!

For Jess and bbcripps, they are taking a month break. But when I did my iui, doc give me clomid for next month first, so I dun have to go down specially to get the pills. So, doc intention is to try continously. I really hope I dun have to take those clomids....praying

How much do u pay to do at KK?
thanks nurul for d support. i really needed that. Ive already told dear hubby about AF coming already, he comforted me and told me to move on and we'll just try again.. im just thnkful that he was very supportive and positive in what were goin thru.
I wish we all get that BFP and succeed with TTC journey. 
yes Princessleopard, definitely we'll try again. iL call KK tom and ask them if we can do the procedure again. Hubby and i talked about it already and if they will tell us its ok, will go for the so-iui again. For so-iui i've spent almost 1k, it depends on the meds to be taken..(im on clomid & puregon inj).
Hello ladies,

Weekend is almost over, boo hoo.

Sorry Yesha to hear abt your cycle... haiz, this can really be a long emotional roller coaster, but i believe we will all be holding our precious little ones in our arms one day soon. Just got to keep the faith n look forward. New cycle = new hope! For me, i just failed my first SO IUI cycle on 18 May, and my doc suggested we try another cycle again immediately. But we decided to take one or two months' break, as hubby wants all medication fr the last cycle to leave my body first.

Ladies, I have a question. My AF is usually abt 7 days long, as in 8th day no trace of blood already, but this time round, today CD 10, there is still some small streaks of blood when i wipe. Any of u experienced a longer AF than usual after all the injections/inserts?
Princessleopard, no i dont get subsidy since im not a resident (dependant only of my hubby). but based on the actually ive spent 1.3k to be exact because of the blood screening test needed to be done before the procedure, but if will not include it, will just be 1k.. and still varies on the prescribed dosage of the meds. but i think its much lesser if your a resident.
bbcripps, my AF also 7 days. But e last iui was ok, everything as per normal. The only difference is that yours is inserts, & mine is oral for the progesterone. Not sure if that is the reason. Maybe u can check with doc to be safe?
hello ladies. Called KK and nurse told me that need to take one month break.. but gave me an apppointment to see doc in two weeks time. Maybe,hubby and i can take this time to rest and relax.. maybe we can try to manage conceiving without medications.
I would like to get any tips and advise that you can share with me. thanks n advance. 
Hi ladies, I had been feeling quite awful these few days. Some funny feelings in the womb area. Dunno how to explain. Today is 15dpiui, the cramps feeling stop on 12dpiui, dunno what it meant. I hope the weird feeling is not AF coming...sigh
Princessleopard, hey it could be a good sign! When is your blood test? I think for both me n Jess our AF came on DPO14. The fact that your AF is not here on DPO15 is very promising!
But is the feeling suppose to be like that? My breasts seem not as sore as the last few days and basal temp dropping a little everyday. So i am unsure. Normally for me, if AF coming, my temp can drop from 36.6 to 36.2. Very drastic, these few days it drop 0.5 each. I really confused now.

Don get disheartened... Relax yourself and try again... I going for my IVF briefing tomorrow. Gotta to prepare myself and start another new cycle soon.
Princessleopard, hug hug, I'm sorry to hear that. I know how disheartening it can be, but we just gotta tell ourselves -> new cycle = new hope! Jia You!!

Iikely I will start on my next cycle for IVF. Will find out more tmr. Seek advice fr yr doc what's next in plan for u. For my case, my doc ask me to try one time of iui and if unsuccessful go straight to Ivf as no time to waste. Age catching up
Hi All

I have had 3 IUIs so far:
1st time at private clinic in 2010
2nd time at KK in 2011
3rd time at KK in 2012 (menses came this morning!)

Going back KK see doc in July, prob going discuss what's next step. Doc will suggest IVF, i also know, what else? But dunno to go ahead or not. IUI is already so emotionally draining, cant imagine IVF
where'smybb, welcome to this thread! Why is your iui so spread out? I thought normally doc suggest continually, either every month or alternate month?
I've been to the briefing on the IVF program, forms to signed up for consent for various stage of procedures. Given me the oral medications in advance to take on CD2 of my next AF (likely late June) to suppress hormones.

I'm going to see my doc next tue to check what went wrong with my previous iui and what to take note during my ivf. Will be going for counselling on 25 jun as required for ivf.

Hopefully this round will be a success. What's your next plan?

So, u will do the ivf in july then. Are the doc able to tell why iui had failed? I din know of that.

I am going for round 2 so-iui, today just start my first jab.

I really really hope we can all succeed!!
Hello everyone

I am new to this thread. Did my first iui on 15 May 2012 and it failed. I was on Clomid and Gonal-F injections. I am seeing Dr Hii from Khatib. Not taking any medications this month. I am thinking if l should change doctor as l feel his nurses are very insensitive. They told me since my eggs are too small l should consider IVF. But the thought of IVF really frightens me. I responded quite well to the Gonal-F injections. Really devastated. This year doesnt seems to be my year.
Hi Glimmer, welcome!!

I did my so-iui the same day as you. So coincidence. How long have u been ttc?
You mentioned you responded well to the Gonal-F injections, so meaning u have multiple follicles? But size are small?

The total treatment takes about 6-8weeks so likely my embryo transfer will take place early Aug. the doc will only able to tell us whether the eggs, uterus lining and dh troops are in very good condition during the process. I will chk with her and if anything not very good then will seek advice fr her how to improve them. Jiayou for yr next try...

Any buddhist devotees here?
Just to share, my friends ask me to go and pray to 地藏王菩萨 near pasir panjang. They say to seek forgiveness for killing small insects accidentally and to pray for whatever wishes. Not sure it's really that helpful but I will give it a try.

Dont lose faith. The gonal-f injection should help ur eggs to grow bigger. Eat more protein that can also improve your eggs quality. Ignore what the nurses say. Some are crude and think that we deserve all these suffering. They never realised that they are getting their salary from our fees. Read up more details on IVF and their success story and keep positive. If you really want to be a mom u won't hesitate to go thru it. Jia You

I find it strange that how come kkh seems to provide more detailed services. At TMC, I only ask to go for 1 u/s scan, if follicles are big, then the next visit will be iui. After that, no blood test arrange, no follow up.

I called kkivf and ask the nurse to chk if possible to check with doc and they say can. I will ask the doc next wk and let u know again the details.
Thanks Jess, I am just wondering if I should feedback to the clinic? The gynae i very nice lady, just that I have doubts on their procedures.

I strongly feels that it's ur comfort level. If u have doubts best to clear it cos u r spending much on the procedures. There are still lotsa nice and skillful gynes in Singapore. Importantly is that u must trust your gyne will do all the best for you.

Good morning everyone! TGIF!

About progresterone inserts, may I know in what circumstances will the gynae issue progresterone inserts? I've done IUI+Clomid and IUI+Clomid+GonalF, and they never give me progresterone inserts. Needless to say, both failed. Also... I think clomid is making my cervical mucus dry.
