Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Can I join you for the tarot card reading.. I'm interested too.

I did mine in end of Yr 2007 for 2008.. at Fortune Centre... what she told me come true.. even ask me to buy my nric, hse, and DH car no... So i did and won 4D couple of times.. but buy small $1 only...
She did told me and DH not to take cold drinks and cold food.. No good for both of us.. and also it will help us to get baby..
I paid her only $10 leh.. My DAD become our translator as they spoken in chinese

maybe yve too tired to log in or just reading silently. i didn't really log in during 2ww also. didn't want to think too much.


hv you tried to get a lot from goddess of mercy (at waterloo street) yrself? i didn't go to any geomancer, just get my own lot.
haha... I dun want to one time look into too many things lah.. one at a time. I'll go for that race course rd one 1st... since we've postpone it many times liao.

I've nv done tarot... though. Shd be interesting too...
I'm not sure where LC's going, never ask. Ya, I confirm FET on this Sat.

oh, reg the insulin resistant, I ask coz Dr Yap asked me to take metformin (that's for insulin resistant, PCOS right?), to excercise, to take low glycemic index diet, not to take sweet stuffs etc...coz she felt that that may be the reason for failure to conceive.

I was abit skeptical coz I've normal BMI n slightly lesser I'll b in the underweight I thought it's more for obese patients. But still, generally speaking, alot of PCOS patients r also insulin resistent n this affects implantation. So...try to elimiate or cut down sweet stuffs from ur diet and eat the low glycemix index diet (surf the web for such food), n excercise.

I've been taking metformin for abt 12-13 days le, but my ovaries r still big, so Dr Yap told me it's still not working for me yet. She said I hav the largest ovaries she had ever seen in her entire life. That means very bad PCOS hor? Largest ovaries... duno to laugh or cry.
I do like sweet stuff leh.. I hv a sweet tooth.

But I thk I'm a bit like u, not the typical PCOS type. I rem someone here said b4, by saying PCOS put on weight easily, u hv to c urself as u get older.. do u put on weight more now?

I do leh.. I thk from 10 yrs back.. I put on abt 6kgs liao.. I used to be terribily under wt one. So can imagine by the time I'm 50... haha... overweight liao lor!

Uhmm.. I very lazy, dun exercise one.

No one has ever commented on my ovary sizes... But i did rem Dr Loh said my cervix is a bit curved, so he said he'll put a special thing inside so ET wil be easier. My previous gynae nv commented on that though.. even though I did 2 SO-IUI & an IVF with him.

I'll check with Dr Loh on that in details when I c him too...

So only +ve thoughts for u now, ok? I hope u can strike.. so also, giv me a bit of hope on FET.

Will u be transferring 2 or 3 embbies? D4 transfer rite? Or u want to do D5?

The tarot card reader is an indian lady lah. If u interested I will send u the details.

Haze, no prob lah, juz in case u interested.


Good luck on your FET this sat!

On the insulin resistant part, does it mean PCOS ppl are a bit like diabetics?
Thanks strawbearbi

uhmm...I think so, it's like PCOS pple r more likely to get diabetics ba.

I'm transferring 3 embbies on D4. Coz I only have 3 good, 3 average (which Dr Yap initially wanted to discard, but LC wanted to freeze to see if still got chance), so I'm not going for D5. I suppose this thawing will most prob use up most if not all the remaining embbies.

Haze, so u have sweet tooth, then maybe u got to cut down on sweet stuffs. I read about this insulin resistent thingy interferes with implantation in IVF (hehe, can't explain the details, the ang moh too something about blood vessels n uterus...ok, say like no say... u've to surf the web). That is also why for those PCOS patients, sometimes Metformin works wonder for them.
I can only wish u'll hv lotsa lotsa luck n strike it big this time...

Cos I thk everything else shd be perfect liao... u jus ned... a lot of luck!

Then we PCOS ppl need to check our blood sugar regularly esp if we like sweet stuff hor? Thks for the info.. This qn has been in my mind ever since I found out that PCOS is linked to insulin. My dad is diabetic and the doc prescribed him metformin also. Think that's more a diabetic medication.


Funny prediction leh it says my child will have medium amber eyes and fluffy brown hair. Unless they put in wrong egg like today's news abt that Jap lady, I dun tink my child will have amber eyes lor. haha but interesting thks! btw, it says my bb is gal leh. We shall see how accurate it is.
thanks...i duno, hmmm...frankly speaking, after the previous failure, I m not confident anymore. n I only started metformin 13 days ago, n it's still not working, n I didn't know about this insulin resistent thingy till's abit too late.

It's like the IUIs...did the procedure, become hopeful, then tested negative...n the cycle just repeats itself again n again...n now IVF. I dun think I will be terrribly depressed/shocked if the result's negative, but I will probably go gila or go into shock if the result is positive.
yea, is good to keep in check the amt of sugar we (PCOS) consume...particularly if ur dad/fam memebers hv diabetics.

Actually for me, I dun have sweet tooth, I dun like sweet stuffs, but my hubby's on the contrary, give him a glass of plain water stirred with sugar and he will think u r the most wonderful person on earth. When he was young, he must be under the high risk group of kids to be easily kidnapped by baddies.
mine is girl too.. told me abt the baby weight, mine is dark brown hair and colour... give birth during windy day...
Hi Joyy,

Har??? The soul of Mt E fertity centre is leaving? Aiyoh, I can't believed it. One of the reasons why I pursue my 2nd fresh cycle with Dr Yap is also partially becos of LC, I believe my embryos will be in good hands!

Gosh, then for this sat FET, who will do the embryo thawing for u har? Oh my goodness! I am totally freaked out!

Oh, Dr Yap also told u about the twins? Our IVF dream come true right? One child cannot stop as growing up as a single child is very lonely, twins maybe can consider right?

Yah very heart pain, so difficult got pregnant liao then haf to abort... and she's suing the govt for only $22k sg leh. so little!!! It probably can only cover the financial costs of the procedure rite? What abt the emotional costs?


Your DH so cute one, easily satisfied hor. my DH will say i siao if i gave him that haha.


Maybe yours more accurate lah. Anyway these things are for fun only.
Hi Joyy,

After taking metformin for 3mths, I got went for this super-long and 'ma-fan' test for insulin resistance leh.

The test is like this - cannot eat food after 12midnight but can drink water. At 8am the next day, go for 1st blood test. Then nurse will give u glucose drink of 330ml to drink, you have to finish and show her empty bottle, then you sit quietly until 9am, take 2nd blood test. Then sit quietly until 10am, then take 3rd blood test. Thru'out the test, cannot drink too much water as may interfere with the test result.

In the end, my result is that I am not insulin-resistant although reading is abit on the high side. The result is expected as I am on metformin for 3mths liao right? Imagine if I am on metformin and I am still insulin-resistance, then I think I have a very serious case of diabetics leh!
Hi Joyy,

Actually having sweet tooth is a symptom of PCOS leh. This is becos PCOS woman tend to be insulin-resistance as what u mentioned, so our body cannot processed insulin effectively and the brain thought that the body is lacking in insulin and send a brain signal to our body to eat more sugar and carbo.

Please don't read too much into the PCOS/metformin/insulin-resistance co-relation into our IVF failure. For my case, I have been eaing for more than 5mths when my fresh cycle failed, and my test showed that I am not insulin-resistant, so metformin maybe can cure the symptoms of PCOS, but whether it increase the chance of IVF success, the verdict is still out. Mariayee and Sam are PCOS ladies, but both conceive without eating metformin right?

Thinking positive and eating and sleeping well is more important ok? Jia You!!!

Can't wait for next mon onwards, u will be resting at home and have more time to chit-chat with us right?
yea, he the type who eats sweet stuff will have the very 'xin4 fu2' kinda of expression.

i've no idea who will be be thawing the embryos for me. But it's LC dr yap talk to regardg the thawing...Dr Yap's also gona miss LC alot, she *muak muak muak* her on the phone, keke. Anyway, nurse at fertility centre asked if I want the embryologist to call me regarding the status, the thawing etc. I said nahh, just go ahead and thaw, no need to call me report the status, so long as I have 3 D4 embryos on Sat.

so RuRu, u believe u r insulin resistant prior to consuming metformin? wah...3 blood tests!!
ya, i think i will just cut down on the sweet stuffs, n do abit bit exercise...but not dwell too much on the PCOS/insulin resistance issue. I suppose the reason why Dr Yap stresses so much on the diet issue is coz she feels that it's the condition of my body that results in the failure to implant, not embryo, not lining, not uterus...and not luck. She's quite stern abt it that day...u know the tone...haha.

yea, next week onwards i'll be resting at home, will prob log in more often.
Hi Joyy,

Woah, that mean Dr Yap also don't know LC is leaving until the last min right? Gosh, unbelieveable!

Hmm, I think so lor. Remember I told u that after eating metformin for quite awhile, my skin complexion improves alot, and my hair become glossy and soft? I didn't lose alot of weight except the inital 2-3kg. So actually I think metformin does improve the symptoms of PCOS, but whether will have higher IVF success rate, ehh...

Oh btw, I also go gym twice a week for cardio and weight training for the 3rd year running liao, so in actual fact, I did almost all the things that a PCOS lady must do to increase fertility leh. Exercise, eat metformin but only diet I don't strictly adhere as too difficult liao. At one stage, I eat salad and white meat until I want to puke. So why didn't I strike then right?
ya, RuRu, if have twins's really such a blessing!!! oh, regarding the lady who have twins, she also PCOS, n hvg numerous contractions, that's worrying. She went back to her gynae to take care of her.
Hi Joyy,

That is the reason that Dr Yap gave me also for the possible failure of my IVF. Actually I think for both of us, her spectacles cracked when we both don't succeed when the conditions were all optimal.

Hmm, let me share something with u. After the failure, she told me to stop eating metformin as she felt after eating religiously for 6mths, the medicine is not working for me. She let me eat a new drug that will reduce prolactin (which my BT revealed that this hormones is slightly on the high side).

After 3 weeks, I went to see her to check whether want to take medicine to induce menses (remember our postings last week?) and she suddenly told me that she wants me to eat metformin again? But this time take the slow-release version instead of normal version? I don't know what cause the sudden turnabout, but ehh...

Do draw your own conclusion lah. I am same like u, heart abit numb and feeling so tired of all the treatments. All the best for your FET op this sat!
no idea, I think she shld have learnt abt LC's leaving earlier le ba. She was talking to her on the phone, saying good to hear her voice, she's the best embryologist for the patients...treat the patients best...n "I want her to be pregnant this time round." etc. hee...paisay, I sat there listening to her conversation. I think Dr Yap and LC r very buddy buddy collegues. You were talking about this Yenling, she's the one taking over LC?

oh, u r leading a very healthy lifestyle indeed. Hai, what can I say?? keke
ohhh...Ruru, how come change again, u never ask Dr Yap? Or maybe her PCOS patients got pregnant after taking slow release metformin, so her faith on metformin's back. I remember I heard her saying one of her PCOS patient got pregnant. N another of her patient religiously sticks to a strict diet n managed to conceive naturally when she failed her IVF previously.

yea, i agree luck's really impt..haha.
I have a colleague who seldom come menses like this mth come then 3 mth off then come again... but she can get pregnant leh. Now pregnant 2nd bb.. due this april..

I think Luck is more important...
my aunty overweight still got preggy.. when she preggy we dunno that she's pregnant... But does it still got to do with PCOS.. Some overweight lady still come their menstration every month one... maybe PCOS occurs only to ladies with sudden weight gain, which distrubs our hormones..

talking about that, Dr Loh did mentioned to me that women with sudden weight gain can also miss their menstration due to abnormal hormones... Abnormal hormones can sometimes distrub our egg production...
Hi Joyy,

Really? The lady who adhere to the low GI diet succeed liao? Woah! That is the lady who recommend the low GI diet book to Dr Yap and she pass the author's name to me and I pass to you leh!

Sigh... like Dr Yap's patients strike left right centre, hope it will be our turn soon!
aiyoh ladies, read in japan of this lady impregnated with wrong embryo!!! touch wood that such things happen here! It must be really traumatic for that lady!
hi gals,
Gd morning! Finally wkend is coming.. Anyone know when is yve bt suppose to be? As hope to see her codeword soon..

Jus to share some info.. I heard fr others n see fr some web that royal jelly is gd for fertility.. As bee queen rely on this food only and can give birth to million of bees per day.. They oso say if take this,ur bb will be very beautiful when give birth. It got many other benefit too.. So had went to gnc to buy. Heard it oso can improve sperm count.. Anyway royal jelly is nature food so i take it without need to worry too much.. Think i got attach the royal jelly benefit url in my long list of url that time. Do go check it out. Now me and my hubby am taking it every morning b4 bottle can last both of us 1mth so i think is allrite.. Hope this will help..
Hi Mystyy,

Yah, so worrying right when u hear LC is leaving right? Same sentiment as me leh.

Now I have 6 frozen embryos at Mt E Lab, so not so 'gan cheong'. But if really FET also cannot make it, then I definitely will think twice of having my 3rd fresh cycle in Mt E as I do believe that the embryologist plays a very important part in our success as well.

I will call the Fertility centre to ask about her successor. Let you ladies know later.
Morning Ladies!
Yes.. wkend coming.. n I am happy! hehe

I thk spore wun make a mistake like that.. hopefully! That's why I said.. so heartpain for that lady lor. Imagine if it's her own... n she duno then n choose to abort it! Woah.. that feeling wil be much worse. But I thk it's proven not to be hers, rite?
Ppl like her shd be in very high demands now lor.. so maybe she's going off to somewhere better for her career.

Hopefully u strike this time on ur own n dun hv to worry abt anything else thereafter lor, rite?
Hi ladies,

I called Mt E fertility centre and it is not LC who is leaving lah, it is the senior IVF nurse, Ida, last day today. I asked the nurse whether LC is leaving, she said no such thing lah.

Frankly, I believe LC is the soul of the IVF program in MT E, if she is being "wa1 jiao3' by other hospitals, I think MT E won't let her leave w/o a fight right?

Well, luckily it turns out to be a miscommunication. Heng man!
Hi ladies,

Actually if I am the Jap lady and I want to keep the baby becos I feel that it is a gift from God, have u wonder the real parents also won't allow? I think abortion is the only option out. So sad for both parties right?
Oic.. so LC stil there.. good lor.

U hv the same thought as me leh! I tot I too wil want to keep the bb, whether or not it's mine. But I thk maybe their society n thoughts diff lah..
ruru & hazeline,
if i were the jap lady, i will keep too... I think is GOD's gift, maybe she thinks if she abort and sue the hospital, she will win and get the $$$...
Hi Haze,

Yah lah, the BB is growing in me liao, where got heart to abort right? And after nurturing the pregnancy for 9mths, you think got anyone so silly as to give back the bb to the original parents meh? Then I would have become the surrogate mother liao, right?

This is a real problem faced by surrogate mother, they need to go for regular counselling to ensure that they don't get emotionally attached to the bb to ensure a smooth transfer of bb to original parents after birth.
I thk it's society's problem that she choose to abort.

Mus be hard for her too..

I thk she wun giv back the bb if she choose to keep it.. but jus scared that natural parents might come n fight it out with her, u know? And also, how to tell the child when they grow up...

I think she is also considering she dunno the real mother, dunno got any genetic issues or character issues or anything that may be a cause for concern also?

For situation of surrogate mother, i think it's not too bad coz the to-be parents will get to know the background of the surrogate mother, the health results etc, at least can feel more assured?

But it's sad still to have to abort after going through so much to have the bb.
Hi ladies,

The thread very quiet leh as alot of us ladies are in the waiting/resting stage leh. As of now,

Joyy - FET this sat
Try Again - Should be FET this week or start 2ww
Juliana - BCP stage 1 IVF
Moody77 - can't remember what stage, anyone?
Yve - 2ww

Zzzz... the rest of us are hibernating or DIY or mommy-to-be. Gosh! No wonder the thread super-quiet.

I might try for surrogate if it's legal here... provided the cost is reasonable also lah.. thk maybe my embbies wil implant in someone else's womb leh...

Duno why can nv implant in my own.
