Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?


so yr geomancer also recommend it? usually they say that the child should jump on the newly wed's bed. we all missed that liao lah. so i thot better late than never n since ds n cousin hit it off so well, just jump for fun lor. maybe they hv yuan2 fen4.

Hi ladies,

Cannot eat bananas? Hah??? One of my favourite fruits leh!

Hi Strawbearbi,

Glad that you are feeling better and ur darling BB is fine. Yes, now that you found out that KKH 24hrs ladies clinic does u/s and the price is so reasonable, don't have to worry anymore liao. The waiting time is abit long but still tolerable right?

I don't think all the hospital A&E have u/s machine for standby leh, x-ray machine yes, but I am not sure about u/s machine. Better stick to KKH as they have your records so easier too.

So charcoal pill is safe for pregnant woman to consume? Good, I will keep this info in mind.

i still drink soy bean milk leh or you referring only to the dou4 hua1? i took that the other day.
my mil also say must avoid the grass jelly as it's very cooling.
Hi FelixCat,

Yah lor, married 6years ago, too late liao.

My hairstylist told me that she met this lady who works in a bank on their regular bus ride to Singapore from JB (she stays in JB and commutes daily to and fro Singapore). This bank lady told her this pregnancy is her 2nd child and she tried for a long time with no success so she went to this Guan Yin Temple in Kulai (Johor) to pray.

There is this temple medium (an old lady) who told her that she does have 2 flowers in her life but the 2nd one cannot blossom and flower becos the birds keep pecking at it. The old lady helped her to do some ritual to contra that and a few months later, she got preggie with her 2nd child.

I wanted to go to the temple to pray but my parents and HB strongly objected to it (my hairstylist says she can bring me). My mom said if must perform some elaborate ritual and I refused as not comfortable with the idea then I will keep thinking I won't get pregnant becos of that. Also, she said if really get preggie, then how to "huan sheng" as I don't know the way back and my hairstylist is moving to KL to join her HB soon. My HB is of course worried about my safety as I will be going alone as my hairstylist is only free on weekday.

Hi Strawbearbi,

Can u recommend your hairstylist to me who cut your cute bob haircut for you?
it is the bean curd (豆花) that has solidify agent, so have to avoid eating. I mixed up the names 豆花 & 豆浆

Yah I also hear grass jelly is very cooling, pregnant cannot take. And the hardening thing in the soya beancurd is also true. Take a bit can, juz don't take too much.


What I heard is got one kind of banana cannot eat but I dunno which one lah. Think best to avoid.

Oh I didn't do U/s last nite lah. The doc only use a machine to listen to the heartbeat, no u/s. That's why cheaper lor =p

Yes Charcoal pills & panandol is safe for pregnancy.

hmm ... quite tricky hor. what yr mom said is quite true. unless you know exactly what ritual will be performed, you won't know how it will turn out rite? also, if you really want to go, i think it would be safer to go together with yr dh or mom (even if yr hairstylist brings you). you don't want to get pressurized into things as well. then they can also help to remember how to get there when you huan sheng.

No problem, I sms u his contact later. He is working at Anthony's Hair Boutique @ Central Clarke Quay. His name is Ken.

I wanna go for haircut after our lunch date in March. U see if u wanna go together lah.
Hi Strawbearbi,

Received ur sms liao, thanks so much. I will see how thick is my hair by then then decide. I just had my haircut last thur as last fri is the last day of work for my regular hairstylist leh.

I followed her for many years liao, really 'se3 bu4 de1' but I told her I support her decision to move to KL to join her HB as family is more important.

Hi FelixCat,

The temple is only reachable by private transport leh, not in main city area, so I guess I won't be able to find my way back that easily.

Nevermind lah, I also quite worried about the safety issue in Johor, especially with the deepening recession, I heard alot of Malaysian workers returned to Malaysia when their contract in Singapore expired, especially in the car-repair and production industry.
hi ruru,
i stayed in kulai leh. but hor, dunno which temple u say. i noe there is a guan yin temple here but not very sure. but as what other ladies say, better to have someone accompany you come. cos i think sometimes, when we are desperate for anything, we will agree to do anything without much thinking. with somebody around, at least they can knock some senses in us. but if u really come, look for me yeah.. i bring u there... haha.. (but provided i am still here cos i am going to back to work nx week and will b back here only in may.)

glad that everything is allright for u n bb. take care..
Hi Mariayee,

Yah, i agree with you totally. When I am desperate, I think I will actually agree to the ritual too without a 2nd thought! My hairstylist is also praying for her 2nd child, so equally bad!

Woah, so fast hor. U are now ready to fly back to Sarawak liao. All the best! Remember to sometimes log on to say hello even when u are busy with work ok?
yeah, very fast i am going bck liao. but it is good lah, at last working better than nothing to do now. laze all day, it's very bored and i think i become lazier than before cos i staying with my mom now and she will do everything for me.

actually in JB, it's quite "luan4" but as for kulai here, it's just a small towm, quite ok. and if u really do come, it's better to come by train cos train got stop by here. i jus ask my mom about the temple u mentioned and i noe where is it liao. hehe.. only 5 mins from the train station..

Of course you all welcome la.. i mention to my DH yesterday also.. aiya you all know guys not sensitive about all these things one la.. he half hearted lor, like dun believe like dat.. but when a woman try so hard for bb.. i think anything also can try right.. No harm trying ma.. Anyway you girls are free to come over .. No problem la... As long as after 1 week can already...Who knows before that all of you all preggie already ..
Hi Sam,

"Chen2 ni3 gui4 yan2", I also hope all of us will strike lottery before your EDD! Thanks so much!! Ha..ha..

Yah, my HB also like that one but he allows me to see geomancer for my own peace of mind and don't mind following certain praying ritual so that we can pray sincerely to God for our child as long as not overboard.
Sam, RuruCat,
my colleague just taught me this cantonese phrase for CNY also... 承你贵言, hope we all become preggy & promoted by Sam's EDD 8:)

saw this lyrics abt ivf, sang to the tune of 'my favourite things' from sound of music. quite cute:

A little humor
Piles of needles
and Lupron in boxes
more Estrace tabs
and transfer a-la-mockses

Brown Fedex packages
tied up with string,
these are a few
of my favorite things. (not)

When the doc calls,
when the beta falls,
when I'm feeling sad,
I simply remember
why I'll never give up
and then I don't feel so bad.

Medrol and ultras
for thawed embie transfers
too many questions
and waiting sans answers,
prodding and poking
and bye-bye to sex,
these are the things that can
make us a wreck.

When the shot stings,
when the bank rings,
when insurance bites,
I simply remember
our babies to be...
and soon it will be alright.
Rurucat, Bambi,

Dun worry so much and enjoy this journey, it doesn't happen and go on all the time.. Who knows the god will send you some bb dusts out of a sudden.
thanks for the lyrics, really speak alot of our feelings 8:) Yes, remember our babies, and soon it will be alright 8:)

Today I took afternoon off to accompany DH to see Snr Consultant - rheumatology dr as referred by Dr Loh. Previously DH was a subsidised patient, consultation was only $20-$25, but now we have this designated doctor, consultation fee becomes $90 plus. But it is worth it, cos' she understand Dr Loh's concern as addressed in the referral letter, and DH is very satisfied with her knowledge & professionalism. She asked about DH's family medical history, checked our financial ability, did 100% thorough physical check on the joints for DH, took X-rays & then recommended steriod injections on the affected area, which can last him 3 months without medicine. She also send DH for bloodtest, just to standby some medicine which she said DH might need in future.

Previously DH resisted taking steroid medicine because it will make him bloated, he is concerned about his handsome image 8:p Since Dr is only applying localised steriod, DH is ok with it now.

Problem is, the earliest possible appointment to make steriod injection is fully booked until 31/Mar. After the injection then DH can stop the current arthritis medicine. Then further 3 months then I can have ER/ET. Earliest possible will be in June, while my target is for May. So tmr onwards I'll be calling the appointment centre everyday to check if anyone has cancelled their slot to try to get earlier slot 8:)

Now I see some light out of the tunnel, a silver lining among the clouds 8:)

Wow, things are looking up for you & your DH! M so happy for you reading your post =) Now your DH no need to take the current medicine for 3 mths, you can prepare to "bu" him to get ready for ER/ET. Although it only last for 3 mths, but it's already a vast improvement from current situation isn't it?

Really hope someone will cancel their slots soon so you can jump queue! Meanwhile, you have to take good care of yourself and "bu" as much as possible to make yourself strong strong ok?

really v happy for u.
thank you 8:) Yes, gotta 'bu' our bodies and make strong strong for next ER/ET le.

This will be the 3rd & last fresh cycle whereby DH & me can utilise our medisave a/c. Really hope that this cycle will make a difference for us, let us have one or two baby cow(s), and have enough emmbies to freeze for baby rabbit(s).
hahaha, very dreamy hor... but dreams can come true lah, 姐妹们,let's 加油 to make our baby dreams come true 8:)
Hi Bambi and Rinoa,

Ok, we meet where at 11am on Sat har? The main entrance? I haven't been to Lot 1 for many years and I believed it had been upgraded right?

I just sms Haze, she on leh! Ok, will c u ladies on Sat then.

Hi Rinoa,

If possible, can bring your laptop to see your beautiful china trip photos?
morning ladies,
i'm kinda of moody these few days... I dunno why.. been reading the forumboard silently...
Just back frm Malaysia for a short break... I think the BCP pills really effect me quite badly... like moody, cant wear contacts lens as it cause my eyes very dry, bloated n sore boobs... Well I still have 12 days to go...
Morning Ladies!
Sorry, I was kinda busy ytday... did read post on n off n kept forgetting to reply abt the dessert gathering! So sorry abt that..

But I'll c u ladies on Sat.

U're on ur way now! Dun worry so much abt the date... no point hurrying treatment n rush into it then not get an idea situation.

Since u said it might properly be ur last fresh cycle already.. so wot u can do to make full use of this chance is to get both u & ur DH is tip top condition.

So we all jiayou together, ok?

hehe.. I'm also thking of whether I can get an earlier appt with Dr Loh or not.. wil try n call appt line once a while.. I wun call everyday like u lah! haha

Woah.. noticed u're all talking abt the bb stuff.. hmm.

My friend previously said, if u keep a set of worn bb clothing, in ur closet, might bring u bb luck. She gave me a set of her son's old clothing. But stil.. no news for me lah. haha

I stil thk it's luck.. but sometimes, when we're desperate, we'll resort to any means that can make us pregnant!

I thk my DH is going to go some temple n 'ask' again. Thk I'll go with him n c wot they hv to say. I also a bit desperate liao... if things like that can help, n it doesn't do any harm, I'll go n try.

The bananas.. suppose to be 'liang' type.. is Del Monte n Dole.. those big ones u c at NTUC lor. They said those r 'liang'. U can eat those small small 'local' bananas... the yellow flesh ones. U can ask the fruit seller, they shd be able to tell u which ones r not 'liang'.
morning ladies!


so happy that things are moving along for you. like haze said, now you hv some time to prepare both dh n yrself for yr next cycle so make full use of it. jia you!


was thinking that you might be very busy at work since you just went back yesterday. everything ok?


this bcp stage will be over soon. you can do it!
my immediate sup went on buz trip.. only back nex wk. I was brief on my proj status.. nex wk there's a mtg so hv to get things ready for that lor.

and I heard, we might not start our unpaid so soon... the top mgtm wil start theirs 1st. Good lor.. so I'll get my full pay for now b4 they decide to implement anything again.

But there's the thing abt workload... somehow I get this feeling that they thk it's very disruptive for the proj for me to go off again n again. So, I might be ask to do something diff. Duno it's a good thing or not... jus scared they might use this excuse to axe me nex time. *sigh*

good that they are cutting the mgt first. they should since they earn more mah.

if you're doing fet, think you'll max take 1 week off. shouldn't really affect the project rite? if they say anything, maybe you can let them know that you only need to take a shorter break for yr next treatment n see what they say.
Hmm.. I also tot a few days away from office wun die lah... with the wkends added in, might not sound so bad. I'll c how it goes..

Can't get an earlier appt with Dr Loh leh.. thk by the time I c him, my nex AF shd be here liao.

maybe it's better to relax for a while n take a break. after you see him in mar, you'll be able to start again in apr rite? still ok i think.
Hi Haze,

Yah, I agree with FelixCat leh, must drop hint to your Mgt that the next round will be 2-3mths later and you only take 2-3days leave.

Really risky to be transferred to do other type of work at this moment of time. We woman very 'chuam' one, if Mgt knows we are going for fertility treatment, it also means that we are trying to be pregnant, so in the event of retrenchment, the co rather keep a not-so-competent male than a very competent female who is going to be pregnant anytime soon.

U say that your HB is going temple to ask again? So that mean he went before your 2nd fresh cycle is it? What did the temple medium say the 1st time round?

Let me share my experience with u - before my fresh cycle transfer, I went to my geomancer not once but twice to open card. Both times Godess of Mercy's answer is positive. Even when Dr Yap finishes the ET op, she told me I am going to be a mommy soon. But u know the ending right?

The moral of the story is - take the reading with a pinch of salt. I am still going to that particular geomancer (even though her so-called reading not 'zun'), I guess just for a peace of mind, especially when I feel so lost sometimes.
Hi Juliana,

I had very bad side effects from BCP also - zero sex drive, bad temper and slightly dry eyes. I got complained to my gynae but she said it is normal. So u tahan abit ok? 12 more days, very fast one lah.

I was still thinking why u never post anything for so long? I thought u very busy with work.
I thk I told u all the last time rite? We follow his friend all the way to malacca, thk aft my IUIs failed. The medium said my DH has this 'lone star' in his life.. so he's like destinated to be lonely one lor. He did say we can do some prayers to help 'chase' away this lone star.. which we got ask him to do lor.

Then he also mentioned some time frame, say if we dun hv a kid by Jun.. then wil hv to wait til my DH is lunar 38, which is nex yr. Else.. very diff aft that liao.

For me leh.. he said i stil wil hv.. but my lower body is 'weak'. So wil not be an easy journey for me.

This time, he's going to this one at Race Course Rd, also recommended by his friend. He has wanted to go b4 my 2nd IVF but cos CNY time, they dun do. Thk only in Mar then wil start again...

Workwise.. I wil do wot I'm ask to do lor. Bopian wot. I thk most know I didn't strike this time liao.. so thk they expect me to go again. But that time I did say I'll go aft my colleague is back from her maternity, which is in Jul.

But if there's a chance to do it b4 then, I'd want to lor. I not young anymore, dun want to waste time leh. I want to get over with it.. and if I stil dun hv aft I exhaust my last govt subsidy, then forget it liao. Wun even thk abt adoption.. it's too expensive for me.

BCP will be over soon!! Don't despair. U will be one step closer to your dreams!


Don't think too far ahead lor, take one step at a time. Who knows what the future holds rite? Also must keep your spirits up ok?


Are u ok? Did you go to the clinic in the end?

Anyone knows how is Yve doing?
Not so busy with work.. just being moody... Last Sat & Sun my DH drive me up to Malaysia, to watch the Kites Festival @Pasir Gudang...
thanks for the wishes....

dont despair... kept trying until you strike and always pray to god...

BCP has been giving me tough times.. and I really happy that my mom n DH give me support...
Hi Haze,

Oh i c. Yah, u did mention about the temple at Race Course Road b4, I remembered you are thinking of whether to ask when your 1st cycle failed and u are thinking about going for FET or 2nd fresh cycle. That is the temple that has temple medium to help with ritual right?

Next wed I am going to see Rinoa's recommended geomancer leh, Master Dong, who specialises in Zhi Wei Dou Shu. My other geomancer uses Ba Zhi, tong1 shu1 and card reading. I think different method of reading leh. If very zun, then I tell u ok? Then maybe u can consult the temple medium and Master Dong and compare?
Hi Haze,

Yes, totally agree with u, don't wait until July man. Rest 1-2 AF cycle can liao, really no time to lose liao.

I was talking to the embryologist, Yenling, at Mt E recently and she told me that woman's fertility deteriorated without warning one leh, not so clean-cut as 30, 35, 40 years old type leh. She said some patients' FSH can increase sharply in 1-2mths time. Woah, I hear already feel so scared but I am really feeling very tired and want to rest for awhile.

Is Yve ok har? She got communicate with u? I sms her yesterday, she never reply me leh.

I never go in the end, my mother in law said maybe i ate the cream puff as she saw inside got lots of fruit flies.. she threw away and im the only one who ate it,.. but feeling better now.. still soft stools but not as bad..
Dr Yap mentioned that LC's leaving Mt.E le, I think this coming Thurs's her last day. N remember I told u the lady who smiled at me at Dr Yap's clinic (whom I thought might be you?), who had ET same day as me? She's pregnant, 2nd fresh cycle. Another of Dr Yap's patient has twins!

RuRu and Haze,
r u insulin resistant?

Oic, better look b4 u eat next time ok? Think our stomachs now super sensitive leh haha =p


If u all interested in tarot card reader let me know, i got go one b4 n she quite zhun on some issues.

Yah, Yve like disappear. Hope she's resting well until BT date!

AFter lunch syndrome - wanna koon liao....

How to know if u're insulin resistant? I was nv told... so I duno.

LC leaving? Where is she going?

So u confirm ur FET for this Sat?

Goodluck, ok?
