Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hi Bambi,

Woah, KKH even provide ovulation test kit to patients? I have to buy mine outside. I find the ones at Guardian too expensive and instead use the test strips as my ovulation date is jump like mad that type.

That is an extremely good suggestion that you have for Haze. At least she now has the option to do an FET as and when she feels like it, instead of waiting until July for sure.

I have the KKH invoices in my file. Clearplan Ovulation Test Kit is chargeable at $13.55 + GST = $14.50 each :p It can be purchased from the nurse station at KKHIVF centre itself, need not walk to the pharmacy.
Hi Gals,
Like to share with you some useful websites which I get from other thread.


- Cheap UK OPK/HPT Strips Seller on eBay
- Pose Questions to Doctors live and Get Responses Fast
- About Ovulation
- Soy Affecting Men’s Fertility
- Ways to Increase Fertility
- Conceiving Boy or Girl
- Food to eat to Conceive Baby Boy (Alkaline)
- Herbal Allies for Pregnancy Problems
- Royal Jelly for Fertility
- Douching (spraying water into vagina to clean it) is Bad
- Photos of Cervix

- Free Online Reading of “What To Expect When You’re Expecting”
- Pregnancy Week-By-Week
- Spotting During Pregnancy
- Foods To Avoid
- Eating Seafood during Pregnancy
- Eating Papayas during Pregnancy
- Fish Oil for Mummies
- Vitamins and Supplements during Pregnancy
- Self-Teaching of Baby
- Video on Epidural
- Asherman’s Syndrome
- 怀孕后每天呕吐,有什么办法可改善?
- 妇产科医生也说 怀孕不足三个月不要张扬
- Gender Prediction
- Myths

- Ox Horoscope
- Formatting in SMH Thread

Recommended TCM List:

(1) Ban Choon Chan
Blk 81, #01-636, Marine Parade Central Singapore 440081
Tel: 6334 6718
Business Hours:
Mon-Wed-Thur-Fri: 8.30am-4pm
Sat: 8.30am-3pm
Sun: 8.30am-12pm
Closed on Tue and Public Holidays

(2) Chee Seng Tong Medical Hall
200 Upper Thomson Road #01-02 Thomson Imperial Court, Singapore 574424
Tel: 6251 3268
Consultation Hours:
Mon to Sat:
9am - 12pm,
2.30pm - 5pm
6.30pm - 8pm
Tue, Thu, Sat: (Evening Closed)
Sun: 8.30am - 12pm
Public Holidays: 9am - 1pm

(3) Tai Choon Foh & Co.,
Low Wei Meow, Chinese Physician
Blk 465 North Bridge Road #01-5045, Crawford Court Singapore 191465 (Near Lavender MRT)
Tel: 6294 3008, 6294 5068
Mon-Fri: 10.30 am - 7.30 pm
Sat: 10.30 - 6.30 pm
Sun & PH: Closed

(4) Tan Kian Sing
TCM Healthcare Medical Center
Blk 433, Clementi Ave 3, #01-266, Singapore 120433
Tel : 68723237

(5) Thong Chai Medical
Dr Tan Siew Buoy or Dr Chen Siew Mei
Chin Swee Rd
12.30pm to 2.30 pm, no appt required

(6) Zou Yumin TAM Phsician & Acupuncturist
Blk 505 #01-2670 Ang Mo Kio Ave 8 S560505
Opp Nanyang Polytechnic
Tel: 64560833
Closed on WEDS

(7) Blk 603 Clementi West St.1
#01-35 S(120603)
Mon-Thurs up till 9pm fri ,Sat till 5pm

TTC Methods
(1) BD everyday or alternate day during ovulation period or from CD 10 to CD25 (dependent on cycle length)
(2) Use BBT to track temperature for ovulation
(3) Use Ovulation Predictor Kits/Strips to track ovulation
(4) Prop butt and legs up after BD to help sperms swim
(5) Use Preseed (can be bought at pharmacies - 1 pack of 6 at about $36), a sperm-friendly lubricant
(6) Monitor EWCM (Egg White Cervical Mucus) which appears during ovulation period, it should look transparent egg-white like and can stretch a few cm
(7) Drink grapefruit juice to increase EWCM which helps sperms to swim better
(8) Do HSG to check if tubes are blocked and to clear the tubes a little to help the egg/s travel
(9) Get DH to do SA test to check for sperm quality
(10) Eat supplements: ladies & men - FA, Zinc, Multi Vits, men only – Exsativa (Gynae or hospital), tribestan, Vit E
(11) Men to eat half boiled aggs and oysters more
(12) Visit TCM for acupuncture and medicine
(13) Visit gynae to check for size of eggs and ovulation period
(14) Eat Bai Feng Wan &/or Ba Zhen to help regulate menses (to consult TCM)
(15) Drink red dates tea (add a bit of DOM or Yomeishu) before sleep
(16) No washing immediately after BD, to keep the troops in there longer
(17) Use clomid to help with ovulation (prescribed by gynae)
(18) Drink raspberry leaf tea
(19) Ladies to drink cough syrup to increase EWCM (don’t overdo this!)
(20) Men to drink strong coffee before BD to help sperms swim faster
(21) Men to drink tomato soup before BD to help sperms swim faster
(22) Men have cold cold shower half hour before bd-ing
(23) Men eats banana, good for troops
(24) do not consume ginseng for men.. according to my colleague, a super fertile colleague, her dh's late grandma was a malay sinseh...and they dun take ginseng cos it will affect the men's sperm... the quality & quantity will be affected... (The maximum dose depending on the variety used is 1000 mg daily, although 200 mg daily is the usual recommended dose.)
(25) guys also cannot take too much minty good for the spermie ..
(26) women who drank more than half a cup of tea per day were seven times as likely to conceive during the three months that the study lasted.

Hope you find all this link and info useful..
I think the Marine parade TCM doctor not bad... as one of my collegues wife who got m/c, get her body tiao back healthy and get pregnant successfully again after 3 months...
Hi Ladies,
Just for your info, not sure whether is useful for you.. I am organising an OPK spree which sells one at only 55cent if I get to accumulate moq 100pcs.. it is so much cheaper than purchase it at any Guardian pharmacy... in case you are interested.. do let me know soon k...
Just let me know how many you want and your preferred place to collect it. (BoonKeng MRT station or Yishun MRT station) Or if you want me post to you also can... ;-)
This opk is very sensitive to test your ovaluation.. @10 reading.. as I buy from local people so you will get to receive it very soon after I place my order.. (in a few days time).
Hi Joanne,

Thanks for all the website links! Very informative!

Thanks for asking but I will pass for the OPK.

Hi ladies,

I checked liao, if pay by Amex Card (which I know me and Yve have), can have 20% disc for the lunch buffet at Swisstotel Merchant Court.

I called to reserve a round table as the buffet is quite popular. The price is S$31+++, so after 20% disc and plus all the taxes and service charges, should be 1pax pay around $30. Is this price ok with you ladies? Lunch buffet is from 12-2.30pm.
Hi Mystyy
Nice to hear from u again.. sorry u hv to login to hear my bad news lah.

Dr Loh's waiting time wil depends.. I duno wot time u're slotted to meet him but he's busy usually in the early am n early pm, when there's procedures. And since he also do delivery, he'll go off as n when the ned comes.

If it's ur 1st time at KKH, it took me almost 2 hrs jus to get registered! Dun ask me why so long.. maybe jus cos I suay that time lah.

U'll lucky u got a date so soon, I call ytday, the earliest date is the one they gave me, 24 Mar.

Oh.. I ask for a late pm review... so I was told that date... I dun want to take too much timeoff again from work since I jus came back. My appt at 5.20pm.

That's the problem abt hving to work. Bopian lah. Office call me 3x during this 2ww to confirm when I'm going back. So I thk I really hv to go back on Mon...

I dun thk I'll switch to SGH for now.. I might consider if I dun hv any frozen embbies at KKH. So I'll do my FET at KKH stil lor.

Actually hor, if u want more one to one personal service, maybe u can try private. I find u hv more say with a private gynae.. can't blame public hospital lah.. u c dr loh, super busy man leh! U pay for wot u get lor. It's easier for me since I went thru it one, so I know roughly wot to expect n wot to ask.. n dun freak out at the slightest thing.

Hmm.. no SGH for me now lah. Wil stick to KKH for FET.

I wasn't offered D5 transfer options. My embbies ain't of very good grades.. they are mostly 'average', so I'm not sure if they'd survive til then. I'll try n ask abt their details during my review.

Woah.. 3 sons. U'll be very much loved being the only woman in the hse! Sons stick to their mothers more leh... so happy for u.
Woah.. that's a lot of links.. thx!

I hvn't been drinking cold stuff since I did acu in Dec. I thk acu does help in certain aspect.. so I'll stil continue. But wil rest for a while, go back n start again in Apr.

I stil hv a lot of O stripes n HPT stripes actually. Nv really hv the chance to use them.. haha So I'll giv it a miss.. thx!

U mean FET only a few days MC given? Aiyoh.. I tot at least wil hv one wk HL! Cannot request for HL mah? HL doesn't sound as bad as MC leh..

My co only hv 14 days MC... last day I almost 'cleared' all due to my TTCing.. *sigh*

Hmm.. I hv tested +ve for LH twice but during scan, I dun O cos my follicles r way small leh. So I really duno if I can do it the normal way.

So that's why I want to talk to dr loh. He always say he has learn not to believe wot others say.. but to c it himself instead! haha So I duno if he'll want me to go back n check to confirm if I really cannot O or not.

I'll ask Dr Loh abt metformin.. I a bit scare to take actually.. since I dun response well to it the last time. U know hving to work n u LS at least 3x per day, very paisay one, ok? haha

I'm ok with the buffet price. I had buffet there a couple of yrs back also, I rem theirs is peranakan style leh.. and the durian thing is delicious! Hv to ask if they hv it stil now though.. is durian in season now??

Thk so many of us here.. shd hv amex lah rite? I only hv DBS amex.. do they accept that? Or the regular amex card only?

Woah!!! 2 hrs just for registration?? THat's so long. Mine is scheduled at 10am and I have to go back to teach by 1pm!! Btw, like what the ladies who are in KKH mentioned, for all your tests and meet up is it with just Dr SF Loh or like what other ladies say...that different doctors see you and only 1st meeting, ER and ET only by Dr Loh? I read Rinoa or someone else here mentioning about unpersonalized attention....which always cause me worry, coz I only want to be 'inspected' by one doctor and not until a 'dozen' other docs! I will go for first consultation and hear what he has to say and I have a long list of questions for him already. Not sure if he'll entertain me. Then from there I will make decision if to really do a switch or not.

Great to hear that you are now ovulating on your own! Jia you, ha! Who knows, you can be the first one to succeed without having to go through IVF.
U didn't on ur pm ah? I can let u know in details if u want.. I thk I pm u better lor.

Or u can pm me n let me hv ur email add?
Haze, sooooooo sad to for you...but glad to see that you are coping well and moving on...I think it must be a drag to go back and work now, but hang in there! Don't know what to say but I am sure one day you will strike!!

Oh - I am fine for the buffet on Mar 14 - so excited, this will be the first time that I joined u all...

Btw, met up Dr Nair last week and he refuse to let me move on to do IVF. He wanted me to do one more round of SO-IUI. He said that he had great faith in me and feel that I should not have problem getting preg but my issue is keeping the pregancy....anyway, decided to trust him again and be starting after I am back from US.

Me flying off tomorrow morning to Perth then States for work - back on Mar9...till then!
Btw, Joanne, thanks of the long post - I copied that and saved as a words doc....

Ju: can you update that I will proceed with SO-IUI in Apr and my doc is Dr Suresh Nair? Thanks!

Riona: You reached Tibet?

I had Hi-Tea.. Hmmm you girls can try out ba.. Hmm since i just had it few months back, will skip this round already.


Was hoping my last one to be a girl leh.. cause actually i like girl girl, but DH ask me dun like dat la.. 3 boys is good... *sighs*.. Anyway yes im crossing my fingers every single day and hope my babies can stay in my tummy well and last till 34 weeks which is the full term for triplets.
during your consultation with Dr Loh, you can ask him maximum how many days of HL can be given for FET. I just checked my file, I had 3 days of HL for my 2nd FET. Probably that was on a Tuesday and I requested 3 days HL to rest until weekend then went back to work liao.

When I returned to work, I find the LRT very bumpy, even with a seat it is always trembling. Don't take bus either, it is so jerky. Better let your DH drive you to work, else take a taxi.

leave your options open lah. Maybe the 3 boys will bring alot of luck to your family & your DH's business with prosper after their birth leh. Then a few years down the road you can try for a girl girl again 8:) 时来运转, you won't know what the future will bring 8:)
Date : 14th Mar (Sat)
Time 12 -2.30pm
Venue: Merchant court hotel buffet

Confirmed attendance:
1. FelixCat
2. RuRu Cat
3. Strawbearbi
4. Bambi
5. Juliana
6. Haze1ine
7. Rinoa
8. Ah-Kat

Hi Haze,

Only the Amex card have 20% discount as it has a tie-up with the Swissotel group of hotels for special discount for Amex card holders. Don't worry, me and Yve have the card lah.

U never know how u react to Metformin until u try again right? Ask Dr Loh to prescribe the slow-release type for u lah and u start off with 1 tab at night before sleeping. Don't take during work lah, then maybe the LS will not be so bad?

Hi Mystyy,

Yah, it is better to keep your options open as of now. Let Haze share her KKH experience with you 1st and u go for your 1st consultation and see how you feel and then decide.
Halo Ladies...
A little sian today cos thk abt 2molo hving to go back to work... haha

My AF stil not here yet leh.. stil spotting. But my backache n tummyache is no longer. Boobs stil not aching yet.. I usually hv that for AF. If 2molo comes then lagi sian.. cos working liao AF for that whole wk.

U hv to activate ur pm hor.. cos too much things to post here. So thk I email u better lah... if u want.

Ah Kat
Woah.. u enj ur buz trip hor. Looking forward to meeting u then..

Oh... it's ok then if u & Yve has it. Not sure if Yve is coming.. thk she'll hv to c her results 1st.

Yes, I'll check with Dr Loh on that. I rem last time I LS while at work.. aiyoh.. my side toilet only 2 cubicles... n u know when u LS, u can't control the 'sound effects'?? haha So paisay leh.

Or... so they wil stil giv HL... my DH also doesn't like the idea of jus MC only... n so few days. I guess FET is like IUI, they seems to thk so. But isn't it the same thing? Hmmm..
u r most welcome gals.. As i know u gals longer here in this forum than anyone else so got any ho liao will definitely share with all u here..

Will like to join u gals 4 any gathering but wkend need to take care ds so oways cant join u gals.. Enjoy k..
sorry to hear the bad news. but really glad you r thinking positively. must go on and try again, yeah. cannot give up one. sure will get good news one. Jia You!! but luckily this time round u din get OHSS..

congrats on you 3 "terrors".. haha. 3 sons also good lah. like bambi say, maybe u will try for a girl next time? by the way, how many weeks are u now?
Hi Haze,

Yah, maybe KKH feels that natural FET is less traumatic for the body as skip all injections (i.e. no side effects), no ER op (i.e. no stomach cramps and bleeding) so no need to give 2 weeks HL?

Maybe u can ask Dr Loh if medicated FET got give longer HL?

Theoratically, unless the lady patient is doing manual labour work, going back to work doesn't affect the implantation process.

My geomancer and TCM physican keep telling me to "fang4 qing1 song1", I guess for me, the only way to relax is not to care too much about the do's and don'ts. I already told my HB that if doing something or not doing something 100% guarantee that I will strike lottery, then even if it kills me, I will do.

But the truth is during the 2ww, all of us ladies are so damn careful but yet not all ladies will strike. I told my HB that if the follicles are of good-quality, then even if you don't take particular care, the fertilised egg also will stick one lah. I told him I want to live life normally again, but I know it is so difficult to do in reality. I have been seeking medical fertility treatment continously for a year and the constant failures are weighing me down so much that it hurts me mentally! I realized I no longer laugh as carefreely as last time, I talk obsessively about striking lottery with my best friend etc.

My plan is that since I ovulate this cycle, I have tried naturally and then after that if not, I will do 1 last round of FET and then I will take a break for a few months to think thru' my life plan.

greetings from Tibet, Lhasa city.

I have just wrapped up my 4 days tibet trip today. Tmr night will be back to Spore.

I enjoyed Tibet's winter cold but very Sunny weather;

Love their untouched scenaries of snow mountains n turquois-colored holy lakes;

I'll always remember the warm glow of yak butter lamps and the low murmur of Tibetan chanting in monastries everywhere.

Most unforgetable of all, the local Tibetans, are friendly, peaceful, down to earth and live life very simply and yet they seemed contented to stay that kinda life.

They start everyday 730am to go round the Potala Palace or the monastries near their villages.

Will walk clockwise, 3 rounds around the big compounds of the palace or monastriest and finally get inside to offer yak butter to the glowing lamps @ the altars of the many buddhas, and dead lamas.

Many tibetans WALK MANY HOURS OR MANY DAYS upto MANY YEARS from their villages just to do the above. They dun have the privilege of bus, cars, or MRT trains, just rely on their 2 legs. If lucky, can catch a ride with fellow Tibetans following the same Pilgrimage.

Nope they cannot bring their donkeys or horses into the city, if u are wondering.

Made me realised we had too many and yet always searching for more n more, never finding that inner peace.

Lhasa = holy land

A highly religious place, where people treat each other with respect and truth of heart, where people from all parts of the world visit to seek inner peace of our souls?

Now i finally understand why lotsa pple came to love Tibet, for its rich culture passed down since the Tang dynasty and had stayed truth even till now.

Gr8 to hear good news from ur 3 blessed boys, u lucky lucky mum-to-be

We can catch up via msn, after my 1st appt w Dr Hema.

Oh no... intend to close shop already.. 3 is more than enough for us... financially and mentally..

Im 17 weeks plus now ...will be doing my detailed scan Next Monday and after 22nd week, will do my 4D scan.


Yes sure sure.. do msn me or pm me when you see Dr Hema.

Each of us have different expectations.

For me, I'm more result-orientated, not the process.

KKH cannot offer me result, so i just moved on to the next clinic.

U have to check out personally w KKH to understand if it suits ur needs better.

U're still young, dun ever think of giving up.

As long as our ovaries are not dried up, we all stand a chance, only a matter of time.

Do not rush or limit ourselves to time.
Hi Rinoa,

Woah, seems like Tibet is really a place to be spiritually refreshed if not enlightened, just what I need for my weary and jaded soul. I had already chope my 2 best friends and we will make the journey there in June if I haven't strike lottery by then. Perhaps during the trip I can 'feel' Buddha and be enlightened on the next step in life I should take.

I am not thinking of giving up permanently, more like taking a break from fertility treatment for a while. But for PCOS ladies who have poor-quality follicles, not seeking treatment is almost equivalent to giving up as very hard to strike lottery on our own. Very contradicting right?

But don't know how come suddenly for the past 1 month, I feel so worn-out by this one year of journey (I started fertility treatment in Mar 08) and I think of resting. The Europe holiday doesn't lift up my mood much although I did enjoyed myself immensely.

Thanks for your advice. Must tell me all about the administrative part of the trip when u are back i.e. airtickets, visas, hotel, transport mode etc as my friends and me plan to do DIY also.

I have switched on my PM. You can send your replies to me.

Good to hear that you are not giving up permanently. Sometimes I too toy with that idea. I feel tired of the long journey I had taken. We started off treatment around the same period of time and I know how it feels. Perhaps it would be good for you too, to take a break for a while and come back recharged and eager to start treatment all over again. My AF is playing hide and seek with me. I am so stressed at work. Hate it when they ask if I have any projects for the year and sometimes, even those project I don't want to take up, I have to do so unwillingly. I just wish to live life to the fullest and not have to face all those crap at work.
Halo Ladies...
I'm at home.. decide not to go to work aft all. Cos AF came last nite n I woke up a few times to go toilet! So sian...

I stil dun hv very good appetite.. stil feel slightly nausea. Thk it's all in the mind.. I mus get back to reality lah.

Anyway, one more day to slack.

Thx... I shd be fine lah. Jus ned to get back to reality.

Do keep us updated on ur scan too..

Can feel how u felt... it's a very trying n tiring journey, that only those who went thru it can understand.

I thk if I dun work, maybe I wun feel as stress. But then, I might worried financially... so end up, might even be more stress if I dun work! haha

It's the cruel truth lah. Life is always contradicting. Our life revolves around TTCing...

It's funny the papers r all writing abt IVF success stories... they nv mentioned abt those who tried many times but stil fail. So a lot of ppl actually tot IVF wil sure strike. But there's stil a lot of factors involved... and I stil thk.. Lady Luck plays a very impt role.

And to thk that I hv to spend the nex 3 mths or so, covering duties for a colleague going off on maternity. Very cruel rite?

Glad u've enjoyed urself. I wish I can take a long long break n not worry abt anything.

Wil pm u later..

Keep us updated on ur progress!
Hi Haze,

Yah, very tiring journey, feel like resting in the pretty cottage for the weary lady travellers in the Motherhood Kingdom Journey. Go into deep sleep mode and hibernate like a bear.

But my mind keep telling me if stop treatment, then chances of striking naturally is so low! Sianz...

Yes, when even IVF doesn't seem to offer a lifeline to us desperate ladies, then how right? The newspp article always paint a rosy picture of IVF.
Hi Haze,

I think u feeling nausea could be the side-effects of the progesterone jabs that you had. It takes some time for the body to purge out the chemical from the body thru' urine or blood. I guess u will feel better after your AF finishes.

Have a good rest today!
Morning ladies,

Monday blues again!


Have a good rest before going back to work tomolo lor.. Good that you can escape monday blues =) Maybe you can take a short break during the next PH to recharge yourself?

I also think luck plays an impt part of the 2WW. Even if conditions are optimal, may not strike lottery. Really depends on luck.

I was chatting with Bambi last friday on msn, and I remembered what Dr Loh told me, he said that during the time that i strike, he realized quite a lot of success cases. He said sometimes these things like got season one lor. So I was saying to Bambi, mabbe the "season" comes when he has bb luck, so hopefully the season comes when u gals are doing treatments under him =)


Can understand how u feel, it's like walking on a tightrope constantly, dunno when we will fall, dunno when we will reach safety.

I also needed peace of mind when undergoing treatment. I think it helped a lot to lessen the tension & stress. Hope u can find your peace of mind soon =)

mon blues again...

sam, congrats on having 3 boys.

haze, so sorry to read about your ivf. hope you are feeling better now.

rurucat, sometimes it is good to take a break from all the treatments and let your body and mind rest. i had a fren who did her ivf in australia. she had 8 unsuccessful IVFs and she only succeed on her 9th attempt. so girls, hang in there!

AF suppose to report yest but til now, no sign yet. got spotting and cramps but still no full flow. damn sianz. i realised whenever i take clomid, my AF will go haywire. sighz.. new cycle will not be doing IUI yet coz DH wants to go HK for a short break. so most prob will do IUI in end of Mar.

I got this url from a fren. it has a list of chinese herbal soups which some are good for women and men fertility. maybe can try it out.

understand how you feel. i started the treatment earlier than you, in jun 07. there're times when i wonder how long it's going to take before i succeed n there are times when i will take a couple of mths off just to stop thinking abt all these treatments. but end of the day, i'll always go back to the doc. so it's good to relax for a couple of mths n don't think abt bbs. don't set any timeline for yrself as to when you should start again. i feel that there's no use in trying non-stop as it will be too stressful n the results may not be there. so take a break n just do what you like without thinking abt how that's going to affect yr "reproduction system". then start when you're ready n feel hopeful again.

congrats on yr 3 cowboys! my bro also has 3 boys. they'll be able to share a lot of things growing up n won't be lonely. boys can be really sweet as well n they will be very close to you. n i feel that they're easier to take care as they are not as 'sensitive' as girls.

last weekend i cut ds's fringe as the teacher said it was too long. he was looking down when i was cutting, just before his shower. during dinner time, i realised that his fringe is very uneven. in fact, it looks like a flight of stairs, longer on the left, then shorter in the middle, then even shorter on the right. i felt so sorry n asked if ds wants me to trim for him. he just laughed n said nv mind lah. i think if it's girl, she'll probably be crying ... haha.
Can only escape til today lah.. no excuse liao.

Yes.. luck has a lot of do with everything. Even if I did strike this time under Dr Loh, I wil stil thk it's cos of luck more than anything else.

I thk God stil thk I'm not ready.. but I always wonder when then he'll thk I'm ready. *sigh*

i went to swissotel for buffet lunch during cny. the spread was quite good. they hv the cold food section with oysters, prawns, mussels. hot food section has ard 6-8 dishes. then they hv another section with peranakan dishes. there're quite a lot of desserts, both cold n hot like bobo cha cha, tang yuan, ao ni (yam), etc, etc. and yes, the durian thinggy was still there.


reading yr post made me want to go tibet as well.
it's probably easier to let go of material things when you're in such an environment. sometimes i wonder why we're always so busy trying to earn more $$ n buy more things. guess we're caught in the rat race n we sometimes forget that things that make us happy may not even cost us anything.
Ur DS such a darling...

My mum used to cut our hair when I was younger.. thk til my sec sch! Aiyoh.. I hv pics to prove... I hv fringe like kana dog bite like that! haha
I hv go back n c wot's my actual workload... and also til now, stil no memo out on the paycut n unpaid leave thing.. so sian.

I went AV ytday n had my 1st cold drink in mths... my fav avocado shake!
Hi FelixCat,

Yah lor, I think in the end I should be taking the path that you mention, rest a few months in between treatments, then go back see doc again. I really don't have much confidence in me striking lottery naturally leh.

My HB as usual, is quite nonchalent about the whole issue, he says it is up to me. Sometimes quite upset with his KNS attitude but sometimes think think also good lah, i give myself so much pressure liao, if he also very 'on' type, maybe i have to go IMH liao.

Hi ladies,

Talking about fringe-cutting, yah same like Haze, my mom cut the fringe for me. In her quest to obtain a straight cut, she keep cutting shorter and shorter until the end result is I look so "tu3", looks like an idiot.

I think I am very traumatized by this childhood experience becos when my niece was staying with my parents 2 years ago, I only took her to professional hairstylists for haircut that cost $12. The reason why? Becos my mom took her to the neighbourhood hair salon whose auntie-type hairstylist cut her hair and fringe short-short for $5 as my mom wants value-for-$. Gosh, after that incident (my old memories rushed back!), I never allowed my mom to bring her for haircut again! Nowsaday, my SIL cuts her fringe, much better than my mom lah!
Hi FelixCat,

Yah, the way u described the lunch buffet seems to be exactly the way I remembered when I went for the buffet abt 1-2years ago. Quite reasonable variety and spread, food taste above average and the restaurant is airy and spacious. Service abit slow for water top-up but tolerable.

alamak, hopefully ds won't be traumatized. his fringe's really like a flight of stairs.
usually i'll bring him to a hairstylist to cut, it costs $8. we just cut one week ago but the fringe was still too long. so i thot i'll just trim it lor. don't need to waste $$ to cut again mah. who knows ended up like that. haha. luckily my mum nv cut my fringe when i was young, if not, i think i will also hv some ho4 yi2 zhen4.

it's good that yr dh leaves it up to you. then not so stressed rite. mine was the same. in fact, felt more like it was me who wants a bb. he was just going along with it. *sigh*


go eat as much as you like, pamper yrself!
Hi Felix,

Like what you say, I think boy not so sensitive about their looks than girls. I remembered my tears will row down my cheeks when I saw the super-short fringe in the mirror after my mom finished cutting. When I was older, I will screamed at her if she cutted so short. Later she gave in and gave me $ to cut at the neighbourhood hair salon when I reached Secondary school level. Sigh... Maybe that is why I used to want to have a daughter so badly becos I think I can do so good with her, never repeating the mistakes my mom made on me.

But after knowing about my fertility condition, gosh, now have a child already like "tan3 teo1" (hokkein word) right?
when I was young, my dad was the designated hair cutter for moi, sis & cousins. We all look like the yan-gi-tau ( cigarette butt head ) then, never got a chance to keep long hair until secondary school. Maybe my dad unconsciously wanna keep the cost of shampoo low, cos' so many girls in the big family :p

Avocado shake is also my favorite 8:)

thanks for the URL, I'll save it in my email for reference 8:)

haha, seems all of you hv some not so good memories abt hair cutting. but it's quite fun isn't it? at least it's something to remember abt when you grow up. don't know if ds will remember his "flight of stairs" or not when he grows up ... maybe not.


don't worry abt the paycut or shorter working days. if shorter working days, maybe not so stressed? as for paycut, can try n adjust yr spending. i will most likely get the package. will know by this fri. then will work till end apr. good news is i've got the seniority back so more $$.
Hi Strawbearbi,

Talking about strike lottery season, yah, when I popped by recently to the Mt E fertility centre to chit-chat with the nurses, one of the nurses told me Dr Yap is on a row leh, her patients all striked jackpot recently. I told her but why I never strike har?

Dr Yap also told me she had 2 cases of twins recently. Woah!

Hi Joyy,

I think you should be doing your FET this week right? Or u are in your 2ww liao? Jia You ok? Must have the courage to do urine test kit this time.
haha.. they say shorter working days but no change to proj datelines! So it actually means we hv shorter time to finish our work.

I guess they hv to try out n c if it works. The last time my co introduced unpaid leave, lasted only for a mth! I heard that was during SARS time.. b4 my time.

I thk u're really looking forward to hving a break from work. Good for u... can enj the rest of ur pregnancy stress-free!

I've been thking abt putting all my embbies up for D5 transfer.. but I dun thk KKH wil let me do that. haha My embbies can't seem to implant each time.

I check the net abt natural n medicated FET, I thk mine wil likely be medicated cos I can't O n AF not regular.

I remember someone mentioned b4 that KKH do allow D5 transfer, but I forgot who liao. Maybe you can check with Dr Loh if you are really keen?

But you have to be prepared if there are not many survivors rite?

Wah so mabbe the lottery season theory is somewhat true hor?

Actually Sam/Felix/Mariayee & me abt same time strike lottery also rite?

Food for thoughts =p


Check with u hor, I got diarrhoea since morning abt 3 times so far, stomach still don't feel good leh. U tink i shld go see a doc? Dunno what's wrong with my stomach these 2 weeks... =(
Hi Hazeline,

Hmm... why don't u monitor this AF cycle? Ur AF cycle is around 35-40days right? After 2 rounds of 'poking', I think our ovaries should be slightly improved right? So u could start testing with the ovulation kit on your own around D20-30, if got detect LH surge, maybe u can go to my ex-gynae clinic at Bukit Batok central to do an u/s? Got night clinic so don't have to take time off.

The greatest hurdle for PCOS ladies is that we may detect LH surge but the actual scan showed that the follicle(s) is immature i.e. less than 18mm, thus considered poor-quality.

That is why even if try naturally, still must go for u/s during LH surge detection, super-troublesome and super-sianz to the max. So if I really decide to stop treatment and rest, it will be a complete rest where I don't even monitor LH surge and 'O' etc, just pure 100% let-go.


Thanks for your ticket, my mother in law went with me.. but we left halfway cause its too crowded and pushing ard at times so rather inconvenient for me...


Thanks..but i still prefer girls..haha


Well my DH also say that lor.. He say girls need to spend more $.. hmm actually my family, his family and him prefer boys le.. But Mummy here still prefer girl girl le.. than he keep telling me same la..than say girl grow up scared gena cheated.. aiyo think he last time cheat a lot of girls thats y scared..haha.. Now im taking at its own stride lor.. As long as my boys can grow and be healthy im glad.. everyday now i still have a heavy heart and hope i dun get TTTS.
