Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?


That's the one with the durian pudding thingy rite?

I don't mind going there coz i have yet to try the buffet there. Wah mabbe after that I can go for hair cut @ central keke.


1. FelixCat
2. RuruCat
3. Strawbearbi
4. Bambi

when will be your beta HCG blood test ? If we fix the gathering for Saturday, 14th March, will be ok for you ?
ruru, strawbearbi,

when i went during cny, they gave carpark coupons. think 1st 2 hr is free.


cannot find any attachment function in pm. changed to a word file. let me know.

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Hi Strawbearbi,

Yah, the durian pudding is super-duper yummy! That is the buffet.

Confirmed attendance:
1. FelixCat
2. RuRu Cat
3. Strawbearbi
4. Bambi
5. Juliana

But got a catch for the buffet leh, it is from 12-2.30pm only, so after that if we still want to chit-chat, maybe we can go to Central for tea after that.
Thanks for the add

Yep...did my IUI already yday. My 2nd IUI. This time what we did differently is I rested more. Yday &amp; today @ home...boring tho'.
Doc said I got 2 maturing did hCG &amp; IUI the next day. Wish me lots of luck ya

As for the outing, can I cfm next week?
hi hazeline, RuRu and yve...thks for the reply.

I'm not sure if I had assisted hatching previously...I recalled vaguely that LC mentioned she uhmm...'broke' a portion of 1 of the embryo's shell cos not growing well...then something like after breaking a portion, the growth became very good n very fast. Is this assisted hatching?

Anyway, yea, I think lab will usually monitor the growth, n if need be, will break the shell.

hmmm...yea, Hazeline, spotting is a sign of pregnancy too, n it may not necessarily be a implantation spotting. You r still on progesterone injection right? Any pills and crinone inserts? By right, I assume one should not have 'menses' till one stops the injection...u get what I mean right? Unless the progesterone injections r not well absorbed by your body...

If worry, u may wana get a HPT...this coming FET I will be doing HPT 1st as well, it's too torturous waiting for BT result. But hor, ur ET was a D3 ET right, it could be still early to tell? This is becoz for Blastocysts transfer D5, the implantation is usually day 1-2 after transplanting, so D10 can test le. But for D3 ET, sometimes embryos may implant very very late...that's why a D17 BT.
Halo Ladies...
No codeword from me... did my BT today. Told KKH I hv spotting ytday n they let me do it today instead.

Jus got the call, it's BFN... reading less than 1.2. Thk my AF shd be akan datang.. I made an appt to c dr loh on 24 Mar. Wil hv a review. I'm not sure if I can do a natural FET, cos I dun O on my own. I wun do FET so soon.. cos hv to cover duties for my colleague who's going on maternity.. likely only in Jul.

Didn't do HPT lah.. cos this am do BT liao. I tot might as well wait for results.

But I did feel diff this time.. I even feel nausea this wk. Guess it's all in the mind sometimes.. or the jab.

Thanks ladies for all the encouraging words. I'll stil hang around. Jus drag going back to work.. hv to go back n face reality!

Btw, Dr Zou also called me today... I told her I'm did my BT, results not out yet. But I did say from the symptoms, seems like no hope.
I'll still join ur ladies for the gathering.. regardless!

Confirmed attendance:
1. FelixCat
2. RuRu Cat
3. Strawbearbi
4. Bambi
5. Juliana
6. Haze1ine
Thx n good luck to urs...

I'll stil try lah.. til I ran out of S-11. But my TTC schedule revolves around my work.. no choice.

I'm very fortunate this time I nv kana OHSS already... jus that it's stil not meant to be lor. I wil stil say, a LOT depends on luck.

So sorry to hear your news. Let's wait for the review with Dr Loh to see what he has to say.

Don't give up ok? We will all be here for you.


Good luck!!
HugHug... try try try, let's waddle together until the milk turn into that big fat cheese !!!

Agree with you about TTC schedule revolving around work, double effort for us...
Thx.. guess he wil hv no explaination one lah. I jus want to c if he'll do a natural FET or a medicated one for me.

He might want to c if I O or not... but I was told I can nv O on my own.. so c wot he has to say lor.
U jiayou this time ok? Giv me some hope on FET too..

Bopian lah.. that's my life. I ned to work to get $ to support my TTC.

I'm glad to hv u ladies around.. no one can understand how I felt except for those who went thru it.

Strawbearbi/Bambi/The rest who did IVF at KKH
U rem u had assisted hatching done during ur IVF?

U all rem?

Now seems that all private hv... jus want to know if KKH also does that or... they almost nv do.

Hughug..sorry to hear the news. Don't give up. You'll definitely success one day..

Hi ladies

Just an update, I've now move on to stage 2. Next thurs, will be my 1st scan after 7 days of puregon. very fast, it will be my turn to do the ER/ET. Wish me luck.
jia you, &amp; good luck to you too 8:)

I don't think mine was through assisted hatching, Dr never mention about it to me.
thanks...I hope too...hai...

haze, I was thinking, u know the progesterone it becoz ur body didn't absorb, that's why menses/spotting come even while u r still on progesterone jab? N becoz the absorption on progesterone was no good, it affected the implantation? It's a thought...

when progesterone level is high, pregnancy chances is high too, right? hmmm...i think it's a question I'm going to ask my gynae when I see her.

haze, u take care. I chat w u again, I'm going to work le, till next morning. We will strike de, eventually. jiayou jiayou jiayou
U jiayou too, ok? Hope u strike this time!

U dun hv ah... hmm... I'll wait n c wot others hv to say.

And I'll ask Dr Loh abt it too..

For ur FET, it's a D3 transfer rite? Urs is a natural one? Or medicated?
My D7 progesterone readingg is ok leh.. 438, I rem nurse said very good. Though I rem others hv higher readings.. but I nv increase my dosage.

My 1st IVF, reading much higher. But I was on very high dosage of progesterone jabs n also oral. Though it dropped... when oral dosage was increased, it went back up.

So my gynae then said it's not a problem... even dr loh also said I shd hv strike then. Cos he didn't c any reason why I shdn't.

So like I said, no one can pinpoint a certain reason one lah.. unless it's very obvious. I tot it's OHSS then.. cos the retching n vommiting, might affect implantation.. but this time.. I nv kana so sever leh.. stil nv strike.

U dun work so hard ok... cos ur hrs all upset down one.. not so good lah.
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynea</TD><TD>Treatment</TD><TD>Stage</TD><TD>Status </TD></TR><TR><TD>Haze1ine</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF’Jan 09</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>2WW </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yve</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD>IVF’ Feb 09</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>2WW </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Puregon / Progynove Jab </TD></TR><TR><TD>Moody77</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Puregon / Progynove Jab </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catmom (Devellina)</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>SOIUI</TD><TD>19-Feb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juliana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>BCP </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ruru Cat</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr L K Yap</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Feb </TD></TR><TR><TD>Try Again</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>FET</TD><TD>End Feb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bambi</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mystyy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ah-Kat</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>SunFl@wer</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Florida</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rinoa</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PebbleS</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ah-Kat</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joanne</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sue</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sam</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Dr Hema</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>2nd Trimester</TD><TD>Triplets </TD></TR><TR><TD>Strawbearbi</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>2nd Trimester</TD><TD>Singleton </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mariayee</TD><TD>In JB</TD><TD></TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>2nd Trimester</TD><TD>Twins </TD></TR><TR><TD>Felixcat</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>1st Trimester</TD><TD>Singleton </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Oh.. I rem Ruru mentioned LC said abt Pregynl.. duno if that's the reason cos I hv take that both times due to bloating.

I duno for FET, wil I be given that.

Yve had that this time.. so hope she'll hv good news for us soon lor.
Hi Haze,

I am so sorry to hear the bad news!

Please take care of yourself and see what Dr Loh has to say for the review. Perhaps u can consider eating metformin again? Maybe can help?
Hi Haze,

Big hug to you. I have been MIA for so long and missed out on lots of things that's happening here. Go for the review and see what Dr Loh say, ok?


I just got an appointment with Dr SF Loh next Friday morning. I called last week and thought I wouldn't get an appointment with him that soon, so was rather surprised when the nurse told me there's an available slot next week. I have yet to call my previous clinic to get my medical records, but I will just go ahead with the first appointment first and bring all my blood test results and other documents. My AF is haywire now and thanks to the stress level at work. It didn't report in Jan so went back to Mt E gynae to get medication to induce menses to come. Then now it's like overdue by more than 12 days and I don't bother to check with POS. So will see what Dr Loh will have to say. Felt like quitting from my job, but with current situation now, it's not the right time. So next option is to think of stepping down from my post. Will see how lah. Will update you gals after my first appointment next week! Btw, how long is the wait to see Dr Loh??

My qn: why review is scheduled 1 mth later ?

You might be thinking luck is not on ur side again?

But I'd say the more precise reason for failure could be D2 or D3 ET is not working for many of us here.

Too many uncertainties and factors contributed embbies cannot survive in our harsh womb environment.

I thought i will be given a choice for which day to do ET, but am disappointed that its not so.

You have more embbies than me, yet KKH is not giving u option for D5 blastocyst, i felt a waste.

My case also no Assisted-hatching, coz that procedure is not listed in my bill, n i wasn't informed also but this is not the deciding factor, so dun dwell too much on this procedure.

For ur info, mine D7 progesterone reading was 900+ which is double of urs and yet the nurse also said ok. (i was on pregnyl 0.2ml).

It seems nurse from KKH knows nothing or could be they just use mass production method to treat each patient. (there r simply too many patients)
Everything ok ok, and just follow through the procedure.

I dun feel good about this kind of non-personalised treatment hence i switched to Care@SGH.

I believe each of our body reacts differently n we need individualised protocol, and not just 1 method fits all.

I din bother to do a review with Dr Loh, so lets see what he will say during ur review.

Then i will roughly know what he will say to my situation.

If u dun feel like going back to work just yet, just take a few days off, i can understand the feeling, u'll simply be very switched-off n no mood for anything else.
Bambi, ruru

Count me in

Date : 14th Mar (Sat)
Time 12 -2.30pm
Venue: Merchant court hotel buffet

Confirmed attendance:
1. FelixCat
2. RuRu Cat
3. Strawbearbi
4. Bambi
5. Juliana
6. Haze1ine
7. Rinoa

U can cover Leshan n Mt Emei in 2 days.

FYI, the local tour guide mentioned starting May 2009, the chinese will start work to build a protecting pagoda around the Le Shan Big Buddha body, left only the head to be seen.

Just a suggestion, try to plan your trip early.

And yes, Mt Emei cannot be missed. I love it better than Le Shan. The view is simply superb @ 3099 metres high with the clouds floating below u, but this view is possible only on rare sunny days up in Mt Emei.

Its usually hazy n foggy 278 days a yr.

How's ur follow-up with Dr Hemma ?


As u already know, i'm aiming Ox bbs, best is March to re-start fresh cycle.

But outcome got to depend on my appt with Dr Hemma on 25 feb.

I really feel so terrible and sad for you.. You are such a strong and brave girl.. It's really a pity .. Seriously i also cannot explain clearly why you cannot strike le.. This is soooo impossible. Do you mind to switch to SGH? I have seen so many successful cases when im there already and even when i go for my check up, so many are follow up for pregnancy via fertility treatment. Well, the decision is up to you.


I have spoken to Dr Hema about you. Wonder have you seen her? Do update me on your case so i can assist you. Be patient with SGH cause need to go through a lot of tests and also they are very detailed in the scanning and calculation of the embbies, usually the calculation of my size of embbies at almost last stage takes 1 and a half hour and i wait at the clinic to wait for result (e.g : making sure the size is right to trigger HCG). Remember to discuss with Dr Hema on what is the percentage of success rate on your case and advice she gives you. sometimes through others or experience you can also let her know what you want and feel and ask her about what she thinks.. She is rather open to suggestions and will tell you if feasible or not.

So far i'm having 3 boys... hahahaha 3 terrors.. Anyway must close shop already .. 3 is too much for me to handle.. BTW will confirm the attendance again to Merchant court.

Been there before CNY and find their standard really drop a lot, imagine askining the staff for water need to wait for more than half hour and the food replacement is terribly slow, especially the hot favourities. Varieties wise i guess not much varieties also. Roughly there are about 3-4 cold appetisers, about 6 hot dishes, lots of mini sandwiches which i find rather hard after they leave it in the open for some time, some dim sum dishes which they replace so slowly and laksa station which is so so only, and lastly few kinds of dessert.

That was 2 -3 months back la, im not sure any chages or not and its my own personal feel.

Ive seen a dim sum place at ah yat abalone rest. they offer 50% on dim sum on sat hi tea. I've never tried before.. wonder if you girls have tried?
Hi Sam,

Woah, 3 handsome sons to take care of u and bring back 3 beautiful daughter-in-laws for u to see! Good good!

Hey, it seems that what Bambi says about IVF treatment having more boys is quite true hor? We will see when FelixCat, Mariayee and Strawbearbi's darlings know their sex, then compare.

Wa, the buffet standard drop so much? U went for high-tea or lunch? Lunch variety and high-tea variety is different one. U mention mini-sandwiches, so should be high-tea? But with regards to food replacement speed and service standard, I had been there about 1-2 years ago, so can't remember leh.
Hi Haze,
So upset this morning to know that you had fail your cycle for this round... but don't let that dishearten you k... u must continue and try your best... we will always be here for you... Let's jia you together..

Maybe you take these few months to try tiao your body well well... by taking some chinese tonic (i.e. ba zhen), stop drinking any cold drink (to prepare for your next IVF) from now on, and see a TCM doctor.. maybe EYS Dr Xia to drink their medicine to tiao your womb strong strong... Jia you... Gambatte...

Hi Gals,
Had take the final bt yesterday at DrFoong clinic.. he just call me and Hurray to know that my HCG level had drop to negative.. so he says now is clear inside... no need to do any scan, no need to worry do any D&amp;C as I told him my menses is already over.. luckily not so much of blood as what I thought, just very bad cramp... phew... So he says that when my next menses come, I can start IUI immediately and this time he will gives me medicine to prevent the same thing happen again.. but I am still considering whether try IUI straight away... maybe I will tiao my body strong first as I suspect I lack of blood and not so strong in my body so result in this m/c. So I now believe "Healthy Mummy = Healthy baby"... had been drinking red dates drink for past 2 wks.. hence, for all going to be mummy... learn from my experience, pls tiao your body... do whatever you can do.. drink chicken essence, no cold drink... take some TCM medicine etc.. before you go into any IUI and IVF.. so that you not so worry of getting pregnant and yet still worry whether will hv any m/c along the way... There is someone at the forum say after her m/c, she tiao her body well for few months and now she is pregnant with twins naturally leh... so lucky hor as her family got no history of any twins at all...
Hi Sam,
Congrat to you for having 3 sons... they can fight and play together... keke... so nice... unlike my ds, he is so lonely... sigh... wish you have a smooth delivery..
Hi Mystyy,

Woah, so u are seeing Dr Loh? Hmm... I don't think u can get your medical records from Dr Ann Tan leh, all the clinic will give u is a summary report (1-page long only) of the fertility treatment administered on u, that is all. U can tell Dr Loh directly, save the hassle.

I am in Stage Inertia, hee..hee... I finally managed to ovulate on my own on D38 of my cycle, yah unbelieveable right? So me and my HB did what we are supposed to do and now hoping for the best.
Hi Rinoa,

Really? I think becos the Buddha is being polluted by the industrial waste brought down by the rainwater and to protect the Buddha, must construct the Pagoda.

Unfortunately, my friend can only take leave on the 1st week of June, so maybe won't make it in time to see the Giant Buddha in its original beauty.

Where are u now? In tibet?

for FET at KKH, it takes place in the afternoon 2pm onwards, and medical cert is issue instead of hospitalisation leave. So you can combine 2-3 days of MC with annual leave &amp; stay away from office for about a week. For working days, get your DH to drive you to/from work, and ask your close colleague to da-bao lunch for you. If your work does not require you to carry heavy file and you're desk bound most of the time, you can consider this option, need not wait until your colleague return from maternity leave in July. Of course you need 1-2 months to tiao your body, and discuss with Dr Loh about natural or medicated FET.

Cos FET takes place after 2pm, I used to work half day in office before proceeding to KKH for FET. If your DH is working, you can ask your mom/dad to drive you home, or take a taxi (ask the taxi driver to drive slow). I understand that you get very stressed from work, you gotta manage your emotions/anxiety well if you do it this way. On the other hand, work can also distract your attention away from the embbies for a while. It is just another option for your consideration...

Now you can ask to transfer 3 embbies for your FET, be prepared to fork out $700++ cash for the insurance, and around $1,400 for FET procedure if you do it at KKH.

For my FET by natural cycle, roughly around 10th day after AF, I had to go back every 2 days early morning to scan the follicle size, then see the doctor on duty who advised me of the size &amp; linning thickness etc. Then nearer to ovalution day, I was given ovalution test kit to determine the LH surge. FET took place 2 days after day of LH surge.
