Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

I want to c my name move to the bottom of the chart by the end of this wk!!!

+++++++++++++++++++++ *my +ve thoughts*

Ahhh... the 'pleasure' of this waiting game.. always drives me crazy!
I totally agree with you, and really want to see yours & Yve's code word soon 8:) Then we can have big big celebration in March for both of you 8:)

bite your teeth and hang on tight, and remember to 'bu' your body to tip top condition for your ET 8:)

Yeahhhh!!! It's knock-off time, catch up with you all from home again 8:)
Good luck to u... I stl thk u can strike it naturally.. since u've done it once already!

My actual BT is on Mon, which is D18... but I want to do it earlier this Sat, D16. I had initially told office I wil go back on Mon.

I find it's good enuff... but nurse said I stil hv to go back on Mon for another BT if D16 is +ve.

So... I hope I'll call back office on Mon to tell them I'm not going back to work that day lor... to hell with all the work! I've been ask 2x already in my 2ww when I'm going back. *sigh*

Yes yes yes... I wish for that too. Mus inject my mind with all the ++++++++++++++++++++++ signs!

I feel a bit weird today.. duno why.
Hi ladies,

today's checkup went ok, bb is 78mm, almost 8cm liao. It's always so exciting to hear the heartbeat like galloping horse so fast. But i tink bb mabbe is gal coz Dr loh wanna see but bb cross legs leh... shy lah.

Actually I tink not much change in my facial features leh. But my skin not so good, more outbreak wor. I'm still waiting for that "glow" to happen =p

Today got the FTS screening report to keep. The risk for down sydrome is 1:7465, so considered very low risk lah.


BB dusts +++++++++ tots! Very fast sat will come. Will u be able to get the results on sat afternoon itself?


The last time u had your DS your tummy showed at this stage so fast also? My tummy only little bit, after meals will be bigger lah. But my bottoms are tight at the waist, still can wear but uncomfortable. So I only wear the loose ones now. But my colleague says from the back can see no waist liao haha =p a bit depressing to hear but also happy at the same time.
galgal good.. can buy many many things!

I was told by nurse if I do it early at 8am, shd be able to get it b4 12pm lor...

Guess I'm the only one who saw strawbearbi recently.. she stil look the same lah.. thk her skin pretty ok that day leh. And can't c her tummy much... she stil like wear normal clothes.

I thk my tummy bigger than hers that day when I saw her.. cos I was bloated! haha

Yah I also tink can buy many many things... Not much gal gal hand-me-downs from my sis side coz all boys.

Wow, didn't know sat the lab opens too. Good good, can get results on sat liao very fast. Don't think too much ok? Watch your tv lah.

Think my tummy only comes out after meal times leh keke
Oh.. ur sis all boys? haha.. then a gal wil be good.. wil be the rose among the thorns!

Yes.. trying not to thk too much.. I jus talk to one nurse that day.. she said ok, can do BT on Sat. I duno if I'll get to c her again on Sat. Wait another nurse.. say diff thing.
taking BT 1 day earlier is ok at KKH one, don't worry about that. Yr DH can drive you on Sat, you can be happy 8:)
Hi ladies!!

Greetings from China, Chengdu.

Just came back from 2 days local Chinese Buddhist Tour to Le Shan n Emei Shan to visit buddhas, guanyin n temples, amazing!

Heard the Buddha on top of Emei Shan (3077metres above sea level) can grant wishes.

Naturally, DH n I sized the opportunity to wish for cow BBs of coz plus light lanterns for blessings.

The temples there earn alot from both of us helpless souls haha.

Whoah the route up the mountain is no mean feat. Glad i visited while i'm still able n fit.
Take it as a warm up before Tibet trip , which is tmr !! So Happy until i can't sleep :p

After this trip, i'm gonna be spiritually charged, but physically tired, hahah, every night so tired , no energy to make BB.

BFP BFP BFP on sat !!

Think +ve !! Can never get tired of saying this, haha.

I'll expect nothing but good news from u when i come back next week, jia you!!
Hi Haze and Bambi,
THank you for your well wishes.. i don't consider that conceive naturally as is thru IUI, is thru injection that I can ovaluate.. sigh... hope i will be able to ovaluate again by myself these few months else... may really hv to go into IVF... hmm... headache... not sure IUI or IVF... sigh...
Babydust on both of you too... hi haze... why you say you feel weird today?? wht happen?

no time to make e trip to Mt Himalayas though i badly want to.

I cannot extend my air tickets, zzz.

I wish i dun have altitude problem, today go Emei mountain also not faint or headache.
Although many local PRC in my tour group got vomit n many feel giddy.

Anyway, taking morning flight to tibet via plane after that will just stay n rest in hotel n sleep, hope can get accustom by next day.

hope Dr Loh can let u start ur fresh cycle early. Then we can be cycle buddy, haha.

btw, ever wonder why my FB no pics yet?

Coz silly me forgot to bring cable of my DSLR to transfer pics to my laptop.

So got to wait until i'm back.
Strawbearbi, felixcat, mariayee, sam,

U ladies r our inspiration, take good care of urselves.

BBs come first, then think of work right?

Whatever their gender, they'll be treasured n loved.

Eat healthy, stay healthy, when bbs r born must allow us to visit leh
hi rinoa,

so happy to see you post. you must be having a great time. enjoy yrself, when you return, yr wish will come true.


when i had ds, my tummy didn't show even when i was 3 mths. it's different this time. i asked dr n he said it's normal as the 1st time already stretched liao so it's usually bigger 2nd time round. i remember one of my girlfriend's tummy was really big when she had no. 2. i hope mine won't be too big, if not, don't know how to reduce after delivery. haha. i also no waist liao but i'm very happy too. soon you won't even see yr toes.

good that you're having low risk n bb's growing well. i nv had any glow when i had ds, maybe it's all the male hormones!
updated table. if you want to put in yr doc's name, pls let me know n i'll update it:

<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD>Gynea</TD><TD>Treatment</TD><TD>Stage</TD><TD>Status </TD></TR><TR><TD>Haze1ine</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF’Jan 09</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>2WW </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yve</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD>IVF’ Feb 09</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>2WW </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>2</TD><TD>Puregon / Progynove Jab </TD></TR><TR><TD>Catmom (Devellina)</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr Fong Yang</TD><TD>SOIUI</TD><TD>19-Feb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Juliana</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>BCP </TD></TR><TR><TD>Moody77</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>1</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ruru Cat</TD><TD>Mt E</TD><TD>Dr L K Yap</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>Feb </TD></TR><TR><TD>Try Again</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>FET</TD><TD>End Feb</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bambi</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>May </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mystyy</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ah-Kat</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>SunFl@wer</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Florida</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Rinoa</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>PebbleS</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ah-Kat</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joanne</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sue</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD>0</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sam</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Dr Hema</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>2nd Trimester</TD><TD>Triplets </TD></TR><TR><TD>Strawbearbi</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Dr S F Loh</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>2nd Trimester</TD><TD>Singleton </TD></TR><TR><TD>Mariayee</TD><TD>In JB</TD><TD></TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>2nd Trimester</TD><TD>Twins </TD></TR><TR><TD>Felixcat</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD>Dr L C Foong</TD><TD>IVF</TD><TD>1st Trimester</TD><TD>Singleton </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
Good Morning!!!

where is Sue??? So Long never hear from her!!!

Wow we have more people... in this forum... We should meet these March gathering..
Felix: thx, feeling better but going to inject pregnyl today so I dunno what will happen. I got craving for the weirdest food these days. My mum was saying that I like preg before confm preg. Haha.
Hi Ladies

Will be embarking into my first Clomid IUI next cycle...
Currently Im in 2ww.... shld be starting on my clomid on my CD2 which estimated to be Next sun or mon...

Wish me luck =)
treat yourself has pregnant as the embryos are growing inside you now 8:)

enjoy the holiday first. Like what you said, be charged spiritually and come home motivated and ready to chiong again 8:) We'll see how our consultations proceed, if we can be cycle buddies then that'll be wonderful 8:)

so I'm not the only one excited about March gathering huh 8:)

can someone suggest a good venue for gathering ? Best with round table so we can see &amp; hear each other 8:)

it's good that you're positive! like bambi said, you've 3 embbies in you now n they're growing. so you must treat yrself like you're preggie liao. jia you!

hi bb k,

good luck for yr iui cycle. how come you're in 2ww before you start yr treatment?


cannot think of any at the moment. usually chinese restaurants will hv round tables but don't think we want that. maybe ask my colleagues.
Hi Felixcat

Im currently in 2ww of my natural cycle... If i failed then I will proceed to the start of my first IUI... =)
Hi ladies,

Woah, today so quiet??? The thread has no posting since 2pm???

I brought my dad to his eye check-up at SGH in the morning and got a pleasant surprise. Many years back when I went with him once, the eye centre was dark and gloomy and cramped with patients. Apparently the eye centre moved to a new wing and now the whole place is brightly-lit, with astract paintings hanging on the walls and the waiting area is comfortable and spacious! Very impressive!

But the waiting time is normally long (as usual), took around 3hrs from start to end i.e. buying medicine from pharmacy. My dad was grumbling all the way. I told him I accompanied him and do nothing I never complained but he the patient complained like mad! Funny how come old folks who are retired are like more 'gang2 jong1' than us har?
Hi Haze,

Woah, I think this friday night you don't have to sleep liao, will be whole night toss and turn to wait for morning to come and you will be the 1st in the queue for your BT right?

U feel weird? That is good!!! Be quietly hopeful ok?
Hi FelixCat,

Yah, tried the restaurant before. The sashimi not as fresh as those that are sold in the normal jap restaurant leh. Normal salmon is bright orange in colour right? The restaurant's ones are dark orange and not appetitising. My friends who ate the sashimi didn't LS though. I skipped the dish due to the colour.
Hi Rinoa,

Woah, did u visit the Le Shan Giant Buddha? I want to go and pray there ever since I watched the documentary on how the Giant Buddha was carved out from the rocks on National Geographic!

I have already 'choped' my best friend to go with me in june if by then I haven't strike lottery. Gosh, maybe can visit E-mei mountain as well. Woah, u have to tell me ALL the details of your trip when u come back ok?
I suffered from forum withdrawal syndrome leh... no postings here since 2pm &amp; I felt so bored, nearly zzzz-ed in office.

Hopefully when Haze is back in office next week the messages will keep coming 8:)

Glad that it's knock off time again, and tmr is a Friday !!! Yeah !!!
Halo Ladies..
Today no mood to post.. cos I hv spotting already in the pm... today is D14 or 12dpt (D2 transfer).. so dun thk spotting is anything but indication of AF coming. *sigh*

Anyway, today I ask nurse again if can do BT on Sat.. this one another nurse.. she said cannot leh! Mus do on Mon... I very sian liao... I thk I wil tell them I already spotting.. no point wait til Mon.

I do feel weird.. but I thk PMS kinda weird lah. I checked the net to c if any of my 'symptoms' r any indications.. end up seems like af symptoms also like pregnancy symptoms! Aiyah.. thk better dun check liao.

I already told my DH dun hv too high hopes...

This IVF I do feel diff from the last one leh. But stil.. thk it's a no strike.

C 2molo how.. if spotting really bad or AF comes, then lagi sian liao lor.

U jiayou ok? U've got 3 n really good grade ones inside u growing... so I'm rooting for u hor.

Jus check: May I know how many of u had ur embbies done assisted hatching? Or can I conclude all from private did assisted hatching while those at govt didn't hv assisted hatching done?

I kept wondering.. this time kk said my embbies dun ned assisted hatching. I've alwys tot one is born with thick eggshells for life. Or is it cos it's a D2 transfer.. the eggshell didn't look 'thk' enuff?

Or.. all private wil do assisted hatching.. regardless... jus like fertilisation is all done via ICSI in private?

Hmm... jus doing a little survey here.
Hi Haze,

I got checked with my gynae before leh, she told me implantation bleeding is NOT a myth leh. If you just have some spotting and it stopped, then very high chance u are having implantation bleeding leh!!!!

I think you don't have to worry so much about whether can do BT on Sat or not lah, just appear at 8am on sat and says u are here for the BT becos monday u are busy with work and can't make it lah. I am sure the nurse won't be so crazy as to tell u to go home right?

Again my advice to you is to go to the nearest Guardian and buy the urine kit and go home and hold home tog with your HB and test. It saves you the agony of 1. going to toilet repeatedly to check whether spotting got stop anot 2. whether u can do the BT on sat morning anot 3. The 48hrs before u know your results.

Think of it this way, knowing earlier means u can start eating "an tai yao" faster to stabilize the pregnancy right? If u are having implantation bleeding, then must take extra care also.

As for the assisted hatching question, I know Yve got assisted hatching done and for my case, Lai Cheng told me she got help me to weaken the shell (becos I got asked her whether my hard shell could be the reason for my failure).
I thk no one here who strike has got implantation bleeding leh...

I c if I hv the guts to do it this wkend. But I hv all the af symptoms leh.. backache.. tummyache.. no boobs ache though..

I had assisted hatching done at Mt E also.. I thk Sam dun hv cos hers is D5 transfer.

Felixcat has... cos I rem she mentioned she was charged with assisted hatching.

The only thing I can conclude is: U kana OHSS once, doesn't mean u'll kana it again the nex time lor. I didn't had it bad this time.. I was bloated n that's abt it. Dosage was the same... jus extracted 1 more follicle than the last time. So... I would thk it's stil abt the same n I nv get sever OHSS this time.
Hi Haze,

Got, Sam got implantation bleeding leh! You forgot! FelixCat also got 2-3drops of blood around D3 after her ET op, remember? Her implantation is very early, that is why her HCG level is so high for a singleton.
Got mah? I forget...

But mine is already D14 leh.. it's pretty late. I read implantation is usually betwn D6-10 after O.

So I stil thk not likely lah...

I spot til D5 leh.. but I thk that's ER spot. I told nurse abt it n she said dun worry, wil stop cos of progesterone jabs. And it did stop lor.

My current spotting.. is very light brown. It's obvious cos I hv habit of wearing liner.. can c lah.

U know my identical twins was split after D8 of transfer and late implantation that's why sharing same placenta... Yes i do have slight implantation bleeding...

If no heavy flow dun fret, you may be pregnant, slight spotting is okie, that means example if you implant 2, you are pregnant with 1 and the other 1 already purging out...

I would suggest you get the clearblu test and test, its more accurate also. Now D14, able to tell already, i tested think 1st one on D12.

Possible what Sam says could be true because you are still on progesterone jabs, so by right your womb should not shed, unless it's the purging out of the embryo.

Don't think so much, i also think you can try to do the clearblu test to save you the mental torture. If you no guts to see, ask your DH to see the results. All you need to do is pee on the stick.

i had no bleeding from the beginning, altho only 1 implanted, i did ask the doctor b4 what happened to the other one, he says either purge out (which cause sppotting) or absorb by the body. So it's too much guesswork at this point in time. Don't guess coz that will make you more worried.
Hi Haze,

Yah, must be brave ok? Don't torture yourself further with all the possibilities causing the spotting, the symptoms etc.

Also, like Sam and Strawbearbi says, the spotting could be the body purging out 1 embryo, so you need to test early so that if really strike jackpot, then must eat "ang tai yao" to stabilize the pregnancy.

Jia You! You can do it!
in my fertility book, there are some women had implementation bleeding due to weak womb. Either via normal or ivf, some women will get implementation bleeding... some times miracles will happen.... so dun worry so much see these few days how...
light brown spotting is normal... as sometimes women tends to bleed or have light spotting. It was said to be ur balance of past menstration... I think you are already preggy leh... cause in the book said as long as your bleeding is not normal blood then is still ok....
So worry so much gerl.. I know and understand that you are scared of failure again... trust me we will always be here for you and pray for you...
morning ladies!


don't worry, sometimes even confirmed preggie (normal, without treatment) will also hv spotting. that's why some people don't know that they're preggie because they're still spotting.

i had only 1 drop of blood n that was on the 2nd day after et. i didn't think too much as it was quite early n only 1 drop n don't know how normal implantation spotting is like.

lilke the other ladies suggested, it's best to do a test. at least there's an answer n like ruru said, if striked, can take an tai yao or jabs earlier.


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i've not tried ikoi before, if it's not so good, then better don't go. the cafe at swissotel merchant court is not bad. they had a promotion, 1 dines free with 4 paying adults for their buffet when i went during cny. think it was hsbc card. paid ard $28 nett i think. don't know if promotion is still on or not.

ladies, any comments?

Hi FelixCat,

Yah, I had been to the buffet at swissotel merchant court. Nice ambience, relatively good selection of cuisine and desserts and most importantly, got round table (unless they change the layout)!

Thanks for the reminder, FelixCat! And the hotel is near the Clark Quay MRT, so quite convenient for our friends who don't drive.

Ok, I second the idea of going to Swissotel Merchant Court for our 3rd outing in March!

But the hotel parking is very expensive leh, I think 1hr is $6, so for ladies who are driving, park at Central is cheaper but the roundabout to go up the carpark is very challenging as very steep and narrow and when my HB drives, I feel giddy. So maybe Strawbearbi, Sam and u better park at the hotel carpark or don't drive that day.
