Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

hi createjoy, i went to my gynae yesterday and he started me on clomid ... again....

think he wants to increase my chances and not 'waste' this cycle... the good news is he says i'm 'biologically young' after the scan. haha, that means i'm actually not young lor. it's like saying "you look young for your age".

wow! that's good to be "young" how to he tell from scan? i cant take clomid my lining is thin think becos i got endo & miscg did D&C before, my doc say my womb look raw sigh...
HI Ruru,
Sorry for late reply as I have not come here for quite some time. My problem starts when i was a teenager. My menses won't come unless induced. I think it could be due to my weight too. but there are ppl fatter than me who conceived too. I think Dr will ask me SO-IUI, but i yet to see him. My appt would be in Aug.

Hi Joy Tan,
Thank you for sharing. I just feel the idea of self-injection 'destructive' & disturbing. I will see how it goes, as my hubby says that if i scared then don't do. But i wan a child of my own.
hi gals!!
toy collector, i've pm u.

I was telling toy collector my follicles had reached the 'desired' size on Sat. However, I was not given HCG jab 'cos the lab and clinic are NOT OPENED during Sunday. My gynae gave me a jab to 'PREVENT' ovulation over the weekends. Call me ignorant, but can you believe how ADVANCED is the 'medication' now, that it can 'manipulate' our body system this way. I'm still worried though, cos I forgot to ask my gynae how long is the effect of the jab. It can prevent ovulation on Sat, but how about Sun, and also Mon b4 I go for the HCG jab. Worry worry....

Creatjoy, I heard CARE opens on Sunday as patients would not be delayed during essential my case.

Fab babe, yea, the self-injections are indeed disturbing. However, the effect on follicles growth and quatity seems much better than clomids, and won't affect linings n lesser side effects than clomid. Till now, I'm still scared of the injections, though no pain. My hubby told me to ask the gynae/nurse to jab for me daily 'cos I stay near the clinic. But paisay lah, I think I better do it myself.
Hi Joy,

Hmm, this is the 1st time I heard about injection that can prevent ovulation from happening! What happened for my 2nd SO-IUI is when I saw my gynae on Sat, he said that I am supposed to have my IUI done on monday so he gave me the HCG medicine and wrote a letter and asked me to find a GP on sunday to help me inject. Meanwhile, he told me to test myself with a ovulation kit in case sat nite ovulate on my own, then do the "u-know-what" with HB then cancel IUI on monday.

Hmm, did your gynae tell you to test with ovulation kit? My advise is either you test tonite or if not, just go ahead and do it with your HB tonite since you only do your IUI on tuesday (IUI must be done 24-36hrs after HCG injection) so your HB's sperms still got 48hrs to replenish the stock. Just my opinion lah.
oh dear, RuRu Cat, now that you mention this, I'm abit sianz le. yea, I should have asked for HCG at GP. I've injections for so many days, n if I can't do the IUI cos of early ovulation...i'm gona faint.

My gynae did not ask me to test for ovulation. She told me that my follicles were 17mm and 18mm, that she's afraid there might be ovulation over the weekends. So she gave me a jab to prevent it. I've thrown away the receipt le, so I can't remem the name of the jab...was quite exp, abt $80 for that single jab.

Hmm..i've googled the name of the jab yesterday, it seems to be used in IVF too, to prevent ovulation when targeted no. of follicles have not grown to desired sizes yet...something like tat. But the jab has to be administered daily in IVF. Tat's why I'm afraid the dosage my gynae injected on Sat might not last till Mon.

2ml I will scan ist b4 HCG. If ovulated le, then no point have HCG shot and IUI le. Arrghhh...
hi fatbabe, i share yr concerns when i first started the injections. i was trying in the room with the nurse for more than 10 mins when she asked me to inject myself (so that I can do it at home also). i simply cannot bring myself to stab myself. finally, she held my hand and pushed the needle in. so peiseh...

at home, i ask dh to help me lor. after a couple of days, i can do it myself (but i still cannot bring myself to look at the needle when i poke). so don't worry too much abt it. yr wish to hv a baby will spur you on.
Hi ladies...
Just want to share wot I've been thru:
I've been married for 5 yrs. Didn't want kids for the initial 2 yrs, but aft trying for a yr later w/o results, went to c a gynae. Put on clomid, then realised that I hv endo. Went for op, check n tubes all clear. Put on clomid (4 tablets!) again but no results.

Then I try TCM. Went to 2 diff TCMs. The latter, combined with western bloodtest n scans, conclude that I hv PCOS.I hv to brew stinging herbs n drink them almost everyday, and was told to stay away from tonnes of things. I lost some 4 kgs in 2 mths... I was so depressed!

Then aft half a yr, the TCM literally told me, I'm not responding to treatment n 'hint' that I shd stop!

Then I change gynae.. was put on jab to get rid of my endo (which surprisingly, the 1st gynae did not do for me), tried SO-IUI with jabs. I refuse to take clomid or metformin again, cos I hv terrible side effects: I even though of killing my own hubby during one of my mood swings!

I failed in my 1st attempt even though timing was right n I hv 2 good sized eggs. My hubby has no problem with his sperm.

Tried my 2nd attempt immediately. This time, my ovaries were stubborn n at Day 8, I've only got one small sized egg. Was put on more jabs n increase dosage... finally on Day 16, did my SO-IUI.

Was given 2 days MC b4 this IUI cos doc thk I'm a bit too stress from work! That does help a lot, was in good mood n high hopes this time around. I thk one shouldn't be greedy... if I can hv just one healthy bb, one wil be enough. Wish me luck ladies! : )
Hi Joy,

Yah, you are right, the jab you are given is called Lucrin. In IVF procedure, a woman is supposed to inject both Lucrin and Puregon concurrently on a daily basis. Lucrin suppresses ovulation so that the follicles will grow uniformly bigger together unlike in SO-IUI where 1or 2 dominant follicle grow in each cycle.

So how did your check-up today goes? You managed to have your HCG shot and tomorrow go for IUI as scheduled? Good luck to you.

Hi, Haze1ine,

I have the same condition as u, PCOS. I suffered very bad side effects from metformin and resorted to skipping my dosage on some bad days but after 2 rounds of clomid and SO-IUI (all not successful), I am now going for IVF and my gynae told me that I have to faithfully eat my twice daily metformin dosage as PCOS patients usually have poor-quality (eg slow-developing or egg-less follicles) follicles and based on her experience, metformin does help. She said she ever have a PCOS patient who harvested 30 follicles and none can be used for IVF.

After what she says, I am really determined to follow thru this time round and has been faithfully eating my metformin and going for my twice weekly accupunture and eating my horrible TCM medicine. I want to make sure that if I am not successful in my 1st IVF attempt, at least I have done everything I can do in my ability to help in conceiving. It is really God's will that I don't succeed and not because I didn't try hard enough.

You mentioned about mood swings, I have them too! I feel angry and upset sometimes and shout at my husband and feel like crying over small arguements. Glad someone experience these hormonal rage as I thought I was going crazy!

So u are in your 2ww now?
Hi RuRu...
My husband thk I was crazy then... n he tot I'm jus using the medication as an excuse.. Kinda sad, uh? haha

Anyway, I've always had pain on my sides. I've ask my gynae b4, he said it's either I'm ovulating or.. my cysts is acting n stretching on my ovaries, thus I feel the slight pain at times. : ( Anyone feels that way?

I've nv been lucky when it comes to bbs... so I'm doing all these with the same reason as u: To tell myself that at least, I've tried it all.

I'm stil not sure if I'm going to do a 3rd SO-IUI or... IVF nex. I talked to my gynae abt it... he scold me leh! He say how come hvn't do IUI, I always thk abt failure n the nex round liao! That's why he say I stressed out lor.. haha
Hi Joy Tan
Which doc are you seeing now? I am with Dr S F Loh at KKH. I am visiting him on 12 August after my last clomid(3 tablets) failed to make me ovulate. I am not sure but think I might be introduced to SO-IUI. I really dunno what to expect from here.
Hi Fat babe,
When I had clomid... my cycle was stil terrible.. it ranges from 25-50 days!

And one of the TCM I've seen, actually told me, clomid wil encourage cysts and if u take too much of it, ur body wil be immune to it. That's why aft I told her I took 4, she jus shook her head n say I wasted this med away liao. I can nv tak it anymore.

I duno how true that is..

SO-IUI isn't that scary... once u've overcome the self jab thing, there's nothing to be afraid of. I'm not sure which type of jab u ladies r using.. but I'm using the 'pen' type.. very fine needle.. very easy to use! : )
hi RuRuCat,
thks. yea, did the scan today, whoa, luckily the follicles are still around, haha. I got the name of the jab to prevent ovulation le, it's 'Orgalutran'. I had HCG shot(s) today, 2 vials, no wonder it took so long to finish the jab. N unlike previously, today's HCG was painful, needle seems to poke into my hip bones...n I jerked up fr bed. So far, everything's ok, but I must say the 'Orgalutran' shot was by far the most painful, not that the injection was painful, but rather the after effect...was sore for hours.

Come to think of it, this 'Orgalutran' seems useful. For those who might have early ovulations despite pre-mature follicles, this jab could be administered.

How's abt u RuRuCat, the injections n eveything ok? How many more days to go before the ER? jiayou.

Hi Fat babe,
I'm seeing my neighborhood gynae (obstetrics & gynaecology specialist). It's much more convenient for me, as I can just walk down to the clinic for the alternate day scans, no stress abt the travelling n hassle...and I'm really comfortable with my gynae.

SO-IUI should be good for you since you dun respond to clomids. Basically is just replacing clomids with daily injectables (eg puregon). Your gynae will then monitor growth of follicles from D7. Don't worry, all will be well.

You dun ovulate, so most prob u won't be getting ur menses this cycle. Your gynae will prob gif ur some tablets to induce menses. On D2 of menses, he will ask u down and teach u how to use the puregon pen...u prob need to inject from D2 to ard D10-D11, depending on follicles growth. Then u will be given HCG shot, and next day ur IUI.
Hi Haze1ine,

I also has those pain time to time. Sometimes suspect of cyst, but turn out only ovulation pain as gynae said.

Good luck to all of you ok..
Joy Tan:
The jab is suppose to jab into ur muscle... that's why it's more painful and we can't do it ourselves. I even get a little blueblack at times. Good luck to u... keep ur spirits up.. go pamper urself a bit n I thk it helps. : )

U also feel the pain ah? But sometimes, aft ovulation, stil hv leh. So I thk maybe mine is cyst lor. Sian... seems like we can nv get rid of it. I took the jabs to clear it b4 my IUI.. but gynae said wun clear completely n can only last for abt 6 mths. : (
Hi haze1ine,

I confirmed the pain not due to cyst because when i had the pain which is on off after few days of my AF cleared, i went to gynae to check because concerned it was cyst pain. but she scanned and cleared loh.
I had this jabbing pain every month. sometimes lower side, sometimes beside the navel. My gynae just said that the pain associate to like when releasing the egg, uterus expanding, egg maturing, and etc.
Maybe we are just more sensitive, so can feel all the changes in the womb.
*sigh* So sensitive but somehow.. cannot strike leh.

Another one of my colleague jus discover that she's pregnant.. now there's 4 pregnant ladies on my side! Sometimes I jus wonder, why it's so easy for them.. n yet so difficult for me.
Hi Haze1ine and Vi4n,

Did u 2 watch this cartoon movie, Madadasgcar (don't know how to spell leh) about 4 animals escaping from the zoo? In the movie, there is this scene where the seagull was talking to one of the escaped animal about how "productive" he is, he said "I only have to look at my wife and she lays an egg!" Somehow this line strikes me as hilarious and got stuck in my mind all these years. Some couples are like that one loh, maybe you talk to the wife a short while ago about starting family and the next time you heard, she is don't know how many months pregnant already.

Hi Joy,

Glad everything turns out well for you, now you need to tahan the 2ww. Maybe the ovulation prevention jab is stronger than Lucrin. I am still on my 21days of Yasmin (birth control pill), will start jab in Aug.

Hi Haze1ine,

Which day of the 2ww are you in? Good luck! I think it is better to plan your next step but quietly in your heart still harbour hope for your 2nd SO-IUI to succeed. I read in a thread in motherhood forum about a lady who gets treated in KKH and her gynae says that based on past statistics, by the 2nd time you don't strike with SO-IUI, then should move on with IVF.

Don't know true anot, but I felt that if after IVF and I found out that the quality of my eggs are ok (PCOS woman usually have very poor-quality follicles or even egg-less follicles), then I can try SO-IUI again if I want too.
Hi FelixCat,

Hvn't chitchat with you for awhile already. What is the BP thread hah?

Hmm, I remembered you told me your gynae wants you to try a natural cycle for aug then y suddenly the change of heart and take clomid? What does he means by "biologically young"? So funny leh your gynae. Glad your accup went smoothly. Me now on 21days oral contraceptive pills to suppress my hormones before starting on my injections. Will keep u posted.
I duno how u count but I did my IUI last Sat.. still many days to go I thk. My menses came 12 days aft my 1st IUI. I thk today is only miserable 3rd day... stil feel very bloated, can't wear my regular skinnies!

I might want to try another SO-IUI. Then rest.. n if all fails, do IVF b4 the end of the yr.. b4 that cysts prevention jab 'expires'!

But also hv to c how much $ we've got left to do all these... not cheap leh. I'm sure u all know too.

Actually, how u know if ur eggs r good? U can't tell til u do IVF, rite? Cannot extract to test, rite?
morning girls,

Wah. got such thing for cyst prevention jab?

ya Ruru, some of my friends really can this month say wanna try to have baby, next month said pregnant already.. haiz..

I hope all your IUI and IVF are successful ok. So I can convince my hubby to try for IUI also. He keeps saying how many percent of success rate?? Very reluctant to pay so much when success rate is low. He feels better just stick to TCM, can also 'bu' the body loh.
But really i'm not getting any younger, if don't try IUI and just stick to TCM, i wonder whether one day can get pregnant or not. haiz.
TCM will take a long time to show effect... I duno how long u've been on TCM. But if after quite a while, there's still no improvement, I thk u shd move on.

Nothing is 100% sure strike lah. Even for IVF... and diff ppl, diff condition. I duno how much u're paying for ur TCM. But I spent abt a yr on TCM, seen 2 diff sinseh. The earlier one is at Tong Chai, pay thru donation. But timing is really bad, only in the am.

Then I change to this one who's suppose to specialised in fertility w/high success rate! $75 for 3 pkt of herbs per wk, I c her for half a yr. That excludes bloodtest n scans she ask me to do at a gynae at Glen E. U go figure how much I've spent. I dun thk it's any cheaper!

TCM does regulate my menses.. makes my cycle slightly shorter n more bearable. But still, nv strike. I would say u can use TCM to enhance any western treatment, they can reduce side effects n increase ur chances if combined correctly with western medication. Must go to one trusted TCM who knows how to do that.

Initally I tot IUI is scary.. mainly cos of self-jab thing. But once u've overcome that, it's ok liao.

I'm also not young anymore, time is not on my side. So I do want to exhaust all ways b4 age decrease my chances further.

Miserable Day 5 today.. rainy day.
Hey Haze1ine,

you just done your insemination, right?! stay positive ok.. keep thinking that your productive system is in process and be happy to wait for positive outcome ok..

ya i also have the same thought with you. we should try any available chance we have.

wow. you tcm also super expensive ah.
I already spend a lot of $ on trying for a bb liao.. I really hope the govt wil do somethg to help ppl like us. It's not that we dun want, but sometimes, it's jus so expensive n to keep on taking leave or timeoff to see doc, not all co is that understanding.

I read somewhere that ppl can claim IUI thru medisave??? True?

Did any of ur gynae gave u progesterone to take aft IUI? I actually dun really know wot it's for. It's like for 'an tai', is it?
Hi Haze1ine,

Hmm, during the IVF counselling session, the nurse told me can claim $6k, $5k, $4K from medisave for 3 rounds of IVF. Not sure if you can used medisave for IUI but maybe no gynae suggest to u also becos "bo3 hua2". If can only claim 3 times, then y risk not being able to claim for IVF treatment if 3 times IUI not successful right?

Yes, the progestrone is to stabilize the womb lining thickness to increase implantation chance.

U r right about egg quality. Only IVF procedure extracts the follicles and analyse the egg inside to see if good quality anot (I have a gut feel that I have very poor-quality eggs leh). IVF is the only available treatment where the only "question mark" in the whole baby-making process is the implantation stage, whereas SO-IUI just ensure got follicles got sperms then everything leaves in fate's hand.

Maybe that is why Vi4n's hb is not keen on IUI as the chance of SO-IUI is around 15-20% per cycle, quite similar to a natural cycle pregnancy chance. IVF success rate for Mt e is around 40%, double the chance but so expensive.

My HB jokes that if really strike, we have to call our baby Louis or Chanel (namesake of LV or Chanel) as the amt of $ spent on making the baby can buy many branded bags already.
RuRu Cat,
I used to thk my problem is, I can't tell when I'm ovulating or is not ovulating. Cos my menses r irregular.. it's like shooting blindfolded or in the dark, anyhow hit n c if u're lucky, strike or not.

Then later on, I hv endo lah.. then 'certify' PCOS lah... *sigh*

My tubes seems clear from the endo lap, and my hubby's sperm has no problems, so my gynae suggest I try for SO-IUI 1st b4 jus jumping into IVF n making me more stress.

haha.. ur HB so funny. I tot of calling my bb Myrica... like miracle u know! Aiyah.. dream only lah now.

Aiyoh.. last time I stil write down a whole list of names that I find nice for my future bbs... now seems so pathetic with my situation like that. : (
Hi Ruru,

But my hubby also not keen to do IVF because too invasive.. so very difficult, right?!

your hubby so cute..

Ya haze1ine, i also have the list of name for my future baby.. but then??? sad to say.... sigh..

Actually, if u're ok with going ahead with assisted pregnancy, maybe u shd hv a gd talk to ur hubby abt it. Cos mainly, the one doing most of the 'work', will be us. If we're ok with it, I dun c why he shd object.

He might be afraid that it's a bit too much for u to handle... But time is also a big factor. I duno how old u r but I'm not young already! So I can't afford to wait too long. I've already wasted enuff time.

Some do say ur chance wil increase aft ur op.. so I do hope u strike! : )
Hi Haze1ine,

I have some good news for u - according to a lady in another thread in motherhood forum, there is a rumour that the Prime Minister will announce new baby incentives to encourage couples to have more babies during the national day rally. Let's all keep our fingers crossed that the incentives got cover some financial help for fertility treatment! This lady says she will delay her IVF treatment until Sept to wait and c got good news anot. Too bad I already started on my contraceptive pills stage for IVF so can't stop leh.

Hi Vi4n,

Actually I agree with Haze1ine that we woman are the one who do the "work". That is why I told my hb "luckily" I am the one who has the infertility problem as then I won't complain or "yuan4" my husband. I read about this lady from another thread who went for IVF becos of hb's poor sperm quality problem.

Sometimes I wonder which is the worse scenario - Gynae tell you both hb and u have no fertility problem but try many years no strike or gynae says one of the couples have fertility problem? I guess for me at least know something wrong somewhere at least at the end of the day won't so "beat chest".

Sigh, just some consolation words for all of us ladies in this thread!
Here's another thought: Is it better to have a miscarriage, at least u know u can get pregnant...! Or... try for so many years n nv even get pregnant b4?

Giv it some thought ladies. For someone like me... I actually tot if I've miscarriage *touch wood* b4, at least I know I can get pregnant! But for ppl who hv miscarriage b4, they'd rather they nv go thru it...

Maybe we will all be able to benefit from wot the govt's going to introduce... we shd all keep our fingers crossed! : ) Rem wot SM Lee said abt Sweden's system? Woah... that's the way to go, man! haha

My hubby love kids. So I tot the last thing I can do, is to keep on trying.
Hi girls,

It's been a while since I log in. I was thinking that the govt should be introducing some extra incentives after our dear Mr. Lee's interview .. just don't know when. so it's good to know that it will be so soon!

Hi rurucat,
BP = bulk purchase. There's another section in this forum where you will see many mummies organizing bulk purchases (to enjoy discounts!). Mine (ladies fahsion) is already closed. You can see the photos here:

If you are interested, I can inform you if/when I start the next one.

I went to tcm again yesterday. This time, the accupuncture is more painful. The doc said because the last time, he 'shou3 xia4 liu2 qing2'....
Hi Haze1ine,

Same thought, same thought.. i also think don't know better to have at least successfully pregnant, then m/c, or never experience pregnancy before. haiz..

Hubby reluctant because of the cost also. He is super stubborn one loh. I def can't force him, but will sweet talk him slowly. At least now he already open to the idea of IUI, but only after we finish our TCM treatment.

All this trying really so.. so.. expensive..

Well, hope for good news from the govt soon. : )

Do u ovulate regularly? If so, then u can just try natural IUI. It's much cheaper.. Mine includes jabs.. those jabs took up most of the cost. Talk to ur gynae over it...

I dun dare to go count how much I've spend so far.

Sometimes, it's how we c things. U read abt ppl, with only a single income of less than $1k, can support wife and 2-3 kids! Wife also not working.. they might not hv a lot of savings but hey, ppl can stil get by... so why can't we?

Mus learn how to 'let go'.. but easier say than done lah hor? haha
hi gals, I'm back!
Had my IUI on Tues, this time round it was super painful. Do you know what's that instrument gynae insert into V (that usually cause discomfort), before the IUI process?

N hor, few hrs after the IUI, there was alot of bleeding leh...not just a drop or two, but bleeding, wet my whole underwear. I got freaked out. Luckily it subsided soon to spotting and cleared on 3rd day.

hmmm, abt the quest reg miscarriage n know that u can get pregnant, or not able to get pregnant at all. Both r same same ba...equally sad.

I've a close fren who had a mc a year ago during her 7th month. It's a pain/loss that will take a mother forever to get over with. Somemore, when a foetus this big dies in the womb, the doc will let the mother hv a 'natural birth'. My fren was given injections to induce birth to the dead foetus (no epidural will be given for such case). The process of labor is same same as live birth, the pain/contractions 10 folds cos no epidural cld be given. She took abt 10 hrs to finally pass out the foetus. By 7th month, it's actually a formed baby le...not a mass of cells. That made the mc even more painful.

It was very sad. We a group of frens and her mother went to her house to throw away all the baby stuffs (bed, stroller, toys etc) before she came home fr hospital.

My fren is pregnant again.
but I guess the pain/loss of the previous mc is something that she will never get over for a very long long time. As for me, after seeing the process of labour, I think I will never have the courage to have natural birth.
IUI shdn't be so painful.. it's almost like doing a PAPsmear. I thk they use the same instrument too. I actually dun feel anything much!

There will be slight spotting... mine happened aft both my IUIs. But only very slightly.

Did u go back n check with ur gynae? Maybe u were too tensed during the procedure, dear. Sorry I'm a bit lazy to check back the threads.. but it's ur 1st IUI?

Ur gynae shd let u feel relax n in safe hands...

Take a good rest this coming 2 wks.. +ve thoughts dear! And I wish both of us the best of luck n we'll strike Strike STRIKE!!!
Hi Joy,

It is ok. I had the same bad experience as u. My 1st SO-IUI was ok, mild bearable discomfort but my 2nd SO-IUI was bad, I also bleeded but only for a few hrs. The sad part is that still have to do the love-love 12 hrs later to improve chance and it was very painful. The pain is the deciding point for me to go for IVF if my 2nd SO-IUI was unsuccessful. I told my hb that if SO_IUI is so painful then I may as well bear the pain for IVF as double the chance wat (SO_IUI 20%, IVF 40%).

I suspect the gynae used a dilator on you to straighten the uterus (mine was abit curved so have to use the dilator) so that the tubing can go in smooth and the sperms won't be pumped accidently into the uterus (washed sperms without the semen protection won't be able to survive in the uterus).

Dear all,

The next few words are my own opinion and thoughts and not meant to offend anyone's religious ideals and beliefs.

I went to see my geomancer yesterday as worried that me and my hb's ba zhi don't have child affiliation and I am just waiting in vain for a child. True enough, the geomancer said both me and my hb's child affiliation are weak and we need to ask Godness of Mercy sincerely for a child. He checked and said that my 1st IVF attempt is so-so chance lah. The 2nd round of IVF have higher chance. Sigh... I felt so sad that I shed tears in front of my geomancer.
I really can't imagine it being that painful. Cos really.. mine is relatively painless. And I hv a really low threshold of pain, believe me!

Anyway, talking abt geomancer: I had my own experience. It's not really geomancy, it's more like.. those 'tang ki' u know?

We went all the way to Malacca. There's a relative who wanted to go n enquire abt something, so we followed. And my HB, say we might as well ask abt our chances, since that time, we were jus abt to start my IUI treatment. He said my HB has a 'Lone Star' in his life... meaning: he is doomed to be a loner when old, no child luck at all! And for me: he said I'm weak 'below'.. chances also very low.

He even say, no point hving Godchildren or adopt, we wil nv be close to them. He say he can try n help us 'send' the 'Lone Star' away with some prayers n offerings. But it's stil all up to fate.

My HB was shocked. Cos all along, I'm the one with the problem, he has always been ok. He was so disappointed then that he say, we jus try IUI once, since already like... destinated liao.

But I guess as time goes by, we dun feel as 'doomed' lah. We thk if we dun try now, we wil nv know n we wil sure regret when we get much older. If really dun hv, then it's really fated lor.

RuRu, jus take those words with a pinch of salt... better stil, prove his words wrong!

I dun feel so good today, got pain on my side again. I always get this... I really duno wot's the problem leh. : (
Just want to give some encouragement.

I was ttcing for 19 months. Went through a lap op and 2 failed IUIs.

Just when we thought we should take up IVF if we still don't succeed, I got pregnant and now in my 5th week, hope I can carry the baby to full term and have a healthy little one. My lap op showed that the right side of my tube is blocked so my chance of concieving is only half as compared to those who have healthy tubes. Then my frend recommended me to consult Dr Gordon Tan of Joy clinic at Gleneagles. After the 1st treatment from him, I got pregnant naturally. But apart from his treatment, I think visiting TMC also helps.

And try not to be affected by geomancer's comments, my boss once asked me to seek such advice and if confirmed that I am not destined to have kids, I should give up. I find it rather absurd, how can we let a geomancer determine if we should continue to try for a child. I am glad I did not take my boss's advise.

Anyway, I wish all of you good luck. If you want to have Dr Gordon Tan's contact, let me know. As for TMC, I went to Tong Chai Medical Centre at Chin Swee Road which is free, you just need to give a donation of any amount you wish after each visit.
hi gals,
yea, I'm ok le. Soooo...that instrument is called a dilator? Gosh, it was indeed painful. It is same same as the instrument they use during HSG (tube scanning) rite? My pain actually only lasted during the insertion, there wasn't any pain after the dilator was removed, nor any pain after the IUI. After the IUI, I went out for dinner till 11pm, only realised I was bleeding when I got home. I didn't call up my gynae cos the bleeding had already subsided to spotting the next day. I did not dare make love-love 12 hr after the IUI, cos I was afraid of aggravating the condition. :p

hi Haze1ine,
This is my 2nd IUI but 1st SO-IUI. My 1st IUI (clomid) was uncomfortable but without any pain at all. Also, there was no bleeding or spotting. My 1st IUI failed big time, hahaha... I dun have menses even 1 mth after the IUI, though I ovulated with the HCG shot. So you can imagine how me and hubby felt then, the false hope of thinking that I was pregnant. Lessons learnt from 1st IUI: never associate no menses to pregnancy. Never read too much into 'pregnancy symptons', ie implantation spotting/aches/nauseous/crampy feeling/sore boobs...ive been thru it all, they are not accurate. If pregnancy kit still shows neg 10 days after missed menses, IT IS NEGATIVE.

Hi RuRu Cat,
Dun think too much, like haze1ine said, take the geomancer's words with a pinch of salt. I'm not a beliver of what to say. Stay positive!!

I'm an impatient person. When I want to get pregnant, I want it by TOMORROW. My hubby's suportive, he loves kids, but told me we need to be patient even with short-cuts via medical intervention. So I suppose I will just continue with the IUI or even IVF for as long as until I'm conceived ba.
So happy to hear a success story! Jus give us some motivation to carry on... : ) Take good care of urself.. and I'm sure u'll be ok n will deliver a healthy bb.

But isn't it funny.. I've heard a lot of cases of almost giving up and then.. got pregnant naturally! I'm starting to thk that maybe it's all in the mind.

I dun like Clomid. Somehow, I thk Clomid is the cause of my endo. I was fine every yr with my PAPsmear scan.. til aft I took Clomid a few rounds, then scan n found out I hv endo.

I hope we will all succeed. : )
yes, by right I should be very happy now. but strangely, I am not as excited as I thought I should be. Don't know why.

Anyway, you may want to consider going to Tong Chai medical centre for TMC to give it another shot. I am sure your turn will come soon since you have healthy tubes. Good luck.
Hi Hazeline,
yea, I think clomids hv lots of side effects. I used to get nauseous, n quite low spirit (duno if is due to clomids). Also, I see flashes of lights/images trailing after moving objects at slow motion tai-chi. I heard that the max is 4-6 clomid cycles. However, I have read in forums where some took clomids for 1-2 yrs, is quite horrifying. I dun understand why some gynae allow such to happen.

Puregon has lesser side effects. My gynae told me the only side effects r mainly pre-menstrual symptons. I developed very sore boobs after the 7th (total 9) puregon injections. They r still sore though the injections ended 5days I gather the effects of Puregon is also very 'strong'. I think we really need to 'pu' our body with tonics due to all these medication.
Keep ur spirits up... go pamper urself a bit. I thk u'll feel better this way. : )

I went to Tong Chai b4... for abt half a yr. But the timing is pretty bad.. only in the am & since it's TCM, I can't get an MC so I really cannot afford to go regularly.

I switched to another TCM near my office later. She also specialise in fertility. But aft another half a yr, stil in vain lah. So I stop doing TCM liao.

I had terrible moodswings while on clomid til my HB also scared! haha

On Puregon, I had backaches n feel like vomiting at times. But my gynae said it's hormone changes.
hi Joy,

i think the dilators come in sizes. my 2nd iui was super painful and i heard the doc telling the nurse to get the smaller size. after that, i always ask them if they've prepared the smaller size one.

hi ruru cat,

don't be bothered by comments from the geomancer. my sister-in-law has no children and i know she's been asking around (those taoist medium) and they told her that she'll not hv any children and she actually gave up. as it's quite a private matter, we don't discuss abt it. but during my ttc journey, i've always wondered if she's tried going to a gynae instead of asking 'god'. it would be a shame to give up without trying our best. like what haze1ine says, you may regret when you're old if you don't give it a shot.

i've seen one geomancer who says i'll hv 3 boys (i wonder where's the other 2...) but another say that my son will be very "gu1 du2" (loner) and he will want to hv many children because he was lonely as a child. but i'm not going to let that happen without a fight!

stay positive! you need to focus on your current ivf and don't be affected by such negative comments.

i don't know why my gynae changed his mind to start clomit this time. but i was thinking this mth is not a good mth as i've been very stressed lately and my son's going to register p1 next week which i think will need balloting. so super stressed.

i'm taking tcm medicine to help the eggs grow faster and prevent thin linning. didn't know they hv such 'growth' medicine. i'll be going for my d12 scan next tue, hopefully the eggs will grow to a reasonable size. expect the iui to be done next week. keeping my fingers crossed even though didn't hv a good feeling abt this one...

baby dust to all!
helloo i did my iui on sat... well i was injected from 4/7 till 25/7- almost thought all the effort gone.. but thank God the follicle grew to 18mm finally.. but the gynae only allow me to rest 5 min after the procedure..praying that it will be successful...
Maybe it's twin boys this time... keep ur fingers crossed! : )

Toy Collector
I tot my jabs were long.. cos I took abt 2 wk's jab for my 2nd shot at IUI and only managed to get 1 no. 18mm egg. My 1st one only took a wk and i've got 2 nos. of slightly more than 20mm eggs. So I also really dun hv much hope for this one.. But I've been telling myself, dun be greedy. One healthy child is all I need for now.
Hi gals, got some doubts can someone pls clarify for me.

If going IUI do we still use ovaluation kit to test? i think if SO-iui got inject no point but if normal IUI?

The ovulation test strip suppose to be ovulate only if the 2nd line is deeper or equal to the test line, what if it is very visible but still slightly thinner than testline throughout the testing week does it mean my Lh not high enuff so consider ovualte or not?

Suppose the ovulation kit tells that there is ovulation means got egg in the folicle?

Toy collector, wish you good luck! i think next mth i going natural IUI so no injection yet, i hope i have enuff guts to poke myself when the need arises... :p Felixcat must be positive!! believe in mircale then it will come hahaha say is easy heehee i also down when my mense come.. good luck to every one! I hope next mth i got more things to share with you gals cos i been in this thread qt long but still haven start my IUI..hubby dclaim he very busy recently till sept... no time to eat no time to BD.. wonder if he hinting me to postpone another few mths...

i also qt busy next 2 mth got a big project tempted to postpone cos i dont want double stress to affect my chance.. sigh... but time & tide wait for no man sparing no woman...

hi creatjoy,
what is natural IUI? hmmm...u mean no clomids, no injections ah? I've not encountered this b4...but I suppose it's feasible, if you have no problem ovulating. You r doing 'natural IUI', maybe you still want the gynae to scan to monitor growth of follicles, so that u can estimate ovulation date and monitor size of follicles? You can have HCG shot to trigger the ovulation within 24 hr (some say 48 hr) b4 the IUI. If you dun want to have HCG shot, you can use ovulation kits to predict ovulation. But I'm not sure of its accuracy and timing wise, you guys may need to take emergency leave the next day when the kit is positive.

I'm not sure if ovulation = follicle with egg. But my gynae told me when a follicle reaches 17-18mm, chances r higher that there is a viable egg. However, some may ovulate even when follicle falls short of the desired size (hence lower chances of havg a viable egg). That is why gynae prefer to scan every 2 days to monitor growth of follicles B4 IUI.
