Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hi felixcat,
ohh so the dilators come in sizes!! RuRuCat, I think we hv been stretched with XL dilators lah, that's y the pain and bleeding! :p Wah, y gynae saw us in such pain yet still didn't switch to smaller dilators. Felixcat, thank you for the infor!!...can save us from future pains.

By the way gals, I'm very confused. HCG shot is to trigger ovulatin within 24hr or 48hrs? The lab told my hubby is 40-48hr. My gyne told me is 24hr. Infor from websites is 30-36hr. My first IUI was 18hr after HCG. 2nd IUI was 31hr after HCG. Entry by Northvirgo (she got pregnant
) was that she had HCG on a mon and IUI on a wed.

I did question my gynae that if HCG triggered ovulation within 24hr, then would it take place like 3hrs after my HCG? and that IUI would be toooo late then? She said most prob not, usually should be around 24hr. She said timing was not so important so long as IUI was done the next day... unless I wana choose the genda of my baby, then she will adjust the time accordingly to increase the chance of having either a baby gal/boy. Northvirgo's IUI shld be definately more than at least 40hr after HCG rite? (n it resulted in pregnancy) What do you gals think?

I was told to do my HCG at 8pm on Thurs nite.. and I did my IUI on Sat.. at abt 11am. Sperm wash takes abt 2.5 hrs to process. I read somewhere it's abt 24-36hr release time. I guess shd be around there.

And gynae wil usually ask u to try again naturally that nite.. and the morning aft to increase ur chances. U can't try b4 ur IUI cos ur HB ned to preserve his sperm for abt 3 days.

I also read washed sperms, will not last as long as natural sperm. Normal ones can last 3 days.. while our dear egg.. only 24 hrs.

Did ur gynae ask u to keep ur bladder full when doing IUI? I was told to do that so it's easier for insertion.. and for my 1st one, he jus do the insertion. But for the 2nd one, he did a tummy scan b4 that... to find duno wot position.. then with that.. he does the insertion. Both times, told to lay there for 20mins.. had a hard time keep still cos ur bladder is quite full by then!

I forget to ask him why 1st time he didn't do a scan... But the bill is the same for both times.
Good morning,

So many input to read..

Haze1ine, no loh. i also have problem with ovulation. this cycle also like haywired already.
never reached peak ovulation only 7 days of detected rise in LH level. I'm using ClearBlue Ovulation test kit. so got 3 bars (Peak = 3 bars), for 7 days only 2 bars, then dropped to 1 bar again then now prompting that my period should come, but no show yet leh. Though i think symthoms are here already. but this month boobs also never pain. weird..

I hope all of you have successful IUI stories to share very very soon ok.

Ya, don't get too affected by what geomancer or all these fortune teller said. I heard a lot and my relatives also heard a lot and i can tell you that most of them were proven wrong.
If you give up, then you are given up your hope and chance also. But.. maybe then you will get more relax and get lucky.. maybe.. hehehhe.. Since most of the stories i heard also, people gave up and got lucky.. who knows, right?!
Hi all,

Thanks for your comforting words. No, I won't give up, just that continue my fertility treatment with lesser expectation only. Good for stress level also, less hope less expectation, less disappointment right?

This morning was reading straits times about Mark Lee, the Ch8 comedian, story. He says he got married 10 years ago and only "strike" last year end. He and his wife are in the "no fertility problem" category, the wife even tried IVF twice and went to see countless TCM physicans.

I should perserve and it is nice to share my thoughts and feelings with u ladies, have a great week ahead. And for ladies on the 2ww, jia you!
Question: What does 2ww stands for? I know it's the 2 wks aft IUI.. but duno wot the 'ww' stands for.

I wil be away for a short break aft my 2ww leh.. thk it matters? I'll either be very happy during the trip or disappointed again. It's a relaxation trip.. will do absolutely nothing cos that place has got absolutely nothing to do! Basically, wil rot there for a few days. I told my gynae abt it and he said it's ok, since he also acknowledge, that place really hv nothing to do one! haha

Thx for all the encouragement.. really hope I'd hv good news to share soon! : )

Aft lunch.. so sleeeeepy!
Hi all, I'm new to the forum and would like to seek some advice on SO-IUI.

I have PCOS and am starting on my first round of SO-IUI with KKIVF soon. The whole process seems intimidating and I wonder if any of u can share some tips to mentally prepare myself for the process?

Thanks in advance!
Hello strawbearbi
It's not that scary... SO-IUI. The 1st jab was hard... my hands were shaking n the nurse hv to help me push the needle in! haha But aft that, it's pretty easy aft u overcome that initial fear. I hv to do all the jabs myself.. cos my HB is even more scared that I am! *sigh*

U jus jab daily abt 2 fingers away from ur belly buttom area, alt on each side.

I'm using Puregon n seeing a private gynae. I'm not sure wot KKH uses. It's very easy to jab, pen-like and the needle is very fine. U hardly feel any pain or any blood at all! Try to ask for that.

I've used the traditional needle one also, for a couple of addtional jabs that i ned. I'd suggest u use Puregon Pen! Enuff said!

Good luck to ur treatment! Hope u strike on ur 1st try! : )
hi haze1ine,

2ww = 2 weeks wait.

Found more abbreviations in another thread:

ACA - Anti-Cardiolopin Antibodies
ADN - Any Day Now
AF - Aunt Flo - Menstrual Cycle
AH,AZH - Assisted Hatching
AHI - At-home Insemination
AI - Artificial Insemination
AIH - Artificial Insemination from Husband
AO - Anovulation
AOA,AVA - Anti-ovarian Antibody
ART - Assisted Reproductive Technology
AWOL - A Woman On Lupron

B4 - Before
B4N - Before Now
BA - Baby Aspirin
BABYDUST - Good wishes vibe for getting pregnant
BBL - Be Back Later
BBT - Basal Body Temperature
BBs - BooBies AKA Breasts
BC - Birth Control
BCP - Birth Control Pills
BD - Baby Dance (intercourse)
BF - BreastFed, BoyFriend
BFN - Big Fat Negative (Neg Pregnancy Test)
BFP - Big Fat Positive! (Positive Pregnancy Test)
BIL - Brother InLaw

C# - Cycle Number
CB - Cycle Buddy
CD - Cycle Day
CF - Cervical Fluid
CM - Cervical Mucus
CP - Cervical Position
CNM - CertifiedNurseMidwife

DA - Dear Angel
DH - Dear Husband
DP - Dear Partner
DD - Dear daughter
DS - Dear Son
DSD - Dear Step-Daughter
DSS - Dear Step-Son
D&C - Dilation & Curettage
D&E - Dilation & Evacuation
DPO - Days Post-Ovulation
DPC - Days Since Last Clomid pill was taken
DPR - Days Post-Retrieval
DPT - Days Post-Transfer
Dx - Diagnosis

E2 - Estradiol
EB,EMB - Endometrial Biopsy
EDD - Estimated Due Date
ENDO - Endometriosis
EG - Evil Grin
EPO - Evening Primrose Oil
EPT - Early Pregnancy Test
ET - Embryo Transfer
EW,EWCM - Eggwhite Cervical Mucus

FET - Frozen Embryo Transfer
FHR - Fetal Heart Rate
FIL - Father in law
FP - Follicular Phase
FSH - Follicle Stimulating Hormone
FUR - False Unicorn Root
FV - Fertile Vibes

GIFT - Gamete Intra-fallopianTransfer
GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
GnRH - Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone
GP - General Practitioner

hCG,HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
hMG,HMG - Human Menopausal Gonadotropin
HPT - Home Pregnancy Test
HRT - Hormone Replacement Therapy
HSC - Hysteroscopy
HSG - Hysterosalpingogram

ICI - Intra-cervical Insemination
ICSI - Intra-cytoplasmic Sperm Injection
IF - Infertility
ITI - Intra-tubal Insemination
IUI - Intra-uterine Insemination
IVF - InVitro Fertilization

J - Jiak (Eat Healthy)
JIT - Just in time

K - Koon (Hv ample rest and sufficient sleep, no stress)
KIO - After BD, you KIO
KUP - Keep us posted
KWIM - Know What I Mean

LAP - Laparoscopy
LH - Luteinizing Hormone
LMP - Last Menstrual Period (startdate)
LO - Love Olympics (sex)
LP - Luteal Phase
LPD - Luteal Phase Defect
LSP - Low Sperm Count
LUF,LUFS - Luteinized Unruptured Follicle Syndrome

MC,m/c - Miscarriage
MF - MaleFactor
MIFT - Micro Injection Fallopian Transfer
MIL - Mother in law
MS - Morning Sickness

NAK - Nursing At Keyboard
Newbie - New to the Internet or Bulletin Board
NFP - Natural Family Planning
NIPing - Nursing In Public

O - Ovulation, Ovulated
OB - Obstetrician
OB/GYN - Obstetrician/Gynecologist
OC - Oral Contraceptives
OD - Ovulatory Dysfunction
OPK - Ovulation Predictor Kit
OPT - Ovulation Predictor Test

PPAF - Post-Pardom Aunt Flo
PCO - Polycystic Ovaries
PCOD - Polycystic Ovary Disease
PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
PCP - Primary Care Physician
PCT - Post Coital Test
PG - Pregnant
PID - Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
PMS - Pre-menstrual Syndrome
POAS - Pee on a stick (Home Pregnancy Test)
PPL - PeoPLe

QS - Quick Strike

RE - Reproductive Endocrinologist
R-FSH - Recombinant Human Follicle Stimulating Hormone
RI - Reproductive Immunologist
Rx - Prescription

SA - Semen Analysis
SAHD - Stay-At-Home Dad
SAHM - Stay-At-Home Mom
SB - Step-Brother
SBT - Sad But True
SD - Step-Daughter / Step-Dad
SFAIAA - So Far As I Am Aware
SF - Step-Father
SFMP - Sorry For Multiple Posts
SHG - Sonohysterogram
SIL - Sister in law
SITD - Still In The Dark
SM - Step-Mom (Mother)
SNS - Supplemental Nursing System
SMEP - Sperm Meets Egg Plan
SS - Step-Son / Step-Sister
STD - Sexually Transmitted Disease

TCOYF -Taking Care of Your Fertility
TFIC - Tongue Firmly In Cheek
TMI - Too Much Information
TPTB - The Powers That Be
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TTFN - Ta-Ta For Now
TWW - Two week wait (also 2WW)
TR - Tubal Reversal
Tx - Treatment

UR - Urologist
U/S - Ultrasound
UTI - Urinary Tract Infection

V - Vasectomy
VR - Vasectomy Reversal

WAHD - Work-At-Home-Dad
WAHM - Work-At-Home-Mom
WB - Welcome Back
WFM - Works For Me
WEG - Wicked Evil Grin
W/O - WithOut
WNL - Within Normal Limits
WOHM - Work Out of Home Mom
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get

XR - X-ray
X-chromosome - Female Sperm

Y-chromosome - Male Sperm

ZIFT - Zygote Intra-fallopian Transfer

<font color="0000ff">hi strawbearbi,</font>

i had my so-iui done with kkh as well. the whole process is not that bad as long as you are used to the injection. That was my problem at first but after a couple of days, it was ok. Anyway, my injection was only for 7 days so it passed by pretty quickly. just take note that you don't inject near the belly button as you might hit a blood vessel.
Hi haze1ine &amp; felixcat, thks for the advice.
The nurse has told me I will be on Puregon and I have seen the pen. But I doubt I can handle injection so that will be my hubby's task.
Would injection cycles differ among different ppl?
Also, will Puregon cause mood swings? My mood swings can b quite bad... I hope won't worsen when taking the jabs.
hi haze1ine,

yeah, i'm quite good with copy and paste.

hi strawbearbi,

i think how much to inject differs from person to person. you will need to go back for scans and the nurses will let you know if you need to inject more than what's prescribed earlier. i can't really remember the mood swings ... maybe because i'm anyway in a bad mood already... haha.

it's the progesterone which caused terrible mood swings for me. i was crying over the smallest thing. after your iui, the doc may prescribe progesterone inserts which you need to insert daily till you go back for your pregnancy test.
I consume my progesterone!! Can be eaten right? I nv hear wrongly leh.. nurse told me to eat. I thk I read on the pkg, can be inserted or consumed. It's like.. small, round white soft gel balls!

I jus feel terribily drowsy aft that.. but once u passed that drowsy period, it's ok le.

I got backache on puregon. But gynae say it's more of hormone changes that leads to it. Yeap.. how much to jab depends on how ur body reacts to it.

Wil u be on clomid or metformin instead? Some do...
hi haze1ine,

don't worry, yours are oral.
progesterone comes in different forms - can inject also i think. the one which kkh gave me was inserts. it's a little longish, with one pointed end.

i was on clomid this cycle. going for my scan tomorrow.
hi gals, i was on clomid for 4 cycles and didn't ovulate even at the max dosage, so doc stopped it and I move on to SO-IUI.
So I doubt I will be clomid... but juz wondering why is clomid given under SO-IUI?
n abt the progesterone... is the inserts once a day or many times??
sometimes the doc will prescribe both clomid and injections together. more 'power'... ^_^

the progesterone inserts are twice daily - morning and night. the nurses at kkh quite blur one, the amt they gave me was not enough to cover till the preganncy test. i had to go back to get more after i called them to inform them that there will be a lapse of a few days (without progesterone) before the test.
hi gals,
Hmmm, I wasn't given any progesterone leh. It's for maintaining the linings for implantation rite? I was only told that medication will be given once I tested positive, to support pregnancy.

hi strawbearbi,
My gynae once suggested mixing clomids and injections for SO-IUI too. However, for your case, since you do not response to clomid, it is not possible to combine the two. I think the purpose of mixing the two is to cut down on cost (as puregon is expensive) and reduces side effects from clomids.
Hi gals,
Thks for the explanations. The gynae previously told me Clomid is max 6 cycles, should not be taken more than that, if not will increase ovarian cancer risks.
I guess like what joyyy said, I prob don't need clomid anymore =p
Btw, anyone also going to KKIVF? The senior staff nurse who attended to me the last 2 times was quite nice. Hopefully she will attend to me for most of my visits.
Hi Hazeline,
so your IUI was done abt 39hrs after HCG. Yea, I also think is more 'logical', is better to do IUI nearing ovulation n after ovulation than many hrs before ovulation (the sperm might hv alreadi do re mi when ovulation takes place). I think both my IUI are abit too early, esp the first IUI (18 hr).

nope, I was not told to keep bladder full. But I read that some was told to do so. Was dilator used on you?
I know that thing that was used was looks something similar to wot was used for PAPsmear.. I duno if that's a dilator. But like I said, I dun feel any pain at all lor. Cos I'm hving a lot of discharge at both times.. so maybe it helps to act as a lubricant too.

My gynae did ask me if I want to try mix clomid n metformin. But I refuse.. cos I've taken so much clomid b4 n it's totally no use on me. Metformin, I took for 2 mths.. 'lou sai' til like nobody's business! Somemore that time stil got take TCM to 'tiao'.. else I thk lagi worse!Pardon my language.

So bopian... hv to pay a bit more.. go for jabs.
Puregon cost $400 for 500IUI... that's private. I duno how much it cost at KKH, maybe cheaper.

The higher the dosage, cheaper. I've bought those 50IUI &amp; 100IUI ones... cos I need additional jabs. And I realised, the 500 one is cheaper.

Aiyah.. dun thk so much abt the cost now. Thk all is worth it if there's results. : ) Hopefully the govt wil hv many good news for us.. can claim for these sort of treatments!

Duno can backdate or not hor.. haha
hi strawbearbi, think i better check with my gynae tomorrow for more details as he mentioned that if i fail this cycle, he's thinking of putting me on clomid + injections (so-iui) for next cycle.
I pay $400 for 300IU of puregon (but the exact quatity is 400IU, 100IU extra is included for all package).

I read somewhere in this forum (shld be the IVF threads), that puregon is abt 50% cheaper at KK...about $200 for 300IU of puregon. Maybe that is why doing IUI at KK is cheaper, cos they charge very low for puregon.
Yeah yeah alot of things are cheaper at KKH. &amp; this morn i just saw yahoo page asking pple on comment about this promoto baby scheme. I would hope KKH operate on sat. haha why dont they off on monday.. i hate to take leave to go for scans and long wait at my pte gynae but at least i can go after office hr and sat... i used to think i can give birth like my sis at KKH save $. Now dont bother to think just pray i deliver my baby safely.. huh washed sperm shorter lifespan ah.. no wonder no that high chance... really like toto.. cant be helped, i heard that unwash sperm can cause us to cramp, too raw...

haze1ine, i think i had the same progestrone as urs... urgestron? small round bouncey pill.. i insert 3 times a day last cycle. i think can be consume or insert depend on individual need. wow biang does every IUI need the dilator.. sound scary after sore how to BD at night... i though sperm tk 3 days to mfr then y at night barely 10hr BD again??

i really tempted to try again on my own next cycle, i felt quite tense.. but HB want to do IUI cos under progestrone &amp; doc monitor hope can prevent early mc. I still having phobia leh... so scare my tension cause another mc.. even though i tell myself the last two might be coincident misfortune with sperm or the egg...not my fault... having difficult telling my HB to BD with me often cos he busy at work. But he not cooperative leh, still chain smk and dont eat TCM. I very fedup! the responsibility doesnt lie in me alone... N to make full use of the IUI now is the time to watch diet! he still can say busy no time to eat dinner, no time tk medi. i wish i dont have any prob, all the prob is his then i can clearly pinpoint to him rather than now oh possible poor egg becos endometriosis, possible because i too tense, possible becos DNA.. sigh!
Yap, urgestron. But u insert too ah? How come only I consume leh.. any diff? Maybe I shd ask my gynae nex time.

And dear, dun stress urself so much over ur HB lah. My HB also smoke.. being smoking since he's in sec sch! I dun expect him to quit... but the last thing he can do, is to reduce. My gynae did tell him mus try n cut down, giv him Vits to take. Seems that it does help a bit. His SA results better, even though all along, no problem.

TCM is a bit diff to consume. Not everyone can tahan the taste n all. Maybe u shd let ur hubby try multi-vit instead? Jus swollow, n u giv it to him in the morning, watch him eat, no excuses then!

Has he ever go n do an SA? Sometimes, guys ego too big...

And sorry, I check again.. it's 300IU w/100 extra. So same price lah. Woah.. govt really cheaper hor.
yalor, really cheaper leh...esp IVF when u need to use several boxes of puregon, can save 2-3 thousands. I think for IVF, one needs to inject abt 250-300IU (or even more) a day leh, that's almost 1/2 to 1 box a day!
Hi Haze1ine,

Don't worry lah, the progestrone comes in different form that is all. It has 1 in cream form where u insert the whole plastic straw into your vagina then squeeze in the cream. The 2nd form is the small white round gel balls.

The reason I guess most gynae prescribe the inserts is becos it is more direct and also the gel ball can cause side effects such as dizzness, bloatedness and nauseous. I have no choice but to eat the gel ball because the progestrone cream cause a change in the Ph level of my vagina causing a yeast infection (very bad itchness!)

Dear all,

The fertility nurse told me that any lifestyle change (eg. reduction in smoking and drinking) will only improve the sperm quality and quantity after 3 months period and not immediate.

Hi, CreateJoy,

Y don't you get ur HB to eat Megamen multivit from GNC? 2 capsules daily, fuss-free so no excuse. I bought for my HB to eat also.

Hi, Strawbearbi,

Welcome to this thread. You have the same condition as me, PCOS. I also never react to Clomid but I stopped after 2 cycles (2 tablets) becos I very "gan jiong" and my gynae says SO-IUI will be more effective for ladies with PCOS. R u eating metformin? It is supposingly good for ladies with PCOS but cause bad side effects.
Hi ruru_cat, i'm not taking metformin leh. Gynae never prescribe for me. What does it actually help in?
My injections should start next week, I dunno if can help buy the Puregon from the KKH pharmacy but I can try... Just let me know the details.
Who can help us if we dun help each other? =)
I dun thk can buy extra lah. I jus asking.. govt more strict than private. And govt usually is considered 'subsidised' rates so thk cannot anyhow buy extra.

Anyway, I hope I dun hv to do another one. But feeling not so good leh.. tummy feels funny.. lik menses coming. *sigh* I guess this time fail again lor.

If fail, I'll do IVF too. But wil take a short break n discuss with my gynae 1st. Thk IVF has a diff routine.
aiyah he work at night i don't see him often.. my TCm is pill just swallow &amp; he claim he busy forget this &amp; that... pissed... ya he low count 4%.. but considering i was twice preg b4 he dont think is an issue.. got the tribestan from gynae too just pop a pill dont know what so difficult he just not cooperating.. i try to give him multi vit on wkend when i get to see him. he will eat only if i give to him by hand! piss right? sigh.. he not cutting cigar, say recently very stress at work hard to cut...
wow lau, i dont wish to be nagging but he ah really not making effort except turn up for every doc visit. left 2 weeks+ to IUI now eat already abit late still haven start eating yday i so angry, wrote him a note this morn.. *fuming*
Hi Strawbearbi,

Hmm, according to my internet research on PCOS, woman with such condition tend to be insulin-resistance (we don't process our intake of sugar well), it is not as bad as being diabetic who can't process sugar at all. Since we can't process our sugar well, the sugar surge that we experience everytime we consume food seem to damage our follicles and cause the follicles to be underdeveloped (no ovulation) or poor quality (got ovulate but bad egg quality).

Metformin is actually prescribed for diabetic patients to regulate our sugar level but has been tested to be useful for ladies with PCOS condition who can't ovulate well. But the scientific evidence is not all conclusive so maybe that is why some gynae don't prescribe to patients. You see, if you are not diabetic, taking metformin will lower your sugar level below normal level, and the side effect will be fatigue right?

I experience fatigue and whole day low mood but I have since gotten used to the medicine and now not so bad. My IVF specialist says that based on her experience, metformin does help in its way for PCOS ladies so she told me to cont' even though I had bad side effects.

I did this research in March so the above information is what I remembered. If you want a more accurate knowledge, please google the internet hor, don't take my words for it
I thk ur HB works at nite, lacks sleep, smokes. so wil affect his count lor. Guess a bit diff to change that, since his work is like that. The only thing u can do.. or he can do, is to at least, smoke less n take his pills regularly.
Too bad we stil need man to hv a bb.. else sometimes I thk, we dun really ned them otherwise! haha
At least he accompany u for ur chkups. Mine wil only go on a Sat.. or when he's needed. Otherwise, I always go on my own.

U take metformin, u nv LS mah? I LS til like nobody's business leh.. and lost 4kg in 2mths!

Actually they say for PCOS ladies, there's some characteristic: they tend to hv a weight problem, hv more facial hair or hair on their arms n legs, hv tendency to hv cysts, irregular menses, cramps etc. There's actually a blood test u can take to confirm if u're PCOS.

I dun seem to response well to metformin, then was ask to do a bloodtest. The reading shows otherwise! So I'm a bit confused.. duno whether I hv PCOS.. or not.

I ask my current gynae, he said from scans of my ovaries (polycystic) and my irregular menses n cramp, he'd conclude that I am PCOS. Even though bloodtest shows otherwise leh... but he said bloodtest is affected by the food we eat n our hormones also lor.
Wow Ruru_cat, u are quite well-informed. I never did any research on PCOS, I was juz given Provera to induce my menses since teenage years. Subsequent visits to the gynae n several blood tests later, I was told that I suffer from PCOS coz there's a lack of a certain hormone in my blood. This hormone apparently brings on menses... Didnt think too much abt it until the past few years when ttc then reality sank in.
Anyhow I shall see what the gynae prescribes for me and whether I need metformin.
Thks for the information.
hi all,

i went for my scan yesterday and had my iui today. guess the tcm medicine really worked. the follices were 21mm on D12. i hv 2 follicles and the doc seems quite pleased as i've responded to clomid.

but when i asked what is the next step if this cycle fails, he asked how i feel abt ivf.
thot he mentioned so-iui+clomid the last time but now seems he think since i've tried iui so many times, might be better to go to the next level.

hi rurucat,

can u adv how it's like with ivf? which stage are you at now?

know i should stop worrying abt the next step when i don't even know the result of this cycle. but don't know leh. still stressed....
hi felixcat, how much did you spend on IUI in total for each cycle? care to share with me the procedure?

i am in 2ww now, and yesterday went to see my chinese sinseh, she said my temperature is good. But when she saw my hubby, she told my hubby to go for SA test if this cycle fails coz we have tried for a few cycles every since my last m/c. He had taken the test before in Feb this year but his result wasn't good. Only 2%. So my sinseh said no use if i keep taking medicine etc and do so much for myself if hubby's sperm not that ideal. So i guess if this cycle fail, i would want to try IUI.

Good luck to u. Stay +ve! Dun thk so much now... : )

I've jus failed in my 2nd attempted.. AF came knocking... will consider IVF nex. I'm going for a break 2molo.. yes... with AF accompanying me n my dear HB! haha Bopian... tot might hv a reason to celebrate.
Hi Hazeline,
have a good time during ur break. I'm flying tomorrow too, for work though. flying is something that I really hate.

I'm thinking of IVF too yet abit hesitant. I'm on my 8th day of 2ww.

Hi Felixcat, good luck!!
Hi Haze1ine and Strawbearbi,

Yes, the blood test for PCOS is non-conclusive. My gynae didn't ask me to take it as he says it is a waste of time. I did not have any PCOS symptoms such as being overweight, extra facial hair and irregular menses etc.

I go to toilet about 1-2 times daily after eating metformin but not as bad as LS leh. Unfortunately I didn't lost any weight also. The fatigue and the low mood made me want to stop but I don't dare to.

PCOS woman is supposed to eat less simple carbo and more complex carbo as the body takes a longer time to process the complex carbo into glucose so the sugar surge is not so intense but gradually over a period of time.

Hi FelixCat,

Think positive ok? The IVF protocol my gynae prescribe to is as follow :

1st day of 1st round of menses - start eating 21 days of Yasmin (oral contraceptive pills)

22nd day - start injecting Lucrin (suppress ovulation)

23-24 day - 2nd round of menses come

2nd day of menses - start injecting Puregon concurrently with Lucrin.

As far as I understand from the IVF threads, apparently different gynaes have different protocol. In KKH, the ladies are on Lucrin injection 1st then puregon (no yasmine). I spoken to my gynae and she says there is no "best" method to prep the body to produce the follicles.

Hi Gillian,

Maybe u can ask your hb to eat dong cong cao and GNC megamen multi-vit to improve sperms? But have to wait at least 3 months to see results.

Hi Haze1ine,

Enjoy your break and don't think too much about the failure.
Thx.. n u take care too. U stil hv hope ok, stay +ve. : )

IVF sounds so much complicated.. no wonder my gynae said we'll ned to discuss if I intend to do IVF... and say some jabs start on 3rd wk. I guess that's wot he meant. I duno hv to suppress one mth's mense...

Good luck to u too.. : ) That's one of the names I'd like to name my daugther... if I ever hv one.
hi gillian,

the cost of iui depends on which doc you go to. kkh is the cheapest. the cost for iui at kkh is around $500-600 including all the scans and medicine (clomid). so-iui is around $1200 (with puregon injections).

the private gynae i'm with now charged me $635 for this cycle. but the scan i did on D12 was additional $100 plus + consultation $60.

the procedure for iui is actually quite simple. you can either do a natural iui or iui with medicine (taken orally). think which medicine you'll be taking depends on yr condition and the doc. the common one is clomid which you'll need to take from D2 of yr menses. Mine was for 5 days, not sure if it's the same for all. Just 1 tablet in the morning and 1 at nite.

if you're doing at kkh, you'll hv to go back for scans quite often like every 2 days. but at the private gynae, i only need to go for 1 scan before the iui procedure.

you'll be given an injection to trigger the ovaluation 24-36 hrs before the iui procedure. on the day of the procedure yr dh will need to produce the sperms and hand it to the lab/doc within 1 hr. they will do a sperm wash and you'll hv to do the iui procedure 2-3 hrs later when they'll inject the sperm directly into yr uterus. the iui procedure is quite fast, takes around 10 mins for my case.

my dh's sperm vol. is not good even though the count and quality is ok. he's taking tcm medicine as well but really don't know if he's taking it daily. *sigh*

thks rurucat,

this sounds so much more complicated than iui.

so the IVF procedure will affect 2 cycle of menses before the actual procedure embryo transfer? What happens after the Puregon and Lucrin injections? How long do you need to inject and when do you do take out the follicles and perform the et?

i'm also concern abt the cost. my gynae says it'll cost 14-16k. at kkh, it's around 9k. with the $6k medisave, still hv to pay 8-10k in cash.

i hope the govt will be announcing some really good subsidies for these fertility programmes, and not just 'allowing' us to use the whole sum from medisave. that would be too cheapo. haha.

hi haze1ine, enjoy yourself and relax!

was thinking abt it and realized that i conceived my son on the 2nd day of cny. must be because of the holiday so no stress.
Hi Felixcat,

Yes, on your 1st menses cycle, you eat birth control pills to suppress your hormones for 21days and on the 2nd menses cycles (hormones-suppressed round), you start on Lucrin and Puregon injections and the process is like SO-IUI already. U do your daily injections (2 injections instead of one) and go for regular scans to monitor follicles growth and womb lining thickness etc.

Once the follicles are of sufficient size (normally D14-16) then the gynae will inject HCG shot to induce ovulation then 24hrs later, I will be under sedation for ER and my HB produce his sperm sample. The chief embryologist will check the follicles and sperm quality and advise u accordingly as to how many embryos can be transfered. 2 days after ER, I will go for ET. ET process is like IUI but done in a surgery room for more precision as ultrascan and other equipment will be used for better positioning. For the ET, it takes about 15mins and no need sedation but have to rest around 3hrs in the day ward after the procedure.

So all in all, the only difference betw SO-IUI and IVF (assuming ur gynae uses the same protocol as my gynae) is the 21days of Yasmin consumption, the Lucrin injection, the higher dosage of Puregon, the ET surgery (under sedation) and of course the PRICE $$$! The rest of the procedure such as the ultrascans, the HCG shot and the ET surgery is quite similar to SO-IUI so don't have to be overly worried.

Oh, I forgot some admin procedure for IVF -

1.u and your HB has to go for blood test to test for HIV, Hepitatis B etc (the blood test result is valid for 6mths, so just good enough for 2 rounds of IVF)

2. Have to produce your marriage cert &amp; IC and go for a IVF counselling session with the Fertility Centre nurse. This session is about 0.5hrs only. The nurse wants to make sure the couple knows what IVF comprises of and the costs involved etc. She will also explain about the compulsory insurance we have to purchase for each round of IVF. The insurance is protection for premature birth due to multiple pregnancy(very high % for IVF). If you put 2 embryos inside, the insurance is $100+ and 3 embryos, $700+ . The nurse will also prepare the necessary documents for claiming against Medisave.

The admin part of IVF can be done in 1 single trip to hosp on sat (go for blood test then counselling) and takes around 1hr so not much hassle.

Going to start on my injections on monday. will update all about my IVF procedure.
Oh dear.. IVF not only sounds complicated.. but also so expensive. I really duno if I can afford it.

I hope for very good news from the govt in Aug.

I was scan for abt 3x b4 my 2nd SO-IUI, 2x for my 1st one. I jus I didn't response too well to the jab the 2nd time around so more scans was needed. He kept asking me each time I step into the clinic.. do u feel bloated? Feeling bloated is a very good sign for both IUI n IVF I thk.. that means u hv a lot of follicles.

I'll talk to u ladies again when I'm back.. Enj the coming wkend! : )
hi all,

can anyone tell me more abt bbt and how to adminster it? my tcm doc just assumed that i know what to do when my dh went to collect medicine for me yesterday ...
toy collector
U're on ur which day of 2ww? For my case, aft IUI, shd hv quite a bit of white discharge for a few days. Then it'll turn lesser n on n off, dry days. Then b4 ur menses come (*touch wood* Hope urs dun ever!)... u'll get white discharge again n finally spotting n the usual.

I hv to go check back ur list to c wot is 'bbt'! haha Did ur sinseh ask u to go buy a 2 decimal point thermometre, meaning it reads 37.00 instead of just 37.0? It's more accurate.. u can get it from guardian or unity.. cost more than the usual ones.. thk abt $20.

U hv to take ur temp every morning, once u wake up, b4 ur move or brush ur teeth! Jus lay on bed n take ur temp. Then record it down..

Ur sinseh gave ur a chart to record ur temp? The chart shd be in 0.05degree.. so if ur temp moves up 3 bars, that means u're going to ovulate. Ur temp shd keep going up... and if it starts to drop drastically for more than 3 bars w/o going back up again.. means ur mense is coming.

U hv to take it at the same time each day.. it's a bit troublesome... n ur temp wil be affected by things like sickness n if u move abt be u take ur temp etc. So it's not completely accurate but a rough guide to check when u're ovulating. U shd also record down the state of ur discharge.. when u do it.. etc.

From ur charts, ur sinseh shd tell if ur cycle is normal n wot medication to giv u. The longer u can maintain a higher temp, suppose to be better.

Dun forget aft u do it, u'll also get an almost egg white like discharge.. that can be mistaken for ovulation 'clear egg white discharge'!

Best... use a ovulation test strip to test when ur temp goes up.. that u can be sure that u're ovulating. : )

Hope it helps... shd talk to ur sinseh if u're not clear.
thks haze1ine,

wah, quite troublesome hor. think i will most likely forget to do it every morning. the doc didn't give me any chart also and my thermometer only has 1 decimal point.

but i'm wondering so what if i ovulated? doesn't mean will be pregnant rite? so maybe i just wait and do pregnancy test 2 weeks later?
hi ladies, thanks for your advise.. really appreciate that

Ruru, my hubby ate megaman for abt a year, but duno why a year later when he went for another SA test, it reduce half percentage... from 4% - 2%.. so i told him might as well stop since it doesn't help.. but after the last visit with my sinseh, then i realise the approach is wrong for us coz its me who keep going for treatment but not my hubby.. so i am thinking of arranging visit for him with Dr Tan as i heard he is good in male infertility...

haze, thanks for your compliment

felixcat, thanks for your detail explaination. who if your private gynae? i am with Dr Cheng now.. have yet to know how frequent we need to go over if we really opt for IUI or SO-IUI.. but i really have issue of taking leave and see him.. that time my m/c already use up alot of my leave coz their mc not recognise by our company.. sianz.. sorry, may i know what does puregon injections means and for what purpose?

abt the bbt, its basal body temperature. U need to get the BBT thermometer from guardian. its the same like taking a body temperature. but the only thing is u must take it in the morning, the first thing when u wake up. So i will put the thermometer at the bedside table. once alarm ring, i will take the temperature and record down.. rem dun get out of bed, talk etc etc... and must have sufficient sleep. take it at the same timing every day... i will then record on a chart my sinseh gave me. when the temp raise for consecutive 3 days, it means i have ovulated on the day before the temperature raise in consecutive days... actually if your temp stay high up after o and over your normal dpo, its a high chance that one is preggie... with the chart, the tcm is able to monitor our ovulation and do planning for us etc
Yeap... like Gillian said, put it beside ur bed. Once u do the same routine for a couple of times, very auto liao lor. But it's kinda hard for me during wkends! Cos not working... haha.

But of course, mus 'do' around that time... else temp goes up... nv 'do'... also wun get preggie lah! TCM is very into this BBT thing.
haze, yup i agree.. tcm rely alot on bbt...

btw, girls... IUI and SO-IUI which is better? how to decide which one? and how long we need to prepare for it? any test need to be done before going into it? and also my gynae doesn't know i will go IUI or SOIUI.. is it too late i go to him and tell him i want it on CD1?

ok, will try and do it.

hi gillian,

i'm with dr lc foong at gleneagles. you'll need puregon injection if you're doing so-iui. usually you'll need to buy a puregon pen and do the injections yrself. it's quite ok once you get used to poking yrself.

puregon will stimulate more follicles. the last so-iui i did, i had 7 follicles in each ovary.

you can check below site for more details on puregon:

Puregon 900 IU/1.08 ml solution for injection contains a hormone known as follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) in a strength of 833 IU/ml.

FSH belongs to the group of gonadotrophins, which play an important role in human fertility and reproduction. FSH is needed in women for the growth and development of follicles in the ovaries. Follicles are small round sacs that contain the egg cells. In men, FSH is needed for the production of sperm.

Puregon is used to treat infertility in any of the following situations:

- In women who are not ovulating, Puregon can be used to cause ovulation in women who have not responded to treatment with clomifene citrate.
- In women undergoing assisted reproduction techniques, including in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and other methods, Puregon can be used to bring about the development of multiple follicles.
- In men who are infertile due to a hormonal deficiency, Puregon can be used for the production of sperm.

i'm also seeing dr tan for tcm. is yrs the one at clementi?
