Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Turn out the name of the Fertility Dr referred by Dr WK Tan is Dr LC Cheng.. not TC Cheng.. blur me.

Btw, I checked Dr Paul Tseng is under O/B only. He performs IUI also ??

Dear Vi4n,

My husband don't believe in TCM leh, so I can't persuade him to go with me for TCM treatment but I forced him to eat dong cong cao and megamen to improve sperm quality.

Seems quite good leh, this Dr Yan Jing Ru. So u only see her once every 3 weeks lah? The medicine have to brew or in ready-to-eat form? She will see your BBT chart and you will let her know about your ovulation date and she will advise accordingly is it?

Hmm, is Dr Xia Rong very famous? Your colleague sees her right?

Sigh... very confused leh. I will wait and see if my menses comes next monday and decide my next step... Thanks a million for the information!
Hi Createjoy,

Ya.. if login to Friendster, can see my younger cousin all have children already.. haiz..

Sorry to know about your miscarriages. But at least you know you can get pregnant and your gynae to monitor and care for you more closely for the future pregnancy.. and pray hard everything will be smoothly for you..
Hi Ruru,

In fact my colleague's hubby also didn't believe in TCM, and i think with persuation from her, he let her try it and it proved that she can have her AF without inducing with western medicine. So what else you wanna say, right?!

My colleague also read from this forum and with so many recommendation here, that's why she decided to go to Dr Xia Rong loh. My friend's friend managed to get pregnant after seeing her 1 time only, but please hoh it may not be the same with each individual.

But the fees not cheap loh. Think if change to Dr Xia Rong for couple of months (say 5 months), i can do SO-IUI already liao loh. So really maudun.

Ya, we only see her every 3 weeks. Medicine is ready to eat type (mixed with hot water). I don't show her my BBT because i can tell her directly whether i ovulate or not mah. The most i will tell her, 'I confirmed ovulation because temp jumped from 36.2 to 36.8), something like that loh.
But with Pa Mai, she can sort of tell me that my period going to come.
Hi ladies,

Sorry for disappearing for so long, I was so worried about the status the last few days. I was scared that it was a false positive and the earliest that KK allow me to test is this morning. The result is a BFP!! I nearly cried with happiness when I received the news!

Thanks for all your encouragement and advice all this while and lots of baby dust to all of you!!
Hi Northvirgo,

Oh my!!! So happy for u!!!! This is good news and encouragement for all of us trying to conceive. I am having my blood test this sat and hopefully I can join u in the MTB thread also (but today D9piui tested DIY kit negative leh, but then I remembered you also said negative on D9piui). I am not pining any high hope as in my first SO-IUI, I tested BFN on D10piui (urine kit) and again BFN on D12piui (blood test). Sigh...

Btw, did u experience any preggie symptoms for the past 14 days hah? Just out of curiosity becos my best friend says u won't feel anything until about 1 month.

Although u graduated from this thread, do drop by as and when u are free to talk to us ladies who are still trying!!!
Hi Vi4n,

Oh my goodness! U mean see Dr Xia Rong one time cost around $500?

Woah, your TCM physican can tell that ur menses are coming just feeling ur pulse? Woah, isn't it amazing? Hmm, but hor, don't u feel upset everytime you hear this statement? If menses coming then not pregnant what! Hmm, maybe I should visit her and she can tell whether I am pregnant or not so I save on my blood test cost..ha..ha..
Dear all,

Have a interesting thought to share with all of you. Although I am still emotionally affected when menses come every cycle, but after fertilty treatment, my boobs have increased 1 cup size leh! But only last during the 2ww. After AF comes, back to my flat-chest status again.

Well, i am trying to see the silver lining in this lonely conceiving project. Hang on there ladies!
Hi Ruru cat,

All the best to you for your blood test this Sat.

Erm, I experienced sore boobs, bloated tummy, change of appetite and always feel very tired around evening time. (during the 2ww)

Initially I thought that my af was coming soon but luckily it wasn't the case. Hope to see your good news this week!
Dear Northvirgo,

Oh no, except for the sore boobs, I don't have any other symptoms at all. In fact, my stomach is flatter and I don't even have any water retention this cycle.

No need to console me, I am ok and I know that every individual has different symptoms (or not).

Btw, what brand of urine pregnancy kit did u use for testing on D12? Clear Blue?
Hi Ruru,

Different person different price loh. Know 1 lady paid $500 for 1st visit, but my colleague is about $300 per visit with 1 month medication. I still find it expensive loh.

Ya, everytime i went to see the TCM and say my AF has no show yet, i so expecting for her to give me good news. but sad to say not yet..

but hope you will give us good news also on monday.

hahhaha.. my boobs size is BIG already. i dont' need it to grow bigger.. :p
Btw, can i ask..
Last night was talking with hubby and we are thinking since we never try the normal IUI, and I do ovulate, do you think I should try normal IUI first before SO-IUI?

Also i called Dr Paul Tseng yesterday. The woodlands branch closed already. and He is an IUI doctor. but the operating hours is not suitable loh..unless i have to rush during lunch time.
Anyway when decide to do then will go for 1st consult first with him because his SO-IUI is $1.5K leh. compare to Dr. Cheng LC, 2.5K. haiz... and Dr Paul Tseng has high recommendation from this forum mah.. so can try.
Hi Vi4n,

Dr Paul Tseng is also a consultant under CARE at Paragon and he see patients between 8-10am (don't remember on which days) before going to his TMC clinic. CARE is a fertility specialist centre. Maybe u can be his 1st patient before going to work?

I find the Paragon clinic hours for Dr Tseng too early and his TCM clinic too far for my travelling (take taxi from Jurong back and fro is around $35) so I stick to my gynae in mt e. Maybe u can call CARE and ask specifically for Dr Tseng (becos CARE has other fertility consultants also)? Dr Angela Ho is the chief embyrologist at CARE and I met her twice. Price is reasonable also.

Hmm, after 6 mths of natural conceiving with precise ovulation date knowledge and still don't hit target, mayb it will be good to do 1 round of IUI 1st and see if you are ok with the experience.

In my 1st round of SO-IUI, the IUI wasn't too painful but in my 2nd round of SO-IUI, the pain level shot up and I had watery bloody discharge and painful sex for the next 2-3days(but die die have to do it becos it is the crucial period so I really feel very upset and pressurised) becos my uterus is very tight and my gynae had to use a dilator to open it up so that the flexible tubing can enter at ease. I told my husband that if this is the case, I may as well go on to IVF becos IVF also painful but at least success rate higher and more scientific.

Woah, $500 for a month's visit is really expensive! Your colleague got accupunture or just $300 for medicine?
hi northvirgo,

congratulations! i'm very happy for u! this is great news and definitely encouragement for us who are still trying here.

hi createjoy,

i'm sorry for your losses. i do think i'm blessed as at least i hv one but i think it's going to be hard on him next time, having to take care of me and my hubby. even if we do not depend on him financially, when we are ill, he will be the one who has to take care of us. he told me that he'll only get married after i died as he won't hv money to give both me and the wife ... *roll-eyes*...

hi rurucat,

is ivf painful? which part of the process? oh my, i've read abt the procedure but do not really know abt the pain part. i hv a low pain threshold. i was on epidural during my delivery so i had no pain the whole time.
Hi Ruru,

oh.. that's great if he really has such an early practice. I will check him out when ready to do IUI. Think will just go for 1st appointment first then decide whether to do IUI or straight away SO-IUI.

$300 is for consultation and 1 mth medicine only. no accupunture loh..

Maybe on the second time, you were stress up, that's why tense and become painful?
Dear FelixCat,

I haven't went for the IVF counselling with my gynae but from what I read from the IVF threads in motherhood forum, there is a real risk of ovarian hypersimulation (OHSS) leading to extreme pain. If you click on the Archive thread, I was talking to this lady PebbleS and she said becos of OHSS she can't walk, sit, sleep for 10days and have to be hospitalised! And during the egg retrieval part, you have to go under GA. I hate the dizzy feeling when u wake up after that.

Hi Vi4n,

The 1st SO-IUI my gynae tried to place the flexible tubing into my uterus and he encountered difficulty so he did a dilation on the spot so it is one time pain only. But the 2nd SO-IUI, he did a dilation in his clinic followed by the IUI about 1 hr later (double the pain). By then, i think my uterus walls are all "bruised" from the abrasion. Maybe I was nervous also.

But please don't take my words for it and get scared ok? Everybody have different pain threshold and it also depends on the gynae's expertise. I felt fine the 1st time but don't know why the pain was so bad the 2nd time. Maybe my gynae haven't have lunch yet when he did the IUI on me and his hands shake?? ha..ha..
Hi Ruru cat,

yupz I used clear blue to test out and also a bit kiasu, i also tested on another brand. Those with 2 lines one, luckily 2 of them turned out positive.
hey northvirgo congrats!! really happy for you! rest more & dont take any cooling food, fruit, bittergourd ya.

huh SO-IUI cost 1.5k?? aiyoh i gonna start IUI next cycel. suppose this cycle but i didnt think it's gd idea cos my mense came on 23 jun (hav a injection think it's progestrone injection & insert but didnt conceive) then 11 july mense come again i so scare nect come so soon before, doc say mid term mense did scan every thing ok wanna to do IUI for me i say better wait next cycle cos this mense not normal.. i didnt ask him the cost leh.. so ex ah i can only afford 3 time if after that need ivf i will faint... :p how about during that period need to go clinic to monitor egg? how oftn? how many days mc? pls advise thks
Hi Ruru, you so funny, doctor's hand shake.

so how? have you done the test yet?

Hi Createjoy,
What have you been trying or using now to conceive? i thought you already on IUI.
that SO-IUI $1.5K is normal i think. Dr LC Cheng at TMC fees for this is $2.5K loh..
Hi vi4n, i now trying naturally with hormone support during ovulation period. next mth gotta move on to SO-IUI. my doc didnt let me try IUI but go direct SO IUI he say better chance dont waste time & $ try IUI then later SO IUI..
Hi Createjoy,

So you don't know yet how much is the fees for your gynae to do SO-IUI?

My gynae also recommended SO-IUI now since she said from the BBT chart my egg didn't look good.

This cycle, no ovulation yet.. haiz...
i very confuse...i think it's IUI not SO-IUI cos the nurse est abt $700 a breakdown show only 1 ultrasound. SO-IUI must injection from day what? & IUI no jab medi from when? i wonder which one my doc has in mind for me... he only arrange me go blood test next mense d2. i rem he said he want do SO-IUI higher chance. last mth i got mature follicle wonder is it becos he feel i can ovulate so dont SO for me... SO-IUI need to scan every 2 days? iui also need? must it be morn? my gynae wk till night... what is BBT Chart?
is it abnormal that we do not ovulation every mth? sigh next mth i be very busy at work very hard to keep taking leave, i hope i dont need ultrasound too oftn..
Hi Createjoy,

If only $700 most probably is just IUI. The process of both i think better those who has done it to explain to you because i also only know by reading.
BBT = Body Basal Temperature chart.
Dear all,

I am back after 3 days of internet connectivity breakdown! Pacific Internet just rectified the problem at 6am this morning.

On Sat morning when I woke up, I experienced my pre-menses sticky slightly bloody discharge and cancelled the blood test. Sigh, my AF came on Sun morning. So Northvirgo, I can't join u at MTB thread this time round. All the best for your pregnancy.

Hi Vi4n,
I went to see Dr Xia Rong at EYS on sat. I was very lucky as it was the last of the 5days/mth that she is based in Singapore, if I missed her on sat then I can only see her in aug. Her consultation is only $36 but the expensive part is the medicine. As I told her I was going for IVF so she gave me medicine accordingly - 21 days of TCM for my conceptative medicine, 12 days of TCM for my fertility injection, 2 days of TCM for my egg retrevial and embryo transplant. I am very impressed with her dignosis also. In total, I paid $302. She told me to go to her fellow colleague for accupunture twice weekly.

Btw, Vi4n, how do your gynae knows that that from the BBT chart that your egg is not very good without scanning to check on egg growth? Anyway, in a year of 12 cycles, a woman in her mid 20s to mid 30s should only experience about 8-10 times of ovulation, so don't be too upset if this time round no ovulation.

Now the thing troubling me is the horrible TCM powder. After drinking for 2days, I want to vomit everytime I prepare the drink as I can't stand the bitterness. I tried preserved plum but it doesn't help 1 bit. Very scared that I give up. My mind tells me to cont' as I want my IVF to be successful as it is very expensive but my body keep rejecting the taste and I became nauseous after drinking a few mouthful.
Hi Ruru,

Wah so you went to see Dr Xia Rong already. Make me tempted to go leh. hahaha.. But i still have 4 times consultation package with my current tcm, after that maybe i will try to see her once.
Total of $302 haiz...
So will you go for the accupunture?

Dr WK Tan said if the egg is good by right the period from ovulation to the next AF is 14 days. Anything below that means the egg is no good. So when i was under clomid, normally the period was only about 11-12 days.

Ruru, first time i took the TCM i also like that. vomit and vomit. and felt very heaty. drink more water ok. and just keep on drink it. Your body will adapt to it.
For me the 1st time I took, i had fever, plus the vomiting, MC for 3 days ah.. then I stop the TCM for 2 days, then start again, then ok already.
When she increased the dosage or change the ingredient, again will get fever, then i just stop 1 day, then take again then ok. I like give time for my body to accept it first loh.

But for your case, i don't know whether you can skip 1 day or say just take day time or not loh. So better just take it lah.. if vomit, also no choice loh and pray that you didn't vomit out the medicine. (i read u only vomit when preparing?? so not after drink it?)

very sian to wait for the ovulation sign. today CD 21 already still nothing. I started to use this Pre-Seed this time. Have you all heard or read about it? even without being ovulated, when we did BD, just used it loh.. who knows miracle happen?? hehehe..
But then I also think will this Pre-seed the one that make the monitor can't detect ovulation because my temperature already high loh..
So very confused too.
Hi Ruru cat,

So sorry to hear abt that. Thanks for your best wishes. I had bleeding yesterday and I was so scared, went to the KK 24 hr clinic immediately. They ask me to go for blood test and scan, after which the doc on duty told me it's normal to bleed. Gave me injection and ask me to rest more.

I really pray and pray that everything will be ok with my pregnancy cos it really wasn't easy to get preggy.

Lots of baby dust to all of you!!
Hi Vi4n,

I just googled "pre-seed", are u talking about the intimate moisturizer to apply on "little brother" before love-making? It is supposed to be better than K-Jelly and saliva as sperms are not blocked or killed during their journey?

I didn't know such a product exists! If yes, will definitely use during my 2 rounds of SO-IUI as I did experienced vaginal dryness both times and had to use K-jelly. Maybe that is y I didn't strike as the sperms all killed even before reach egg! Anyway, IVF don't have to be pressurized by sperms and love-making schedule so I am definitely happier.

Yes, I am going for accupunture as wants to give my all for the IVF. Hmm, based on what your gynae says about egg maturing by D14, then in my case, both times my eggs are bad. Another possible reason for not striking.

But as I need to stay positive, I am now beyond analysing the reason for my 2 SO-IUI failures and looking forward to my IVF. Also because change gynae already, so everything fresh start so fresh hope again.

U have to be positive that u will get preggie before your package finishes with your current TCM physican ok? We both jia you.
Hi Northvirgo,

Thanks for your consolation. I am definitely looking forward to joining u on the MTB in Sept (will complete my IVF in mid-aug and 2ww by early Sept).

I told my gynae I want twins, she says she will try her best. Ha..ha..
Hi CreateJoy,

Woah, u ask so many technical qns man!

Based on my private clinic SO-IUI experience, the breakdown of costs are as follow:

$800 - for IUI procedure and doc's fee
$1200 - for purchase of fertility injection drug
$600 - for scanning and consultation and HCG injection

SO-IUI Procedure starts on D2 of your menses. U need to see your gynae to buy drug and know how much to inject. U inject from D2-D6, gynae sees you for the 1st scanning, then gynae will decide whether to increase injection dosage and when to see you. He should be seeing you every other days until around D14 to monitor follicles growth. Once he says follicle is matured, then you will be given a HCG injection and 24hrs later, the IUI procedure will be carried out.

As what I told Vi4n, a woman in her mid-20s to mid-30s only ovulate between 8-10 cycles in a year, so it is normal for you not to ovulate this cycle.

As I didn't have just IUI carried out, I can't advise you whether need scanning for natural ovulation + IUI. Sorry!
Hi Ruru,

The Preseed is to apply in vagina, not the little brother. i'm trying with it now. so crossing my fingers and toes. hahahha..

Ya don't worry and just focus with your IVF and i pray you will give us your good news next month.
hi gals,
ya, RuRu Cat, the Preseed u can either buy fr gynae, or a pharmarcy at Scotts Isetan. Btw, u are doing IVF with which hospital/clinic? R you able to quote me the estimated cost? I heard that CARE at Paragon's good.

Hmmm, I'm undergoing my 1st round of SO-IUI injections now... I think i will prob try 2 rounds...then maybe move on to IVF or ICSI (better than IVF I heard). Do update on the progess of the IVF, esp if there's any pain involved. I want twins too, haha, it wld be terrific!! Anyway, good luck!!!
HI all,
I am going to do my S)-IUI soon as i took clomid but no ovulation even after 3 pills.

Can someone share if it is difficult to do the injection? is it painful?
Dear Joy,

I am too late for Pre-seed since i am going on my 1st round of IVF already. I am doing IVF with Dr Christine Yap at Mt E, she ties up with the Chief Embryologist at Mt E fertility centre. She told me the live birth rate at Mt E fertility centre thru' IVF is around 40% in 2006. She says it costs around $13-15k. Think can deduct $5k from Medisave.

I have been to CARE at Paragon and met the chief embryologist, Dr Angela Ho. I like her style but can't accept the early hours (8am) of the visiting gynae consultant (you can choose) who will handle the medical and surgical part of the IVF procedure. Dr Ho will do the lab part.

Hi Fat babe,

No, the injection is fairly painless and easy to administer by yourself. You and me same situation leh, I took clomid for 2 cycles and no ovulation so I moved on to 2 rounds of SO-IUI (got ovulation but not successful). What is your medical condition? I have PCOS.
Hi Ruru,

today i have an increase of ovulation sign already. So Hopefully tomorrow will be high peak. Thank's God.. i was so worry so ovulation this month.

Will do BD for these 3-4 days.. hopefully hubby will have the stamina. hahaha..
Hi all,
do you think this might happen for SO-IUI or IUI?... that the follicles mature (ovulate)earlier than the predicted date, and therefore ovulation happens before having the HCG shot (n IUI). What I mean is assuming your follicle is 17mm on Sat, you are having HCG shot on Monday, IUI on Tues. But because your follicle is aleady 17mm on Sat, it might grow to 19mm and matures (ovulates) on Sun?

hmmm...nobody really knows at what exact size follicles will mature and release egg right? It could be 17-19mm, or 20-22mm, or it could be 16mm too?
Hi RuRu Cat,
thanks for the infor. I'm doing my SO-IUI at a pte clinic near my house...they dun do IVF. I would prob need to get a reference.

Hi Fat Babe,
I'm doing SO-IUI now. The injections r not painful at all (if your hubby is helping you with the injections, you can close your eyes and not feel a thing). It takes 'courage' to poke thru the skin though...I do the injections myself, and usually have to breathe-in-out for 5-10min before poking. I'm a coward.
Hi Vi4n,
Hmm mine is not package deal, and I didn't keep track of the total cost. Each visit (scan + consultation) is $110. The injection dosage, I need 2 boxes (abt $400 each). Injection pen, alcohol swipe and HCG shot (should be less than $100), I can't remember the price. IUI and sperm wash shld be around $400. The estimated cost of my SO-IUI shld be around ($110*5 trips + $400*2 boxes + $400 IUI n sperm wash) $1750 - $1800 plus
hi Joy are you on so-iui now? i am also doing now. just wondering if you are on GOnal F or puregon.. can you pm me? u see my it is day 17 but my egg is not gorwing fast so the dr is increasing the dosage.. can i discuss over with you over the email ( just click my name)? thanks..

Seek advise here - I am supposed to start my SO-IUI once my menses come - my gynae had prescribe me with this medication called Letrozole (or Femara) instead of the injectables. His comment was that this is a better drug then clomid and is less ex then the injectables.

I had surf the net and indeed the reviews are a lot more positive then clomid but the only thing is that there is only short history on the usage of this drug which was supposed to use for treatment of breast cancer.

Anyone had experience with this drug? Or had heard their doc mentioned?
my story is like that..i tried iui 2 times both failled went natural ivf cos just found out have blocked tubes, also not went laposcopy and now on so-iui on my day 17 but follicle not growing very well and spotting the dr increased my gonal f dosage to 75 and i am short of 1 last dosage... so wondering anyone who is in 2 weeks wait or pregnant can pass me the gonal f.... Gonal F cant be kept for more than 1 mth after opening and i only need 75.. so can contact me at81274036 if you have spare..thanks soo much
ah kat- this is 1st times i am hearing this drug..i was on clomid for 12 times so recent research is clomid is not safe to be used after12 times and that y why i am on Gonal F now..
Hi toy collector,
I resend the email le.
Sorry, dun laugh huh, I realise I emailed to myself instead of you. Must be too tired cos I worked the whole nite till this morning.

Can I ask, r u still sticking to the same gynae since Day 1? I'm perplexed. Your gynae should have advised you to do tests for blocked tubes before wasting your money/time putting you on such expenseive treatments. It would be very diff to conceive (with blocked tubes) even with the treatmemts, and I think blocked tubes may result in ectopic pregnancy. Also u can refer to my email how come day 17 then increase dosage? The gynae abit...tsk tsk

hmmm...reg the Gonal F (mine is puregon), is it safe to use others' remaining dosage? Do be careful.

n Good Luck!!

Apparently this seems like a good drug - had been doing research on this since I last saw doc on Monday.

I had paid for the drug (not cheap - $150 for 10 tablets) and was supposed to start taking from Day 3 when my cycle came. Still tinking shld I proceed as the only down side of this drug (so far) is that it will cause birth defect if taken unknowingly when pregnant. Therefore, gynae asked me to do preg test at Day3 (although chances very low) before taking the drug.

Wanted to seek opinion here in case anyone have come across this drug or can help to check with gynae as well.

Ovulatory disorders are quite common, and often pharmacotherapy is the first-line treatment to induce ovulation. For the past 40 years, clomiphene citrate has been considered the gold standard treatment; however, its use is associated with several negative outcomes, including low pregnancy rates, multiple gestations, unfavourable cervical mucus, and thinning of the endometrium.1
In the late 1990s, aromatase inhibitors—specifically letrozole, which is indicated for the treatment and prevention of breast cancer—began to be used off-label to induce ovulation. The use of letrozole to induce ovulation was associated with higher pregnancy rates and avoided some of the negative effects often associated with clomiphene citrate
hi all, i was busy in the BP thread so have not been reading this thread.
not sure if I'm stressed by the BP, my af actually came late. My cycle is usually 29-31 days but this time round, it was 35 days.

hi rurucat, i went for my 1st appt with the tcm doc and did accupuncture. this is the 1st time i've had accupuncture. was a little nervous but turned out ok. the doc said the delay in af might be due to my previous so-iui. the doc gave me some medicine to induce my mensus - one is in the form of tablet and another one is powder to be mix with water. told him i'll start the tablet in the nite and only the powder the following day if menses not here. luckily my menses came this morning and i was spared from taking the powder.
i will be going to my gynae tomorrow for a scan and hopefully i can start the natural iui in aug.

all the best for your ivf!

hi ah kat, i've not heard of this drug. i was taking clomid before but the gynae said it should not be more than 10 times as there's a risk of cancer.

Lots of babydust to all!
joy tan, i also dunno but you see the nurse told me usually patients donate the left over cos it is very exp to throw away..i paid 673 for my 1st pen and now i realise i am only left with 37.5 so i have no choice but to buy a 2nd pen and used for 1 last time....i was told that gonal f cant be stored so it is a bit of heartache to spend 255 just for 1 dosage ( for the 2nd pen i purchase 300iu only)..but i guess no choice i just cant find anymore..the dr has been asking me to do ivf but i still prefer giving so-iui a try...

i used to take clomid for many years but not successful. cos i got blocked tubes then.. i also a PCOS patient..

Hi joy, i went to CARE today for a talk. Ya angela seems a nice doc. the talk certainly gave me more insight and also making me realise what could have been causing my miscg... wow i miss so many thread liao , you gals been very active recently..

sigh me now getting less & less confident of pregnancy... cos i got endometriosis and it affect egg qty. while men poor sperm can use Ivf , iui to help it fertilize. doc today say poor egg is poor egg cant be help and unless ivf i will never know how bad my eggs are... & worse thing is my hubby work wee hr, smoke alot & busy schd not eating well , all these i believe affect his sperm qty and chorosome.. but he always turn deaf ear to my advise... i am not only worry abt getting preg but how healthy is our baby! anyone having endometriosis here?

hey toy collector since the nurse say the patients donate leftover, they donate to who? can u get a dose from them? do u gal doing IVF go on mc or still work? I really have prob taking time off to see doc often so next coming cycle IUI mayb still not too time consuming but if after that try SO-IUI or even ivf ,i don't know what my bosses will think. oh Felixcat so we prob be doing IUI around the same time, hope we have good news together..
baby dust to all of us.. .
