Advise on SO-IUI vs IVF?

Hi Createjoy,

Don't feel so lost and insecure. I am sure after surfing the motherhood forum, you realize there are alot of ladies out there who are in the same situation as us (I have PCOS). I went thru' a period of anger and frustration at the "disability" of my womb but now I am more zen about the whole situation.

With regards to your question of womb lining and IUI cost, maybe I will share my experience with you so at least you have a feel of the cost involved. I went to a gynae in Mt E. The injection medicine cost $1000-1200. The IUI cost $800. The alternate day visit to gynae (to monitor the growth of follicles) cost me about $600.

With regards to your questions of womb lining, my gynae used the same method as Thistle of starting with injection dosage low to give the womb lining a chance to thicken. My gynae told me that if the lining thickness is not ideal, he will give me medicine (can't remember he said injection or pill as I didn't required it in the end) to thicken the lining to the desired thickness. I did my IUI on D16. Then on D19, my gynae gave me a vaginal insertion medicine to help maintain the womb thickness to help implantation. I am supposed to use from D19-29 (10 days). Maybe you like to check with your gynae on the above information so you don't feel so lost. In my case, i asked my gynae alot of technical qns as I feel at least i am in control of what treatment I want to give to my body. I think my gynae is driven crazy by me..ha..ha..

Hi FelixCat,

When did you do your SO-IUI? I just completed my IUI on 31/5 so now in the 2 weeks' wait (2ww) stage. Lots of baby dust to you and me

thks ruru_cat. i had my soiui on 24/5 so today's 10dpiui. did a progesterone test last sat n it's 194. a gd level but it only meant there was ovaluation since i'm on progesterone supplement. will be doing hcg test on 13/6. wondering y the hcg test is only scheduled 20 days post iui.. very tempted to do a hpt earlier... but afraid of disappointment. don't really think that this is THE mth...

hi creatjoy, SOIUI cost at KKH is around 2k (including scannings & med).
Hi FelixCat,

Hmm, for your SO-IUI did u have the LH surge naturally or the gynae did an HCG injection to induce the LH surge?

I read on the internet that if you have an HCG injection, it takes about 14days to be passed out by the body so testing earlier with the off-the-rack pregnancy test kit (that type that we buy from Guardian) will result in a false positive result. But if the body has its own LH surge naturally, then by 10D from IUI can test already. Mine is by injection. Maybe that is y you only c your gynae on 20dpiui?

I know y you say you don't think this is THE mth, it is because you tell yourself not to pin too much hope in case you are disappointed right? But deep in our heart we really really hope we are lucky.

My gynae didn't even ask me to test progesterone level leh. He says just c him 14days later. But he did give me a vaginal insertion medicine to maintain the womb lining. Did you use such a medicine?

Sometimes I can't believe my own body. Am I a real woman, I would jokingly ask my husband? I can't produce my own eggs and I don't even produce my own chemical to signal for my follicles to burst out. Sigh....

Anyway, do keep me posted on your outcome and again tons and tons of baby dust to you and me!!!
hi rurucat, i tested positive for O but still had an injection to release the eggies. that means i can test after 14 days? i guess the 20dpiui date was set basis next af date.

u r so rite. i've been through 6 iuis, even though this is the 1st soiui. already planning for the 2nd soiui mentally ... hope for the best but prepared for the worst ...

actually didn't think the progesterone test was needed since on progesterone supplement. it will show high level of progesterone. it's the same one that yr doc is giving u. think it's supposed to thicken the womb lining to help implantation.

but i'm hving similar side effects as being preggie... so confused now... what abt u?

will u be doing a hcg test when u see your doc in 14 days? if so, u will actually be testing ard the same time as me.

Hi FelixCat,

Yes, according to the internet information i gathered, you can test yourself with the DIY pregnancy kit 14D after your IUI, but maybe to be double double sure, maybe wait until D16 to make sure the HCG injection is really all out of your system.

Maybe you test yourself next monday? Especially since you say you have preggie symptoms, so don't go crazy with the suspense until D20piui right?

Me in D3PIUI so no symptoms whatsoever. ha..ha.. I feel time passes so so slowly. I don't know what the doc will do to me when I c him in 14days, except ask me pay him $ ;) . My gynae is not very forthcoming person, so usually I am the one who will poses lots of questions.

let's keep each other posted.
hi ruru, i have just been given a pregnyl 10000iu on day 13 and progestrone insert (utrogestan) 3 time a day from day 16 lasting for 14 days. i really don't know how to insert when i'm in office for the aftn dose...!!?? i wish i know how to ask many question like you... so i wouldnt be so blur and scare.. been feeling more tense this week! haven even preg! i feel i'm reacting worse than my last 2 preg my womb lining only 5.5mm but doc say with the tab he gave if really jackpot preg hope can support the preg. wow!! like that say i so scare! what if it's not thicken in time??

hi felixcat, kkh so cheap??!! i today take the 2 week tab & a jab already $200+ not even IUI yet so ex! my hubby was hoping to go iui cos he feel then his selected sperm are the healthier ones but i understd it doesnt mean the washed selected one are free from defect, those are the faster swimmer only am i right? cos this mth got a mature follicle so no go SO-IUI, i was happier to save the $ and mental stress... i am relectant to change doc cos have to go thru the beginning process again and already wasted 2-3k on blood test, HSG etc... but then i really feeling strain by the $ and i feel the doc too busy like a bit messy... i abit scare he miss out details...

still having chest pain... not heart attack lah i know is i tense... but then thyroid already on medication and doc say very mild not should feel tense so i guess it's all in my mind but i still cant ctrl... i wish i dont need to work. just watching tv make me relax and mind drifted away... stressed!!!
hi ruru, i had a really bad cramp 2 nites ago and i think that's not a good sign ... i had similar cramps during the last iui when i was very sure i striked but the next day after the cramps, all preggie symptoms were gone. at that time, i was not on any progesterone supplement but my progesterone was at a high level.

r u working currently? it's always a problem when i need to go for scans and iui. luckily kkh's ivf centre opens at 7.30am and the earliest scan is at 8am ... i'm thinking of switching to another doc at glen e if it's a BFN again.

hi createjoy, think kkh's rate is the cheapest in town. not quite sure abt sgh though. but kkh is definitely cheaper than private hospitals.

Success rates do increase when sperm washing is used with IUI. Because sperm washing ensures that only the most healthy and active sperm are used for fertilization, there is an increased chance that you will become pregnant when using washed sperm. However, success rates do depend on your partner’s overall sperm count. Typically, the lowest sperm count to be used with sperm washing is one million, however, success rates are significantly lower if your sperm count falls beneath five to ten million. The best sperm counts for use with sperm washing are those between 20 and 30 million.

i wish i don't need to work too. =) but working sometimes takes your mind off this whole iui thinggy.
felixcat, sorry only saw your post today. how much was your dose on soiui? i recalled nearing the iui day (depending on size of egg, usually near to 15 - 16), my RE will ask me to self test for ovulation using clear plan. reason being our body might ovulate by itself if the egg size becomes optimal. in such a case, the RE will not be able to control the egg size, as once ovulation takes place, you have to peform your iui within 48 hrs.
Hi Felix Cat,

I am self-employed so my timing is quite flexible so visiting the gynae's office is not too much a hassle. Don't think too much about the cramp lah, it may or may not be a bad symptom. Hang on there, you will know in a few days' time.

Ehh, may I know what does "BFN" means? Paiseh, abit sua ku. Yes, a change of doctor is good for a fresh perspective of the infertility issue. I think most of the fertility medicine used are quite similar but a new gynae may have a different (maybe better??) view on the size of the follicles before the HCG injection, the timing of IUI etc? I am sure you agree in the baby-making project, all the small details matter right?

Hi CreateJoy,

Don't be so confused ok? As to the aftn progestrone insert dosage, maybe you bring a round mirror to your workplace? Go to the toilet and close the toilet seat cover and place the mirror flat on top, then you do a half-squat and use the mirror reflection to insert the medicine? I know the idea is abit gross but can only come up with this idea.

I think your gynae is on the right track. The Pregynl injection should be a HCG shot to induce the LH surge that will cause the egg to burst out from the follicles. Your 3x daily progestrone medicine should be more than normal to enhance the lining thickness.(Mine is once nitely, FelixCat, what about yours?)

With regards to IUI, what you say about "it doesn't mean the washed selected sperms are without defects" - This is a true statement. So what do you defined as defects? All the sperms contain DNA from the father. If the father has a defective gene in its DNA, the sperm will also contain that defect, same for the mother and our follicles. IUI doesn't go to that genetic level of testing, it just select the most active (fastest swimming) and healthy (i.e. not crocked or deformed-shape sperms) sperms for use. I am sure your gynae also never suggest testing your eggs to discover any inherited genetic diseases right?

No gynae in the world can tell you anything in definite terms. Baby making project is like baking a cake. The best baker in the world using the best ingredients and kitchen equipment may still produce a flat cake!

Do continue to use the progestrone inserts and all 3 of us (felixcat, you and me) will hope for the best. And you know what, I think all 3 of us will know this round's results around the same time. The timing should be be FelixCat first, follow by me then CreateJoy.

Lots of baby dust!!!
hi thistle, thks for your reply. i was on 100mg per day for 7 days. i had 7 eggs but only 2 were bigger. still, they were only 14mm which i think were small, compared to when i was on clomid. i did iui the nxt day as i've ovulated on D8! that's why i was quite surprised that the injections actually caused earlier ovulation - no time for my eggs to grow bigger!

hi ruru cat, i'm using the progesterone twice a day (2x400mg). BFN = big fat NO. what all of us are aiming for is a BFP = big fat Positive.

u can find some of the common abbrev here:

lucky u, no one to answer to at work. i hv to tell my boss i'm going for some procedure at the hospital but after a couple of times, i just took leave. but it's with short notice lor. ;)

i'm now requesting for my test results from kkh (takes 5 days). i had wanted to get my medical records but they say that will take more than 1 mth! i've already made my appt with the new gynae at glen e the week after next so no time to wait... i agree that all little things count. i wasn't very careful when i had the previous iuis. i even went bowling ... then i read somewhere later that you shd still try to refrain from carrying heavy things.. oops...
Hi FelixCat,

U mean after IUI cannot carry heavy things meh? Oh my gosh!!! But I got ask my gynae whether I can go gym and carry weight, he says no problem as no baby yet. I went to gym just now and also went grocery shopping. Oh dear, too late liao!

Btw, out of curiosity, may I know why your gynae ask you to switch from clomid to injection if you are responding to clomid?
hi ruru, some of the nurses told me not to over exert myself as well. implantation occurs ard 6-12 days so i think it's best to just relax lor. we've spent so much $$ and time so y take the chance, rite?

not quite sure of the reason, thought it's just becos i didnt strike so doc suggested trying something else. understand clomid will cause thinner lining and there may be improper implantation due to this. my gynae did not prescribe any med after my clomid iuis to help thicken the lining.

hv tried clomid 3 times and the gynae suggested either to try soiui or ivf next. he told me that clomid may cause cancer if used more than 10 times. i chose soiui as quite stressed over ivf.

now thinking of trying tcm at the same time. see if able to increase the chances ...
Hi FelixCat,

When I first discovered I have PCOS and can't ovulate, I went to see this famous TCM lady physican in Jurong East called Ying Chuan (u can check out the thread on this topic).

Saw her twice to "tiao" the body and can't stand the taste of the chinese medicine. After eating feel like vomitting as really very herbal and bitter. I decided to stop as I feel I am "torturing" myself.

If you have any good recommendation after going to TCM, do let me know ok? I don't mind eating tablets and liquid but can't stand powder mixed w water and chewable medicine (which Ying Chuan prescribed for me).

Good luck to you as you will know your result very very soon! I hope next week you will drop me a note to say it is a BFP!!
hahaha ruru i'm seeing ying chuan! but i'm still torturing myself... :p i really dont know what to do. on one hand i think i having panic attack often seems to be suffering from depression. I've booked my apptm with NUH psychiatrist recently but must wait till 27 june... seem the psychiatrist last year sept after 1st miscg but after the 2nd i have not seen her. the recent one week seem to be extremely stress on my mind so i started having rather frq abdominal pain, breathless and other symptom...

i really in dilemma, one hand i really wanted to be a mother on the other hand i REALLY CANT CTRL feeling the tension! i felt like i going crazy but looking normal to everyone.. i'm really angry with myself why cant i even handle such tension.. it's not like i have no time to react.. not even preg already like that.. how to carry for 9 mth.. i cant help but feel so useless and lost.. maybe i really should cure myself before embark on bb journey... but then i felt i'm cheating myself... i may felt better if i put off the plan but when i decide to try again the same feeling will come back.. really dont know what's wrong with me...

i really wish to resign too i felt my emotion is worse when i'm working esp i got deadline to rush every mth...but really need the $ and my hubby also dont agree with my thinking. i'm scare to strike this mth but then also hope to strike.. urggghhh.... i hate myself being so weak... sigh...

oh enough of these grumbling! baby dust to all of you too!! ruru & felixcat i wait for your good news ya hope can catch babydust and good luck from you mummies!
Hi CreateJoy,

Yes, I know exactly how you feel. For me, on one hand I really want to be a mother but on the other hand I don't know whether I am ready for motherhood. I really enjoy the freedom of a twosome where I can do whatever I feel like doing with my hubby.

I see my brother and his two kids where weekends are spend going for speech-&-drama class, swimming, go playground. There is an extreme loss of self-identity and you become a "Mum" in the eyes of your husband.

I wonder if the yearn for a bb stems from the fact that I can't have a bb. I am a control freak and very stubborn so I don't believe I can't beat fate, therefore I embark on the bb-making journey relentlessly and subject myself to scan, injection etc. I have no external pressure from relatives and friends. My husband is really cool about not having children as he is too busy with work, my parents have their hands full with my bro's 2kids, my best friend is not even attached at the moment. So I guess all the pressure I have is by myself.

So CreateJoy, you must think carefully why you are feeling so much tension? Is it self-imposed or your relatives and friends are pressuring u? U mention that your hubby don't agree with your thinking? Is it becos he feels you are pressuring yourself too much?

So how long have you been seeing Ying Chuan? Are u seeing the gynae she recommend? She recommend Dr Angela Ho at CARE Paragon to me. I went for a consultation with Dr Ho but as she said the same things as my current gynae, so I decided to stick to my current gynae as all my data are with him.

Please feel free to grumble to me as you need to vent your frustrations and angry thoughts and we can support each other thru' this journey.
Hi ruru,

I know my stress is self impose.. my hubby keep assuring me he's not urgent for kid and most impt is my mental & physical health.. i dunno ... from young, i often suffer insomnia and easily stress. i think it turn for worse after my father-in law passed suddenly in my presence after i merely married for 3 weeks. then 1 miscg then discover i got blood cyst. did a surgery to remove it and the doc say i should ttc soon cos aft ops have higher chance and i got preg a mth after surgery and i lost it again... i dont know what exaactly cause it.. and now that i knew i had thyroid as well... but all prob may lead to miscg but none is very serious and none is very likely to be identified as the real culprit.. i guess knowing i had so many prob , i had no confidence and very afraid.. it's really silly sometimes i even slap myself hoping i will wake up and stop feeling tense but it doesnt go away. even if it goes away, it will come back a few days before something impt happen like my job deadline or seeing gynae.. my hubby do not want me to stop working firstly is income esp now see MT E gynae very ex. secondly, he feel i laze at home do nothing will think even more..

oh i have been seeing ying chuan around 2 mths.. nope i seeing gynae recommend by my friend. ya now she recommend dr ho but i think i will stick to my gynae at least another 3 mths. Thanks, i'm so glad i can grumble here cos even my sis is not keen to hear my story neither can she as a 3 children mother understand my pain... spoke to pebbles the other day and thought i can brace up but i still cant... today called NUH again ask for earlier apptm and they put me on 18 june. i dont know what i'm doing.. so what if i see psychiatrist, i dont want to be on anti depression medi cos i ttc.. maybe i shd get the prescription if i dont strike then i buy the medi to eat for a few mth then ttc. on other i thought i might as well give up now and treat my mentality 1st but i wasnt convince that postponing will make any difference, i felt the next time i decide ttc again i will still behave like this. urrgghhh.. i'm such a weakling
Hi Createjoy,

DUN STRESS UP !!! more stress get things WORST hor !!!

Must got faith in Ying Chuan coz' I heard many infertile couples when 2 c Ying Chuan and successfully pregnant hor.....I wanted 2 go but my husband works shift so timing beoy sai......I'm trying for 2nd BB b4 40y/old hor.....I gave birth when I 37 in June'06 for my elder twin and younger twin died of no heart-beat during pregnancy.......I took 4yrs of clomid then got this pair of twins.......My mum & nanny indirectly blamed my husband's suay mouth as he found out I'm expecting TWINs, he replied "Me 1 person 4pax eating" after hearing.....heart broken !!!
I was first seeing Mt E gynae (he conned me eating clomid for 3yrs).....even how i requested him tt I 1 2 have IUI or IVF....he refused.....then my buddy gf told me since i retrenched no $ liao then go cheaper version via thru poly clinic.......and go KKH .....

I've trying for 2nd BB since last yr still no news.......tis may...took clomid , menus late tot me pregnant then menus flooded on mother's day!!! me so sad !!! Tis menus came on 5-June......spotg of brownish like ending days.......veri worry dun knw Y like tt ??? Can't wait Monday 2 go poly 4 check up ....

My menus std 1st-3rd days sure FLOODED but tis time dun knw where go NUTS ????

Try 2 get cheaper gynae 2 reduced yr expenses.....if u r gg 2 take anti depression medicine,there's no chance 2 get pregnant hor! Me went 2 c psychiatrist coz' can't get over my lost twin since expecting days till now.......psychiatrist will NEBER allow me 2 get pregnant .... but me dun care.......I did told my gynae in KKH....he's aware......he adviced me if I wanted badly then I've 2 learnt & overcome by myself !!!

So.....please for yrself ....BE STRONG and HAVE TRUST & FAITH in U !!! Follow yr heart not let others control U !!! Me always believe " It's YOURS no MATTER how IT'll ALWAYS be YOURS "
hi mr lew mimi, ya i know... one of my friend only succeed on 5th attempt. she told me too -what's urs is urs cant run away but what's not meant to be, no matter how hard u try hw worried u are doesnt help. so just be brave and take a step at a time. but i cant help it leh... i have been taking precaution since last miscg in dec till the last 2 days then resume tcc with the progrestrone.

it's stupid but i really very tense... start to get insomnia last nite... oh my god ! it really dont do me any good. at some point i was wonder if i cant keep myself stable mayb i should give up the idea of trying to be a mum... after all initial stage already so gen cheong spider , by the time my stomach grow really big i will get worse and by then it anything go wrong i might go nuts... sigh... hope my tension is not that bad and if this child is meant to be i hope it will stick to me no matter what..
my doc say anything that promote preg is against endometriosis making it worse.. dunno is it i sensitive, i felt ever since the progestrone jab my lower back much more painful.. if i still dun succeed after few round i might really make another big blood cyst and require surgery again..sigh, god please pity and take care of this poor child of urs...

Aiyoh why did he make u eat clomid so long. recently read it's not for more than 6 mth. is it he not expert in iui & ivf so he trying to buy time earn $. hey i think u might be having spotting from implantation maybe u r preg! i had that the last preg, it's a sign the embryo trying to attach itself, good luck! mmm ok lor i see what the NUH psychiatrist recommend for me then.. thanks for ur advice!
Hi FelixCat,

Haven't hear from u for quite a while. How are u? I just went for a HCG blood test yesterday and this morning I called the clinic and sigh.. I am not pregnant. Actually I already know I am not preggie as my supposingly "preggie" symptoms seem to disappear overnite on D10PIUI. I was having tender boobs, bloated stomach and cramps on/off then woke up on D11PIUI, they all disappeared.

I can't tahan and test with DIY pregnancy kit and it is a BFN. I called the nurse and she told me if want to make very sure, then go for blood test, sigh... still negative.

Well, now waiting anxiously for menses to start so I can go on my second round of SO-IUI. Have you see your new gynae at gleneagles yet? Any positive comment? I am thinking seriously of changing gynae.

Yesterday,I went to CARE at paragon (fertility specialist ctr) for a 2nd opinion and the Chief Embyrologist commended why my gynae let my egg grow so big (25mm, she says too big will affect egg quality, 18-20mm should do HCG injection and IUI already) and also why control the injection dosage to allow only 1 follicle to grow as 2-3 mature follicles will be optimal value for $ since the treatment is not cheap and conceiving chance is higher for 2-3 eggs rather than 1 egg.

I am now in a dilemna whether to change gynae or not. Sigh...
hi ruru cat, i was on leave and did not log in at home.

i did a hpt and it was a bfn. af after that. i didn't go for the blood test at kkh last fri. i hv no more preggie symptoms after the cramps so don't want to waste the trip... and my blood... =)

my appt with the gynae at glen e is this wed. will see how it goes.

read somewhere that it's better to stop for 1 cycle for all the follicles to be 'flushed out'. not sure how true is that. but anyway, i'm too late on this cycle since today is already d3.

wow, your egg was 25mm? mine never grew beyond 18 before iui. maybe you should also try another gynae, since you already have some doubts..
rurucat, i think you should change gynae. i did 6 soiuis todate, and my gynae never allowed the eggs to grow beyond 20 mm. once i reach 17 - 18 mm, i will take the HCG jab, as after the HcG, the egg will still grow.

re no. of eggs, sometimes it depends on our body, some cycles i produced 2-3 eggs, most cycles, 1 egg. btw - out of 6 cycles, i fell preg 3 times. delivered my son, had one miscarriage, and now i am carrying twins.

hence i am here to encourage you - hang in there! all things are possible!
Hi FelixCat,

Welcome back! Sorry that u and me didn't catch the baby dust this time round. I am in D3 as well and has started on my daily Puregon injection. I am still staying on with my current gynae because on friday afternoon I visited a new gynae (who was positively recommended in the motherhood forum) and he did a scan on me and said I have other womb problems (that wasn't mentioned by my current gynae at all) and may need surgery!

I just had a polyp removal surgery done in april and my gynae checked my fallopian tubes and womb at the same time. He said my "production factory" is fine after the surgery so I am abit skeptical and confused by the comments said by this new gynae whom I visited.

I met my current gynae on friday (the nurse managed to squeeze me in as the last patient as I am on good terms with her) and had a discussion with him. He agreed that we should try for 2-3 follicles this cycle (but he did say not you want sure have what!) but he disagreed with the follicle size theory. He said a woman on a natural cycle can has follicles growing up to 30mm so why is 25mm too "old"? He said we cannot over-simpified the decision of when to take the HCG injection by just using the follicle size as the only parameter. He said the womb lining thickness and the detection of blood flow surrounding the follicles are important parameters too. His point of view sounds valid to me.

My own research on the Internet validated the fact of a woman on a natural cycle does have follicle that grows from 18-30mm and the fact that the verdict is still out for what exactly is the optimal size of the follicles before doing the HCG injection.

After a discussion with my husband, we felt that we should give my current gynae another chance and at the same time, I started on TCM treatment to improve my conceiving chance. I went for accupunture on sat afternoon. I am visiting a IVF specialist tomorrow aftn to understand more about the procedure and keeping my opinion open.

Hi Thistle,

Thanks so much for your encouragement. When my menses came on friday afternoon, I was devastated and in a state of panic as I am not sure whether I want to go back to my current gynae for the 2nd round of SO-IUI. I hope I can be as lucky as you and get twins this cycle. Will keep you all posted!
hi ruru cat, which tcm are you visiting? i thot ying chuan gives pill medicine? read that somewhere... i haven't started seeing tcm yet. if yours good, can recommend? i'm also super scared of powder+water ... yucks!

all the best for your 2nd so-iui! keep us posted.
Hi FelixCat,

I am visiting a chinese physican at bukit batok. He is recommended by my best friend who had a miscarriage a few years back and got him to "tiao" her body back into shape, now she is a proud mother of a 1.5years boy and going to try for a second child. I told her that by the time she conceive her 2nd child, maybe I am still trying for my 1st one, sigh...

This TCM doesn't specialize in fertility problem, he sees all kind of patients, from babies all the way to old folks. The reason why I go to him instead of Ying Chuan (beside the horrible medicine) is becos he also does accupunture to "tiao" my woman hormones points. Ying Chuan just give me medicine which I feel is slower. Where do you stay? I live around Jurong West area so quite near b.batok.

Going to visit the IVF specialist today. Will update u on what she say. Do let me know your experience on tomorrow's visit to the new gynae in gleneagles ok?

Hi CreateJoy,

How are you? Haven't hear from you for a while. Are you coping well with ur anxiety problem? Are you experiencing preggie symptoms? Lots of baby dust to u.
hi ruru cat, i'm staying ard tiong bahru area so bukit batok wld be too far for me. i didn't know ying chuan doesn't do accupunture... then i better look ard some more.

which ivf specialist r u going to?

the gynae at glen e is a very nice doctor, even though i've not met him yet.
yesterday, my gp asked me to go for a blood test to confirm that i'm not preggie as my mensus this month is quite light, unlike my usual and i was feeling giddy. she wants to exclude the possibility that i'm preggie but the baby's unstable.

my gp is very caring and detailed. she called the gynae n spoke to him directly. so i went down to the clinic to do a blood test in the afternoon.
the gynae actually called me personally at 7pm to tell me the results (which btw was still a BFN) and asked me if i want to continue with kkh or do i still want to see him on wed.

told him that i've only met my gyane 3 times during my 1 yr with kkh....
and i needed a change. it's difficult to ask my current gynae anything as in kkh, everything is handled by the nurses and the junior doctors. so each iui was handled by different people.

the new gynae's very understanding n patient. so far so good. i'm looking forward to my appt tomorrow. will let you know how it goes.
Hi all, I'm new to this thread. This is my first try with So-IUI (KKH) and i'm so nervous. I am in D4 and has started on my daily Puregon injection since yesterday. Are there any food that I should avoid during this period?
welcome shermane! don't think the doc will ask you to avoid any food at this stage. i try to avoid 'cooling' stuff and after the iui, try and eat like you're already preggie.. avoid spicy/cooling food and have a balance diet.

good luck on your iui. lots of bably dust to you!
Hi Shermane,

I read somewhere in the motherhood forum that the best food for the follicles to grow is to eat egg white everyday from D2. Apparently egg white is the easiest form of protein absorbed by our body and it helps in the growth of our eggs. Don't know if this is true or not, but since I like egg white (remember don't eat egg yolk), I don't mind trying. My mom says strictly no cooling tea, pineapple and green bean soup.

Hi FelixCat,

I met Dr Christine Yap (Mt E) this afternoon to understand more about IVF and whether the success rate is higher than SO-IUI. She says that in a best-case scenario -if she is able to harvest a very good-quality egg and sperm, the chance of pregnancy is actually close to 100% (assuming that there is no problem with the womb lining thickness)! Got me so excited man (maybe I didn't hear her correctly)!

I am still sticking to my current gynae for the 2nd round of SO-IUI and then if again BFN, then will proceed to IVF for my next cycle. I am very impatient and if IVF offers a better chance, then I am willing to give it a shot!
hi ruru cat,
close to 100%! wow! if she's able to give such guarantee, then it's worth a try. i'll also be checking with the new gynae abt this option but i'm quite concern abt the whole injection procedure and the bloating afterwards ...

can i know how much is the ivf procedure with her?

hi shermane,
i read abt the egg white thinggy as well but seems it's to reduce bloating? but they did mention abt 'yi xing bu xing'.
also something abt not eating soy products, including soy sauce. but i'm not sure abt the reason and didn't follow.

maybe can check with the gynae later abt diet. will let u know.
hi ruru cat,
close to 100%! wow! if she's able to give such guarantee, then it's worth a try. i'll also be checking with the new gynae abt this option but i'm quite concern abt the whole injection procedure and the bloating afterwards ...

can i know how much is the ivf procedure with her?

hi shermane,
i read abt the egg white thinggy as well but seems it's to reduce bloating? but they did mention abt 'yi xing bu xing'.
also something abt not eating soy products, including soy sauce. but i'm not sure abt the reason and didn't follow.

maybe can check with the gynae later abt diet. will let u know.
Hello Felixcat and Ruru_cat, thanks for the advice. But do you feel a bit weird after the injections? I feel like my lower abdomen is a bit crampy.
hi, i think that's quite common. is this the first time you are doing iui? were you on clomid iui before or direct into so-iui?
Hi FelixCat,

I did some internet research on IVF and also read thru' some of the motherhood forum on IVF, I think what the gynae meant by good-quality egg is that the chief embyrologist will rank the harvested eggs in terms of quality eg. Grade 1,2,3,4, so a good-quality egg is a Grade 1 or 2 i guess. So theorically, if during the IVF cycle where you put a Grade 1 egg with a normal, fast-moving sperm together, the success % of course is much higher.

She told me the cost of IVF is around $13-15k. Medisave allows $6k deduction for 1st time IVF.

My ex-TCM physican told me not to eat soya products as soya products has some naturally-produced "acid" that is not good for ladies w PCOS condition. Can't remember what she said specifically. My current TCM at b batok never say anything leh.

Hi Northvirgo,

I felt bloating and slight pain at the injection site so I inject myself at night then go to sleep.
Hi felixcat, i went direct to so-iui. I first started to go for the fertility check up in Feb and dragged until now i could finally begin with the treatment.
hi ruru cat, the visit at the gynae went well. i gave all my medical records to him and he said that i'm still under the effect of the previous soiui and should wait for it to clear first.
you continued with yr 2nd soiui straight away right? did your gynae mention anything abt hving to clear the effects from previous soiui?

i will hv to go back to do a baseline scan next mth just to ensure that there is no problem with my ovaries. he suggested doing a natural iui after that, no medication. that means i will only have the next iui in aug. meanwhile, he said just relax.

he said that the previous failed iuis may be due to timing - when the o actually occurred. e.g. the previous soiui was done quite early and he suspected that the ovalution only occurred 4-5 days later. but as i was on progesterone, he's unable to confirm the actual o date.

that's what i felt as well actually. my soiui was performed d9, my previous iuis were usually d13-14.

so now he just want to start afresh and see what exactly is my condition, without any medication. if don't strike in aug, then depending on the situation, see if he's confident of another iui or go for ivf. cost wise, quite similar to mt e, he mentioned ard 12-14k for ivf.

hi northvirgo, i asked the gynae abt diet but he doesn't seem to believe in that.
he's quite positive on tcm-accupucture though. i asked for recommendation and he mentioned there's one at shaw centre which is quite good and there's also a tcm at raffles hospital.

he didn't hv any name for the one at shaw centre though so will need to check it out.
Dear FelixCat,

I am going to my gynae for D6 scan to see how my eggs are developing. I will ask him about clearing the effects from SO-IUI.

Hmm but my gynae did mention b4 that the success % of SO-IUI can go up to 50% by the 4th-6th cycle. I discuss how it that statistically possible (% rate per cycle is 6-15% only) with my best friend and we say maybe the gynae refined the timing as he has a historical database of how our body react to the SO-IUI (our guess only). Or maybe it could be due to what your gynae says about "still under the effect of the previous SO-IUI"?

Glad you feel comfortable with the new gynae. Meanwhile maybe you can start on your TCM treatment to "tiao" your body? I just bought megaman from GNC and "dong cong cao" for my husband to improve his health and sperm quality since he refused to go to see TCM with me. He is afraid of accupunture.
hi ruru cat, i asked abt the success rate of ivf and he mentioned it's abt 60% (given my age range - above 35). told him that a gynae at mt e mentioned close to 100% and he said that doesn't seem quite possible. but he would go there too if it's true.

i think what you say abt the timing sounds quite true. the gynae will be able to better time the next iui if he has a historical record of how you are reacting to the medicine. that's why my gynae was saying that he will see how's my natural cycle before proceeding.

my af is regular and on-time and o ard the same time d13-14. but as kkh uses different doc each time, there is no consistency and follow up.

now trying to find the tcm. how much is your accu session? do you need to take any medicine?
hi felixcat, hi ruru, hi to all..

i finishing my progestrone insert tablet in 2 days time. maybe i too anxious, i try to test day but neg.. doc ask me test on today.. think 1 two days wont make much diff right and i feel bloated think menses shoudl be coming... half sad half happy cos the whole of last week i was super anxious i'm afraid will affect the foetus development but then no doubt doesnt mean next mth i wont be as crazy but well i just cross my fingers. been feeling very wet dunno is it becos insert tab expose me to bacteria having infection or what.. i smell the same as my last preg leh hoho maybe i trying to give myself some false illusion haha..

seen psychiatrist yday he refuse prescribe me medi cos i tcc like what Mrs lew said.. ask me to practise breathing technique... tomolo i try testkit again if mense haven come. i wonder if the insert will actually delay it from coming... babydust to everyone here! we poor mothers are trying so hard can god please pity us have more good news here...
Hi ladies,
I am preparing to go for my first SO-IUI in mid July. Now waiting for menses to come and then to start next month. I've got PCOS and had a chemical pregancy once 1.5years ago.
Anyone can tell me what's going to happen during IUI and any side effect??


Hi CreateJoy,

Glad to hear from u again as you haven't post any msg for a while. So excited for you as u r the last among the 3 of us (me and felixcat are BFN) so hopefully u will be the one with the good news. I did have an yeast infection due to the progestrone insert medicine and my gynae says it is possible as the PH in our uterus is affected by the introduction of the progestrone. In the 1st place I am prone to yeast infection all my life so maybe this SO-IUI cycle I will ask my gynae to get me oral progestrone pills rather than inserts. I am very curious that you said you "smell" the same as your last preg. I read on the internet that a heightened sense of smell is a possible preggie symptom. Hmm.. will keep my fingers crossed 4 u.

Hi FelixCat,

I think what the IVF specialist meant by the 100% success rate is for Grade1 egg and sperm. I told my husband that in the 1st place since I have fertility issue, the harvested egg how can be of Grade1 quality? Most of the ladies going thru' IVF in the motherhood forum have only Grade3/4-quality eggs. She did said that for my PCOS condition, I must be prepared for the worst as she had past cases where the lady developed 30 follicles and not one of them contain a good enough quality egg for IVF.

My twice-weekly TCM session is $30/session. It includes accupunture and medicine. The TCM physican told me he will try to improve the hormonal qi in me and poke 3 needles each on the lower part of my legs (between the kneecap and ankle) and I think I really have very bad qi becos the pain is extremely bad and my whole legs become numb and immbolized (like those gongfu show where the swordman "dian3" the other person's xue2 dao4" like that, I can't even wriggle my toes without feeling pain. I had been to this TCM physican for sprain etc but my past accupunture experience with him was never so intense.

I went for my 1st scan yesterday and sigh... still 1 dominant follicle this cycle eventhough he upped the injection dosage.

Hi Ah-Kat,

Welcome! You have the same problem as me, PCOS. Are u on this oral medicine called Metformin? My gynae says it is a good drug for ladies with PCOS symptoms. I took it for the past 2 cycles and experience very bad side effects and decided to try this cycle without it (although my gynae says must eat).

The SO part is where you inject yourself from D2 of menses to around D12 to try to stimulate the follicles in your ovaries to grow. The gynae will require u to come in for regular scanning to monitor the follicles growth and adjust the injection dosage along the way. When the follicle grow big enough, the gynae will decide when to do the IUI. During the IUI for me, I wasn't given any medication, I just lie flat up while the gynae insert the soft tube into my uterus before injecting the "washed" sperms of my hubby into the tube. Throughout the whole process (around 10-15 mins max), I didn't feel any pain just some discomfort. After the procedure, you lie for another 20mins then can go home.

As for the side effects, I experience bloating of the stomach and I suspected it it due to the injection and I put on extra weight also, around 2-3kg. I did asked my gynae and he said no such thing so I guess it is my body. Do share your SO-IUI journey with us so you won't feel so lonely ok?
hi ruru, what's BFN? nah dont think i'm preg though still haven come but i's only late a day haha i already test twice negative... I intend to rest a mth then try.. really leh, now that i convince i not preg my tension dropped not much chest pain already... sigh...
Hi CreateJoy,

Don't give up hope leh. BFN - Big Fat No. But also don't pressure yourself too much. Best of luck.
Hello all, today I went for the scan and the doc told me that my egg is big enough and the iui will be done on Wed morning. Need to seek your advice, after the iui, do we need to rest or can go back to work straight away? The nurse said that it doesn't matter.

I will need to go for the injection today to bring abt the ovulation, does it hurt a lot?

hi rurucat,
saw somewhere that BFN=big fat negative, sorry told you it's big fat no. but to me, it really felt like a big fat NO when i saw the hpt result ...

i've booked a session with the tcm doc but it's only in mid jul. that's the earliest time slot.

hv never tried accupuncture, a bit scared...

hi northvirgo,
after iui, try to lie on the bed for at least half an hour. don't get up immediately. i went back to work straight away but if the doc gives you mc, you can just relax at home. the implantation usually takes place ard 5-6th day after iui. i read somewhere that you should not walk too much. if you're tired, make sure you rest well.

i find the injection more painful than the daily jab. but ok lah, don't worry too much. it's only one injection.

btw, what's a chemical pregnancy?
hello felixcat,

I had the injection yesterday and it wasn't as painful as I thought it would be.
Looking forward to the iui tomorrow and hope for the best.
Hi northvirgo, good luck & many baby dust!

hi felixcat hee me also BFN mense come liao but abit happy like i say i was overly stress.. jialut lah think i cant IUI i get very tense when i anticipating... so i think i try another 1 2 mth on my own less stress... moreover had a big fight with hubby on sun, he even wanted a separation. think i too stress keep pestering him to keep me company complain about him job etc...make him feel so stress and helpless till want to surrender. stupid man... anyway we are fine now.

back very pain think the progestrone pill mk my endometriosis worsen alot saw alot blood clot this mense cycle sigh... i really got to be brave overcome my phobia and get preg soon before i get worse. moreover hubby quit his job becos of me so now think gotta save dont see gynae so oftn.
hi createjoy,
hope all's well with your dh. relax and don't be too stress. since he's quitted, you can spend more time together now and don't worry too much.

hi ruru cat, how are you doing? you will be doing the iui around fri/sat? are there more follicles now? keep us posted. lots of baby dust to you!
Hi createjoy and felixcat, thanks for the baby dust and best wishes.

I had some reddish discharge just now (it was after iui), is this normal? The nurse didn't tell me anything abt feel bloated but other than that, ok lor.

createjoy, good that you and ur hubby are ok now.

Have to wait for 2 more weeks, oh dear.....

hi northvirgo,
it's normal to hv some discharge n feel bloatedness. Surprise that the nurse din inform u.

for the coming 2 weeks, just relax and avoid carrying heavy things. basically, act like u are preggie lah. and eat like one too.

did the doc prescribe anything for these 2 weeks?
