Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

I think that JF is trying to push all the expenses to the maid and the employer. They are smart but I am not dumb too. That is why we decided not to return the maid back to Indon since we are the one that have to pay for the air-ticket plus lodging. What for? I might as well return her for transfer so that I dont need to pay for her lodging and let the agent charge the maid for the transfer fee. Like that, I dont have to pay a single cent to the agency.

However, I am now worried that JF may drag their time in transferring her out of my name and in the meantime I still have to bear her levy up to max 21 days. I am most worried now is that JF may come to me after 21 days and say that they cannot find the maid a new employer and hence wants to send her back to Indon. If that is the case, I will then "logi" the 21 days levy plus buying an air-ticket for her.

Yes, they basically want to profit from both employer and maid lah...this is the way of making money lor..

I am getting worried each day over maid since I am due soon. Lucky thing is that my MIL is now back from hospital and she is recovering well at home. So, even now I am maidless, she can still help me to look after my daughter and I can go to work but I feel very bad to trouble her esp she is still not fully recovered. Worse, there is no maid to help around in the housework. that is why I want to qucikly get the new maid in ASAP to help my MIL.

I went to BT Timah branch. Yeah, the past 2 maids I got from them were ex-SIN and transfer maids and they turned out to work the shortest period with me as compared to my past maids. My hubby said NO MORE TRANSFER MAIDS anymore!

You got your maid from BestHome right? Did you buy the 1 year ins or 2 years? There is no refund of the insurance if we buy the 1 year and I am not willing to buy for 2 years after these past bad experiences. I would rather pay lesser and buy 1 year first but Best Home's insurance company does not refund for 1 year if we return the maid. I am thinking of buying the insurance seperately in this case.

Hi Mummies

I got two questions to check with you:

1) If currently my maid employment with us ends on 30/Jun, if I were to send her back earlier, say 1 or 2 mths earlier, do I need to pay back the balance salary to her for eg. if she works till end/Jan, do I need to pay her back for the balance of 5mths?
2) In short, do you have any reliable agency to recommend around sengkang area?

Thank you.
yup. from Best Home. I bought the 1 yr one. Coz I didn't want to put down that much $ for 2 years. haha. Didn't know that 2 years one got refund. We can buy insurance separately? Any idea how to go about that?

Oh, on Saturday, while out with hb and baby, maid called me. before leaving, we told her to cook her own lunch. So she called to tell me that while she was cooking the rice, there was suddenly no light. Then there was a cleaner outside at the corridor (I forgot to ask her male or female, but I know usually it's a female cleaner). So she asked the cleaner to help her. Maid doesn't have key to my gate. So apparently, the cleaner told her how to do the switches in the fuse box etc. and then there was light, and everything was ok.

Well, it was good of her to call and inform. I didn't think much about it. But a couple of my frens were like shocked...that she asked the cleaner to help, though they couldn't really say why they have the "OMG!!" reaction. Am I missing something?? hehs.
Kristen, I went to Bukit Timah branch too. I don't like the other agent. I only speak to Joyce.

Sadwoman, you only required to pay her until the day you send her back. No need to pay her for the balance of 5 mths. I sent my previous maid back on 16 Dec so I only paid her from 1 Dec to 16 Dec.

My current new maid always want to do her housework. Then my mil complain when she need help to look after my baby she will do the housework. I told her she has to help whenever my mil needs help beside doing housework. Today I have lost my voice cant talk. So sian

Ya. why dun you let yr maid transfer as that was what happened to me. I need to pay levy for both maids e.g. and give agency 21 days for maid A (phil) while she finds an employer. Moreover, now CNY is coming air tickets are expensive, in my opinion, u shld let agency handle it. if not, why u pay agency fee. And tell them that u only give them 21 days to transfer the maid. And you don't want to pay the overstay fee for yr new maid.

Moreover, u need to quickly apply for yr new maid to come in as agency will stop new batch of maids coming in due to CNY.

another pointer: While maid is in the training centre, anything happen to the maid is still the responsibility of the employer, so have to cross fingers that nothing happen to that during the 21 days.

Do you have such restriction that you can only apply for 1 maid as you only got a kid?

This was what happened to me. I gave agency 21 days to trasnfer my phil maid(maid A) and now I have maid B (Indo maid - she wants to transfer as dun want to look after dog), if maid A dun transfer within 21 days then I will have to pay the following overstay fee week 1 - $100, week 2 - $300 and week 3 - $500. Luckily this morning, I called MOM, maid A is out of my acct and don't know what happend to her as the agency didn't refund my money and didn't ask me to pay for air ticket. So I will wait to see what happen.

So now I can proceed to request for maid C to come and hopefully in time to come next week as agency close for CNY.
ying ying:
I guess for both my maids they are the ones who don't want to work for me, so agencies will give me the replacement. But if you don't want the maid, not sure will agency drag their feets.

(1) what will happen to this current Indon maid i intend to give up?

Either you want to transfer her or send her home.

(2) if agent cannot find her a suitable employer, who has to pay for her air ticket home?

I think agency will try their best to find an employer for her I think. If not, u will have to pay her air ticket. Unless she has some money then maybe she can pay herself. But usually is th employer's responsibility

(3) i know i stand to lose the Bond Waiver & Medical insurance which i paid $204 ... but on top of losing this money, do i stand to lose anymore money ?

maybe agency will do some refund to her. But what more to lose. maybe you can ask yr agency?
re: air ticket, I was advised by agency to pay for maid's air ticket when I was the one who requested to send her back. Another of my maid wanted to be transferred to antoher employer. When agency was not able to place her with someone, it was between the agency and maid to settle on the air ticket price. I did not have to pay the air ticket in this situation.

not sure about the diff agencies' charges, heard some charges very high. Heard from friends that you can handle the renewal process on your own and it is significantly cheaper though it is troublesome.

yeah, sounds like JF is pushing all expenses to you and maid. Is your maid's work permit card still with you? Wonder if it is possible to cancel her work permit yourself if JF is not working to get a new employer for your maid? I had a maid whos tayed at agency for 2 weeks yet was not able to find an employer. She was eventually sent back to Indon but I did not have to pay for her air ticket. Agency said they usually bear the air ticket to send maid back in such circumstances when no other employer takes them, rather than keeping htem in Singapore longer. Not sure if they would pass the air tickets fee to maid though.

While you are maidless, why not get a part time cleaner to help your MIL with the housework?
hi mummies,

i just got an indo maid on 27Dec08. my 13month boy still goes to infantcare so she is alone at home during the weekdays. now i'm getting more & more worried abt wat she does when we are not ard. it's my first time employing a maid so i got a silly qn to ask - do u get ur maid to handwash ur underwear?

something to rant:
i quarrelled with my HB on 2 occassions abt ordering food for maid when we r outside. on both occassions, he wanted to order food for maid tat costs more ex than our own food! made me so pissed. i asked him straight in the face "where got maid eat better food than employer?!" on the 2nd time, he made me order 2 set meals to share among the 3 of us. AND i ate from a small plate while the maid ate from the big plate! so angry!!! any of ur HBs are like tat?
wrt your question:- I wash myself. But some days, I'm soooo squeezed for time (eg. come home from parents' place after picking baby. Baby only wants me. And it's baby's sleeping time. So I cannot take too long in shower. So end up, just put in pail. my hb will kpo, take and ask maid to wash. hahaha. happened twice.) Coz I pai seh leh. Pai seh to ask others to wash my intimates. But I do know of frens whose maids wash their intimates.

abt ur other point:-
Actually, I did that once. we went out to eat. I ordered the economical rice (which I feel is never economical) for all of us, and told her to choose her dishes. (a) I wanted to see what she will pick. It will kinda tell me the kind of person she is, I feel. (She selected chicken drumstick, fish, vege. smart siah?) (b) At that point, I didn't know what her tastes were. what if she cannot take certain food etc. So I thought, nvm, let her choose also. Imagine being "forced" to eat something I don't like...End up, I kena scolding from HB. hahaha. the same way you scolded yours lorh. Subsequently, well, the only subsequent time was when we went to eat KFC. HB portioned out, such that she had less than us. Hehehs.

thanks for ur answer. i also feel paiseh to let my maid wash my intimates, but sometimes really no time.

hahahaa. i think ur HB did the right thing to portion out food for ur maid. i'm not mean and i'll never ill-treat my maid, but IMO there should be certain line drawn so tat the maid will respect us. it's just like we show respect to our bosses at work. anyway, my HB dun agree with me. at the 2nd incident, he portioned 2 pcs of chicken to the maid & gave me only one! His reason: the maid needs more energy to push the pram. so angry with him! i din wan to spoil the trip else i would have went straight home! i paid for the meal but i get to eat even less than a maid!
Hee..hee... I let my maid do the underwear as I usually wear panty liner, so I don't think it's that dirty.

Initially I won't let them choose what they want to eat as I am a person who eat everything and not too fussy about as long as it's not too oily and salty. In my opinion, if they want to come out to work, they should not be so fussy. And in our work place, if drinks are provided e.g. Lipton tea, if we don't like and don't want to buy ourselves, we also have to drink what the compmay provides unless we use money to buy.

I will let them choose once they have worked well and stay sometime with us. If not, what we eat, we will order 1 portion for the maid. I will only ask if she wants rice or noodles.

Moreover weekend morning, we usually buy breakfast e.g. economic bee hoon / kueh stall, we will buy a portion or a pack for her. And during week day if we don't cook, we will give variety e.g. Chicken rice, nasi lemak, economic rice and etc. Like that day, we eat Nasi Briyani, we also pack a packet for her.

As for leaving maid at home, I think it's better to install CCTV camera which I have done it then did I see my maid B like that...

My dog actually fell from my washing machine while cleaning him and maid B didn't even tell me. And we saw this from the CCTV. When I casually asked or mentioned that if my dog fell or not well need to tell us. She just said yes and that's all. She didn't even admit anything. Luckily my fat dog didn't break his legs. And I usually lock my master bed room when I go out just in case she lie on my bed. I will be more relax after the maid has gained my trust.
Regarding buying the insurance seperately, I have checked with Best Home and they told me I can buy seperately if I dont want to buy from their insurance company. I just need to get in touch with the insurance company I want to buy from and keep both the agency and the insurance company informed. Once agency has processed the application for the maid to come over, we can inform the insurance company with all the necessary information and buy the insurance for her. I dont know if other agency will allow such arrangement since usually the agency will earn a commission from the insurance company for every employer's insurance. Luckily Best Home allows.

I do let my maid handwash all my panties and bras except only when I am having my period then I wash myself. But my hubby will never let the maid handwash his as he thinks is too personal..haha. He dumped into the washing machine to wash.

I have already returned the WP card and PP to JF. I hope they dont play dirty with me. Otherwise, I will lodge a complain to MOM.

My in-laws do not like part-time cleaners in their house. I have previously offered to hire for them but they rather clean themselves than having p/t cleaners. Also, theirs is a 2 storey terrace with a big garden. I think the rates for p/t cleaner in this type of house is not cheap.

I have asked Joanne to re-shortlist some maids that have passports for me. My hubby will pick them up this evening. Actually, I have inyerviewed one ex-SIN maid yday. She ever worked in SG for 2 years from 2001-2003 and her English is ok. She is now in Indon and wants to come to SG again to work. She can speak and understand my English but my hubby thinks that her salary is too high..$380 with no off day. He thinks that even she is an ex-SIN but that was so many years ago.

However, she should be able to come just before CNY if we take her....
i dont let my maid wash my panties. ya as for meals for my maid i order tinkat or packed back so wat i eat is wat she eat lor. have to agree that my HB also kinda generous when comes to my maid meals. Make us like so 'cat" at times. Hahahaha. Ya nid to check any mommies install any cctv? wana install coz going back to work soon and dont feel very safe leaving my 2yrs old son and 3mths old daughter alone w her.
Hi ladies, my maid is holding on to her hp and she has access to it by receiving messages as her sim card is fr philippines. I dun like the idea of her holding on to her hp. When she came the first day, I kept her hp for her but next few days she requested to call back and need her hp as the number is stored in her hp. Do yr filipino maids have hp with them?
2nd baby, you can ask her to give you back and only give it to her when you let her to call home. You tell her she is come here to work not to message here and there. If want to do that then better go home to talk to each other everyday facing each other.
2nd baby,
perhaps you can talk to her, tell her that you are ok (if you really are) with her calling home when she needs to. However, since she needs to help look after baby, you do not want the hp to end up being a hinderance to her work. No point at all. When looking after baby, you would prefer full attention on baby. Hence, you'll need to keep her hp. But you will pass it back to her when she needs to call home (eg. once a month or whatever your agreement was).

Something like that?

my #1 maid had hp on her. She was ok, didn't use it when baby was awake. Only used it when baby was asleep or at night. but, it could have been the trigger for her "love-sickness".
Hi KC,
Glad it's all post up your story here and send to Tamarind's blog so we can all avoid your troublesome maid.

Hope you find a suitable replacement soon
Hi All

Can check with you do you do all these when you have a maid and is this consider stressful?

1Have to lock the backyard gate before go out, so she will not spend time socialising and throwing things or exchange with maid next door.

2To splash all the toilets with water to ensure that she clean the toilets

3To keep remainding to wash the pot clean

4When asked her is the floor clean, she can tell you yes and its actually with lots of fibre around.

5She has been with me almost a year, and when the mop becomes so thin, I asked her is it acceptable,she says yes and she is ex malaysia three years

6Yesterday, when am at home, she did ironing, for fear my boy goes near the iron, she pushed my boy, is it a right gesture?

Thanks for it true that all maids must work with supervision?
my turn to ask you for a bit of help.

I just sent my maid off. My agent claimed that they have cancelled the WP and the maid is already in PH.
For WP, i can log in to WP Online to check. But I have no proof of her being already out of singapore. For all I know, the agent could have transferred the maid!

What should make the agent show me as proof that the maid is truly out of the country? If not through the agent is there any way I can check?
Hi, my colleague just got a maid replaced. This maid is a transferred maid. My colleague told me that her previous employer is terrible, asked her to sleep at 1am and wake up at 5am. She requested to change employer, her employer still wants her. Now she becomes my colleague's maid. Weird is the employer doesn't allow her to take her belongings, so she managed to take a few tops and pants only. I was thinking is this maid a runaway maid back to agent? If not how can she just take a few things only and the employer can keep her belonging?
Hi Nellu,
How come u sent ur maid back? I thought she was ok. What happened?

You will still be able to check WP online cos it will show a new employer if she has been transferred.

If you bought the airticket for her you can check with the airline to see if it was utilized?
Hi Maureen, tink ur colliq's replacement maid a bit suspicious.. my prev phil maid also mentioned the same story.. n she turn out to b a runaway maid.. so beta ask ur colliq to take precaution..
the prob here is i didn't buy the air ticket. The agent did.

the WP's cancelled. I checked online myself.

I think it's kinda fishy here cos the agent said we will not be billed the air ticket!

the (short) story abt my maid was that I discovered her having another phone in her pocession. She had intentionally brought 2 phones. One made public, the other kept in secret. The one made public she surrendered to us to safekeep. all the while we thought she had only 1. But i by chance discovered it 2 days ago.

so I sent her off..

bad time cos I just started work. my boy just started CC.
wow...she's smart. So next time we should check all their belongings the moment they step into our home? haiz

your boy's CC is half day or full day? Maybe now you can consider going maid-less...?
Hi all,

I need some advice on how to go about renewing my maid’s contract.

1) Is it easier to go back to the agent to do the paperwork or do on my own?
2) How much will the agent charge for renewing a maid’s contract?
3) Do I need to renew my maid’s passport? I have not checked hers so I don’t know if it will expire when the contract ends.
4) Do I need to pay for her passport renewal? If yes, who should bear the cost?
5) How many weeks of home leave do you usually give? My maid asked for 3 but the max I allow her to take is 2 weeks.
6) What other things do I need to take note for renewal of contract?

Hi maureen and pit, thanks for yr advise. On the first day, I did told her tt I will buy calling card for her to call back which I did. But she wanna rec sms fr her 6 children thats y she needs her hp w her all the time. Today she requested my parents to buy sim card for her! Wow, reali ridiculous.
Liana, CSI, and all mummies,

now that I have time, i'll post up my story.

This maid was my #3 maid. She was employed in May (my boy's 1st bday to be exact!). Before she came, i interviewed her a few times. During the interview I mentioned to her that there will be no off day and no ownership or usage of phone. She agreed not to have an off day but for phone she asked if she could have it to use at night. I said no, not at least when she was still repaying her loan. I told her str in the face she needed to prove herself first before she could be allowed to use the phone. On that she agreed. Since she agreed, I hired her.

On the day she arrived, among her valuables was a really old Nokia phone. I was already not very happy but since she agreed to let us keep it, I accepted it. So from then on, I was under the impression that that was the only phone she had.

When her passport was handed over from the agent, we discovered work permit documents from HK authorities in her passport. The records showed that she was in HK for 3mths, meaning she didn't complete her contract at all. again I was shocked cos this wasn't in her biodata. I let it go cos she was showing good performance and I thought i could just give it a try. I doubted that the agent knew or perhaps the agent thought 3mths wasn't a big deal. So i let it go.

This week, my boy started full day at CC. First day I went with him and stayed the whole day. My maid was home the whole day. 2nd day I decided to make her go with me and made her stay with my boy the whole day while I sat somewhere in a corner (with my neighbour whose gal was also there for the first few days). 3rd day, I told maid to stay with the boy and I came back. As I felt that her attitude had changed a bit since she finished her loan in Dec, I decided, for the first time to go through her belongings while she wasn't home.

The moment I opened her luggage bag, I saw a sony ecrisson K770i phone in there. I just pressed a button and the light came on. It was switched on the whole time and had a Singtel SIM card in there. I looked through her other things and found an Ipod, 2 scraps of paper with people's phone nos on it, another 2 SIM cards which were from PH telcos, a note book full of notes on mandarin and a receipt for Mandarin lessons in Manila!

I was most furious with the phone. I felt I had to check her call history and discovered that all the while she had this phone.

I called the agent and told them what had happened. They denied that they had not checked the maid's belongings properly. I told them the phone had evidence in it: 1. call histories dated back to May-Jun08, 2. a photo taken in their lodging of the maid and one of their staff, who happened to be the one who was checking their belongings.

Agent refused to believe me. so I said fine, i'll bring the maid down for questioning.

but the more i thought about the more i could piece the whole thing together. This maid had deliberately brought 2 phones to singapore. And surrendered the old one, making everyone think that she's so good and mature and prudent. In fact, she put up quite a good show. She had monthly allowance during the loan period and I had never stopped her from buying things. but she hardly spent the money. I really thought she was that good. she generally behaved herself..but when mistakes come up, she hardly said sorry sincerely. I let that go too cos I dun have that much energy to play mind games with her.

but I realised that she put up this 'performance' as a smoke screen so that she can win my trust and that i will not go and search her stuff.

so because of this thought, i decided, even before bringing her to the agent, to fire her. So I packed all her things (except for the evidences) into her bags and lug it to the CC to pick my boy and her up. my hubby and my mum came along as well.

my hubby and i decided to still take her to the agent because we couldn't decide whether to let her transfer or to make her go home. So we thought by sending her to the agent, it'll give us a chance to make a gauge and decide.

But when she was at the agency, the moment the 'evidences' were put on the table, she said "OH, SO this is IT!" and her face was clearly defiant. She argued with us a lot and she pushed the blame back to the agent (ref to her lying abt having worked in HK)...but then both agent and us told her that what she had done obviously showed that she was deliberately out to deceive everyone. In the end, she just started her crying drama and said she wanted to go home. The agent even asked her a few times and she said the same thing.

agent pleaded with me even to let her think through one night, but i said no, since she's defiant, send her home. in the end the agent gave up. My instruction was that she had to send the maid off ASAP.

The next morning, the agency's boss called me herself. Asked me "I asked the maid 'If I can persuade your employer to take you back, will you work for them?' (my eyes rolling like mad when I heard this btw!). and the maid said she's willing but she's scared that you'll make life difficult for her because of this incident." Hahaha! I laughed then I told the boss "You go tell her, we Singaporeans aren't so free to make life difficult for her. She herself has chosen the difficult life by not showing remorse and having a bad attitude. So the difficult life really would be when she's back home." I also told the boss of the evidences that one of her staff member could be in cahoots with the maid. When the boss heard this, she was furious. And she herself said, in this case, the maid has to go back! And she assured me that everything would be done properly and that she'll get her manager to follow up with me.

I waited the whole of Thurs and the manager didn't call me back to follow up. I called them again on Friday to chase them. That was when the manager (the same person who handle the whole thing on Wed) said that she had already sent the maid off on thurs nite and that the WP is cancelled.

only today then she sent me all the details of the cancellation and the air ticket.

They claim that they will not charge us for that air ticket. If I choose to trust the boss, then i can take it that the maid had really left SG. But there had been many lapses as far as this maid is concerned. Not sure if it is the maid's fault or the agent's fault.

I know this may seem like a small matter but we decided to fire her because I can't imagine what other things this maid may do later on when my workload gets heavier and with my boy at CC all day and my hubby and I at work, it's going to be so tough managing this maid....

now i'm really tired but I feel a lot less stress from maid (more stress from boss at work! haha!).
Would share my maid story....

Got this transfer maid in april 2007. She is alright though very slow in her work. Uni grad so can say quite smart too. She is not supposed to have off days but we still gave her once per month. Slowly, she got a hp, started to talk so much on the phone. Even when doing housework still have phone in her pocket.

She basically take care of the housework and look after my kid (21 months now) for 1 hour starting mid of 2008 onwards in the morning. she don'thave to cook and get up at night to look after my kid.

Then before I went for holidays 2008 dec, she told my husband that she wants to be an expat????So we asked her to find out more. When we came back from hols, she told us on a wed that she will be starting work as a cleaner next mon?? What the .....?

We got a ticket on thu night and sent her home. So now I am maidless....

I learn that I have to be firmer in the future.
Hi Liana,

Nice talking to you few days back. I will post the horrible PH maid story in Tam's blog once i have the time.

thanks for sharing your story.I guess it does not pay to be too nice to a maid.Have to be very firmed with the maid or they will test water and go beyond the boundary....
Hi Nellu,
Wow...I thought your maid was simple obedient type...turns out she is so sneaky.

Hi KC,
Nice talking to you least your issue resolved itself.

I have my own little story...
It was my maid's birthday last Tuesday so yesterday, Sat, she asked if she could go out to buy groceries and cook in the afternoon so she could bring the food out and share with her friends on her day off, today.

I said, sure, what will you cook. She just told me dessert. So at about 8pm she started making her dessert which took her about 2 hours because it was very lumpy etc. I was ok with it. Then at about 10pm she started making chicken with garlic, onions really makes my house smell ok...even though she had the range fan on, the back door open but the smell was so strong it rose up into my 2nd storey and into our bedrooms. I didn't say anything or complain but let it be because it's only once a year right...

Then this morning at about 7am I could smell cooking smells in my room again. She was cooking again and took over my kitchen. She was in there til 10am until I couldn't even make my girl breakfast or get myself a drink. I was practically telling her to get out of the house and go so I could feed my gal!

In the end I had to tell her that she was not honest with me. She cooked all last night when she told me it was just going to be in the afternoon PLUS she cooked this morning and my new clothes I left at the dining table (3 winter coats for our upcoming holiday) now smell like garlic!

So inconsiderate. give an inch and these maids take a mile. Once you start to be nice they take advantage of you and take over your house.

Imagine the complaints if I made her cook for US all night and the next morning!!!

By the way, she does not cook for us at all, she does not take care of my girl cos we have a nanny. All she does is clean.
Dont know what to say abt my new maid. Dont know lack of what..common sense???

1) I told her not to keep my bra(those have shape), in between my clothes. That will make it out of shape(heavy clothes on top of bra).
Keep in a drawer, where its arrange properly. But she repeat.. when I asked if she dont understand, she said she understand but can't find the drawer.

2) Every time enter my bedroom, I cant hear she knock, I told her to knock 1st. She said already knock, so told her to knock louder. till now, 2weeks, still didnt hear her knock. Can suddenly appear in my room without knowing when she enter.

3) Just now, after I make my girls take their nap, I'm so tired. I rest on my bed(fall asleep), my boy quietly use my computer in my room..but suddenly, I'm awake by some noise, and saw my maid..IN MY BEDROOM cleaning my cupboard, take out all things.. OMG! I asked my boy if he let my maid in. My boy answer me no.

thanks ladies for sharing the story.

Btw, any one here, or know of anyone by the name of joyce, stays in bedok, and has 2 kids age 3 and 6.
Just trying my luck...

Firm with maid- i gotta agree with this. They can never be trusted totally.

Btw. I've not gotten a new maid since my last one left. Less time to do my things, but really less stressful and feels happier, more freedom!
Wa lao.. so daring ar..
My prev maid oso no common sense one or maybe she do it deliberately.
Wat she do was open my drawer which is inside the wardrobe. The drawer is for mi to put our passport, money, etc. And at the bottom is for my hubby underwear.

One day she put my hubby underwear inside the drawer. Normally she juz put our clothes at the next room. I ask her y she know where to put it. I got a shock to hear her answer. She said she open my drawer to c wat is inside. OMG.. few days later i sack her.
So daring..

She oso very eng(free) one.. No need to cook, tk care bb. Wat she hv to do is clean clean and clean.
yup. when we sort of stripped off all the nice 'show' she put up, at the heart of it all, you could really see what kind of person she was. I look like a stupid fool now, running around like a headless chicken, juggling work (now in HK!), my boy and the household while my hubby continues to be flying around all the time! But I made the decision to send her off cos I really cannot imagine what she would be up to (of course it would swing both ways) if I continued to keep her, with me being at work most of the day and my boy at CC the whole day and my hubby out of town. Quite frankly (or maybe i'm really paranoid), I fear for our safety and our home. the thing is if she can deliberately scheme to deceive us and the agent, she could do more!
Any reliable maid agents to intro pls? I have a ex-HK fili maid for 6 months now. Her work is just to housekeep the house and help my mom with preparing water, milk for my 9m old baby etc. And also cooking. She is quite good at her work but sometimes take shortcuts. Whenever I discover something wrong, I will 'say' her and she will be unhappy and come up with some excuses and pull a black face. This is something I can't tolerate. Today I ask her to look at her own face in the mirror. Guess what? She just insisted on her way past me to the kitchen and accidentally shoved me. Hubby and I are very pissed off with her. We have given her many perks, buying a box for her to send stuff back, buying clothes for her daughter, and even allowing her to go bk to fili once a year.

Am I being fussy and unreasonable?

Pls let me know of any good agents.
calamari- shoving u is plain rude. Do u shove your boss when he say you? Somemore u are the one paying her salary.

nobody can advice? Or is there any website that I can locate these info? Thanks!

) Is it easier to go back to the agent to do the paperwork or do on my own?
2) How much will the agent charge for renewing a maid’s contract?
3) Do I need to renew my maid’s passport? I have not checked hers so I don’t know if it will expire when the contract ends.
4) Do I need to pay for her passport renewal? If yes, who should bear the cost?
5) How many weeks of home leave do you usually give? My maid asked for 3 but the max I allow her to take is 2 weeks.
6) What other things do I need to take note for renewal of contract?

thanks for sharing. Wow, she is one sneaky gal.

your maid quite good life leh, just clean only. but end up, dunno how to think for others (then again, how many of them really do?). They think for themselves more...haha.

you guys are nice...when she told you she wants to be an expat (????), you actually told her to find out more? I'd probably just tell her to "stop dreaming". haha.
calamari and all other mummies looking for maids... my agent is a very nice lady with more than 15 years experience. she owns MDS @ katong shopping centre. you can contact shirley @ 6344 7665. am now at my 9th maid in 4 years, so i know very well getting a gd maid or not is really depending on luck, at least i dun hv to deal with a nasty agent!

tigger88... u may want to give shirley a call too. am sure she will be able to help answer your questions.

wendy... totally agree with u re wat we would do to our boss. i hate it when ppl tell me to juz let my maid do things her way when she doesnt want to follow mine. i'm like.. u mean when we go to work, my boss ask me to work on items from 1-3, i can say sorry, i prefer to work from 3-1, then my boss will let me? jeez... why do i pay for someone NOT to follow my instructions? my instruction is also 1 action, she doing her own way is also 1 action... so why cant juz follow mine???

CSI... one of my previous maid even more sneaky, hid her HP in a packet of cotton wool! when i went thru her belonging when she came, she told me 'oh, tis is juz cotton for cleaning face', so i din even touch it. i oni discovered it when she kept fighting w me, and i was so angry i was packing her things to send her back to agency, and i felt something hard in the cotton wool, and the HP dropped out!! who knows wat else she lied!!

and if you find small white pills in your maid's belongings, do beware. i found contraceptive pills in my maid's luggage, and after interrogating, she confessed to "selling" herself!! yucks!!! and she doesnt even hv off days, we let her go out on only 2 occasions for her auntie and her own birthday! sent her hm the next day. last time my neighbour's maid was also spotted entering the rubbish dump on her way to the market. tats how desperate they can get!
tigger88.. no need at all. in fact, u can even draw up your own contract if you want to "redefine" her job scope, or increase her pay. i heard home leave paperwork is very troublesome, you can chk with shirley.

CSI.. ya. unbelievable rite? *rolls eyes*
My maid told me that 2rows of crystal( from crystal light) is loss. She noticed when cleaning the light.

OMG, dont know which ex maid steal it, till I didnt notice.. that 2rows is behind, hardly see. Haiz..
hi ladies

just want to express my frustration:
as mentioned in my previous posts, my maid (1yr) underwent surgery and doc suspected that she got TB bacteria in her but not contagious as her lungs are clear. so started her on TB treatment cos she is a ok maid and since not contagious. now doc say need to rule out hep b cos her blood test showed some liver damage (not too sure as HB went with her). doc did say meds could cause liver enzymes to be high but her results must be sky high for doc to rule out hep b right?

i was fuming mad when i found out. ok, mayb i over-reacted, she didn't purposely infect herself with TB. just that i can't believe my luck! just the other day i had to nag and nag at her to take her meds cos meds caused her to vomit. i was so mad then cos this is for her own good lei and yet i have to mother her!

after reading your experiences, i am now terrified of having to go thru the whole selection cycle.

(i trusted the doc that maid's case of TB not contagious as doc was pregnant and she didn't even wear gloves to examine her.)

learnt something from doc: apparently TB is fairly common in rural parts of Indo, PH, Myammar etc. she claims that it is common for maids to carry TB in them(chest x-ray clear, TB hides in lymph nodes) and get treated during their contract in SG. anyone has gone thru this too(sorry, i dun mean to wish it upon you).

seriously, i am very keen to keep her, even renew her for another 2 more yrs. HB say if get new maid, also may end up going thru all this again. i told maid(HB dun know) my intention to renew her after all this BUT she cannot go home leave(cos doc say after treatment maid is clear of TB but got back can be reinfected).

i am so stressed out... ... need to bring her see doc (HB), very time consuming and disruptive for HB work. personally, i would perfer to bring her myself(more medical sound than HB) but all her appt clash with my work and i get mad just sitting at the clinic.

anyway, i was so angry that i dropped an e-mail to MOM regarding this. this is really a learning experience for us.

so ladies, take tarmind's advice to screen maid for hep yourself. if i ever get a new maid, i will do just that!
my maid bugged my hb again this morning, to send her back to agent. She said she told us abt it in Dec already. how come still never send her back. (and yesterday, she just told me to post a letter for her....?) Hb told her, "you request to go back, it will happen immediately one is it?" Then he also told her "we also told you that we need to find replacement first. You think just because you request for it, it's your choice? I can choose to send you back home or send you to agent." Then she started saying not to send her home, coz she needs the job.

Then she started saying, we talk to her fierce, she don't like. She likes it when we talk to her nicely (DUH....who doesn't? but when you make mistakes...and dun correct them.....haiz). So hb told her, that it will be the same anywhere else...if she makes the same mistakes repeatedly, she will get scolding.

She then said she likes baby, but cannot handle my baby (er, mine is not even walking yet! can't talk...too much to handle? Then how she handle her own 3 y.o.?). To that, hb told her, "now economy bad. Pple are not going to hire maids, unless they have no choice. And those pple with no choice are those with children or elderly at home. You say you can't handle baby, elderly also can have many different requirements. It will be similar anywhere else."

I really dunno what goes through their minds...

Last week, he taught her how to write down the things she does, when to inform us when household items/food items are finishing etc. Coz she kept saying she cannot remember. So he told her to write down to help herself remember. But today, he found that she never prepared any list etc. Asked her nicely why didn't she do? She kept quiet. So he just told her, "like that, how can I send you back to agent? you have nothing to hand over to the next maid..."(then he went on to explain like, when we give our bosses notice, we also have to prepare to hand over to the next colleague). So his point was, without those lists, cannot hand over, then how to let her go? Then she suddenly had an answer. She said she was busy - ironing clothes. Coz I think to her, she realised, that if she wants to go sooner, she'll have to get out the list soon so that can hand over. hahaha. Then I think hb got a bit irritated. He told her something along the lines of "we're trying to help you, make your life easier - get you to jot down notes. but you prefer to make it challenging by not writing down. and then our things get messed up. Then you expect us to do things for you fast and nicely? That is not correct." Then he told her, he may just send her back home...

Actually, I got quite scared. haha. coz dunno if she will snap or not. With the threat to send back home. Told hb not to say that to her again...not now at least.

I think yr maid has no heart to work for you already. Do you leave bb with her alone when u r off to work? If yes, I think better now. The other time my maid also behave like that.

I just transfer my maid back to agency also, as dun want to look after my dog. Now maidless for past few days. Anyway waiting for the next one to come. Sigh...

Actually dun have maid happier and more relax emotionally but however, tired also as have to do all the things ourselves..
