Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi Ladies,

Long time din log-in liaoz. Been busy since birth of #3 plus all the festive preparations. *faintz*

Update on my maid:
Now she's been wz me for 3-mths. Patterns starting to come out liaoz. The famous line: "Sorry mam... I forget" is being said more and more often. aarrgghh.

Imagine... everyday things and SOP can forget! Like...
1) <font color="0000ff">forget to brush my gals teeth in the morning and night.</font> I told her straight off "Then you never bursh teeth mah? You've been doing this everyday still can forget! Like tat I hire you for what if simple things also cannot do!"

2) <font color="0000ff">chop the garlic, din put inside air-tight container. Instead, she just place on a plate and put inside the fridge. Din even use cling wrap to cover. In end... my whole fridge and cold water stink of garlic.</font> I was so fed-up... "punish" her by making her remove everything from the fridge, wipe down the whole thing wz diluted dettol and pack back the fridge.

Haiyoh... lots more mistakes! Can be as long as the litany of the saints.

Arrgghh... me also used my famous line on her liaoz... "Everytime you keep forgetting things. Next time I'll also forget to pay your salary lah!"

Help...!!! I really can't stand having maids around. Constant probs from them. Yet wz 3 kids... also cannot do without them. *faintz*

Hey Dymples!! Welcome bak.. HOpe u r coping well wif 3 kids.. Nw my turn to wait for delivery.. heh..

Tink tat's all maids' fav line, Sorry i forget.. haiz..

Mine so far so gd.. but got forget tis n tat also lah.. for me i close eyes lor.. as long as tings done nicely properly can liao.. sometimes i juz indirectly suan her.. she will get it.. so still not too bad.. heh..
hey Dymples,
Welcome back! Congrats on the birth of your #3... are so funny..."as long as litany of the saints"...muahaha.

your #3 coming out soon right? Within these few weeks?

Yep.. soon soon.. can't wait menz.. due date 4 Feb.. hoping she'll b out by nxt week.. haha.. though not able to enjoy CNY goodies.. but i dun mind leh.. rather den having a big tummy gg hses to hses.. heehee..
actually, it suddenly "hit" me. why do we "welcome" each other back? hahaha. coz if you're back in this means you are having a headache...over maid issues. and that is not a good thing right? hahaha.
CSI, I think cos my first time having a maid so we so nice in a way. NOw I really learnt my lesson. You still don't know the whole story....After we decided to send her back, my maid was put in my mom house fo ra day, just in case she decided to run away. Then the next thing I knew, she called up my agent asking to be allowed to remain in Singapore. Can you beat that? Then after she left, we found out that she actually called up my cousin's maid (we introduce them thinking they are from the same country) and ask my cousin's maid if she wants to work with her in singapore as cleaner???? I tell you...GRRRR I am so angry.
my #1 maid, we were also very nice to her lorh...coz we were 1st timers then too (although my parents have had maids for over....20 I shd be "experienced" but then, maids then are different from maids now...)

Wow, she wants to have "partner", so that if anything, it'll be like "not just me mah, the other maid also..." kinda thing. Technically, it's not up to her whether she can remain in Singapore or not right? The employer has the right to decide whether to send back home or to transfer...isn't it?
Hi, I've shortlisted 2 fresh indo maids to take care my 1 years old baby.

Maid A: Good spoken english, 1 year experience in indo (take care 5 yrs old children), confident and looks smart/clever.

Maid B: Not so good in english, 4 years experience in info with 2 employers (take care 8 mths old infant with 1 employer &amp; 5 years children with another employer). She looks will listen and follow instruction.

Which one will you go for and why?

Also, is the height of the maid a major concern? As she is 150cm and 145cm. Is it too short to hang the cloths outside?

Your advice/opinion is much appreciated.
<font color="ff0066"> CSI &amp; Celtricia</font>
hehehe... thks for the "welcome back". Me have been super busy wz new BB, then the festive preparations for X'mas now CNY and then helping #1 adjust to P1. Busy till wanna faintz. Somemore got stupid maid probs again.

Really dun understand their thinking lah. Everyday she just help me cook and do housework niah. BB is I take care myself. Simple things still can forget.

Then hor... the other day I really wanna blow my top. My mom came by to help wz the cooking and find out no more light soya sauce. She ask my maid how come no more light soya sauce. My maid answer: "Oh. Finish already and I forget to buy. SO I juz use the Teriyaki sauce to cook lah. It's same mah." Wah liaoz. The Teriyaki sauce sssoo ex.. how can use tat for normal cooking? Then when I question her... the story can change. The maid said: "Oh mam. Tat day kong kong come by and told me to use the Teriyaki sauce. Better then light soya sauce." I straightaway told her off: "I dun tink kong kong will tell you this! The teriyaki sauce ssoo expensive. How can use for normal cooking? You go buy light soya sauce now!" After I check wz my dad, he confirm that he never tell the maid to do such things. *aarrgghh* Now start to tell lies somemore!

<font color="ff0066"> Celtricia</font>
Wow!! So fast your turn liaoz. Time really flies siah. Will pray that you'll have a fast and safe delivery. My #3 still took 6-hours siah. I tot will be faster. In end still take Epidural cos cannot tahan the pain.

<font color="ff0066"> CSI fan</font>
hahahha... yah. I tink all our complains about the maids are super duper long. And guess we'll constantly be back in this thread as I seriously tink majority of the maids these days cannot make it lah. All like want to come here for holiday only. Where got such good deal? Earn money doing simple jobs and when do mistakes the boss won't scold?? This type of lobang I also want lah!
Dymples.. wah ur tis maid damn tokong.. so fast noe hw to push blame to others liao.. steady lor.. no wonder u also bz.. poor u..

ya.. so fast my turn hor.. i also can't wait.. hahaha.. yes.. thanks.. hope i'll haf a fast delivery.. oh.. u took epidural ah.. its ok lah.. as long bb come out healthy can liao.. take care!
hahaha you are so right. I started posting again when my maid or rather ex-maid's attitude changed at the turn of the year! sianz...luckily sacked her already but now I'm really tired...

congrats on your new bb! Everything well it seems except for the maid lah, right?!

yup these maids will always use our elders as their 'shield' for their lies. That's why when I hired my recently axed maid, i kept my ILs and my parents out of the picture as much as possible. So she couldn't use all these "ah ma said/kong kong said" rubbish on me.

I think your parents/ILs and you...well, basically everyone in the family, must exert consistent authority over this maid. and let her know loud and clear that she will not gain anything by saying things like that.

I know it all too well, cos my #2 maid was like that too. In the end her lies caused my relationship with my MiL to become quite bad.
Hi mummies,

Should I tell my maid to be honest...
actually I did,1st day with me, I told her,I dont want lies...if mistake, tell me(apology), I fine(not angry), and dont repeat the same mistake.

1) Normally, after dinner, I will boil water to make milk for #3 girl, cereal #2 and tea for myself.Then bring my girls to their bedroom n put them to sleep.Maid will eat her dinner n clean kitchen.That day,after doing the same thing(my girls in room) I cant remember why I went to kitchen..but I saw my maid holding kettle,so I tot she want to make milk for my girls...

I asked why you boiled water...

Maid: Ah gong want hot water..
(7.30pm,usually Ah gong only use hot water in the morning for his coffee,evening sleep soon dont drink coffee)

I asked my FIL, you need hot water at night?

FIL: No..only day time..
So I tot maid blur(new,only work 2weeks), I told her again(giv instruction only day time)..maid keep quiet..

Later, I saw maid's cup,hav tea..I realise,she lied, maid actually make tea for herself but blame ah gong want hot water.

2) (..lied use warm water but cold instead)
I'm using gas heater,need to wait for awhile(for the water to be warm)..Already told maid many times..

Everytime when maid shower my #3 toddler, my girl will shout/make noise..when I asked maid what happen, maid reply, I play with her...

I suspect she use cold water immediately on my girl..I just remind maid to wait for warm water.. but till recently(whole 2weeks cold water) she still do the same thing, last 2days, when I heard my girl's noise again, I went to touch the shower water,its cold,this time I told her everyday,before shower,I tell her to wait for warm water.

3) Yesterday, my #2,itchy hand when to tear open her cereal n put on table..n went to play somewhere(not in kitchen),maid dont know its open..take the packet cereal n accidently spilled on floor..that moment maid said 'Aiyo, jie jie..' so I saw the spilled cereal powder on flr and without thinking, I said, why jie jie pour on the flr(i tot my girl naughty,play with it)..maid just keep quiet..n clean it.

Later, I realised, it was my maid not my girl. Disappointed, my maid didnt admit/tell me, she is the one that spilled.

On the above, I cant trust her..n I know I should not trust any maid..but should I tell maid, I actually know all this n hope she b honest with me.Think leapord cant change its spot.
jo - i'll insist on using warm water for bath. wat if the kids fall sick. not good.

normally if i see things spilled i ask who did it.

sorry i forgot how old are your kids, can talk to them?
CSI - me no maid still hanging around here.... this thread very educational... can see wat kind of patterns the maids can chut nowadays... prep myself next time if hb wanna get maid again... as of now, i'm still coping on my own.

I understand that you are now living in the middle east. Wanna ask you if you know what is the min age for someone to work as a domestic worker in Saudi?

I have shortlisted an Indon maid from Best Home whose bio claimed that she has worked in Saudi as a maid from 1999 to 2008 (9 years) and she is only 26 this year. That means she started working in Saudi at the age of 17?? Could it be possible? She said she worked for 2 employers (1st - 4 years and the 2nd - 5 years). My hubby does not believe so cos judging from her age (at 26 now), it is quite unlikely...
Hi Mummies,
Guess maid that's been with me for over a year now asked for a transfer 2 nights ago! I told her straight away "sure, no problem, I'll call the agent tomorrow". I didn't even bother to ask why she wants to transfer.

So I called the agent the next day which was yesterday and by lunchtime they gave me 6 choices that all seemed ok. So today when my maid is at my nanny's place with my gal, I'm going to interview one of my choices. If ok, I just confirm her and pay up immediately.

You know, alot of transfer maids right now due to financial crisis, employer cannot afford anymore. Some have even been with the employer for many 5+

My maid has 14 days to find a new job (as per her contract). If she cannot she's got to go back.

I have no idea why she wants a transfer since we hardly tell her what to do and she only cleans. Her working hours are so short too with every Sunday and Public Hols (sometimes) off. I figure she must have been talking to her friends and they've put ideas into her head. I think she will face some hardship as she can't really pick and choose employers in 14 short days and CNY is coming up really soon too. Hmmm...

All these maids do not know that alot of employers are not employing maids due to the recession or they just dont understand the situation. I was just told by my agent that there will be more maids return to the agency after the CNY.

When my ex-PH maid came on the first day, my hubby even explained to her about the current economic situation and the fact that many employers have stopped hiring maids. We hoped that she would "kuai kuai" work and complete her contract with us. Who knows, she said she could not handle my girl only after 1 week!! From the lastest I heard, she is now very miserable with her current new employer as her employer kept calling the agent to complain abt her and the maid was heard crying and crying...
Kristen mum,
Yah, they just don't seem to understand that things aren't great here right now...

Well, today, for the first time in 1 yr plus I checked my maid's room. She's got a boyfriend! Actually, it's ok with me but quite a shock since she's always telling me she's not interested in getting a boyfriend cos she wants to work hard etc. Also found out she ex Taiwan 2 years which she never told me. Other than that, nothing much.
Liana, miss dumbo wants to get a transfer huh?

my recently axed-maid is also stupid to put up that front. Even the agent tried to tell her to apologise or plead with us or something, but she simply refused and told the agent she just wanted to go home. Agent reminded her of the bad times, but she still stood by her own stupid choice..

well, as far as I'm concerned, I don't really care. It's their lives not mine. If they choose to do it the hard way, then so be it. Right?
Hi Nellu,
Yah....what to do...she wants a transfer. Actually it's ok with me.

I just interviewed the new one. She seems.....competent. I also got a reference from her current employer who is being repatriated due to recession and he gave her thumbs up 100%, confirmed a good maid.

Thing is, her current employer told me he cancelled her WP yesterday (because the whole family is leaving SGP on the 20th Jan) so she's only got 6 days to find a job. I've got to give my maid 14 days to find a job so if I can't get her transferred in 6 days this new one has to go home.

I've got this 6 day problem with my maid. The only thing I can do is cancel my current maid's WP now and send her back to Philippines so I can take the new maid. Or give my current maid 6 days to find a job.

What should I do?

what a situation to be caught in. Hmmm...has the agent come across such a situation before? Or, you can cancel her WP, then she also has 6 days to find a job. But I think that would still be 1 day difference....
Mummies, need to vent..

yesterday, before sleep,maid asked,giv cheese n bread to my girls the next day... I told maid to cut apple instead(for breakfast) for my girls,I'm going to cook porridge for them.

this morning, 7.30am, maid said already gav my girls cheese n bread becos my girl cry on the floor asking for that...but didnt cut apple.

then I realised n asked when is the expired date for the bread? maid keep quiet. I remember I bought the bread last sunday for maid's breakfast, normally my girls eat breakfast in CC.

Can I say, my maid dont want to eat bread, gav to my girls.

I told my maid, children cant think what is best for them but you are adult,you should know. Next time dont just give anything kids ask for.

Later, maid ask me again, even my girls cry on floor, also dont give? I said yes.

After that I brought both my girls out, I asked my #2, did she cry for bread. She reply no. Haiz.. cannot trust maid with children, tot my girls older liao..also cannot handle???

Afternoon nap, maid said want to try to make them sleep...(1st time,maid handle kids to bed). End up, they play n didnt sleep.

I think I better put them to sleep myself..when I tried to open the bedroom door..its lock,that moment,I'm so angry..I knock loudly, I asked who lock the door..answer no one lock it.

Then I asked,why not sleeping,maid reply very hard to make them sleep.

So I do it myself,less than 10mins both girls fainted.

I talk to maid, dont play with kids,how to sleep..when you see children yawn,their face tired, must sleep fast, later my toddler very franky n dont want to sleep liao.

Hse work you can slow but children must follow their timing.

Only 2weeks,I dont know if she can last.

Liana, if you really want to hire this new maid, no choice hav to cancel your current maid,since she was the one asking for transfer.

Really, cant understand how/what maid think.
After cancel WP, maid stil hav another 6days to leave the country..but I'm not sure if they can apply WP for new employer within that 6days after cancellation.
Thanks Mummies!

No need to worry about the new maid anymore cos she already accepted a job with another employer! I've got quite a few other choices. They're coming to my house on Sunday for interview.
good that you have choices. What's with the maid market? Loads of them itching to transfer or desperately trying to get a job?

Can recommend me the maid agency and contact you go to? I have problems finding a suitable transfer maid. Delivering twins in mid/end Feb. Thanks!
I am not in Saudi, am in Oman. Not sure about the age limit to work in Saudi though. I know saudi employers are strict with their domestic workers. You might want to consider giving her a chance by interviewing her first?
From what I see there are alot of maids looking for jobs right now due to a couple of factors.
1) Looking for higher salary - minimum now seems to be $400 pm (this is probably quite a constant reason. Maids always wanting to get more money do little work)
2) Recession so lots of employers letting go their maids. At least 3 maids on my list have been let go due to employers financial issues.

Am happy to let you know my agency but alot of employers will not consider these maids because you need to give every Sunday off and give 8hrs continuous rest each day. The agency is run by a Filippino woman and they are pro-maid rights. The reason why I continue to use them is because they give fast and good service and they are quite honest compared to those chinese run angencies. Try search My agency is ADP which lists on this site.
I got a maid that has exp in saudi for 2 yrs which completed her contract. Wat she told mi was the employer were "chin cai" n wat she do was tk care of 2 young baby. But tell her to "jaga" my less than 1 yr bb she cant. Can u believe she can jaga 2? Can tell she very inexperience lor. And keep telling mi in saudi she got hp n sometimes bring bb go "jalan jalan" which order by her mam.
Alone ler bring 2 babies..
The agent just sent 3 Filo maids to my house for interview. Honestly, all seem good. I picked an ex-Jordan. Salary $350. Currently on SVP. There is another one that is very good because she can run a very busy household, seems very competent, many years experience etc. I didn't pick her because I only need someone who cleans well. Her salary is $400. She told me her current employer cannot afford to pay her anymore, that is why she is transferring. If anyone is looking PM me and I send you her bio-data.

During the interview those maids confirmed to me that it is difficult for them to find an employer right now.
Can I blacklisted my ex-maid here?
She ran away on Xmas after borrowed some monies from me. This is the 2nd time she ran away from her employer. I was desperate for help that I settle for her knowing she ran away from her 1st employer after 6mths of work thinking maybe she won't do the same with me.. She sneaked out when me &amp; family went out for outing. Always on the handphone whilst ironing, hanging-out the clothes, being her out for shopping and yet I chose to close 1 eye. Dumb me...

She can't hold knife coz her fortune teller told her she can't hold any sharp objects so cooking &amp; helping me to prepare food is out for her. She won't cut her hair coz 'pantang' only people from her village can trim her hair or else she falls really sick... All she do in my house is general cleaning &amp; mind my 3yrs old son which she did a shabbily job &amp; yet I tolerated her.

The agent found her &amp; she requested for transfer citing boredom. The next day she ran way from the agent &amp; can't be found till a week later. The agent told me to send her home coz she deemed problematic/troublesome maid. So she source out new agent to find new employer for her. She's now with 'HOMEMADE' &amp; she got the agent to call me to send all her belongings there.

Here's her details
PASSPORT #:VV0458466
WP : 023658569

Please be aware of this maid. She look meek but ungrateful and good-for-nothing.. very cunning...

Don't want to bad-mouth her but she way too much for me to keep bottling up...
I called MOM when she ran away. Their advised was to coax her to come home &amp; then let her work with others if she doesn't want to work for me anymore. They don't blacklist any maids unless they did some crimes. She can be rotated as long as she can find agent to find her an employer

MOM stands sucks... they always punish the employer and let the maid getaway easily... my assumption is that MOM don't want to offend the maid's countries due to diplomatic reason...
Need to transfer my myanmar maid by CNY cos expecting my new one to be approved by this week.

Brought her home on 31 Aug 08.

Data: 23 yrs old, soft-spoken, single, Buddhist.
Command of English: Minimal (Has been encouraging her to improve by communicating more with my children, 4 &amp; 2 yrs)
General housework: Acceptable (will follow your instructions)
Cooking: Managed to train her to cook a few dishes (fried rice, fried beehoon, sweet &amp; sour pork, omelette, soya sauce chicken with ginger, minced meat &amp; potatoes in soya sauce, potatoes and hotdogs in tomato sauce, fried cabbage)
Taking care of children: Don't seem very enthusiatic but that was her 1st preference in her biodata when I brought her back. (maybe no chemistry with my kids cos she seems ok to play with my bb nephew)

Comments: If you are the patient type who is not too picky, then you may want to consider her. I won't say she's very good, but as a 1st time maid, can still make do. Occasional forgetfulness though and needs a lot of guidance. As I'm delivering in 2 mths time, I need someone who can cook well and able to handle my kids. (My kids still have problems adjusting to her so I'm no choice but to change).

Email me at [email protected] if you are keen.
Hi mummies,

just to update, my new maid came and she is 24 yrs old, not married, Indo and had 3 yrs working experience in Indo. She seems to be fine. Quite hard working and humble. Just that she can't speak english, so we have to speak in Malay (mine is broken malay) and mix of body language. And we seems to be coping fine these few days.

Just that I fine that she has a bit of OB and bad breathe... Not sure how nicely can I put it to her...

Hope all mummies find a good or doable maid. And wishing all mummies Happy Chinese New Year!

my maid now says she wants to speak to the agent. (she's been saying she wants to go back to agent since Dec. but i've got no time to go look at bios to date, plus it's CNY. Had told her to wait till after CNY, after we find a replacement then I can let her go back to agent.) Shd I let her speak to the agent?
If I were, I will let her speak to her agent and see what she wants to tell the agent. And I don't see any harm in letting her call the agent.

But if those things that u dun want the maid to know... maybe u should pre-alert the agent first?
CSI Fan,
why don't you speak to the agent first about this issue? see what the agent will say then decide from there.
Hi Mummies

Do you allow your maid to go back home for a month after her 2 years contract ended? How do you cope before she comes back a month later ? housework ? kids ?
i'm back here again... my maid's contact ending in apr...and since my mother dun like her (maid and child goes to my mum's place every morning), i dun think i will ask her whether she wants to re-contract again... so back to another round of maid searching again...

1) would like to ask what are your feels on ex-malaysians, ex-hk, ex-tw, ex-saudi, type?

2) her contract ends in mid apr, when do i need to talk to her abt going home, when do i need to find a new maid etc?
<font size="+2">Direct hire Indonesian Maids</font>

Yes you definitely can do it. You can apply at MOM website. You will need your Singpass. The procedures are quite complicated, you will need to put in time and effort to do it.

Check these webpages.

For Foreign Domestic Workers
* Employers cannot apply for a Work Permit (WP) for a foreigner who is on a social visit such as on holiday or short term visit to Singapore.
* The foreign domestic worker (FDW) must be from an approved source country. These countries include Bangladesh, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan, Philippines, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, and Thailand.
* If you are applying for a WP for a FDW who has never worked in Singapore before, she must be 23 years of age or above and below 50 years old at the time of the WP application.
* If the FDW has previously worked in Singapore, she must be aged 18 or above, and below 50 years at the time of the WP application.
* If you are applying for a WP for a FDW who has never worked in Singapore before she must have a minimum of 8 years of formal education and possess the necessary educational certificates as documentary proof of her education.

Hi tamarind,

I was reading your blog and find it v informative.

BTW, I would like to check w u on cancellation of maid's Work Permit.

Can the online cancellation be done by me (The employer) even though the maid came from an employment agency?

It's mentioned in here:, that once the WP is cancelled, the maid must be repatriated within 7 days of cancellation?

Cos thinking of sending maid back but didn't knw abt within 7 days must send her back.
