Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Wow, my ex-PH maid of 1 week was returned to the agency by her new employer after 3 days!

Yday I called my agent to check on the status of my replacement maid and she told me abt it. The new employer could not stand the PH maid's "gu-kua" face and bad attitude. She was not required to take care of children at the new employer's place since the child is already independent but her housework was a total mess. She washed all the dark colour clothes with the white colour clothes and ended up spoiling all the white colour clothes. The new employer was so mad and sent her back to the agency and agent wanted to return her back to PH but she refused.

I really dont know what that maid wanted..over at my house she complained to agent that she did not want to take care of children and when she went to the new employer house, she made a mess of the housework!

I have already confirmed a transferred Indon maid at the agency when I returned my ex-PH maid a week ago. Now waiting for MOM to approve my application for the replacement maid as my ex-PH maid was only out of my name last friday. I cannot wait for a new maid cos it would take quite some time. My gynae gave me MC this whole week to rest at home as I was too stressed over my girl and maid matters lately until I had some slight bleeding last week...sigh..

I should be able to pick up my replacment maid tomorrow evening and I really pray hard that she is good and dont give me any problem. I interviewed her before at the agency and she looks the guai guai type. She has experience taking care of new born and toddler for 11 mths.

Will update on my new maid again...


Can understand what u gone thru. I know it's very difficult to relax but you should try to.

Why is yr Indo maid being transferred by her ex-employer?

Really hope our new maids will be able to help us. When are u due is it Feb or Mar? Still got time to take new one right?

I was also so stress by Phil maid. Taught her how to cook e.g. 1st week I taught her, week 2 eat the same thing. Week 3 follow receipe book, I go thru with her. Week 4 eat the same thing. Week 5 same thing, I planned the meals by referring to receipe book. She didn't even open up the book and said dun know how to prepare. And don't know how to prepare didn't take the initaitve to come and ask me. Must wait for me to call her everything. I fed up cancelled all the meals this week and asked her to eat canned food and rice for lunch or dinner. She made some excuses to say she wants to eat bread.

I was so stress as need to work and teach her how to cook. Till my hub told me why dun cancel all the cooking this week instead of making myself so stress.
I choose maid until hand numble. Very difficult to advise one. At first tell them all okok. When start work different already.

My current is a 35 yrs old Phil. I find her too old, no strength, very forgetful.

Now everytime asked her to do things. Must give her step by step.

eg. home from nanny usually we change my tod to bumwear first. Always either forget to prepare bumwear or diapers.

e.g. every evening my toddler drinks last feeding, need to adjust the fan, get ready pacifier and handy. Always forget. Need to say adjust the fan, take pacifier, take handy and etc.

That day wake up ard 4 plus or 5 plus in the morning to make milk for my toddler as hubby did the feeding, next day tired already. Must sleep on the table to rest. Taught her how to do things my way, she will cut corners and do things her way.

Eat alot and fussy about food. I think Indo more easy going and humble. But then it's luck also. Sigh... don't want to say.... Just hope my next maid is better....
Finally today has sent my maid back. My hubby told her that we do not need the maid anymore that why sent her back. At first she is ok, then she said she wants to speak to her agent. She said she doesnt want to go back can cancel the ticket. I told her nope. I have already paid and her permit has already cancelled. I have also made police report so she has to go. Then my hubby talked to her again. Finally she goes.
thanks for the reply..

my hubby ask me to try the philipino maid first, if she is too smart and don listen to me, we change, but have to change within 1 or 2 month so that we can get back the 70 of insurans

another question here:

can we keep ,maid salary, ex like 3 months salary to prevent them run away?if she req me to send her salary home,can i still keep her few mth salary ?
Rachel, I just hire a 42 yr old maid. Duno y i chose such an old age maid. My maid energy level is low, where got energy to take care of my new born and 2 yrs old kid. What worse, she has hi blood pressure. Reali thinking if I shd change maid.

Btw, ladies, if my maid holding on the philipines sim card, can they still call locally?
Dear mummies,

need your advice here.. i have an Indo maid for about 8 months. SHe is transfer maid for 2 months, she is short. Till today, there is a layer of oil on the disher she did. When food drop on the floor, she use tissue paper to clean... all these small small mistakes but 8 month already... do i still deserves such mistakes? Should i get her changed?
2nd baby:
How long has yr maid been with you? And if too high blood needs medication and she will get frequent headach I think. Why u know she got high blood u still take her? The other time I also selected one but agency told me she got high blood and told me not to take esp if need to look after young kid and if not sufficient sleep high blood might get worse. Maybe you monitor and see how.

Think if u need a maid for child might need a younger one.

My new maid will come tomo, 28 yrs old not married which I am a bit concern (scare she goes to find boyfriend) and have child care exp. Will see tomo and see how.

Mummies, finally my new maid is coming tomo and sending the "xiao jie" to the agency. Today she told me she wants to eat rice and light sauce as she said she is eating too much meat. As her tummy is no good. Everyday full of execuses.

My new Indon maid was returned by her ex-employer becos the agent claimed that her ex-employer has just moved to a condo and their parents will be staying with them therefore no need to have maid to help look after children. However, yday I asked my new Indon maid the reason again on the way home from agency she told me becos her ex-employer wanted to get another maid from another agency but told this agency they are not hiring maid again. So, the ex-employer lied to the agency the reason for returning the maid back.

So far this Indon maid's has a smily face and her attitude seems to be better than my ex-PH maid. However, she is rather slow and needs to really talk to her slowly so that she can understand me. You know being preggy now and in my 3rd trimester, I have no more energy and patient and I would tend to lose my temper at times with her when she did wrongly even after I have explained to her. But, I will still try to control myself and train her this few days at home before I go back to work next week.

BTW, any mummies know how many percent of the insurance I can get back from the insurance company since my ex-maid was returned to agency only after working for 1 week with me? My agent said 50% but I think it should be more right??
This story told by yr agent sounds silimar to what my agent told me for my current maid. Told me they dun need a maid anymore as mil will be shifting in with them. And when I asked my maid why her ex-employer transfer her. She said her mdm not satisfied with her wor.

Ya. I think better talk to her slowly as English is not their 1st language. My trainings with new indo-maid will start Monday. My hub will train her on some and I will do some trainings.

As for scolding, if can better not. Also told my hub and myself, my control.

BTW when are u due?
can never believe what maid said.
why are they always lying???
luckily my current maid flying of tmw.

yesterday my maid ask us to help fax a copy of her pp to her new agent.
then she let us see the biodata that she filled up to show us the agent contact

under work experience, she wrote we terminate her service because we cannot afford to pay her lavy & salary! -_-
why can't she write the kids grew up n we no longer need her.
somemore the salary she report is 100 more than her actual pay...

damn sian...
next time when i choose maid again see those biodata dunno what they wrote real or note. always 'inflate' their value...
Next time, if we see maid's reason her ex-employer cant afford levy n salary we know, might not be the real reason.

Biodata, referer, all cant trust 100%.. only when the maid start work with employer.. the real colour will come out.

Wish all employer get suitable helper. My maid will come end this mth/or early Jan.
Rachel, when I select her, I didnt knw she got hi blood pressure until she came to SG for medical check up. When agency told me she got hi blood pressure, I was quite reluctant to take her but cos my indo maid leaving in a few days as her work permit gonna expires and I doing my confinement so cant cope w/o a maid so I just take her lor.

My EDD is end March. This is my no. 2 and is expecting a boy
my maid just asked me a very interesting question yesterday...

She told me that she's been taking contraceptives back home in the Philippines. Then when she came to SG, she stopped taking them. She's been taking the contraceptives for 2 yrs plus (since her son was born), and her menses has always been regular. However, the past 2 mths plus that she's been with me, she hasn't had her menses yet. So she's worried and wondering why. I suggested that it could be a side effect of the contraceptives, or it could be due to stress (her first time out of Philippines).

Then, she also mentioned to me that sometimes, she gets blue-black on her arms. but they will fade away after a couple of days. Asked her if she bumped into anything or knocked into anything, she said no.

So, I'm just wondering, does this indicate any inherent medical problem...and shd I just bring her to see the doc? The normal insurance we buy through the agency, doesn't cover such medical check-ups right?
I don't like with maid life. I hope these 2 years past quickly so that I don't need to employ maid anymore. Having maid is equal to having miserable life.

Maid suppose to come to help us. This new maid said worked 3 yrs in philipines but worked for her brother. Her bras are mostly black and wear white t shirts. I have to buy for her. Only bring 1 towel and I have to give her 1 more. Iron also don't know how to iron. Hang clothes all squeeze together. No eye contact when talking to her. Tell her spore english, she keep on tell me the philipines english. She should learn our style here not I learn from her. Miserable...

I can undestand your feelings and frustrations over a maid. I have always been telling my hubby that once our children are independent, I will not hire maids anymore. I would rather either do myself or hire a part-time maid. At least, we dont need to get upset and stress over maids who are supposed to help us but turn out to give us more stress and problems.

I have changed many maids since the birth of my daughter..haha..some were good and some were really terrible. Too bad that my MIL's side needs a maid from us for the housework so that she can help us take care of our daughter, otherwise, I would just go maidless!

Try to bear with these maids in the meantime until one day you can do without them. Really got no choice..sigh..

My new Indon maid so far so least her attitude is good and I am also closing one eye over some of the housework that were not really done up to my standards lah..I am just bearing with it till the day I can declare to go maidless!`
good morning mummies, it is one wk aft DQ ran away ... that was quick, a blissful happy week for us ... just lk what Tamarind said in her blog, do not hesitate to chg the maid when one is dissatisfied with her, just chg ... we should not have want to wait until our holidays. In the end, DQ sneakily brought in a few travelling bags into our house ... for the past week, my hb noticed that there were foreign workers walking, waiting and peeping over our house which is strange coz it has never happened bef. They even went to the extend of sitting next to the grass path outside our house eating bread! We put all together, the travelling bags maybe purposely left outside our house next to the dustbin for DQ to loot our house when we go for our holidays this wk, luckilly i saw d bags and queried her. This is the first time I scolded her eversince she came, so all my 3 months pent up opinion of her - i told her off. She tk our hse keys wiz her n until now, we can't find d keys but anyway, we hv chg d locks!

celtricia, nellu, csi fan - tq for yr hug, my son knocked his nose on d door when he went searching for DQ n thus his nose was bleeding badly, DQ was so wicked, she turned off d hse phone so tat my son can't call me & she oso know tat I wl call home to spot check.

DQ is d worst maid of d 3 maids tat we tk fm reltv agt ... always in deep thoughts (now i know planning/thinking out lies), work extremely slow, GREAT liar, wiz her around, one do not nn to buy salted vege/salted eggs coz she can turned veges/eggs into saltier than salted vege/eggs - she put a few scoops of salt to fry vege/eggs/food!

She got d cheek to ask us to do her a big favour when reltv agt & fili ctc were @ our hse to counsel her d prev week ... she said she has breast n cervic cancer, she can not do heavy task or raise her hands to clean d walls/cabinet which are higher up! So why shud we emply her for! Which maid wl curse herself tat she has breast n cervic cancer ... well if she wanted tat so badly, dun u tink she shud b granted her wish haha.

How can we lock her in d toilet for 1 hour and let her eat shit. oh my oh my, such a white lie. Our toilet can not be lock from outside! U tink i dare to scoop shit for her to eat, my goodness!

kristen mum, i certainly agree wiz u once kids r independent, stop having maids. Dey r stressful.
i m extremely happy now without a maid n wl not b getting anymore maids!
Morning Kanna sai,

glad everything is over for u now.. n tat DQ is finally out of ur home.. hope u had a pleasant trip.. n tat ur son was not tramutised by tat event..

meanwhile, take care!

We are almost the same. My no.2 should due end April.
expecting a bb girl.

morning mummies:
I send my "xiao jie" back to agency and she has the cheek to ask my hubby, I tot you are giving me another chance. And my hubby reply was "how many chance do you want us to give"?

Anyway my new indo maid is here for 2 days. And I find she learns fast and attitude is good so far but unfortunuately, I have dogs and she cried this morning saying she wants to transfer as she doesn't want to take care of dogs. She can do other things housework, cooking and take care of bb excxept anything to do with dogs.

So I called agency and now hubby brought maid to agency, as agency requested as not sure for counselling or find her another employer....sigh... there is no way, I will throw away my dogs because of my maid. And maid already knew that she needs to take care of dogs when I interviewed her and said that she was forced by Indo agency.

Any mummies have dogs at home and have Indo maid? How do your maid cope? The other time I have a indo maid, she gets used to it as time goes by. But this one doesn't want. sigh....Any advise?
Kanna sai:
Glad to hear and happy that life is back to normal for you. Actually MOM should ban this maid from working in S'pore. Have you got another maid or not intending to get one?
celtricia, rachel, joy, m glad tat she got out of d hse earlier than my intended date of packing her out whch is tmr, i was busy last wk so scared of any of d mummies here kanna DQ as d trsfr maid, so quickly asked Tam to put her in d blog to warn mummies. ya, my frenz said tat i shud hv brought my son to d police stn to mk a report on DQ n get her black listed but nvr mind, did not do tat, but well juz let God b d judge n d fairy godmother to grant DQ her most wanted christmas wish lor ... haha which maid wl curse herself of hvg breast n cervic cancer haha ...

me not intending of getting another maid liao, my dd going to student care next yr n me getting my nb myanmar maid to help wiz d gardening. DQ was ... d most stressful part of our life. So mummies, do not flw my mistake ... if u hv doubts or not happy wiz yr maid, juz send her away immed, do not wait till d convenient time ... now everyday for the past 1 wk, i hv foreign workers lurking around my hse.

Merry Christmas and happy new year to all mummies and lk rachel said hope u all hv better luck wiz maid next yr. no one deserve a maid lk DQ ... she has won d best drama queen of d yr.
hey mummies,
does anyone knows that Nation is gg to be split into Nation & Homekeepers?
any review on home keepers?
hi mummies,

choose maid:
i shortlisted 4 maids, by narrowing down that i want experienced one & finish contract with prev. employer.
havent do phone interview yet.
appreciate any comments:

both my kids in full day cc.
maid is required to clean & cook dinner only.
maid alone at home during the day.

<table border=1><tr><td></TD><TD>FDW</TD><TD>A</TD><TD>B</TD><TD>C</TD><TD>D </TD></TR><TR><TD>1</TD><TD>Race</TD><TD>PHP</TD><TD>PHP</TD><TD>Indo</TD><TD>Indo </TD></TR><TR><TD>2</TD><TD>Salary</TD><TD>400</TD><TD>400</TD><TD>380</TD><TD>420 </TD></TR><TR><TD>3</TD><TD>Age (YOB)</TD><TD>31 (1977)</TD><TD>37 (1971)</TD><TD>30 (1978)</TD><TD>29 (1979) </TD></TR><TR><TD>4</TD><TD>Siblings' age</TD><TD>18, 20, 25, 27</TD><TD>39, 40</TD><TD>no info</TD><TD>1 sister </TD></TR><TR><TD>5</TD><TD>Year of marriage</TD><TD>28-Dec-08</TD><TD>24-Mar-95</TD><TD>1996</TD><TD>no info </TD></TR><TR><TD>6</TD><TD>Children's age</TD><TD>none</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>1 child</TD><TD>2 children </TD></TR><TR><TD>7</TD><TD>no. of years with prev employers (year)</TD><TD>5 (1998-2003)</TD><TD>2 (Aug 06-08)</TD><TD>4 (2003-7)</TD><TD>6 (1999-2005) </TD></TR><TR><TD>8</TD><TD>Main duties</TD><TD>All-round</TD><TD>All-round</TD><TD>Housework</TD><TD>Childcare </TD></TR><TR><TD>9</TD><TD>Age of children under care</TD><TD>1, 6</TD><TD>2, 4</TD><TD>none</TD><TD>No info </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table>
wendy, fm my exp wiz DQ, try not to get a maid abv 30 - DQ is 32 yrs old, very sneaky, cunning n drama n older ones r very stubborn n forgetful but den agn, she nvr wk overseas bef, so yrs mb okie coz work before.

mummies, i knew tat DQ got her 1st kid @ 16 yrs old (she got 4 kids) but my dd juz told me tat DQ told my dd tat her hb is 3 yrs younger than she is, which mks tat when she got married, she was 16 yrs old, her hb 13 yrs old. omg, no wander, i hv foreign workers lurking ard my hse for d past 1 wk.

seriously for me, i won't even consider phil maids anymore lor.. i find tat tis days all phil maid cannot make it one.. i rather consider only indo maids.. as for the 4 choices.. I wld most likely take choice C if i really do not nid her to help out with my kids.

do you have other information e.g. ex-S'pore or ex-msia etc?

I think maid B is out as too old. And if maid alone at home, better dun choose too smart one.
KS - but i also scared take young ones they very playful lei... still appreciate your comment.

cel - my pils prefer php. but we just see see first...

rachel - they are all ex-sg.
i didn't realise the problem of old age, cos my prev maid was 39yo.

will take note.
pls keep the comments coming!

*think think think...*
I am 1st timer, to engage maid's service. Any good and cheap maid agency to recommend?

I went to check out a few maid agency @ Bt Timah Shopping Ctr, they charge from $250 onwards. The cheapest one for Fresh Maid (only experience in indo, no experience in other countries) is $259 from Best Helper and the most ex one is $500 AB Employment.

Those indo maid is ~23 years old, salary is $340 (with no off day).

My requirements is the maid must have experience in taking care kids as I need her to look after my 1 years old baby.

Any other mummies care to share your experience here? We can exchange info too.
wah..what drama! the foreign workers lurking outside really is scary!

hehehe DQ didn't get married at the age of 16 lah. She probably had her first kid out of wedlock. Then after that married another guy. Loads of PH women are like that...cos abortion is illegal mah! my #2 maid was also like that. Got 3 kids. eldest already like 10, but she's married for only 7-8years??!

I was told before older Indo maids are more reliable. PH -- no difference. the older they are the more cunning. my experience with my #2 PH maid is enough to let me come to this conclusion.
FDW A is going to get married in a few day's time? And then coming to SG to work? will she miss her newly married life and start to miss her hb etc?

wah KS,
the foreign workers lurking outside is really scary....reason enough to call police? At least then they won't hang around there anymore...
hi, mummies

I need to find out from you about the renewer

1) Do i need to paid agency fee for renewer ?
2) If Yes . How much
3) Can i renew on my own ?
4) how to go about it ?

Thanks in advance for everyone .
Hi... need some advice here.
My maid of 8 months finish just finish her loan this month. SHe will be paid next month onwards.
However, she requested to go back Indonesia.
I will be sending her back to agent later.
What are the fees and responsibites i need to bear from here?
my this current maid may not be that 'blur' or 'stupid' afterall...

Yesterday evening, after dinner, i was with my gal in the living room. Baby was playing by herself. I left the living room to go toilet. When I came out, baby was with maid in maid's room (either baby crawled there herself or maid went to get her. most likely baby crawled there lah). maid was writing in her note book. (She's been doing that quite a lot lately.) Baby was playing with her book, like she also wants to write in it kinda thing. So anyway, I called baby to come out, play with other things and dun play with auntie's book etc. So maid brought baby out. But baby still wanted to play with the book, so maid let baby play with the book. Baby was on her playmat. I then turned my back towards baby, and continued doing some work on the computer, and told maid to go eat her dinner. After a while, baby crawled over to me, making noise. It's her bed time, so she's ready to go zzz. That's when I turned around. And I saw that the book was opened. My HP was near the book, so as I went to pick it up from the floor, I could read what was in the book....and I realised it's english words. This maid usually writes Tagalog. She wrote in there, asking us to send her back to agent. If we send her back, at least she'll still have respect for us. etc etc etc.

At first, I thought maybe she left it there, and purposely opened the book to that page. But I'm also not sure if it's really coincidental, that baby happened to open the book to that page. But anyway, she asked to be sent back to agent. Here starts the maid hunt again.....haiz.

Hmmm...when I do send her back, should I let her keep that note book or should I just take it back?
i think u should keep the note book n also asked her if she wants to go back to agent. cos if she wants to go back herself then she will be liable for all the cost involved. For my case, my 2mths old helper was really homesick n wants to go back home so i informed the agency n i didnt have to pay a single cent for her lodging or levy. it stopped the day she left my house. I think it also depends on the contract with the agency, mine states that if the helper wants to leave then she will have to bear all the cost.
thanks. yeah, I guess it does depend on agency too. For my #1 maid, although contract with agency states that we have to bear her lodging the end of the day, we were not charged anything, even though she was at agency for 3 days. But we had to pay the levy till the day she was transferred.

Anyway, now no time to hunt for new replacement. plus next month is beginning of year, wah lau, have to take 1 week's leave (not so nice office) CNY...tough ah. haiz.
Hi mummies,
Been a while since I logged in, was away on holiday.

Quite frustrating with all these never ending maid woes right?

Pei fu you, can tahan DQ for so long. She’s really sneaky with so many things up on her sleeves. Glad your son is fine. Was just thinking, lucky your kids are big and knows when to activate you when they have problem. Imagine if DQ was to work with a family with baby and young toddlers, it is going to be more stressful.

Agree that we should not fret too much over problematic maids, Just have to change maids again and again till we find someone suitable. Me and hubby’s take for tolerating maid during their initial period is that they need the right attitude to start with and is able to get along with my MIL. They may do things wrong and be slow but there has to be signs of improvement otherwise no point keeping. Lucky I am away from Spore now so no more MIL woes.

My baby’s EDD is 10 March, march bb too. 

Suggestion is not to take maids who are too old, eg over 32 – 35 yrs old. Not just health problems, they won’t have as much energy with handling kids and housework at the same time.

I used to employ only Indon maids. Find phil maids too clever and needs more effort to be cleverer than them. The prob with Indon maid is language barrier, which I will interview them over phone and assess their English skills with the help of the agent. Indon maids are slower in the beginning but as long as they have the attitude to learn and improve, was willing to settle for that.

Now, I have a phil part time maid, more vocal and they are very close to their fil community maids. Unless you build very good rapport with them, they tend to believe their counterparts’ words and do things which employers are stressed over. They ‘know’ their rights and share with other maids on their living conditions hence tend to compare and demand more..

I got all my maids from Best home at Bt Timah. You can look for Pauline or Joann but I heard Pauline is expecting, not sure if she has gone on maternity leave.

Is your maid dying to go back to agent asap or willing to wait till you find a replacement. If I recall, you only need to pay for her levy (cap at 7 or 14 days) till she found a new employer, whichever is earlier. Agency usually charge maid a transfer cost at 1 or 2 mths of their salary.
tsp, Bottle,
Think Pauline has gone on maternity leave already.

yup. according to the agreement with the agent, they are "supposed" to charge us lodging when we return the maid lah. but they never really enforce it one lah. I think it's just there, to "protect" themselves. Levy is charged by the govt, dun suppose we can ever escape from that. hahaha.

Even if she's dying to go back to agent, I can't help her. Coz there's no one to look after baby. She's generally ok with the work, I guess she just feels that she cannot do it for long. So, 1 mth or so shd be ok. My father's maid cannot look after baby, coz she has to look after my grandma. Will have to wait till Best Home opens for biz tmrw, then I can go down to look through bios again.
Yesterday I went to food court to eat. I brought my baby porridge there. Together there is handkerchief and spoon inside. At nite I wanted to feed him and realised that the spoon has gone. I asked her she said she threw away. Scolded her why never checked. Told her if next time again I will make her pay for it. This is not the first time I brought the porridge to food court to feed him. This maid got communication problem. I am fed up of maid.
Dear all,
my maid made a big fuss wanting to go back Indonesia. Then very next day i bring her back to agent. Next day, agent call and say she change her mind, wanting to continue working. I told agent NO, to fullfill her wish, i wanna send her back. Unless she repay me back the levy.
Now she agreed, but i still cannot sallow it.
Anyway, anyone her has the similar experience with me?
Hi mama g,

My i encounttered dat kind of situation oso. She ask mi to bring her bk to agent. So i juz fulfill her wish, but reach there she regret. She told mi to tk her bk n willing to work hard. At the end i soft hearted n gv in.

Now i regret i tk her in as she nvr change at all.
Now i m going to change her.
Whatever things she juz tk it for granted. Never feel gratitude dat she is so lucky to work here.
Ya, never be soft hearted to maids!!!!!!
My case she dont even want to come back to me cos she know i am very mad!!! If she kneel down and beg me, i also wont want to accept her!!
Looking at the new Bio makes me feel sick also.. haiz...
Yeah, really sick n tired of all this maids.
Yet i still choose one today.Coz really nid 1.
Choose 1 dat very strong look n i would not choose dat kind.
Juz leave it to GOD lar..
