Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

yups plim, you are so rt! I'm having a huge headache. and i have been asking around on this forum for recommendations for agents. so that i can plan for my maid's exit...hehehe..

I dun like my agent, not that their service is no good but i'm suspicious of their promises sometimes lah...

Yah... maybe she scare she might not ask the right thing hence dare not "chit chat" with you and only ask u in soft voice.

Usually a person will speak louder if he/she is more confident in herself.

I thk u should keep your relationship with the maid this way. Usually when a person become at ease, work and attitude will slack.
Hi mummies, anyone know how much is the medical insurance? Not include in the agency fees, like personal accident? I only know need to buy/pay extra for run away bond.
This new agent said, agent fees not include insurance(where last time all in the package), now pay separately, still have maid's loan... any mummies just apply maid? is it true, now most agent did this.. haiz everything's price increase..
Maid Causes 2 month old baby's DEATH here in SGP. If the maid had been more attentive of the child's symptoms and more forthcoming about the accident for which she caused the baby to knock his head on the toilet bowl, that baby might have been alive today.

You never know how rough a maid is with your children when no one is looking.

I will never trust any maid 100%.

Jan 11, 2008
Blow to head: Baby's death an accident
His head hit toilet bowl during bath when maid reached out for towel
By Elena Chong
A TWO-MONTH-OLD baby boy died after his head was banged against a toilet bowl by accident while he was being bathed.
Jordan Teo Ka Jun's Indonesian caregiver Lasini, 25, was so afraid of being scolded that she did not tell anyone what had happened.

It was only much later that his grandmother noticed that he was pale and his breathing was intermittent. She rushed him to a clinic but he could not be revived and died in hospital about eight hours after the incident.

Ms Lasini, who was named a potential defendant in the coroner's inquiry yesterday, chose to remain silent.

Jordan's death, which happened on Sept 10 last year, was found to be an accident.

In court were his parents, Mr James Teo, 32, a country manager of an IT distribution company, and Madam Jenny Lau Kit Mui, 37, an accountant.

They heard how, on the day of the accident, Ms Lasini was bathing Jordan as usual while squatting in the narrow confines of the master bedroom toilet.

As she turned to pick up the bath towel from the toilet seat, she heard the baby's head knock against the side of the bowl.

Hearing him cry, the baby's grandmother, Madam Yeo Kwee Kee, 59, went to check what had happened. Ms Lasini did not tell her.

After Madam Yeo left the flat at about lunchtime, Jordan began to cry now and then, and refused his milk.

Eventually, his nine-year-old brother called his mother, who asked the maid to rub some medicated oil on him.

By this time, his cries had become weaker and he was pale.

When Madam Yeo returned home at 3pm, she noticed that the baby was in distress and took him immediately to a nearby clinic. But he died at about 5pm in Tan Tock Seng Hospital.

In his findings, Coroner Earnest Lau noted the cramped confines of the toilet, and that there was no place on the bath tub on which to rest the baby while the maid reached for his towel.

He did not find Ms Lasini criminally negligent in causing Jordan's tragic death, though she should have told his parents what had happened.

'The evidence before me suggests it was an error of judgment on the part of the potential defendant in failing to realise that the infant had hit the toilet bowl,' he said.

He had no external injuries which would have caused his caregiver to seek medical attention immediately.

The coroner recorded a verdict of misadventure.

Afterwards, Mr Teo, who has a two-year-old daughter and two other stepchildren, said he would not hire a maid again.

'Right now, having a maid equates to buying a lottery,' he said.

His mother-in-law now looks after his daughter.

Ms Lasini, who had worked for another employer for three years, said she felt very sad, adding that the baby's death would haunt her for the rest of her life.

The single woman, who has been with the Indonesian Embassy since the incident, hopes to continue working in Singapore - but not to take care of children.

She said she was willing to apologise to the couple, who want her to do so at the baby's grave.
Liana, very unfortunate that this happened, but the parents should have also realized their toilet was not a safe place to bathe the baby if it was so crowded and cramped. of course i don't know the exact situation but i cannot imagine how to bathe the baby if there is not enough space...or they could have gotten a bath net to lay the baby properly so don't have to carry.. It's up to us parents to ensure the safety of our children. Of course the maid was wrong in not informing the parents immediately but i really feel that the parents should have realized how dangerous it was to bathe the baby with obstacles around!

also, sorry but i cannot understand what good it would be to show the maid the article... to scare them? to warn them? it's not as if the maid in the article purposely killed the baby??
This is such as a sad incident.

I agree on showing the maid the article. I am going to do it to tell my maid that she should tell me when accidents happen. Also, we should not reprimand the maid too much till the maid is afraid of telling us when accidents happen.

By the way, any one know of any good remmittance agents in Tampines? My maid needs to send some money back. THanks
Hi all,
I read before that the maid never had any experience taking care of newborn.

It is very important to find someone who is experienced in handling newborn. Otherwise, the maid must be supervised at all times.

I did show my maid this article. It's not to scare her. She was also shocked by the incident. I am not sure what good it will do, but I was just interested to know what she thinks.

My maid didn't believe that a 2 month old baby can knock his head on the toilet bowl by himself. A baby at this age cannot even sit up yet. Something else must have happened. But no one will ever know.

The most shocking thing to me is that the maid is now working for another family in Singapore.
The maid should really say it out when the ah-ma asked why the baby is crying..At least can quickly see the doc or what...but i am thinking, alamak, the knock must be that hard!!

Somehow I really feel is qt impossible to supervise the maid at all times. Its either better off that we do the tasks ourselves than to keep following the maid.

Experienced in handling newborn?? Well, the bio-data may not be the truth ultimately.
I was very saddened by this news & reminded myself that I cant totally trust anyone to take care of my boy.

Just dun take for granted that human dun err. I cant afford one error that cost my child's life. I still keep a watchful eye every now & then. I myself make mistake like letting my boy slipped out of my hands & knock his head on the bath tub. Things like that does happen even how I tried to be careful. Well i cant imagine how hard the knock is to cost a baby's life. Perhaps a 2mth old's head is still fragile or she totally lose grip of the baby & its not just a "knock" ...

After all, my maid is not a mother herself & my child is not hers. How much maternity instinct can I expect from her?

like what the parent said in the paper, getting a maid is like buying lottery loh ...
My maid told me she intend to take up computer lesson every sunday. May i ask wats the intention for a maid to upgrade her skills? Are there better job opportunities in sgp when shes got pc skills??
Hi Patsy,
A cramped bathroom may not be ideal and I am not implying that the maid killed the baby on purpose. Nor could I imply that the baby died because the bathroom is cramped.

The point I am trying to make here is that in the event of an accident with our children, the maid should ALWAYS tell someone instead of withholding the information for fear of scolding. Withholding such important information can lead to death as it did in this case. Even worse, it may have resulted in lifelong brain damage and a life of hell for both the child and everyone connected to that child.

Please show the article to your maid, not to SCARE them but to reiterate the fact that any dubious incidents regarding YOUR children need to be communicated IMMEDIATELY. A life could have been saved, but now it is gone.
san, of cos what you said is v true - however, what if the parents is working not around at home, and the grand-parents have other children to manage or tasks to manage...I guess at the end of the day, if the maid informed abt it, and if the ah-ma dont find any issues abt it - at least there is not so much of agruments abt the accident.

But of cos, I believe 95% of the maids will not inform and doesnt realise such can be a life and death matter.

Very sad that this accident have unfortunately happened....
What makes me quite upset about the article is that the baby's 9 year old brother was the one who informed his mother that something was not right with the baby. The maid did not say a thing!

Come on. The knock must have been pretty hard. The maid would have known that. After all, she was holding the baby.

Yes, accidents do happen but the effects can be mitigated if responsible actions are taken.

I have just discussed and shown this article to my own maid. She has taken it seriously and has promised to inform us immediately if something should happen to our child.
Hi ladies,

After reading the article, my heart really sank heavily. I really dun trust any maid to look after my boy...

I oso think that back in her home in Malang(which is a big city...she is not a Kampung gal), the "experienced" ones must have told her how easy it was for them to get men in Singapore...perhaps so since Singapore is the Asian country that has the most number of "maids" turned "Madams". But this time she is certainly barking up the wrong tree.

Yep, it is certainly good riddance to bad rubbish. I was kind of relief coz I was in a way "forcing" myself to accept her as I needed help rather urgently. I want to go back to work asap..but must be with peace of mind. I thought that everyone goes through this process of "hardship" with new maids..whether it's her or another one, I would still have to tolerate them and their nonsense until they are trained.

I will be really soooo thrilled if you can include her in your maids to avoid list. The irony is this. I have been following your posts as I often gather very good advice from you. I read about your blog while waiting for my maid to arrive. I even share those cases with my hubby and hope that ours will be a good one. Never in my wildest dream would I ever expect that my maid will make it to your list...hahhaa But truly, your bolg is really very very informative and I really admire your sharp observations and advices. Thank you for creating such a fantastic blog to help people like me who are first time maid employers;)

Gosh, Cannibals...sacrificing a person....all sound so eerie..but..I think my maid top the list!!

I must really thank you for your reply. I look up the MOM guidelines and managed to find out that under schedule 4 for application of work permit, there is indeed such a rule as "...must not indulge in undesirable activities that break up families.." I called the MOM for advice. This is what I was told. That I am employer and agency is the middle person, hence I can insist on sending the maid back, it is not up to the agency whether they want to transfer or deport the maid but the implication is that as a result of my actions, agency may not allow me my replacement depending on my contract with them. My stand is that I would want the maid to be sent away.If I allow transfer, I can request for agency to tell the next employer what happened to me, I was told that I was able to request that from agency.. I can also write letter to Work Pass Division, attached the letter the maid write and the police report (will tell everyone about this later) and MOM will take note of the maid if she is to come back into Singapore. The officer I spoke to says that only those cases that had been through court of law would be confirmed rejected but if my case is strong enough, MOM would also reject her if she applies for the work permit again.

Just some updates with regards to my case. There were more stories on my maid from my sis in law's maid. My man-crazy maid had been asking my sis in law's maid if she knew any men and if she could introduce to her. As my mum in law's place is currently having the lift upgrading project, there are a number of Bangladeshi workers around. My maid would tell my sis in law's maid that she liked muscular men like them and sometimes she would stand by the window to watch them! One more thing, my sis in law realised that the maid had taken some coins from the piggy bank and from my father in law's drawer. Total loss from the theft was less than $20 but I had made a police report. I called MOM telling them about the case and was advised that it would be best if we could scan and email the original love letter which she wrote to my hubby as well as the police report.

Usually MOM would blacklist the maid if she had undergone court of law for her crimes. This means that she will never be allowed to work in Singapore ever again as her work permit will never be approved. In my case, although she never undergo the court of law, but if what she did is deemed serious enough, she would also be denied work permit. According to the officer in charge, since we have prove that she intends to "propagate" here which is against 4th schedule of application for work permit, she has a high chance of being blacklisted in Singapore.

I checked with my sis in law's maid, she said that many of them returned to change name and passport(which bears a different passport number) and it's not a problem for them to come here again. All these are perfectly legal in Indonesia...

I really do not trust my agency anymore! Firstly, after the incident, the guy in charge, told me that the management would decide what to do with the maid. I called him up the next day, he told me that the management wanted to transfer the maid. I called MOM and the officer said that the agency only acts as a middle person. The decision to send her back or to allow her to be transferred lies with us. The agency guy misled me into thinking that his agency was the one who had the authority to decide. Secondly, the fact that they were transfering a problem maid to their customers was distasteful. Thirdly, I told the agency that the maid stole some money. The guy in charge told me that he would search the maid and get back to me but he did not and went on to tranfer the maid.

After knowing my rights, I called Jack Focus. The gal I spoke to coz the guy was on leave, told me to speak to their boss. I called her later on to find her boss and she told me that her boss decided to send her back and is looking for a flight. It was confusing what she was saying coz she told me that my maid found an employer. My guess is that Jack Focus would send the maid back first and get her to change her name and passport and then get her back in Singapore to whoever had decided on her. To the next employer, they would probably cook up a story to delay handing the maid over as time is needed for these actions. Otherwise, by sending the maid back, the agency would lose the $2000 plus. This is just purely my guess. When I told the guy the next day when he was back at work that I would send email to MOM to get the maid blacklisted, he told me indignantly that it's up to MOM and not me. This further adds to my suspicion.

Infact when I asked him if he knew about the arrangement for the maid, he pretended not to know anything initally. However, as I went on to tell him that how can they be so irresponsible to transfer a problem maid, he seemed to be defending the maid by saying that the maid denied liking my hubby even though there was concrete evidence of her trying on my hubby. The more we talked, the more I distrust this agency. He even tried to sales talk me by asking if I know that there are demerit points for agencies who does funny things and that his agency is free from such demerit points. I told him that I knew about that and that after 6 months, whatever demerit points accumulated would be wiped out so no one knows if before that 6 months, the company had any demerit points or not. He kept quiet.

Seems like I am stuck with this agency for the time being coz paid agency fees and $2000plus loan. So I had to go to them for replacement.

As promised, I wanted to upload her pic and the love letter (all scanned) but I kept on getting the message that says the image exceeded maximum dimensions of 600x600. Any advice as to how to upload them?

At microsoft office picture, you click onto picture, select compressed picture. You can choose compress for web pages on the left side. Then save to a new file. Then u try download her pic, should be okay,, if photo too large, then compress from the compressed pic.

I'm eager to see this "bitch" (sorry for my lingo) cos I personally felt that she is going to cause a lot of problems or even break up family if the man of the house is a "cheapo" or "desperado."

Yes, you are right to say that Indo maid just need to go back to their country and change their passport name etc. very easily and return. It is out of control. I learnt of this about 3 yrs ago. Most agency is out to make $$, so they don't really care about the quality of maids as I have personally dealt with these agencies before. Every thing you spoke to them about the maids, they just one ear in and one ear out and later re-packaged the maid and taught them the reasons why they are sent back to the agency. The maids just say what the agency chief taught them lor.
Just got a maid that was effected with the insurance thingy thing which take effect yr 2008. Paid $588 agency fee & the latest insurance scheme for FDW
The cost of the insurance is ard $150 - $300 for the extensive ones...

But sadly the new maid sucks at baby care.. nearly drowned my son bathing him... Already no gd at houseworks.... simple child minding also very jialak ... haiz.. She's been with me for 1 wk..but she still doesn't give me the confident... How long will it takes to know whether the maid can make it? She can't go back coz she come to S'pore on her own expenses.... so die-die she got to work... Keep on telling me that she will do a good job when I go back to work later coz my presence make her nervous & she can't perform... but when I left her for a few hours told her to scrub my baby clothings before I leave came back only to find my house still in the mess and baby clothings still haven been scrubbed... her bed in a messed. Checked my home camera see her sleeping .... give her another chance, left her again to fetch my daughter, came home to see her daydreaming looking out at the window... dishes and cutlery lying around not wash & dry. Ask her why she don't want to work on them. She said she forgot... Am I giving her pressure with all the works that seem to black out what she suppose to do at home? Ask her to hang out the washed clothes to dry, she put all the clothes inside the dryer.. making the spandex & elastic clothings sort of like melt... Gave her a guidebook on "how to do things around my house" on the 1st day she came. Claimed that she has read and understand them. But all gone haywire... let my son played with the soapy dirty water that she wipe the floor with. If I never tell her to wash my son hand, she just laughing & let him be. Ask her to play with him while I have my dinner, she just let him run to me... Came into my bedroom in the morn while me & hubby was sleeping. Claim that she thot she heard my daughter calling her in my rm... I could list all the strange things she has done for the past 1 wk but it will seem that I si beh ON but all those things are driving me crazy & I feel shortchanged employing her. Mind you she request for a immediate 2 rest days, no probation & her pay is equivalent to an experienced maid in S'pore. Should I give her another chance? She obedient & nice lady though...

Seems like Filipino ladies got gd life back in their country... They don't seem to know how to care for their baby when they go out to work. All leaves it to their mother to handle... My 1st maid also the same.. got 2 kids but doesn't know how to mind children so does this new one... Don't even seem to know how to carry baby properly .... aaarrrgghhhh.... all those false claim on their biodatas...
Sorry to hear that.
If it was me, I would change her. Since she is a nice lady, let her transfer to another house with only simple housework or where she is the additional maid.

I do not think it's quite true that she says your presence makes her "not perform" because when you went out to pick up your girl she was sleeping and didn't do any of the housework!

Agree with you. You tried your best to create some semblance of order with the instruction book and all but she can't make it. She's not organised and does not sound experienced. She's already making excuses.

I don't think she should enter your room too. That's outrageous. I do not allow any of our maids upstairs if any of us is sleeping, inlcuding my girl. There was only one maid who refused to follow this instruction. Anyway, she's gone now.

You are smart to have camera. The camera does not lie.

My sentiments are exactly that she should be and be more suitable for family with sch going children with someone to supervise her all the time. Think she be alright with this arrangement. Not to my kind of arrangement where she be left alone during the day with my son... In fact I've already got my doubt & no confidence that she's be able to handle my household during the 1st time I interviewed her but the agent convinced me since I urgently looking for a helper she the best person and she's clean.... furthermore she's a mother & hv experience in caring for kids.... Agent told me that to give her a chance & not to judge a person by her look coz she look worried/sianz coz it's already been a mth & she still hasn't secured an employment & $$$ matter is weighing her down... Haiz shd listen to my instint & if the agent said she's clean I wonder when she meant the helper is dirty coz this maid is very messy with a Capital 'M'.... at times she behaves as if she a guest in my house not knowing the boundary & way to behaved as a helper of the house....

I really at my wits end whether to return her to the agent. Coz she told me she's trying her very best to absorb as much as she could & to avoid being send back to agent.. She needs the $$$ badly coz she came here on her own expense to be a maid not like my previous helpers who can afford to be sent home. Could see she also feeling the pressure to perform coz her face start to grow pimples & she brokedown last nite & told my husband that she can't understand why she doing all the mistakes & can't absorb what is being taught. Her confidence is gone not like the 1st time I interviewed her where she exudes "I can conquer the world attitude" & she hope we give her chance to proof her worthiness.... but basic child minding also she can't handle what gd is she to me... but time is running out of my side too coz I hv to return to work & she not performing to the least of my expectation/requirement of child minding...

I can understand you feel bad for her because of her financial problems but experienced maids should be quite automatic. If you agree to transfer her then I think her financial issues would be taken care of. Can you get a free replacement:?

I'm onto my 6th maid already and she is not up to standard either. In the first week I knew she was not good enough. She is still not up to my standard but her attitude is good and I don't rely on her to take care of my baby. She will never be able to take care of my baby. If I needed her to do that then I would have transferred her already.

Messy and dirty is one thing but if there is a danger to your child then I would think twice.

Sometimes they seem to be very nice people but how nice can she be if she's sleeping when she should be cleaning the house?
I agreed with Liana totally on your current maid. You have to think more for your boy who's alone with her, with her mind and heart not with her (she herself also don't know why she kept making mistakes), it definitely pose danger to your kid. You have your own needs to take care first.
Hi all

Just wanna check with you ladies, if a maid is sent back to the country and agent is informed, do they have the right to deduct half of the amount of the loan paid by employer?anyone has experience in sending a sick maid before her loan is up as she is not fit for transfer either?thanks
Dear Precious one,
Thank you for your is the pic of my maid...everyone please be beware of her
Full name: Elizabeth Diana Wahyuningsih born on 18/Jan 1983, current work permit number: 006253881 (this work permit is to be cancelled, not sure if she comes again under a different passport, the work permit number would change or not....) Here is the bimbo!
Hi all - for what i understand, the WP number will follow the name of the maid and it will not change. Meaning to say, if the maid returns to work again, she will still be stuck with the same WP number and any employer can see their employment history. Having said that, they must still use back the same name.

Although we all know that these maids will go back and change name and refreshes their record, the MOM has a thumbprint system where if the maid with a new name come into SIN, they still need to do their thumbprint and this is where these maids will be definitely caught and according to all maid agencies, it is very serious offence (dont know to agent or to maid), and these maids may be deported back again - at the end, maybe the agent has to lose money here again.

If the MOM is really working hard on each of these applied WP cases, employer should be safe in a certain sense.

Hi RMS - i also think you should just change another one to keep some sanity. Regardless which nationality, some of these maids are the same. I had v bad experience frm PH who does sales girl/cashier job in PH. They just cant do the work at all and I can understand how crazy they can drive you to. Even if you pity her, I dont see how she can really help you.

Hey Tricia - I understand, it is really the upfront loan tying you up. However, I have a funny feeling that they might nt get back this girl to work in SG after knowing yr case has been reported to Police/MOM. These agents sometimes will "write off" such maids. Otherwise, they might get a replacement from their supplier? Now that you posted her pic, I hope more pple will be aware and be careful.
Very kind of you to post the 'bad' sheep in this forum...Never imagine her looks like that can be be so vainpot hor. Hope you find another better helper soon.

Only "hungry" men will goes to her......

This week I had arranged my maid to go to my bro place (he moved to near my place last mth and my mom will be there for 1 week).

Luckily my hb worked from afternoon this wk, so I didn't arrange for my FIL to come over.

I had instruct my maid to do the necessary housework (minus the weekly chore assigned) before going over.

I hope below is not too much work for her:-

She is expected to wake up at 5.30am. And she need to do the following:-

- Boil water and top up flasks (need to wash
flask before pouring hot water into it)
- Put laundry to machine wash (if any) and hang
- Wipe furniture top
- Prepare my girl for CC (Feed her breakfast,
bath her, my girl will leave home around
- Bath my boy, feed him milk and make him sleep
(usually around 9.30am)
- Sweep and Mop the floor
- If time allow iron some clothes (otherwise
iron when she is back in the evening)
- She will be at my bro place from 11.30am -
7.30pm. She is expected to tend to my boy's
need and my girl when she returned at 4.45pm.
- Expected to be home by 8pm. She will soak
kids clothes.
- Iron some clothes if she can't do it in the
- Take her bath and rest for the day.

My hb will bring the maid and my boy over to my bro place at 11.30am. We had inform school bus to send my girl to my bro place this week. After work, I will go there for dinner and bring them back home.
Hi mummies, so many postings.. thanks for sharing here..

Now, I'm back with my 1st maid..after changing 5maids in 6mths.. she was not like her previous.. cos her last employer very strict with her..must speak proper English or her employer will not answer her,do hse work must details as instructed,must teach her 3yrs with studies,looking after a new born too, keep her handphone, maid now become not her usual 2yrs with me, look so pity with lots of pimples.. at least she realised we are good, and trust her that time..

She become more open with me.. I told her about the 2mths old bb accident, and the raped n murder indo maid.. then she told me, actually when she work with me, there was a man offering her hp(that's why she has 3handphones), she lied to that man,she has husband in Indo n that man said, he was in indo, so I will take care of u in singapore..wah, so sweet to hear..but man only want sex n not responsible,I told maid(see now only she tell me..)..her friend, also work as maid with the sir,while mdm don't know.. she told me this too.. see how smart maid can be nowaday..

The agency fees is expensive for indo maid.. cos of low supply and the new insurance are charge separately not include in the agent fees.. I just bought the normal std insurance cost SGD192.60 without runaway bond ( another SGD50 plus ),so expensive to change maid
still have to add the maid that is waiting for transfer,pay her levy.. haiz..

So now u hired yr 1st maid to work with you? Hope that everything turns well.... Since yr kids know her, it will be quite easy for her to get use to the role.... All the best....

U r right. Only "Starving" men will turn to this maid....
Hi everybody

thanks for all your view... but hubby told me to give her another wk to prove herself.... I've been prejudiced against her right from the 1st time I laid my eyes on her .. don't know why.. is the aura/vibes she's giving

I'm entitle for a free replacement for 6mths with this agent but my mistake was signing up with a very small agency so she doesn't have lotsa of girls to choose from... and another factor I've to consider before transferring for another helper are the cost & time factor. Got to cough up another 200plus for a new maid insurance and having to train another maid..... adding to my already stressful FTWM life....

On a lighter note... Yes TRICIA... only the real famish & seriously visually impaired hubby will go for the maid... what was the maid thinking???
RMS - actually i feel that u r not prejudiced. u have face someone 24/7 and u gotta be ok with how she looks right? if u dun feel comfy with her, then it's a sign that u may not get along.

for me, i already resent the fact that i'm having a stranger in the house (yes, she helps. but i really cant acommodate...) it's already 1 yr plus and i still think i would not want a maid if my hb did not insist.

can i just survey mommies here? - if it's your hb that wants to get a maid, is he very pampered as in dun help out in housework, or MCP?
my hb is the ONLY CHILD. and he dun do housework,
use a cup to drink water also leave in the sink like that -_-"
i ever purposely dun throw the used toilet roll and leave in the toilet. accumulate to 3 rolls lei. he's really *blind* to these things.
sigh, wendy, many men are like that i.e. lazy.

My husband is one. His toothbrush can be "opened" dont know like what he also wont change. Toothpaste used up all, he also wont replenish altho he knows where to get. I also tested him to see when he is willing to get a new toothpaste. For few days, he can still go on like that leh....

My hub dont insist a maid - but of cos he wont help also - at the end of the day, we will be the one who suffered. My hub can just sit in front of tv and me had to rotate myself to feed 2 kids...for once, I almost cant take it and wanted to end my life with the kids...

Now I dont expect him to do anything. So less frustrations and so the more I must get a good helper. I dont want those maids who need me to jaga also. I am v tired liao. I cannot jaga 3 persons (2 kids and a maid)....

Its our decision to get a maid because both hb & myself are working so no one else can take care of our kids.

We are left with my mum and FIL. I don't thk FIL (man) can help much in baby/child care. My mum offered to help but she has her restriction (she can't squat), hence hiring a maid for assistance is inevitable. My maid will do the hands on while my maid stand aside to supervise.

I am lucky that my hb helped out with housework at home. Before we had our kids, he is the one who do the major housework like sweeping and mopping the floor and washing toilets. I will put laundry to machine wash and hang dry and wash dirty cups and dishes. We ironed our own clothes.

Because we share toothpaste, so my hb will buy if it is running low. As for toothbrush, he liked his "opened" brush so much that I reminded him to change but still he has not changed yet.

As for toilet rolls, we put a lot in our toilet. If the current one runs out, any of us will replenish it.

If I leave the empty bowl on the dining table after meals, he will ask me to clear the bowl away instead of leaving it on the table. Actually I leave it there for the maid to clear. So I told him the maid will clear. Then he commented that I should make a habit to clear myself...

Most men are lazy, but dun thk all are like that.
Hi all,
I'm expecting my maid nxt mth. Would like to seek some advise from all the veteran employers here. Me greenhorn...

1) I intend to hold on to her salary till the end of her contract. I will deduct $$$ that she request to send back home then give her the bal only when she completes her contract.


2) Toiletries / pads / bath towels etc

QNS: Is it my responsibilty to provide or she pays for these items herself?

3) Overseas phone calls home

QNS: She pays or me?

4) Hot beverages / biscuits

QNS: Do I provide separately for her or let her take what we have?

Would appreciate any comments since I've never had a maid before.
Hi freshpoison77,

My opinion on your Qs....

1) I intend to hold on to her salary till the end of her contract. I will deduct $$$ that she request to send back home then give her the bal only when she completes her contract.


<font color="0000ff">--> This is what I am doing. Every month I will let my maid sign on the Salary Sheet to acknowledge she has receive her salary. After that, I will keep the $$ for her. If she needs to buy things, I will buy for her and let her sign on an Expenditure Sheet and deduct from her pay.</font>

2) Toiletries / pads / bath towels etc

QNS: Is it my responsibilty to provide or she pays for these items herself?

<font color="0000ff">--> It is up to you. I don't provide these to my maid. She has to pay for herself.</font>

3) Overseas phone calls home

QNS: She pays or me?

<font color="0000ff">--> I don't pay for my maid phone call. She has to pay for her own phone card. I will purchase for her n deduct from her pay via Expenditure Sheet.</font>

4) Hot beverages / biscuits

QNS: Do I provide separately for her or let her take what we have?

<font color="0000ff">--> It is more advisable to separate out for her. You will get frustrated if you can't find any biscuit/beverage for yourself when u feel hungry. By separating, you can control her intake. Otherwise, she will be eating like nobody business since the ration will NEVER ends. (Employer will replenish if finish)</font>
Babycutie, your hub is just like my hub.

Wendy, my hub also the only son at home, but he does vacuum, mop, wash toilet, basin, etc, before we engaged a maid. Until now, we have a maid, we will still ocassionally cook our own breakfast. If I did not refill the toilet roll, he will tell me off one, say I finish last, I should refill cause we put extra box of tissue and a few rolls of toilet paper in the toilet. :p

Freshpoison77, here's my reply:

1) I intend to hold on to her salary till the end of her contract. I will deduct $$$ that she request to send back home then give her the bal only when she completes her contract.
<font color="ff6000">>>> Yes, preferably do so. Cause if there is any loss of money in the house, it's easier to find out too.</font>

2) Toiletries / pads / bath towels etc

<font color="ff6000">>>> It is not a MUST, but provide out of goodwill provided she use whatever I buy. If she wants to choose her brand, it got to be out from her own pocket. I don't buy sanitary pads for maids, cause I "pantang".</font>

3) Overseas phone calls home

<font color="ff6000">>>> I buy the Singtel calling card for her till she finishes her loan. Maximum 1 card a month only. Usually only allow her to call maximum once a week.</font>

4) Hot beverages / biscuits

<font color="ff6000">>>> We allow our maid to take any coffee or tea that we has, as well as biscuits. Those snacks or drinks that is meant for ourselves and the kids only, will be made known to her.</font>
I must say that men who are only child but willing to do housework has an impressive upbringing from the family. My hubby is not pampered with materials stuff, but he whole day only care abt himself - if he has anything to eat, time to watch tv/surf net, enuf sleep...cos he has been brought up like that - no need to do housework, can sleep until 3 or 4 pm, and the moment he wakes up, got food to eat! And plus his mother sides him to the core!
Hi Eileen, my hub not the only child but the only son. And actually, I find him quite "lor soh" cause I'm those very easy going type. And at times, he will nag and nag at the smallest things and it can really get your nerves. Ofcourse, I really appreciate his help especially when I was preggie with my first boy and got no help. But hor, after we got a maid hor, he becomes very lazy liao. At one stage when we got problematic maid and has no maid for 3 months, it was hard for me, cause he already abit lost touch with the work he needs to help me, and I got so busy, putting both my kids to sleep, pump milk, wash and sterilised bottles, wash laundry, ironing, etc., and ended up sleeping at 2-3 am. After a month, I couldn't tolerate anymore and told him off to put some sense into his brain. Then he started to help me with putting my boy to sleep while I put my girl to sleep, wash and sterilise bottles. And these little help really makes a big diff for me.

What I'm trying to say is, communication is impt. Some man do need the "wake up call" at times. But must say it tactfully, so that we don't end up in a quarrel lor. :D
Hi mummies,

This morning my hubby found a sewing needle in his pillow and was accidentally pricked by the needle when he placed his hand under the pillow to support his head. When my hubby told me about the needle, my first thought that came to my mind was our maid wanted to perform some black magic to my family!!!

Immediately, I called my maid into my room and questioned her. She replied she did not know why there was a needle in our pillow. My hubby then asked her if she has forgotten to put the needle back to the sewing kit after sewing, she again said she did not forget. She also insisted that she has kept the needle after each sewing.

My maid is an Indon and her hubby comes from Ponorogo and I have heard that this village is famous for black magic. Is this true?? I am not sure if my maid really wanted to perform black magic on us or the needle has accidentally got into the pillow but I will be more wary of her from now onwards.

It is hard for me to think that she would do such thing becos she has worked with her ex-employer for 4 years before me and I am her 2nd employer. She has been with me coming to 6 mths and from what I observed, she seems to be a quiet and reserved girl.

What do you all think?? Am I being overly suspicous??
Who else besides your maid do sewing in the house? Is your pillow new or old? Does your pillow need sewing? Any big children in the house that could handle needle? How often does your maid sew? Is there so much sewing to do in the house? Why would your maid do sewing in your bedroom?

Does your hubby put his hand under the pillow often?

And lastly, do you trust your maid?
been following the thread cos i am getting a maid soon...
Just want to tell eileen10 that my hb is the exact same pattern as yours! Can understand your frustration and plus i am staying with my mum too! add to my anger and stress....

There are only 3 adults (including the maid) in my family. No one else does the sewing except the maid. She does not sew in our room but in her room only. When she needs to sew, she would usually place the clothes on the ironing board and sew. She also uses the ironing board to fold our clothes, bedsheets, towels, etc. Therefore, there could also be a possibility that she had left the needle on the ironing board and forgotten to keep. The needle must have then stuck into the pillow cover when she does folding.

However, I dont understand even if this is the case, how come she did not feel or see the needle when she changed the pillow cover every sat for us?? Therefore, I am also very confused.

My maid has been ok so far except that I have caught her lying a couple of times over housework. Other than that, she does not give me any major problems but still, I feel that I cannot rule out the possibility that she is capable of doing such thing to my family!
Since there is one benefit of doubt as you have pointed out that the needle might have gotten stuck onto the pillow cover during folding, you just have to trust her for once... Cos once you start to suspect this and that, your relationship with her will turn sour very soon, it is just human.

Having said this, you just have to be more watchful Does she get home mails? Cos I heard stories that employer found out about maids doing black magic to the employer's by looking into their home letter, of course it is not polite and right. Most of the time, the maid's excuse is they wanna to gain favour in the employers eyes' so they resort to this black magic thing. If your relationship with your maid is amicable to-date, then you need not resort to reading their home mails.
Kristen, Let me share my experience about my first phil maid. Everyone thinks that between Indo an Phil maid, Indo knows more about black magic, but not necessary.

My first phil maid is a young single 25yo gal, very pleasant looking. She worked for me 4 months and due to her double attitude at my in law's house, we decided to transfer her out. I arranged the agent to pick her up at a certain time when she over my in law's house with my kid, and me and my mom packed her bag at home and send down to the agent. And we found a used sanitary pad in her drawer under her clothes. Next I found a red pc of cloth with a star and some funny wordings on it. The star, I don't know what you all called that, but it's like the satan star.

The moment I saw that, I actually can feel my hair stands and my heart shrank. It has never came across my mind that a phil maid will have such things. And to think that she was our first maid and I treated her like my young sister, she actually do all these behind my back.

Although my decision about sending her back wasn't because of the black magic thing, but I was glad to find out (in a way) and that she is going away. Cause I will keep someone who even have the the slightest % that will do things to hurt my family.
Precious_one &amp; JChew,

My maid does not send letters or receive letters from her family. Her husband usually call her once a week during the day at my mother in law house. Therefore, she should not have any chance to receive any funny thing. However, the thought that her husband is from Ponorogo where black magic is common, I just dont feel at ease.

Anyway, I will be more wary of her from now onwards.

Thanks for your replies!
Kristen Mum,

That needle thingy is a black magic love spell. Supposedly to prick the man you want to fall in love with you. I think must also collect some hair of that person to keep under your own pillow. I did hear about this from my grandmother who is from Indonesia.

Not saying your maid is doing this but don't see how a needle can get onto a pillow?

Actually, I was wrong. Just checked with my hubby about it. Not a love thing. It's a control thing, but still black magic.

The upside down star is a pentagram.
