Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

Hi mummies

Pls advice where can i remit the money 4 Indo maids? 4 mi all along done by agency, nw e agency hv closed down, pls help.

My advise is to keep your maid until after your confinement. It can be quite stressful after the baby is born, best to have a maid you are familiar with. If new maid, don't know whether good or not. Can ask your maid to apply the visa later ? You mean she already got the job ?

It's not easy to get the perfect maid. Unless you are willing to change until you find the right maid.
tam, she sent in her application about 7 months ago i think, but she did tell me that she was applying. actually she doesn't know yet if it's approved or not, but i don't know if i want to take the risk. Thing is, i dunno if it's better that i get a maid early (like within the next few months) so by the time the baby comes, the maid can be trained liao, hopefully she's good, but at least if early, i still have time to change, right? my mum is searching for me in manila now. I plan to go back to work after my ML so have to make sure the maid knows how to care for the baby.. . for me, i don't have a choice i have to leave the baby at home with the maid coz no inlaws or parents or aunties here... and don't really like infant care.. but my mum will be here with us for a while. Actually that's one of the reasons i am even considering keeping her, coz i already knows she can care for the baby well even if i'm at work. but just so ma fan coz i'll just have gone back to work then have to find a new maid i don't know if i can trust... haiz, being a mom is not easy!!!

thanks rainbow!!!

my 1st was a gg Rachel, now also gg Charlene. yes u r absolutely right, most impt is health. we remember Sabie dats y we r so happy u hv conceived again. i know dat u r difficulties now but dun worry Sabie will watch over her sibling n make sure everything is ok.

i was also thinking abt the same thing as u. i wanted my maid to b trained by the time baby comes out. i also thought to myself, if she is dreadful of taking care of newborns or lousy in childcare, i can change her during my maternity leave n train another maid at the same time.

wat tamarind was thinking abt was also wat i had thought b4. extending my previous maid's contract during my confinement n get her 2 help me to take care of Charlene cos she was wif us ever since Rachel got out of hospital. sadly it didnt work cos she was getting big headed n already holiday mood so i had to look 4 another maid.

think abt wat is gd 4 u, we r giving suggestions. u c how it goes, time will tell n help us to make our decisions better.
hi daphne, i know everyone means well.. that's actually why i posted it here, coz talking to hb, he'll just say, change lah. men don't realize what goes into training a maid to our standards. really appreciate all the advice, at least i see all the various opinions which helps me with making my decision
Hi Patsy

Maybe another option is to keep your maid till confinement and in between get a new maid in and get your current maid to train her, so you will not be so stress.....that is provided your maid is really good and teach the correct things.
My mum oso thk that the maid dun really have much child care exp as state in her biodata.
She is better in housekeeping. But come to childcare, she is not really that initiative.

But after I forewarn her abt sending her back if I find that she is not doing a good job at child caring, can see that she is trying to improve on that area. Thk I have to constantly remind her...

Its not easy to find someone who likes to take care of children. Most maids only like to do housework.

Congrats to you. Every baby is unique...No one can be replaced... Its god gift. Take good care of yourself so that your bb will be healthy.... Whether a boy or girl is not important.... having a healthy bb is more important. Hope that you will have a smooth pregnancy.... Don't walk too much.....

Rainbow's idea is good. Apply for a second maid and get your current maid to train her. It is possible if you live in a big house, have elderly living with you or more than one child.


I tend to agree with you. With regard to the pull up pants issue, it should not matter if she has not seen them before. They are made of PAPER. How to wash? Commonsense will tell you they are disposable. But really, it's a small matter. Can imagine the look on her face when she saw it all puffed up with water in the morning. haha...She's just not smart and she sounds lazy too.

She may have improved momentarily but don't think it is going to last.

The reason why we choose experienced maids is because they are automatic. We pay more for them too so the way I see it, is I would only need to go through with her personally once and give her a timetable and the rest should be relatively smooth sailing. 3 of my 5 maids were automatic. Just need to fine tune here and there.

My current maid is 27 and has no children and not married but she is the 2nd eldest of 11 children and is very good with taking care of my baby. I made it clear that if anything happens to my girl whilst in her care, it's her fault.

Having experience is one thing, but having the heart to use that experience properly is another thing totally seperate. So, as much as experienced maids know what to do, how to behave and how to follow ma'am's procedures, if their heart is not in the job, then they are never going to be good.

But Babycutie, I thought your maid was ok....then again, as my hubby said, even if they can do their job but you don't like their character and don't trust them, no point keeping them. I am a firm believer in Tamarind's no. 1 rule. Change until you find one you like. No point putting up with a maid you are not happy with.
hi mummies,

my maid is 26yrs old (on biodata), she told me she's 25yrs old... i also *blur*.. but she looks very much older... married 4yrs (to a 38yr old hubby) with a 3yr old boy...
she supposedly got college education, she can read english quite well, but not so good at spoken english. as long as we understand each other, its good enough for me...

sometimes i do get abit "worried" tat i maybe treating her too nice... but i do "stand my ground" that im e employer lor...
these couple of days she did forget a couple of small things, like taking e clothes down from e pole, but leaving it on the stool instead of folding/keeping it... refilling only 1 of the 2 hot water flasks i have... but these are reli small issues i can overlook.. what i do in these instances i'll just ask her "you forgotten to do something...... what is it?" and let her go recall n do it... she'll always say "sorry mom" and manage to quickly recall....
in the list of housework i prepare for her, i have also done up a list below that i indicate as "things to do the whole day when you see".. i'll list things like "pick up boy's toys when he finish playing with it", i.e. things i expect her to do "automatically".. to "tune" her mindset lor....

i've heard an even scarier story re maids... my mum told me it was in the newspapers...
e employer was unhappy with the maid... also told maid that she got spycam in the house, will be constantly monitoring maid's actions lor. dunno why e maid also not happy... so DELIBERATELY go to the spycam, pulled down the toddler (duno 2 or 3yrs old) boy's pants, and did the obscene act to show her displeasure to the employer - maid's mentality was that the employer would send her home... but it was reported that employer report maid to police and think got jail term involve... super scary for me cos i've got a boy... so thankfully my mum is around to monitor, else i'll never have a peace of mind at work....

Hi,and CONGRATS!!!

well.. after another weekend of monitoring her... i'm actually very glad that she is still showing initiative in doing we go out, she'll either be carrying the bag, or pushing e stroller, or carrying my boy.. if she's not doing any of the above, she'll ask to carry/do one of them...
then when we come home from outside... (im still not trusting her with taking full care of my son yet).. she'll unpack e bags, n wash up e bottles, milk powder dispenser, thermos flask, etc n pack away the things... i've never told her to do these yet.. but she observed where these things came from, and managed to put almost everything back to the original place...
(it was indicated in one of my house "rules", "ALWAYS put things back where u took them, or saw them")
so far, im also happy that she's paying full attention to my boy, she'll tell us if she needs to go to e toilet and ask us to look after my boy for a short while... i've "trusted" her enough to let her watch my boy on Sunday morning (for about 1hr) including make my boy's milk and feeding him, while me & hubby sleep-in a little... but honestly, i couldn't sleep for tat 1hr n was listening out for my boy's "complains"..

thankfully she didn't disappoint....
U hv a good point there. We will observe her work and judge from time to time. In housework, she is automatic, but in child care, I have to instill some sense into her. Now she started to have some automation.... But we will see how long can that last.

We thought our maid is ok... but like u say... act smart and backfires.... After I lecture her on this area, she start to ask when she is unsure.

I like your point - Having experience is one thing, but having the heart to use that experience properly is another thing totally seperate.

So far this maid is still tolerable. We dun have complain in her housework. Just that she needs to be proactive in child care.

My boy is on Seretide puff and needs to puff 3 times a day. I instruct the maid to puff for my boy. I taught her yesterday. At night before she turn in, I tested her again what she should do. And she can repeat the procedure correctly. So today I let her puff my boy. Never hear my mum complain abt the puffing so I guess should be alright.

I thk she gets panic when I kept questioning her (3 times in a row) whether she has exp taking care of children. She kept saying she took care before. So I tell her she better dun lie abt this because I know how to see if a person can take care of kids.

I will monitor her for few months. If everything is ok, then I will continue with her. Otherwise, I don't thk I want to pay so much to hire someone who is not so competent.

BTW mummies, when should we start buying the Medical Insurance for our maid? I received a letter from MOM today. At the back of the letter was proposal prepared by NTUC INCOME & OAC on the plan. Do u all intend to get from either one of them?
the insurance is only when you get a new maid or renew your current's maid contract. and it takes effect in 2008, not this yr
Congrats !!! Nat will have a didi soon
You can start looking at baby boy section at hehehe

Wa she applied so early. Whatever decision you make, hope that all goes well for you

When you find a maid who is good with childcare, she may not be interested in housework. It's diffcult to find someone who can do both. I used so many maids, only my current maid is good at both childcare and housework. But even then she is not perfect, she is quite slow at her work, but this I still can tolerate.
So you got to weigh the good points and bad points, and change until you get a maid who has much more good points than bad points

I missed that story in the newspapers. That's so scary and digusting !!! That's why I don't believe in installing spycam. You cannot stop bad things from happening using the spycam.
I am also very grateful that my mum can stay with me to supervise the maid. Otherwise I would send the kids to childcare.
Fainted. YOu come in a shout so loud at me!!

Tks. Hahaha... I look, but girls' clothes always seems nicer
Patsy/Mom2nat: congrats.. Mi oso due soon and leaving baby with maid... keep fingers cross, hopefully my tis maid able to cope... Presently with me coming a mth, looked after my first one half day.. so far so good la... You 2 oso leaving babies alone with maid??
tks. Well, usually if I leave my girl with my maid, only for a few hours, trying to make it longer. I was a SAHM for 3 yrs, so quite im chim abt how the maid handles my girl lor. But now working partime, then need to go out at times, so no choice... Are you sure your maid can handle 2 kids?
Congrats...Dramaqueen on ur new born bb

Patsy,mom2nat,Ling, take good care n Stay healthy..

Can I ask, any mummy that let ur maid do night feeding, what is her(maid) rest time(normal is 8hrs)? Any noon nap allow for the maid?
Congrats...Dramaqueen on ur new born bb

Patsy,mom2nat,Ling, take good care n Stay healthy..

Can I ask, any mummy that let ur maid do night feeding, what is her(maid) rest time(normal is 8hrs)? Any noon nap allow for the maid?
Thanks for all the congratulations.

Liana, not really possible to have 2 maids, it's only HB and myself at home and we stay in a flat.

Tam. thanks! Just praying it will be the right decision for me and especially the baby!!
aiyah i was shouting with EXCITEMENT mah! so happy for you. i am sure your hubby also looking forward to having a son hor? hee...

that means hor that time when we met up in May for high tea and then in June for the b'day party you were already pregnant lor? aiyoh...why never tell me....

so what's gonna be the sleeping arrangement once the bb arrives? nat won't sleep in the rm with you still right? then she will sleep in her own rm? alone? or with maid?

wow, i can't imagine going thru the whole process of having a NB in the house again man!
hi mummies, very excited in going thru this thread, I've learned a lot as I'm in the midst of hiring one to take care of my upcoming newborn, due in Nov.

I need your advice. Can the new employer interviewed a transfered maid ex-employer in getting review of the chosen maid?
you can only do so if the agency or the transfer maid gives you the ex-employer's contact details. but do take the "interview" with a pinch of salt hor? cause if the ex-employer is desperate to get rid of the maid, no matter how lousy the maid is she/he is not going to tell you that right? she/he will prob just tell you all the maid's good points, and may even lie abt the maid's abilities, etc, just so she/he can get rid of the maid quickly. so in the end talking to the ex-employer may be no use also.
Yes you can, provided the maid agency is willing to provdie the ex-employer's contact, and that ex-employer is willing to talk to you. Most of the time the maid agency will say no, because the ex-employer may say bad comments about the maid.

I did speak with my ex-maid's prospective employer once.

Lani, mon2nat,
Yes it's not easy having a newborn in the house. When I have Jerome, fortunately my maid(now ex-maid) was very good with newborn babies. She can bathe him on the day he returned from hospital(my mother was not at home that day). Jerome was also a very sweet baby, after feeding, just put him down, he will fall asleep on his own. Otherwise I don't know how to cope during that period, especially since Chloe was only 17 months old at that time.
Mom2nat: Presently she handles my girl alright.. Feed well and bath her oso... First 2 weeks Im bathing my girl only and nvr taught her wat to do.. So when my girl half day, the maid auto bath girl.. so quite initiative on her part la... I hv to add my girl quite ez to handle oso...

Regarding NB, I have yet to experience hw she handles... At this moment, I tink she can la.. :p Let's see how next month.. will be on leave next week.. I cannot wait.. haha

Jo: thanks thanks :D
Finally,just now...My maid said want to transfer to another employer, only house work. She dont know how to baby care...actually dont like. I have been so patient with her, training n help her... haiz..dont know wat to say.. never once scold her.. now maid really different n choosy.

She talk to agent n u know wat..the agent told her hav to learn bb care. imagine..she is so reluctant to work liao.. afraid she do stupid things..thinking she no way out.. but I sure wont keep her liao. Any good maid w baby care can recommend to me? HELP!!!
hi all
i am due in Nov 07. I have got this maid for awhile already and trusted her so much. Suddenly she got this stomach pain. At 1st i thought only apencitis. So I rush her to hosipital and hopefully she can be cured before my bb due. But who knows found out that she got a boyfriend. Cos I went down to visit her in hospital and found a guy sitting by her side. I am so disappointed in her action. So nevertheles, she stayed in hospital for 4 days. Went thru CITI scan and blood test, found nothing except there is a cyst in her womd. Doc said is nothing dangerous and pretty common among women. Total bill cost me 1300. after se discharge she complain again pain in her stomach so i brought her to my normal gp. My gp said that he couldn't detect anything serious. So just gave her an injection and went back. I wonder if she just pretending or really painful. Few days later, she was in groaning in pain and started crying. SO i got my dad to pick her and send her to doc. Afterthat , i just have a word with my gp. He told me tht there isn't any prob with her and that she might just want to go home. He advice that I sent her back. I went back home and asked her and showed her all the bills. I told her that if she wants to go back she can just tell me need not to do all this tricks. Cos she still got her outstanding loan to payoff. I am willing to send her back without her compensation to me but just don't give me any prob. he claims tht she wants to stay....Hiaz... even i get a new maid now i have to train her right from the start. I only have one more mth to go. ANyway I have confiscat her hp. Honestly i wanted her to stay but i dun trust her anymore. Again it is so rush to train another maid.

Any advice?
My advise is to send back the maid. A maid with boyfriend will give nothing but trouble. She already has no heart to work for you, pretending to be sick and all that.

There are some maids who are very good with babies, no training needed at all.

My current maid is my 8th maid already ! I have all my houserules, timetable and instructions written down, so training a new maid is quite easy. If you want to employ a maid, you got to get used to training maids.

That maid want to go then let her go. Try looking around as many agencies as you can, there are many other maids who like to take care of babies.
hi tamarind and mummies here,
need your advise please. my indo maid ask for off day if she were to renew her contract.
So far she is an honest and hardworking maid.
i m not sure if i should continue to employ a maid whom state condition.
any advice?
Hi experienced mummies,

Great to see this thread, need some advice.. I'm expecting no. 2 and will be taking over my MIL's maid. She's a Filipino with no experience. Salary is $320 (is this the minimum wage?) + $20 (for no sunday off, is this the standard?)

When no. 2 arrives, my current nanny will be taking care of the 2 kids, and maid will go to my MIL's house every morning and return home with us every evening. Not much needs to be done at MIL's house, except the daily standard chores and helping to cook. Back to my house in the evening, I would think she needs to help me with the kids and some light chores. Weekends, she'll stay with me and help me with all the housework, cooking and tending to the kids.

All of us have the understanding that we need to pay her more for the extra work. But how much more? Also, when their 2 years contract is up and if we want to renew it, do we have to increase her pay again? If so, how much?
Tam, thks, I will send her back to only 4weeks w me..her loan still a lot.

I think should not go to agency w unlimited replacement in 1yr..cos this way,they want to earn money from employer n FDW(2mths salary) any how giv u a FDW n fake their data.

I was so angry, I told the agent..I already tell them my requirement like age(giv me fake),exp w bb (fake,actual no exp),..bla bla... so if I'm paying for exp maid n get worst than non-exp...?? Are u telling me to get non-exp? Cos ur exp also fake.

1st. maid never come didnt inform, called them many times.. till said bring to CASE, ok, giv me transfer..

2nd. transfer maid...giv me a lots of rubbish problem.. lazy,dirty,beat my children,telling lies, acting no. 1..

3rd. choosed but no news..later told me taken by another employer cos the staff that served me on leave n didnt book for choose again.

4th. stated exp w bb care, but when asked the FDW, never touch bb n dont know how to take care n not willing to learn (so I take care bb) n now want to change employer w big house,have garden so not like jail in HDB n only do house work..????

I cant understand FDW is here to work or holidays??? Want to choose lodging(by the way she is sleeping w my kids room) n work less w exp maid's salary...still increase their salary but get low quality go to TCS, acting no.1. no need to star search waste time.
hi Jo,
thanks for the info.

fogot to add. if i were to renew her, will need to renew her passport and buy a 2 way ticket for her back home for a short break.
Your maid's workload is very reasonable, don't need to pay her any extra $. There are lots of maids who work harder than her at the same pay.

Personally I think it is OK to give off day is you think the maid is worth keeping. But if she has off day, she may get bad influence from her friends. It is a risk you need to take.

I changed 8 maids and used 6 agencies before I find a good maid. Hiring maid is like this, must be prepared to lose money, unless we are very lucky.
hi ladies - i am back here after staying at home with maid for the past few days to look after the kids...can die is the word ah...

dont know what happened to my maid, become so blur and sotong and dont want to ask questions. I keep telling myself not to scream at her but I just cant....alamak!!! I feel like jagaging 2 kids and an adult...can really faint siah...

Few things my maid did that really make me v v angry:
1. washing net to be used during spining in washing machine. i explained how it was being used. didnt show her cos hands full...carrying the baby and the kor kor screaming in the living room...she said she understood. Guess what? She spinned the clothes without the net and used to net to hold the clothes on the bamboo stick!! faint siah..
2. yday night, i saw she mixing her clothes into my and hubby clothes washing. She said she want to do it quick quick... I also saw washed rags thrown into the washing machine with the children clothes, she said she washed already - so its clean. No choice, i have to literally sit down with her to see how she washed the clothes. Next she wants to spin the clothes and want to put softener into it....argh.........

How to control my temper ah? I dont want to scare her but she is really making me v irritated. She seems not be able to understand what I i cant blame her fully...and when i am training her to use her brains to think, she cant seem to think...
Hi Tamarind,

Nice to "see" you again. Yah, I know many employers who get a fresh new maid dont pay them extra for the work done in 2 households. But it's a bit tricky for my case leh.. I'll have to pay her a little bit more so that she'll feel more balanced with the extra workload.

Can you also advise how much is the market rate for contract renewal increment? I need to pace her salary scale leh.. And what's the outcome for Filipino's new salary? $420? Effective when?
Oh Patsy, forgot to send you my congratulations to you....its indeed gd news and enjoy every moment with the little one in yr tummy! cheers
Hi all,

i just got a fresh filipino maid for 2wks, so far we'r quite happy wif her attitude and performance. She has initiative to work and i only taught her once and she could handle the chores already. My main concern is to have her to look aft my twins and i will be due pretty soon.

we trust her so much and give her freedom to eat the foods/drinks in my house whenever she likes, but she is not big eater la. Once she is full, she wont take extra foods that we give to her also. I've also given her plenty of times to rest as long as she finishes all the chores cos now bbs are not out yet and we're quite free actually. Beside this, I always leave my cash on the dining table (actly i purposely put it and wana test her) but so far she never steal or take by herself.

I am not sure if she's really good or just acting cos she's still new ? This is 1st time we hire a maid and i treat her like my own family member, she eats watever we eat, also sitting on same table during meals. Am I too nice to her? Hope to hear advices from u all!
Patty, my ex-HK filipino maid sounds like yours leh... she is with us coming to a month in a few days time... She looks after my girl half day and I will be due next month...

She is initiative and fast worker... Doesnt need to be reminded very often. Handle my girl well oso... She oso eats with us, at times la cos I dun wana make it a habit. I bring her out oso but not all times oso... everything I do, I try to be nice but sometimes still show abit of employer attitude.. haha

Mine oso small eater leh... I ask her to help herself to food la but she dun eat much...

hmm, I really hope tis will be a good one and not change attitude after a few months... keep fingers crossed.
Jo: im first time employer and dono much abt maids... But what my hubby say is true.. Those say unlimited replacements means you can try all the maids you wan till u get the right one... They have tom dick and harry lo and you have to try your luck to see which fits you... Then u can just change and change, which is very tiring wor...

Cos this agency I went to only can change maid after 2 or 3 mths leh.. Then I find the risk cos if maid no good how, still have to tahan so long. So after deciding, we stick to tis agency and so far so good lo...
thanks jo

since she say send her bk then send her bk to crixxx. since she dun hv the heart 2 work wif u, no pt keeping her here. u might just get someone much better dan her since she is lousy in childcare n mind elsewhere. when r u going to choose ur replacement maid? all the best 2 u.
thanks jo

since she say send her bk then send her bk to crixxx. she dun hv the heart 2 work wif u, no pt keeping her here. u might just get someone much better dan her since she is lousy in childcare n mind elsewhere. when r u going to choose ur replacement maid? all the best 2 u.

Thks, mummies for ur concern.. I will replace her.. already searching now..

She ask me to transfer her to my friend so she still can see my girl(sort of missing my girl)..but actually, I know she dont want to go back n hav to pay 2mths salary..she also want to stay at my hse till new employer take her,cos she said dont like stay at agent's hostel,too many ppl to a room,no good food, work in hostel but no salary..(my hse work little,hav free food,good sleep 9.30pm-6am,hav salary)..haiz..

Anyway, when my new replacement come will send her away..hopefully, she dont giv me anymore problem during this period. God bless me abundantly.
