A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

i actually went for another scan on CD12 as originally my gynae wanted to do the HCG jab but the largest eggie is 17.5mm in size whereas the smaller one is 15.5mm in size. so aft he reviewed my records, he said nebermind, no need to jab this time first, see if my body will naturally ovulate anot once the eggie reaches the optimum size. he asked me to do OPK tests starting today. today has not detected the surge yet, hoping to soon... heehee...

christine, 17.5mm is good enuf mah. my gynae gave me a HCG jab to mature egg & release lor. juju had 18.5mm... slighly bigger! Wahh, got 2 eggs v good liao! Nevermind lah, so hopefully it will release properly
hi posh...
glad that u also find Dr heng ok...so hope we faster heng heng strike...really envy to see the photos of the babies that she have delivered in her room...when is ur next appt? I have to wait for my AF to arrive dan go n c her....
you so cute in your explaination, i cun help giggling, sort of cheer me up!! my hubby wants 3, i say 2 first see how. now want 1 also so difficult!! been trying since early last year, strike once but end up M/C in jan, have been trying since ......

My TCM dun wanna see hubby leh, say if can conceive but M/C, problem is me not him ..... sigh ...... make me feel so guilty!!
nearly want to kill myself when i heard that!

she also told me to come back & see her after next AF arrive. Fizz went to Dr Heng, then heng heng strike, hope we also heng heng strike soon!!

Have been following this thread for sometime, have been ttc for abt 4 mths and still not successful.
So thot of seeing a doc.... as Bedok is not too convenient, may I know which other female gynaes are recommended?

Also kinda lost about about what tests will be done during the first consultation?? Is there a specific time in my cycle that i should schedule the appt at?

yuki, take good care..rest well ok...

stella, great news about seeing the sac. Your gynae is right, only 6 weeks then you can see the heartbeat so don't be worried that you can only see the sac and not the heartbeat on your 5th week. Hope you didn't read this message bcos you are supposed to be doing full bedrest ok?
u had clomid & hcg jab ya? did gynae give u any progesterone? i wanna ask if u kena any psuedo-preggie symptoms yet... if kena, can share wat u having? thanks
hi carebear! Welcome
I have a TTC spreadsheet complied by Char previously, on a list of gynaes, TCM physicians etc. i'll send to u if u want, pls PM me. If other ladies want it, PM me wif ur email ok

juju - wah... me feeling v xing ku leh. My jab was since last monday (12/6), so I presume I release eggie on 13/6 or 14/6. Today shd be DPO 8 or 9... the pseudo- preggie symptoms seemed worse today. keep feeling pukey once in a while throughout the day! yesterday, have creamy discharge also. Had a little dark stain on my undies leh (but only as big as an ink droplet tat stain cloth, if never close pen cap properely). Kermit did mention tat implantation takes place

Guess, i don't want to read into the symptoms too much! What abt u? I didn't get a progesterone jab after tat, maybe becoz my hormone test at CD2 seems pretty ok?
btw, wat is the progesterone jab for?
Yeah lor, 1 already so difficult. And I am still thinking of 4! Haha! Me too, been trying since early last year.

Although M/C, at least you have conceived. Don't feel guilty. This probably means with more 'bu', everything should be okay.
Hmm.. What your TCM says seemed to make sense hor. You try to be more hardworking in taking the TCM lor.

For myself, if no time to boil, I make sure I drink the TCM more regularly than my hubby. Although hubby also needs to drink, I think I more important. Since I am the one producing the egg and keep the baby (if conceived lah).
hi louie,
thx for the reply. i'm on progesterone pills till 18dpo, no progesterone jab. doc said will help me support preggie if strike.
other than slight nausea, backache & little creamy discharge, i hv severe mood swings (so bad dat hubby scared i'm goin into depression). was jus contemplating abt s*****e yty... now ok liao. at least dun feel as down as yty... i dunno whether tis mood swing is bcos of hcg jab or my subconscious stress.
i'm going for a progesterone blood test tmr, to see if my hormones reflected dat i had O-ed... i may wan to req for v-scan to quickly assure myself dat i had O-ed... scary...
posh, how can ur TCM physcian be so sacarstic??!?!
Miscarriage cld be due to many reasons, cld be either the egg or spermy! How can she say tat??? Maybe u shd change TCM physician!! I was previously seeing Thong Chai, v pissed wif ze physician! Like I cannot ask questions, she gets v impatient. So, i refused to go bk aft 2 visits! Although ur hub's army is alright, but I believe still can improve one. So, if improve both wife & hub => higher chances rite?! My colleague miscarried 3 times, but now she has 2 kids already! All is possible
Seemed that you guys have lots of praises for Dr Heng. I have been to 3 gynaes already. Don't want to see anymore. Else will sure go to Dr Heng to see see.
Btw, anyone knows if Dr Heng is pro-TCM? Is she willing to communicate with TCM physician? Meaning providing info to the TCM physician?

My last gynae communicates with my TCM on my condition. He will write his comments in chinese to my TCM. But don't know why, I don't feel comfortable with him. So did not follow up with him. My 2nd gynae is anti-TCM. My 1st gynae also does not provide me with a lot of info. So now, just TCM alone.

Actually I was introduced by my friend to this TCM physician. Her colleague got pregnant after seeing this TCM physician and gynae for 1 year wher the TCM physician and gynae communicated about her condition. 'East-West combined'. Sounds like the best of both worlds!
hi juju - wow, CARE doing sooo many things for u! hee. The severe mood swings cld be caused by progesterone pills? Ha ha... paiseh, i don't understand ur short forms of @#%#^$
. My hub not in Sg, so he never kenna any of my mood swings! Don't think I have mood swings lor... just tat I gen more sad when he is away lah
Anywae, to be if really preggie, won't mind the MS for bb's sake

Tomorrow is ur DPO 7, doing the blood test ah!
for u!!!
V scan to see if egg follice sac has released egg? Me only supposed to see gynae either wif good news or next CD12!

sounds like positive developments leh. pseudo-preggie symptoms getting worse...spotting at DPO8...

*fingers crossed*

the progesterone jab is just like the progesterone pills but i think it's more effective. I took that too when i spotted at week 6. no joke..quite painful too
i wasn't swearing, it's a word i rather not type out in full... i rather MS than mood swing, cos hubby get very upset when he see me like dat... he nearly din wan to go work trip tis morn... haiz
tmr blood test for progesterone level (if high, means egg released successfully)... i'm hoping can do v-scan so dat can see immed.
Look at the bright side.
Do things that you like. Relax. Laze around, go kopi with friends, watch tv, go shopping, etc. Just bring your mind away for a while.

I think you can request V-scan from your gynae.
juju - think u shd give urself less presure!! U sound quite stressed out, guess u have come a long way since TTC-ing. Really need to relax, & not think so much abt it

kermit - hopefully & prayfully! Don't wanna read too much into symptoms. Was praying to God saying, if tis cycle not successful... I'll just trust tat u'll surely give me a bb soon
Don't wanna stress myself out! on the possible treatments, i just leave it to my gynae. Think she knows best! heh! Compared my treaments wif another lady seeing her also, she doesn't just prescribe the same med, tests etc. but looking at each person's condition. So, am v glad
Btw, i have a fren seeing ur gynae

Whee, My gynae is neutral abt TCM. However, my TCM physician was v agst western med, either i take clomid OR only her med. U have to find out which gynaes actually tie up with TCM... not tat many i think. Only heard Dr Fong (Gleneagles) link up wif kermit's TCM physician.
whee & louie,
i wasn't even thinking how the results will turn out lor... i jus woke up & everything became haywire. next thing i noe, i was crying & scolding hubby, without rhyme or reason
will try to ask for v-scan tmr, at least can noe immed whether i O-ed boh.

long way? i dunno siah... some ppl ttc longer than me, also like dat. i started in nov 04, seriously started (i.e. see gynae) jul 05. i guess not very long bah.

it's the HCG and the progesterone that you took. the mood swings are horrible..i know what you mean..for a while i will feel ok, then the next, i feel like it's the end of the world liao...

how to combat it? go to sleep!!!
juju - don't worry too much. Maybe its all the hormones creating havoc in ur body!! hee. hang in there gal!!
. Maybe, ur hub cld take leave wif u, can go to the beach or somewhere nice for dinner, stroll etc.

Sorry, then my mistake coz i rem u as one of the earlier gals chatting in tis forum mah
yes, u described my moods perfectly! i can't go to sleep everytime it comes, cos it's time to go work. how i wish i can stay home & jus slp my days away

i think u read my prev posts (jul-dec 05)... hubby can't take leave at all, his big boss issued memo, no one allowed to take leave till sep/oct. we did a wkend getaway 2 wks back, but maybe dat time haven take jab or watever, so not dat stressed bah
hi juju, louie,

hey, how come u both seem to need to go back for followups? for me, my gynae juz ask me to monitor if i ovulate by doing OPK tests myself and if i neber strike this cycle, to go bk to him on my next CD1 for more clomid pills leh. he neber ask me to go back for followup scans to see if i have realie ovulated anot... maybe he kws it's hopeless case for me this time round liao so cannot be bothered to ask me to to bk... haiz... and until now, i still dun detect any LH surge...
hi louie,
not really leh, my 1st & 2nd gynae actually is quite famous & is pte dr
oni the 3rd one do v-scan for me during my 1st visit
can send the TTC spreadsheet to me, i hav PM u my email add
thks in adv!!!

hi whee,
thks for ur TCM add!!!
juju - aiyoh, ur hub's boss slave driver ah?! As wat kermit says, jus sleep ur mood swings away. Think u have more hormones creating havoc than me coz u have both the HCG jab + progesterone pills!!

christine, *pat pat* don't be upset. maybe u can ask ur gynae abt hCG jab to help mature egg & release egg next cycle if tis cycle not successful. U tell him tat u quite stressed abt TTC-ing & see if he can proactively help u guys. Give u HCG jab / blood test to test progesterone level at DPO 7 to see if got O / V scan to see if egg follicle got burst etc?
Btw, how long is ur cycle usually & wat CD are u in today? maybe u really haven't O yet? not to worry ya
hi juju, louie,

thanks! my cycle is normally 31 days. i normally detect my LH surge on CD15, which is tomorrow... but my gynae said due to clomid, shld O faster. so dunno. hoping to detect the surge soon... wah, if this mth neber O, then will be 1st time neber O for the last 6 mths as i have been doing the OPK tests and BBT charting. haa... and with clomid somemore! kekeke... now trying to keep my mind away fr wondering abt my O...
synergy - Oh really, pte gynae so bo-chup one ah? I guess some gynaes are more helpful for couples who are TTC-ing, some may be famous gynaes, more for delivering babies... but less proactive for TTC-ing? anywae, most impt is to find someone whom u are comfy wif & can help u wif TTC woes!
Sent u the spreadsheet liao!

christine, my fren's gynae also scanned egg for her, her gynae thinks egg big enuf (she has PCOS & just started 50mg of clomid), but her gynae didn't give her HCG jab or do any blood test... just wait 2 O naturally! So, NO FIXED mtd wats best. So, don't be upset ok! there is always hope in God
tell ur gynae wat u wan... my doc din wan to do O monitoring for me one... i insisted she do it for me cos i ttc quite some time liao. also wif my pcos, i wan to noe whether i can O boh... dat's why she start me on O monitoring... try to talk to ur gynae & address ur concerns
hi juju, louie,

thanks for all yr encouragement and support! ya, i juz email my gynae to ask him if i can take any tests to confirm. TTC can be so stressful, i'm so glad i have all of u here to share and chat with! thanks alot everyone! cheers!
christine, ha ha... yes, mind will keep wondering whether got O. Just have to distract urself! hee
Clomid will generally help pple to O earlier, but not necessarily so. My last cycle, i was so stressed out... in the end never O & my BBT was flat throughout. So, must try to lighten up ok!
Me no longer taking BBT... gynae says to stressful, not necc. since I already saw ze eggie + HCG jab - didn't even bother wif OPK or BBT tis cycle. hee hee
Dr Fong (gleneagles) was the doctor recommended by my TCM physician. It is not that he is not good. But I just felt more at ease with my previous 2 gynaes.

Maybe your TCM physician is afraid clomid and her medicine will 'clash'? My TCM physician is not against clomid. But she is against taking other chinese herbs at the same time with hers.
No problem! But, remember, TCM is very slow. My friend's colleague got preggie after seeing her and her gynae for 1 year. For me leh, since Nov till now.

And hor, her medicine need to boil one leh. Think there is another TCM physician the other girls are seeing. Think no need to boil. All capsules. But cannot remember who the TCM physician is and who are seeing her. Girls, anyone?
hi whee,
got to boil ah?daily or 2~3 times a wk?
i heard can use "Zhi Sa" pot ri?
no choice lah, even slow hav 2 try, better than do nothing!
let add oil 2gether, ok?!
i quite diligent taking my TCM, but now TCM go on holiday so i having a break.

you tink my TCM was mean saying that, but guess what?? Dr Heng said that too when i saw her yesterday!! why must it be my fault???!!! as you say, can be my eggie or hubby's army wat!! but whatever, it's over i can live with it!

poor thing!! hughugs!! i can feel your stress. Guess we are in the same boat on this! Dr Heng also advised me to stop taking my BBT, she says I look like I breaking down anytime...... sigh .........

here's info on pre-seed from the net.

Pre~~Seed is the first "sperm-friendly" Intimate Moisture that mimics natural body secretions to relieve vaginal dryness while providing an optimal sperm environment. Pre~~Seed's moisture is delivered in a fluid with the same pH and osmolarity as semen, so as not to harm sperm, and to be mild to a woman's body.

Pre~~Seed contains a naturally occurring bioactive plant sugar (arabinogalactan) which provides antioxidant support to cells. Antioxidant levels can be severely decreased in semen from men with fertility problems (see Reference Library) Pre~~Seed comes in convenient single use vaginal applicators to coat the vagina and external cervix to replenish nature's moisture without harming sperm even while trying to conceive ?a time of increased vaginal dryness when other personal lubricants should be avoided.
Product Testing

We are proud of the testing that goes into ensuring Pre~~Seed offers you gentle, sperm-friendly moisture.

Pre~~Seed has been clinically tested for irritation in people and rabbits. These tests showed no evidence of reactivity.

Additionally, each lot of Pre~~Seed is carefully screened to assure a sperm-friendly environment before it is released for sale. To our knowledge, we are the only vaginal moisturizer or lubricant manufacturer that performs "Lot Release" testing to ensure that the product will relieve vaginal dryness while providing an optimal environment for sperm.

Each lot is tested to ensure:

pH between 7.2 and 7.6
Osmolarity between 300 and 380 mOsmo/kg
No harm to Mouse Embryos: assures that greater than 85% of one cell mouse embryos develop to the blastocyst stage when cultured with Pre~~Seed. This analysis is the FDA test for all media solutions used in assisted reproduction such IUI or IVF.
Sperm-friendliness: freshly ejaculated human sperm are cultured with Pre~~Seed in media to ensure that the percentage of swimming sperm, and their swimming speed is not negatively effected by the Pre~~Seed.
hi girls,
can i know what does DPO stands for?

I am at CD30 today and my cycle length range from 30 to 35 days. I don't take my temperature but i brought a ovulation kit but did not used it. Wonder if i will be bless this round...
carebear & jesmine,
welcome to TTC!

DPO means day past ovulation. so if you ovulate on CD24, CD 25 will be your DPO1. is this your first cycle trying?
which mean having BD after the O will increase the chances of having baby ? after how many days from the O date the egg will be gone ?
hi posh,
thanks for replying.

ic. since i din take my bbt so i do not know when did i ovulate. but i use the ovulation calender and it say somewhere along the CD14 or something.

On your qn, not my first cycle trying. We do hope to have a baby but then again i am clueless on how to do the charting and stuff. so it is like leave it to nature but so far no news since feb.

thx for understanding... my doc can't see dat yet, cos i look cheerful in front of her, maybe she tends to give me good news
i stopped taking bbt for abt 6 mths liao & only use opk when my doc cfrm dat i'm going to O...

i think posh is quite detailed in the explanations alrdy. basically, ky jelly is anti-sperm friendly, whereas pre-seed is spermies best friend.

DPO = days past ovulation
