A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Actually hor, I also not very sure what SO-IUI is. I heard about it from the past postings.

Think have to go for injections during the first few days of the cycle for more eggs to mature. Maybe that is why more expensive. Would need someone more knowledgeable to share this with us.

I think I probably respond well to clomid, that's why gynae did not recommend SO-IUI. Probably IUI is enough. Anyway, I still have not succeeded yet, with or without IUI. Haha..
thnx for sharing your experience, like that maybe i should go see her this few days. you called & got an appointment straight away? how much she charged you?

thnx, me ignorant thought always must jab, i am quite wary of needles!

can you please tell me more about IUI. now i contemplating other options. must go specialist for this procedure?
char - heard good comments abt Dr Heng but her clinic so far from my house, sigh, don tik can make it to bedok everytime.
Hi Gals

Thanks so much for your concerns. I done my lap on last thu... still waiting for my biopsy results to be out this thu... even though my gynae told me that it doesn't look like cancer cells to her, but can't help being worried...

I have also removed my left ovary during this op coz it's very badly inflammed and my gynae told me that even if I keep it, it's not going to help conceiving... so, I guess it would be even harder for me to conceive in future.

Nevertheless, think health is more important.

Thank you so much for the well wishes... as I'm still trying to recuperate... won't be logging on as often... but will try to update u gals on my well-being... Once again, thank you... I'm really touched...

Saw yr mail about the scan, dun be worried too early. perhaps, u wanna try to see TCM for alternative advise? I saw online before that there's another gal who's gynae also told her cannot see the sac but after seeing TCM, the sac starts growing...

Do take care of yourself in the meantime... if u feel unwell... it's better to stay @ home for complete bed rest...
Yuki - good to hear from you! Yes health is still most impt, without health cant do anything also. Take good rest!
Take good care yuki..We are here for you...
<table border=1><tr><td>
</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>As of Date</TD><TD>21-Jun</TD><TD>22-Jun</TD><TD>23-Jun</TD><TD>24-Jun</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>CD</TD><TD>CD</TD><TD>CD</TD><TD>CD</TD><TD>O date</TD><TD>AF Expected</TD><TD>Cycle length </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vernice</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>3-Jul</TD><TD>13-Jul</TD><TD>? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Whee</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>30-Jun</TD><TD>15-Jul</TD><TD>24-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hoonie</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>4-Jul</TD><TD>18-Jul</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>25-Jun</TD><TD>8-Jul</TD><TD>28 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elizabeth</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>11</TD><TD>12</TD><TD>13</TD><TD>27-Jun</TD><TD>12-Jul</TD><TD>26-30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Piggy_ng</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>30 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sihui</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>16</TD><TD>17</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>23-Jun</TD><TD>8-Jul</TD><TD>30-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD>18</TD><TD>19</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>28 - 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Nick</TD><TD>CD</TD><TD>DPO</TD><TD>AF Expected</TD><TD>Cycle length</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD>15</TD><TD>2 dpo</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>24-Jun</TD><TD>28 - 31</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Hayashi Hakida</TD><TD>BFP??</TD><TD></TD><TD>16-18 June</TD><TD>30-32</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Icebaby</TD><TD>BFP??</TD><TD></TD><TD>16-Jun</TD><TD>30</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD>BFP??</TD><TD></TD><TD>13-Jun</TD><TD>30-32</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>posh</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>1-Jul</TD><TD>35-42</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>5 dpo</TD><TD>30-Jun</TD><TD>30-32</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>April</TD><TD>20</TD><TD>6 dpo</TD><TD>29-Jun</TD><TD>27-28</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jo</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>8 dpo</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>?</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>4 dpo</TD><TD>?</TD><TD>34 - 36</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Sharon</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>8 dpo</TD><TD>28-Jun</TD><TD>31-34</TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD>Fizz</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kermit</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>MSN_Queen</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bloom75</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Minidach</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Zenn</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Katherine</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stella</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Feliza</td></tr></table>
hi juju, louie,

thanks! i did not get the HCG jab aft all cos the eggie is still alittle small. gynae asked me to monitor by doing OPK test this mth to see if i can ovulate automatically anot, cos based on my OPK &amp; BBT charting for the past 6 mths, i do ovulate.

oso, he said to increase my dosage of clomid to 3 tablets (can die man!) for my next cycle so as to prepare the eggie for IUI. but i realie hope dat i can strike this time round cos i dun like taking clomid at all... haiz... but then again, my hubby's soldiers are not dat strong leh...

my gynae is doc fong yang...
hi yuki,

realie glad to see u here again. u take care okie? dun think so much arh, i'm sure u'll be fine. have a gd rest and have a speedy recovery. and remember, we are here for u! *hugs*
hi char,

can i have dr heng's contact too? might want to seek 2nd opinion as to whether i realie have got PCOS anot. cos all my BBT &amp; OPK results say i do ovulate every mth... oso, my gynae did not ask me to do any blood test to conf PCOS until now. thks!
hi koori,
Where are you staying?

Hi Posh/Christine,
Please see below....
Dr Heng is located at 2 locations:

#02-08 East Shore Medical Centre
319,Joo Chiat Place
Blk 210 New Upper Changi Rd
#01-699 S460210 (Opposite Bedok MRT)

She does her consultation at East Shore on:
Tues 9.30am-12.30pm,2.30pm -5.30pm
Thurs &amp; Fri 9.30am-12.30pm
Alt Sat 9.30pm -1pm

At Bedok:
Mon &amp; Wed 9.30am-12.30pm,2pm -5.30pm,6.30pm-8pm
Fri 2.30pm -5.30pm
Alt Sat 9.30pm -1pm

Pap smear-$25
Ultrasound scan-$50

Have to call in advance for appointment..for me, I waited for 1.5 weeks for an apoointment time in the evening...

glad to see you are better.

have a good rest! my friend who also only have one tube also conceived. take longer doesn't mean CANNOT. keep your spirit up!
my SIL also has 1 ovary removed, but she has no problem conceiving the next. Both her children are exactly 1 yr apart. Though it may take slightly longer to conceive, but one day you will definitely succeed. You know whenever I'm down due to ttc, my hubby will always tell me I must be patient to achieve what i want. If we believe in ourselves, one day, we will have our dreams come true. It just take slightly longer and doesn't mean Never. Do take care and recuperate fast k.
Got the following from the internet as I am not very good with explanation.

Q: What is an IUI and how is it done?
A: An IUI -- intrauterine insemination -- is performed by injecting washed sperm directly into the uterus through the cervix.

The process just takes a few minutes and have to lie down for 20-30 mins. I think only a gynae can perform such procedure. I am not sure, but don't think a GP can. I understand chances with IUI may increase but not a lot. I have done 3 IUIs but failed. But I have also heard of those who succeeded with IUI. So nevertheless, chances will increase with IUI.

The process is not painful for me. Something like pap smear. But have to have full bladder and have to tahan for about 30 mins before I can clear my bladder! For the last IUI, my gynae inserted something to clear my bladder for me cos my bladder was really bursting. Phew!

Later on, I learnt that I have a retroverted uterus. Not sure is that why full bladder is required. Or in general, full bladder is required for IUI. Better to consult the gynae for more advice if you are contemplating this option.

I hope the above helps.
hi whee,

thanks for providing us with this info! are u taking clomid prior to IUI too? i wondering if clomid is realie neccessary. oso, why did u choose to opt for IUI? do u mind sharing with me?
hi girls,

need some advice..

I actually have some/ little spotting (2 or 3 drops)around my DPO 10. Detected when I wipe myself after passing urine. saw it on my undies too. (some mucus with some blood stains) My period is due tomorrow thou.

Do you girls think i might or any chances that I am preggy? (keeping my fingers cross)

the spotting around DPO10 sounds like implantation bleeding, the timing is right.

how's your BBT? still high?

if AF don't come tomorrow and BBT tmr is still high, you could test!

*keeping fingers crossed with you*
hi phillis,

agree with kermit. if temp still high and remain high for tomorrow and the next few days and AF still not come, then whoo hoo, u moz likely preggie liao! best wishes! remember to shower all of us with lots of baby dust then okie?
hi kermit,

thanks for your reply..

but I only have it for only a day with very very little bleeding. sigh.. stress manz..

I really do hope I make it this time round. but I didn't detect my O this month which is weired cos its my first time not detecting it after 8 months of using OPK. but i jus BD lor..

and i did not continue to take my BBT as i do not want to stress myself up.

kermit: how many weeks are u in now? sprinkle some BB dust to me ya.. hee hee.. thanks..
thnx for dr heng's add, manage to fix an appointment today, going to see her later.

thnx for info on IUI, now must seek hubby's opinion &amp; gynae's too. was it difficult to convience your hubby to do test?

keeping my fingers cross for you too!! give us good news soon ya!
hi christine,

i've jus check with my DH that i had my spotting on DPO 7/8. but not 10..

hopefully my auntie won't come tomorrow.. haha...

if i really kanna, i'll shower all my bb dust to all ttc kakie here.. and pray for you too..

*"oh god, please.. please tell my auntie NOT to come.. "
hi bettle,
i got ur advise!thks a lot!

hi christine,
did ur gynae do v-scan for u?
for my case, my gynae do v-scan for me, i can see got few black dots both ovaries
1 of PCOS syndrome
hi phillis,

dun stress yrself up too much k? i always find dat my AF will play a fool with me when i kept on wondering if it is coming. heehee...

hi synergy,
yup, did a vscan. saw a few verie small cysts in my ovaries which he said will not affect me in anyway. does this means PCOS too?

so are u taking clomid as well?
hi christine,
i think those small cysts are the immature eggs
my gynae say may be mild PCOS, i will do a blood test 2/3d on my next cycle
yap, i 4 cycles of clomid already, still no good news
christine, beautiful.
You are welcome. I am glad to share what I know.

Yes, I took clomid prior to IUI. Taken 3 cycles of clomid together with 3 IUIs. But not successful. And yes, have to take leaves often to monitor the growth of the eggs. That is why I stopped eventually. Too stressful for me - urgent leaves and the waiting time at the clinic and the carpark is bad.

Frankly speaking, I did not know much about clomid and IUI previously. Gynae did not tell me I did not ovulate or ovulate well or not. She just told me clomid will help me, then I take. Then she suggested IUI will increase chance. Then since affordable, we also went for it. Maybe we did not do much research, so, our reasons for going for clomid and IUI are simply simple.

Some gynaes would recommended HSG test before going for IUI. Cos HSG will confirm if their tubes are okay. If tubes are blocked, then IUI will be wasted. For me, I performed the HSG test after 2 IUIs.

You can say that we just followed what the gynae suggested.
Fyi, I have been to 3 gynaes and 1 TCM. All say different things. Even with the same HSG report. Blur! And since I find going to gynaes more stressful, I just go to the TCM now.
Nope, my hubby went for the SA test willingly. Gynae suggested and he says okay. I am really glad that he is receptive to it.

Both of us wish to have kids. So, we are both putting in the effort. Including drinking bitter TCM.

But the only thing I do not have courage to do is going for the lap op.
That would confirm if my tubes are blocked and also any other causes to infertility. But it is an invasive procedure. So, I am very reluctant to do it, unless very necessary. Now, I hope that TCM would help.
hi synergy, whee,

hmm... perhaps i having mild PCOS too, dat's why my gynae put me on clomid. nw he wana increased the intake to 3 tablets. isit a lot? i've done HSG test liao, my tubes are fine, perhaps this is why he asked if we wld be interested to do IUI anot... now keeping my fingers crossed and hope i ovulate naturally this mth. shld be able to detect LH surge soon. i thot OPK will not be accurate for ladies with PCOS but gynae said can rely on it leh... now i oso getting confused...
Glad that you have passed the HSG test.
Then at least your IUI will not be wasted if you decided to go for it.

Sorry I don't know much about PCOS. So, cannot help you with this. If gynae says can rely on OPK, think should be okay?
How many were you taking previously? Did your gynae explain why he wants to increase to 3?

For the 3 cycles of clomid, I only took 1 tablet. According to the 1st gynae, I am responding well to it. That's why I did not take when the 3rd gynae I went to gave me 2 tablets the 1st time he sees me. Not comfortable.
hi christine,
for my 1st 4 cycles of clomid, i was with my 1st gynae
1st cycle, he gave me 1 tablet for 5days, no blood test is done
2nd cycle, he gave me 2 tablets for 5 days, blood test done, result good, oso use OPK started fr CD10, no positive result
3rd cycle, oso 2 tablets for 5 days, no blood test is done, i requested him to do vscan, he say no need
4th cycle, 2 tablets for 5 days, went to 2nd gynae, asking for vscan, he told me not accurate for vscan, blood test is more accurate
then... i chg to 3rd gynae, do vscan for me, mild PCOS

hi whee,
can i know ur TCM name &amp; address?
me &amp; hubby loves kids!! jus wondering if SA is a neccessary procedure coz i do not wish to stress him.

i jus came back from dr heng's. she's indeed very friendly, staff there quite helpful too. she suggested clomid next cycle to help me ovulate. she says can try with a small dosage first &amp; she will help me monitor.
My TCM is as follows:

Dr Tan S.L. (chinese name is Chen Qiu Lan)
@ Teck Chua Medical Hall
Blk 322 Hougang Ave 5 #01-84

Dr Tan is a doctor at Thong Chai too, but I see her at Hougang.
yuki, good to know tat u are ok
Take time to recupperate &amp; think u'll need to seek help fr gynae to get ur preggie aft tat. But don't worry or be upset ok, we all behind u!!!

whee - thanks for the info. but my gynae didn't give me jab in earlier days lor, so even if she wanted to help me do IUI, it will be normal IUI not SO-IUI lor.

Christine - don't be too upset. Why can't take 2 tabs of clomid, but increase direct to 3 tabs? anywae, since ur hub's army not too good like u said, so guess ur gynae want to ensure tat u have a few good eggs to do IUI. Jus have to trust the doc i guess
Watever the side effects, as long can get preggie... I am willing

kermit - got ur email. Will collect fr post office next mon, got them to trsf pkg to takashimaya branch! hee... will write u a chq soon
We love kids too!
In fact, I want 4 - 2 boys 2 girls just nice (as if can plan.. haha..). Hubby thinks 2 is enough. Anyway, I am quite certain I will change my mind after I have my 1st. Haha.. :p

How long have you been trying? If only a few months, then maybe not necessary for SA test yet. Probably the baby time has not come for you yet.
In fact, some gynaes will say go natural 1st and return for checkup only if still not conceived in 1 year. If have been trying for some time, good for him to test. If your hubby is slightly senior, good to test too. At least, you know what to do in case it is his problem.

My hubby is 6 years my senior (I am 30 this year). So, my gynae asks him to do the test think on the 2nd cycle we are seeing her (we started seeing gynae after TTC 3 months). Indeed, his sperm count is not very satisfactory. Think because of his age and work stress. Luckily hubby took the test and willingly.

I have been on TCM since Dec last year. Was not drinking the medicine regularly initially cos very troublesome. Was not willing to commit the time. But was very hardworking for the past 3 months. Now become part of our routine.

Improvement wise, my BBT chart has improved. BBT is higher after O. I was so excited the 1st time I saw the high temperature. Haha! My body also felt warmer. Other than that, not much.

My hubby is more observant to his body. So, he felt the change more. He felt more energetic (the medicine also 'bu' kidney). He felt his 'didi' is more 'alive' (I don't know how to describe. I am not sure if you know what I mean :p). Also, at times, during my O, dr will add medicine to increase his sexual desire. Hehe..

I am not sure how good is my TCM. Cos till now, I have not succeeded yet. But, since we quite like her, and what she says makes sense to us, and a lot of patients are seeing her (cos waiting time is long - some consolation), we will just follow her. At least we don't feel stressed waiting to see her compared to waiting to see gynaes. In fact, we quite look forward to chatting with her.
synergy- are u seeing KKH/SGH? Errmm... i realised only restructured hospitals will ask u to take clomid, without V scan. Pte gynaes will always monitor for u.

kermit, i did see a little stain on my undie, only size of a drip of pen ink when never close pen properely!
but when i wipe aft pee. don't see anything liao. Today, shd be DPO7 or 8.

phillis - keeping fingers crossed for u
Is ur BBT still high, if so then likely preggie. Test &amp; tell us ya!!

hi whee, synergy, louie,

thanks. i'm taking 2 tablets currently. but i went for the scan on CD11 and gynae said the egg still like abit small like dat and seems to be growing alittle more slowly than the ideal. so he said to take 3 tablets the next round lor...
