A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

paperplane, taking BBT is to see how ur body temperature response. normally need to take a few cycle to see the pattern.

then from there you will see like when u will ovulate or when ur AF coming.. etc.
Hi Louie

The temp increase when u O... fertilityfriend will put a cross @ the lowest coz the highest pt means u hv ovulated already.... since u take in the morning... the time u ovulate could be anytime from morning of the lowest to the morning of highest... (if u understand wat I meant..)

As wat I understand of OPK is that it will show +ve 1-2 days before u O coz of surge of LH... I think... coz I dun use OPK...

If that's correct, u shld see +ve 1 days bf u reach yr lowest temp...

U might wanna put yr BBT & OPK readings here then we see how izzit...
Hi Avenie

My result is 53.01 ng/ml but also dunno wat that meant....

Will go home and compare wif my previous one... then see how lor... if still dun understand maybe will call my gynae tmr to check...

In the meantime....
Hi hi...

Tami...hee...I cant catch up either...I was so busy tis am...gettin f%@# upside down...tat I hv jus finished my lunch...now it is time to destress a bit...

Paperplane...my gynae mentioned to me tat the egg has to reach btw 20mm to 25mm b4 it is suitable to b released leh...I tink the calculation is deduced fm the avg of the width n ht of the egg measured on the screen...cos my gynae always does her calculations aloud...

Yuki...congratz on the qlity of yr egg...so when wil u noe if u r BFP or not?...

My BBT has dropped drastically tis mth as compared to the previous 3 mths...I m hvg some phobia tat tis may indicate non-ovu...based on my past experience...
paperplane, i din monitor cozs very tedious. need to take ur temp at the same time every day even sat n sun.

from wat i heard is when ur temp is high means u have ovulated.

so got to montior a few cycles then accurate. then u will know at which day u will ovulate lor.
fizz, yepyep, i think min is 16mm, best is between 20mm to 25 mm.... kekeke....

u job sound very stress hor ? my previous job oso stress but my course gave me more headache.. sianz...
hi juju, thanks for the link.. hmm ltr wil go n read..

so tedious ah, i m very lazy type leh.. sigh..
how much is the thermometer ?

sometimes i wonder, are we taking too much chemical and preservative food that make our sensitive parts dun functioning well ? if so, eating habits need to adjust liao..
Hi Fizz

If my cycle shortened this mth... then wld be on 20th... if same as last mth will be 22/23... so, if I want something very sure gotta wait till next friday... if confirm, no AF then will test for HPT lor... dunno whether can tahan so long also or not... if cannot tahan... maybe this weekend will test liao... hahahhaha...
can u elaborate what's your 6 wks mean?

4/3(CD1) consider your 1st day, 17/3(CD14) your ovalution. start to BD on alternate days starting from 13/3(CD10) to 18/3(CD15) in case u ovalute late. when u notice your discharge which look like egg white appear more than the other days it show tt u r ovulating can BD more on tt day as u wish. Go ahead tonite for BD den follow by 17/3(CD14,your ovalution day) this is based on CD28. break down for u:today is your CD11, O on 17/3(CD14), DPO not yet bcos u have not pass your ovalution. 1st day of DPO = ovalution day(CD14).

congrat, hope u r preggie! how u know your O was 3 days earlier? although now i'm striked i only noe abt the basic. tell us more so the rest of the gals can detect their ovalution easily. thks!
paperplane, it better to buy thermometer with 2 decimal places. u can get 1 at Guardian. mine i bought long ago din remember how much.
Yuki, hope bb dust follow u.
Btw, i also due for AF next tues, hope don come, haha. But not much chances cos only BD once this cycle
Hi Urger

I'm hoping too... so, spread more of yr babydust to me hor...

I took BBT for all 3 cycles and monitor the temp based on that lor... the temp dropped earlier... and my CM also changes earlier... so roughly can tell that O shld be coming soon... already started earlier on CD 12... so, still on time... but for those who dun take BBT, it's quite safe to say that u shld O somewhere between CD 10 to CD 20 lor... I normally starts CD 10 to start the engine going mah... otherwise, like really for the sake of having BB then go ML like that... very mechanic leh... hahahha...
Hi Koori

I hope so... dun give up hopes so fast... who knows yr hubby "tuan jie shi li liang" all the spermie goes to visit yr egg during that one try leh...

Hi Penguin

Not necessary lah... EWCM is only a guide for O... maybe quite misleading @ times... Are u also taking BBT or OPK?
Yuki i want to help you bring forth the table ut it seems like out of shape... So I dare not touch the table... can help us to bring into here?

paperplane, u very funny when saying "buy xxx video to watch" to simulate DH to work har.. I giggling..

i got the EWCM already, I think O over liao.. Not yet try already miss the boat.. sigh..
yuki,i not taking anything except for the folic acid, not taking BBT or OPK. mine is quite irregular. gynae says if after 3 months still cannot will go back to him to take some medication for O.

louie, to my understanding, have CM means ouvated, nope??? if so then muz really follow paperplane method go and buy xxx vcd liao.

Yest my DH come back, sleep like a pig ler.. Should I feed him Ginseng tonight??

I going home liao, bye bye.
(As of 15 March)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO / O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> DPO 9</TD><TD> 20 March</TD><TD> 28 32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 35</TD><TD> DPO 13</TD><TD> 16 March</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 23</TD><TD> DPO 9</TD><TD> 21 March</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fizz</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> 18 March</TD><TD> 1 April</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Avenie</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> DPO 2</TD><TD> 30 March</TD><TD> 28-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Enerus</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 14 March</TD><TD> 28 Mar 06</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pepper</TD><TD> 10</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>WanBB</TD><TD> 31</TD><TD> DPO 9</TD><TD> 20 Mar</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 14</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> 1-Apr</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 33</TD><TD> DPO 14</TD><TD> 32-24 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Katerine</TD><TD> 7</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD>3/Apr to 9/Apr</TD><TD> 21 Mar</TD><TD> 32- 35 day </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> 2</TD><TD> 2 april</TD><TD> 31-35 days</td></tr></table>
Hi Penguine

Tot if yr cycle is irregular... all the more u shld track yr BBT &amp; OPK...

CM not very accurate one leh... like last mth for mi, I ovulated... but my EWCM comes 2 days earlier...

Can try to feed him with ginseng lah... then he cannot sleep will be able to BD WHOLE NITE mah... hhahahaha...
wahhh..........ur the best man!

so meaning BD tonite lah.. then another try on the 17 Mar which is Fri? okies! kkekekee.. will try ya..

think must print out all ur explanations man! kekeke.. sorry me very blur sotong one...

really ah? hope ur preggie! Congrats!
penguin, think u mistaken liao!!! EWCM is best time lah... Jia You Jia You

From Fertility fren:
Eggwhite: This is your most fertile cervical fluid. Record "eggwhite" if your cervical fluid looks at all like real eggwhite, is stretchy and clear, or clear tinged with white, or even clear tinged with pink. It also resembles semen (and has a lot of the same physical properties to allow the sperm to travel and be nourished). You should be able to stretch it between your thumb and index finger.
yuki &amp; all,
here is my baby dust

u r
! my knowledge is limited so i juz help when i can. yes, BD tonite &amp; 17/3(Fri). BD more on O if can, enjoy &amp; gd luck. ya, DPO1 is the next day of O.

thanks so much for correcting me! i am still in the process of learning.
hi fizz,
i will be having my appt at Bedok.
Dr heng will be duty there this weekend. my appt is in the morning 10plus.
HEhehee.... maybe will get to see you leh.... leave a PM to me if u are going there on sat huh :p
Hey really made me keen on doing IUI too.... hahha, me really dun wish to wait further coz really is delay my decision on a job change

Hi Yuki,
Eh, high chance for you huh? Wish u luck....
Anyway, talkng abt my job.... I am feeling so stress up.... my old colleague are gone in the dpet like chging new blood, everything for us to retrain and tell them where are the stuff. Worst is my lady boss is super ON type lor, everything must go thru her.... and sometimes there isn't much delegation going on.... the best thing abt her is everything she will say impt... end end up u will have a lot of deadlines to meet..... ONLY FOR HER!!!
Feel so stress up, Hubby has been asing me to quit and find a better job.... he's even prepare to let me quit w./o ajob

this weekend is O-ing day for me... think must work hard and alt BD......
kat - i do experience a little cramp at my lower abs ( either left or right ) if i ovulate. that is one of the symptom I observed.

according to my gynae if you tested +ve with OPK, must BD that day. FYI...our egg on alive from 24 - 48 hours. so time is very precious
bettle bug,
ya lor...i guess abt the same...my body is heaty n womb is slightly weak...muz bu lor...how abt u?
Hi Penguin

EWCM may appear either b4 or durin yr O...so BD BD BD...go go go...

Hi Msn

Ok...wil PM u if I m goin there on sat... =p
the doc said my womb is weak, that is why not able to hold the implantation lor. i found it interesting leh cos she also prescribe vit c and E for me.
zenn - seems like you only able to online at so later hour ya. hmmm if that is the case your mid cycle is most likely between CD17/18 for 35 days cycle.

hmmm how come the range so wide one. Is your cycle regular?
yuki and paperplane - may i know which clinic did you go to... cos my gynae never take my blood test after O leh. she only do a ultrascan for me during my midcycle. then give me OPK to test.

why did u say u miss the boat? what's EWCM? I am just like u, never take OPK n BBT...just take it naturally. I think will go back to gynae if don't strike in the next 3 months...
ladies, the OPK u all are using is those strip type or those type that buy in guardian?

cozs strip type can only see line. not +ve leh..
Hi Katherine,
I used the strip type OPK. Yes, its shows 2 lines abt the same darkness as +ve and not + as +ve

Hi ladies, how's everyone tdy?
Hi Msn_queen

Too stress not good for TTC leh... if really so stressful and yr hubby can support, why not take a break @ home... rest and do fulltime TTC... hehehhe...

Good for u... yr O falls on weekend... my always fall on weekday... so ended up BD after work... so sometimes, quite tiring also... luckily my hubby is in the midst of changing job... so now, he's not working... not so stressed...

Hi Bettle_bug... mine is Dr Chua Yang @ a clinic for women... mine didn't do u/s...
(As of 16 March)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO / O date</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> Cycle length</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 23</TD><TD> DPO 10</TD><TD> 20 Mar</TD><TD> 28 32</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 36</TD><TD> DPO 14</TD><TD> 16 Mar</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 24</TD><TD> DPO 10</TD><TD> 21 Mar</TD><TD> 28</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fizz</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> 18 Mar</TD><TD> 1 Apr</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Avenie</TD><TD> 18</TD><TD> DPO 3</TD><TD> 30 Mar</TD><TD> 28-32 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Enerus</TD><TD> 13</TD><TD> 14 Mar</TD><TD> 28 Mar 06</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Pepper</TD><TD> 11</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>WanBB</TD><TD> 32</TD><TD> DPO 10</TD><TD> 20 Mar</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>penguin8</TD><TD> 15</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> 1-Apr</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bettle_bug</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 28 30</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Blueblue</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Louie</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> DPO 14</TD><TD> 32-24 </TD></TR><TR><TD>Katerine</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> DPO ?</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> ? </TD></TR><TR><TD>Paperplane</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD>3 Apr to 9 Apr</TD><TD> 21 Mar</TD><TD> 32- 35 day </TD></TR><TR><TD>Baby26</TD><TD> 3</TD><TD> 2 Apr</TD><TD> 31-35 days</td></tr></table>

hi ladies..

blueblue, as i really can't understand how all this AF system work, I always thought that having EWCM flowing down means I'd ouvalated. Then Louie was very kind to post the below. At least I am now clearer (thk u louie):

From Fertility fren:
Eggwhite: This is your most fertile cervical fluid. Record "eggwhite" if your cervical fluid looks at all like real eggwhite, is stretchy and clear, or clear tinged with white, or even clear tinged with pink. It also resembles semen (and has a lot of the same physical properties to allow the sperm to travel and be nourished). You should be able to stretch it between your thumb and index finger.

Blueblue since we are about the same date, want to ask u, u got the EWCM flowing out or not these few days?

yuki, thanks for your table, so helpful..

Fizz, Avenie and Blueblue, according to Yuki's table, your CD shows 17/17/16 so meaning 3 of u is going to O liao, got JIA YOU or not? Enerus and pepper better prepare to BD liao, hopefully not like me miss the boat. I am still trying hopefully can catch up with the boat by using a speed-boat now, hahaha..

is this a strip to test BFP or BFN? Is it cheap? i want to get the home test kit for stand by but very ex. Saw today's paper guardian selling 2pcs clearblue for $18, still very ex ler. Got any cheaper method to test?

bettle_bug, what is the u/s for? Why u need to take blood test after O? Is it for checking whether preggy or not har? Can check so early after O ah?
