A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

this is my second kid...
my gal is 2 yrs old..
very glad to be in time for the dog...
i tot no...
*bb dust to all*

oops i drank alot kopi these days...

can i check something with u?..
i got pain like u said on my left side of uterus...how?

angeline, u shd fix an appt with gynae next week (not GP, unless GP has ultrasound scan machine), cos u are likely to be in 5+ week by then, and doc shd be able to see a sac bag to confirm it is in the right place.

Donch worry too much. The pain could be due to implantation. Enjoy your blissful news with hubby!!

PS: i stress, my kind of pain is really really painful, not on-off pain. Also, my pain is slightly "higher up" than the uterus (cos the bb was in my tube).

Somehow, you will know its different loh.
Hi Angeline...


Btw...wat r yr preg symptoms?...when did these symptoms start?...u mention tat u experience pain on yr left side...errr...how pain is pain?...

I tink I blew my chances tis mth liow...no symptoms n my bb tenderness has lessen...waitin for AF to come home tis sat...
is it those pain like mense cramp...or more painful....

is mense pain..
like ovulation pain...

me too no symptoms..tt y i gave up hope thiunking anytime will see red...
no breast tenderness....
dun give up hope...
Hi mum_wannabe..
implantation will have pain one ah??i was still telling my hubby last night after supper that maybe we did not strike after all cos my breast start to gt tender dan start to have pain on my right tummy liao...was thinking that AF is on the way liaoo....haizz...have to wait till end of the month to early next month dan can test..so nervous...
Forget to tell u gals y me n hubby so kan cheong about have a bb this cycle...cos me thinking of changing job,so if this cycle got strike,dan i will stay on,else,will try to look for a new job...
Hi Angeline...

Ok...thx...wil hold on to hope until my auntie comes lookin for me...
use Vitex as a supreme hormonal tonic for women. Both extensive clinical studies, as well as over two thousand years of use in folk medicine, have proven the effectiveness of this remedy. It works by stimulating and normalizing the pituitary gland, which regulates the balance of estrogen and progesterone in the body.

In a normal menstrual cycle estrogen is higher before ovulation and progesterone is higher after. Many women don't realize that an imbalance of these hormones can lead to the entire range of symptoms associated with PMS and menopause! Vitex usually has the effect of enhancing progesterone and decreasing estrogen levels.

Vitex itself has none of the hormonal building blocks that many of the medicinal plants used for the reproductive system contain. Instead, this herb nourishes and supports the endocrine system to find its own balance. David Hoffman, a well-known herbalist, says "Vitex will always enable what is appropriate to occur."

Almost all of symptoms associated with the menstrual cycle can be treated with this plant. It is the single best herb for treating the many possible symptoms of PMS: cramps, flooding, headaches, depression, water retention, constipation, acne, breast tenderness, and irritability. It can help normalize irregular or scanty periods.

It is especially helpful for women who are coming off the birth control pill. For many women, cycles remain irregular for up to two years after stopping the pill. Vitex can greatly shorten that time and helps ease the body into regaining its own natural rhythm.

It is a wonderful tonic to enhance the chances of conception through its ability to regulate ovulation and if taken through the first trimester, vitex will reduce the chances of miscarriage. After the birth, it helps a new mother to produce plenty of milk.

Vitex also offers many benefits to women who are menopausal. It helps to relieve many of the uncomfortable symptoms of this transition time, including hot flashes, irregular cycles, depression, and flooding. Vitex is also an indispensable remedy for women with uterine fibroids, fibrocystic breasts, or endometriosis. All of these conditions proliferate under the influence of estrogen and shrink under the influence of progesterone.

This plant may be taken in tea form, although I prefer the tincture (alcohol extract). The dosage of is usually 30-50 drops, three times per day. Like all herbs, Vitex works best when combined with a lifestyle that includes pure water, whole food, gentle exercise, and plenty of self-love. Although you won't find it in the wild, Vitex is easy to grow in our bioregion. Just remember to leave it plenty of space, since it can get up to seventeen feet tall!

Vitex is a slow-acting herb. I usually recommend allowing three full cycles for the plant to really work its magic, and many women take it for up to several years. In the thousands of years that it has been in use, there are no reports of even the mildest side effects. Vitex is a safe, gentle, and effective remedy, with something to offer women in every cycle of life.
Taking extra vitamin B6 (approximately 50 mg a day) can also help you to get pregnant. This is especially true if one has irregular periods or absent periods or inappropriate production of breast milk outside of one's period.
in GNC has.....
cos i suspect i may have hormone unbalance...and luteal phase defect...so take this vitex n B6....B6 is for luteal phase defect...n vitex is for hormone unbalance...i realise pple get preg after a few cycles of vitex together with b6....u may wan to try....i still got a bttle of each...can sell to anyone interested at half price for each....
but most women oni take during fr cd1 to ovulation day n stop tilll next cycle...but i do see pple taking whole cycle...for me i kiasu...i take oni till ovulation...
hi char
yes, some women can experience pain when implantation occurs, and some even have slight bleeding (as the fertilised egg "drills" itself deeper into the lining). This was what my gynae explained to me.

Implantation usually occurs around the time your menses is due.
Before BD I went pee leh during BD still feel like goin again. Guess something is wrong with me seem nobody here have this problem. Just like Fizz I too give myself a deadline if by Apr I not preggie I will go look for a job...

Congrats! I so envy. At times when see pregnant women on the street or hospital I wish I could be like them...very good tt u r preggie.
hi mum-wannabe..
my cycle is like siao lang like dat leh...it can be regular for 2 cycles and can be haywire for another 3 cycles...my longest cycle so far is ard 50-60 days...
this time round, is becose i have found this thread and know more about TTC,plus i expel tonnes of clots in the last cycle,dan i try to use the OPK to track..me also try try see can or not....

We will all succeed soon!!
Hi gals,
but to think of it..if i tested +ve OPK on 17th and 18th,is it possible to have AF this weekend?or my cycle has gone gaga again?? i also dun noe how to count leh...
Hi girls..

I'm TTC now, seems so hard...
so disappointing everytime my menses come.

anyone taking basal temperature every morning?? where can i get free temperature record and chart in internet??
u missed ur AF yesterday. how abt last mth did it come? I merely want to know how is the procedure like?

Chialat the pain from my abdomen has move to above my belly buttom....luckily breast pain has gone.
angeline- congrats!! Wah... u jus stop breastfeeding and strike liao. Cool

Char- my hubby doing IT, he sometimes on project overseas, tats why keep travelling. Tats why I also v anxious like u lor... Some frens whose hubby always have to travel, then wife in Sg preggie also v poor thing. Hope if strike, hubby can travel less also!!

Hope my this cycle revert back to normal, then got chance to strike!!
The other day in KL, hotel rm too cold or wat, BBT drop (CD9 only)... the fertitly fren said I O last sat, but i don't think accurate leh... Mmmzz..
i missed my AF yesterday....
last mth still got cme...
mine quite regular..
but my pregnancy hindering is breastfeeding...

me no breast pain...
no ms...
nothing ...no signs...which make me more worried...
sometime O and hubby sick or not ard...
felt frustrating rite?...
tt is what i felt...
like so wasted..
oni one day a mth n then no chance to bd....

y u think no accurate?...
cos the temp?...
yeah...is an achievement to me...
i always wan to brestfeed till she self wean...
but i heard pple who breasdfeed thru pregnancy n ok...i do heard pple end up with m/c....so hopefully i belong to those that end up no m/c...

thanks pig2....saw u in oct mtb thread...ur due date is sept rite?....

u also missed mense?....
i wan to see gynae tmr..
heard he is going ict soon...
also cos i worried becos i breastfeed so end up with sac n no bb....so wan see him fast...oni worried he may not scan for me oni....u think hme test kit reliable...i oni test once with hme test kit...u tink can?...
Based on my LMP, should be 26 sept. According to my gynae, it may be 1st week of Oct, as I ovulated late the last cycle.

HPT is usually quite accurate, I think no problem, you are only about 4 weeks, it may be too early to scan.

Just be careful with your movement, remember dun suddenly carry your gal up!
Hi ANgeline,
but won't u feel engore all the time?dan does the milk leak in the day time?cos my cousin was telling me that she do get leaky breast in the day time when she is not breast feeding...
i can't imagine me engore with milk cos i already so big liao...dan if engore,it must be a very heavy feeling...
wah...big breast...
i oni have big breast during the first year of breastfeeding...actually still leak....actually still ngorge...but when ur milk sets in.,..n it get used to milk...the engorge will not be noticed...ur breast will go back to the original size or smaller with same supply....this happens when ur breast is used to the milk....

me did the carry gal action sudddenly since ovulation...when i do tt...i will feel like i going to faint...the whole environ turns white....u rite...too early...but go n see can get any assurancve...i scared now test postive...tmr become negative...so gals....dun congrats me now....
hey mum wannabe,
they said tat usually the AF will come b/w 4-6wks..if 8wks din come den u haf to consult ur gynae...
i m still waiting too.....it has been onli abt 3wks onli....so i guess i haf to wait...hopefully it will appear next wk....
Hi Angeline,
Huh?breast will become smaller after breastfeed??that's something that I will want it to happen!!was still discussing with my hubby to go for berast reduction after i give birth to 2 kids...
hi, i am new here. just got tested with faint positive line last friday. hCG level only increate to 275 yesterday.

I do experience cramp and "bleeding" like angeline lee too. I am worry now.
My Gynae put me to 2 days medical leave, am at home now
angeline - ur hubby used to travel also?? He started travelling a lot tis year, last yr still ok. But last yr, we were not quite ready to start trying coz' was planning for further studies tis yr. Now, then come & stress... humans, hard to please hor!

I went KL & reach sat early morning, room super cold was freezing, tats why not sure if BBT is accurate. CM also seem dry + my cycle is usu 30 days, if O on CD9 a little early leh.

char- serious, breast reduction?! No lah, u look ok to me
Hi bettle bug,
Hi Louie...
huh?like dat still ok ah?i think the shopping centres are running out of bra size for me liao leh...now i m only left w Marks & spenser to get my bra, and there is only 1 model that has my size..so sad

How i wish i m staying in europe or US dan can walk around bra-less!!
bettlebug- congrats!!! How u know ur HCG is 275mg? Ur doc tested for u?? Take care, bed rest more...

char- then u can order online the sexy Victoria Secrets stuff lah! most gals complain breast small, not the other way round. Anywae, if slim down, breast size also will reduce. Hee...
Hi mum wannabe..
it sound good to have big breast but when the 2 dumbbells are on u all the time...its a real big burden...especially when we are asians and not that tall(me only 1.6m) dan its quite weirdo to have a figure of 39" 28" 36"...machim barbie doll leh.dan when u go joggin,its like
..must be the papaya milk dat i have drank when i m in my puberty time...
btw,anybody got the same problem as me??

char, same here lar... i dunnoe why those bra shops only sell A cups till 32 or 38 B wonder wheres the C CUps.
now on pregnancy want to get new bra also difficult...
