A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi Summer,
Your problem might be more to metabolism+hormone problem leh.. i last time also like dat one...even if never eat much food, also put on weight... to the extend i told my hubby,even when i take in every breath, i alo put on weight!!i think excersie is very important..at least can keep ourself fit and next time when giving birth,also have the stamina to push mah...

Hi Ange/gadis
Hope both of u have good news. Makes us very happy and excited.... Hee hee.

Hi Catherine,
Did u manage to slim down some weight b4 preggy? Is your menses regular that time?
char n gals all....
****************news to share***************88
heard fr collic that mustafa center also selling hpt strips at 1 dollar plus....u gals can get fr there...no need long wait fr oversea liao...

thanks char....hoping too....but always end up with disappointment...so this time i decide to take a backseat n see what AF is doing.....maybe this cycle too stressed fr work so abnormal fr usu cycle....

now are u still 92 kg?...
are u tall?...
then seems weight is no issue to conceive for some...
HI Angeline,
Thanks for the info...dan we can save the trouble to order fr overseas liao...
Don't worry...as long as our AF don't come, we still have hope!!
Hi catherine,
i think u are the lucky one leh...
My doc told me that if we are on the bigger side, the higher probablity that its more difficult to be preggy cos hormones are fat soluble,and it will be all wrap up by the fat cells,hence causing hormonal imbalance...
i m also slowly trying to lose weigh... so far so good, but really miss all the yummy food!!
Hi Char,
ya lor, even dont eat also can gain weight one. So u manage to put down some weight too? I last time manage to put down 10kg at 61kg, 2years back, but after maintain for a year, it bouce back to 71kg again. That time i do a lot of exercises to shed down 10kg within 5 mths and control diet.
Hi angeline,
really leh....
when i was still studying, i was a trim 53kg at 1.6m..but after get married,dun noe isit DH is too good to me, I gain fron 53kg to 70kg leh!!so was quite low morale for a period of time cos cant seems to lose weight even after trying many methods...(Doc's med,over the counter prescribtion,slim 10,xanado..whatever u can think of i also got try...
)dan got a lot of my old clothes can't wear...
luckily now can slowly losing weight,dan at least can put off some weight from my breasts also..cos i grew from E cup to G cup leh...its so heavy and bulky!
You used the OPK & confirmed O liao? Wish you strike tis time. So really u saw the light & darks lines?? Me will start to use fr thurs. Hubby only bk fr biz on fri...

dawn- 49kg, tats skinny liao rite? Is metformin a wight loss medication? where to get, maybe can take aft give birth lor, now ttc shouldn't take it right?
Hi Char,
At least u better. Me last time studying is 58kg at 1.58m, then slowly on and off the weight is up and down up and down. I spent my recent 10years doing gaining and then dieting. Think this cause part of my hormo imbalance too. My heaviest weight is 75kg. Now that i am 71kg, most of my clothes cant wear liao....
i did not slim down at all.... my menses was even irregular.. only some times a few mths will be regular.

i am tall @ 170
haha this means fat is not the problem. now with baby after pregnant i 94kg now 95kg.

my mother in law when she young she also very plumb around 80 over kg she also can give birth to two kids.... why not......
Hi Catherine,
Wow, so envy you.., so did u take any medication to conceive? mind to share with us how u track your O since your menses irregular? U bring hopes to us...
i nv take medication to conceive....i also nv track my O, i take it natural as u want conceive u conceive cos its not easy to target the right timing....
but i think this method helps.
after u BD with hubby either u lift ur legs high up on the walls or use pillow to support ur butt, for 5-10 mins...or even longer 15mins.. to prevent the sperms to follow out...
previously after BD i just stand and walk to toilet to wash up, sperm will start to drip out and stain my panty. but after i try the method the sperm no longer drip out after we BD.
but cfm we BD every two to three times a week...
cath - i also use ur mth to lift legs up agst wall, think its better support than jus using pillows (not high enuf)
My hubby always overseas leh, want to BD more times also cannot. Sigh...
Hi Moonfairy...

I tink I hv "seen" u when I was browsin thru the IUI/IVF threads...

I m hvg exactly the same tots!!!...altho my gynae oni did a blood test (for vaccinations) n v-scan durin my pre-conceptn checkup...I was tinkin of seein her to run a series of tests...HSG...progesterone...blah blah blah...I hope tat she wil agree...furthermore...my hb is oso hvg MF pblm...can I noe who is yr gynae?...r u confy to share wif me abt yr diagnosis...such tat u nid to go thru IVF?...

Hi Dawn ,
Is metformin used to control the blood sugar levels?
Hi Louie,
Yes!saw the light and darker lines for 2 days...hope to stike otherwise have to try again...but its pretty exciting to to see the OPK turn color....
Hi Catherine,
Tks for sharing with me. Ya, me always stand up and wash immediately without lifting up. Sometimes even stay up to 5mins while both of us still remains, also will a bit flow out lor.
summer thats why lor.....
then my friend told me she last time wanted to get pregnant she use tat method and got pregg.
don't let a single sperm flow out, i felt once sperm flows out am not conceiving....
only after BD nothing flow out u feel dry means... conceiving in process..

louie, actually should give urself a target if ttc a year and u have not conceive then u consult ur gynea, cos ttc is not just 1-2 mths matter u got to take time.... and its really out of 100 times u ttc only one time u will strike it...
Hi Catherine,
I also got a friend preggy after using this methods for more than a year. Tks for advice i am going to try this method for every bd! Another hopes....
Hi Catherine,
If after using the lifting methods for 10 - 15mins, its confirm the sperm wont flow out when standing is it? Just want to make sure i do it correctly.
haha jia you! sure can one...just BD method sometimes incorrect. plus pressures. Not only u got to BD on ur O day before & after O day also can BD, theres chances to Conceive as well. As long as after ur BD u don't feel anything flowing out its high chance of conceiving.
not really can cfm the sperm won't flow out... but normally i did this sperm really never flow out. first time i did was fail cos i use only pillow
2nd time i try i just lift legs up oh forgot ur butts also got to be up.....with ur legs.. and its works...

another method u can try is when BD put a pillow below ur butt so that u wont lie flat on the bed.

btw all this is my point of view....... becos i experience b4 after BD the sperm sure flows out...so i backside itchy go try tat method..
Hi Louie..
wat's ur hubby working as?seems like he is oversea quite often...not possible to ask to stay more in singapore meh??cos i was discussing with my DH d other time,he is in the navy and will need to sail quite often,so we also dun have much chance to BD..so we decided that its time to really start to try for baby dan he's now trying to ask for a land posting,so at least can be ard for most of the time...(more importantly, the O day..) and if preggy,at least he is ard to look after me mah...
I have a sister-in-law who always try this method (pillow beneath butt) and she gets preggie very fast after 2 miscarriages.

But I have a ex-colly whose womb is tilted, hence her doc advised her to do the opposite - i.e to lie on her tummy (and to have doggie-style sex). She got preggie after 2 tries, with twins somemore! (I cant rem whether her womb is tilted backward or forward)

The above cases are 2 women whom I know have regular menses and can estimate their O-day.
mum wannabe,
i also get pregg very fast after m/c actually i heard ppl say after m/c very easy get preg again. but of cos got to strengthen health and womb to prevent m/c again.

Mum wannabe i am those with irregular menses.... i everytime just BD after menses over.. anyhow humptump lar....
hi d_woof

have u got ur menses already? its been a month since my m/c and I still havent got my menses... these few days i experienced some twitching pain too... *scratch head*
yah char,
this method still best cos u relax and enjoy the BD mah... where got stress faster do faster finish?
mum wannabe sure u can lar.. dun force urself.. too stress also difficult to concieve
Hi Catherine,
Wah so envy anyhow humptump also can strike. Tks for encouragement and tips, i will try after next cycle cos now i am on hormo pills so not sure also got O or not leh.
hi cath
i agree. hb and i hated task-oriented sex, hence when i was on clomid and hormone pills, even during O-day i didnt rape my hubby if i see he's tired... ^_^
Hi Catherine,

I also experienced flowing out of sperm after BD and i tried the pillow method, its better this way.. only slight flow out.. but does it means low chances? I will try holding the legs onto the way this time round.

We are ttc very frequent this month.. kekee.. hopefully can strike!
slight flow out does not means low chances, still got chance.
good luck....

mum wannabe,
yah sometimes hb tired u force him he will not produce good sperm. so nvm lar.... sure got chance
Hi Angeline,
Saw your previous thread that mustafa got sell the OPK at $1 plus??
Can you roughly tell us which level? Is it sold in a counter or pharmacy store or whichever??

I never been there cos too many foreign workers.
After BD I always hold my hips up for 20-minutes the sperm still flow out. All the while I have this problem whenever I BD I feel I want to pass urine, no choice I bear with it until finished BD & keep hip up for some times than faster rush to the loo. Going to be real hard for me to ttc. I wonder whether is this abnormal or not???
urger, next time go urine b4 u BD lar........not shiok at all when BD still got to bare with urine.

angeline, so u pregnant already?
Hi urger,somethings i aslo feel like going to toilet when BD,so if i agar see my DH like in mood,i will go toilet pee pee 1st before we go on any furthur...
